Is nepotism acceptable?

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Nepotism and its disadvantages

I sincerely believe that nepotism is not acceptable because there are a plethora of children aspiring to be prodigious actors, popstars etc…Nepotism constricts these children from achieving their goals since there are already hundreds of children above them on the waiting list. It is entirely fine to have children higher than another on the waiting list, however, those children above, have not earned their spots from dedication, being determined and having unique attributes, but from favouritism. Personally, I am certain that favouritism leads to nepotism and shouldn’t be acceptable as well.


Like told above, favouritism is a primary factor which contributes to nepotism. Favouritism defines when one is biassed and is in favour of doing a multitude of things for a particular child. In simple words, favouritism is when one person, for example: a director of a film, will do anything for their favourite actor and will not do anything and everything for others.


Although the people who hire actors are willing to take in children whose parents have an abundance of professional experience and can get them more money, it is being biassed to only select particular children.

Moreover, it is not obligatory that an actor’s descendants are also wanting to be an actor or a pop star's offspring are also aspiring to be a popstar.

To conclude, with all my persistent attitude that nepotism shouldn’t be allowed, I also trust that those nepo-kids should also be permitted to become what they aspire to be, however, they should receive no special treatment and should be going through the same procedures and auditions that other children go through to become whatever they want as an occupation.

Comments (21)

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  • Nepotism is a major offense, but I completely agree with you that most people don't view it as such. Both favoritism and nepotism ought to be frowned upon in society, yet there are times when it is necessary to engage in the latter.

    If you're a highly talented singer, for instance, and you've worked hard to establish your reputation and demonstrate your abilities, but it isn't working out for you, and you have a relative who holds a significant position in the music business. Personally, I don't think it's a bad thing if you ask for their assistance.

    When it involves kids, especially in the family and school, I think it's awful. You must receive rewards for your work as a child. For instance, if a project was assigned to each student to be presented the following day, and one of your favorite students did the work so well that it was obvious someone else did it for him/her but couldn't present it, but the other obviously did the project themselves and presented it perfectly, the second child obviously deserves the kudos. The second child obviously deserves the praise, but just because the first child was a good student doesn't mean he should get the praise because doing so can kill the other child's motivation and self-esteem.

    However, just because you have connections doesn't mean you should utilize them in circumstances like applying for jobs, especially if you're not very skilled in that field. Because obtaining a job in this manner will only produce several major errors that may end in the destruction of the workplace.

    Although it is a serious infraction, nepotism occasionally has a positive outcome. For instance, it is wrong to decline recognition from someone only because they have a family who has a significant role. However, it's crucial to avoid using connections to apply for positions that are inappropriate for one's abilities.

  • "No, inequality * bias and nepotism are not acceptable.
    We must always strive to achieve equality in society, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, or any other factor. We must rid ourselves of any bias that affects our decisions or actions, whether it is personal or societal bias.

    Inequality and bias lead to the division of society and discrimination against some individuals. It deprives some individuals of equal opportunities and access to resources. This kind of bias has a negative impact on the mental and physical health of those affected, and it leads to the exacerbation of violence, discrimination, and injustice in society.

    Therefore, we must all strive to combat inequality and bias and work towards achieving equality and justice in society."

  • id say yes its normal to give better opertunities to your family and friends because they may have helped in any small way to help you do things so they kind of helped so its inly fair that you help them.

  • From my perspective:

    Answering this question depends on the context in which favoritism is being considered and the reasons behind its use. Ethically, using favoritism to secure a job or another opportunity without relying on merit and competence is unethical and can lead to the unfair allocation of public opportunities to a specific group of individuals.

    Legally, the use of favoritism may be illegal in some cases, as the law prohibits unfair practices in employment and access to job opportunities.

    However, in some cultures or societies, the use of favoritism may be deemed necessary, where personal and family relationships are considered more important than qualifications and experience. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised to ensure that favoritism is used with clear criteria for selection and that individuals are chosen based on their competency and eligibility for the position or opportunity available.

  • I thin nepotism should 1000% not acceptable because if one person is being treated with lots of help and another is not getting the same help then to me that means the person who is giving help loves the person who is getting more help more than the other person and that one person might be offended and just images you being in your class and you need help and you were the only one who didn’t get the same amount of help as the class how would that make you feel and in class when I was talking about this we had slides that showed nepotism baby nepotism and we heard that willow smith and Jaden smith (will and jada smith children)there surnames into something else and that told us that they are trying to take away the baby nepotism.

  • No, nepotism is not acceptable as it undermines the principles of fairness, meritocracy, and equal opportunities. Nepotism is the practice of showing favoritism towards family members or close friends, often at the expense of others who may be more qualified or deserving of the same opportunities.
    Nepotism can create a toxic work environment, where employees feel undervalued and demotivated because their hard work and achievements are overlooked in favor of those with family connections. It can also lead to a lack of diversity and a narrowing of perspectives, which can limit creativity and innovation.

    Moreover, nepotism can damage an organization's reputation, leading to a loss of trust and credibility. It can also negatively impact employee morale and productivity, leading to a decline in overall performance.
    So basically in conclusion, nepotism is not acceptable, as it undermines the values of fairness, meritocracy, and equal opportunities. It can have negative effects on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole, and should be actively discouraged and prevented.

  • I totally agree with this because I feel that everyone should be treated equally and that people should be picked only on the basis of their unique talents, skills, experiences, education, knowledge, and so on. Nepotism, in my opinion, is essentially prejudice in which people prefer one person over another who may be more talented and experienced simply because they are family or friends or because they treat them differently. For example, a student who completes all of his or her classwork, submits assignments on time, and even volunteers to clean the classroom after school hours receives no extra credit from the teacher. This is not because the teacher does not believe the student deserves it; rather, it is due to the teacher's own personal circumstances that policies don't want to, and then the teacher's son, who is also a student at the same school and is similarly notorious for not doing any work at all, being lazy, and never being punctual, always gets points because he is the teacher's son and he wants him to achieve without moving a muscle. This is unjust and should not be accepted. Although "openhearted_climate" remarked that favoritism is necessary in some cultures and societies, the manner in which this student explained it caused me to think differently. However, I continue to believe that nepotism in the workplace is both unjust and immoral.

  • I think that nepotism is unfair especially people who have better skill than people born into nepotism.Nepotism gives the child of the famous person the unfair advantage for example work the the child is most likely to have a better job than others not because of their skill but because of their parents fame.This could set others with good skills back as the child gets the unfair advantage.

    1. Do you think a parent helping their child with an opportunity is ever OK?

      1. Usually, parents make decision for their children which is wrong.
        In terms of career choice, you should:
        Aid, but not dictate, the decision-making process. Support your child's decisions. Give your children freedom and time to discover their skills. Provide motivation to develop and achieve.
        Establish a daily routine of mealtimes with time for homework, chores and bedtime. Reinforce learning at home and show your child the skills they're learning are applicable to everyday life. For example, if your child is learning about measurements, solicit help with a recipe. Model the habits of a lifelong learner.
        Improved Attitude and Motivation
        Parents and caregivers who provide positive involvement take advantage of the opportunities and resources available to encourage their child's interests, helping build self-esteem and strong social skills—both of which are key to success beyond the classroom.
        Motivation to succeed is necessary, but when parents push too hard, kids are less likely to develop the resilience and self-discipline they need to sustain that motivation through all of life's hurdles, from school to career and relationships.
        First of all, parents should not be the one to determine their children future because children should make their own decision. If children choose what they interested in, they will more persist for long term because they are doing what they like.

      2. Hello Jen, i would like to answer your question. I believe that parents providing opportunities for their children is perfectly acceptable. But, as a responsible parent, I believe that if you feel your child is not up to the task, you should not force them to do it, especially if there are other children who can do it. Instead, teach and train kids to be independent.

    2. I agree because... when the nepo kids take an advantage of getting jobs although they did not learn for a specific job their parents are giving them. This is most likely to cause a disadvantage for the most skilled people to lose jobs just like that while the people of the family take an advantage in their side as they get jobs. We should fight this non viral disease in our country. Although it gives the child of the famous person the unfair advantage.

  • Favoritism is generally not acceptable in most situations. It can lead to unfair treatment and negatively affect those who are not favored.

  • I believe that it greatly affects society, as it destroys it and leads to the emigration of scientific talents abroad, a decline in the economy, and the control of people who have been placed in the wrong place over society, spreading strife in it, and it will weaken production and cause harm to the state

  • Children who are born into nepotism don't appreciate the value of money and may fail in other ventures, due to not having the struggle or the effort to do it.

    Bias is also a major factor in nepotism and how it starts. But I also agree that nepo-babies should be able to aspire for their own studies or entrepreneurship.

  • Open Your Mind to the Benefits of Nepotism
    Society rightly condemns promoting unqualified progeny to unsuitable jobs, but there’s still value in passing down the family business.It is often said that a mother is never without a favourite, however society bans her from revealing who the favourite is. That said , everyone expects that a man whose favorite inaugural speech is “I belong to no one and I belong to everyone” would practice the mandate without any reminder. Perhaps, by so doing destroy the fiber of nepotism that has been woven into the threads of the nation’s oneness.Many would argue in favor of nepotism has it guarantees a high level of trust, loyalty and dedication.Let's look at some positive benefits of nepotism in the workplace.
    1.)Building a family legacy.
    2.)Private organizations prefer hiring family members to build a family legacy. ..
    3.) Reduced hiring costs and increased retention time. ...
    4.)Loyal and caring about your business.
    5.)Cooperation and lower turnover.

  • I think nepotism isn't fair but I also think it is hard to avoid because you don't want to upset or dishearten family members or friends but it may be easier if you do it to someone you don't know that well. For example if it was a job interview and it was between your really good friend and they had a good interview but it could have been better and someone you don't know but your friend really wanted the job and it would really upset them if they didn't get the job but on the other hand the person you don't know was a very good candidate for the job, you would probably pick your friend as it would be hard for you to see one of your really good friends so disheartened over a job that they would be good at but there was someone slightly better than them and you picked them.

  • Favoritism is the preference for friends or relatives because of kinship, not competence, for example:
    When a manager hires or promotes one of his employee relatives because of their kinship instead of another more efficient employee, but he has no relationship with the manager, then the manager has used nepotism in his work, not equality, and this is not fair to others.

  • I absolutely agree with you; nepotism is bad and cannot be tolerated. Nepotism prevents people from displaying their skills and causes the economy to collapse when the wrong people are placed in employment because they know the people who are hiring. When not properly handled, nepotism may lead to squabbles, riots, and even murders. People in the workplace can choose to go against management when they believe that hiring protocols are not being followed, or when job openings are advertised and people come for interviews, only to find out that the people who were given the jobs do not even show up for the interviews. This is especially noticeable in government facilities when persons are hired based on their relationships with those in charge, only to find out that they did not even show up for the interview.

    Because people who feel entitled to a job due to nepotism resort to unprofessional behavior, and nepotism can give unfair advantages to family members or friends,
    Nepotism at work can mean increased opportunity at a job, attaining a job or being paid more than other similarly situated people. everything should be good equally loved ones or not loved ones.
    Everyone deserves to be treated equally.
    people should be picked only on the basis of their unique talents, skills, experiences, education, knowledge. And nepotism is unfair especially people who have better skill than people born into nepotism. And, for the third time it is hard to avoid because you don't want to upset or dishearten family members or friends but it may be easier if you do it to someone you don't know that well.
    And mostly people don't always realize that they are creating nepotism, to themselves they think they are just becoming kind and nice to family and friends.
    1) Improvise Fair written policy. A written policy plays a significant role in preventing the ways through which nepotism can occur. ...

    2) Create detailed job descriptions. ...

    3) Promote transparency in Hiring and promotion processes. ...
    4) Objective decision-making. ...
    Equal employee treat
    5) Equal employee treatment.

  • This comment is very good in elaborating on what other factors go into to nepotism. Preconceived notions, such as the fact that because one's parents paved a influential and long-lasting legacy that they should receive the same respect and treatment as they despite not doing the same and having to struggle the same adversities. Bias and favouritism are very powerful in this sense, as they control how we view someone entirely. Because of bias, we can view someone as being better without actual proof or evidence backing that, and for favoritism, we can treat someone, who should be treated the same as others, differently because of we have some kind of affection or closeness to that person.

  • Generally speaking, nepotism is frowned upon because it can give unfair advantages to family members or friends, leading to unfair hiring and promotion practices. Nepotism is the act of giving preferential treatment to relatives, often in the workplace. While there are some benefits to nepotism, there are also risks. The most obvious risk is that nepotism can lead to unfairness in the workplace. Nepotism can also create tension and conflict among co-workers. Additionally, nepotism can lead to cronyism, in which friends and family members of the boss receive preferential treatment. This can undermine the merit-based system of hiring and promotion. Finally, nepotism can lead to corruption, as relatives may be given jobs or contracts in exchange for kickbacks or other favors.

  • I agree because... like in my school there are lists of children who are waiting to be supported but this also makes their parents to lose appetite for supporting their children's education. By the nepotism is also not when it is being practiced in a country like Uganda nepotism is just like one gives jobs to only those whom she/he knows and that makes it a non-viral disease in many parts of countries. Nepotism is now actually becoming very strange in countries where it is practiced. I would like to encourage people to join hands together to fight against nepotism in their country. Also with my president's attitude that nepotism should not be allowed.According to bias every one has a right to become whatever they want to become according to the laws.

  • Favoritism pervades many parts of society — the teacher who treats one student better than the rest, the hostess who seats the couple who arrived after you or the policeman’s aunt who always speeds but never gets a ticket. The workplace is no exception; when favoritism occurs at work, it is called nepotism. Nepotism in the workplace can lead to dissatisfied employees and opens employers up to accusations of unethical conduct. Every employer should understand what nepotism is, its impact on workplace culture and how to identify and correct it.

    1. Nepotism means something more than just favouritism in the workplace. Can you find the definition of nepotism from the activities you did in class to explain what nepotism is?

  • I would say nepotism is unacceptable. The reason why I say nepotism is unacceptable is because it is unfair. It provides a biased job. Kids known as nepo-babies can get more opportunities than some people because of who their parents are. You could be a normal person just trying to get a roll, but nepo-babies can just get that roll just because of who their parents are. In conclusion, the reason why I say this is unacceptable is because it is not fair.