Is cruelty in prision the right thing?

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  • Hello Topical Talkers

    There are two ways to this question meaning that being cruel in prisons can be good or bad. Good in the sense that being cruel can help change a person from being bad meaning some people change when they are being treated harshly.
    And bad in the sense that people become more aggressive and violent to those in the society which this is meaning that people being treated harshly can make them more arrogant and frustrated.
    This point of mine is simply saying that based on the prisoner they should know how to treat that person.

    Thank you!!!!

  • After much reading, being cruel to prisons wouldnt serve as a punishment or teach them anything. In fact, I see it as a form of discrimination. Many reporters in Ghana have seen that when prisoners escape, they go back to the same thing, but in the worst imaginable. And after questioning them, they cry about the discrimination, from food , to not being able to bathe twice a day. Prisoners often conclude their investigations by saying,Prison is the worst, never wish that for anyone.". When you go to visit prisons in Ghana, you'll see that over 30 people are battling to sleep in just one cell, and it mentally affects them. Instead of unnecessary cruelty, provide more spare rooms, inmates who didn't get the opportunity to learn from others. Take, for instance, a retired teacher in the cell who can teach. There should be periods for education and fun. Prisons can spread awareness about their struggles , and open donations to be able to get more food to cater to inmates. Once in a while, take a trip to just explore the outside world. The majority—90%—of prisoners are not aware of climate change, they need to be educated about this. Another key is that prisoners also deserve to be treated like people too, although some priviledges are denied from them, they're people. Inmates shouldnt commit suicide to escape the harsh realities that prisons have created. Cruelty is never the right way to treat a prisoner or anybody for that matter, its just a rude way to shun someone down.

  • Hello topical talkers,
    I think that cruelty in prisons is not the right thing because when there is cruelty in prisons might cause that prison to be shut down because they are being cruel to prisoners instead of making prisoners understand that they are being cruel to people they will teach them to be more cruel than they already are that is why I say cruelty in prisons is not right.

  • I agree with you that we should not punish at extreme levels of torture. The more severe the punishment would be the more temporary it's effect would last. Indeed it would harm mental health of the person also making them more angry as said. Punishment should at a level where the prisoners have chance to reform and never commit crime.

  • Hi there! I agree with you that we don't have to be very cruel on prisoners, so they will be more aggressive and violent to our society, so we have to make punishments but not the ones that they can't do it, and not the ones that are very small.
    Thank you and bye-bye!