enlightened_currant has not published standpoints yet. Comments by enlightened_currant Comment Post Date Comment: I think that no one owns space, because space is such a big secret that no one could ever solve,... Post: Expert challenge: who owns space? Date: 29/11/22 Comment: Free healthcare is a concept that many countries are chasing to achieve in the last few decades... Post: What should be free? Date: 29/11/22 Comment: In my community every couple of weeks I could do a campaign to assemble from people all the... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 27/11/22 Comment: We are very inspired by celebrities life and what they do, to the degree of we start to we... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 27/11/22 Comment: Women also face violence because of the gender inequality. In our society and particulary in... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 25/11/22 Comment: I agree with perosn A because doctors play a very important role in our society, there's many... Post: Pick a side! Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Section c- He's trying to say that violence is not a right way to convince someone to do... Post: A speech that got people talking Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Being a leader for a country would be a good job because my personality is based on Good... Post: Would you be a leader? Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Yes internet should be a human right because In our daily life internet has been a great way to... Post: Should the internet be a human right? Date: 24/11/22 Comment: Okay maybe some people like to eat bugs but I my opinion i would not eat bugs because if they... Post: Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: Yes I can change my mind in a way that maybe I'm in a challenge and I'm blind folded so they put... Post: Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: In this 450.000$ I would buy 2 tickest to go to space with someone I would be happy with... Post: Money, money, money! Date: 21/11/22 Comment: There's a big wasting of food in all the world, the world's population has becomes 8 billion and... Post: Expert challenge: what could you do? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: When it comes to food, people just think about themselves just like me :). But also I think that... Post: The food crisis: why can’t we just share? Date: 21/11/22 Comment: Songs is a good way to convince a message over the world because as the popular the song becomes... Post: Protest songs: what would you choose? Date: 18/11/22 Comment: Yes of course people outside Iran should protest because if the Iran government blocked their... Post: Iran: Should people speak out? Date: 18/11/22