Comments by confident_apple

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I think option A is perfect because if they are not sure or if it is not safe then they should... AI accident: who is responsible? 16/2/24
If I would have a robot then it should give many facilities for the people who are in need and i... AI companion 15/2/24
I think the people entering in a country without visa or passport can do anything because if... Why are there rules about immigration? 15/2/24
I think it will not be good if the real adults are replaced by the bot. Here when we post the... AI bots on the Hub? 14/2/24
In my country the number of young people who are politically engaged are increasing. People are... Are young people politically engaged? 14/2/24
The phrase ' not enough ' will be a really good phrase. The people in today's generation are... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 14/2/24
The people moving from one place to another have to follow different rules set in the country in... Why are there rules about immigration? 12/2/24
Fans, media and government all are responsible for supporting women, but media and fans play an... Women's sport 11/2/24
All the people living in the society should know about the local news about what is happening so... Responsible citizens 11/2/24
I don't think all the country should agree on the same age limit because all the countries have... Age restrictions 08/2/24
The age limit for voting in an election from my point of view should be 18 and in my country... Age restrictions 08/2/24
It's not about prioritizing one job over another but rather finding a balanced approach.... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24
Deterrence aims to discourage potential offenders, punishment serves as a consequence for... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24
The top priority of prison officers should be a balanced approach that combines security,... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24
Things we can do more to make people understand about climate change: Education: Promote... Why don’t people change? 03/2/24
Several factors contribute to people not changing their behavior to protect the planet and... Why don’t people change? 03/2/24
Several factors contribute to this, including lack of awareness, convenience, and economic... Why don’t people change? 03/2/24
The future role of AI in comparison to people is likely to involve collaboration rather than... People v robots 22/1/24
A question was asked that, can doctors ,fashion designer, astronauts, etc can be replaced by... People v robots 22/1/24
A job which AI will do better in the future, complex tasks like interstellar exploration or... People v robots 22/1/24