Competition #6 Favourite topic

15 December 2022

It has been wonderful to hear about the different Topical Talk lessons that have happened in your classrooms. We've loved hearing about the ones you've enjoyed and learned from the most! A huge thank you to everyone who entered the competition. This time, the winners are...

successful_papaya of Boutcher CofE Primary A in the United Kingdom

accurate_wombat of Rhemaville Christian Academy in Nigeria


victorious_nectarine of Shri Natasen Vidyasala Mhss in India

Each of you will receive 3 stars! Well done!

  • successful_papaya | Boutcher CofE Primary A 2022 | United Kingdom 06 Dec 2022

    One of the topical talk lessons that we did in my class was black panther, representation and diversity. This was my favourite out of all the interesting topics that we did as I feel very passionate about our world being a diverse and fair place to live. We all should be treated the same, shouldn't we? As there are hardly any diverse people [people of different races, genders and religions] in movies, especially superhero films, not everyone feels represented. The actors in marvel movies are mostly white, young men; this is unfair! However, Black Panther, Wakanda Forever was described as a ground breaking film that is currently sparking many global discussions. This is because, it was the first marvel movie that actually represented African people and their amazing culture. It is extremely important for ALL people to be included in something so that everyone can share their perspectives and opinions so that their unique ideas can mix together producing something wonderful. Although, it isn't just film directors who have to make sure we are being diverse, everyone should take action in this situation where diverse people are being ignored. Authors have done a great job at this as diversity in books has increased from 4 percent in 2017 to 20 percent in 2021!

  • accurate_wombat | Rhemaville Christian Academy | Nigeria 07 Dec 2022

    The topic that was special to me was US midterms, I had a huge understanding about if young people were really political and I actually felt like we are, even though due to some circumstances we cannot really show it we are quite political. I understood why most youths did not like to participate in politics, I understood that to some youths it just increases our worries, to be honest I can relate to that feeling, watching news and hearing the political state and shock that my country is going into is not even part of the issues I want to focus on, sometimes I wish things could be better yes, but I cannot sit here and encourage youths to take part in something that is clearly detrimental for their health. People feel young people are not political meanwhile we are, we are not just represented well, people say they care about our views, but they do not act like it. Some fail to understand that some of the progress we have in the world right now is due to the ability of youths to be given a voice. Most youths do not want to participate in politics because they feel underappreciated and unheared, you do not expect us to keep saying one thing over and over when nothing is being done about it.

  • victorious_nectarine | Shri Natesan Vidyasala Mhss A | India 08 Dec 2022

    Thanks for all the interesting topics it gives us a lot more thought and how everyone views from a different country and exchange of thoughts, really interesting and good to learn a new perspective of known things. Along those lines, we young girls in our classroom are more connected with the new Fashion and new trending things, in the last couple of weeks we get to know about Fast Fashion and the impact that causes, which educates the entire peer students as awareness and also on the topic global food crisis, we share a lot in our classroom as how much food is important for a set of people and we took a promise in our class as not to waste food and find opportunities to serve people who need food, and our school is also taking a lot more supportive measures. Also, these topics create a lot of ambition in our life as to whom we should be, yes, a couple of friends decided to study for “IAS” (Administrative Service – Who gets authority to decide for a particular region) with power/authority to make certain right decisions at the right moment for society.

We love reading all of your comments on the Hub… but we also know that lots of excellent Topical Talk discussions have been happening in your classrooms.

Now that you’ve had a chance to have all of your Festival lessons with your teachers, we’d like for you to take a moment to reflect.

This week’s competition is nice and simple. All you have to do is answer the following questions to be in with a chance to win!

Which Topical Talk lessons did you do in your classrooms?
Which did you enjoy the most? Why?

For example, did you like one activity in particular? Did you feel particularly passionate about one topic? Or did one lesson get you thinking more than the others?

We can’t wait to hear more! This competition will close on Friday 9th December. Good luck!

Comments (94)

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  • We do all the activities in our class, but the theme that I liked the most is the World Cup. When we were in the classroom, we used to play a ball with many cards with many questions, and when we took a question, we asked another question instead of it, and answered the question we asked, and it appeared to me a question: Why is the World Cup only in football?? At that time I did not know the answer yet, and since then I have been trying to find an answer to it, so this topic may occupy my mind, and made me search until now, and otherwise it is really full of passion, and also because I can see the team that I support playing And I can change a lot in rights of people in all of countries to the best

    1. There are World Cups in other sports too, and lots of other global tournaments. Can you find any other examples?

  • In the beginning, all the topics are very useful, exciting, and suspenseful, and they made me more cultured and enlightened than before in society, and each topic is more useful than the other, but in the end, I saw myself that I enjoyed the topic of health care more, as I aspire in the future to become a doctor, and I was
    I am always aware of the role of doctors in society and how they deal with patients, and the topic of sustainable health care aroused my passion by making me more informed and benefited from before, and I had more important information than before, and at that time I felt the value of the doctor in society and what
    Its humanitarian role, and this motivated me more to help patients by making their health better and more healthy, and this topic made me think in another way and more creatively in thinking about many things, and also the topic of space innovations is very useful and benefited me a lot as I was constantly informed about
    Scientists and their great ideas for this world and their enlightened and creative thinking in finding solutions for people and making people’s lives more flexible. From my point of view, I see that the issue of space innovations and health care is very important and that they are two related issues that we cannot separate, as I am
    Scientists' inventions help doctors treat patients, and they complement each other.

  • We discussed many topics in the class and i found the space exploration enjoyed the mostly. To make space exploration more economical and approachable for explorers is my dream and we even discussed about my idea for the Space elevator could be the solution of reasonable and practical approach towards making rockets and spaceships more sustainable by cutting the need of fuels etc.

  • The topical talk lessons i did in the classroom was cop27 is it sustainable, are younger or older repestitons better.The lesson i enjoyed the most was COP27 it was a good way i could see so many people couminty and how we can help the whole world.

  • What topical conversation lessons did you take in your classes?
    What did you enjoy most? why?
    We talked about these problems at school, namely in our class
    We talked and discussed a lot of topics, but what I enjoy is the global food crisis, as it contained a lot of discussions, solutions and reasons, for example, how can we solve this problem, and they began to provide solutions as it is a global problem that includes all countries of the world and belongs to everyone. Important dialogues and important opinions took place
    And we looked at the main reasons, which are that low-economy countries are the most prevalent in this crisis (the low economy is one of the reasons)
    While this country is poor, it therefore cannot provide all the economic resources for its population, so this problem increases
    We have found solutions
    Strong economies help low countries
    In terms of spending a certain percentage of all these countries can help
    These are the countries affected by this crisis
    Countries affected by this crisis must work to sustain their food production
    And we have proposed many other solutions

  • All topics arouse my passion to the extent that I did not have the ability to choose a topic to talk about, but the topic that interests me the most is the topic of space, and we often discuss this topic inside the classroom of, especially since our educational material contains many topics about space, as we are always in continuous discussion about This topic and therefore my listening to my teachers and colleagues made me get new information, because the subject of space in particular witnesses new discoveries every day, and the picture becomes clear to me more and more, and I always have an idea that if applied, it would be genius: Will there be a possibility to transfer all industrial facilities to outer space on to be manufactured there? Thus, we reduce the risks of climate change.

  • I think that all the topics that we did were good but I liked Space: A positive human future? the most because it showed us what kind of things are in space, how big it is and how we can learn more about it.

  • Although this week's lesson on topical talk was cancelled due to a trip, I have reminded myself of past lessons, and I have typically enjoyed the protests in Iran as we were given a paper and asked to draw what the text of a witness in Iran saw. This had really got me thinking and how I would put myself in one's shoes in Iran. It is heart-breaking to be hearing about this news but it has gotten out group to think of what we can or would do in Iran. To this date, we have thought of making posters or actually filming an audio in which we convey a speech on Iran and the actions of the morality police.

  • We learnt about world cup , i think it is important because I love playing soccer or football but 300billion pound that is no longer acceptable and available. Just think all that money put in to y countrys that would mean no poor person would miss a meal for 6 years

  • In my classroom, we discussed the protests that are going on in Iran, the problem with fast fashion, representation of film and TV, and the shortage of doctors. My favorite thing to discuss was the representation in the film and TV. This is because representation in films and TV is something I enjoy to talk about and hear other people's opinions on.

  • First and foremost allow me say thank you for such beautiful topics that made me see the world in the different way,I didn’t know I could just sit down one day an start searching about the cause of a particular issue that required me to know the causes and solutions to the problem.
    In my class, we did many topics and these included the fast fashion,space:a positive human future, global food crisis, protests in Iran:Masha Amini and many others but the topic I enjoyed the most was shortage of doctors in the world.At first I thought we have many doctors since there many medical schools in my country but no,it wasn’t the case.
    When our teacher introduced this topic,I went to search more why should the world have a shortage of doctors but there was no clear answer to it till when I went and asked my teacher again, my teacher said that there is scarcity of doctors because many doctors that are approaching their retirement age don’t want to train the young and new people that want to be doctors.
    I went and searched again and I found out that sometimes it’s the country’s government that does not assist these workers because they end up striking for little and no pay and yet they work for long hours.
    Learning this topic made me think that I need to read my books and perform very well so that I can join a medical school where I will one day be a doctor who treats ill people no matter the circumstance as I train more young nurses to join me and we save more lives.

  • We held a great discussion about the world cup in the classroom. A whole unit in my English coursebook is called "Goal", it talks about the "World Cup". We used to discuss the results of the daily games and express our opinions on the players' performance.

    I, along with one of my classmates, once gave a presentation of five minutes about the cultural advantages of hosting the world cup in Qatar. After the presentation, the teacher gave students the chance to brainstorm every cultural thing they see while watching the world cup. We all agreed that the world cup united the world and allowed people to know more about other cultures. A classmate said that she likes watching the world cup, not only because she likes football but because she thinks that the world cup brought more peace to our world. People look happy, they forgot about their worries. This kind of "personalization" is amazing as we share what we discuss at the festival topics with other students in our classes.

  • actually we did most of activities . all the activities that ewe did are enjoyable like the food crisis ,world cup, journalism and doctor shortage. however, the most interesting one for me is the death of queen Elizabeth II. i feel sorry about her how ever i feel interesting because i have a chance to see how all people in UK and other countries are united in one hand in bad circumstances.

  • I really enjoyed talking about the happenings in Iran. I felt quite passionate about it and felt like it was unfair that females get treated the way they do. I felt this was because I personally believe that everyone should let their voice be heard. Everyone deserves a say. It really got me thinking because even though it was the wrong thing to do, I wondered how the morality police viewed it and how they were treated. Were they coerced into hurting women both physically and mentally? I really enjoyed delving further into conversations and debates with my class. The conclusions we came up with were all reasonable, and I enjoyed having the freedom to share my opinion.

  • In my class we spoke about the topic named ,,Protest in Iran:Mahsa Amini ".My teacher explained me about gender inequality and how we could help is in situations like the one from Iran. I liked this topic because I learned how to treat are different gender or skin colour but this wasn't my favorite one . The most liked topic talk that was discussed in my class was the topic about the diversity in movies. This topic showed me that all of us are equal. It doesn't matter how we look , doesn't matter who we are .The most important think about us is what's inside us and I think in all of us exist because we are humans . That's the thing I learned. The truth that we are all equal.

  • We do most of the activities in our class and enjoy them because they are all beneficial, but what I enjoyed most was sustainable healthcare: the lack of doctors since childhood. I aspire to become a doctor and learn their role in society and how to deal with patients. I loved this and kept thinking about it, and the teacher told us a phrase that I liked. Doctors are candles that burn and life follows patients. You mean doctors sacrifice their time for people's safety, and I think they don't find enough time to spend time with their families, so they are under a lot of pressure, but he earns a great reward from God Almighty and I really thank them for their hard work with us

  • I am a person who does not like to watch news or problems in the world or cultures and natural problems such as climate, but after my participation in this festival I learned about problems in the world such as climate change and global problems food crisis, and I also tried to find solutions tothem, and I also found myself loving, solving problems and getting to know the world, and I think too It increased my culture, and I found this very beautiful, as it encouraged me to get to know more about this world, but the topic that I found increased my culture and my strong love for it is (theWorld Cup) The economy of the country hosting the World Cup will increase greatly, also from a social point of view, the people of the country that will host the World Cup will get acquainted with many diverse cultures, languages ​​and customs, and This will increase their capabilities. culture.Also in terms of tourism, tourism will increase to the country where the World Cup is scheduled to be attended. This is an irreplaceable opportunity. Many people around the world do not know Qatar, but they had to go there to attend the World Cup, and they found it beautiful and contrary to their expectations. They will love it and they will always go to it after the World Cup, and this will increase the country's economy. Also, this subject introduced me to the greatness and importance of football in the world and made me wonder why football is not another sport. I had not thought about these social, economic, cultural and tourism aspects before, but this subject introduced me to all of them and made me think in all fields. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this festival

  • There were many topics that were raised, such as space, a positive human future?, Black Panther: representation and diversity, fast fashion,... But the topic that caught my interest and passion and took a place in my mind is: the food crisis, and the reason for choosing this topic among many One of the important topics is that this issue is related to a person's life or death, as food is the basis of life, and underestimating this issue results in the death of many of us, so "we are all one hand, we will preserve the safety of our lives."

  • First of all, let me say thank you for these beautiful themes that made me see the world in a different way, I didn't know that I could one day sit down and start researching the cause of a particular problem that requires me to know the causes and solutions of the problem.
    In my class we did many topics, but the topic I enjoyed the most was the shortage of doctors in the world. At first I thought we have many doctors since there are many medical schools in my country but no, it was not the case.
    I asked a lot of people who are older than me, so I found the reasons for the shortage, which are
    Not giving doctors a sufficient salary to meet their needs and the needs of his family
    And that doctors do not work at a young age at the age of 20
    The topic that arouses my passion the most is fashion. My point of view on this subject is beautiful. I like to adhere to fashion. We are in a teenage period. We like new clothes that come out and are more promoted. For example, this year, the fashion for loose clothes, loose blouses, loose pants, Turkish shoes, and the French hat. These are new fashion clothes.
    Also, one should have approximately 20 pieces of clothing, this is the least

  • I enjoyed the  most the gender inequality topic. It surprised me a lot. I thought this was something happening a long time a go, when women didn t have rights at all. Sadly, this is still happening. We talked a lot about this in our classroom, especially about the main things that cause the gender inequality. Men taking advantage on women for things like power and even a place to work at, bothers me the most. However, there really are people who care about this. What I find most interesting is that not just women are interested in changing people's mindsets, but also men. I think this is one of the most important aspects in the journey of getting rid of gender inequality. I have learned so many things from this topic! I am always interested in finding out new things, good or bad. Finding solutions for different problems that exist in our live is also something I enjoy. I guess that is why I love this topic so much. I had the chance to read other people's comments and get to know what students about my age around the globe think.

  • We discussed with our teacher all topics, and we all accepted and admired them, and it was difficult to choose what I like, but what I like most is space and its world, because space is really wonderful, and we found the earth for its ages, so how can we live it without knowing what is around us? The discovery of space, when we learned what are the most important factors for the success of our lives on planet Earth.
    And the extent of its influence on me was: that it made me look at the world in another way. I, who used to see planet Earth as a big world, now I see it as a small body of a world full of amazing things.
    As for my community, I believe that hearing this information and hearing my friends at school is more information, and awareness will spread in this community in a way that is victorious through me and my friends.

  • According to my memory, we discussed all the topics in our class (Space is a positive human future, the world hunger crisis....lack of doctors), but what I really enjoyed most was the World Cup, where I liked how the topic linked all the topics together and in a way that might not be The direct economy is, for example, the amount returned to Qatar as a result of this event and the amount that cost it and the tourism movement, and what I liked most is how it will contribute to spreading our unique Arab culture, spreading our causes, supporting our peoples, teaching and educating people in the Islamic religion, and talking to them about its glories. The Arabs are in the past, and on the other hand, the environment, I had two opinions on this matter: 1- I do not like it, as it will pollute the place because of the remnants of fans and the movement of cars, planes and ships that will cause air pollution and many other things that we studied in the chapter. 2- I like that Qatar built the stadiums in a wonderful and sustainable manner, where all the 8 stadiums that it built except for two will be dismantled and a large part of their seats will be donated to developing countries and local clubs, and that there is a stadium built from transport containers, and this is something very sustainable like the one that will be used Bricks are like broken sofa legs.

  • All the topics in the topical talk have been really interesting and they have really inspired me and taught me a lot but if I were to pick my favorite festival topic, it would be US midterms: are young people political? I really enjoyed this topic because there are a lot of youths nowadays who are very political. We see the likes of Amelie Zibler, the UNICEF ambassador who works together with The Economist. She is very up-to-date with political issues and uses social media to reach out to youths. Not just her, there are many other people. While I was discussing this topic with my friends I discovered that many of them were as strongly opposed to the idea that youths are not political as I was. I and my friends decided to form a club in school. We called it "Young and Political". In this club, we talk about political issues nationally and internationally and we discuss matters concerning politics. The club is run by students. From time to time we present our very own news podcasts in school. Since our club started, we already have 30 members and this club started not too long ago. Our goal is to show the world that young people can be political too!

  • In my classroom, we often have some amazing talks, but to call them topical would be a stretch. One may start talking about pets, and forty minutes later, find themselves in a furious crossfire regarding economic and social ideologies. That's half the fun in our classroom discussions: no one can ever predict what turn the conversation will take the next minute. One of the more memorable discussions we had was on whether festivals have been eroded and turned into yet another excuse for big companies to rake in money. While both sides brought up some excellent points, I personally favoured the view that the hype and anticipation for a festival, along with the shopping spree it often entails, is what makes us look forward to them so much. If Thanksgiving was just sitting at a table and muttering half hearted thanks to relatives one didn't know existed, then I doubt it would bring anyone much joy. But a roast turkey, along with Christmas and New Year looming up, is what brings family and friends from across a country, sometimes even from abroad, together.

  • We had a lesson on doctor shortages and here I was thinking ahead of other classmates sinceost of them don't think much about being doctors and during the lesson they I was the only one with such a dream.I'm passionate about it and I want it to be a career for me to take in the future because its been my childhood dream to be doctor to take on my grandfather legacy who was a good doctor. I enjoyed it most because it made me feel connected the other doctors in the world being able to imagine what its like in their shoes.
    So I was able to generate ideas derived from my heart and passion for the topic.

  • In our class, we have been on the hub independently and with the whole class. We have looked at Cop 27, and protests in Iran but most of all, we joined the zoom meeting about Qatar hosting the World cup. I enjoyed this lesson the most as there was a hint of democracy, free time to discuss matters as a team, share ideas, and finally get deep in my thoughts.

  • Almost all the topics were first discussed in the classrooms, every Wednesday after lunch, it made me look forward to this day of the week, if I'm to be honest knowing I was going to discus relevant issues with my fellow peers from different backgrounds, cultures ethnic groups and age demographics really got me exited.
    Each person contributing to a bigger picture, as one talks the rest listen and learn sharing their opinions and views in such a civil manner I never expected from high schoolers, myself included, it felt so unifying even though we all didn't agree one hundred percent of the time.
    but the discussion that stood out to me the most was about the protest in Iran, the conversation started of normally with us the students stating the facts and the teachers asking further questions to grasp our understanding about it, but it took a sharp turn somehow we found ourselves in a heated debate about feminism and equal rights , I'm a feminist myself so I was in utter shook when I heard a girl say that that women are not equal to men! The class was buzzing with everyone just blurting out why that was wrong but our teacher clamed us down and explained we all had rights to our opinion and asked the girl why she believed this to be true. She quoted something from the bible but the teacher reminded her how we were all from different backgrounds and ethnic groups so she would have to find another reason for her claim.
    The reason why this in particular stood out for me is that we all learned we must respect each others opinions, and remember how we different in many ways and we all don't think alike. How we were able to connect topic to another still baffles me to this day and this will remain my most memorable Wednesday of 2022

  • One of the topical talk lessons that we did in my class was black panther, representation and diversity. This was my favourite out of all the interesting topics that we did as I feel very passionate about our world being a diverse and fair place to live. We all should be treated the same, shouldn't we? As there are hardly any diverse people [people of different races, genders and religions] in movies, especially superhero films, not everyone feels represented. The actors in marvel movies are mostly white, young men; this is unfair! However, Black Panther, Wakanda Forever was described as a ground breaking film that is currently sparking many global discussions. This is because, it was the first marvel movie that actually represented African people and their amazing culture. It is extremely important for ALL people to be included in something so that everyone can share their perspectives and opinions so that their unique ideas can mix together producing something wonderful. Although, it isn't just film directors who have to make sure we are being diverse, everyone should take action in this situation where diverse people are being ignored. Authors have done a great job at this as diversity in books has increased from 4 percent in 2017 to 20 percent in 2021!

  • It cannot be denied that all the topics that were presented on the platform are very important topics, and perhaps one of the topics that I was most passionate about is the issue of the global food crisis. To be more frank, perhaps because we suffer from it, it came as an ointment for pain. It explained the suffering of the poor and the difficulty of obtaining what they need from proper food and the suffering of poor countries How did she shed light on the need to solve this crisis and help between countries, which is the main and important thing among all peoples?
    This topic has opened the door to a lot of different questions and connections
    I mean what was presented by the impact of technological progress in solving this crisis in various magazines, especially the agricultural field, from the use of modern machines, land reclamation, and the use of agricultural greenhouses, which allowed the world to provide greater quantities of crops
    And how the world was able to interconnect economically according to the needs of the consuming and producing countries
    And how it had the greatest impact on encouraging travel between countries and thus the greatest opportunity to convey different scientific and life ideas

  • The lesson I enjoyed most and learnt much out of it was the cop 27 I enjoyed it because of things I was introduced for example the smog free tower and others these gave me something new to research about and in my research I was able to enjoy seeing these inventions and how they work because i have passion in science and technology leaving the enjoyment side i learnt alot of things from this topic and I and my friend developed a slogan of "our environment our life" so that is the topic that really brought my passion of doing research into use because the materials were scientific.

  • We talked about a lot of topics, all of which are really important and affect our lives, and we used to discuss these topics weekly in school, and each of us gave his point of view on the subject until I began to think about things from other really amazing angles, but for me the issue of the food crisis raised my thoughts about what the world enjoys from this crisis and because it It is really real and we are living this matter now with the spread of poverty and hunger and the lack of all needs. There are several reasons for this crisis
    1 Wars that occur and negatively affect plants, and as a result, plants die or rot, and people do not find food to eat
    2 The bourgeoisie's disregard for wealth (gold, silver, and diamonds), as they put gold and silver on food, why all this? The taste does not lag even when gold is put on the food, just a waste of money
    3 The lack of willingness of rich people to donate some of their money, as most of them are stingy by nature and do not spend money, nor to the poor, nor to the state.
    4 Frequent imports from other countries because this is in favor of the other country from an economic point of view, but I have at least a simple solution not to import any products that have a national similarity, support the national product, set taxes, and it is possible only to cooperate with friendly countries on the other hand
    5 The money and support that comes to us from institutions and any association, for example, is plundered by governments and organizations, and people do not benefit from it
    6 The selfishness that characterizes countries, so they do not reveal the method of agriculture to improve the quality of food and increase food production
    In the end, we must work as a team to face this crisis and eliminate it, because without unity there is no solution. Hand in hand creates creativity

  • We introduced a lot of subjects in our class but space was my favorite out of all the interesting subjects we did because I feel like I have explored new things about the world around me and what it is made of and how it is shaped but I dreamed of going to visit space because I would like to discover a lot like how it feels to see this The great void, planets and galaxies, how do these planets look in reality, and how will you feel when you have no gravity and flying in the atmosphere will be a very enjoyable feeling, and I also want to discover and see the surface of the moon and what it is made of, and learn about new things And develop and develop my knowledge about space in this life

  • First "Which topical talk lessons did you do in the class?" COP 27 and food crisis
    Second, which did you enjoy the most? why? really i enjoyed the two, but the topic that i really enjoyed the most is COP 27 because, we did an activity and this activity was to plant trees and this was something good for us, we show people that we are positive and we tried supporting people to plant with us it is a very great thing to do. And also to try to avoid "climate change "

  • We do all the activities in the class, but the topic that caught my attention is the food crisis, because it is the issue of people’s life or death, and this concerns me because I may be exposed to it, so I have to know the ways to solve it and how to use everything to solve it

  • We did lots of topics which we were interested in but in all those topics,I liked the topic of “Diversity and representation “because it made me feel comfortable in many ways like :my skin color, culture and gender. That topic talked about one of my favorite movies “Black Panther” which i enjoyed the diversity in . That topic made me feel capable of doing greater things on earth with applies to everybody
    Hope i have been understood.Thank you.

  • we studied of the food crisis, the issue of fashion, the issue of Queen Elizabeth's death, and the issue of a shortage of doctors have been raised.

    These are the topics that interest me the most
    He is the subject of sustainable health care: the shortage of doctors, because he talked about the suffering of doctors in the world and their poor lives because of their continuous work and not taking enough rest and also reducing their salaries...
    I hope that we contribute as societies by preserving our health so that we can contribute to giving doctors opportunities to see their lives better.

  • We discussed the topic of the World Cup in our class, and talked about the qualifications that characterize the host country, who are the participating countries, and the positive returns for the host country. It was a really interesting topic, all the topics were beautiful and interesting, but I enjoyed the topic of climate change more because I learned the causes of this problem and the solutions, and we thought, created, and tried to invent new and useful things. The topic that I liked the most is sustainable health care: the lack of doctors because they have an important role in serving the community and the country as a whole and educating society about diseases and preventionIncluding their role as humanitarian aid in helping patients, although they do not receive rewards and wages that guarantee their rights, but they continue their continuous humanitarian work. This made me feel proud of their stance and active role. I aspire to pursue and play the same important humanitarian role in society. I love to help others and I don't like to see the pain and wounds of others.

  • The beginning of all topics was wonderful and full of information that helped us a lot Most of the topics I had interesting discussions in my class and one of the topics that I enjoyed the most It is FIFA Qatar: the legacy of the new events, most of us in the class were interested in the ball and we had a lot of information and we exchanged it with each other The subject that sparked my passion the most is health care, as this subject made me appreciate the importance of doctors and realize their greatness And to strive to achieve my dream and to be a useful person who helps my community in times of need, and I want to get more information about medicine and doctors around the world.

  • The topic I enjoyed the most was the global food crisis and the topic got me feeling passionate to know more about the crisis, about the effect it has on people and steps we can take to help solve the crisis. I have learnt that over the years, the number of people facing, or at risk of, acute food insecurity increased from 135 million in 53 countries pre-pandemic, to 345 million in 82 countries today. Other factors that are still increasing the food crisis are conflict, climate shocks and COVID-19, the crisis is escalating as the war in Ukraine drives up the costs of food, fuel and fertilizers. I also got to know that millions of people are struggling to put food on the table and are being driven closer to starvation because they can't afford 3 square meals. I also learnt a way we can help solve the crisis, by providing universal school with meals because a lot of students are hungry and are having a hard time paying attention, retaining information, and engaging in school, because they are hungry and that may to undermining their future productivity. When students are provided with school meals, it is a simple way to help students do their best in the classroom and grow into healthy, capable adults. When structured right, school meal programs can also promote healthy eating, support local farmers, and free up family income for broader prosperity.
    Globally, more than 73 million students lack reliable access to school meals. Ending this disparity will go a long way toward “leaving no one behind.” I really enjoyed the topic because a new knowledge has been added on to me that I will forever keep.

  • The topic that was special to me was US midterms, I had a huge understanding about if young people were really political and I actually felt like we are, even though due to some circumstances we cannot really show it we are quite political. I understood why most youths did not like to participate in politics, I understood that to some youths it just increases our worries, to be honest I can relate to that feeling, watching news and hearing the political state and shock that my country is going into is not even part of the issues I want to focus on, sometimes I wish things could be better yes, but I cannot sit here and encourage youths to take part in something that is clearly detrimental for their health. People feel young people are not political meanwhile we are, we are not just represented well, people say they care about our views, but they do not act like it. Some fail to understand that some of the progress we have in the world right now is due to the ability of youths to be given a voice. Most youths do not want to participate in politics because they feel underappreciated and unheared, you do not expect us to keep saying one thing over and over when nothing is being done about it.

  • Every topic discusses something important to us in life, but the most important topic that caught my attention is the issue of the shortage of doctors, which is either because the years of medicine are long , or because of the meager wages that doctors charge. Why do I get my attention? Because the medical profession is very important in life. A doctor saves the lives of patients and creates happiness for them called recovery and health. In conclusion, I thank every doctor who helped save a person’s soul and did all his work sincerely to serve the community and the people.

  • I think that the most interesting topical lesson was the World Cup in Qatar. I really felt free to speak, and that I was able to share my opinion not only on one topic, but on several topics,Where I was able to talk about sports, politics, human rights, technology, I felt that I was writing with my own pen the point of view of multiple people, each of whom has a passion in one of these fields,and also the exchange of conversations with experts and students with different opinions made me adopt new principles,I think I feel like the president of FIFA at the start of the World Cup in Qatar, except that I don't feel I'm gay, I was never a person interested in sports, but after talking about it, I came to see sport and watching the World Cup as a discharge of negative energy

  • we studied The topic of fast fashion, the global food crisis, the death of Queen Elizabeth, and many other topics was brought up. Most of these topics that impress me are the topic of sustainable healthcare, because medicine is a respectable profession that everyone dreams of. Studying medicine is not an easy or simple decision, but if you want to achieve your dream, strive for it, and I strive to become the doctor of the future. Doctors are the ones who save people's lives, so they always live in a state of stress. Doctors are very important. All doctors around the world should be thanked.

  • In the class, we discussed all the topics of the project, but the topic that aroused my admiration and my passion in particular was the issue of the shortage of doctors, as this topic caught my attention and made me delve into its details. To be a doctor, I have to think about it more, and realize this dream well, and realize the troubles and hardships that result from it during work and study, but this issue made me think about all the aspects that are associated with the lack of doctors, and be a reason for that, so I I see that this topic is worthy of me, and deserves to raise controversy.

  • All the topics aroused my admiration and I shared them with my friends in the class, but the subject medicine impressed me more, many and beautiful, including that a country or society should not be without a doctor, because a doctor is the basis of "health" through which you are treated and others,
    The lack of doctors is a problem that everyone should know about, and this project has helped me to know it, as it is an example of people who educate me.
    Otherwise, I will be able to determine my priorities in the future, as it showed me the obstacles that may face me because I want to become a doctor. I hope everyone appreciates the importance of the doctor and respects him because he is the pillar of society.

  • Honestly, all the topics aroused passion for me, and changed many of my thoughts. Each topic talks about a real story that revolves around us.
    We studied it and discussed its pros and cons, and it allowed everyone from different places, different languages ​​and customs to express their opinion and everyone listens to it and discusses it democratically.
    This is the place that is a great and beautiful turning point for the whole world.
    If we hold such competitions every once in a while, we will join the existence of a creative generation that thinks is not biased towards a certain belief or thought, because in short we have become like a jewel that lights up the whole world.

  • We have actually done quite a few in our class, but my favorite one I will have to say was 100% the World Cup and why it should or shouldn’t be held in Qatar. The pros the cons. And the human right issues. We used whiteboards and each had a role to speak people were hot-seated and where in the state of asking and receiving questions. We all shared our opinion and ideas and each had opportunity to right about something interesting.however at that time awnsers were just rolling through my head and I learnt so much at school and wanted to find out more so, I went home and done some research and thought to myself well where do u think it should have been held? What country? But Lyons hall have been working so hard on topical talk :)))

  • We do all the activities in our class, but what attracted me the most is the World Cup because it is something sporty, beneficial to the body and enthusiastic.

  • I know the way the competition is all about what lessons in class and which one did we enjoy most. But don't you think that there are also the ones that tortured us badly. Like you sit there and you are trying to understand a topic and nothing is entering your head like for me I had a big problem with diversity and representation but I always failed to understand not until I started reading through people's comments and I finally understood what it meant. So for the topic I would say I enjoyed was diversity and representation because for me am a kind of person who likes challenging things and hard things to test my thinking capacity that's why I enjoyed it because of the research I made and the many things I discovered about it and also I enjoyed getting to know people's ideas and opinions in that process.

  • I am interested to talk about my participation in my class the topic I shared with my teacher and friends was
    of course about "Black Panther: representation and diversity" I create a quick plan: first of all I explained the meaning of diversity in a short presentation, then we watched the full trail of the movie, we all loved it and then everyone talk about his opinion
    A the end we showed the effects of positive and negative representations of people and their role in the success of movies in theaters.

  • A topic we learnt in my classroom was protest in Iran . I really loved learning about this because it made me realise it everyone has freedom like many people do.It made me see how many brave people risk there lives for the right of their country. Women in Iran suffer under a system of discrimination and inequality. I really liked learning about this topic because it made me see that are parts of the world have many different rules and some of them can be a little strict sometimes . By learning this I do hope I or any other person can stop this.

  • We studied the issue of the food crisis, the issue of fashion, and the issue of Queen Elizabeth's death were brought up..... But the topic that amazed me is "space is a positive human future" because everyone aspires to fulfill their desires by realizing their dream, and my dream is to become a space scientist, and many have discovered gravity .... and the reason for choosing space in particular is because I want to explore something else that not everyone has been able to explore And to find a solution to the questions that are in my mind, as it was said, "Throw your dreams into space as you throw a kite, you do not know what it will return with." It also gives us an idea of ​​the beginnings of the universe and space. It increases people's awareness about the basic understanding of our planet and important information to teach others.

  • Thanks for all the interesting topics it gives us a lot more thought and how everyone views from a different country and exchange of thoughts, really interesting and good to learn a new perspective of known things. Along those lines, we young girls in our classroom are more connected with the new Fashion and new trending things, in the last couple of weeks we get to know about Fast Fashion and the impact that causes, which educates the entire peer students as awareness and also on the topic global food crisis, we share a lot in our classroom as how much food is important for a set of people and we took a promise in our class as not to waste food and find opportunities to serve people who need food, and our school is also taking a lot more supportive measures. Also, these topics create a lot of ambition in our life as to whom we should be, yes, a couple of friends decided to study for “IAS” (Administrative Service – Who gets authority to decide for a particular region) with power/authority to make certain right decisions at the right moment for society.

  • We did space, fast fashion, black panther, doctor shortages and world cup. I enjoyed fast fashion most because I never knew people were making clothes that are this bad. I want to spread awareness of fast fashion because others could find out about it when I tell them. It's really difficult to stop fast fashion, but if everyone knows about it and they stop buying it, then fast fashion will stop being produced. This is the only way we can stop these awful clothes from being produced. We can end fast fashion. We just need everyone to help us.

  • In our class we did several Topical Talk lessons such as fast fashion, the global food crisis , space : a positive human future and so many others. I really had a lot of fun during the discussions of the different topics but personally the the global food crisis stood out for me. This was actually the first topic we discussed as a class and I really enjoyed the different ideas that were being shared among my fellow students . I also found it fun while reading the different ideas that were being shared among the other Topical Talkers .
    My favourite thing in this topic was when we were given an opportunity to talk on the school assembly about how we can work together as a school to end the food crisis globally so as to ensure that everyone all around the world is able to access enough food without any difficulties.
    Lastly, I also enjoyed this topic so much because out of all the topics we discussed this particular topic really influenced and changed me and my community for the better and people actually reduced on the food wastage and over consumption of food so I am really thankful for this topic and the impacts it has bought onto my community.

  • In my classroom we learnt about doctor shortages, Qatar World cup,protests in Iran, diverse people and a lot more.
    My personally favourite lesson was the one about doctor shortages because I found out why it is very hard to be a doctor and why should we respect the doctors. Some time ago I wanted to be a surgeon, but after this lesson I realized how hard is to be a doctor.

  • We discussed many topics in the class but the interesting one is about the world cup and moral stories told by teachers.Nowdays world cup have been the trend this days . Most of the people love football as well as watching it. In the class when teachers started to talk about world cup everyone listen to it carefully and all the students give attention to it especially the boys I also fell passionate about this because I also love watching football.but more than this I would love to listen the stories told by the teacher. Only sometimes teachers told the stories which are inspiring and motivating . And I love to listen this type of stories.

  • We talked about the following as topical talk lessons in our classroom
    1)the protest in Iran
    2)the global food crisis etc
    But my favourite was the 2nd one"the global food crisis" l loved it because l got to know some ideas on how we can control that as a problem because most African countries are facing it as one of the biggest problems l also got to learn the different ways people think about a sertain situation that affect the world globally.

  • Me and my peers discussed every topic with ultimate concentration and enigmatic thoughts. Though, personally the hot topic of Iran stood out the most in my perspective. The demise of Mahsa Amini left all us in awe and political questions for Iran. My perspective was that Iran is wholly responsible for Iranian Protest whereas few of my peers politely disagreed and said we as a global citizen somewhere played a pivotal role but missed out to help Iran. Moreover, they said we actually suppressed our voices when it was the time to shout and help others.

  • In my class we were talking about the World Cup being held in Qatar which i enjoyed was hearing everyone’s option and opinions such although it is being held in quite a bad place I will follow and support our England team!!!

  • We discussed all topics in our classes where we meet every week to discuss these topics and all topics are useful and beautiful, but the topic that sparked my passion is the global food crisis because it made me think of children who sleep without food while they are hungry and about the father who sees his children hungry but cannot buy food and about the mother Who is pregnant and cannot feed herself and her fetus, and in the elderly who need food, which strengthens their bodies to withstand the rigors of life, and it also made me think about countries that have a high economy, why does each of these countries offer or make a special fund for them to donate to such poor countries to eliminate this crisis I hope that there will be greater activity for the associations that help in eliminating this crisis, and that everyone, businessmen, youth and volunteers, participate in eliminating this crisis. I hope that this crisis will end as soon as possible.

  • My classmates and I did Protests in Iran, Black Panther: representation and diversity and The World Cup: the legacy of big events. I enjoyed Black Panther because it was nice to know how film industries make films diverse and how it looks behind the scenes and how the sequel Black Panther: Wakanda Forever started a discussion for people and how they described it as a different movie from others.

  • It was weeks and exciting topics that we discussed in our class about a lot, such as the food crisis and environmental pollution. I looked at the issue of the World Cup from an angle that I think is important and could not attract the attention of many. First, I want to note that the World Cup was held in an Arab country. The image of the Arab world in front of the world and the ability of Qatar to host such a global event. As for what I want to talk about, it combines the two issues of the environment and the World Cup, with the human ability to build environmentally friendly stadiums, as he is able to rehabilitate the planet for what is good for the environment at all levels and replace harmful resources with what is Useful, step by step work towards a habitable planet is the most important thing that should occupy human thinking because the planet is in danger.

  • We do all the activities in class but the theme that I like the most was global food crisis because it give us very big lesson about poor or hungry people and it enhance our charity work and gave us lesson to share food to poor people and also tell us that not waste food

  • We do several activities in the classroom and discuss all topics with the teacher. The most important topic is fast fashion because it is a topic we need in our daily life. It shows the girl’s personality and the consistency of the colors of her clothes indicates the consistency of her thoughts and thinking also appears through her design or arrangement of her clothes

  • In the World Cup, the thing that i liked about it was that the players were working hard, and gave it their all and didn't give-up until, they couldn't anymore but when the players didn't lose for the first few, football games and after their lost they were, not being mad and didn't yell or raged or rampaged. The football players will not give up until they won the World Cup i know that and i believe in my words.

  • In our classroom we did most of the topics but the one which caught my attention was the topics of "representation of diversity ". That was my favourite topic because everyone in our class had an opinion and what they had to say made me feel like am not alone in this journey could life. Everyone voiced their opinion on how diversity in today's world makes them feel the topic discussion was so amazing that we even lost track of time we all laughed and so may people opened up about what's happening in their life.
    Represention of diversity was my best topic so far because it made me feel like am not alone in this journey called life. But my favourite thing about diversity is how women of colour are being recognised by the world like in black panther, after the death of the person who played black panther may his soul rest in peace, the director wasn't quick to make the main character a "man" but the gave the role to the person who played his sister. That was amazing because the gave a woman with colour the role which was so encouragring to me as a woman with colour. So to sum it all up diversity made me feel powerful not just another black woman who has no say but someone who can impact change in someone's life and someone can look at you in need of help and I can give them all the help I can. Thank you

  • When we do the activities, I feel happy and emotional, and all the activities were fun and interesting, but the most exciting and lively topic, which is my favorite topic, and I love this thing is sustainable health care: the lack of doctors, because he says with my encouragement, and because I love every specialty of medicine and all its fields, and I dream To become a doctor, and this is a real issue that takes place in all countries because it benefits society and because medicine is of great importance and one of its advantages: it is a field that opens many doors for you, you can be a doctor and you can choose another field if you do not find your passion in being a doctor, as your qualifications will enable you to experience fields Different easily, and there are no patients without a doctor. Imagine one day there is no doctor, all the sick and wounded die, and the world goes, so the doctor is very important.

  • In our classroom we discussed about the global food crisis. I really loved and enjoyed this topic because it was based on exactly on what is happening in our community. I enjoyed it because it was very easy to raise ideas because I experienced some scenarios whose knowledge was applicable in the discussion. It was indeed interesting because almost the whole class had a personal experience about the topic. The other thing that made it interesting was that we organised a debate and everyone raised their opinion with a reason to back it up. This really improved our skills of public speech and critical thinking. This topic really opened up our minds to think broadly and outside the box because this is a global problem and if we join heads and think together. We can come up with solutions to solve the problem.

  • I liked the topic of the doctor, but I think that most people do not care about the topic of the doctor and do not pay attention to him, but the profession of doctors is one of the most difficult professions in society, and it is one of the humanitarian professions that society greatly needs, and it is an old profession since time immemorial, and in the beginning it relied on simple recipes for doctors to try to treat their patients
    Then the profession began to develop and progress until it reached the use of all modern equipment and tools to work on the comfort of patients and treat them from their diseases.
    A doctor is a person who worked hard and worked hard throughout his studies, which lasted for seven years, after which he completed his studies and research to reach the highest ranks and positions, and he was able to treat serious diseases and epidemics that afflict society.
    The study of medicine is not only the study of one specialization or many specializations, but each doctor has a specific specialization that he studies in depth

  • If you want to control your use of a credit card, says one advisor, put it in a cup of water and pop it into the freezer, when you need it, you'll have to wait a few hours after taking out the cup for it to thaw. This waiting time can improve the purchase decision and may cause it to be postponed or canceled altogether. ✩ All the topics of the site were very useful, but the most useful topic for me is Fast Fashion. I am obsessed with fashion, but after reading the topic, I learned many points and recommendations. I've learned that before I go shopping, I determine exactly what I'm going to buy (write it down in a list), look it up online, read past reviews of those who've bought it, and then come up with a final list of what I want. to purchase. The amount of time I will spend researching is important because it gives me a window of time that might make me think I don't really need some items and then drop them off the list. Whenever possible, I always try to shop within stores that give you points that can be redeemed for important goods or benefits, or that have various loyalty programs. Before the seasons of huge sales (such as White Friday, Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday, etc.), plan it well according to the following: Decide what to buy from the list and find the best products from online reviews. The Internet And last but not least: One of the most important money saving tips is to never buy things you don't need. We are in the age of marketing and temptations abound, so think carefully before making a purchase decision and do not rush: I learned that the piece can be used in more than one way, and in addition to that, I can sew my clothes with my own hands, such as hats or socks.

  • The subjects were all great, which made people more educated about what was going on around them. We are always interested in fast fashion, and when we learn about its negative impact, it gives us an awareness of it. And the space theme is a positive future that I enjoyed a lot. Since I was a child, I have dreamed of being an astronaut and exploring space. This means a better life and future for all people and means the possibility of living on other planets. It is the hope of humanity. He will protect her from all obstacles. Taking risks for the sake of purpose is great. Isn't that right?

  • This site was very useful and had many topics from which we benefited a lot.
    The topic of "food crisis" was one of the topics that I liked the most because I had the opportunity to express my opinion and I had the opportunity to express the suffering of the poor and those who cannot buy food and barely live their lives.
    As for the subject that made me the most difficult, it was youth politics, because it was the first time I heard about this subject, so it was difficult to write a distinguished comment.

  • - we are talking about health care and I was interedting in this field, because. Health is very important in our life and we Should maintain our health and avoid diseases also we discuss with each other diseases, with also each other about this subject and how to improve this field besides Education and Entertainment. and we put our Spot on the health care because in gazastrip we suffer from limited health Sources. and medicine because of the occupation and the war .

  • We usually discuss controversial topics in class, such as discrimination, LGBTQ+, road safety, drug and alcohol use, and many more. But recently we've been discussing religion, especially on such issues as the ban on hijabs in France, and the controversy over the world cup being held in Qatar; but my favorite was when we spoke about a question that another pupil asked. the question was ' Why must you repeat the command given by god back to him if he isn't the actual one you're talking to ( because god is portrayed by the holy spirit).' I specifically liked debating this question because it had no answer. Even now the only reasonable idea that can think of is because he's god and there is no explanation for god or surrounding the things that god does. But I wonder, what do you guys think?

  • I can't deny that all activities and topics which was discussed here is very attractive and constructive it turned my thinking and made my view different for example when we as girls discussed a bout fast fashion we were fascinated by fashion but after these discussions we knew the side affects for fashion which we had never but it in our consideration but after our participation in this amazing site we began to decrease our interest for fast fashion and take car for our traditional clothes .
    But also there is another topic which made me think more than other especially in my house between my members of my family " the global food crisis " really this topic affects me very much when I read the comments of my friends here and know how many people don't have a bite to eat ?
    so i began to save on my expenses and advise my family and friends to help those people and think more about this crisis and how to share solutions for it .
    We don't forget that that " Ask an expert " was very very nice and strange activity.
    So really all topics were very important and constructive so i hope to keep in touch with you in this site with new topics thanks indeed for exciting hours we spent with each other.

  • In my classroom, Many topics were raised, but the topic I enjoyed the most was global food crisis.
    It enlightened me about the reasons for and the best solution to be applied in averting global food crisis.

    This topic interests me a lot and made me think differently, the interdependence of countries across the world on one another, for food supply.

    We looked at various reasons for this conventional problem, which includes the fact that some country might have experienced climate change, which grossly affects food production; because of future prediction of future scarcity some countries have rushed to conserve their foods hereby restricting the supply of it to beneficiary nations. I also understood that Global food crisis is a major blow suffered as a result of conflict within nations, poverty, economic shocks, such as rising commodity prices and environmental shocks such as flooding, drought and other natural disasters .

    In conclusion, we found a number of solutions which could be deployed in
    averting this global food crisis.

    One way is by providing people benefits through nutrition assistance programs, as over 30% of infected children are first victims of malnutrition.

    Increased production, and addressing unemployment issues may help reduce global food crisis.

  • We did COP27:is sustainable?, US midterms:are young people political?,Black Panther:representation and diversity and World Cup:the legacy of big events.

    I personally enjoyed “Black Panther:representation and diversity”.

    Why i enjoyed it is because i had a chance to explain the importance of the representation of diversity of color because as we all know,it’s been a problem over the past few years.
    People have tried stopping racism through movements like Black Lives Matter.
    So by representing different races in movies/shows,shows and explains that no matter your race,gender or sexuality, we are all one and shouldn’t be segregated. As a person of color, i feel hurt seeing my fellow people of color being segregated and offended in either their place of work or on the road just because they’re of a different race.
    Nothing is wrong with being different from the rest,it’s what makes someone stand out even the more.
    So as a person of color, i’m proud of who i am and the rest of you should be as well.

  • In our classroom we discussed the global food crisis,the sustainability of cop-27, Black Panther: Representation and Diversity and the problem of doctor shortage.Each topic was interesting and was with lot of learnings but I really loved the session where we had a discussion on why there is a shortage of doctors across the globe.I was able to relate to this topic because of the kind of reasons that we discussed for doctor shortage.One reason which I related to the most was,in my country to pursue medicine at affordable fee structure,we have this exam called "NEET" which is one of the most difficult exams to clear.But the problem with this exam is it requires strenuous training and efforts.Many students,including myself,are hesitant to pursue medicine as their field because of the stress it involves.Before this session I thought that this was the only major reason for doctor shortage.But my friends shared different perspectives such as underpayment of doctors and the stress that the doctors have due to their lack of family time.At the end of this session I understood how important this noble profession is and my whole perception on it changed.I understood that it is indeed a tiring and tough journey,but,at the end,no other profession can serve humanity to this extent and no other profession can match the level of satisfaction that this profession can give.

  • We had a few of the festival lessons with our teacher. We did the following topical talk lessons in my classroom.
    Of all the topical talk lessons we did in the classroom, Global Food Crisis is the topic I enjoyed the most. The understanding that a combination of factors can cause food shortages was fascinating. The effect of conflicts like war between Ukraine and Russia, climatic shocks and the dramatic economic and social fallout from COVID-19 Pandemic are some of the factors responsible for global acute hunger.
    It kept me thinking of possible ways of solving the problem of food shortages by various governments and non-governmental organizations. I came to realize that this is a topic that gives room for a wide range of research and further studies.

  • Well it has been a long and beautiful journey with topical talk and I thank them for all the topics which explained to me more about the happenings of the world.
    The topic I enjoyed most is the world cup legacy, there are a lot of world cup tournament like basketball , Olympic games and so on . But I really love the football aspect becasue am a big fan of football and really love to one day represent my country at the world cup games . This Qatar world cup is going to leave a big achievement for an Arab country to host but there is still a lot of don't in this competition but it has been going on well . Morocco has been making us the Africans proud , I pray they win the world cup
    It has been my best so far and I really thank topical talk for bringing it up.

  • In class, we did two topics: Fast Fashion and The Global Food Crisis.
    It was interesting to learn that there are stores where you can rent clothing to reduce pollution in the environment and that the high demand for trendy clothing indirectly affects so many people globally. Learning about how people improvised when there was no food and no money changed my behaviour towards food -I now make sure to make an exact amount of food for myself that I know I can finish.
    However, even though it is a topic I wasn't taught, I most enjoyed discussing the protests in Iran.
    At my age, it might seem amusing for many people to call me a female rights activist but gender equality has always been a topic I'm highly passionate about. On social media, I do my best always to spread stories of women and girls who have been unfairly treated in their communities simply because of their gender and to write articles that make others more aware of the fact that gender equality is still a big problem in many countries.
    That is why when my teacher first started talking about the festival and its topics, I was elated to hear that we could write about Mahsa Amini.
    While I knew about the tragic story of Mahsa Amini and had written a small piece about her before the Topical Talk Festival, I was encouraged to research and find out more about the protests in Iran after the festival began and even wrote a new piece about her with more information.
    I think that is what I have enjoyed most in the Topical Talk Festival, more than the comments and the competitions and the questions to experts; I have enjoyed learning and researching about problems, news and people all over the world and have discovered that the world is changing for the better with the news as it wipes away ignorance.

  • I enjoy Fast Fashion the most! I enjoy this topic the most because it is very fun to figure out how important it is.Just a few days ago a few people from Topical Talk and it was very fun because we all got badges an some off us even got tops! We got to be a fashion company, low paid workers,small shop or a consumer (customer).We also got to decide how important it was at the start and at the end!We got to do the CHICKEN DANCE!!!

  • We did black panther and its my favorite becuase it opened new ideas for marvel and i enjoyed the first black panther

  • In our class we have done: COP-27, Fast Fashion, Space a positive human future and Doctor shortages this week we are doing Representation and diversity in media.

    1. What has been your highlight ethical_chicken? Did you find one topic more interesting than another?

  • First of all.. Thanks for this important topics. I think that is good to choosing this subjects to offer and express our opinions on , since these subjects are often discussed on a daily basis , whether in school or at home or outside. For example , who hasn't talked about the World Cup ? and these really exciting games and goals? And that huge opening of the 2022 World Cup?
    As soon as we came into the classroom, we quickly exchanged views on yesterday's game and how the team was doing . Whether among students or even with our teacher. And in gym class, our gym teacher encourages us to do sports, because it has benefits for our health and our body. And he encourages us to watch the World Cup.
    as for Fast fashion , for example, has a great impact on our lives, especially in school , when we are trying to be attractive, like celebrities on TV or in magazines ..
    Our teacher gives us tips on taking care of our study , Besides taking care of our external appearance .
    One important topic that has an impact on students' lives is the diversity of films, which has contributed to the creation of a generation more capable of confronting discrimination and racism and more capable of positive interaction and communication with other cultures. and gives us the ability to resist campaigns of hate and extremism.
    In class, when we study the topics of outer space, what are its components and how did the universe come into being? Those subjects have increased our love of astronomy and space. The Space science is man's positive future .
    And when it comes time to break for eat our meals , The teacher teaches us how to consume food, not waste it . The teacher encourages us to share our meals with friends. The school is working to provide awareness and guidance to the face of the global food crisis .
    In classes also , when we study subjects of the human body, we become more passionate to be a doctor. And what is the special role of the doctor who helps us to stay healthy.
    You've already addressed very important topics, which are our daily conversations in our classes and schools .

  • In the beginning, all the topics are very useful, exciting, and suspenseful, and they made me more cultured and enlightened than before in society, and each topic is more useful than the other, but in the end, I saw myself that I enjoyed the topic of health care more, as I aspire in the future to become a doctor, and I was
    I am always aware of the role of doctors in society and how they deal with patients, and the topic of sustainable health care aroused my passion by making me more informed and benefited from before, and I had more important information than before, and at that time I felt the value of the doctor in society and what
    Its humanitarian role, and this motivated me more to help patients by making their health better and more healthy, and this topic made me think in another way and more creatively in thinking about many things, and also the topic of space innovations is very useful and benefited me a lot as I was constantly informed about
    Scientists and their great ideas for this world and their enlightened and creative thinking in finding solutions for people and making people’s lives more flexible. From my point of view, I see that the issue of space innovations and health care is very important and that they are two related issues that we cannot separate, as I am
    Scientists' inventions help doctors treat patients, and they complement each other

  • This week we were learning about diversity and we asked questions like: do you think diversity is important?
    I enjoyed this lesson the most because it is about making sure when people look different or do different things we treat them equally

  • There were many topics that were raised, such as space, a positive human future?, Black Panther: representation and diversity, fast fashion,... But the topic that caught my interest and passion and took a place in my mind is: the food crisis, and the reason for choosing this topic among many One of the important topics is that this issue is related to a person's life or death, as food is the basis of life, and underestimating this issue results in the death of many of us, so "we are all one hand, we will preserve the safety of our lives."

  • The one that I liked most was the following question: "Are young people political" I enjoyed this because I got to hear everyone's views on this topic. I personally believe it is one of the best topics so far. We got to act out young people who wanted to be art of the government and it was very fun. I feel bad for everyone who was turned down whilst applying for the job.

  • in the beginning of the term we talked about lots including floods and world cup and black panther it was very amusing because we can know about the world. My classes favourite was world cup for sure because we learnt about how it helps the earth and help us realise we need to be more understandable when it comes to stuff like this for example climate change and using eco friendly stuff to insure were not damaging the planet.

  • Thanks alot for this great opportunity the festival gave me to talk ,write, discuss and the most important thing is to be acknowledged with the world breaking news.
    I with my teacher and my colleagues run discussions about all the topics in the festival.
    The most topics I was interested in are the global food crisis and the world cup.
    When we analysed the causes of food shortage around the world, watching videos and pictures of hungry people,I was so annoyed and sympathetic with those people. Thus these emotions motivate to think about suitable solutions for such a crisis.
    The other topic was the world cup,because it is a new domain and new world for me,Is I wasn't watching football.I didn't love it before. But I touched many interesting sides concerning football during our talk about it.
    It was a beneficial experience in writing and in indulging in the outside world news .

  • my topical talk lessons that i did in my classroom was the black panther one, world cup, fats fashion and NHS shortages.
    My faviourt one is the black panther because i love him and he was my fav actor.
    And that's it!

  • At the beginning of my words, I would like to thank you for all the wonderful topics. As I said earlier, you discovered that I enjoy writing comments about medicine and it gives me positive energy when I talk about it, because my dream is to become a medical specialist and explore more information about medicine and become a doctor and treat my patients and prescribe the appropriate medicine for them, and also It is difficult for anyone to enter the field of medicine because it is related to people's lives. Any mistake you make, the patient may pay his life as a result. You have to devour the information by assimilating it.At the end of my speech, I wish you health and wellness for all. 💗