Why so divisive?


Immigration = when someone leaves their country to live in another one. Every country has its own immigration rules or policies about which migrants are allowed to stay and for how long

Policy = a rule or system of guidelines that tells a government how to deal with something

Divisive = something that causes strong disagreement between people

Comments (154)

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  • It is important to hear other people's opinions, even if we disagree with them for several reasons. By listening to diverse viewpoints on immigration policies, we can broaden our perspectives and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex issues involved. This allows us to consider different angles and factors that we may have overlooked. Engaging with differing opinions fosters empathy and understanding. This empathy can lead to a more compassionate and inclusive society. Additionally, hearing diverse opinions helps us identify our own biases and blind spots challenging our assumptions and refining our own positions. By actively seeking out different opinions we can overcome stereotypes, find common ground and work towards solutions that balance different viewpoints. By listening to others even when we disagree, we promote a more inclusive and effective approach to immigration policies.

    1. I agree with you because I believe that being open minded about a topic can promote tolerance among members of society. Also, listening to the opinion of others can change the opinions of some people who were thinking differently at the beginning of the discussion. People might also have different opinions about immigrants in their country because of maybe their view on that race of people or may be a stereotype

      1. I agree with you that listening to other’s opinions even if it is different, will make one understand what other people perspective is and try to understand why they might feel this way and at the end of the day one might actually learn something different from others and how to respect, tolerate and accept their opinions.

      2. I don't think actually agree to what you are saying because you giving your immigrants an open minded just because you want peace to raigen in your country. Don't you think that the immigrants might gang up against you one day which may lead to taking over your country just because you have given them the full right.

        1. I disagree because when immigrants are trying to escape and move to another country, it is probably because their native land is war stricken or because of poverty or hunger and if they are not able to make ends meet as foreigners in another country because of that country's lack of adequate rights for immigrants, it defeats the aim of the Sustainable Development Goal numbers 1 and 2 which state no poverty and zero hunger respectively.
          This would on turn lead to them not being able to make ends meet. Moreover, the presence of immigrants should be a cause for people to be kind and supportive. In addition, when you said that they would gang up against the country, I do not feel that it is possible because they do not have enough manpower to overthrow the country and even if they are successful, they will not be able to effectively rule which would lead to them being overthrown and besides taking over a country is a difficult task especially if one is a foreigner in that country.

      3. HELLO wondrous skill,
        I agree with you because being open minded also promote understanding and being accommodative towards people. It also helps in knowing more about people from different races . Given other people listening ears will help them, in return by getting jobs and contributing to the economy. listening to people can change your opinion just like you say but that dose not make them to be divisive ,that why people should be tolerance in what ever they do.
        THANK YOU!!!

    2. I cannot agree with you more. We share similar thoughts. I also think that listening to other people's ideas although you disagree with them, enables you to hear other people's thought and can even help you to change your mind. Different perspectives are a bonus so that you can listen to different point of views and even turn it into a solution. We also indeed get an improved understanding of complex issues. Also, I agree when you said, "This allows us to consider different angles and factors that we may have overlooked". It is true because we might have ignored some main points that we should have considered but other people's opinion will draw your attention to the points you left behind. To conclude, I accept that listening to other people's point of view although you disagree, helps you to empathize with them and ponder over their idea and see whether you can use it or you can improve it.

    3. yes I do agree. It is important to hear other peoples opinions or views. Because hearing what every one has to say can help come up with a solution that invokes everyone's idea or contribution. It also helps to consider the possible outcomes and how it might positively affect people or negatively affect people. It is much civilized to listen to other peoples ideas because in as much as countries want to make laws that protect their own citizens, it may be detrimental to other countries or citizens of other nations or even infringe on their human rights. Some of these law may be 'selfish' in that it does not consider other counties needs.

    4. I agree with fearless_mandarin. Indeed, people's opinions differ because they are based on their expertise; however, hearing from other people increases our knowledge on many different subjects. We need to listen to others and give them the benefit of the doubt, even if we don't always agree. It is said that where words abound, wisdom abounds even more.

    5. I agree with you fearless mandarin. It's indeed great and good to listen to other people's opinions to form up yours and give you a better clue on what we are discussing. Bringing about different options and opinions of people helps to eradicate the case of intolerance and toxicity.
      There was a time in history when Ghana and Nigeria were together in in Nigeria until the Ghanian decided to start ruling Nigerians but we refused and we chased them back to their country with a bag called Ghana must go which is very rampant in Nigeria as at today.

    6. I agree because, yes, there are several compelling reasons why it's important to hear other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them. By listening to others, even when we disagree, we can work towards finding common ground and solutions that balance different viewpoints. Also, by listening to others opinions, you enhance your decision-making and helps you critically think. Lastly, listening to others opinions fosters personal growth by challenging individuals to expand their understanding of complex issues.

    7. Nice point from you fearless mandarin. My question is do you really think that they will be more benefit to the country if immigrants come in? What will be the rate of peace in the country. Will the rate of peace be greater or lesser when they are given listening ears?

    8. I concur!
      Take Topical Talkers for example. We all share diverse opinions on news and local stories around us, as well as actively understand and learn more about different cultures from ours. Being open minded and ready to learn is the mark of an educated mind, you might not agree with them but lending a listening ear always makes people feel heard and important, and also increases your knowledge about the world around you.
      But sometimes is it good to listen to everyone? What about criminals/ prisoners should they be heard on matter like this? Is it possible that seeking out different perspectives on an issue can be detrimental? What if there is an argument?
      I want to hear your thoughts..

      1. I totally get what you're saying.
        It's crucial to be open-minded and willing to listen to diverse perspectives, even if we don't always agree. Everyone deserves to feel heard and valued. When it comes to criminals or prisoners, understanding their experiences can lead to more empathetic approaches to rehabilitation. Seeking out different viewpoints is valuable, but it's also essential to consider the context and potential consequences of those perspectives. Healthy debates can help us grow and learn from each other. It's all about finding that balance in understanding different viewpoints.

    9. I agree with you as the topic of immigration polices is a very controversial one , and you can listen as you said several different viewpoints and none of the opinions are right or wrong and also we can learn more about immigration polices with other opinions and as you have said we promote a more inclusive and effective approach to this topic.

      1. Hello quick_measurement
        I agree because listening to different perspectives can help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of immigration policies and work towards promoting a more inclusive and effective approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with immigration.

    10. I agree with you because I feel that it’s important, to listen to others and be open-minded. It’s important to be open-minded because we hear other people's opinions since it's a great way to learn what others think and their perspectives. Being open-minded it's important when you are debating about different situations. It allows people to learn how they think and what they can disagree with. Being open-minded is a key factor when debating because it will allow people to change their perspective on situations

    11. I agree with you fearless Mandarin, listening to others and hearing what they have to say gives us a better understanding and is one of the most efficient skills we need today to be able to work with others, understand them and seek solutions to a problem. It also helps build our understanding of a topic or argument and listening from different sides is more effective .

      Moreover, I think the reason people have such different opinions about immigration policies is that they feel immigrants bring along their bad cultures, immigrants are allowed to do certain things they aren't supposed to do

      1. What are the benefits of immigration?

        1. Hello Chloe,
          I firmly believe that immigration brings huge benefits to a country, not only in terms of its diversity, but also in terms of its economy and legal system. Immigration system or the immigration policy plays a significant role in the cultural diversity of a country. Because when different cultures are different people from all over the world come together and start living in different communities, it takes time for them to adapt to that particular culture, and in the process, they also transfer their culture in some way Integrate into the culture they live in, or the culture they are adopting. In the United States, for example, the influence of immigrants has shaped iconic cultural phenomena such as jazz music and Tex-Mex cuisine. Additionally, I believe immigrants contribute significantly to economic growth by filling labor gaps and starting businesses, as evidenced by the entrepreneurial success of Silicon Valley, where many technology companies were founded by immigrants or their descendants. Furthermore, I think immigrants bring unique expertise, enriching academic and research endeavors, as demonstrated by renowned scientists like Albert Einstein, who immigrated to the United States. Lastly, I believe immigration fosters global connectivity by promoting trade and cultural exchange. Therefore according to me immigration benefits a country in various way and it have a lot of positive traits

          1. i dont agree with you able immigrants can be of great help to the recieving country because they can add to the economic development of a country as you rightly said but when we think we also consider the fact that asylum seeker are also immigrants who seek refuge in other countries and some of them have little or no resources to sustain them so they a re dependent on the government of those countries who allocate fund to them from the tax paid by citizens which could have been use to do something to benefit the country but instead they are used to take of vunurable people. am not saying its bad but immigration is not totally beneficial to countries

    12. Hello fearless_mandarin
      I agree with you because I also believe that being open-minded about a topic can help us have two viewpoints about it. By listening to two opinions or viewpoints we can think more clearly about what they are trying to say. For example, my class and I were arguing about immigration because the topic was about it and I changed my opinion on some things due to what they said. When they were talking about why how they agree with Joe Biden about closing the border I was disagreeing at first but then they talked about the positive things about how it's good to close the border. That's when I changed my opinion about it. This is how it's good to be open-minded on stuff because then you can agree with them.
      Thank you

    13. I agree because everyone's opinions are very important they could be relevant to you without you even knowing it

  • People have different opinions on immigration policies because of their experiences. If someone had a good experience with immigrants before, they might be excited about having more immigrants in their country. But if they didn't enjoy their experience, they might not want more immigrants. It's important for me to listen to other people's opinions, even if I disagree with them. This way, I can better understand how people feel about the situation.

    1. I agree with your point ambitious panther. Some people may not have enjoyed the people that migrated to come and stay like the case of Ghanaians, in the year 1983, when Nigeria deported up to a million Ghanaians because they introduced crime and were taking all of the jobs, so president Shehu Shagari ordered that they should all be deported alongside all the other Africans that were not Nigerian ,at about that time Ghana had a severe drought alongside some economic issues the same goes but opposite for other countries who enjoyed the immigrants that arrived.

      1. Hello ambitious_panther,
        I agree with you, some people may have different opinions about immigrants for different reasons, and one of them is
        >FAVOUR: This is a very essential factor when it comes to opinions, people opinions might vary depending on how a particular policy or group might either profit or disbenefit them. Here is where I am heading to, look at it from the practical angle, the thing is you do not expect someone to like or have a positive opinion about something that did not benefit the person rather, it helped debit or drawback the person. And you would also not expect someone to dislike that which profits him. If the immigrants want less of divisive behavior of people towards their policies, they should try and see how their policies benefit people more than it vexes then.

        >It's important to listen to other people's opinions, even if one disagrees with them. My reason is taking for example, Imagine the president of a country not listening to people's opinion all in the name of disagreeing with it, first of all he or she would not know what to do for his or her people, would not be able to be of help or use to the nation in terms of need, which would make that person be seen as DEFICIENT. It would make the person in power to keep on working thinking that he is helping the people whereas he is building a Storey building of hatred in their hearts. Communication and understanding people are very essential skills when it comes to maintaining a peaceful environment conducive for living. And when this virtue is missing then there would be discord.

        THANK YOU.

    2. I agree because... We all have different opinions about immigration rules and immigrants. Some people feel happy that the government has strict rules because they fear for the safety of their community or country. Others feel sad or angry because they have relatives who are immigrants, or they believe it's important to help others. It all depends on our views and the policies in place. While some see rules as necessary for safety, others value compassion and family connections. Understanding each other's perspectives can help us find common ground and create policies that balance safety and support for immigrants. So, it's essential to listen to different opinions and work together to make fair decisions about immigration.

      1. Your comment suggests that immigration policy is all about the balance between safety of a host country and freedoms of those emigrating. Are there other considerations? For example, can you look up any of the following and let me know how these impact people's opinions:
        - aging populations
        - brain drain
        - finding skilled workers
        - pressure on infrastructure

        1. As I live in India, the population is a major problem faced by us daily. India already is populated enough what will happen when immigrants from outside the country will also start living in India. Not only will we face problems, but the immigrants also might face problems with housing, employment opportunities, etc. If we talk about brain drain then there might be a lot of different opinions on it. As a student, I have heard many of my classmates talking about living in the country for a better standard of life, etc. Due to immigration, not all countries can develop optimally, as many of their most skilled citizens choose to leave for more developed nations. I'm not saying they don't deserve a better life. But instead of paying all those taxes in other nations why don't we help our own nation?

        2. Hello Tiff@Topical Talk
          When we talk about an aging population, where there are fewer young people to support the community, immigration is seen as a solution. Bringing in younger workers can help boost the workforce and support social welfare systems. However, some worry this might strain resources meant for locals.
          Moreover, when it's about finding skilled workers in fields like healthcare, technology, and engineering, immigration is also seen positively by the people. It can address shortages in these areas and improve economic growth by bringing in talented individuals.
          However, there's concern about the pressure on infrastructure due to immigration. It can strain resources like housing, transportation, healthcare, and education. Rapid growth in these areas could lead to overcrowding and make it harder for everyone to access these services.

          In conclusion, immigration has both benefits and challenges. While it can help address labor shortages and support economic growth, it's important to consider its impact on resources and infrastructure. Finding a balance is key to ensuring that immigration benefits both the newcomers and the communities they join.

        3. In my opinion, considerations that would be made depend on how the government sees fit but must portray empathy and should be open to receiving them. For aging populations, many countries that deal with issues and low birth rates lead to high cases of shrinking workforces and an increase in social welfare systems.
          Secondly, the brain drain occurs when highly skilled and educated people leave their country to other countries in search of better treatment, better jobs, and many more. For instance, The reports of youth leaving the country in search of better jobs and better means to fend for their families increase with each passing day.
          Thirdly, finding skilled workers,(the opposite of brain drain in my opinion,) is where countries have shortages of skilled workers in companies in certain countries. This is where immigration is important or comes in, This is where people from other countries come in search of jobs(any job at all) just to fend for their families back home. do you think there Should be any consideration for this?
          Lastly, pressure on infrastructure is a paramount issue because immigration strains the host country's infrastructure greatly, healthcare, housing, education, and transport systems. They tend to choke the country through overcrowding, and increasing demands for public services.

      2. Yes, comprehension is crucial. We must listen carefully before analysing what we hear. People do, after all, have differing perspectives, especially those who have lived through it and can never forget how they were treated, whether it was a positive or negative experience. A single opinion cannot, however, paint a complete picture; rather, a collection of opinions can.

        1. I must commend that your comment was a lovely one but are you trying to say that we should listen to the immigrants one after the another before making the final conclusion? Don't you think that one can also be sold or carried away by just a conversation with someone?

          1. You are right but really mean listening each every immigrants but a single opinion cannot tell you a whole truth about something I feel it cannot create a whole image of something,and I feel you should also try to be practical and at the same time understanding and compassionate and by doing so I don't think a person can be carried away.

      3. I absolutely agree with you because...
        Some people feel so happy when they hear that the government of their country do not accept immigrants because they have fear for their safety. They think that immigrants might bring about tension and terrorism in their country especially those immigrants that left their country because of wars. Some feel sad when they hear this because they have compassion and pity for the safety of those immigrants as some might be their relatives. So l suggest that the government of a country should know the reason of the immigrants leaving their country before deciding to accept or reject them.

        1. Your point makes sense, dynamic musician, but finding out why all the immigrants left their country is not always possible. A lot of immigrants arrive at a country's borders, so it won't be possible to hear them all out. Also, it may not be that the government does not want to help them, they may just not have the means, the space and resources to do it. The government has to also keep its own citizens' welfare in mind. I get where you're coming from, though, and I think it is really great that you are concerned about immigrants' welfare. I am, and I think everyone should too.

          1. Well said invigorated_anteater.
            I understand your perspective, as it's not always feasible to understand why all immigrants leave their countries. The sheer number of immigrants arriving at a country's borders can make it impossible to hear everyone's story. Additionally, the government's capacity and resources may be limited, and they must consider the welfare of their own citizens. While I appreciate your concern for immigrants' well-being, it's essential for everyone to recognize the complexities involved and the need to address immigration issues with compassion and understanding.

    3. I strongly agree with this. As an immigrant myself, I've had many experiences like this before. I've come across people that have simply avoided me because of the simple fact I am not from the US. On the other hand, there have been people that have welcomed me with open arms and some have even related to me in some ways. It all depends on the past experiences that the individual has faced.

    4. I agree with you ambitious panther, people can have different opinions on immigration based on the advantage and disadvantages can influence their idea in both negative and the positively, talking about it positively we can say it helps in the social way of the country by interacting with new people, therefore creating and fostering a bond of love and understanding between to countries, it can help economically by more people are involved in economic activities it can bring about economical growth of that countries, by making ideas with more critical thinking from new people of that country, but one of the disadvantage is that people of that nation can develop the fear of immigrants taking their jobes and rendering them jobless, therefore the advantages and disadvantages can one in the mind of the people, which results as a different change in mind that why people have different views about the coming of the immigrants.

    5. Despite our disagreements, I believe it is crucial to hear and listen to other people's perspectives. Everyone should have the opportunity to voice their opinions, especially to promote peace and prevent violence in the land. When you argue and deny your opponent a chance to respond, that is a serious issue.

    6. I agree because... If a country knows about other country's immigration rules,it would make the country know imigration rules and even more because if you learn something, you can understand it better than your teacher and solve more equations than him/her. It may also make the country know if it's better to have more imigrants or not. It may also make the country know if the imigrants are good or if they are not, they can limit the amount of imigrants that will enter the country or even stop imigrants from entering. so it will be better to hear people's opinion.

    7. That's a good point from you but have you ever thought about the different ideas which can cause chaos in the country due to indecision among the board controlling immigrants.
      Here's my question for you do you think it is better to have group of people to decide about immigrants or only have one person who will control immigrants to avoid chaos and indecision among the board?

      1. Hi, thank you for your response. I also believe that having a group of people in charge of overseeing immigrants in a country would be beneficial. It would make it easier to keep track of them with more people involved reducing the stress load. However along with the advantages there are disadvantages too. For instance when the group makes rules for immigrants, disagreement may arise due to everyone having their own opinions. This could slow down and complicate decision making. Ultimately it depends on the individuals involved. If they can work together effectively a group approach would be ideal. However if cooperation is challenging it might be better to select the most capable person to lead the efforts.

        1. I solidly agree with your point ambitious panther, but do you think that a board controlling immigrants could easily cooperate with one another without any kind of disagreement which could affect the country's security?

    8. I agree with you that the reason a lot of people have different opinions on immigration policies is because of their experiences with such people. Yes, people will be happy if they have had exciting time with immigrants and at they can also have bad times if they do not exciting times the immigrants.It is very crucial to always listen to other peoples opinion to make them know that they are being carried along.This way a lot of people will appreciate you.

    9. Your point is very valid, however there is more to it.
      Take the one child policy in Chima for example.
      If I were a citizen of China in those trying times I would certainly not want any immigrants, because I would feel like the government is allowing people to enter the country but I can’t give birth to more than one child, you get what I mean?
      Additionally, let’s say I have prejudice against a specific race like black, or I practice antisemitism, I would most likely hate for those specific type of people to enter my country.
      In conclusion, there are a variety of reasons why a person might not acquiesce with the idea of immigration.

      1. I get your point. In China, the one-child policy could lead to mixed feelings about immigration. Prejudices or fears of change can also influence views on immigration. It's important to consider diverse perspectives on this complex issue. Understanding different viewpoints can lead to more empathetic discussions on immigration. It's crucial to acknowledge the various reasons why people may have concerns about immigration. Understanding these perspectives can lead to more meaningful conversations and potential solutions.

        Thank you.

      2. I agree with you because I heard about the new rule in China where they can't have more than one child because of too many people. So, if lots of immigrants come to their country, they might feel upset and jealous because the immigrants can have as many children as they want, but Chinese citizens can't. Do you think the rules should apply to immigrants too?
        Also, I don't really agree with your idea that people in China hate black people. Some black people have Chinese friends, and now in Nigeria, citizens of China are coming because they like the culture and food of black people. So, I think it's more about understanding each other's cultures and being friends.

    10. Thank you for sharing your view on this - how can we educate people who haven't had the best experience and change their perspective?

      1. Hey there, I believe we can help people who haven't had great experiences with immigrants understand better. Here's how:

        Firstly, we should show them how welcoming immigrants can benefit our country. When we accept immigrants, our country can become even stronger and more diverse. They bring new ideas, skills, and cultures that can make our country even cooler!

        Secondly, if immigrants have a great time here, they can tell others about how awesome our country is. This can give our country a good reputation, and more people might want to visit as tourists. And you know what? More tourists mean more money for our country like, around 20% more according to scientific research.

        Lastly, we need to remind people that not everyone is the same. Just because one person didn't have a good experience doesn't mean everyone else will be the same. It's important to give others a second chance. For example, imagine a farmer who's struggling with his crops and needs help. If an immigrant who used to be a farmer offers to help in exchange for a place to stay, the farmer could benefit a lot!

        It might also help if these people learned from someone who used to dislike immigrants but changed their mind. Psychologists have proven that sometimes when someone we trust shares their positive experiences, we start to see things differently. But hey, not everyone will change their mind easily. Some people are stubborn, and it might take more effort to convince them. And that's okay everyone has their own opinions.

        At the end of the day, it's all about being open-minded and understanding that everyone's experiences are different. Let's spread kindness and acceptance together.

      2. Hi, Aimee@TopicalTalk,
        To be frank, there are plenty of good approaches to educating people who have been through some tough stuff. It's really important to make sure educators remember the reality of what the people they're teaching are going through. So, a teaching plan that's based in empathy and understanding is always a good bet. When people can really get that the folks they're trying to help have had to develop ways to survive in a tough world, it can help build a connection that's going to make the education more effective. Then, when someone's learned about some more positive ways to deal with problems, they can start to see others' sides of things. I guess that's how you get that negativity cycle to end. It might not sound like much, but providing positive role models is another important part of educating people with challenging experiences. When people's lives have been tough, it's sometimes really hard for them to see a way out of the future that's been set by the past. But having even just one person who can show them how positive change can happen can effectively give someone a whole new way to look at the world. Self-reflection is another key skill that can really help change a negative way of seeing the world. By helping to encourage someone to think about their own feelings, actions, and thoughts in a supportive and non-judgmental way, educators can work with people to start to understand where negative attitudes come from and, more importantly, how to start changing them. Finally, the guide states that using real-life examples is something that has become very important to teaching. I mean, everywhere you look, you can see things that give some people a reason to keep negative thoughts going. When someone's only ever had things go wrong and they're told about some idealistic way that something could happen differently, it's not going to mean much. But if there are examples of people who have been through similar stuff and made a positive change, that can be really powerful for changing negative perspectives; therefore, drastic improvements in terms of communication, emotional and behavioral adaptation, and academic achievement can be observed when tailored and empathetic, rather than general and non-cohesive, strategies for teaching are used in these cases. Thank you.

  • I feel if someone has an opinion it is important for them to be heard, because if that person explains to us about why they feel that way, this would give us a broader understanding about the topic, in the case of immigration it would allow us to understand the minds of the immigrants.

    1. There will always be critics about a decision. Not everyone can agree on the same thing. For example, Poland helping Ukranian refugees may give Russia the impression that Poland is their enemy whereas Poland was maybe only trying to help innocent people affected by the war. Everyone has their differences and can therefore not always agree on the same thing.
      Listening to other people's opinions widens one's horizons and enlighten them on which decision is best for the citizens and what policy should be amended.
      Thank you.

    2. I agree because... in some cases the person that is trying to talk can be the correct person, this can also be use to save people in bad situations. This have saved many people like in the court of law you can also be use to understand order people.

    3. Highspirited_concept, thank you for your comment!

      Yes, it can be important for opinions to be heard within a rational discussion.

      However, it isn't always as simple as that when talking about immigration. The opinion can be expressed in a way which is emotional, not rational. If someone says "We shouldn't have immigration because we should keep our country for ourselves, the immigranta are different from us, they are (or could be) dangerous...", it can be heard at an emotional level. People can get scared or angry. How would you respond to this?

      1. I feel both public and private organizations could arrange seminars to both factually and emotionally inform the immigrants ,and the citizens of that country for peaceful communication and immigration processes.

  • One side is concerned that immigrants could change or weaken existing cultural practices, while the other sees diversity as valuable and opposes limits on immigration. Both views have their pros and cons. It's important to listen to others, as their insights might shift our point of view. Our own perspectives also have their limits. So, having open discussions and considering different viewpoints is vital for a deeper understanding of immigration matters.

    1. You're absolutely right, contemplative_fly.
      The concerns about cultural change and the value of diversity are two important perspectives in the immigration debate. Both sides have their pros and cons, and it's crucial to listen to others and consider their insights. Our own perspectives have limitations, and open discussions and diverse viewpoints help us gain a deeper understanding of immigration matters. Thanks for sharing that thought-provoking link!

    2. I think that immigrants can and will only strengthen cultural practices, but they may be different to what was practiced there previously. Diversity in cultures can only strengthen communities and bring people together. Having these conversations with immigrants surrounding their cultures would be vital to their integration into this new society they have entered. It is important that the immigrants accept the country they have arrived in traditions and practices, but it is important that this acceptance goes both ways.

    3. Thank you for sharing the pros and cons. Can you share your opinion on immigration and why you believe that?

      1. I think finding the sweet spot is the key - not too much, not too little. The same principle applies to immigration too. Too much of it can cause overpopulation, while too little can make people narrow-minded. So, in my opinion, immigration can be really good, but only if it's done in a balanced way. The country shouldn't become too crowded, and the migrants should be able to contribute to the country in some way.

  • Hi topical talkers!
    People have different views about immigration rules because they worry about things like jobs, culture, and helping others. Some people want stricter rules to limit immigration, while others believe in being more welcoming.

    I think It's important to listen to others, even if you disagree, because it helps us to understand different perspectives. This can make our discussions better and help us find common ground. Plus, in a democracy, hearing different opinions helps us make fair decisions that benefit everyone.

    Thank you!

    1. Absolutely, agreeable_aspect!
      People have diverse views on immigration rules due to concerns about jobs, culture, and humanitarian reasons. Some advocate for stricter rules, while others prioritize being more welcoming. I couldn't agree more that listening to others, even when we disagree, is crucial. It allows us to gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives and enriches our discussions. In a democracy, hearing diverse opinions helps us make fair decisions that benefit everyone.

    2. I agree with you because if we do not listen to others, even if we disagree there will be misunderstandings and there will just be problems stacking because of that and like you said it can help us find a common ground so it can solve our problems instead of starting if we listen to each other.

  • Listening to people's opinions help in making better decisions in a topic, it also opens new ideas, one person's disagreement can open up a door that the others could not think about, divisive topics creates room for listening and that is a key factor in a conversation it also helps us to simulate the outcome of the different views which can help in choosing the best option to solve the problems. Divisive topics help us to know our mistakes so that we don't act them out, in conclusion I think that listening to other people's opininions helps in developing our intellect and helps in solving problems.
    Thank you.

  • Hello, Topical talkers.
    Personally speaking, I will like to start by saying that on all topics brought forward, we all have different opinions which gives us a wider point of reasoning towards other people's point of view. Our way of seeing immigration policies may vary as we all observe immigration policies differently. Some may see it from the aspect of using such opportunities to bring in bright individuals who may develop their country while others see it from aspects of a larger workforce thereby bringing forth easier labor and many more. Our feelings may be affected based on the impact the news has on us. Most people if not all, tend to be happy when there is good news while if there is bad news, we feel sober and unhappy.
    It is very important to hear what others have to say even if we disagree because, whatever they have to say is from their point of view and listening to others can broaden and change the way we think towards a particular discussion. Though we may disagree with others, we could later on come to a conclusion and build up a relationship and work together to achieve a goal in relation to what he/she may have quarreled or disagreed on.

  • Hi,
    I feel that the way people feel about immigration policies differs and they all have very deep meanings, for my country Nigeria, based on experiences and news that other countries have had and heard about Nigeria, we were banned from getting entry into their country, For example places like Turkey, Seychelles etc, banned Nigerians from entry into their country at a specific period, even in Dubai, Nigerians were or are still banned from gaining access to their country because of several diplomatic disputes and other different reasons. But what really baffles me about these policies and laws are that these countries pass out these laws based on the few experiences and news they have heard but the thing is that in Nigeria we consist of approximately 226,975,553 people and truth be told they may have only judged based on about 10% , then what happens to the other 90% who have to be restricted and have to suffer and pay for the offence of others, they have to be stopped from grabbing opportunities just because other people abused those opportunities. We are not the same in any way, we may be from the same continent, country, state, ethnic group, or even village but the way a person would handle or at in a situation will not be the same as another. So yes they may be looking out for their countries and nothing is wrong with that, but such a strong barrier should not be set as it could affect a lot of people and things could get out of hand.
    Thank you!

    1. Am I correct that you feel like people from one place can be stereotyped when it comes to immigration? How can we prevent this stereotyping?

      1. Hi,
        I know that this might sound too deep but yes, as a matter of fact, I believe that people have been stereotyped especially people in my country. You see because of some of the acts of our ambassadors and citizens who have had contact with non-Nigerians we have been tagged as a corrupt and dangerous set of people and Honestly that is not entirely true, the truth is that instead of judging a group of people by the action of one of their members they should only conclude on that person character and not hold the whole group accountable for the voluntary actions of a person and that applies to this in every way and there is no true solution for this because this can only stop if people learn to stop judging a book by its cover or by the first few pages because it is more diverse and deep than you could ever imagine. People should not subject themselves to think so backwardly and jump to conclusions, or just assume many of these issues will or could be fixed. In my opinion, this is the only true solution to this because no matter what law is set you can't change the mind of a person so easily, everybody has a mind of their own so unless they decide to let go of such assumptions and look for a wider horizon nothing can be done and this in every way relates to the immigration policies made without several thinking and considerations.
        Thank you!

  • One major reason why people often have disagreements about a policy is often because of past experience. Maybe someone once agreed to the idea of migration but did not enjoy his decision due to some negative occurrences, you should not expect the same person to vote in favor of that decision next time and I think that is something that we can all understand.
    I think it is important to listen to other people's opinion so that the parties can find a common ground, build stronger relationships and be able to solve future problems. Furthermore, hearing out other people's opinions helps us to not only solve the other party's problem, but also helps us to identify where we are also at fault and listen to other people's perspective on how to solve our own fault.

  • I think some people might agree with the new policy that stops immigrants from entering the country is because they think that if the government has made this decision, it would be under the safety reasons only and some reasons in which it is important for the government to take difficult decisions. And some people might feel angry for stopping the immigrants from entering the country is because they think that the government did wrong by not helping someone or the government do not care about other people, so it totally depends on the point of view of the people to agree or disagree with the decisions made by the government, and as everyone has their own perspective, it is important to listen to each and every once to make a good decision in the end which will be agreed by most of the individuals . So I think that is it important to listen to all the opinions, whether we like it or dislike it, because in some ways the people who is speaking, has also thought something , so we should respect their thoughts, and listen to each and everyone’s point of view

    1. Are there arguments for immigration that go beyond helping or caring about people? Have any other Topical Talkers shared some benefits of immigration?

  • It's always important to hear someone else's opinion because it might shine some new light on your own belief/opinion. By this I mean that it could help you look at things with a new perspective and angle. Though you may not agree for several reasons, it's still very helpful to listen to what they have to say and just improve your overall thinking about a certain topic. Some peoples opinions may be based on what they've experienced and some others just by what they've heard. It's crucial to listen to other opinions because they help you shape and improve your own, especially in matters like this. Many people have mixed feelings and opinions about immigration. Some may agree with letting people in and some may disagree. It's a good thing to have different opinions because they help shape our perspective and how we view the world and most of its problems. Hearing others could help to change our view on certain arguments. And besides that, it doesn't hurt to listen.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I agree that listening to different perspectives on topics like this is crucial.

      What evidence and facts should we also use to help us make up our mind?

      1. Listening to other people's views is important for many reasons, such as cognitive diversity. Different perspectives can help us make better decisions by drawing from a variety of experiences and knowledge. Cognitive diversity enriches our thinking, fosters growth, and strengthens our ability to navigate a multifaceted world. We can also avoid repeating past mistakes if we listen to others and heed their advice. For example, my dad once escaped a fatal accident because he listened to and followed the tips of his fellow drivers who knew the road well. Listening to others also builds trust and respect, according to Zachary R. Wood, in his TED talk says, " engaging tactfully with controversial ideas and unfamiliar perspectives helps us build empathy and gain a deeper understanding of complex issues". It shows that we care and empathize with whosoever we are discussing with. It strengthens our relationships and cooperation, whether personal or professional. Listening does not mean agreeing, but being open to understanding, learning and appreciating the diversity of human views and experiences.

  • Disagreements will often arise in our everyday life. We are all different people and we have different ways of doing things. The world is made up of 195 countries and all of them think differently. They all see the world through different perspectives. We can't really expect everyone to think the same. Country A might not like the immigration policies of Country B. This could be because of their level of resources or ability to accomodate migrants. People have different opinions about immigration policies because they have different preferences as to how people should be treated. They have different values and principles. Nevertheless, it is important to listen to the opinions of others because we can learn a thing or two from each other. The fact that we are different countries doesn't mean we should stay separated. We can come together and hear each others views, help each other grow. Listening to other peoples opinions helps to develop our own knowledge of the world and open our brains to new possiblities.

    1. Hi,
      I agree with you, this topic is very crucial because it comes with a lot of setbacks, complex concepts, and decisions we do not understand. Like you said intelligent_orchard disagreements and disputes are bound to happen we can't escape them, be it a trivial matter or a matter of grave offense, but the way we go about is what the real deal is, Country A as you said may not be comfortable with the immigration policies of Country B, but then do you know because of the emotional and competitive mind of humans country A may decide to create more complicated laws just to make sure that they do not look like they are the weak ones. I know that this may seem like a reason that doesn't make sense but after several considerations and analysis, I found out that these could also be a reason for all these outrageous immigration policies that are made and I would like to know if you think the same to? Caring about people's views and very crucial and paramount especially in matters like this, because these laws and policies affect a wide range of people. So I agree with you when you say that we coming together to listen to each others opinions and perspectives of things to ensure our healthy growth and develop knowledge.
      Helen Keller once said that “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”
      Thank you!

  • People have such different opinions about immigration policies because of their viewpoints in the situation. For example if in a country, feel clustered and disturbed by the increasing number of immigrants because they are taking up too many jobs causing unemployment among youths and the number of available asylums are reducing due to the number of refugees coming in, the people will have very different opinion about the immigration policies as they would want the number of immigrants reduced in order to save national resources for those present in the country. Whereas, refugees and incoming immigrants won't be pleased by policies like this, mainly due to their current situation, some might be leaving their countries due to natural disasters, lack of security ( like refugees ) and bad weather. These people will want the rules based on immigration bent in their favour, as they don't want to live in their present locations. All the people's viewpoints on both or more sides are important and essential to look at as they have good reasons backing it up. The best way to operate polices, to seem fair, respect these different opinions based on immigration, is to make decisions that ensure all sides that their opinions matter, view from all perspectives and make policies that even if not fully, to some extent make life better and bearable for them. This can be for example : reducing the number of immigrants entering a country, from 70 to 50 per month while at the same time building inns and care homes free of charge for people and refugees at the border to use .

  • Hi ,
    I personally think that countries may have very diverse opinions and policies on immigration because of their different countries status . What I mean by this is a country may not allow immigrants in if they do not physically have enough room for them in the country for them to be safe .
    I think that people may have very diverse opinions as their family may have been through something similar . When somebody relates to their story it is going to make them want to help more . Whereas if nothing has happened to you or family like that ever you will not know what it it feels like to be in that situation .
    I think it is very important that you listen to other people opinions even if you don't agree them because you never know what it is like to be in somebodies shoes until you have to do it so you should not judge . You should be polite and listen to their opinion with a open mind .

  • Many people have different opinions about immigration policies because of how they were opened to immigration. Some people might have good experience with immigration like moving into a better life or place. Some might not like their experience with immigration because of how they got to the other land. Many people have different perspectives of immigration and it is understandable. There are many diverse opinions about this topic and I'm excited to see what others think.

    1. Can you explain why people might have different perspectives on immigration?

      1. Hi Aimee I would like to answer your question,
        Different people might have different perspectives on immigration. Let's say for example. I think it's good that people come to a different country. I think this because there are a lot of immigrants that come to that country to find better education, health care, and jobs. I think this is good for the country and the immigrants. But people might have the opposite perspective. They might think that it's horrible. They say that they should close the border because their safety is in danger. Many of the immigrants come to that country just to escape from prison or from anything bad that they did.

  • It is important to hear everyone's opinions even if we disagree with them. This is because although we personally might not agree, it will make the other parties feel heard when you patiently listen without judgment. As well, listening will allow you to be sympathetic and empathetic towards the parties speaking and consider their side to the story and understand their points of view. For example when on the subject of immigration, listening to the grievances of others and speaking with them will allow for a more inclusive safe place for these people looking to migrate for their various ways. When considering the viewpoints of others we allow for ourselves to have an open mind and sympathize with others, leading to a less divisive future against others and a voice for all.

  • In my considered perspective, people often share different opinions about migration policies due to various factors such as cultural backgrounds, political interests , economist interests etc. For example, a person who is more liberal in nature might prioritise policies concerning humanitarian concerns to easily accommodate and help the refugees or immigrants coming from another nation such as asylum seekers. On the other hand a person with conservative believes may support strict policies regarding immigration for sovereignty and national security.
    However, it is very crucial to hear other peoples opinions even if one disagrees with them as it may provide a person with news insights into the topic and in some cases, may even change their opinion. It allows individuals to view things from various perspectives and broadens their views. Listening to different opinions promotes tolerance, cooperation and ideas of inclusivity. It also fosters a sense of patience.

    Thank you!

  • Hello!
    One thing that I believe America has a problem with is opinions. You can say what you want, but if it's true, ask Twitter.
    Due to this, one of the biggest problems has multiple threads and that problem is immigration. Now, I don't know much about immigration so I can't speak on it, but I've seen what these immigrants go through before they even reach the border and it's bleak. Many people get kidnapped, trafficked, and worse, just so they can have a better life! Now, I feel like people should realize that immigration policies are strict, and for good reason! We should listen to all opinions and here's why I have my opinion!

    According to an immigration policy article by John D. Skrentny, a professor at the University of California San Diego, "Immigration policy is an increasingly important part of economic growth and development around the world because nearly all industrialized states face a set of common challenges relating to the sustainability of their economic growth and welfare states. " To me, this means that immigration itself is good for growth! So, say a drug smuggler were to get over the border and start selling drugs? America would be in great turmoil. These reasons are why we should respect opinions because they make sense to some people!

  • It is very important to hear the opinion of everyone even though we disagree with them because topics like immigration have very significant impact on their resources, economy and citizens . This is because some people are very supportive towards immigrants and want the government to warmly welcome citizens of other countries , but these people according to me are not looking at an bigger picture , thus a few countries who welcomed Immigrants with minimum rules they have faced grave side effects like national security or economical crisis. But there view is also not wrong as those who think that there should be strict rules for these people are at some point thinking from a personnel yet selfish perspective, not keeping in mind the condition of those who left there country for some or the other reason.

    1. Can you explain which countries have minimal rules and therefore face issues such as national security or economic crisis?

      1. Surely there are countries such as Iran , Sudan , Syria , Uganda are facing problems such as Prejudice, Discrimination, Language barriers, Employment opportunities, Housing, Access to local services, Transportation issues, Cultural differences, difficulty in Raising children these countries are the largest constituent of refugees crisis.

  • Well, it's true that different countries have different immigrant policy, like if a country is in no demand of immigrant then it can apply policy to stop immigrant whereas another country who is in demand of immigrant can apply new policies to take for the immigrants. The policy depends on the social and economical structure of the country whereas they will apply policy to stop immigrant or to accept immigrant.
    Its one kind of good values of a human to listen and respect others opinion. Everybody is unique in their way so everybody has different mindset and opinion. Through sharing opinion we can exchange information with each other. Freedom of expression is a social rights of a human so no matter if we don't agree with any opinion we have to listen it. By listening others opinion we will expose to thought that doesn't exist in our mind and can learn something new. Listening others opinion help us to think in a different and more creative way. It helps us to understand the topic from different perspective. Giving pay to others opinion, make them feel good and so they become willing to express their thought and opinion about different issue. Well someone might tell that if I don't agree with an opinion then why should I listen it? The answer is that you have to listen it to strengthen your opinion and learn about the other perspective. For this reason we need to pay attention to others opinion for our own development.

  • In my opinion I think its important to think about the opinion about other people because it helps to expand your understanding of the world and see something in the eyes of other people even if we disagree with them. We also need it to be fair in society. An example could be in a debate ,where this is really crucial in, between Samsung and Apple person A says that samsung is better while person B says the Apple is better. If you are one of the judges and you agree with A personally to get a fair vote you need to listen carefully to both people.

    Hearing peoples opinion could also be crucial in politics. If you only listen to the opinion in those in the higher parts of society and dont listen to those in the bottom you would almost surely make decisions that wont be fair in their favour and only in those at the top meanwhile if you had heard someone elses opinion then you would surely make the best decision possible.

    In general it's a great way to understand people and find solutions to something. I think that everyone needs to learn to hear different opinions or else everything would be biased and unfair to others.

    Thank you

  • People's views about their personnel and their countries' economic situations may be the strongest predictors of their views of immigration. Those who perceive economic situations as poor or worsening are more likely to favour lower immigration levels into their countries. Immigration policies generally respond to labour market needs and demographic objectives of destination countries. It causes strong feelings because it's admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity. It is important to hear other people's opinions to hear the other side of the story you never know if anyone thought differently.

  • From my point of view, listening to the opinions of others, even if you do not agree with them, is very important.
    Especially when we talk about a topic like immigration. You are dealing with not only different points of view, but also different cultures and environments. It is known that every human is affected by his culture and environment and therefore has his own standard for accept or refuse things. So, every person has a point of view. It is also important to listen to the opinions of others because we may have understood something wrong or heard wrong information. As it happened to me when I was discussing the topic of artificial intelligence, which I thought it was dangerous, but it turned out to be the opposite. Also, hearing the opinions of others may clarify to us an important point or something we did not understand. Thus, we understand immigration laws more and they become clearer to us.

    1. It's great to listen to other people's perspectives on these topics! Can you explain if it has altered your opinion at all towards the matter?

      1. I actually admire the possibility to pay attention several views on topics like immigration. It has been a treasured revel in for me, because it has increased my records and challenged a number of my preconceptions. For instance, discussing artificial intelligence with individuals who held particular views helped me recognize that my initial problems were based on misconceptions and incomplete data. This has led to a more nuanced and knowledgeable angle at the task.

        similarly, conducting conversations about immigration has furnished me with insights into the complexities surrounding exclusive cultures and environments. While my middle beliefs might not have considerably changed, l now respect the multitude of things that affect people's opinions on immigration. This expertise has made me more open-minded and empathetic toward various viewpoints, fostering a extra revel in of tolerance and appreciation for the variety of mind and reports surrounding immigration troubles.

        In essence, the way of taking note of others has now not always altered my essential beliefs, but it has reinforced the importance of considering a considerable style of viewpoints to benefit a more complete information of complex issues.

  • Hi
    I start off by saying immigration in some countries cannot be the same way as it is in other countries because in some countries their resources might not be enough or it is not enough for the citizen so if illegal immigrants starts coming into the country will have less resources and more citizens so government is forced to implement strict rules on immigration.

    Obviously some people will surely not like the fact about the strict rules on immigration while others will like it. Does that will not like it it can be because they are smuggling illegal goods or their into slave trade the rules the government implies on the immigration might force them to put a stop to their illegal act. While others might think of the benefits like the fact that their is more space to involove or invest in more business which can help grow their country economy.

    I feel it is important to hear other people opions cause you might be able to change their wrong perspectives on different things and u might also be able to learn from their comments.

  • People have such different opinions about immigration policies because of where they live and who they are. People who live in a safe country and have a good standard of living would probably not want immigrants to come either because of discrimination or they just feel unsafe. On the other hand, immigrants would want to travel to another country because their country isn't as good and safe, or they want to move to find a better job, or because of family and relatives. The difference perspectives cause conflict. One side wouldn't feel safe and the other wants to feel safe.

    It is always important to hear from other people's opinion even if you disagree with them because they have different perspectives and experiences from us, so we should allow them to express their own point of view. We can always keep their ideas and suggestions in mind in case of anything.

  • It is important to not just come up with your own thoughts and opinions on situations but to also realize other people's opinions. This can help you work together to solve that problem. The reason why people have different opinions on immigration policies, is that people have different perspectives. If we can understand those perspectives and talk about how to solve these problems, we will be able to make it through whatever we are trying to achieve.

    1. You made a great point that people's opinions are impacted by their environment - can you explain how people can work together to solve these issues?

  • I strongly think the reason why people have such different opinions about immigration policies is because, people in the country will want to see their loved ones or friends, so they invite them to their country to live in their house or book a hotel for that person to live in, but sometimes the reason why people live in different countries is to get a good job, because maybe before the person came to the country, the person wasn't getting a good job or wasn't getting a job at all. I think the reason which some people don't want other people in their country is because, sometimes because they don't want the country to be filled by outsiders or black people, because some people are still racist even though the slavery times has ended. I think people have to hear other opinions by people, because not everything a person says can be true or will happen, but the person should also listen to other's opinions, because it can change the way people think about the information and can even be better than the last opinion.

    1. It's good to see that you are open-minded to how conversations can help change people's minds. Is there anything on the topic of migration that you have had your mind changed on?

  • People hold varied views on immigration policies shaped by their individual experiences. Positive encounters with immigrants can lead to enthusiasm for welcoming more into their country, while negative experiences may result in reluctance. It's essential for me to respect differing opinions, even if they diverge from my own. By listening attentively, I gain insight into diverse perspectives and better comprehend people's sentiments regarding the issue.

  • It is really important to hear other peoples opinion whilst discussing on something important that can affect a wide population needs full ears to the speaker. While seeing can't satisfy but listening to others opinion can change our very own perspective . Engaging with people of different thoughts encourages one to view a situation in multiple scenarios and then make a decision. Valuing someone's opinion not only gives us exposure to new ideas ,further expanding our perspective but also helps empower our listening and decision-making skills. This can lead to personal as well as societal growth. This would make our society more welcoming towards the immigration , treating them with same dignity and respect like we treat each other . We should always hear and respect others opinions in such cases allowing the people to feel comfortable and welcomed in a country and this would give them the assurance that people will include them and don't treat them like outsiders.

  • It's crucial to listen to various viewpoints on immigration, even when we don't always see eye to eye. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it aids in gaining a deeper understanding of the issue by exposing us to diverse perspectives. This allows us to consider different aspects that we may not have previously thought about. Additionally, listening to others fosters empathy and compassion, ultimately leading to a more inclusive society. Moreover, hearing different opinions helps us recognize our own biases and refine our own viewpoints. Actively seeking out diverse perspectives enables us to challenge stereotypes, find common ground, and develop solutions that accommodate everyone. Therefore, even in disagreement, listening to others is essential for creating more inclusive and effective immigration policies.

  • It is important to hear other people's opinions even if you disagree with them because when you hear the other, you will be able to find the root cause of why they believe in their opinion. By finding the root cause, you can find a way to counter and bring them over to your side. Another reason why you should is because it can help gain more general information and improve your understanding of the subject. Without knowing the other side's opinion, you will not be able to see all the possible outcomes which might lead to a misunderstanding. Listening to other people's opinions will also make them feel like what they have to say is important which can improve their emotional health.

    1. You made a great point about the importance of listening to other people's opinions - can you explain what you mean by 'bring them over to your side'?

  • Since many people enjoy travelling the world and learning about its history, I think that the majority of people will be enraged by the immigration laws. However, many people will also find them annoying once they take effect. Conflicts can easily emerge when people are not permitted to travel freely between countries (apart from citizens), despite the fact that some citizens of the country would prefer not to see so many foreigners and vice versa.

  • In politics, a divisive issue can be one that brings attention to important topics that are often neglected. These issues can spark heated debate and discussion, which can ultimately lead to progress and change.

    1. Can you explain a bit more about how debate can lead to "progress and change"?

      1. Hi katie,
        I think debate can lead to progress and change because with different people's idea or perspective, the combination of the different ideas can bring about progress and change. Therefore, I think debating is impotant.

      2. I feel that debates are essential for advancing and driving change. For example, in a case of classroom debates students research, prepare arguments, listen and respond intelligently to different opinions. This improves their understanding and critical thinking skills. Students also learn how to disagree productively. Diverse and conflicting views, even if they cause discomfort, lead to progress. They stimulate creativity and novel solutions. Debates help teachers identify and support students who struggle to express themselves, leading to progress as a classroom. I think that personal growth and development only happen when we face challenges that push us beyond our limits.

    2. Can you explain how debates can lead to progress and change?

  • I believe it is important to listen to other people's opinions even if you don't agree. I think this is because everyone has a different perspective on things. I also believe it is important because putting yourself in other people's shoes could change your mind.It could give you a different view on immigration policies.When it comes to immigration policies there are two points of view. Either you're affected badly or beneficiary.Hearing both perspectives can show you whether immigration policies are good or bad.

    1. Can you explain more about your idea of who would benefit versus who wouldn't?

  • I think it's important to hear other people 's opinion even if you disagree with them. This is because it will give you a balanced perspective. You get to understand where they are coming from and why they think that way. This will help you avoid upsetting them and also avoid confilct. It may also guide you to changing your previous opinion and agreeing with them. That means they have successfully convinced you.

  • It's important to consider various perspectives to avoid blaming oneself for a wrong mindset. We should understand that people have individual differences, so while ,an immigrant may agree with the rules of a country, another might not, due to their attitude. Therefore, listening to both point of view can help find solutions to current and future issues.

    1. Can you explain how listening to different view points could be helpful and therefore provide solutions?

  • People may start arguing on the topic of accepting immigrants because they either don't want immigrants because they want their citizens to be uniformed or they want to accept immigrants because it is the right thing to do and they may receive praise. If immgrant acception is denied the people in support of immigrant acception would fight for the right of the immigrants. The people that don't want immigrants would be quite happy, but I think that they should think about how it would be if they were in their position.

  • I think the mass of different opinions around immigration policies comes primarily from a person's past experiences. If someone themselves has immigrated from another country with a lot or even no difficulties they might believe that everyone should be allowed to immigrate wherever they want safely. People who have friends that are immigrants may also feel the same way.

    Whereas if someone has never experienced or met someone who has immigrated they may lack empathy towards immigrants. If they lack this empathy it may lead them to believe that people should not be allowed to move to different countries and take resources and jobs from people that were there before them.

    It is vital to hear everyone's opinions as it helps you develop sympathy for other people's circumstances. This diversity of opinions can help you form your own view on the topic after hearing a number of different people's views.

    So in conclusion, different opinions come from someone's life experiences and in this case, whether they have spoken to someone's experience surrounding immigrating.

    1. I agree because as I had said in one of my comments you understand specific situations better when you have a firsthand experience with it and you start to gain some sympathy for the person who is going through the same thing as you. With this we can see that the opinions would change drastically if you didnt have an experience with it yourself.

      As you had said @accurate_outcome if someone has never experienced or met someone who has immigrated they may lack empathy towards them so with this you already have one persons opinion so all thats left to do is to listen to those who havent experienced it and you have the most effective approach out there to solving a problem which involves 2 or more people this can even be spread into politics as said in a book I had read in school; "Politics isnt a monolouge its a diolouge" We need to listen to both sides thats what people are doing wrong

  • People have such big emotions about immigration policies, including me, because some people that have families in different countries may be sad or angry because they wonder why they can't meet them. Others, however, don't care enough because they don't have other family members living in another country and they only think of their family and not others. They have to look at different perspectives in order for them to agree with people who have family that they can't meet. Engaging with diverse people over diverse feelings and point of views can maybe change ours too, to solve solutions over disagreements.

  • It is very important to hear each other out even if we have different opinions because we may not think the same. They may also have a better or greater point of view, therefore their answer most likely has a higher probability of being right or a better idea. It is also because people think different and have different opinions and we may agree with them and that they might add a very good point that would be critical to our decision or to help make someone else's decision. The decision that someone might be making can be a small or very big deal so it is better to hear others before anything that is a big deal or official is decided.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, can you explain how the decision someone makes could make a change?

  • Hi,
    Well in my point of view immigration policies are divisive because... they are like a barrier between people of two or even more different nations/countries. At one hand they are wishing for a better place to move to and at the other hand they want to remain how they are.
    I think that people will have different opinions of immigration policies mainly due to PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. I say this because I personally would judge the type of people coming into the country based on my experiences with them. For example, I'm in Nigeria and my neighbor is from another country and he is always doing something bad to me, I will be glad when an immigration policy comes out, but if he is doing good to me, I might even protest against the policy. What I think is that these strong emotions are triggered by fear because... people might be afraid of change, or they may be afraid of the disadvantages of the immigrants.
    In conclusion I feel like it is necessary to hear other's opinion because... you LEARN. When you listen to others point of view you get to expand your knowledge on things you did not know before, it is also important as you can be convinced on your idealogy.


  • It is important to listen to others opinions because even though they are wrong you get to correct them and this helps to widen their vocabulary and not to make mistakes again, this is also away to gain stars faster.

    1. I agree but we don't listen for the sake of correction, but for the deeper understanding of one another. It isn't proper communication if we listen only to target mistakes. If you look beyond the mistakes and blunders you may discover something meaningful.

    2. I solemnly agree with what you have just said because it is said that no one is above mistake and no one is perfect in every thing but,you learn more when you listen and ask questions but you make you self perfect when you teach.

  • I for one believe that everyone has the right to be heard. I think it is important to hear the views of others even when we disagree with them. This is because hearing the views of others can also change your view. It can help you see a side to the story which you would not have seen and also exposed you to thoughts and theories that didn't exist in your mind or opinions you may have never considered. Listening to the views of others can broaden your horizon by helping you focus on the bigger picture.
    You can also build stronger relationships with people when you listen to opposing views. This is because, by listening to someone oposing you and coming to a compromise you can find ways to work together towards common goals. Listening to opposing views can also help us see the different reasons why people think the way they do. This can help you understand the person more and this will help us to have better conversations that allow the two of you to understand each other.

  • Hello!

    It's important to hear other people's opinions because it helps us to understand different perspectives and broaden our own understanding. Even if we disagree, it encourages dialogue and allows for learning and growth. Embracing diverse opinions can lead to finding common ground and fostering emphaty. Let's celebrate our differences and learn from each other!🌟🗣️🌍

    1. It's great to hear different perspectives and learn from others! How can we ensure we educate people further to make a difference?

      1. HELLO!
        To effect the challenges, We must raise awarenes, organize workshops, and promote Media literacy. Advocating for equal opportunities for equal opportunities and celebrating the div stories is essentil. Lets challenge stereotype and ensure women in Media are given their due.
        THANK YOU!

  • I think listening to other's opinion is good because.........
    It make you change your mind.
    Take this scenario:( let's say astounding_book says I think Earth is flat and round because it looks like an egg and we are all walk with thought falling.)( I say you are wrong because the Earth might be shaped like an egg but that does not mean is flat because this and that is happening the astounding_book decides to change her mind and agrees with me.)

    This why listening to other's opinion is good!!!
    Thank you

  • I believe it is important to listen to what others have to say regardless of the fact that you have a contradictory opinion. I think this is so because one might never know what someone else might have gone through, seen, experienced or witnessed that made them form this opinion. Even if one might not want to change how they feel about a certain policy, everything has a reason and one has to embrace others point of view.
    An example is a social anxiety patient who is incapable of communicating with others especially in crowded areas and a person who doesn't suffer from such that think it is "easy" to just go up to people and talk to them.
    This can also be applied to immigration policies in many ways.

  • Listening to others even if you disagree can have a really constructive result. We empathize with our communicators and we become more acceptable to different views. It takes a lot of work with yourself but listening can eliminate serous arguments and lead to solutions.
    Immigration is a topic that can produce conflict. However fair rules and acceptance not just tolerance can balance any disagreements.
    It is rather difficult to say whether we agree or disagree with Immigration policies I can put myself to their shoes and feel their disappointment but at the same time I can understand the way the people entering this country feel.

  • I think it is important to hear other people’s idea because it might be better than one’s ideas/views expressed.
    Other peoples ideas can also be better for ones community.
    It will also add to what a person has said.
    It can also generate more ideas and bring more money.

    1. Can you explain how it will generate more ideas and more money?

  • It is important to listen to others opinions because even if your is different you would both have to come to a logical conclusion on that certain topic. For example, a grand jury decides the punishment for a criminal.

  • It's important to hear other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them because it helps you broaden your perspective and understand different points of view. When you listen to others, you get to learn about their ideas and beliefs, and how they arrived at their conclusion. This can help challenge your assumptions and biases.

    For instance, let's say you have a friend who has a different political view than you. Instead of immediately dismissing their views, try to understand why they feel that way. Ask them questions and listen actively. While you may not change your opinion, you will at least be able to see the issue from a different angle. This can lead you to better understand the complexities of the issue and be more informed when making a decision.

    In another example, let's say you are working on a team project and one of your colleagues has a different approach to solving a problem. Instead of ignoring their suggestion, take the time to hear them out. Even if you ultimately decide to go in a different direction, you will have considered other options and been exposed to different ways of thinking.

    Ultimately, listening to other people's opinions can help you become a more open-minded person who can consider different perspectives and make more informed decisions.

  • Hearing other opinions , even if we disagree,it is essential for broadening our perspective, improve critical thinking,showing respect,learning and also improves our real life problem solving skills.
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - can you explain how listening to other people's perspectives can help in everyday life?

      1. Hi Aimee @ Topical Talk, hearing other people perspective can help us in everyday life in many ways some of the major ways are - Improved communication, building relationships, Conflicts in everyday life , decision making is improved.
        Thank you !

  • I believe that people's opinions and mindsets about different topics or different situations can also affect an individual's mindset, so it's important that we acknowledge and understand what kind of news we spread among people, Therefor I acknowledge that people have different views on immigration strategies due to various factors. As I imagine, social foundations, personal experiences, economic circumstances, and political beliefs all contribute to these different perspectives. For example, a person who has had positive interactions with immigrants may favor more liberal immigration policies, while another person who has experienced competition for work/job may favor more restrictive immigration policies. Additionally, I think the way news is presented and summarized can inspire reactions. Sensational announcements or one-sided inclusion may reinforce existing beliefs and trigger deviant reactions. Even if you don't agree with what they say, I think it's important to listen to what others have to say. Focusing on a variety of perspectives increases understanding, enables communication, and inspires decisive reasoning. For example, respectful discussions with people who hold different views on sport can lead to identifying things worth agreeing on and developing more comprehensive arrangements. As I imagine, encouraging a culture of respect and the ability to withstand contrasting conclusions strengthens majority rule governments and fosters social coalitions.

  • I think that people are so divided, because certain things happened because of some immigrants. For example:
    One of my teachers once told me about some schools in France, where there's a bigger number of immigrants. Apparently, some of them expect to be treated better than french people. Some are being incredibly disrespectful. However, when the teacher says something to them, they act like they are discriminated against. I think that this also leads to having a bad opinion about immigrants in general, even if they are not all like that. I don't think that such kids don't even understand that they are creating a bad image of themselves, but also others. It feels unfair, because there are other immigrant children who behave impeccably. Those kids are more likely to face prejudices, only because of the other ones. Unfortunately, many people consider all immigrants to be the same. They believe that if one does it, the others will do it too. I suppose that for some other immigrants, there's another way of messing up. If they are expected to behave badly, then at some point they will. It happens for a lot of them to try to fit in and be nice, but if people keep labeling them as bad news, eventually they will stop trying. They will behave exactly as society expects.

  • Immigration is when people move from one country to another and everyone can vary opinions on immigration policies because every individual has different opinion regarding it some may have their personal bad opinions while some can be good too. Migrants or non migrants can be influenced by their personal beliefs/others opinion, and experiences. Some may support stricter policies while others may support for more open policies based on their personal reasons.These different viewpoints lead to strong emotional values as it touches the issues like identity, culture, and complexions.It's very decisive to listen to others' opinions, even when we disagree, because it helps us understand different perspectives of the people and make up our views on the topic. By engaging with different opinions, we can include more lead to informed decision-making and a stronger sense of the humanity !!

  • People's viewpoints significantly influence their perspectives on immigration policies. For instance, if a country's residents feel overwhelmed by the rising immigrant population due to competition for jobs and limited asylum availability for refugees, they might advocate for stricter immigration policies to protect national resources for current citizens. On the other hand, refugees and incoming immigrants might oppose such measures, considering their circumstances. Some might be fleeing from natural disasters, insecurity, or adverse conditions. They would naturally want immigration policies to align with their needs.
    Each viewpoint holds significance and must be considered. It's crucial to strike a balance that ensures all perspectives are valued and addressed. A fair approach to policy-making involves assessing all viewpoints, considering different angles, and crafting policies that, while not perfect, strive to enhance the lives of those affected. For instance, reducing monthly immigration from 70 to 50 while establishing free inns and care homes at borders for people and refugees can be a viable solution.

  • People feel strong feelings about immigration because different people have different ideals, it is really that simple. Also, the news don't help with this issue. A lot news reporters add tidbits of personal opinion to the broadcast, which may make people's perspective change on a given situation. Some people who listen to these broadcasts are immigrants themselves so they will probably have strong feelings about the topic.
    However, listening to other opinions helps broaden our scale of a certain spectrum. These different opinions may present different standpoints, each standpoint with pros and cons, that makes it so that people research about a different topic, studying about different standpoints, until finally making a fact-informed opinion.

  • I think that the reason that people have different opinions about immigration policies based on their own personal experiences, beliefs and interests. Some people may be open and ready to accept immigrants and refugees, wile some may be hesitant to the idea of immigrants coming to stay in their home country (and I think that being hesitant is understandable). At the end of the day, everyone has their own pinions and beliefs and I don't think that anyone should be seen as 'good' or 'bad' based on what they believe in. these are my personal opinions. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Persuasive Starfruit
      I agree with you, many people have their own opinions about immigration based on personal belief and experiences.
      Some people accept immigrants while others don't. In conclusion, everyone has their own opinions and nobody is wrong or bad, it's just what they think about something. Thank you!

  • Hi there!
    People have different types of opinions about immigration policies . And It's important to hear other peoples opinion cause they have different opinions. Cause opinion refers to understanding, critical thinking and empathy. If we listen to others opinions we can gain insights into complex issues surrounding immigration and can better evaluate on different policy approaches. People have different opinions on immigration policies because of cultural values, economics concern, security fear etc. Some people might see immigration as an opportunity of cultural enrichment and economic growth. Having a conversation with a person who is having a different opinions can lead to common grounds, compromise etc. If we understand the reason behind others opinions, we we can improve our point of view and advocate for policies that reflect our values and priorities. And it also helps to create a democratic society.

  • Hearing out other people's opinions not only helps you understand them better, but you can adjust and wonder about other possibilities as well. Being able to take in several different opinions no matter if you agree or not helps you become a more understanding person which will help you out in a tremendous way while trying to make friends or even just empathizing with another. Fights also become less frequent as everyone co-exists with another person's opinion and the opinions that thrive off of not accepting one another will slowly diminish as everyone understands each other. Understanding someone else in an argument not only helps you out, but it's a small step to helping the world out and lessening wars all together.

  • It is important to hear other people's opinions, even if i disagree with them so I can have different points of views on a situation. If I only see my point of view I have a close mind on the topic which might not give a good, non bias argument. Also hearing others can help the way you communicate with them.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - do you think your opinion has changed since listening to other people's views on this topic?

  • Hearing out other people's opinions shows that you are up for improvement on yourself. It shows that you focus on how you think and feel around others instead of being caught up on how others feel about your opinions. Leaving yourself open for improvement can help you build on your character and the way that you interact with others. This brings up your social status and makes others want to do the same. Once everyone finally is alright with what other's think, even if they don't agree, all other opinions that thrive off of feeding from everyone else's happiness will be destroyed over time. This is the most easiest and efficient way to end wars and bring world peace.

  • I think that people have such different opinions on this topic, based on what they have experienced. I have noticed that some people often fear immigrants because they don't know what to expect. For example, each country has certain traditions and the population behaves in a certain way. Usually, you can tell when someone from your own country is acting strange. However, immigrants obviously come from different cultures, with various ways of being. Most of the time, people fear the unknown. So, I believe that while some people are doing their best to support immigrants, others try to avoid them, because of personal issues. For instance, if they had a bad experience with a certain category of people, then they tend to try and stay as far as possible from them. I also believe that some people may agree to reduce the number of immigrants entering their country, because they wish for their traditions to remain unchanged. With new people come new celebrations, even if it sometimes means losing some. Personally, I think that it is in fact important to have diversity in your life. That would mean meeting new people, from other communities. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take over their traditions. You only have to accept them. Still, you might come to the conclusion that getting rid of some traditions isn't that bad.

  • Probably the most important reason to hear other people's opinions, even if you don't like them, is to see the other side of that person's perspective. Every human being does not have the same view on such topics, but if you listen to other opinions on said topics, you have the chance to change your own point of view on that subject. Even if you don't change your mind after hearing other people's opinions', you still had the chance to know what they think about a topic. What I said is basically what everyone else said in the comments below, except for different wording since they all have the same idea about the answer that I typed.

  • Opinions are puppets weak to the manipulation of words. As someone who stands my ground until it cannot hold any longer, I love debates. And, sometimes, it's righteous to forfeit your claims to another if you're "wrong". A classic form of manipulation is herding. Often times, you'll join the crowd. Human nature works its magic better than Hecate, and soon enough, you'll be swayed into the other side. Charmspeaking, as I like to call it, is another way to manipulate, where you sway someone with just word play. Confidence is the key to someone's heart. As long as you stand your ground, they'll think that you're right. And even though I focused on mainly manipulation this entire time, sometimes, you must respect someone else's opinion. Debates and Politics are all about opinions, and you should respect their opinions. Sometimes. Like foolish policies that were made by the government about immigration? Disagree. In the end, not all is justified, and foolish immigration policies will never be justified.

    “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  • Many people hold different opinions about many important things such as economic concerns, cultural identity, security, and historical context. Though It is important to hear each perspective even when there is disagreement because doing so helps build understanding, builds empathy, and helps find common ground. Overall acknowledging different opinions is crucial for decision-making.

  • Hi topical talkers!
    People have opinion on immigration only if they have good experiences. If some one had a good experience with immigrants, there are be chances that they get excited for having more immigrants in his home country, but if they not have good experiences with immigrants they do not like having more immigrants in their home country ,so that's why I thought it is important to hear other people opinion even we disagree with their opinion and we also understand other people overview on different situation.

    1. How can we educate people further about immigration benefits?

  • In order to say that immigration policies are divisive we need to distinguish what we are talking about. I don't think people feel frustrated when immigrants come their country. In my opinion they feel angry only when the immigrants disrespect their laws and their country.
    Actually when we see an immigrant progressing we feel proud of them, but when an immigrant ignores how the system of their country work then there is a problem. All in all, I don't think we need to categorize immigrants to bad or good, we need just to let them prove what they deserve.

  • Yes ,I think that It is important to hear others opinions , even if you disagree with them because valuing different view raise approachable and critical thinking. By actively listening to various view points, we can gain new knowledge which we may not knew before. By showing that we are ready to hear and think about different view points we show our commitment to communication and collaboration.Thank You.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - can you explain how communicating and collaborating with others can make a change?

      1. Greetings Aimee,
        I think that collabration and commuication with others can make a change because I have seen my friends discussing about some topics and getting more knowledge about that topic. so I thought that when we have communication with others about the things we don't know we can know that thing better.
        Thank you!

  • It is important to hear other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them, because you might find that you agree with them. EIther that or you can realize that the other person's opinion isn't that bad and you can broaden your perspective, and learn to be more inclusive of others and how they see things. You can find common ground with them and realize your opinions might not be as different as you thought.

  • Namasthe everyone and hello guys, Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not usual residents or where they do not possess nationality in order to settle as permanent residents..
    This diversity has been celebrated for its contributions to American culture through cuisine, language, and the arts, among many other influences. Immigrants also make an important contribution to the U.S. economy. Most directly, immigration increases potential economic output by increasing the size of the labor force and listening to others will help you in sending you in good conversation
    Thank you,

  • Greetings topical talkers!
    It is important to listen others even if they do not agree with our points because it can cause more arguments.There are possibilities that they have any better view points than ours in their opinions. Now , at policies that stop immigrants to enter the place do make them angry or disappointed , but this thing also causes overpopulation. Besides , it causes load on the ruler of the country. But in some situations , it can cause a disagreement between people.. Especially if the immigrant is too sensitive.I honestly don't like arguments , and nobody does , so in my opinion , it is important to listen to other's point of view . THANK YOU !

  • People may have different opinions about immigrations policies because of various reason like Cultural or traditional believes, Financial and economic issues. It can also be because of their any personal experience. Also they may have personal benefits or harm with regard to some policies which leads to the difference in opinions. Mews too might frame the immigrations stories in such a form that it may resonate with the fears or benefits of people.

    It is important to listen to other people's opinions, even when you disagree with them, because it fosters a respectful society. By knowing about other people's opinions we can understand each other and their circumstance and also find solutions together that considers each and everyone's situation

  • I believe that it is important because many people may feel left out of the conversation. Even if you disagree I believe you should let someone speak before you choose your opinion.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by 'people may feel left out of the conversation'?

      1. They might believe that their opinion is not needed or cared about.

  • All people have different opinions for immigration rules because of their experiences. If anybody had a good experience with immigrants before, they might be enthusiastic about having more immigrants in their city also it maybe because of their view on that race of people or may be a stereotype.

    For me, we have to listen to the judgement of each other and that's very important even if they don't agree with your thinking you must hear what they say, perhaps you can agree with their idea.

  • I feel that it is important to be open minded while hearing other people's opinions as it is a great way to learn from others and what their perspective is. Being open minded is one of the key factors when debating; it allows people to learn from others even if they disagree with them. Some people may even change their perspective on the situation.

    1. Do you think your perspective has changed since reading other people's opinions?

  • In my opinion, everybody has divisive thoughts as each and every person may have a different suggestion or idea on a particular topic.
    In the case of immigration the immigrants and the people benefited from immigration may consider this policy unfair or rude towards them. On the other hand the people who are facing problems due to immigration may agree to the policy.
    It is important to hear and understand others perspective because, it helps broaden our knowledge about topic which helps us to reach a better and more reasonable conclusion. Knowing others point of view wil help you to get a better view of the situation and understand it. Others opinion may contain the information you have missed which might result in a wrong decision.
    Conclusion- knowing others perspectives and opinions is as important as giving you own idea because it helps you to know and understand the situation or the policy in a better, clearer, reasonable and comprehendable way. Knowing others point of view help us to reach to a better conclusion.
    Thank you

  • It's incredibly important to lend an ear to others' opinions, even when they don't align or correspond with our own, especially regarding immigration policies. Hearing a range of viewpoints allows us to comprehend the understanding of the complexities involved. It's like looking through different lenses to see the bigger picture. Plus, engaging with diverse opinions fosters empathy, which is key to building a more inclusive society. Listening to differing and opposing views also helps us recognize our own biases and challenges assumptions we might not even realize we hold. It's all about striving for balance and finding common ground amidst diverse perspectives. So therefore, embracing these conversations, even when they're tough, leads to more effective and inclusive immigration policies.

  • I believe that immigration policies are generally very close minded and dont really value the stories of every person. I personally come from a family of immigrants and have friends whos parents or grandparents are also imaragants and each person I know has their story on why they immigrated in the first place. This can be for better work opportunities, uniting with family, etc. I would say that the main reason for having different opinions on immigration policies is because many people havent even experienced what its like to immigrate to a country that has policies that dont work in your favor. Its also important to listen to other points of views that may oppose to your own so that you can make others aware of your perspective and why that point of view is so valuable to you.

  • Hello scholars,
    People have such different opinions about immigration policies because humans have different opinions on everything. People think the way they do because of their knowledge and experiences. Let's say Person A got stung by a bee as a child and now hates bees, Person B has never been stung so they don't feel the same way about the same thing because of their different experiences. The same thing happens with Immigration policies. I will think differently about Immigration policies being raised by Immigrant parents, than someone who wasn't. Although we will always have different opinions on the same topic, that doesn't mean our opinions can't change over time. Most of the time we change our opinion because we learn something new and it makes us change our view on the topic. This is why it is important to listen to other people's opinions, even if you never change your opinion, you become more open-minded to other people's opinions and build stronger relationships. A good leader listens to everyone's views and needs to be able to make a decision that benefits the community rather than breaks them apart. Thank you.

  • Hi Topical Talkers!
    People have a lot of different opinions on things which causes a lot of discussion and hatred between people. It is important to listen to other people's opinions because their opinion can give us a different perspective or view on what the problem is and can change our thinking. This helps us to discover different parts of the problem which were not there and it helps us to solve the problem quickly. You also need to emphasise with their problem. People have a lot of views on immigration policies because those policies are the policies which keeps their country safe from outsiders. When there is an argument about immigration policies it causes a powerful political wave that disturbs the peacefulness of the country. This creates strong feelings about the news. Some people are exceptional and support the right way out. These policies change the way a country functions. By changing our opinion on things, we can promote immigration for everyone.
    Thank You

  • All people must listen to other Peoples' opinions even if you don't agree with them, when you hear each judgement, perhaps you might agree with them, not only that but you will know alot of ideas that you can take your opinion to the next level.

    1. Can you explain how your opinion has altered since listening to other people's ideas?

      1. I mean, when you listen to the opinion of other people, you can change your belief because their thoughts and many ideas differ from your opinion. You can benefit greatly from their information and thinking, and you can make your opinion as a topic and make it a very beautiful judgment of their opinion, so that you can agree with them on one wonderful opinion.

  • HI REMAINDER it's important to make a concerted effort to understand the viewpoints of people we disagree with. By listening and finding common ground, we can build stronger relationships, gain new perspectives, and find ways to work together towards common goals. It is important to make a concerted effort to understand the viewpoints of people we disagree with. By listening and finding common ground, we can build stronger relationships, gain new perspectives, and find ways to work together towards common goals. Additionally,
    We can build empathy and gain understanding by engaging tactfully and thoughtfully with controversial ideas and unfamiliar perspectives. Tuning out opposing viewpoints doesn't make them go away, To achieve progress in the face of adversity, we need a genuine commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of humanity. Listening to others may help us to increase our knowledge and patience level. THANK YOU!

  • immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not usual residents or where they do not possess nationality in order to settle as permanent residents. People move from one place to another for various reasons (war, persecution, seeking better opportunities, unemployment, etc.). This migration of people can result in consequences for both the place they left behind and their new place of residence. These consequences can be economic, social, political and demographic. ne theory of immigration distinguishes between push and pull factors, referring to the economic, political, and social influences by which people migrate from or to specific countries. Immigrants are motivated to leave their former countries of citizenship, or habitual residence, for a variety of reasons, including: a lack of local access to resources, a desire for economic prosperity, to find or engage in paid work, to better their standard of living, family reunification, retirement, climate or environmentally induced migration, exile, escape from prejudice, conflict or natural disaster, or simply the wish to change one's quality of life. In the context of our country Nepal many youths are migrating to abroad for their better life standard. From one point of view, immigrants could change or weaken existing cultural practices, in another point people see as diversity as valuable and opposes limits on immigration. Both views have their pros and cons. It's important to listen to others, as their insights might shift our point of view.

  • It's ever so significant to hear what other people think and suggest . Other people's viewpoints help forming an overall choice moreover, enhance or improve the structure of the agreement. Applying a unique approach of being able to listen to all thoughts and ideas to get a general and average opinion . Genuinely, it would be very fascinating and impressive if we all listened carefully of everyone's own suggestion, it would make us gain more knowledge and know people's perspectives and methods . For example, if a group of developers decided to launch a company, this will require lots of meetings and agreements, so in that case it's very important to listen to every single person's idea not just to have a successful business but also to have a successful companionship or association and to enhance team work.

  • Immigrants suffer a lot and if they do not cause any harm to citizens, the majority only seeks to work and have a better quality of life for themselves and their families, not to mention that immigrants are not only men but also women, children and those eager to unite. The state has immigrants of many nationalities, the majority are from Latin America. The immigrants are in charge of jobs such as agriculture and with this they greatly support the country.

  • Hello everyone,
    In my opinion people normally have disagreements because it is part of our normal human nature. We humans are not perfect and sometimes or most times negative emotions consume us and it makes us have disagreements. Some of these negative emotions may include:
    - Selfishness
    - Greed
    - Envy
    - Fear
    And these things have negative outcomes or effects on our lives which causes disagreements
    Other times it is because of lack self control and management

  • I think it is important to listen to other opinions even if you don't agree with it, but maybe it makes you change your idea and you could be wrong and the other opinion makes you change your mind and you can learn a lot from the opinions of others by giving yourself realize that maybe you were wrong and that you thought things that didn't make sense and you can as well know what the person is like with just an opinion and what the way of thinking of people is like. I think it is very important for these reasons. What do you think?

  • Immigration policies can cause controversy when they are strongly opinionated views. I disagree with that. Immigration policies can of course provoke some deeper thoughts but not arguments about where humans should live.
    By listening calmly what others have to say, we can argue with logical justifications. But the main aim should ve just to find the most humble human solution.

  • Everyone has their own ideas and knowledge and not everyone thinks the same. Someone's ideas are not same as the other person. Even in classroom, if a teacher is asking you about something maybe other students are thinking differently than you or in this topical talk festival, everyone has their own ideas and view on the given topic. So, I think that it's important to hear other people's opinions, even you disagree with them because after hearing the other person opinion, we can learn more about that topic and get some more ideas. Hearing other person's opinion can also help you think more differently about that topic. Not everyone is right all the times. So after you hear their opinion, you can change the way you think of that topic.
    Thank you!

  • Listening to others' points of view is crucial because as the saying goes, "two heads are better than one." By considering different perspectives, you can enhance your own opinions. Additionally, listening allows you to learn and correct mistakes. Ignoring someone's viewpoint can make them feel undervalued.

  • People in general are divisive over major issues and that is totally acceptable. This is one of our human characteristics that distinguish us with different views. However one thing that can encourage a good discussion is listening skills. What we mean by this is that we have to repect other's opinions by patiently and with ni bias listen to what others have to say.
    Of course this does not mean that we have all to agree in only one aspect but by being open minded to different opnions we can be more understandable.

  • It is important to listen to others even if we disagree. Every single individuals have their opinion about a topic. Even if we know that we are going to disagree we should listen to their opinions, to see things differently. A land's immigration policies have it's way to benifit it's poeple. And there are some poeple to disagree with that, but being heard by the opposite opinions we could know about the what if's. We could find other way to deal with the policy problems by hearing the thoughts of others. Poeple have different kinds of opinions about immigration policy cause they want their benefits. Though everybody seek benefit sometimes, by having own benefit we initiate others benefit. To have own or everyone's benefit people's have different kinds of opinion about immigration policy. We see news about immigration. Poeple want to move to a place where they do not belong to. So to have a chance to live in their desired place they sometime do reckless things which cause their lives. Actually this kinds of action makes a little wound to our heart how they lost their lives. This wanting of immigration, so many thing happens to poeple which sometimes are miserable. So it causes strong feelings about the news.
    Thank you all.

    1. Interesting point about belonging. What factors do you think contribute to this?

      1. One of my relatives went to the UK. He is an immigrant there. He has the skill to drive a car.I mean he is a good driver. Being an immigrant he doesn’t know English well and his skill is useless there. He has to learn English and lost several months from his life to start working there. When I talked with him he said working skill is useless for the immigrants until they learn English. So double policy works there. Again he says payment for the same work is different for the immigrants and the natives.And you know, we receive different opinions from different people as well as from different sources like media.
        So, I think these are the factors what contribute to this.
        And i am really sorry for late response.
        Thank you

  • I think it is good to hear other peoples opinions even though we do not agree with them because by listening to their opinions we can get ideas and understand a topic. As we listen to people the also listen to us and if we do not agree with their opinions they should take corrections.

    1. Can you explain some things you have learned from listening to other people's opinions?

  • I agree that immigration is too divisive because of course everyone has other thoughts about what's right or wrong sometimes the country does not have payments so the president tries to choose the best rule that will be okay with everyone like what is happening in America and the law which says that just a specific number of people can transfer or transform to American every year.

    Immigration causes problems such as having less food, fuel, or anything else they need to be enough for all and that's not happening. Also, I think that the population of the country will increase but negatively so that the rights of the person will decrease. for example: If someone earns 1000$ or 500£ it can decrease to 750 $ or 350£.

    1. Can you tell us where you found your evidence? Does immigration have any benefits?

      1. First of all, I would Thank you for replying to my comment.

        I found evidence from some videos that I watched before writing and one of my family members
        I think that if you went legally it will have benefits for you for example better jobs, learning more languages and seeing different cultures

      2. Does immigration have any benefits? Of course it does! Immigrants bring diversity, culture, cuisine, and talent to their new countries. They also help fill labor gaps, pay taxes, and contribute to the economy. Without immigration, the world would be a boring, homogeneous, and stagnant place. Imagine eating the same food, listening to the same music, and speaking the same language every day. How dull! Immigration enriches our lives and makes us more open-minded and tolerant. So, let's celebrate immigration and welcome immigrants with open arms! because immigrants improve our culture.

  • Listening to others opinion can work wonders. Even if it is to disagree with it plays a major role in helping one understand the topic more. Many people have different perspectives on immigrant policies. And by listening to it can help you understand it more. For example, here at topical talk it is all about sharing your opinions on different matters and listening to others' opinions, that alone can help you understand the topic more. As humans we all have different perspectives, and it is important to learn to accept others' opinions.

  • I think that listening to the opinions of others and valuing their opinions is important in many ways. Because, when a man expresses his feelings, many people do not hesitate to express their feelings below them with interest or desire. When you listen to someone's opinion, you can always find a new way. Which you (topical talker's) are currently doing. You are taking feedback from students from all over the world and solving problems. The way we are able to gain knowledge in this way, you are able to solve problems like immigration: divisive policies in the world from climate change. This is basically why it is so important to give importance to one's opinion. I hope you understand that.

  • I think that having different opinions it's healthy in a democratic society.
    However we don't need to be extremely opinioted in sensitive issues such as immigration.
    We need to be culture sensitive and create bonds among different cultures and different identities.
    Immigration gives us the opportunity to view these people as part of a trust society towards to newcomers.

  • Why is it important to hear other people’s opinions, even if you disagree with them? Well, for one thing, it can help you learn new things and broaden your perspective. For another, it can make you more tolerant and respectful of others, even if they are wrong. And finally, it can be fun to debate and argue with people who have different views, as long as you don't take it personally or get angry. Hearing other people’s opinions can be a great way to challenge yourself and grow as a person.
    Thank You!!!

  • Sometimes, going against someone is important so each person can hear both sides. Everybody's opinion is important, so even if we disagree you can't always change the other person's mind. By listening to what the person has to say you may agree that both of y'all are right or wrong in many different ways. Sometimes hearing other people's opinions may help you see the things you overlooked or just didn't think about. With a disagreement you may come to an agreement that includes everybody's needs. Yall can come up with a solution that fits everybody just from hearing each other's opinion, and what they have to say about the situation. But in order to come up with a solution or anything you have to have an open mind about the topic. An open mind allows you to look at the situation in a different point of view, instead of just yours. So listening to others opinions and having an open mind, could help you come to a solution quickly and easily.

  • It is important to listen to other people's opinions because after you listen to so many of them, some of them can change your opinion. If someone changes your opinion you can give reasons why you agree or disagree and can also gain knowledge by listening to other people's opinions. You can also give knowledge by explaining the reasons why you feel that way.

  • People have such different opinions about immigration policies, because people have different mindsets, and also people experience other stuff in their life. So this is why people have such different opinions about immigration policies. The causes that caused such strong feelings about the news was mostly about Proximity around the world. Proximity means (considers the location of an event relation to the target audience of the media outlet). In case you don't understand what Proximity is then here's an example. The example is that if "someone is reporting on a murder in the city in which the reporter works and lives" then that is an example of Proximity.

  • I believe it is important to hear other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them, because when they tell their opinion it could change your point of view on the topic. This could make you rethink your opinion into a different perspective. And when someone tells you their opinion you can open up to new ideas and thoughts about how something goes on.

  • It’s important to listen to others opinion even though we disagree with them , every one have there own opinion and we should respect them . If someone had a good experience about immigrants than they might be excited about having more and more but if they had a bad experience they might not enjoy and have fun about immigrants.

  • I feel like it is important to hear other people's opinions, even if I disagree with them for many reasons. First, when you hear someone else's opinion, it could change how you feel about that topic. They might have several reasons why they feel that way and you might relate to that. Secondly, when you hear their side, you might see why they say that. Or, you could be in their shoes for a tiny second. Then, it could make the discussion deeper by listening to the person or people talk about why they feel that way. Also, when I talk about my side of the discussion, it might change the way they think. When we were talking about the different emotions, a lot of people had different sides. We all discussed why we feel this way, and it changed our thinking a lot.

  • Hi Topical Talkers!

    Personally I think it is important to listen to others opinions because other people might have a reason that might change your way of thinking about that certain discussion or topic. Another reason is that their opinion might put you in their shoes and make you think the way they are thinking. I know that because, in my last school, a friend asked me a question and I responded in a way he didn't think of and it changed the answer that he gave me back.


  • It is important to hear other people's points of view even if you oppose what they may stand for, because it can expand your thoughts on that topic, hearing someone out can bring to light the reasoning for things you may be confused or strongly unable to get a side on. With the topic of immigration people may think that the new rules like immigrants not being able to enter the country is unfair, there could be several people who have different reasons that aren't brought to attention, therefore those who agree with these new rules could have several reasons as well. With these discussions there can be much insight given on both sides.

    People who may think strongly negatively towards immigration could've possibly not had conversations with others with different opinions, as well as people who think positively towards immigration. To discuss deeply with someone is to end up getting a view on what people who may oppose your opinion think, typically whenever this happens people lean more towards neutral whenever it comes to the topic of immigration.

  • It's important to hear other people's thoughts.Or maybe just in case you missed something or you want to change your statement.What the other person says could be good information about the topic and might persuade you.Even if I disagreed with the person I would still like to hear their answer even if it's divisive.

    1. Do you think your opinion on the matter has altered slightly since reading other student's comments?

  • it`s very important to listen to others opinion because a person's point of view and understand why they disagree and maybe you might change your mind. For example in class today we did a emotion rotation on statements about migration and immigration. After everyone chose how they felt we got a chance to hear why a person felt that way people even felt different after hearing why others felt a certain way about a conflict. Another reason why I think listening is important is because we can gain different ways to view other problems just by listening to how others felt for a different conflict.Many people have mixed feelings and opinions about immigration.Another example is when politics have meeting or maybe just talk about immigration some may agree with letting immigrants in and some may disagree. It's a good thing to have different opinions because they help shape our perspective. Listening to other perspectives doesn't just help us for debates it also helps us for the real world.

  • it is very important to hear other people's opinions, because if you if you dislike what ever they said, you should still respect it because an opinion is an opinion, not a fact, if it was a fact and they said something else, then you can tell them otherwise. On top of that we can hear others opinions and maybe even change our minds or respect it. by hearing out others we both listen to what they have to say and maybe learn about the person a little bit more.

    1. I agree with you. Every opinion should be heard and respected and you might even end up agreeing with them.

  • People have such different opinions because opinions are what they think and not what anybody thinks. And people might agree with each other but most people think differently .And you said that some people might agree with the new policy so that supports and defends my opinion.

  • It is important to hear other people opinion for the purpose of not choosing who is correct but to see how and why that they think that way. In a debate you have to listen to have a comeback to what they said. Divisiveness is a major thing dividing people. Listening to people's opinions could stop many 0f these arguments. but I understand it's not that easy but in the end if we continue being disivise to each other that could be the end of everything.

  • I think that policies about immigration are often so divisive because of the many perspectives that people have on the situation. Some people are immigrants, some understand the struggles of the immigrants, some have prejudice against the immigrants, etc.. These varying perspectives cause heated conflicts and debates over new immigration policies. Some immigration policies are more divisive than others. One that is blatantly unfair to the immigrants it concerns is likely to be less divisive to a policy that tries to make a compromise between the people who already live in the country and the immigrants.

  • Everybody is entitled to their own opinion which also means that sometimes it's important for other people to hear it. When you hear somebody's opinion on something you get to learn a lot about that person which can lead to new friendships. Different opinions will lead to discussion which could also improve your communication skills. It's also just helpful in general to see another person's perspective on something. The reason why immigration policies are so divisive is probably due to bias which is a huge factor in opinion. People could have families that are trying to immigrate or the problem could affect people of their own race. People could also prejudice people entering their countries which leads to even more division. All in all listening to other people's opinions can counter your bias and give you a new perspective of life that is different from your own.

  • Hello,divisiveness is a common appearance I am talking about policies and immigration. Rules about leaving your country to go to another can be frustrating. Your trying to go to another country without any problems.Some places might send you to another.That's why we need to speak up our opinion should be heard what if the place they send you does not make you feel safe.We need to speak up for our right.

  • I think that the reason that people have different opinions about immigration policies because they might be thinking about whether it is beneficial for the country whilst some might be thinking about whether it is beneficial for the immigrants (refugees). If the people is thinking about the country, it would not be a good thing for the immigrants as they might come from a country that is in war or they have other reasons. On the other hand, it would be beneficial for the country as the country would not be troubled on having too many migrants.
    If the people is thinking about the immigrants, it is going to be a good thing for the immigrants because they would have a safe place to live in. If the country lets all of the immigrants in, lots of immigrants will flood into the country and the country would be overloading with immigrants.
    I think it is important to hear other's opinions even you disagree with them because you will get some valid points from them and you will learn more. Moreover, if you did not listen to other people, you would not know why they think that as they will always have a good point that made them think another way.

    1. What are the benefits of immigration?

      1. I think the benefits of immigration is that the immigrants get to leave the country they are living as the immigrants might think that their home country is not safe for them or they wanted their children to receive better education. I think that most immigrants thinks it is beneficial for them to leave their home country because they might think that the country they are living in is not doing enough on things the immigrant valued a lot. They would want to move to the country they think is doing the things that they valued a lot.

  • Everyone has different thoughts and opinions although some people might be thinking the same idea and this could start a debate. If some people feel disappointed or angry that doesn't mean that they start to get angry at other people who you don't even know. By listening to diverse viewpoints on immigration politics, we can broaden our prespectives and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex issues involved. Just by listening to others even if we don't agree then this could still be helpful and may change your mind and if you listen to others then others will listen to you.

  • I think that people have different opinions about immigration policies because some people want the people who are immigrating to their country to stay so that can greet them with a warm welcome and others don't. I think this because imagine a situation where you have 2 paths. One to get to a sad firey and desolate warzone, or the other which is a happy haven to stay for the rest of your life. The happy haven is where the people who welcome you are and the bad warzone is where you were. Which path do you go down? I think that it is important to hear different opinions because what if you ARE that person who needs to choose a path. There are people who don't want you and people who want you. The government needs them to choose their decision about who can get in that continent or country because of some big war thats going on in yours.

  • Even if you feel a certain way about someone else's opinion, it's still important to hear their opinion. The reason for this is that for one, everyone has the right of free speech. Therefore, even if you don't agree, they'll be sharing their opinion with their rights as their defense. Also, you'll never know if another opinion or idea is more ethical, sane, or put together than yours. Their views might just change yours or enlighten you about your own views. At the end of the day however, we're all people and deserve to be heard.

  • Hi!
    In my opinion, I think that it is important to hear other's opinions even if you disagree with them because no matter how much you disagree with a person, try and view it from their perspective then you may realise that what you they are talking about is right. Even if you don't totally agree with them there might be a phrase or sentence they might say that will make sense to you.
    I think that it is better to have different perspectives from people instead of only having one opinion about something in order to broaden your knowledge.
    In this world, no matter what you do you are going to work with people, and some of the people can state opinions that you disagree with, but remember that at the end of the day, we should learn how to view things from other people's opinions in order to have a broaden knowledge and different views about a topic.

  • People have different opinions about immigration policies because they have unique experiences and beliefs for an example what if you are an immigrant your self. These differences can lead to strong emotions like anger or disappointment. It is important to hear other people's opinions because it helps us understand different perspectives and make informed decisions. By listening to others, we can learn about diverse viewpoints and find common ground on complex issues like immigration policies. It is crucial to have open discussions and consider various viewpoints to ensure fairness and inclusivity in decision-making.

  • Listening to someone about opinions is a very important thing to do as it can open up new ideas for people.For example, if someone formerly disagrees with something they didn't know a-lot about then exposing them to differing opinions may help their understanding of that thing and will help them expand and broaden on their perspective.Even if it dosen't change their veiw-point its okay.I feel that we need to listen to every bodys angle on immigration and try understand why they think this and where they are coming from even if you disagree with their opinion.If people share their opinions more then i think that it will help our society be more accepting.Although, you have to take into considiration the reason why somebody has that opinion in the first place, if someone had an experience that was bad in the past with something they may have a negative opinion on that thing and if they had the opposite experience with that thing they could have a positive opinion.Overall i think that we need to listen to others opinions and not just favour our own.

  • People feel differently about immigration rules because of things like money, culture, helping others, and staying safe. People get really upset because they strongly believe in their ideas and because of what they see in the news. It's important to listen to everyone's ideas so we can understand each other better, talk about things openly, find common ground, and think carefully. We need to respect everyone's views to make fair rules and have a society where everyone feels accepted.

  • I think the major reason immigration policies are so divisive is that they involve not just the country that makes them but many other countries too. The involvement of people globally means that there are going to be a lot of different opinions many of them being antagonistic, which results in conflicts and disagreements. In these policies, something might be good for one country but bad for another for example America closing down their borders due to many immigrants is good for their country as it helps maintain the population numbers but could bad for someone wishing to settle in the US. When it comes to listening about opinions I don't agree with, it is still important to hear them as it helps me look at the bigger picture and not just my perspective. A lot of times listening to opposing views helps us understand our perspective better and find its weaknesses and strength. Listening to all opinions also promotes a sense of equality among people. At last it is important to listen to opposing views as it helps solve the conflict by understanding what the other might be feeling.

  • Different people have varying viewpoints on new policies that restrict immigrants from entering a country. Some individuals might support the policy, while others could express anger or disappointment. The diversity in opinions about immigration policies stems from various factors. It is essential to understand others' perspectives to grasp the reasons behind their strong emotions about current affairs. By listening to and considering different viewpoints, we can broaden our understanding of complex issues like immigration.

  • People hold different opinions about immigration policies due to a variety of factors:

    1. **Economic Concerns**: Some individuals may believe that immigrants take away jobs and strain resources, while others see them as contributors to the economy through labor and consumption.
    2. **Cultural Identity**: Immigration can provoke fears about cultural change and preservation of national identity, leading some to advocate for stricter policies to protect cultural heritage.
    3. **Humanitarian Values**: Many people prioritize humanitarian concerns and advocate for more inclusive immigration policies to offer refuge to those fleeing persecution or seeking better opportunities.
    4. **Political Ideologies**: Immigration policies often align with broader political ideologies, shaping individuals' stances based on their political beliefs and affiliations.

    Strong feelings about immigration policies arise from deeply held beliefs, personal experiences, and societal narratives. Individuals may feel strongly due to:

    1. **Personal Impact**: Those directly affected by immigration policies, such as immigrants themselves or communities with large immigrant populations, may feel intense emotions based on how the policies impact their lives.
    2. **Moral and Ethical Convictions**: People's sense of morality and empathy can lead to strong emotional responses when they perceive immigration policies as unjust or inhumane.
    3. **Identity and Belonging**: Immigration policies can evoke feelings of inclusion or exclusion, stirring emotions related to one's sense of belonging and identity within a nation.

    It's important to hear other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them, for several reasons:

    1. **Promoting Understanding**: Listening to diverse perspectives fosters a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding immigration issues, including the diverse motivations and concerns of different groups.
    2. **Facilitating Dialogue**: Engaging with differing opinions promotes constructive dialogue and allows for the exploration of potential compromises and solutions.
    3. **Challenging Assumptions**: Exposure to diverse viewpoints challenges one's own assumptions and biases, encouraging critical thinking and empathy.
    4. **Building Bridges**: Hearing and respecting others' opinions, even if they differ from our own, fosters mutual respect and can contribute to bridging divides within society.

    Ultimately, fostering a culture of open dialogue and empathy is essential for addressing the complexities of immigration policies and working towards solutions that are equitable and inclusive.

    Thank you.

  • It is important to hear people's opinions because due to the fact that you might change you point of view because of a person that explained to you why their point of view is more important or you might stay with your opinion because a person think the same as you are thinking then your argument would be more stronger.

  • It is really important to hear other people's opinion, even if you disagree with them. There are many reasons for it. Like in this topical talk festival, I have completely changed my view on a topic after reading to the other comments which means hearing other people's opinion may completely change your perspective on a topic and know more about that topic and gain more knowledge.
    We need to respect other's opinion while sharing our own opinion to others.
    Thank you!

  • It is important to listen to someone's opinion even if we disagree because it is important to listen to other's. It's not always possible that we are right sometimes others can also be right. We must get different opinions and sometimes we can also consider it. People might have different immigration policy and each country have their own rules. So we can only give our opinion. We can get different options if we listen to others so we might get a solution. But if we disagree then also we should listen.

  • I think that it is important to be open-minded to other people's opinions but it is ok to be divisive and not agree with other people respectfully.It is important to see all angles of opinions and put yourself in other people's shoes /positions.

  • Immigration policies can cause disagreements among people because everyone has their own perspectives. Some individuals believe in limiting the number of immigrants entering a country, citing reasons like job competition or cultural changes. Others, however, may view immigration as an opportunity for growth and diversity. These differing viewpoints stem from personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and beliefs, which influence how individuals perceive immigration policies. As a result, discussions about immigration can evoke strong emotions and spark debate on what is best for a country.

  • As a son of two immigrants I think immigration is sometimes necessary, my parents grew up in the Soviet Union in a very poor Lithuania where crime and murder was rampant and with a recessing economy and population they decided to leave for Western Europe in search for a better life and we have all accustomed to English life and I would say they are quite hard workers that have benefited this country so I feel it shouldn't be so divisive and actually should turn unanimous in the way that sometimes immigration is required by people to cause growth

  • People may have mixed feelings because immigrants can go through great pain when becoming immigrants and because of the pain of leaving their loved ones. It is important to listen to the opinion of others because each person may have a different idea and It's possible that even your ideas are much better than one person's idea.

  • Embracing Diverse Perspectives: Actively engaging with a wide range of viewpoints enriches our understanding and cultivates empathy. It compels us to question assumptions, fortify our arguments, and nurture more meaningful connections. By deliberately avoiding echo chambers and genuinely valuing differing opinions, we contribute to social harmony and facilitate a more robust exchange of ideas. Remember, listening isn’t synonymous with agreement; it’s a pathway to continuous learning and personal growth.
    It is good to hear people out so that we would know where they are coming from and also see their point of view even if we won't agree with them it is better than not giving them an hearing ear.

  • It is democratic to hear the opinions of others, even if these opinions different from our own, because this helps to achieve the principles of freedom, justice and equality reach the best decision, and achieve personal, social and economic security. Opinions differed about accepting or rejecting immigration, as some believe that it helps in benefiting from the experiences of others and learning about other cultures, and some believe that we should not welcome immigration, and that laws and penalties should be put in place to limit immigration, for fear of the occurrence of social problems, such as difficulty in communication due to Linguistic differences, which may cause the emergence of slums and chaotic neighborhoods.

  • others believe that refugees should come to their country and settle in. They also might teach you and you might
    teach them your ways. some other people disagree because they might have to much space in their country
    or they might think the refugees way might take over and invade.

    1. Can you give me some examples of how you think refugees will take over?

  • some people agree that they don't want people coming over the seas because they might drown and people coming other people coming over the channels.

  • these policies are divisive because some people agree that people should be sent to rwanda and others belive that its not right to go to rwanda because some people say its not safe .

    1. Can you give me examples of why you think others believe it is right, and why it is not safe?

  • its allright to have youre own oppinions for instant some poeple agree with politics and some dont the poeple who agree with the poeple and they dont want refuges coming into there country with out the goverments permition.

    1. Can you give me some examples of people agreeing with politics?

  • these polices are not okay because thay are not leting pepol in there contry when thay need a plase to stay because you are not doing the rhite thing you are doing the opsit thing and when yu say no thay are stuke on what to do but some pepol agrea whith this polices but some pepol dont and i do not because it is not the rhite thing and we shode let them in with a warm welcome and exepet them for who thay are not be dispectfull because thay are pepol not a nodody .

  • these policies are divisive because some people agree that people should stop coming over.

  • it is in portent to listen to other peoples opinions so it could maybe help you learn facts about different things about all the different countries in the entire world and then it will give you an idea of if they both right or wrong in the debate

  • HELLO PEOPLE! Well people who agrees is ok even people who disagree its still ok!

  • i think migrates should be able to enter a country because they choose a good country for a good life and if they sent to a poor country(as in bad not broke)they dreams will be ruined, migrates matter and are the same value it could be good for that country , with new people with more things,but these policies are divisive and some people agree and disagree because their gonna be too much people and others saying it could bring more opportunities.

  • Some people agree with the policies because they do not want people to come to there country and some people disagree because they want people to come to there country.

    1. Can you give a reason for both sides of the argument?

  • Immigration policies can create strong divisions among people. Some individuals support new policies that restrict immigrants from coming into their country, while others may be upset or let down by these decisions. The varying opinions on immigration policies stem from different beliefs and experiences that each person holds. These policies evoke intense emotions because they directly impact people's lives and communities. Understanding why individuals have diverse views on immigration policies requires considering their unique perspectives and circumstances.

  • It is important to hear other people's opinions even if you disagree with them because it opens your mind to new perspectives and it gives people a better understanding of the issue itself. These opinions can help shape your own opinion and make you understand important factors you might've left out while forming your opinion. Even if you disagree with them, listening to other opinions makes you more open minded. By listening to others opinions you could also come to a collective agreement or solution to the certain topic, that way everyone feels included and heard.

  • People have very different views and opinions on immigration like some people agree with it and some people don’t and this is usually for one reason. Racism because some people don’t want people from other cultures or religions in “their” country. What causes such strong feelings in the news is that some people feel so strongly about it that they will go to extreme measures such as riots. They will riot to try and stop migration which then catches the eye of the news because it’s a big problem which will make them more money. It is so important to hear other people’s views because it might change our own opinions and they might have stronger opinions and everyone’s feelings are valid and everyone has a voice that needs to be heard.

  • Hi, from my point of view, I think that people have such different oppinions about this immigration policies as, some people could see it as a great way of learning new cultures, languages and have new workers in industry, other people could think immigrants could be dangerous or are innecesary.
    From my point of view, I think immigrants are people who had a difficult life in its origin country, and they travel to another country to find new opportunities and a new life-quality.

  • I think it is extremely important to listen to other people's opinions even if we don't agree with them, because we should always put ourselves in the place of others and empathize with other people. We should not only think about ourselves, what is best for us or our benefits, without taking into account other people's opinion and whether if it harms them or not.
    People have such different opinions about immigration policies because they only think in what is the best choice for them, not empathizing with other people, although they should put themselves in someone else's shoes.
    For example, just imagine that everyone wants something that does not benefit you at all, and no one thinks about you and what you prefer. If people empathized, we could reach a common solution that suits everyone.
    In the case of immigrants, the people who agrees with a new policy which stops immigrants to enter to their country should imagine that they themselves are immigrants who are in a difficult situation for whatever reasons, and they need to go to another country, but that country does not accept them. It would be horrible for them.

  • Different opinions about immigration policies exist because people have unique perspectives and experiences influencing their beliefs. Some may see immigration as beneficial for their country's economy and cultural diversity, while others may fear job competition or strain on resources. Strong emotions stem from personal values, fears of change, and concerns about security and identity. Understanding these factors can help us engage in respectful dialogue and find common ground on this complex issue of immigration policies.

  • I think people have very different opinions on the subject of immigration for many different reasons. First and foremost, these laws affect different groups of people differently. Immigrants who are already in the country may feel angry or upset about these laws since their families can still be in the country. People who live in the country legally may agree with these policies since they aren’t really being affected by this policy. If you look at this matter from different perspectives, you may feel more biased toward one side.

  • I think it is important to hear other people's thoughts, because that's the only way to make a change. Sometimes, we might strongly disagree. However, their opinions matter too. If we were talking about something and others disagreed with us, we would have surely wished to at least be allowed to explain why we think that way. So, if we get the right to speak freely and be listened to, then so do others.
    I think that by accepting others opinions, we acknowledge that we are not the best and we can also be wrong. Even if we are right, on certain matters there can be more than just one answer. For instance, one person may see the number 9, while another might see the number 6. I think that they could both be right, just viewing it from different perspectives. I also believe that a kid who has experienced a lot of trauma will view the world as a very sad place, while a child who has not been exposed to the negative parts of life will think the world as a nice and safe place. In my opinion, the background stories make this huge difference.

  • The most important way a country that can benefit from accepting immigrants is through the enrichment of its cultural diversity. Immigrants often fill gaps in the labor market, particularly in sectors where there is a shortage of skilled workers. If we hear other people's opinions that gives us more to elaborate on and respond to which would cause a conversation or debate. Which would also bring more information from people about things that some of us probably never knew. Which goes by the meaning of " you learn something new everyday" because other people's opinions allows people to speak about other things that we could learn.

  • "But why do people have such different opinions about immigration policies? And what causes such strong feelings about the news?" people have different opinions as they have different point of views but they all have 1 thing in common they all want whats best for the country

  • Hello🖐🏻❤️‍🔥, in my opinion I think it's important to be open while listening to other people's opinions in a great way to learn from others and see their point of view. Openness is one of the key factors in the central point; Are people allowed to learn from others even if they disagree with them? Some people may change their perspective about the situation.All people must listen to other Peoples' opinions even if you don't agree with them, when you hear each judgement, perhaps you might agree with them, not only that but you will know alot of ideas that you can take your opinion to the next level.I mean, when you listen to the opinion of other people, you can change your belief because their thoughts and many ideas differ from your opinion. You can benefit greatly from their information and thinking, and you can make your opinion as a topic and make it a very beautiful judgment of their opinion, so that you can agree with them on one wonderful opinion.