Comments by consistent_hippopotamus Comment Post Date Functionally, strikes provide workers with the bargaining power to drive fair and meaningful... Strikes: Beneficial or Not? 21/5/23 Yes, I think that strikes are neccessary because, One of their objectives is to change the... Are Strikes Really Necessary? 21/5/23 By automating certain tasks and providing real-time insights, AI can help organizations make... AI: Crucial or Potentially Harmful? 21/5/23 Cities who reduce their risk of climate effects and other naturally occurring disasters will see... Should cities be made more eco-friendly? 19/5/23 Earth day inspires people to commit to environmental protection. It encourages them to take... Will Earth Day create new life? 19/5/23 You can't fix the climate on your own, but you can become part of a generation that does.... Climate Change: Are We Really Making a Difference? 18/5/23 Employees who do not feel heard may also feel undervalued which can lead to distrust and... Every Employee Must be Heard! 17/5/23 Although artificial intelligence has been around for a while, technology has recently... Can Artificial Intelligence Reshape the Future of Art? 17/5/23 An official Royal Warrant Display Document is sent to the Grantee which provides evidence of the... Does the modern world need royals? does America? 17/5/23 Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning... Are our efforts for renewable energy really helping? 16/5/23 No matter what the creature is, destruction is always easier than creation, but humans have... What is the point in having a world when we are just going to destroy it? 16/5/23 I think the world still needs royalty A royal family typically includes the spouse of the... Does the modern world need royals? does America? 16/5/23 I Totally disagree with you. ... Nepotism is mostly negative as it can foster resentment and... Is Nepotism positive? 16/5/23 Nepotism is the act of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or close... NEPOTISM OR DESTROYER OF LIVES? 14/5/23 To avoid nepotism, a collective leadership strategy requires to ensure that employee hires, and... Nepotism Can It Be Avoided? 13/5/23 A right is a choice to make your own opinion and entitlement to things such as education,... Does responsibility deprive others of their rights? 13/5/23 Voice cloning is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate a person's... Photos and voices 12/5/23 The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor focuses on four main areas of corporate climate... Climate change in court 12/5/23 Essentially, though, there is no difference between the court reporter and any other member of... Climate change in court 12/5/23 Usually, parents make decision for their children which is wrong. In terms of career choice,... Is nepotism acceptable? 11/5/23 1 2 3 4 5 >