Which situation is best?

Strikes are regularly in the news. However, the way people strike can be very different. Take a look at these examples of transport workers who decided to strike in Japan and in the UK.

United Kingdom


Transport workers planned a strike to take place during the FA Cup Final. This means it will be very difficult for fans to travel to watch the football match.

Why might UK transport workers have chosen to strike at such a busy time?



Transport workers wanted to strike but did not want to upset travellers. Instead, bus drivers refused to take money from passengers and let them travel for free.

Why might Japanese workers have chosen to do this?

Comments (49)

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  • Well football is the most attended or watched sport in the whole world and for the FA cup which is one of the top league in UK and even to talk of the final itself and of course thousands of fans will want to be present in such an event and choosing to strike on this day is actually smart but also not good to the fans and the transport workers chose to strike on this day because it will really affect many people on that day because they will be unable to be present or attend the match and at least it will make the public hear their concerns as for the workers in Japan I most say they are actually kind hearted and selfless individuals even though they did not like their working conditions they were still thought about how it might affect the public and they cancelled the strike and offered their services for free talk about a good people.
    For me the tactic that will be most effective is that of Japan and not UK because Japan is still working and now without pay and that is going to be very effective because maybe it was the issue about pay that even led them to strike but now that they offer their services without pay any one who has a human heart has a conscience and it will make everyone feel uncomfortable that the workers are working with no pay or any form of gratuity and that action will move the public to even strike for the workers for them and fight for better wages and working conditions whereas in UK even though they decided to strike on a day that is important to the fans and spectators of that day and it slightly affects them and it doesn't actually hurts them a lot as they could just stream the match on a streaming platform and still watch and this action won't move the public to empathize with rather it will anger them so, actually this tactic is smart but has a lot of pitfalls.
    Another that workers could do to get what they want is dialogue with people that have the ability to coerce the employers and also if that does not work they could choose not to give their services to their services to their workers but still come to work you see the employer will continuously see them every working day but no labor and it will gradually begin to irritate him and them it will anger him and later provoke him and because of the refusal to work the business profit will drop until they begin to enter loss and this events or actions will then coerce him to listen to his workers and offer them better working conditions and then will realize how important
    or vital the workers are to the success of the business and then will not treat them without regard and respect again.

    1. I agree because... government do not attend to the complaints of workers because the absence of workers sometimes does not affect the government directly but by working hand in hand with workers who provide revenue for the country. By doing this, the government will be affected because without revenue, salaries of leaders will be reduced forcing the government to pay heed to the warnings of the mass.

    2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on different tactics used by workers to express their concerns and achieve better working conditions. It's important to consider various strategies and their potential impacts. Let's discuss your points in more detail:

      The strike during the FA Cup in the UK: While strategically choosing a high-profile event like the FA Cup may draw attention to the workers' concerns, it's true that it can also inconvenience and disappoint fans who were looking forward to attending the match. The effectiveness of this tactic in garnering public support and sympathy may vary, and it's possible that it could generate mixed reactions among the public.

      The Japanese workers' decision to work without pay: The decision of the Japanese workers to continue working without pay demonstrates their selflessness and concern for the public. By working without receiving compensation, they aim to raise awareness of their working conditions and potentially gain support from the public. This approach can create discomfort and highlight the unfairness of the situation, potentially leading to public empathy and support for the workers' cause.

      Dialogue and refusal to provide services: Engaging in dialogue with influential individuals or entities who can exert pressure on employers is indeed a valuable strategy. Additionally, the workers' refusal to provide their services while still physically present at work can gradually affect the employer's operations and profitability, leading to potential negotiations and improvements in working conditions.

      It's important to note that the effectiveness of each tactic can vary depending on the specific context, the nature of the industry, and the receptiveness of the employer to address workers' concerns. A combination of strategies, tailored to the specific circumstances, may yield the best results.

      Engaging in constructive dialogue, raising public awareness, and exploring legal avenues can also be effective ways for workers to advocate for their rights and achieve improvements in their working conditions.

      Overall, the choice of tactics depends on careful consideration of the goals, the context, and the potential impacts on various stakeholders involved.

  • Hello!
    Well this is very interesting but I think that these are two unique ways of going on strike which may still yield the same result reason being that because the time in which they want to strike is a very busy time it will have a huge effect on the people and government revenue as such will prompt a response to their requests but on the other hand I prefer the approach the Japanese workers took reason being that instead of just going on strike they thought of the people and what effect it may have on them and instead considered that and approached strike in a different way. Also due to the fact that they transported citizens for free it will have an effect on government's revenue as they won't be earning money but investing in the upkeep of the buses.
    Through this I have learnt that there are different ways to approach a situation and to get people to join you n your plead for your demand I think the people of Japan are likely to gain the help from other citizens in a less violent way thereby both sides are made happy and there will be no conflict.

  • There could be several reasons why Japanese workers might have chosen to let passengers travel for free instead of going on a strike:

    1. Avoiding inconvenience to the public: Japanese culture places a high value on community harmony and not causing unnecessary trouble for others. By allowing passengers to travel for free, the bus drivers could avoid inconveniencing them and causing any delays or disruptions.

    2. Maintaining a positive image: Japanese workers often strive to maintain a positive image in society and their respective industries. Going on strike may harm the public's perception of the workers and their cause. Allowing passengers to travel for free can send a message that the workers are still providing a valuable service to the public despite their grievances.

    3. Pressure on management: By refusing to take money from passengers, the workers may be putting pressure on the transportation company or government officials to address their concerns. This tactic can draw attention to the workers' issues without necessarily harming the public or causing significant financial damage to the company.

  • UK transport workers might have chosen to strike during the FA Cup Final because it is a very busy time and they want to use their power to let people know about their concerns. When workers go on strike, they stop working for a while to show that they are unhappy with something. The transport workers might be unhappy with their pay, their working conditions, or something else related to their job. By striking during the big football game, they hope to get attention from the public and their employers. However, this can cause inconvenience for people who were planning to travel to the match.

  • For UK transport workers, they might have chosen to strike during the FA Cup Final because it's a significant event that attracts a lot of attention and could put pressure on their employers to address their demands.

    For Japanese workers, they might have chosen to let passengers travel for free instead of striking because they wanted to show their dissatisfaction with their working conditions without causing inconvenience to members of the public who rely on public transportation.

    1. I agree because... Striking during a high-profile event like the FA Cup Final can indeed generate significant media coverage and public attention. This increased visibility may help transport workers draw attention to their demands and increase the pressure on employers to address them.While striking during important events can attract attention, it can also inconvenience the public, who rely on public transportation. In the case of Japanese workers choosing to let passengers travel for free, they aim to express their dissatisfaction while minimizing disruption to the public. This approach may be seen as more considerate towards the needs of commuters.Choosing an important event can be a strategic move as it creates a sense of urgency and highlights the essential role of transport workers. It can emphasize the impact they have on the smooth functioning of society, thereby underscoring the significance of their demands.

      1. Yeah! Your points are really fancinating,I agree because striking on such an important occasion,the day that every footballer fans have been looking forward to seeing, and it is even the FA cup final it shows that,the striking was a deliberate one , they knew if they did not call on strike,on such an important event, especially those that depends on public transportation, their demands won't be granted, without showing concern for people but to get increasement In salary or wages.
        While the Japan workers selflessly rendered a free transportation,the Japan workers were not only after increasement In salary,but also showing maximum concern for we the masses ,we could have seen what type of workers or individuals the Japan were,even if their demands are increasement In salaries,there was still concern showed.

  • In the case of UK transport workers choosing to strike during the FA Cup Final, there can be several reasons behind this decision:

    Visibility and Impact: The FA Cup Final is a highly popular and widely watched event in the UK. By striking during such a busy and high-profile time, the transport workers aim to maximize the visibility of their grievances and the impact of their actions. Disrupting a major sporting event can draw significant attention to their cause.

    Negotiating Power: Timing the strike during a major event puts pressure on employers and the government to address the workers' demands promptly. The potential backlash from frustrated fans and the negative publicity surrounding disrupted travel can push for faster resolutions or negotiations.

    Leverage: Transport workers may choose to strike during a busy time to maximize their bargaining power. The inconvenience caused to fans and the potential economic impact can encourage employers to meet the workers' demands in order to restore normal operations quickly.

    As for the Japanese transport workers who refused to take money from passengers and let them travel for free instead of going on strike, this action can be seen as a form of protest that minimizes direct inconvenience to the public. Possible reasons for this choice could include:

    Public Sympathy: By providing free transportation instead of completely halting services, the workers aim to garner public support and sympathy for their cause. This approach allows them to express their grievances while still maintaining a level of service for the public.

    Positive Public Image: Choosing a non-disruptive method like free travel demonstrates the workers' commitment to their duties and the well-being of the public. It presents them in a more positive light and can help build public support for their demands.

    Putting Pressure on Employers: By offering free travel, the workers indirectly highlight the value they provide and the potential financial impact their absence can have on transportation companies. This can pressure employers to address their concerns and engage in negotiations.

    Determining which strike is most likely to achieve the workers' desired outcomes depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances, the nature of the demands, the level of public support, and the response of employers and authorities. Both approaches have their strengths and potential for success, depending on the context.

    Workers can employ various strategies to get what they want, such as:

    Negotiations and Collective Bargaining: Engaging in open and constructive dialogue with employers to address concerns and reach mutually beneficial agreements.

    Legal Actions and Advocacy: Seeking legal remedies, filing complaints, or partnering with labor unions and organizations to advocate for workers' rights and better working conditions.

    Public Awareness Campaigns: Utilizing media platforms, social activism, and public demonstrations to raise awareness, gather support, and put pressure on employers and policymakers.

    Work-to-Rule: Workers strictly adhere to existing rules and regulations, which can highlight inefficiencies, highlight the need for change, and disrupt operations indirectly.

    Boycotts or Consumer Actions: Encouraging the public to boycott certain products or services to impact the employer's revenue and reputation.

    It's important to note that the effectiveness of these strategies can vary depending on the specific circumstances, the legal framework, and the level of support from workers, the public, and relevant stakeholders.

    1. In your opinion, which of these strikes do you think is most likely to gain your support and why?

      1. The citizens of Japan will gain more support form people than that of the UK because they acted selfless and patriotic .they did not allow their problem to be a disadvantage to others they ensure they gave maximum service to the people even during hard time
        So with their good deed they portrayed it is more likely that the society will collectively come together to help them fight for fairness

      2. I think so people of Japan will gain more support from the world as they have shown responsibility to their work they if wanted they could strike but they still aimed to help others.They did not wanted to disturb others because maybe the reason to strike was not related to these people.👍

  • From my point of view It is possible that the UK transport workers chose to strike during the FA Cup Final as a way to gain more attention and leverage for their demands. The timing of the strike would cause significant disruption and inconvenience, particularly for football fans who may be travelling from far away to attend the match. This could put pressure on the employers or government to negotiate and meet the workers' demands in order to avoid further disruption and negative publicity. In addition, striking during a high-profile event like the FA Cup Final could also generate greater media coverage and public awareness of the workers' grievances.

    1. Your perspective on the potential motivations behind the UK transport workers choosing to strike during the FA Cup Final is plausible. Timing a strike during a high-profile event can indeed attract more attention and leverage for workers' demands. The disruption caused by the strike during a major sporting event like the FA Cup Final would likely create significant inconvenience for fans and potentially put pressure on employers or the government to address the workers' concerns in order to avoid further disruption and negative publicity.

      Furthermore, the media coverage and public awareness generated by a strike during such an event could help amplify the workers' grievances and increase support for their cause. By strategically choosing the timing of their strike, workers may seek to maximize the impact of their protest and increase the likelihood of achieving their desired outcomes.

      However, it's important to note that the decision to strike during a specific event would depend on various factors and considerations by the workers and their representatives. The specific motivations and intentions behind the timing of the strike would require further context and information.

  • Workers in the United Kingdom struck at this busy time to meet their demands quickly by the government... But if they had struck at a normal time, the fulfillment of their demands would have been delayed... But they struck at the right time, which prompts the government to quickly meet the demands..

    I think that the strike that will get what you want is: {the strike of the workers in the British Kingdom}...because they chose the right time and place...that is why the government will have to quickly implement their demands. as possible. So that people can travel to the English final...

    I think they issued (the labor union) in order to preserve the rights of workers...
    This may be a better solution than striking so as not to harm society

  • I believe that workers in the UK may have chosen to strike during the FA Cup final because they knew it was a time when many people would be traveling, and therefore, their absence would have a significant impact. By striking during this time, they hoped to gain the attention of their employer and potentially negotiate better wages, benefits, or working conditions.

    Regarding the Japanese workers allowing passengers to board buses for free as a means of protesting, I think their objective may be to raise awareness about their concerns. While it is true that this action may impact the profits of the bus owner, the main aim of the strike is likely to exert pressure on the management to consider their demands and come to a resolution. By gaining public support through this action, the workers may feel empowered to negotiate for better working conditions.

    The japanese strike will get the workers what they want because they’ve already gotten public support by giving them free rides which also lead to the management losing profit. This will make the management to quickly agree to their terms and conditions.

    I think using the social media handle will also help in calling the management attention together with having a meeting to reach an agreement

    1. Your analysis provides valuable insights into the motivations and potential outcomes of the strikes in the UK and Japan. The choice of timing for the strike during the FA Cup final in the UK indicates a strategic decision to maximize the impact and draw attention to the workers' demands. By disrupting a high-profile event that attracts a large audience, they aim to generate public support and put pressure on their employer to address their concerns.

      In the case of the Japanese workers allowing passengers to board buses for free, this action serves as a form of protest that not only inconveniences the management but also raises awareness among the public. By demonstrating the importance of their role and the impact they have on the company's operations, the workers aim to garner public sympathy and support. This can create a favorable environment for negotiations and increase the likelihood of the management addressing their demands.

      Utilizing social media channels to amplify their message and call the management's attention is an effective strategy in today's interconnected world. Social media platforms can help spread information quickly and mobilize public support for the workers' cause. Additionally, arranging meetings and negotiations with the management is a crucial step towards reaching an agreement and finding a resolution that addresses the workers' concerns.

      Overall, the combination of strategic timing, public support, and effective communication channels can significantly strengthen the workers' position during negotiations and increase the chances of achieving their desired outcomes.

  • I agree because... Yes, there is no need for a strike in such a situation because it will be difficult for the fans to go to watch the match because of the lack of transportation to help them get there. Therefore, people will ignore this match and those players for what they did in this strike, so the strike resulted in negative results, but the workers believe that it is positive and that the solution is this. He is the best but he was the worst ever. Let's look at the Japanese workers who went on strike, but they provided the residents with transportation that helps them move around and without a fee "for free". the problem ?? For example: going to the official of the state, or more likely its ruler, and telling him all the details of the problem, and I am sure that he will solve it, or going to the institutions that guarantee the rights of workers, as both parties will solve the problem carefully and calmly. #There is no need for a strike🤚🤚

    1. I disagree with you because, the reason people go on strike is to make a change. Most people that go on strike have tried to talk to officials, but they don't listen to the workers. For example, the writers strike that it is going on right now in America. The writers have tried to ask for better work conditions, but they won't listen. The last resort was to go on strike, and that was what is making the change, the strike. For some workers, asking is a waste of time, so instead they go on strike to make the change. Taking a stand is what makes change, and strikes are a way of taking a stand.

  • Can you think of something else workers could do to get what they want?
    They can form unions, join employee associations, or participate in labor movements. When they work together, they can negotiate for better working conditions, higher wages, and better benefits. Plus, when they organize, they have a stronger voice to address any issues that come up. It's super important for people to connect with others who share their goals and build a community both inside and outside of work. When employees know their rights and stand together, they have more power to make positive changes that benefit everyone involved.

  • Workers and employees have the right to strike in order to obtain and improve their living conditions, there is no doubt about that. But from my point of view, the behavior of the workers in Japan conveyed a stronger and faster message than the message of the workers in Britain.
    There is no objection to going on strike, but the strike must reflect our Morals and Our responsibility towards others. The behavior of Japanese workers gains the support of travelers for them and their rights, and this strengthens their strength in seeking their dreams.

  • Because there is no reason for them to do so. First of all, prices in Japan have only recently started to rise slightly, so people making the same wage haven’t experienced less actual income.A major strike would be relatively rare, so the basis for the question is sound. Japanese workers don’t resort to strikes because japan workers tend to look at everybody at work as part of their team and they see each other as family.While in UK, Pay disputes have been the most common cause of strikes in the year life has got far more expensive, and salaries haven't kept up. Only this year UK has had a couple of strikes.There was evidence that rail strikes led to displacement of card spending towards buses and taxis as consumers changed their behavior to mitigate the impact of strikes.
    The Japanese have a high possibility of getting what they want through their strikes because the workers thought about how their strike will affect the people. The government must have been touched to give them what they wanted knowing that they have no bad intentions.
    The alternatives to strikes are;picketing, go-slows, overtime bans and work to rule.

  • Workers in the UK chose this time to stroke as they realize the fact that if they perform their work normally, the government will reap a lot of money from the FIFA fans and therefore this is a great means of pressure on the government to acquiesce to the demands of the workers. As for the workers of Japan, they preferred the public interest over the private interest and did not harm either the government or the people, although the harm is primarily caused to the workers, as their means of transportation needs fuel, they refused to take the fare from people, and in the end, the main goal is to serve the community, so their thinking was more logical. In a nutshell, the workers' strike in Japan is better than the one in the UK.
    One of the solutions that can be put in place for workers to get what they want is to work half the day by reducing the number of working hours, as transportation is not available at late times.

  • Well I think the workers in the UK chose to strike like this because the FA final is an event that will attract a lot of people and the train is an easy and affordable mode of transport that will be used if they go on strike the wellbeing of people will be affected with this their employers will pay attention to them and grant their demands, not only employers even the travellers too will know their value, great work they do to make transportation easy and the working conditions they have to endure, The Japan on the otherside also want to go on strike but they considered the wellbeing of people and didn't want to cause any form of discomfort and inconvenience but still it is a way of calling the attention of their superiors because seeing workers that demand for better working conditions by giving free services to people the employers might consider their devotion and grant them their wishes, the strike that i believe is most likely to get workers what they want is UK's but it is a type of stike that will cause alot of effects but considering the period of strike they will get more attention from their employers.
    Actually to be sincere strike or protest is not a good decision to make because of it effects but at the same time having a discussion with their employers is a peaceful non conflict thing to do but still it is not effective enough because the superiors will just ignore and forget about the agreement they made to adjust the working conditions , so in my opinion the strike can be done but it should not take a long period it should just last for some time so as to call the attention of their employers.

  • I think the workers in UK choose to strike in a time like this because it is the time when people need them the most and that is the time when they get much profits so if they go on strike on a time like this then their manager would see that he is loosing a lot of profit then he will give the workers their right. I think The workers in Japan if they are transporting for free then they will also lose much profits, so the manager will also give them their right.
    I think the Japanese strike is more likely to get them what they want because, they don't collect money at all so this might lead to the fall of the company while the UK are just going for a short period of time and resume after that so this will keep the company going but their profit is going to reduce.
    I think workers could work harder and earn more profit for so that if their manager sees that he would realize how hard they work.

  • In my opinion both are good idea and the one which will have more significant impact is Japan.
    The UK workers chose to strike like this because Football is a most watched sports and here that too finals. This will affect not only the fans of FA league but also public who may have some important works. During a high time event, transport strike puts pressure on the government to meet the demand of the workers. The Japanese workers chose this type because they are much concerned about the travellers and they did not charge them. This type will not affect the public but transportation will be hit hard and this will be definitely heard by the officials.
    As I have already said, one which will have more significant impact is strike by JAPAN because they did not charge the travellers. Nowadays, fuels price has been increasing day by day and to run a vehicle they need fuel for that they need money. This leads to loss and it affects the organisation. This will make the organisations to agree their demands. But it has a link with climate change like it is a way to reduce carbon footprints and reduces traffic.

  • Another way workers can get what the want is through protesting workers can protest if they are not satisfied with their working conditions but workers should be calm while protesting they should not be violent while they protest. The government might hear the plea of the workers and give them what they want.

    1. I appreciate your comment though due to the fact that in modern times,what comes to individuals/workers' mind when their opinions is not being heard is strike but has anyone ever wondered why??... Like why is it always strike... Like isn't there other ways or peaceful methods of negotiation between employees and employers.?
      Firstly, when workers go on strike and their absence is affect the business/is being badly felt, it could be seen as an advantage for the workers though. This is so because, when their absence is felt, it is actually to the demerit of the company/organization. In my own opinion, that's why I would say that strike is always one of the first solution to come to a workers mindset when they are being neglected.

  • 1.Why do you think the workers in the UK chose to strike like this? What about the workers in Japan?- The only Moto of every strike is to showcase the problem which a person or an group of people is experienceing in their life. So every person will have a different perspective and thinking about a way to strike. The UK workers chosse to strike during a busy day , to grab attention of people and being a part of transport department they will know which days are busy. But on the other hand Japanese people's way of strike is very new. This shows the dedication they have on their work and how much they like to serve the people that even during a strike they thought that the general public should not get affected. If every person thought like this then there will be no violence and disruption during a strike.
    2. Which of these strikes do you think is most likely to get the workers what they want? Why?I think that the strikes of UK will be a suceesful one, because many general public will be disturbed by this and this will become the talk of the town increasing the chance of making it successful.

  • I think the strike that was taken by the U.K Transport is most likely to get the workers what they want because the FA Cup final is a very big event, So this means that a lot of people from around the world would come to watch the match, Even though the government would not get any money from the stadium ticket sales (due to the fact that the FA Cup is a football competition in England), and the revenue generated from ticket sales and other sources goes to the Football Association (FA) and the participating clubs. The FA is the governing body of football in England and is responsible for organizing the FA Cup and other competitions.) But the government may receive revenue from taxes on ticket sales or other sources related to the event, But if nobody was to come that would also mean that only a small percentage of people would buy the ticket.


    I believe the UK transport workers chose to strike like this to promote awareness of their cause. This is because, in the UK, football is a highly popular sport, with thousands of fans supporting different teams. By planning a strike on the day of the FA Cup Final, many fans would have a hard time getting there, meaning their cause would be recognised by the public more.
    It would also enable these fans to see how crucial transport workers are during their daily lives/schedules and force the government to act swiftly.

    However, I think the transport workers in Japan, who chose to allow passengers to travel for free instead of striking, wanted to create public sympathy and public support, as the public would understand what they wanted and were not dissatisfied.
    In addition, by allowing the public to go on transport for free, the transport companies or state would lose money, meaning they would be forced to act quickly- which I will elaborate more on in my next paragraph.

    I think that the Japanese transport workers would have got what they wanted as they gained public support, which is a huge leverage, against the employers and/or the state.
    Also, they would be forced to act quickly, because by giving the public free public transport rides, the owners of the transport businesses would lose revenue. Therefore, the Japanese transport workers would have their needs attended to faster and more efficiently, compared to UK transport workers.

    Another thing that workers could do to get what they want is reduce their working hours, spreading there cause more through social/mass media (to gain global attention) or stay off work for a period of time.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Capable_Truth - can you think of a reason why UK transport workers don't adopt the Japanese approach? Do you think they'd be performing their duties as an employee?

      1. I think that the workers in the United Kingdom are smart, because they took advantage of the event to attract attention, and this is a good tactic and management of things to pressure to achieve their demands as soon as possible.
        The workers of Japan also dealt with the strike with dexterity and took advantage of the people's sympathy with them. Because there was no global event for them, and therefore each of them dealt with his strike in a different way according to the circumstances.

  • I believe that the UK workers chose to strike during the world Cup final due to the large amount of fans and people who would be there.It is the best way for them to be seen and heard,football is typically considered to be the number 1 sport worldwide,so,it is also one of the biggest platform which workers can use to strike.
    The Japanese workers on the other hand seem to think about both sides(their employers and the civilians)they choose to strike in a way that will actually benefit their passengers but affect their employers.In my opinion,they are more considerate.
    In other for workers to get what they want,I feel as though the UK workers have the best approach.The worldcup final is a big source of revenue and profit so if it is disrupted it would lead to a huge loss and employers would definitely listen to the voices of their employees.It helps the workers to make a huge impact and to be heard.

  • I feel and think that the Japan workers are angry and want to make their boss worry so they can get what they want easily. Because travelling for free affects the CEO not the workers, the boss pays for everything, fuel and others.
    As for the UK workers, going on strike before the FA cup final between Manchester City and Manchester United because the workers know that the demand for tickets will be high, they went to strike and know that the boss will be immediately listen to them.
    The two group of workers know how to plan and strategize in order for it not to lead to violence.

    To me both strikes will be answered immediately because the events happening in both sides is too much. The UK boss will be on pressure of people going to the stadium to watch the Manchester Derby and the Japan boss will be worried on how he is losing money.

    The only way for workers to get what they want is through the process of strikes because this is the only way to get full attention and cooperation from the bosses.

  • UK workers could have chosen to strike like this during the FA Cup Final to probably gain more attention internationally. In no less time, news channels and media will be on their foot to interview the fans outside the stadium and ask about their feelings towards the Train Workers who are on strike and the problems faced. In no less time, international media will be ready to show the situation of the UK and the problems faced and the Government may face criticism worldwide. The Government may want to end the problems through negotiations or other means with the strikers quickly. Japanese workers may have chosen to strike like this because I think they don't want to worsen the problems of their country by not maintaining the smooth system which the people of Japan are enjoying. The people will eventually do the job by questioning the government and criticizing the officials responsible for this kind of treatment of the workers. The strikes by the Japanese workers will get what they want by refusing to quit work. It will not disturb the people or the economy of Japan and the government will eventually recognize their demands by the criticism of the people. The workers could have :
    1) Work in their jobs but share the profits among themselves and not the government.
    2) Could have brought the attention of the media and the news channels on them until their demands can be fulfilled.

  • Concerning the UK workers I think that they went on strike because, most strike are about pay, and better working conditions. Without the threat of strike action, cooperation will be able to make bigger profits, while working conditions will get worse, strike is part of their bargaining tool. While in Japan I think that the Japanese workers have chosen to strike like this because, the employee will lose their pay due to the no work, no pay principles. If the strike are dismissed they will lose their livelihood altogether. I think that the Japanese will likely get the workers what they want because, they are demanding more from the passagers than usual, this way making bigger profits. The UK will make slower processes and less productivity because of the negative effect of strike. I think that employees and employers can also be settled by discussion and negotiation between these two parties in order to arrive at a decision.

  • in my opinion, It is likely that UK transport workers chose to go on strike when the FA Cup ended as a way to gain a lot of attention and press their demands. Also, the timing of the strike can cause many strikes and cause great inconveniences, especially for those who support football champions, who travel from a very far place to attend the match. Also, this could lead to great pressure on employers or the government to negotiate to meet the demands of all workers in order to avoid strikes and negative propaganda. In addition, the strike is a high-profile event such as the FA Cup finals and can also lead to increased media coverage and awareness only of complaints from workers and employees. 💞

  • The UK workers chose to strike like this because of low pay or too many hours. They could have also chosen to strike during such a busy time, because that is when it will get the most attention. Therefore, creating a better chance of getting recognized or acknowledged for what they are doing , and how it can get fixed easier. The people of Japan want a more immediate change. This is because letting people travel for free hurts the economy almost instantly. You could see changes really quickly. I believe the Japanese strike will get the workers what they want because giving away free services is a more addressable matter , while just not working at all , could find alternate means for those who need transportation. Honestly , I do not think there is anything for workers can do to get what they want besides striking. This one of the biggest ways to draw attention.

  • I think the workers in the UK chose to strike during a busy day to show that they were serious about their stance about better treatment and pay. Football season is one of the most profitable times for bus drivers and companies. Many people use public transportation to see these football matches and because of this many companies make a huge profit during this time. Striking in such a great time for business cripples their income, and this puts pressure on the company. The workers in Japan chose an option that allows for both the customer and employee to be happy by still driving to places, but not accepting pay. I think the japanese workers chose to do this because it isn't the customers fault for unfair work conditions. People still need to get to the places they need to go, and if the bus drivers decide not to take them anywhere it affects other people's lives.
    I think that both of these protests equally have the chance to get the workers what they want. Customers in the U.K. may voice their complaints about how the bus drivers won't take them to the football games that they have already paid to see and this could put pressure on the company. Japanese citizens may stand with the bus drivers because of the work they are doing for free. They may feel empathy for the workers and spread the word with friends and family. This pressures the company to make better choices for their workers.
    Another way the workers could strike is picketing. Picketing is when workers stand outside the building they work at, and they usually have signs telling what they are striking about. They can spread awareness for their struggles to civilians and other workers. If the employer sees that the workers aren't working and are instead telling other people how awful the work conditions are, this can put them in jeopardy.

  • Football is the most popular sport in the world and the UK Is one of the largest fan bases of football where around 40 percent of the entire country watches the sport. The FA cup is one of the biggest leagues in football history so I would see why workers went on strike. I think the workers would get what they want in the UK but the passengers would not because they have no mode of transportation.

  • From my point of view, with regard to strikes in the British Kingdom, the English Premier League, or football in particular, is the popular event in this world, since it achieves unity for peoples and raises the spirit of patriotism (according to the words of some media professionals). It is possible to communicate the issue of the workers' strike through them, or to shed light on their cause in popular events. As for Japan Some Japanese workers in transportation, including bus and train drivers, protest by not taking money from passengers to express their demands and claim their rights. This type of strike is called a strike silent To express rejection and protests. The reasons for this protest are due to the fact that workers in these sectors suffer from severe work pressure, including long hours, exhaustion and financial pressures, and they seek through this protest to educate the public And to show the importance of their role in this industry and to obtain their legitimate rights. These protests often lead to the closure of train stations or the cancellation of bus trips, which causes inconvenience to passengers and delays in transportation. An effective way to attract attention and express demands in a peaceful way, or from my point of view, there is another reason for strikes. When I was following the news since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan, the reason for this protest was austerity. Companies or economic pressures, especially in the field of transportation

  • I think that the most convincing is the United States because football is important to increase the country's economy, but let's not forget that after the end of the event, the country may punish the owners of the buses. As for Japan, I think that it is a smart way, since the country could not do anything to stop them, and even if it wanted to impose sanctions, the matter will be different. About the United States As I expected, I searched and found that city officials estimated the costs of the strike at $ 400 million so far, and it will cost $ 300 million per day for the next three days. One million dollars for every strike day, starting from yesterday, and the Brooklyn Supreme Court issued this decision, at the request of the New York Transportation Authority, according to the law that prohibits any strike in public transportation, and this may be considered unfair to him, and as I say, work smart, not hard, and think about all the consequences Negative before positive to be careful.

  • Well, although the two ideas of striking the United Kingdom and Japan are far from each other and completely different, they both share cunning, intelligence, and exploitation of the current situation. From my point of view, drivers in the United Kingdom chose to strike at this time because the English Cup league is very important and attracts tourists from All over the world, and therefore economic profit and cultural and media dissemination. If the workers strike, the economy will be affected twice because tourists will not come and the world will have a bad impression of this country even in the future, and thus they put great pressure on the government and their problem must be solved as soon as possible.
    But in Japan, transport drivers took advantage of the kindness of their people and their reverence for work and the country, and they tried to gain their sympathy to strengthen their voice before the government, so they did not take the fare from the passengers, and the number of passengers who ride every day is large, so they make them feel the injustice they face, as they work for a long time, but they do not get a salary Or any reward or thanks for their work. This is how they also put pressure on the government, but in another way by winning the sympathy of the people

  • Which of these strikes do you think the workers are most likely to get what they want? And why?
    I think UK workers are very smart for choosing such an important and busy day so that they can draw the attention of all people around the world about their rights and at the same time the world sees their importance.
    Imagine that during the FA Cup final, transport workers go on strike. This is not an easy thing for people to overlook. Imagine the amount of attention this issue will receive from the world and the media.

    I really salute these workers for their intelligence in choosing a day like this.
    In the end, the full rights of workers must be available in respect of their efforts to support the state and its requirements, and for the state to deal with the category of workers and take care of them and ensure that they obtain their full rights.
    I believe that there should be an integrated organization to protect the rights of workers, as any worker who faces a problem in obtaining his full rights or any problem can resort to it, and that this organization embraces these workers and deals with them in a humane and elegant manner.

  • As football is the most followed and attended sport, the workers being on strike on the day of a major final would make a great impact on all fans. Therefore the government would have to act apon the situation immediately. While on the other hand the Japanese government would not have to make an immediate reaction compared to the reaction that the UK government would have to make. Thus making the chances of the workers in the UK higher, ultimately making sure that they get what they want.

    1. I completely agree with this comment,the UK workers have a higher chance.However,I can understand why the Japanese workers decided to take this approach.If they offer free rides to the passengers it is obviously beneficial to them but it will be complete loss on the side of the employers.
      They want to achieve one thing without affecting the other,unlike the UK workers who have only ONE goal in mind.
      In my opinion,both sides are completely valid.

  • I really like how Japan approached this issue. Whilst the UK chose a more disruptive way of striking impacting members of public and not in a positive way, Japan granted generosity to their citizens. People need to think about how their actions affect others . Being thoughtful and aware of the detrimental impacts your actions may have on others can head you in a direction with good morale.When I think of Japan, one word comes to mind after reading this: unity. People care about each other whether they are strangers or not and that is how every country should be. And even having the altruistic mindset of even letting travellers use public transport for free is truly inspiring. I know bus drivers do not get paid enough,the average being £12.50 per hour. So, which way is more effective: Uk showing power or Japan showing peace? Peace or power?

  • Well first of all workers choose to go on a strike when they know they will be needed the most. This will get the attention of their employer and get them their needs faster. I think the workers in the UK really sat down to plan their strike date. They chose to strike during the FA Cup finals, this will without a doubt attract the attention of the authorities. Even if it does not, annoyed fans will complain to the officials and ask them to meet the workers needs so that they can go back to work. As for Japan, the workers took into consideration the feelings of their customers. They decided not to collect money from them, but how does this affect anyone? People can get free rides anytime. But it will be a very big loss to the company because the drivers give free rides despite the fact that they have to pay for gas to get their buses going. It is a really strategic plan that will get the attention of the officials without inconveniencing the customers. What the Japanese came up with is actually exemplary. They found a way to protest effectively without upsetting the passengers.

  • Right off the bat,you can easily decipher the mindset and goal of the workers in each country.That is,it is easy to see their point of view.
    For the UK workers they must have thought of one of the biggest events which was going to take place in order to use it as a form of shared platform so that their striking would be noticed and reach the mass media where they will get tons of support from viewers.
    On the other hand, i believe the Japanese workers chose a more soft approach and decided that their strike only had to affect the likes of their employers but no other person.
    The UK workers will definitely have a higher chance of succeeding,football is the most watched sport in the world and the fact that it is the world Cup which is a rare event that only occurs every four years adds to that fact.It will reach different audiences and their workers will definitely listen to their voices in order to prevent further harm.
    However,the UK workers strike would definitely affect other innocent people who probably just came to enjoy a football match which I think its completely unacceptable.
    So from what I have said I believe that the UK workers have the best approach however the Japanese workers approach is more mindful.

  • The strike in the United Kingdom has caused chaos everywhere, paralysis in all walks of life, huge economic losses, due to the largest strike wave in its history, especially in times of holidays, celebrations and tourism, and the most affected sector is the health sector because they put people's lives at risk. The government has hired the army To replace employees, especially at airports and land border crossings on a temporary basis, and electronic gates will solve part of the crisis, and this strike by all standards is bad because it disrupts people's lives, and the government should look at those laws that control strikes, and in my opinion workers in the United Nations are more deserving of That the money be sent to Ukraine, and relatively resorting to the reserve fund of foreign currency, in order to reduce inflation, and as for the experience of Japan in the strike, I liked it and it will not harm the general interest of the people, but they strike with something partial, their protests or strikes are organized after working hours, or they depend on machines It is a strike of another kind that did not paralyze the construction movement as happened in the United Kingdom. It is better for the people of the United Kingdom to strike and take the strike model in Japan as a model for them،This is an example of sophistication and a sense of responsibility towards the country.

  • For me, I think that they took advantage of the appropriate opportunity to go on strike and took advantage of the presence of such an important match, and also took advantage of the large number of spectators. I think that the losses they will cause are very large, and the possibility that the government will respond to their demands is also great, but if I were the fans, I would feel very upset, angry and sad also because I was not able to watch the match . As for the second category, they made good use of this opportunity and did not cause grief to the fans, but rather caused financial losses to the state. The state was waiting for this opportunity, which for it was a golden opportunity, and it may not be repeated. Therefore, the possibility of responding to the demands of these workers is also great, but this may cause negative results such as the expulsion of this person. The worker is from his work or his salary is reduced, so if something like this happens, what will the workers do?!

  • In my own personal view and opinion, I believe that the UK striking would have been a very big problem in the UK this is because many people use public transport to convey themselves to wherever they are going so therefore, In a very big occasion such as the FA cup final many fans all over the country and the world at large would come expecting to make use of the transport to go to the stadium and to their greatest surprise they hear that transport workers planned a strike to take place during the FA Cup Final. Me myself, as a great fan of football I wont be happy and I know how this individuals would feel in the UK due to this action of transport workers in the country. Many individuals may have aspired with their long awaiting spirit to see the end of the cup and have the opportunity to witness the match.

  • I think that the workers in US have not striked just because to upset people during that time when in each home on TV football matches were going on.I think they may be had protested before because of decleration of any of their right but It was not noticed in any media coverage.They wanted their rights and efforts to be realised but were waiting for the correct time and in this event they thought fruitful for them and they've been sucessful and look today I am writing a comment in favour of them.
    So the Japaneese drivers were more admireable by people and liked because they were responsible and do not wanted people to punish for some other reasons.I liked the strategy of US drivers and responsiblity and loyalty to their work.This was my opinion what about you?

  • I think UK workers chose to strike like this because it would give them more attention for their needs. When such an important event occurs transportation is going to be very important so without transportation workers people will not get the resources to go where they need to go. Making the strike even more impactful. I think workers in Japan chose to strike like this because they did not want to inconvenience the regular citizens but they still wanted their boss to be affected. I think the UK strike would most likely get the workers what they want because an important event like FA Cup Final would bring a lot of money in for the transportation company so no workers will cause a lot of profit to be lost. Rather than just a few days or a few weeks of profit being lost like in Japan. Something else workers could do to get what they want is to get support from the community or customers to boycott a service so workers could be treated fairly. Us as consumers to have our needs but the workers who provide these services matter too.

  • I think employees in both the UK and Japan are working hard to lead a good life. When they have any vital problems and no one cares about them, they go to strike . People can strike in different ways . Whatever they do , they want to obtain their rights .
    In UK , they competely stopped working to make people feel angry especially when the football event was held . The workers think that through this way they can force the government to do what they want .
    In Japan, the matter was different and admirable. Needless to say that the Japanese people has their own ways in dealing with problems . This reflects their own culture and their way of thinking . All respect to them because they respect their people . They love their job so much so without stopping work they protest and demand their rights gently . I think that through this way all the Japanese people will support them to have their rights.
    Really l admired the Japanese way .

  • In my perspective i think that both UK and JAPAN both went on strike because
    The bus driver in UK wanted people should be aware about why they were going on strike and they also picked the day of the FA cup finals because this would affect everyone using the bus for transportation to the stadium
    the bus driver in JAPAN did not take money from passengers because they were are angry and want to make their boss financially weak because travelling for free without paying affect the boss because its the boss that pays for the Maintenace, the progress of the business.

  • Trains would have striked on a busy day to annoy people that need to get places, this effective because it shows how much people take transport workers for granted because without them you would struggle to get places, so them striking would show people what it is like to not have transport when your in desperate need and people might start to be grateful for having people transport them places with very low income.

    Japan were a lot kinder than the Uk but there's is also very effective because giving passengers free transport will soon lead to the bus company loosing out on money and the business will fall through, then escalating there to being no transport by bus and soon people in Japan will realise that they have taken it for granted.

    I think the Uk will get what they want faster as their striking method, will cause the most chaos as they are refusing to run the trains on a very busy day which will anger passengers and soon the government will realise they should rise their pay.

    Workers could protest safely by prove their side of their argument and it could lead to people understanding what they go through at wo daily and people will feel sympathetic and agree to increase their income.

  • Every person has his own point of view about anything, so the opinions of others should be respected about anything that is discussed, for example the strike. Some say that the strike is good while others say that it is bad. We cannot impose our opinion on anyone, so in my opinion, the strike is sometimes good and sometimes bad, because it has Pros and cons. One of its most important positives is: giving employees their rights, hiring non-working graduates, and increasing wages.
    Among its disadvantages: delay in production, economic problems, and expulsion from jobs.
    Some believe that there is no way but to strike in order to reach the goals. Of course, I respect their opinion, but I believe that through calmness and dialogue, we can reach our goals without striking work. At that time, we will not be late in production, we will not be expelled, and there will be no economic problems.

  • I completely agree with Japan's decision and their way of protesting for change. Instead of just out right refusing to do their work, and potentially cause problems for others; they have decided to just refuse money from customers. This way, they are able to achieve their goal and continue working.

  • While the pattern of strikes in the UK is nothing we haven't seen before, what is really interesting is how the Japanese transport workers decided to go on strike. Their method shows that the Japanese government, unlike so many others in today's corrupt world, actually cares about the welfare of its people. Refusing to accept money would harm very few apart from the said workers. Hence, the government in many countries would ignore these strikes, and wait till the drivers decided to start accepting payment again, as they too have families to support. This unique way of having their voices heard shows us how much the Japanese government looks after its people and sets a lead for nations across the world to follow.

  • I think that strikes are allowed as people should be able to take time to express their opinion. Strikes are a powerful way for workers to express their dissatisfaction with their working conditions, wages and benefits. So I agree that workers should be aloud to strike so they can have a better working conditions.