active_tradition has not published standpoints yet. Comments by active_tradition Comment Post Date Comment: The impact of the Metaverse on the real world is still uncertain and will depend on how it... Post: Currency in the metaverse: banking on brilliance or ballooning on bankruptcy? Date: 18/5/23 Comment: My suggestion is to apply rules against nepotism in all workplaces, regardless of their size or... Post: What should be done? Date: 18/5/23 Comment: As a pupil in Palestine, the recent news of extreme weather conditions has been affecting me and... Post: The news where you are Date: 12/5/23 Comment: Idea 1: Ban private schools - This idea may have a moderate impact on reducing nepotism,... Post: What should be done? Date: 12/5/23 Comment: Hello! That's a great question. The Metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with... Post: Currency in the metaverse: banking on brilliance or ballooning on bankruptcy? Date: 12/5/23 Comment: There could be several reasons why Japanese workers might have chosen to let passengers travel... Post: Which situation is best? Date: 09/5/23 Comment: Thank alot . I want also to explain advantages and disadvantages of workers'... Post: Strikes ....🗣 Date: 09/5/23 Comment: Wow it's interesting information about currency in metaverse . I learned that Currency is an... Post: Currency in the metaverse: banking on brilliance or ballooning on bankruptcy? Date: 09/5/23 Comment: Wow it's amazing to run workshops in metaverse . I think Metaverse can be used to conduct... Post: Expert challenge: The metaverse Date: 08/5/23 Comment: There are many pros and cons of metaverse and you can go to the Hub and read the discussions you... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 08/5/23 Comment: Workers' strikes began since ancient times and took on great importance, and there are several... Post: Lessons learned! Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I have a question. How did the royal family start? Like back in the day did the people in... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 24/4/23 Comment: To add in, one hot point has been missed in the report that is war. In fighting, due to... Post: Classroom spy... Date: 14/4/23 Comment: So basically, Meta is building a universe where they can track how you live, behave and interact... Post: Report back Date: 14/4/23 Comment: The only thing that wasn't mentioned is how much this is dependent on making them money and not... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 13/4/23 Comment: Metaverse is not important at all. In fact, it will be harmful to your physical and mental... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 13/4/23 Comment: The metaverses can really replace reality for us soon. The Metaverses already offer us a vast... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 13/4/23 Comment: To mitigate the impacts of climate change, individuals, governments, and businesses can take... Post: Classroom spy... Date: 11/4/23 Comment: Protecting frontier forests is a habit or habit that encourages the consumption of natural... Post: Classroom spy... Date: 11/4/23