Comments by clever_ladder Comment Post Date Sure! Here are a few reasons for my view on prisoner comfort: The role of prisoner comfort in... What’s the purpose of prisons? 30/1/24 During a class discussion about my involvement in the student hub, a classmate raised an... Classroom spy! 30/1/24 The primary concern when it comes to prisons should be security. It is crucial to ensure that... What’s the purpose of prisons? 29/1/24 The issue of prisons and their effectiveness is a complex one, and I have developed a balanced... What if prisons aren’t working? 29/1/24 I think that a balanced approach is crucial in presenting news about climate change. The current... Too much negative news? 26/1/24 I've always been an avid reader of articles and newspapers, and recently I came across some... Finding a balance 26/1/24 Hello, Reminders about climate change evoke a mix of emotions in me. On the positive side, I... Climate change: regular reminders 26/1/24 Yes. I believe that teaching is a great example of a job that humans will always excel at... People v robots 26/1/24 The news that caught my attention was the Russia-Ukraine war. It has come to my attention... Competition #1 winners 25/1/24 AI-powered robots have the potential to excel in tasks that require precision and repetition,... People v robots 25/1/24 I agree with opinion B, as there are certain tasks and experiences that AI cannot fully... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24 < 1 2