Comments by emotional_meaning Comment Post Date Leaders should not be allowed to make mistakes. A leader making mistakes is very detrimental to... One rule for everyone? 17/11/22 There are so many negative impact of fast fashion like; Low Quality, Negative Environmental... Who is responsible? 15/11/22 I feel the manager should not be held responsible. What about the brains behind the job? The... Who is responsible? 15/11/22 I agree because... most social media influencers are into fast fashion and the have influence on... Who is responsible? 15/11/22 Yes, I feel people outside Iran should speak for Iranians. Iran is a sister country to all... Iran: Should people speak out? 15/11/22 Firstly I feel no one is above mistakes and mistakes should be allowed but the problem is when... One rule for everyone? 15/11/22 Historically, many cultures in different parts of the world have made insects a part of their... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 15/11/22 I agree because... we do not know the harm they my course to us and the world is busy trying to... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 15/11/22 My best character is Professor X, he is featured in X-men films. Out of all his super powers I... Who could change the world? 15/11/22 I am not really sure if will and if I want to. Firstly research has that insects provide more... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 14/11/22 When the land is polluted ,it is a hindrance for crops to grow because some deposited substances... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 14/11/22 Coming to the issues of relationship I am most surprised on the fact that when some men cheat on... Gender inequality: have your say! 11/11/22 "In my ernest opinion i feel men have a say more than women because they are superior over us."... Gender inequality: have your say! 10/11/22 A person does not need to have much cloths .Basically I feel cloth ownership is based on... Sustainable style - be a designer! 10/11/22 A person does not need to have much cloths .Basically I feel cloth ownership is based on... Sustainable style - be a designer! 10/11/22 Celebrities have the most influence on people these days. They are like the original and every... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 04/11/22 • women not being allowed to go to school in Afghanistan is so surprising because in this... Gender inequality: have your say! 03/11/22 Thank you. Should the internet be a human right? 01/11/22 It exists in every society, with and without words. Interestingly, it varies more within... Protest songs: what would you choose? 01/11/22 •Yes the internet should be a human right. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "global village"... Should the internet be a human right? 01/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 >