What should be done?

In many of the discussions that Topical Talkers have been having under our posts about nepotism, students have said they think it should be stopped. So, what should be done about it?

Read the options below then let us know:

  • Which idea would have the biggest impact on nepotism?
  • Which idea would have the smallest impact on nepotism?
  • How might people who aren’t involved in nepotism be positively or negatively affected?
  • Do you have other suggestions for what could be done about nepotism?
  • Idea 1

    Ban private schools.

  • Idea 2

    Make it illegal for people to ever hire friends or family.

  • Idea 3

    Make all job applications anonymous.

  • Idea 4

    Only allow one person in each family to work within an industry.

  • Idea 5

    Give businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry.

Comments (99)

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  • I think idea 4 will have the biggest impact of nepotism because it will stop the uprising of family members in a one industry causing no one to really have a chance of using nepotism because the industry they go into will not have anyone to help them. This could also be a little difficult because some industries link together and people are still able to use the power of nepotism even if they do not work in that industry. Idea 1 would have the smallest impact on nepotism because not every nepo-baby goes to a private school and not every industry makes people get into a private school so this idea really will have not effect. People who aren't involved in nepotism might be negatively affected by these ideas because some children go to private schools regardless of their parents being famous or extremely successful. Idea 2 can negatively affect someone who has nothing to do with nepotism because some people do prove their worth and work has to prove that they can work in the same company or industry as a family member. Making job application anonymous can seem like a good idea but people who use nepotism as an advantage can still use references or previous jobs given to them by their parents on their application making them seem better than the person who can not use nepotism. Idea 4 & 5 affect others by someone who may want to follow the footprints of their parents in an industry even if their parents did not become successful in that selected industry. Idea 5 may sound good but successful parents can still get their children into an industry if they pay the company more than the people who are paying for new people in the industry.

    1. One of the most common arguments against nepotism is that the emotional ties between people who are related may negatively affect their decision making abilities and professional growth. In the past, many businesses sought to avoid even the appearance of nepotism by forbidding relatives from working closely together. I agree with what you said about the fourth idea that it would have the biggest impact on nepotism.

      1. Favoritism is not just about emotions and professional mistakes as much as it is about selecting incompetent people for the job.
        There is no problem for a person to hire a relative if he has all the qualifications, certificates and competencies to do his job properly.
        There is a saying in my country that is always said: “What you know is better than what you don’t know.”
        Therefore, whether he employs a relative or not, it must be based on one principle: “choosing the right man in the right place.”

        1. I agree with the saying. There is actually no problem if you hire your relative as far as your relative is qualified but people often think that as far as your relative is employed in an organization that you are in you are being nepotist. Nepotism can cause several things such as: leads to low performance and poor-quality products. Friends, family members or political assets who are rewarded, promoted, or protected during difficult times are likely to be under qualified for the positions they are expected to fill, leading to an erosion of productivity, efficiency and leadership.

          1. It is nice what you said about the damage to work as a result of hiring relatives, but let us agree that this is not the result of hiring relatives, but rather because of the style and personality of the manager and employer and the way he deals with his relatives at work.
            Also, if he prefers relatives over the rest of the employees, there will be hatred among the employees, decrease in their level of performance, and unwillingness to work.
            Therefore, it is always preferable to separate kinship and work.

    2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the impact of different ideas on nepotism. It's important to consider various perspectives and potential challenges when addressing such complex issues. Let's examine your points in more detail:

      Impact of idea 4 (preventing the uprising of family members in one industry): While this idea may limit the potential for nepotism within a specific industry, it's true that some industries are interconnected, and individuals can still benefit from family connections in other sectors. Therefore, while it may address nepotism to some extent in certain industries, it may not eliminate the practice altogether.

      Impact of idea 1 (private school attendance): You rightly mentioned that not all nepotism relies on attending private schools, and not all industries require private school education. Therefore, the impact of this idea on reducing nepotism may be limited in certain contexts.

      Impact of idea 2 (anonymous job applications): While anonymous job applications can help mitigate bias and nepotism to some extent, it's true that individuals using nepotism can still utilize references or connections to gain an advantage in the application process. This highlights the importance of comprehensive measures to address nepotism effectively.

      Impact of idea 5 (limiting financial influence): You raised a valid point that even if financial contributions are limited, successful parents may still find ways to support their children's entry into an industry. This indicates the need for additional measures to ensure equal opportunities and prevent undue advantages.

      Addressing nepotism requires a multifaceted approach that tackles the issue from various angles. It involves implementing transparency and fairness in hiring practices, promoting merit-based evaluations, providing equal access to opportunities, and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Additionally, creating mechanisms for reporting and addressing instances of nepotism can help discourage the practice.

      It's essential to consider the potential challenges and unintended consequences of any proposed solution to ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing nepotism.

    3. I agree because as you said I was thinking around question 3 and realised something, as you said people whose parents have given them the job application anonymous or not, they will still have an advantage, so I agree with you when you say 4 is the best idea.

    4. You've made an excellent summary, @Secure_Seahorse - what do you think about idea 3, which is something often done by larger organisations?

      1. I think idea 3 may not work because even if job applications are anonymous, references and previous jobs could still be lied about causing the person who uses nepotism to their advantage to get the job instead of someone who worked hard for a chance at a company. Although idea 3 may seem good it will still most likely do more harm towards non nepo-babies than nepo-babies.

      2. Hey, ever felt like you didn't get a chance at a job because someone already knew the hiring manager? Well, this is where idea 3 can be used when anonymous applications can come in handy. By removing identifying information, such as names and addresses, from resumes and cover letters, you eliminate possible prejudice or preferences towards certain candidates. This can be particularly useful in industries or businesses where nepotism or favoritism is prevalent. It levels the playing field for everyone and allows hiring managers to focus only on qualifications and experience, not personal relationships.It also promotes diversity and inclusion by countering unconscious biases that may be based on gender, ethnicity, or social status. So let's try to get more anonymous applications and make sure everyone has an equal chance of getting their dream job!

      3. I think it is quite good that large organisations practice that idea. A lot of people will want to work for big organisations, making the job applications anonymous will neutralize any kind of influence a job applicant or their relative might have. It will make the entire interview fair and beneficial to those who truly did well. But, keeping job applications anonymous could mean that people could write false information about themselves, which would make them seen competent but in reality they are not. I think that at the employer should get a chance to meet with the job applicant at least once or even be able to carry out research on them to stop them from getting a job they do not deserve.

    5. I agree with you because I think Idea 4 will really have a huge impact on nepotism because it will stop the overflow of family members in one industry and this causes no one to have a chance that they use nepotism because the industry they work in will not have anyone to help them and I agree with you it will be The idea has the least effect on favoritism because not every infant child goes to a private school, so this idea will not really have an effect, but people in favoritism may be negatively affected by these ideas, because some children do not go to private schools, regardless of whether their parents are people They are famous or very successful, and idea 2 can negatively affect a person who has nothing to do with favoritism, because some people prove their worth, and he must prove his work, and that he can work in the same company or industry as a family member. Really, from my point of view, making the job application anonymous is a good idea, but they can The use of previous references or jobs given to them by their parents, which makes them better than the person who cannot use nepotism and the influence of the idea A and D on others through a person who wants to follow the footprints of their sons in an industry even if the parents did not succeed in this chosen industry, but really I agree with you, the idea sounds good, but successful parents can still educate their kids and get them into the industry if they pay the company more than people who pay new people in the industry

    6. The government needs a qualitative shift in the executive branch, i.e. the issue of ministerial appointments. It must take place far from nepotism, quotas, and sheikhdom. There must be clear criteria and equal opportunities, as the Crown Prince said. The sheikh is a citizen who is subject to the law and held accountable, and we say that the merchant is also a citizen, and the constitution stipulates that citizens are equal in rights.

  • I think that the first idea, which is to ban schools, is the worst of the options presented here. This is a bad thing, because the school is a beautiful thing, because the school and teachers are the ones who teach us useful sciences, and they are the ones who will encourage us to be equal and not favoritism. Everyone respects and appreciates the teachers' fatigue... Favoritism is a harsh and hateful thing. Parents do not like this behavior, and no one encourages it. In the second thought, I think it is bad behavior. We can get the family to participate and cooperate with this small company, and of course it will succeed because there is cooperation and love as well. In this company and also friends, I believe that friends do not represent an obstacle to the company, but rather contribute to its success because it is one hand and they will help each other. As for the third idea, I totally oppose it. How will we give to people of unknown origin and identity? This, in my opinion, will cause a major obstacle that could lead to theft of the company or The shop, this alone is a disaster. As for the fourth idea, it may be good, but for the person who does a good examination of the company every day, perhaps before people come to work and after, and noticing the difference, or doing a test for them before working in the company. As for the fifth idea, I have no idea.

    1. Hi Tidy_Juniper - on the third idea, although the job application would be anonymous, the employer would know the details of the employee before they hired them. It could help avoid discrimination in deciding who gets an interview for a job. Could you give an example of how this could prevent discrimination against potential employees by someone reviewing job applications?

      1. Hello, I liked your question... In my opinion, your words are correct, but there are employees and professionals who do not care to know who that person is, so I wrote according to the majority. The best thing here is that the applicant's data is closed so that the person who examines the applications does not see it
        Not seeing a person's data thus prevents discrimination
        For example, students in the Tawjihi here when exams do not discriminate, and this of course prevents nepotism. Thank you for your question ❤❤

      2. In a traditional job application process for a managerial position, unconscious biases and assumptions based on personal information can lead to discrimination and unconscious bias. This can disadvantage qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. Implementing an anonymous job application process can help mitigate these biases and promote a fairer selection process.With an anonymous job application process, the employer would receive applications without any personal identifiers or details that could reveal the applicant's identity. The applicant would be asked to submit their details about their qualifications, skills, experiences, but without disclosing their personal details like name,gender,age.Without access to personal details, the employer is forced to evaluate the applications solely based on merit and qualifications. They cannot rely on biased assumptions or prejudices tied to an applicant's personal information.As a result, the employer is more likely to shortlist candidates based on their actual qualifications and suitability for the managerial position, rather than being influenced by personal biases. So this allows qualified candidates from underrepresented groups a fair chance to be considered for managerial positions.

    2. I would like to disagree with this because public schools can as well function effectively as private schools. I feel that idea 1 isn't such a bad idea because this step will bring the people of a society closer, there wouldn't be any school for elite children that will make the public school kids feel below and will encourage nepotism, rather all the money put into the private school should be harvested and sown into the public schools, this will provide quality education for both the rich and the poor and it will encourage tolerance among children. The big question to ask is how efficiently will Unified education reduce nepotism?

      1. Certainly, the focus on public schools is important because, in my opinion, private education has turned science into a commodity and trading system. Which made this science confined to the rich class in society until we found that some private schools focus on money more than the science that the student will obtain.
        Thus, providing good infrastructure for public schools and taking care of the curriculum as well as competent teachers will ensure that everyone gets the same scientific value without discrimination.

  • The nature of human beings is quick to be affected and influence each other. Favoritism is a scourge and a disease that kills individuals and has a negative impact, especially as it serves some individual interests and marginalizes the overall interest. Tammam is a corrupt individual and tends to nepotism, discrimination and segregation

    1. Hi Thoughtful_Wolf - good to hear that you have some strong opinions on nepotism! Do you think any of the ideas above could help reduce the impact of nepotism?

      1. Some people don't really understand the dangers of nepotism that can destroy the world, but if we develop solutions to reduce nepotism, we can't completely reduce it, so we must make stricter laws, because this is considered unfair. For example, if a teacher and her daughter are in the same class and tend to discriminate between students, this reflects negatively on her, and the solution is to say that this bothers us, because she will certainly understand us because she will be keen to be an ideal and role model for her students.
        But there are more serious examples than this in companies that must put in place laws to hire only those who are able to perform the work.

  • How people who are not involved in nepotism can be affected negatively for example in a workplace:
    1. Leads to a Toxic Workplace:
    Nobody likes a toxic workplace that can lead to increased stress and burnout levels. However, with nepotism, a workplace becomes toxic, which is detrimental to organizational success.
    When employees spot nepotism, they feel undervalued and uncomfortable. This is because favoritism comes into play, and the employees feel low at work. Moreover, employees constantly fear that any action they take will be reported to the manager without them knowing about it. This can create unwanted conflict and harm employee relationships in the workplace.
    2. Poor Productivity and Engagement:
    With nepotism in the workplace, managers tend to appreciate only the employees they know well. No matter how bad their work ethics or performance are, they tend to slip away under the radar. In contrast, the employees that work hard and perform well are underappreciated.
    There is no room for recognition no matter how well an employee achieves their target. This diminishes the enthusiasm and there is a significant drop in employee morale. In the long run, it results in poor employee productivity, and the engagement levels drop significantly.
    3. Drop in Employee Satisfaction
    Without high levels of employee satisfaction, employee engagement becomes a hard shell to break. And this is what happens when nepotism is prevalent in the workplace.
    When employees sense the existence of nepotism, they tend to work less. One reason for this is that employees are aware that they will not receive recognition no matter how hard they work. When there is no appreciation or acknowledgment, employee satisfaction drops significantly, which can negatively impact the overall employee experience of the workforce. In the long run, organizational performance will drop and hamper the company's success rate
    4. High Employee Turn over:
    One of the negative consequences of workplace nepotism is increased employee turnover. This is because employees do not feel appreciated, and there is a significant drop in employee satisfaction.
    This prompts them to change jobs in search of better opportunities where they will be appreciated for their efforts. Furthermore, nepotism is likely to impede their ability to bring out the best in them because the work environment does not suit them. A good work culture is sustainable when you receive positive feedback from your employees, which aids in the development of a positive reputation. However, when nepotism exists within a company for an extended period of time, it brings a bad name to the company. There is a chance that your current or ex-employees do not trust the higher authority and would not recommend the company to others.
    A good work culture is sustainable when you receive positive feedback from your employees, which aids in the development of a positive reputation. However, when nepotism exists within a company for an extended period of time, it brings a bad name to the company. There is a chance that your current or ex-employees do not trust the higher authority and would not recommend the company to others.
    5. Damages Company Reputation:
    This can be detrimental when it comes to onboarding new talented employees and can make a difference in your company's success as result, employees tend to leave the organization in the long run.

    1. I completely agree with your comment. You've done a great job describing the various negative effects of nepotism in the workplace. I particularly appreciate how you organized your points into a list, making it easy to understand and remember. It's true that nepotism leads to a toxic workplace, which can harm employee morale and relationships. Additionally, the lack of recognition and appreciation for hardworking employees diminishes productivity and engagement. Moreover, the drop in employee satisfaction and the high turnover rate further highlight the damaging consequences of nepotism. Lastly, you rightly mentioned that a company's reputation can be tarnished when nepotism is prevalent, making it difficult to attract and retain talented employees. Overall, your points provide a comprehensive understanding of the negative impacts of nepotism in the workplace.

    2. Great points @tenacious_drum, can you think of any advantages of nepotism in a workplace?

      1. Yes there are advantages of Nepotism in the workplace.
        Some advantages of nepotism in the workplace are:
        1.Nepotism can help you bypass the competitive process and get ahead faster.
        2.Relatives can often provide support and encouragement, which can be helpful when you’re facing a difficult work situation.
        3.Nepotism can help build strong relationships within a company. This can make it easier to get things done and increase feelings of teamwork and camaraderie(mutal trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together).
        4.Finally, nepotism can help keep family businesses alive and thriving.
        These are some few advantages of nepotism in the workplace.

  • I would go with the third idea because if the job application is anonymous then it would be difficult for people to be practice nepotism and then everyone would do things the right way not considering anybody. I think everything would be better if the job application is anonymous because it is only those who are qualified for the job that would get the job, if it is someone that you are related that qualifies then it means the person is ready for the job. I am sure that a lot of businesses would go far if these is done.

    1. I agree @wonderful_kiwifruit, what specific things do you think should be kept anonymous in the application process?

      1. Here are some of the things that should be kept anonymous in the application process:
        These are the three major things that should be kept anonymous during an application because through this factors nepotism are the factors that aid nepotism.

  • Idea 1: Ban private schools - This idea may have a moderate impact on reducing nepotism, particularly in cases where private schools are used as a means of networking and building connections. However, it may not address the root causes of nepotism, and could potentially have negative consequences for those who rely on private schools for education.

    Idea 2: Make it illegal for people to ever hire friends or family - This idea could have a significant impact on reducing nepotism, particularly if enforced strictly. However, it may also be difficult to enforce and could potentially lead to unintended consequences, such as making it harder for small businesses to operate.

    Idea 3: Make all job applications anonymous - This idea could have a moderate impact on reducing nepotism by removing identifying information from job applications. However, it may not address the possibility of nepotism occurring during the interview process, and could make it more difficult for employers to assess candidates' qualifications and experience.

    Idea 4: Only allow one person in each family to work - This idea would have a significant impact on reducing nepotism, as it would limit the number of family members who could be hired within a given organization. However, it could also be difficult to enforce and could potentially lead to unintended consequences, such as limiting opportunities for families with multiple qualified individuals.

    In terms of how people who aren't involved in nepotism might be affected, the impact would likely depend on the specific idea being implemented. For example, banning private schools could potentially limit educational opportunities for some students, while making job applications anonymous could make it easier for qualified candidates to be considered fairly for positions.

    Other suggestions for addressing nepotism could include increasing transparency and accountability in hiring processes, implementing mandatory diversity training for managers and supervisors, and providing incentives for organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices.

    1. Yeah!you have really made an educating point here,I totally agree with you about your ideas ,but I will like to emphasize more on idea two.
      As we all know that the primary cause of nepotism at work place is hiring or given promotion to unqualified candidates which are closed relations or family member,it serves as a form of Favoritism in which the person in position of authority appoints relatives or family friends to different job, ignoring other talented employees because of ambitions,greed and selfishness. Like the Yoruba adage will say":a solution is often derived from it's problem" it is advisable that family members work somewhere else than the place where other family members work ,if this solution can be practiced,it is an assurance that Nepotism will reduce in work place.
      Also, I think there should be creation of anti nepotism policies,where rules and guidelines are put in place by an organization to prevent the hiring or promotion of family members or friends.
      If rules are put in place for the prevention of Nepotism in work places,the alarming nepotism will surely reduce.

      1. Hi Clever_Heart - we do need to find a solution to nepotism in the workplace. Would you apply your rules to all workplaces? Would it be difficult for small businesses such as a family owned shop? Would it be difficult for other family members if there's only one large employer in town?

        1. My suggestion is to apply rules against nepotism in all workplaces, regardless of their size or ownership structure. This means that both large corporations and small family-owned shops should be held accountable for any nepotistic practices.

          It might be more challenging for small businesses to comply with these rules since they may have close personal relationships with their employees, including family members. However, it's important to establish clear guidelines and procedures to ensure fair hiring and promotion practices, even within a family business.

          As for towns with only one large employer, it could indeed pose difficulties for other family members who are looking for work. In this case, it's crucial to promote transparency and equal opportunities, making sure that jobs are awarded based on qualifications and merit rather than personal connections. It's also worth exploring ways to diversify the local economy to create more job opportunities and reduce dependence on a single employer.

        2. Solutions to Nepotism in the Workplace:

          1.Create an Anti-nepotism policy that will be a part of your organization's list of company values.
          2.Develop anonymous employee feedback systems where they can raise their concerns if they witness nepotism.
          3.Resort to a hiring policy that onboards individuals based on experience and qualifications.
          4.Focus on what the needs are for the organization and hire accordingly or promote within the organization.
          Yes I will apply my rules to all workplaces.

          Would it be difficult for small businesses such as a family owned shop?
          Starting a new business with your family may sound like an exciting opportunity, and it could be a lucrative venture for you, your partner, your parents, your child, or another family member you partner with.
          Combining your personal and professional lives can be both rewarding and problematic depending on the type of business you own, the members you work with, and how you divide responsibilities and revenue.
          Here are the pros and cons you need to consider before starting a business with your family.
          Pros and Cons of Starting a Business With Your Family:
          1.You trust your business partners

          2.You understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses

          3.Spending work hours with your family by your side

          4.The money stays in the family

          5.You can maintain traditions

          1.Personal conflicts can interrupt business.

          2.No personal time off.

          3.Fewer rules can lead to too much leniency.

          4.Potential lack of fresh ideas.

          5.One revenue stream.

          To start your own family business, decide on an idea, read up on the basics of operating a business, and divide the responsibilities between the members who choose to be involved. Figure out how you’ll fund the business, whether through savings or a loan, and it’s important to set concrete goals. Set aside time to get the important tasks done and promote your new family business when it’s ready.

      2. You've raised important points about the impact of nepotism in the workplace and the need for effective solutions. Idea two, which suggests that family members should work somewhere else than the place where other family members work, can indeed be a potential solution to mitigate nepotism.

        By ensuring that family members work in separate organizations or departments, it helps to eliminate the preferential treatment and biased decision-making that often come with nepotism. It promotes a more fair and merit-based system where individuals are hired and promoted based on their qualifications and skills rather than their family connections.

        In addition to separating family members in the workplace, the implementation of anti-nepotism policies can be instrumental in preventing nepotism. These policies can establish clear guidelines and rules that explicitly prohibit the hiring or promotion of family members or close friends. By setting such standards, organizations can create a level playing field and promote equal opportunities for all employees.

        It is crucial for organizations to recognize the detrimental effects of nepotism on morale, productivity, and fairness within the workplace. By actively addressing nepotism through strategies like separate employment for family members and the implementation of anti-nepotism policies, organizations can foster a more inclusive and merit-based work environment.

        Overall, combating nepotism requires a combination of organizational policies, awareness, and a commitment to fairness and equal opportunities for all employees.

    2. I agree with your statements. Not everyone of these ideas are perfect. They all decrease nepotism in drastic ways, and these ideas can hurt people who don't even partake in the practice. I like how you tackled all of the ideas in concise ways, so you could get your point across quickly to keep the readers attention. Overall, I think your comment brings a lot to the table to think about.

    3. Great ideas @active_tradition, what sort of questions do you think should be asked in the diversity and inclusion section in applications?

  • Hello,
    • regarding the first proposal, it has the least effect on nepotism, because nepotism is not related to private schools, rather it is sometimes present in public schools in greater proportions, as they have more teachers, and therefore there are more children of teachers and principals who are distinguished from the rest of the students.
    • As for the second law, it makes it worse because it is one of the types of injustice. If the relative is qualified and unable to apply, then this is injustice
    •The third idea will have more influence on nepotism, because it will not be unjust to relatives or others, and the judgment will be on abilities in general, and I mention that in my country, during the correction of the competition exams, they cover the name, and then the correction takes place, and this is how we guarantee that the matter was done fairly
    •As for the fourth law, it is a great injustice to people and the destruction of capabilities and talents. If there are two talented people from the same family, the chances of them getting a job will be much less through this law.
    •The last suggestion is good, but not much, as companies are not always able to hire people, and the matter may be manipulated and hire more relatives, as it is not safe either.

    1. Hi Wise_Shrimp - it's good to hear your thoughts on the proposals. You mention that you consider the first proposal would have the least impact. Do you think people who attend private schools have any benefits over people who attend public schools? Would they be more likely to get successful jobs or have more contacts?

      1. Hi. My reply to your answer is that an success of an person doesn't rely on the atmosphere in which he/she is studying but it depends on the hard work and exposures that the person grabs when we are appling for an job they won't ask us which school we studied whether it is a public school or private school but only our achievements in it so people who studied in private schools will not have any advantages than the persons who studied in public school.

  • The most wonderful ideas will be the third. They will have power in preventing this phenomenon with the imposition of penalties. No one will be affected by corruption. As for the second idea, it will have the lowest rate of setting laws, stronger than any idea or authority, because laws are the same as power. Those who do not follow nepotism should spread Consciousness and if they see nepotism falling before them, they should not be silent about it. The law is my only suggestion to solve this bad dilemma.

    1. Hi Poetic_Nature - it's interesting that you think the most promising idea is the third one. Can you explain why you think this will be the case? Can you give an example?

      1. Hello, thank you. As we said, the law is the basis of the foundation of life so that life goes better for us by law and legislation. For example, the development of a law that prevents the head of any company or factory from using the policy of favoritism in his employment. If someone violates this law, there will be penalties issued by judicial legislation.

  • People are equal as the teeth of a comb. If honesty is absent, corruption and injustice will come. In my opinion, making all employment requests anonymous is the best, but a sincere whining person must be placed in this job, and the official must check. The worst is banning private schools because education has progressed and benefits society in the future. For example, there are people with Special needs cannot learn in government schools because special care must be provided for them. Corruption can be combated by 1. Punish those who implement the system of favoritism 2. Set strict penalties 3. Employing suitable people, favoritism has a significant negative impact on society, such as when a company is appointed by patronage, most of its workers are employed through it, and otherwise it is not in the field of his university specialization, because he does not understand this field much, which results from disrupting the work of the company and its economic activity, which affects the activity the Country

    1. Hi Trustful_Starfish - you give a good example that some people benefit from special educational needs support in private schools that is not available in the public sector. On your point on setting penalties for nepotism, how would this work? Would it be enforced by the police? Could there be downsides to this?

      1. The wind does not go as the ships desire. What you say is great, and I like your diligence in searching for solutions, but it is not ideal or even pushing people to implement it. I regret saying this, but no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to progress as long as each one of us does not change what is inside him and his heart to spread his principles in this matter. The world, many people wanted change and succeeded, like George Washington, in making America independent, or Mirabeau, the leader of the French campaign.

      2. Many of us believe that fighting nepotism is the responsibility of the government only because they are afraid of the consequences. But I believe that fighting nepotism and corruption is the responsibility of all. citizens and the government.. I read and think alot how to fight it or how to apply laws against it, here some suggestions that msy help us.
        * We have to increase community awareness of the harms of nepotism , or what we call in our Arab society the term Vitamin waw, the first letter of the arabic word Wasta. It will only cause problems.
        *Modern technological methods can also be used to detect administrative coruption, such as fingerprint devices, and opening a window on the Internet, for example, by setting an email to receive public complaints and verify them, with a commitment to confidentiality and not revealing the identity of the complainant, and this gives a sense of safety to the employee who sees wrong behavior and is afraid of officials.
        * Government oversight and inspection of officials could also be instituted as a means of weeding out nepotism and limiting its use.
        Through my research on this topic, I liked the concept of electronic government to serve the interests of citizens, as in this case the citizen's feeling of need for favoritism decreases as long as he deals with a rigid machine and not with humans, and here artificial intelligence appears.

  • Idea 2, making it illegal for people to hire friends or family, would likely have the biggest impact on nepotism. This is because it directly addresses the issue of hiring based on personal relationships, rather than qualifications or merit.

    Idea 1, banning private schools, would likely have the smallest impact on nepotism. While private schools may contribute to the problem of nepotism, they are not the root cause, and banning them would not necessarily eliminate nepotism altogether.

    People who aren't involved in nepotism could be positively affected by all of these ideas, as they would create a more level playing field for job applicants. However, some ideas could also have negative unintended consequences. For example, Idea 4 - only allowing one person in each family to work within an industry - could unfairly limit job opportunities for people from large families.

    As for Idea 5, giving businesses money to hire people, it could positively affect both job seekers and businesses, by increasing employment opportunities and helping companies grow. However, it may not have a direct impact on nepotism, as businesses could still choose to hire friends or family members over other qualified candidates.

    1. Hi Noble_Cranberry - it's interesting to hear that you think Idea 2 would have the biggest impact on nepotism. What happens if someone is the best qualified for a job and a family member? What should happen then?

  • If we implement the first option, many students will be wronged because they are not involved in nepotism, so what is their fault?! What I suggested is that workers be employed according to their experience first and foremost. If there was a person close to the manager who applied for employment, then he suggested that another person test him. That is, a person from another family who has nothing to do with the applicants is put to test his abilities. This is the surest way, in my opinion, to prevent nepotism. Or what do you think of imposing harsh penalties for those who break the law so that the person can be an example to others?!!

  • First, I want to say something that nepotism is a disease and has many consequences, such as it destroys society and prevents people from their natural rights, but the worst idea was to prevent nepotism by banning private schools because I think schools have the least effect on increasing nepotism.

    1. Hi Playful_Snake - you're right that nepotism has many consequences. Which of the ideas do you think would have the most impact? Why?

  • The idea with the biggest impact on nepotism would be Idea 2: making it illegal for people to ever hire friends or family. This would create a clear and enforceable rule against nepotism and would require all employers to make hiring decisions based solely on qualifications and merit.

    The idea with the smallest impact on nepotism would be Idea 4: only allow one person in each family to work within an industry. This could be easily circumvented by having family members work in different industries or by creating new positions within the same industry.

    People who aren't involved in nepotism would likely be positively affected by Idea 3: make all job applications anonymous. This would create a fairer hiring process and ensure that job applicants are evaluated solely on their qualifications and not on their name or connections.

    Idea 1: ban private schools, while a worthwhile goal for other reasons, would have a limited impact on nepotism as it primarily affects access to education rather than job opportunities.

    Idea 5: give businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry, could be positive for job seekers who are new to the industry, but may not necessarily address the root cause of nepotism in hiring practices.

    But my suggestions to address nepotism could include requiring all job postings to be publicly advertised, setting clear diversity and inclusion goals for companies, and providing unconscious bias training for hiring managers. It's important to address nepotism in a comprehensive way that includes education, awareness, and policy changes.

    1. Hi @Thoughtful_Cliff - Idea 2 would have a huge impact on nepotism, you are right. But is it perhaps too restrictive? How would a family owned business operate?

      You've made some fantastic points on setting D&I goals and training for those who are hiring; most larger companies have adopted some measure of education to help weed nepotism out.

      1. Alex @ KPMG,
        You raise a valid concern regarding the potential impact of Idea 2 on family-owned businesses. While making it illegal for people to hire friends or family would significantly address nepotism, it is essential to consider the specific dynamics and requirements of family-owned businesses.

        Family-owned businesses often rely on the expertise, trust, and cohesion that comes from working with family members. Completely prohibiting them from hiring relatives could have unintended consequences and might hinder the smooth functioning of such enterprises.

        To strike a balance, regulations could be implemented that ensure transparency and fairness in the hiring process within family-owned businesses. This might involve requiring them to advertise job openings publicly, demonstrate clear job qualifications and selection criteria, and establish mechanisms to prevent undue favoritism or nepotistic practices.

        Additionally, family-owned businesses could be encouraged to adopt diversity and inclusion practices within their hiring processes, providing opportunities for external candidates and avoiding excessive concentration of power or exclusionary practices. While education and training programs are indeed valuable in addressing nepotism, it's important to continuously evaluate their effectiveness and ensure they are implemented consistently across organizations of all sizes. By combining education and policy measures, it is possible to create an environment that fosters fair and merit-based hiring practices while acknowledging the unique circumstances of family-owned businesses.

        Addressing nepotism comprehensively requires a multi-faceted approach, taking into account the specific contexts and dynamics of different industries and organizations. Striking the right balance between fairness, inclusivity, and the unique considerations of family-owned businesses will be key in creating a more equitable and merit-based employment landscape.

        When considering how family-owned businesses would operate under such regulations, it's important to strike a balance between addressing nepotism and recognizing the legitimate dynamics of these businesses. Here are a few possible approaches:

        Clear guidelines and disclosure: Instead of an outright ban, regulations can require family-owned businesses to establish clear guidelines and disclosure policies regarding the employment of relatives. This would ensure transparency and help prevent nepotism by providing visibility into the decision-making process.

        Demonstrating qualifications and merit: Family-owned businesses could be required to demonstrate that hiring decisions are based on qualifications and merit rather than solely on familial relationships. This could involve setting specific criteria, conducting objective assessments, and maintaining records of the hiring process.

        External oversight: Implementing mechanisms for external oversight, such as independent review boards or audit processes, can help ensure fairness and accountability within family-owned businesses. These external entities can assess and monitor hiring practices to ensure they align with the principles of meritocracy and equal opportunity.

        Supporting diversity and inclusion: Family-owned businesses could be encouraged to actively promote diversity and inclusion in their workforce. This can be achieved by establishing diversity goals, actively seeking external candidates, and providing equal opportunities for advancement within the organization.

        Collaborative approaches: Engaging family-owned businesses in collaborative discussions with relevant stakeholders, such as industry associations, trade unions, or regulatory bodies, can help develop mutually agreeable guidelines and best practices that balance the unique needs of these businesses with the goal of combating nepotism.

        It's important to note that the specific regulations and approaches would need to be carefully crafted, taking into consideration the legal, cultural, and economic contexts of each jurisdiction. The aim should be to foster fairness, equal opportunities, and merit-based practices while acknowledging the specific circumstances of family-owned businesses.

  • First.... hi👋
    💥As I spoke earlier on the subject of nepotism.....we begin by giving a definition to it: providing assistance to a family member to earn something or get a job....
    💥 And I think nepotism is like cheating.. ❌
    💥 We have to limit it, and the most important ways that I see can have a positive effect:
    1. Awareness of the dangers of nepotism...
    2. Try as much as possible so that the arbitrator does not know the convicted person...
    🔚 Finally, if this member of my family wants to help me... let him do it in the right way.... such as helping me study... and urging me to work hard.
    And bye 👋😊

  • My opinions on the impact of all the above ideas:
    IDEA1-ban private schools
    I think that this will never give impact to Nepotism. Is it a rule that only people who are under Nepotism could study in an private school ?minimum they will be only one or two Government schools in an area so if all the private schools or banded it will result in only shortage of educational centres and many teachers will lose their jobs and all the private school organisations will start to strike this will only cause great damage to the economy of the country but will never cause any impact in lessening the Nepotism people, who are not under Nepotism could also get affected and how will we know that and person is under nepotism in a very young age as every child will be in the support of of there parents in their childhood days??.
    Idea 2
    make it illegal for people to ever hire friends or family- I think that this will be impossible to implement and even if it is implemented it will only cause damage to the ones who are not under Nepotism just because they know one person in that organisation they might not get appointed their even if they have that talent and skills within them this will not only stop Nepotism but also many peoples dream.
    Idea 3
    make all job applications anonymous- If we make all job applications anonymous then fraudisum will start occurring as people will start showing fake certificate and identity and it will not suit for few fields like acting in which the person's personality is also considered so how could they choose the appropriate character for that movie if they are anonymous.
    Idea 4
    Only allow one person in each family to work within an industry-
    This will also cause damage to people with real talent and passion just because one of their family member is with that profession they will be unable to choose that profession and this will not be applicable for many professions and and sometimes quaral might occur within the family.
    Idea 5
    Give businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry-
    First of all who will give that money the government? the ones who are against nepotism? and we are only giving them money to hire people so the amount of people they hire is depending upon that money we give them so they could apoint the amount of people for the money they get and apoint other people on their own wish as it is their own right to choose, it could be anyone even their family member!

    1. I think the fifth idea is okay, but by appointing talented employees who deserve the job, but the fourth idea would be better if applied because it would eliminate nepotism in any society and when there is one person from each family working in the industry, there will be an opportunity for other businesses to work with

    2. Regarding the third idea, don't you see that you have rushed, because the idea may really help in eliminating nepotism by taking what I said about it seriously? This idea may help, but I would like to say that it is a funny and absurd idea, because it shows how there is no integrity and that the laws will force him not to follow nepotism, because from within he did not like the matter, so if you want equality, spread it. I know someone will come and ask how is that? The matter is simple. Awareness campaigns for children, and celebrities will help by influencing their followers. The Internet is the most widespread, and the use of education by adding nepotism and favoritism to the curricula. This will open the door for students to beware of favoritism, as they know its risks and harms, and they know that it may benefit them, but it may harm others.

    3. Hi @Productive_Redcurrant - thanks for giving your summary. It doesn't sound like you agree with any of the ideas - it'd be great to hear your suggestions, how do you think we should limit the effect of nepotism?

      1. Yes I disagree with all the statements because some things cannot be stopped or controlled due to laws and rules like emotions and feelings for instance few people will be really high tempered to people who they doesn't like and behave sweet to the people they like this is also an act of inequality and partiality which cannot be stopped by imposing laws like wise the nepotism is within every one of us it cannot be stoped the only thing I think we can do is to stay away from nepotism as much as we can as this is how the world works.

  • I think the banning of school will affect those who aren't involved in nepotism negatively. Because if schools are banned, it will affect the students in that school.And I also think that making all jobs anonymous will not help about the issues of nepotism I think it will even increase it because, some family members are in a large number and some people have a large number of friends so, they will add them to that particular job. I think that only one member of a family should work in a particular job.I said this because if a member of a family apply, that person working there will not have a chance to ask someone to try applying for the job or that person has to resign from the job.

    1. I agree with you and would like to elaborate on the first sentence you have mentioned intrepid_ocean. I for certain know that studying to get into a private school is hard. I have experience as I have done the 11 plus a few months ago and I started to prepare 3 years earlier. It is such a satisfying sensation when you have finished with these exams and all of those hours of arduous work has paid off. If a girl managed to get into the number 1 secondary school in the UK which is Saint Paul's private school, it would be a gut-wrenching feeling to know that this school is banned the following year. What happens to those people that received a conformation letter on first of March that they got in? Does the government just carelessly plonk them into a school regardless of their ranking? Every person has a different level of intelligence and banning particular schools that have a high status can deprive a child of maximising their full potential. All for what: nepotism? Most of the time, people do not even realise they are using nepotism because people tend to confuse the border between nepotism and owing someone a favour. Yes, some private schools are ridiculously expensive but this comes at good cost because the child is then provided with high quality lunch food and good educational resources. So, I believe number 1 is a flawed idea, do you?

  • I think law 2: Make it illegal for people to ever hire friends or family would have largest impact on nepotism. Because if we prohibit people to hire friends or family members, it can definitely eliminate favoritism in the work place. If this law is enforced strictly, it can potentially reduce the influence of personal connections which refers to nepotism. It prevents situations where positions are exclusively reserved for or prioritized for those with personal connections, allowing a more inclusive and competitive job market. By enforcing this law, we can ensure that the jobs are filled only based on skills, merits, qualifications rather than personal connections.The rationale behind this idea is to promote fairness and meritocracy by removing personal connections as a basis for hiring decisions. And all other laws could have a moderate impact on nepotism. And I think banning private schools would have a minimal impact on nepotism as it's not directly linked to nepotism. Nepotism mostly concerns about job hiring, employment and stuffs. Banning private schools would limit the educational choices available to families and potentially undermine the benefits they offer. While private schools may contribute to social inequality and privilege, they are not directly linked to nepotism.

    1. Hi @Flowing_Chocolate - Do you think idea #2 is a good idea? How do you think it would impact smaller businesses, especially those family owned or run?

      1. I think there may be some pros like it reduces nepotism by hiring employees based on merits and skills but before implementing this idea 2, we must see and consider several factors before determining it's overall impact. Smaller businesses, especially those family owned or run mostly rely on family connections when hiring staffs. So if they are prohibited to hire friends or family , this could disrupt their established practices, and make them to seek for alternative talents. Smaller businesses especially those in remote areas face challenges when it comes to hiring qualified candidates who are not connected to the family. They may not have access to large talent pool and it makes them harder to attract talented employees.Family-owned businesses often have long-term goals of passing the business down to the next generation. So prohibiting the hiring of family members could complicate succession planning.To reduce the potential negative impact on smaller businesses, some steps can be taken like phased implementation, exemptions for specific circumstances, or alternative support mechanisms.

  • Giving businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry will have the biggest impact to nepotism because, everyone deserves a chance to get a job irrespective of their status.
    I think banning private schools would have the smallest impact on nepotism because if the school owners decides to use nepotism to hire the teachers then quality of education in the school will be poor and people will not want to enrol their children in the school which will lead to low profit and closure of the school.
    They will feel positive, because they are not being treated by nepotism so other workers can get the opportunity too. But they can feel negative because people will not get the opportunity of being promoted because of favoritism.
    Yes, I have another suggestion about what can be done about nepotism which is to create more job opportunities so jobs will be available to all

  • In my opinion idea 3 would have the biggest impact on nepotism because if the employers don't know the person applying for the job, they will be able to chose the most qualified person through their resume without being partial. As such the organization will have qualified team members to make it progress.
    I think idea 4 would have the smallest impact on nepotism because people might use fake identity to get the job so that others will not know they have any relative in the organization . This will prevent other qualified people to get the job.
    People who are not involved in nepotism are affected positively because they will give everyone a fair chance of being employed which will develop their organization. They can also be negatively because some of their own family members can be unemployed.
    I think another thing that can be done to stop nepotism is to shut down any organization caught doing nepotism and fine them. This will serve as an example to others and they might reduce or stop the act of nepotism

  • I believe Idea 5 is a flawed concept that should be prohibited from being instituted. Nepotism should not be allowed but we should not use other misleading things to eradicate it. In this instance, Idea 5 would be bribery, by luring one to do things a specific way with forms of currency. Businesses should hire talented people that have what it takes to thrive in a particular field of the labouring industry. Should their windows of opportunities be diminished just because they have similar DNA to their siblings? This is not nepotism but bias and inequality which will not be as such to an only child. I believe an option to prevent nepotism as well as bias from coming into play is a vote of who to hire or not. 9 or any odd number of important people in the industry should interview these people and in the end, it does not matter who knows who because that is just one person's vote. Eventually, everyone will earn opportunities in a fair and well-mannered way.

    1. Hi @Accurate_Atom - On idea #5, you might be interested to know that the UK Government gives qualifying businesses money when hiring apprentices, which is a similar approach; are you sure this is a bad idea? It's designed to create more opportunities for young people by making businesses more accepting of the financial risk.

      You do make some good points however - many larger companies will have either multiple stages of interviews, or multiple people interviewing, and very strict policies around employees not being involved in interviewing people they know.

      1. Thinking about it, you said that it creates opportunities for young people, but we have to be careful because it may be used in a way that helps spread favoritism, as it is a natural tendency in man and an instinct that has been present since his birth. In America, a study was conducted on favoritism among managers and officials, and it was found that 92% of them use it, and this He confirms that this idea will contribute to the spread of wasta. Some laws to eliminate it include the formation of committees that monitor high-ranking officials and monitor their budgets before starting work and after completion.

  • 🤔Idea 1 is terrible I don't know what private schools have to do with nepotism
    Idea 2 will have the biggest impact on nepotism because making it illegal for people to hire family and friends will make the biggest impact on nepotism except it will be unfair if the family and friends and very qualified.
    Idea 3 also will have a big impact on nepotism. Since the people will not know who is applying.
    Idea 4 I don't actually think it will be fair to the rest of the family
    Idea 5 doesn't really actually help the business because they may employ someone that you don't approve of that will make a😭 negative impact on the business.

  • In my opinion the idea that would have the most impact in nepotism is idea 3 to make all job applications anonymous this will reduce inequality because the employer will not know candidate identity so the employer will not know either the person is a relative or not but instead will consider the person’s qualifications through this the process will be fair and unbiased.
    Well the idea I think will not make an impact on nepotism is idea 1 this is because banning of private school will affect the students education, and it is not their faults that they ere nepotism-babies it is their parents and even still nepotism is present everywhere either private or public schools the because if the parents take their children to public school they will still ensure that they get special treatment so for this I feel banning private schools wouldn’t change anything
    The idea that I think will affect people negatively is idea 4 allowing one person each in a family to work in an industry is not a right thing to do this is because , for example what if in a family two of the children studies or learn the same field of education or expertise and the only way for them to work and showcase their abilities is to work in a particular industry , so will it be right if one is allowed and the other is denied because they are related? , this is not right , what i believe is , just be fair and equal help if you can and ensure that no one is treated badly or unfairly and that you don’t need to be related to someone before you can help them.

    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective on the different ideas to address nepotism. Let's delve into your points in more detail:

      Idea 3: Making job applications anonymous: You believe that making job applications anonymous would have the most significant impact on nepotism. By removing personal identifiers, such as names or personal connections, employers can focus solely on evaluating candidates based on their qualifications and skills. This approach aims to create a fairer and unbiased selection process.

      Idea 1: Banning private schools: You expressed the opinion that banning private schools may not have a substantial impact on nepotism. While nepotism can occur in various educational settings, including both private and public schools, you believe that targeting private schools alone wouldn't effectively address the issue. Additionally, it's important to consider the potential negative impact on students' education if private schools were banned.

      Idea 4: Allowing only one family member to work in an industry: You argue that limiting the number of family members allowed to work in a particular industry can have negative consequences. It may create unfair situations for individuals within the same family who have studied or specialized in the same field. Denying opportunities based on familial relationships can be seen as unjust, and it's important to promote fairness and equal treatment.

      Your viewpoint emphasizes the importance of fairness, equal opportunities, and a merit-based approach to combat nepotism. These principles encourage treating individuals based on their qualifications, skills, and abilities rather than their family connections. Striving for a level playing field and ensuring that no one is treated unfairly is an important goal to address nepotism effectively.

      Overall, addressing nepotism requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses multiple strategies, including promoting transparency, implementing fair selection processes, and fostering a culture of equal opportunities. By combining these efforts, we can work towards a more equitable and merit-based society.

  • What would have the biggest impact on nepotism is “ make it illegal for people to ever hire family and friends because it would reduce the rate of nepotism and if it’s illegal to hire family and friends other people will have the opportunity to apply and get hired and if the family and friends are hired it would seem like favoritism.
    What will have the smallest impact on nepotism is only allow one person in each family to work within an industry because even if there is only one family member working in an industry they will still be favored which then wouldn’t have any impact on nepotism.
    People who aren’t involved in Nepotism can be negatively affected by banning private schools because if private schools are banned they will have to depend on public schools and the public schools are already over crowded and would not give them the full knowledge unlike private schools which will help them since they have a lower class size.
    I think the best suggestion for nepotism is to stop being nepotistic and try to think of it if you were in the other people’s shoes, how would you feel.

    1. Hi @Active_Black_Bear - do you think idea #1 is well thought out? It's good we can create a clearly enforceable rule, but how would this affect smaller, family owned businesses?

  • First of all i would like to point out idea 1,2 and 4. Honestly i do not consider them to be very reasonable.
    Idea 1 is to ban private schools. Yes, i agree that the owner of the school can hire his or her family members as teachers and they may be incompetent leading to poor quality education. But i think going ahead to ban all private schools is going a bit too far. Private schools do not depend on governmental funds to run the school and honestly private schools are better than public schools in my country.
    Idea 2 is to make it illegal for anyone to ever hire a family member. Nepotism is when you favour your family members above other people, but sometimes some people might actually just want to help out their family member that is going through a hard time. Hiring a family member does not necesserily mean practicing nepotism. Some people may have no intention of practicing nepotism but they cannot even help out their family member because it is illegal.
    Idea 4 is to only allow one person in each family work within an industry. I think that it is not fair. Some people might have the same family name, but their lives may be totally different. One of them may have a stable job and is perfectly stable financially but the other might be really struggling to make ends meet. If he decides to apply for a job in the same industry as his relative, he will be rejected all because his relative happened to already work there. Nepotism might occur at some point but banning it altogether is not completely reasonable.
    All these ideas can combat nepotism but i think they will create a problem at the same time. I think the best idea is number 3, after all someone cannot influence the officials if they do not know who they are or who they are related to. People will be hired strictly by merit and not by family ties.

  • I feel option one is really inconsiderate to ban private schools, no please I feel if one should ban private schools it can even increase nepotism for people in political offices for example private schools inmost countries are better than government schools in offering quality educating and exposing children to the right life. If everyone attends a substandard government school everything will be equality learning but everyone will be low in standards of education in life. and will downgrade such a country with such students n the world compared to others with diversity of good education so there will be "similarity in stupidity" it will be like a blind man leading a blind man both will end up in a pit. This opinion is goodto stop nepotism but bad for the future results in the end.

  • Hola,
    I agree with Idea 4 because this would help obstruct the spread of nepotism and favoritism, If only one person from each family was allowed to work in a company different people would have the chance to work in any company of their choice with the right qualifications.
    I also agree with Idea 3 if all the workers to turn in their applications were made anonymous it would abolish the claims of nepotism or favoritism, only people who have met up to the standards and the qualifications of the company would be employed this would reduce the rate of incompetent workers as everyone who would be employed would have had experience in the job or must have had the right qualifications.

  • Nepotism is really bad for the economy but research suggests most people in Indonesia underestimate it. But based on my research, it is said that despite the numbers, the interviews show that nepotism is seen to have way worse consequences than corruption.
    In the place of work, nepotism’s ca have negative side effects like when you are treated unjustly, partial when making decisions, prohibition in practices, and resentment. In smaller business where it is run by a family, nepotism which is considered as a disadvantage is an advantage here because for building a legacy or reducing employee turnover, since family members may be loyal more than outsiders.

  • I think that ideas 1 and 2 are not exactly logical. Banning private schools will put teachers out of jobs, and burden public schools with plenty students. The whole idea of private schools is to allow for more privacy, so it's easier to check on both teachers' and students' behaviours, to prevent misdemeanor. Idea 3 makes sense, if all job applications are anonymous, it will be way harder for employers to pick workers based on favouritism. So does idea 4. It keeps the family and the public happy. Picking only one QUALIFIED family member to work for you ensures that while you are supporting your family, you are also giving other job applicants a chance to try and succeed.
    Idea 5 makes sense, but is also somewhat questionable. Giving businesses money to hire those new to the industry reduces the unemployment rate, but some companies may not need more workers. In fact, they may have excess workers. And employing "newbies" means fresh ideas and fresh creativity, but sometimes worker experience is needed to qualify some to acquire jobs.
    I believe that idea 3 would have the biggest impact on nepotism. Workers would definitely be picked based on their qualifications, not based on preference.
    The smallest impact would have to be idea 5. Even if a business is given money to hire new workers, nothing stops the business owners from hiring friends or family.
    Based on the ideas rendered above, they have both a positive and negative effect on people who aren't involved in nepotism. Ideas 3 and 4 could really help them positively, because they'd both reduce the occurrence of favoritism. Idea 1 would affect them negatively because closing down schools is always a bad idea, public or private. People need education to make a positive impact on society.
    I do have one idea to add, though. Companies should treat all employees as equals, not show preferences. People tend to work better with all their efforts if they know that they're appreciated, and that no worker is more valued than they are.

  • I think idea 3 could positively affect individuals who are not involved in nepotism by providing fairer evaluation of their qualifications and skills. When employers receive job applications without any personal details, they only concentrate on the applicant's qualifications, skills and merits. So that they can select individuals based on their potential capacities without considering factors like name, gender, backgrounds. It increases the chances of making selection based on merits. And when it comes to idea 4 I think it even restricts individuals within the families who genuinely posses qualifications and skills required for certain positions. It definitely penalize them as they deserve the opportunities. It's important to create rules that effectively address nepotism without unfairly disadvantaging people solely because of their family connections.To prevent bias and nepotism, we can create diverse groups of people who review and make hiring decisions. By including individuals with different backgrounds and perspectives, the chances of favoritism and unfair practices decrease.

    1. Hi @Flowing_Chocolate - Idea #3 is something often used in larger organisations, along with internal training to help us limit bias while interviewing - well done on identifying it as a good idea! Can you think of any other ways we might try to avoid bias while interviewing?

      1. We can create a typical set of questions for the employees so that all applicant can be accessed based on same criteria. We can ask candidates to provide specific examples of their past experiences, behavior, and problem-solving skills to assess their capabilities. We can conduct multiple interviews with different interviewers so that it minimizes the impact of individual biases or first impressions. We can collect feedbacks from both side that is from the interviewers as well as from the applicant so that we can ensure that there is no issues and we can make adjustments accordingly. And most importantly we must remove personal identity informations like name, gender, age from resumes before its been reviewed by the interviewer so that they only focuses on candidate's skills, experiences and stuffs. And reviewing the interview process continuesly so that no potential issues happen.

  • Nepotism can be stopped in different ways, by only allowing one person in each family to work within an industry and making illegal for people to hire friends and family because by hiring them it can damage the business organization.

  • In my opinion, Idea 1 i.e, banning private schools is unnecessary and it has smallest impact on nepotism. It may contribute to social inequality. For example, Keerthi ordinary middle class family is good at studies and extracurricular activities. Shreya daughter of a teacher working in the same school and she is an average student. Here, Shreya will get more chance as she is a daughter of a teacher. If this exists, that too among them will create problems. If we ban private schools there will be some government schools and it leads to lack of educational institutions and teachers will suffer.
    Idea 2, I accept that it is illegal for people to hire friends or family. Hiring them without talent not only affects the organisation but also colleagues. It might bring lack of diversity and personal issues. What can be done to stop this is Advertising for the posts available and choose the best talent will there be a growth among the environment.

  • Idea 1: (Ban private schools) The idea of banning private schools is a bad choice, even though a lot of people use private schools as a source of connection to other people. If we ban private schools, students who have scholarships to private schools will be affected negatively, and maybe their parents might not have enough money to enroll them in a government school.

    Idea 2(Make it illegal for people to even hire friends or family) The idea of making it illegal for people to hire family or friends increases the number of people getting jobs that are qualified for them, thus it reduces nepotism. However, if this idea continues to go on, a person cannot help his or her family in achieving something great or making a life for themselves if the person’s family member or friend is qualified for that job position.

    Idea 3(Make all job applications anonymous) The idea of making job applications anonymous will help in reducing nepotism, however, this idea will make it difficult when people are having an interview with the employers. What I mean by this is that maybe the people having the interview, might not be pleased with the condition of the working services the employers have to offer.

    Idea 4(Only allow one person in each family to work within an industry) This idea, is almost the same as the one in Idea 3. If we only allow one person in each family to work within an industry it will be a great way of reducing nepotism because people will not be biased towards their family, however, it might not be a great idea because people cannot help their family members who are qualified to be in that specific industry.

    Idea 5(Give businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry) If we start giving money to a business to hire people new to the industry, it will be chaotic. What I mean by this is that imagine businesses give money to hire doctors who are new medical industry, they might end up killing someone because they don't have a lot of experience.

    I think that none of these ideas will be the biggest impact on nepotism. Therefore I think that people should not give away positions easily to family and friends, they should interview them and make sure they are qualified and experienced before giving them jobs.

  • Families should cease to bring their friends and relatives to work in the same location, as I believe Idea 4 would function flawlessly. Recognise that family crises may prevent various workers from being available when needed; additionally, recognise that if a representative's companion is hired and that representative is close to the employing supervisor, yet another representative's companion isn't hired, the subsequent worker may feel as though the employing chief aided their companion's life partner rather than pursuing a choice based on abilities. Not working in the same industry will also prohibit them from misusing their authority and seizing control of the rights of other employees. On the other hand, even if they are not in the same business, families may still get friends and family members into other enterprises because of their fame and popularity; I feel there should be a policy to prevent such from occurring. The important thing here, I feel, is to provide everyone with a level playing field.

  • I'll choose Idea 3: Make all job applications anonymous.

    The idea that would have the biggest impact on nepotism: This idea would have a significant impact on nepotism as employers would be unable to identify the applicant's name, address, or educational background. This would prevent them from making biased decisions based on such factors.

    The idea that would have the smallest impact on nepotism: Idea 1: Ban private schools would have the smallest impact on nepotism as not all nepotism occurs due to private schools.

    How might people who aren't involved in nepotism be positively or negatively affected? People who aren't involved in nepotism may be positively affected as they would have an equal opportunity to secure employment based solely on their qualifications and experience, rather than personal connections. However, some people who have gained employment through nepotism may be negatively affected.

    Other suggestions for what could be done about nepotism include:

    Establishing a code of ethics that prohibits nepotism in the workplace.
    Creating a whistleblower system that allows employees to report instances of nepotism without fear of retaliation.
    Encouraging companies to establish diversity and inclusion initiatives to help mitigate the impact of nepotism and promote a more equitable work environment.

  • Idea 1 doesn't exactly make any sense. Banning Private Schools would not create jobs and flood teachers and children in public schools which won't be great. In Idea 3, making all job applications anonymous will mean that it will be hard for employers to select employees based on favoritism and it will provide fresh space for new people. But it will create problems if the employers wanted to know their criminal records. Idea 5 will probably be useless. The money given to businesses to hire people will probably never be spent on hiring new people if they will be flooded with employees. But it will surely create fresh opportunities in businesses where workers are needed. Idea 4 won't probably work because it will surely drive the future generation into unemployment due to their families' records of working in most industries.
    I think that Idea 5 will have the biggest impact on nepotism as it will create job opportunities for new people in industries which will gain them more experience which will eventually lead to developments in various fields.
    I think that Idea 1 will have little or no impact on nepotism by banning private schools and will instead increase the burden and pressure on governments to increase their funding on public schools to hire the teachers and admissions students which will probably lead to less focus on other industries by the government.
    People can be positively impacted by Ideas 2 and 5 which support employment but negatively impacted by Idea 1 by pressuring the government and public schools.
    I think we should pass a rule that allows hiring family members for specific generations and then allow everybody.

    1. I agree with you because almost all options have nothing to do with favoritism, and this will not affect favoritism at all, but I think that 5 is perhaps the best because it will give new people an opportunity to get acquainted with new jobs and also 2 to ensure that there is no favoritism, but it also will not be a sufficient solution for the demise of favoritism ... that Favoritism is a virus that should be eradicated as soon as possible, right

    2. Hi @Trusting_Theory - I agree that #1 doesn't make direct sense, but it's interesting in the context of our home country (The UK!) - It's worth taking a look at how many of our Prime Ministers have come from Eton; it's a private school, have you heard about it before?

      I think banning private schools is the wrong idea, I agree - but do you think there is more our government, specifically, can do to encourage fair representation in Parliament?

  • I think that banning private schools would be the best option overall. Private schooling can foster the idea of superiority above other people, and make them believe that there is something that they have that others lack. Additionally, private schools give people access to both the kids and adults who could potentially later down the road, give their fellow classmates an unfair advantage over others because of their influence and connections.

    1. Hi Outstanding_Raspberry - it's good to hear your thoughts on private schools. How important do you think private schools are to creating these networks? If we banned private schools, could people with money still have access to networks of people with influence?

    2. Great point, do you think there would be any negative consequences of banning private schools?

  • Firstly,idea number one seems to be thr worst option out of all for me.The banning of private schools would (in my opinion) have the smallest impact on nepotism.
    Next up,idea number two, I feel as though this is too harsh and may also have some disadvantages.Hiring of family members and friends is NOT equal to nepotism,it is only when you hire them and show favouritism towards them that it is nepotism.So I think this is a way that people who are not involved in nepotism can be negatively affected although it would have some impact.
    Those who are not involved in nepotism would be greatly affected in the sense that they may no longer feel comfortable when they notice the favouritism that is going on in that organisation.
    Third of all,idea number three I think this idea would have the largest impact out of all.The person's identity will remain unknown so they would only be employed based on job qualifications.However,after the person has been employed and the identity is revealed to be that of a close friend,family member etc.It may still lead to favouritism.

  • Firstly,idea number one seems to be thr worst option out of all for me.The banning of private schools would (in my opinion) have the smallest impact on nepotism.
    Next up,idea number two, I feel as though this is too harsh and may also have some disadvantages.Hiring of family members and friends is NOT equal to nepotism,it is only when you hire them and show favouritism towards them that it is nepotism.So I think this is a way that people who are not involved in nepotism can be negatively affected although it would have some impact.
    Those who are not involved in nepotism would be greatly affected in the sense that they may no longer feel comfortable when they notice the favouritism that is going on in that organisation.
    Third of all,idea number three I think this idea would have the largest impact out of all.The person's identity will remain unknown so they would only be employed based on job qualifications.However,after the person has been employed and the identity is revealed to be that of a close friend,family member etc.It may still lead to favouritism.
    Additionally,idea number four,is useless in my opinion,it may have some impact on nepotism but not enough.Its like throwing a rock into a boundless sea.
    Lastly, idea number five in my opinion is worse than that of idea number four.I do not see how giving businesses money to hire people who are new to the industry will help nepotism in anyway.
    In addition,I think the most effective way through nepotism can be stopped is by workers going on strike in an organisation.Strikes are the most effective way for the voices of employees to be heard.

  • Idea 1: Banning private schools This idea I do not like because through it we cannot reduce nepotism because when private schools are banned all students will come to study in government schools, which will increase the exhaustion of teachers and discrimination will be made between students because some students in private schools are from the velvet class .
    Idea 2: Make it illegal for people to hire friends and relatives. I also don't like this idea because if I have a relative or one of my family members who has higher qualifications than other people, then he has the right to own that job.
    Idea 3: Make job applications anonymous. I liked this idea because through it, favoritism will be reduced because the person will be anonymous, which makes the person in charge of the job applications not know him, so he will be hired according to his skills and qualifications.
    Idea 4: Allowing only one person in the family to do this idea will have an impact on reducing favoritism because it will allow others to be employed and increase job opportunities.
    Idea 5: I like it because the company's finances will be increased, which will allow it to employ a greater number of people, which will reduce favoritism

    1. What if private schools were turned into public schools?

      1. What if private schools turned into public?
        It will have its pros and cons:
        Of the minuses:
        *1 It will have a great effect for nepotism, because the rich students of private schools will be discriminated against, and if their parents have friends in public schools, then it will have a greater effect of favoritism.
        * 2 Exhaustion and fatigue for teachers because there will be a large number of schools and additional classes.
        * 3 Low salary because there are many teachers, there is no amount to suffice them.
        Among its advantages:
        ★1 Increasing job opportunities through the number of large schools, new teachers will be employed.
        ★2 Make rich students mingle with society
        * 3 Create new relationships and friendships

  • I do not agree with ideas 1 and 2, because this thought will have a negative impact on the first idea. The number of students will increase, which will increase the number of schools and teachers, and favoritism. The second idea is because there may be someone in my family who has higher qualifications than people who are not close to me.
    As for the factor 3, 4, 5, I agree with it, because in the third idea, the person applying for the job will not be known, and employment will be done fairly, and the fourth and fifth ideas will increase job opportunities and reduce favoritism

  • In my opinion, idea 3 would definitely affect the individuals. Creating anonymous job applications would make the hiring person select the individuals based on qualifications and merits but not the real talent. Through this real talents can't be found and it may destroy the company.
    Idea 4 would definitely reduce nepotism and creates chance for others. But if two or three people are good at the same field by this law they will get affected. For example, In the field of cricket, Hardik Pandya and Krunal Pandya who are own blood brothers due to their talent they came into the field. By this law they will get affected. Instead of allowing own person a family in each industry they can keep auditions for film and music industry and in sports industry they can choose them by training.

  • For the first idea, it will not affect much in my country, Palestine..The private school for us means more attention, distinctive teaching methods, and fewer students in the class. It may be interested in languages, and this is good, but the end will depend on the student and his absorption capabilities.. There are students in public schools who have excelled in private schools in general secondary certificate .. As the exam is unified and the exam is submitted with seat numbers and not with names, which shows transparency and equality in the correction and the result. The third idea is to make job applications anonymous. It is similar to our recruitment competitions, where a special number is written for each person applying for the competition to ensure transparency. I suggest that upon reaching the interview stage, those who have a relative who is applying for the job should be excluded from the interview committee. And that the committee is composed of persons known for their integrity and honesty. In the end, every diligent person has a share. We can also support youth by providing temporary job opportunities and projects that support them to reduce unemployment opportunities.

  • I think banning private schools will not greatly affect nepotism, as students who used to study in private schools can easily join government schools 🤷🏼‍♀️.
    Conversely, giving companies funds to hire new people in the industry will lead to increased productivity, an improvement in the economy, and an increase in the number of available jobs, which leads to increased productivity and better living.
    Favoritism can affect individuals, societies, and economies in different ways, for example:
    It can affect social relations and communication between individuals. Favoritism can affect economies significantly. It limits merit-based hiring and promotion systems, resulting in a workforce that may not be as competent or diverse as it could be. to hinder productivity and progress.
    I believe regular employee appraisals should be conducted through unbiased processes to ensure that promotions and bonuses are based solely on merit, years of experience and performance.

  • In my opinion, private schools are not only for nepotism, there are other people who are not friends or the like, and they learn in them for a specific goal. Only one person in the family can work, so what if the family members are large, what will they do at that time, then they will suffer from the harsh life? I have a proposal as a daily protest, making banners and the like. Will he succeed in stopping nepotism??

  • When we say the word nepotism, one thing comes to our mind, which is depriving those who are more worthy of the employees and replacing them with one of the friends or relatives.
    As we have shown here that nepotism is more than bad because it is
    First: It is illegal because it deprives the employee of the job.
    Second: It takes away people's rights by employment
    Third: It is considered fraud and discrimination between employees.
    Let us take an example: the manager of a parcel company is an engineer with high experience, a certificate, and valuable awards. She studied abroad and has enough competence, and he hired his sister’s daughter instead of her, knowing that his sister’s daughter does not have enough experience or competence, does not hold a higher degree, and is not employed in the field. This post by .
    Can we determine what will happen to the engineer who was expelled and what will happen to the quality of work?
    The engineer will be devastated because she has lost her job and has no income left to support herself.
    As for the quality of work, it will decrease, and engineering work is not easy at all, and it needs experts to work with it, and perhaps poor work will cause projects to be withdrawn from that company, and this will certainly cause a weak economy, which could lead to the closure of the company.

  • What is meant by nepotism or nepotism is the preference for relatives and friends over others, even though they do not have competence for their work through the intermediary, as some of them are employed in an inappropriate place, and nepotism has harms and benefits. Those who have the competence to work and employ them, this leads to the renaissance of society and its progress with knowledge and jurisprudence

  • Nepotism cuts across different domains, but education and awareness can have a significant impact on nepotism. People who do not engage in favoritism can be positively or negatively affected by the results of research and applications of patronage. It is good for people to learn about favoritism and how it can be used in a beneficial and safe way. Nepotism is a scientific philosophy related to the idea that the world is computable and measurable. It refers to the ability of computers to process data and deal with complex systems. Nepotism is used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science.

  • Perhaps if the problem of nepotism is not resolved, something that no human being expected will happen, due to the severity of this matter.
    When an employee is fired to hire the relative of the manager, surely the employee will be depressed and the work will weaken and it will not be good for the company or the workplace and it can cause many problems in the economy.
    Therefore, this dilemma must be resolved as soon as possible.

  • Hello 👋🏻👋🏻
    ➡️I think that banning private schools might have a small impact on nepotism because people can still use their connections to get jobs even if they don't go to private schools.
    ➡️However, it might help because private schools often have connections to powerful people, so banning them might make it harder for those people to use their connections to get jobs for their family and friends.
    ➡️People who aren't involved in nepotism might be positively affected because they might have more opportunities to get jobs based on their skills and qualifications, rather than their connections.
    ➡️However, some people might be negatively affected if they can no longer afford to send their children to private schools.
    See you soon🖐🏻🖐🏻🤗

  • I think idea 1 would have the least impact on nepotism, and idea 5 would have the greatest impact. All of these ideas would effect people not engaging in nepotism, as a small family business may suffer.

    1. Hi @Amicable_Duck - it'd be great to hear more on why you think idea #5 would have the greatest impact, why do you feel it'd be so effective?

  • Nepotism can come to a complete stop, but actions can be taken to minimize its negative impact. Of the options mentioned, idea 3 (making all job applications anonymous) may have the greatest impact on nepotism, as it will prevent favoritism towards friends or family, or obtaining special resources for employment.

    Idea 1 (banning private schools) may have less impact on nepotism, as it is not directly related to the hiring process.

    People who do not participate in nepotism can be positively affected if fair recruitment and job selection procedures are adopted, and negatively affected if nepotism continues to control the hiring process.

    In addition to the options mentioned, some additional measures can be taken such as increasing transparency in the recruitment process, providing training and vocational education to people who have difficulty getting jobs, and supporting the development of small and medium-sized industries that can provide employment opportunities for the targeted community.

    Furthermore, statistical analysis and artificial intelligence techniques can be applied in the hiring process to identify the best candidates fairly and objectively, and improve the internal processes of companies to provide a healthy work environment and encourage employees to commit and innovate.

    In the end, efforts must be made to achieve a fair, transparent, and non-nepotistic hiring process, and this will require collaboration from the government, educational institutions, employers, and workers in the community.

  • Idea 1
    Ban private schools. I think the idea is absurd, because private or government schools have nothing to do with favoritism unless private schools are distinguished from public ones through public facilities and their quality and good teachers. Idea 2
    Make it illegal for people to hire friends or family. This is wrong, because some friends or family may deserve to work, and this is unfair, as everyone makes friends at work. Should all employees be dismissed at the time? idea 3
    Make all job applications anonymous. I think that this idea is the best because the manager will not teach the person and will not appoint him for his reputation or the status of his family, but rather for his competence in the work. Idea 4
    Only one person from each family is allowed to work in the industry. I guess that this law will only help in the spread of nepotism. If the family has two children, a boy and a girl, it will prefer the boy to work, and thus the girl is oppressed and her competence or talent is not considered, and this is injustice, and if she has two children, she will only get family problems and the breakdown of relations Idea 5
    Give companies money to hire new people in the industry. This law comes second, its quality may not be high, but it will help provide job opportunities, reduce strikes, and a decent life for the family.

  • I think that idea 4 will have the biggest impact on people because people care so much about their families and will do any thing to make sure that they have something to earn them a living for example your relative in the country side has no job and is suffering because he doesn't have enough money to provide necessities for the family surely he will have to employ his relative at his company. No one can bare seeing his dear relative suffer just to please others, if that idea 4 was to be implemented it would hurt such people even before majority hence complaining a lot.

  • The first idea, perhaps I think, is less dangerous for society because it does not have many people, and a complaint is filed because of the useless teaching
    2 I do not support this idea very much because it may be of high efficiency and is insured by the company or project
    3 I think it is among the solutions to confront nepotism, but I do not support it much as the main solution
    4 It is not possible because it is possible that the family members are very large and the pressure on the family is great
    5 I do not support this decision at all because it is considered bribery and I am against bribery

    1. Hi Enigmatic_Duck - it sounds like your preferred solution is to abolish private schools? Could you say why this would help reduce nepotism.
      On idea 5, we do see governments give grants to businesses or individuals who satisfy certain criteria - think how the government might pay a pension to older people or payment to people who don't have a job. If the payment is made to any business who satisfies the criteria, rather than only to select people, it could be seen as a lawful incentive.

  • I think the third idea that greatly limits nepotism does not harm society.
    2- I believe that the fourth idea has a negative impact on the individual and society and does not significantly reduce nepotism
    . 3- People are negatively affected when there is nepotism, because with the presence of nepotism they lose a lot of work.
    4. I have some ideas, such as taking a state employment test before getting any job.Exposure
    to legal accountability
    Setting specific rules and foundations

  • I think that the idea with the greatest impact on nepotism will be the idea of ​​making all job applications anonymous. I chose this idea because I found it the most fair and logical, and I saw that it had a great impact on nepotism, Because if all employment applications are anonymous, employers will focus on the applicants’ biography, their competence, and the extent of their experience ,As for the other ideas, I felt that they were a little illogical and difficult to implement and would produce more negative than positive effects, for example the idea of ​​making it illegal for him to hire friends or family, When I read this idea, a question came to me: What if a friend or family member applying for work is competent, worthy of his work, and sincere, then in this case, Wouldn't this be a clear injustice ?
    It does not always have to be the employment of a friend or family for the purpose of favoritism, but rather it may be because they are worthy of this work, as these cases happen frequently, so I think this idea must be excluded ، For me, I believe that this idea and the idea of ​​allowing only one person from each family to work in the industry are the worst ideas. I found it unfair to allow one person from the family to enter the industry, To explain this more, try to imagine that you are in a similar situation, and you and your brother dreamed of entering the film industry, but only one of you can enter this field, and your parents decided that your brother enter the industry only, how would you feel? Of course, you will feel angry towards your parents, and you will hate your brother, and you will feel that he stole your dream, and this will negatively affect the family relationship .
    As for the last idea, I was a bit confused, because even if companies give more money to hire new people, that does not mean or guarantee that there will be no favoritism Actually, I had difficulty understanding this idea, so this is my way of interpreting it, and I think that this idea can be considered more appropriate to solve the problem of unemployment and not nepotism.
    As for other proposals to solve the problem of nepotism, I suggest that they put a law stating that the person who will apply for work and the person who will interview for work should not be from the same familyRather, Rather, they must choose a person who is not related to him to conduct the job interview with him .

  • In my opinion, idea 2 is the best idea that works to stop the phenomenon of nepotism, as violating people who work to hire relatives will work on people's fear of employing their relatives without the right to the job at a time when there are people who deserve the job and deservedly As for the idea that has the least impact on nepotism, it is idea number 1, there are some people who prefer private schools to educate their children, and they see that they are safer than public schools, so why do we deprive some people of their right? In education to eliminate favoritism ?? And I have another solution to eliminate this phenomenon, which is to working on improving corporate governance and control measures

  • In my opinion idea 4 is the best and would have the biggest impact as only having one person working for an industry, would lower the rate of nepotism. while banning private schools would have the smallest impact as not necessarily every person who is being hired in a job has to go to a private school, this would negatively impact many other kids who are forced to go to private schools due to their parents being celebrities or them being famous, thus we would remove a source of education for those types of kids. after Idea 1 I think that Idea 3 would have the smallest impact as many people could get in companies and would make it harder for companies to stop nepotism. With all this information Idea number 4 is the best of the lot in my opinion.