Standpoints by forgiving_gazelle Written by: forgiving_gazelle Fast fashion- be the change! 14 December 2022 0 comments Comments by forgiving_gazelle Comment Post Date Yes, I will mention an example for you. For example, there is an executive political system, as... Sport and politics: do they mix? 22/11/22 There is a clash when the laws of politics apply to the laws of a sport. This will make the... Sport and politics: do they mix? 21/11/22 No, because if politics and sport merged, it would have become complicated, because politics has... Sport and politics: do they mix? 21/11/22 First, I will say that my country is not a suitable place to host Olympic Games and Cup Games.... Coming to a town near YOU! Or not? 21/11/22 I like Tsubasa who is a cartoon character and he is a soccer player. From my point of view, he... Who could change the world? 17/11/22 It's nice that there is a variety of films. I think that diversity is TV shows and movies... Why is it important to see diversity in films? 17/11/22 Kal painter at that time expresses that the United Kingdom was facing many difficulties at that... What does the cartoonist think? 14/11/22 In my opinion, celebrities publish videos, photos, and recycling programs, so they like the... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 09/11/22 In my opinion, we should carry out donation campaigns for the poor through excess food, for... Expert challenge: what could you do? 09/11/22 yes. Because some societies do not appreciate the importance and benefits of women in society.... Gender inequality: have your say! 07/11/22 yes . We need to be more aware of using the Internet. We must limit the time to use the... Should the internet be a human right? 05/11/22 Of course, we do not eat insects because they are harmful to health and disgusting and are prone... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 01/11/22 I want to say first that there is no discrimination between the sexes, as both of them are... Gender inequality: have your say! 01/11/22 The Internet made it easy for us to do many things, such as communicating with relatives,... Should the internet be a human right? 01/11/22 Every person goes through the stage of adolescence and during adolescence it appears regardless... Competition #1 Interpreting statistics 01/11/22