Comments by accurate_outcome

Comment Post Date
This stereotypical woman that society has depicted is what led to women not having the same... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
I disagreed with the statement. This is because your gender doesn't and shouldn't depict what... Selam Gebrekidan: this topic’s poll! 20/2/24
The woman I would like to celebrate is Millie Bobby Brown. This may be a surprising person to... Competition #5 winners 19/2/24
I don't think that in the terms of gender people are fairly represented in the media. This is... Do you feel represented? 19/2/24
I would like to talk about quote A “Nations that fail women, fail.” I think that these five... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 19/2/24
I think that the best option is the Youth Court in New Zealand as it helps prisoners realise... Reformation 18/2/24
The quote I had the strongest connection to was D - “No one person is so important that without... "Climate anxiety is a failure of the systems of power." 18/2/24
I partly agree with Option B in respects to businesses not being responsible to protect the... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
I agree with you, currently people are trying to boycott companies such as Starbucks and... Are boycotts helpful? 17/2/24
I see where your coming from when you are saying it doesn't guarantee one hundred percent... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 17/2/24
Some may say that sending people to Rwanda might not be safe for them because of the increased... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 17/2/24
I think I am going to respectfully disagree with you here, the entire aim of this bill is to... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 16/2/24
I agree with you. Young people are not listening to what is going on politically in their... Are young people politically engaged? 16/2/24
I think limiting movement is important for the safety of the entire population. Passports are... Fair or unfair? 16/2/24
I would like to pick the phrase "not enough". This is something that the younger generation is... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 15/2/24
I agree with you here, being "too old" shouldn't restrict you from doing something you love to... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 15/2/24
I think that the collaboration of nations will be vital to help with our migration problem. If... Fair or unfair? 15/2/24
I agree with you, as a world our politicians are becoming older and older which leads to... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 14/2/24
I agree with you deciding whether someone is "too old" or "too young" is virtually impossible in... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 14/2/24
I think that immigrants can and will only strengthen cultural practices, but they may be... Why so divisive? 14/2/24