Comments by constructive_singer Comment Post Date Yes, and if we refrain from making these mistakes, we can change the strict climate laws, and... Join a discussion! 20/4/23 I agree with you because there are people who travel to other countries to study medicine... Join a discussion! 20/4/23 Hello Clover Hogan My question to you 1- What are the effects of climate change on the... …Clover Hogan! 19/4/23 I learned about the reason why people choose to go on strike, to have persistence and... Lessons learned! 19/4/23 I scored 8 in the bowl, and I learned from it that strikes are the right of every worker and... Test your knowledge 18/4/23 This is due to the state and the municipalities in the state, if they provide waste containers... Earth Day poll results! 18/4/23 I believe that everyone should be allowed to strike because it is their right, but I believe... Strikes poll results! 18/4/23 Metaverse is a double-edged sword, which is a wonderful thing that has positives and a bad thing... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 17/4/23 No, because there are people who misuse metaverses for bad purposes, such as bullying,... A new realm to rule? 17/4/23 Yes, and I want to be a chemistry teacher in order to explain to students chemical experiments... Metaverse poll results! 17/4/23 I scored 7 in the cob and scored my grades by browsing the Internet and I had this information *... Test your knowledge 14/4/23 In my opinion, the worst thing is that there are not enough climate laws, so there must be many... Earth Day poll results! 13/4/23 Hello Mr. Joe, my question to you is 1- What are the reasons that made you establish this... …Joe Burton! 12/4/23 There are many reasons for the increase in personal carbon that we can say in several ways, and... Climate change in your country 12/4/23 Since you have a lot of work and projects, how did you find enough time to write your book, The... ...Matthew Ball! 11/4/23 < 1 2