Comments by active_black_bear Comment Post Date The concept of the Metaverse, a virtual world where people can interact with each other through... Report back 21/4/23 Yes, I agree it is a problem between the employer and the workers and the citizens have no fault... Strikes poll results! 20/4/23 Yes, even though the meta verse is virtual, it does have a impact on the environment. And we can... Suggest a discussion! 20/4/23 In today's live lesson we had a debate about whether everybody should be vegan or fast fashion... Suggest a discussion 19/4/23 I scored a 10. And I learnt that strike has a major impact on the society, resulting in the... Test your knowledge 18/4/23 I agree. I also scored 8 and I learnt that the meta verse is a virtual reality designed to be... Test your knowledge 18/4/23 I recently learnt that Strike is the refusal to work by a group of people or an organization.... Can everyone strike? 17/4/23 In my opinion strikes should be allowed depending on the situation and who is going on strike as... Strikes poll results! 17/4/23 Africa wants to develop itself but the climate laws will hinder its progress. Laws by the EU... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 I feel the metaverse will create a new addiction just like the social media has, according to... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 14/4/23 In my opinion there, are too many climate laws. These are reducing our right as humans and will... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23 Yes I think poorer people and countries should be supported to join the metaverse. They can be... A new realm to rule? 12/4/23 As we all know the meta verse is a virtual world made for the purpose of everything like,... A new realm to rule? 12/4/23 The metaverse and it's carbon footprint. We learnt from the earth day discussion that we emit... Suggest a discussion! 12/4/23 The news story that is affecting my area is the “cashless policy and the redesign of the naira (... Competition #1 News near you 10/4/23 < 1 2 3