Coming to a town near YOU! Or not?

On May 12, 1970, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) awarded Denver, in Colorado USA, the 1976 Winter Olympic Games. About two and half years later, Colorado citizens voted to make it a violation of Colorado's constitution for state funds to be allocated toward the event. As a result, Denver's Olympic planners were forced to take back their offer to host the Games – and it did not host the event.

This got us thinking.

Would you want a big sports event, like the Olympic Games or the World Cup, to be hosted by your local area? Why or why not?

How might a big event like this benefit an area? How might it cause problems?

Comments (78)

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  • I would want a big event hosted by my local area, because I enjoy sports quite a lot and I would love to see my team play.

    This might benefit an area because it would make lots of job opportunities and it would make lots of guests stay in hotels, which would make the area richer. It might make an area poorer if the buildings that are made are never used again, because in China one stadium, called the Bird's Nest costs 10 million dollars of upkeep every year, but it is barely used.

    1. I agree because that is good and sustainable


    2. what if you spend the money on something else like a eco shelter to help instead of only a short football game.

  • I would't like to have a huge event ,like the World Cup, take place in my local area as I may be kicked out of my house due to lack of space for the amount of fans. The place will be overcrowded and like the situation in Quatar, we would need lots of construction workers to build many hotels, stations and lots of more things that need a lot of money. Did you know, that in Quatar, there is 1.5 million fans coming to stay there? The situation is unbeleivable and is putting everyone under pressure.

  • If I could host it, it would be a coincidence, but the circumstances that my country is going through do not allow, unfortunately, and we do not have the financial value to build stadiums and most of the things and prerequisites for hosting, as we will visit an area that is a tourist destination for all countries, and it will be an exceptional and huge event.

    1. I agree because...Yes, we, the Gaza Strip, suffer from the lack of sufficient stadiums for the establishment of the World Cup or the Olympic Games, but when we host such an event in the Gaza Strip, they will build environmentally friendly sports stadiums, which will lead to the proximity of the distances between them to facilitate the movement of the masses who will attend the activities of this global event. And strengthening the educational system and improving the quality of health care services in the country, and making it accessible to all and others.

    2. Yes, I agree with her opinion, but we can encourage everyone who loves to watch the match or the players by encouraging the Palestinians to enter the World Cup without doing it in Palestine, and most of the Palestinians love to watch the World Cup

  • It will benefit my country financially and raise its social status

  • I really want a big sports event like World Cup to be hosted by my local area. Being a true cricket fan, its my dream to see my ideals playing in front of me. In our country, cricket is seen every where. People love cricket so much they can't take their eyes off to the screen when a cricket match is happening. I think they surely want to see in the stadium. Moreover, as many people would like to see cricket match, it will be beneficial for us as it will give profit to the management.
    However certain problems can also take place like traffic jam. But never mind because its an idiom also "You have to lost something just to gain something"

    1. Hi @supportive_philosophy, great to see you're passionate about Cricket and would like to see your nation host a big event! What solutions can you think of to the traffic issue?

      1. By constructing the stadiums at such places where mostly people will not be affected. Traffic problems are mostly because the stadiums are just in the center of city and the roads are blocked for making sure of secuirty of the players and team members.

  • It sounds pretty fun but I wouldn't like an event like the Olympic games or the FIFA world cup in my local area because it would be very disturbing and annoying , even though I like watching the Olympic games, FIFA world cup 2022 and more events just like that.

  • In my opinion, the Olympic Games and the World Cup are important sporting events, and I love them very much, despite their absence in my country, because my country is a small area, and its establishment requires large financial resources and a national income that does not have the ability to bear these sums, and that the countries that can do that have a large area and have The ability to pay money.
    And this great event can benefit these areas and become a tourist area because many of us love these events.
    1But how can countries with a small area see the event in reality? Will the space expand?
    2 Can you answer that, and what are your suggestions?
    I would like to hear all of your opinions, it will help me a lot.

  • Thinking about how much I wanted to go to Qatar and share in the world cup 2022 vibes and I do not deny that I dream of going to Qatar, but I have school and travel expenses. Also, as a Palestinian, it is not easy to obtain a visa to enter Qatar. So yes, why not host the next World Cup in Palestine? Although it is a difficult possibility to achieve in current political and economic conditions, unfortunately.
    But look at the bright side, I see that it is nice for the world to get to know Palestine and to have the opportunity to visit it and participate in the World Cup celebrations, and also for us as citizens, we will have the opportunity to do our best to complete this event, participate in the preparations and be part of it.
    talking about how my country could get benefits by hosting the world cup or Olympic games, Not ignoring the money that will be spent on building luxury hotels, restaurants, infrastructure, construction, and stadiums, as it will double the revenues of the arena, and the tournament will be a primary engine for achieving the future vision of the country.

    The indirect benefits that the state will achieve; It is represented by increasing the good global impression of the country, and improving the commercial and tourism rates.

  • Well, I would like it for a big event like world cup cause such a big event would bring about new opportunities to the people of my area for example foodstuff businesses would work more due the more people coming in,the accommodation houses like hotels and guest houses would get lots of customers cashing in, transport businesses like motorcyclists, taxi drivers and bus drivers also get more earnings from transporting people from one point of the city to other areas. The government might also benefit greatly since more taxes shall be collected and aslo the tourism sector will improve since many entrants will be interested in other things like wildlife and historical sites in my country. The youth shall also get jobs for example cleaning football stadia thus solving unemployment in my country. Entrepreneurs could get more idealistic solutions to bigtime solutions in business through advice from fellow entrepreneurs across the world who might have come to enjoy world cup. So basically people in my area shall benefit economically and it will bring the economy on board.
    However,this has dwonsides;
    *Increase in crime rate
    *Increase in pollution in the area due to increase in emissions forexample form cars.
    *The country could lose much of its money in preparing for world cup since it will have to build new stadia.

    1. Great insight to the benefits of hosting a big event! Do you think the positives outweigh the negatives and can you think of any solutions to the issues you've mentionned?

    2. I agree because hosting such a big event in my area too would bring in big job opportunities like venders who sell drinks, those who sell cooked food, selling whistles and this would help them get money at the end of every sell.The money got would be used to pay school fees ,pay rent, invest in their businesses.

  • I wouldn't want a big sports event like the Olympics or the World Cup hosted in my country for many reasons. The first reason is that my home country is small and lacks good infrastructure to be able to host events like World Cup or the Olympics. There wouldn't be enough accomodation for the visitors who come to see the events live. And for my home country to be able to build better infrastructure, they would have to get a loan like from World Bank which would put the country further more into debt.

    A big event like this would make the crime in my country sky rocket because there would be many famous and rich people who would come to see the event and they carry expensive and valuable items with them which would end up tempting someone into theft. Another problem would be that there would be a lot of congestion in the areas where the event will be help and with congestion again comes theft, transmission of diseases and high risk for a terrorist attack.

    1. Thank you..But what are the positive returns to your country when your country hosts the World Cup?

    2. i completely understand what you're saying but there are just as many and probably more benefits. a big event would bring SO much tourists in which will increase the rate of employment, jobs and money. that money can then be spent on improving infrastructure such as houses, hotels, schools etc. the status of the country will be improved and it will gain more recognition. it would bring different communities from all over the world and would bring people together. if you was the leader of your country and got given the chance, would you? think of the benefits I've mentioned as well as many more. not only does the country get more attraction and money to improve lives of locals but you also get the opportunity for these big teams to play in your country. it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity so I would definitely take it

  • I wouldn't like a big event like the Olympic Games or the World Cup, to be hosted in or by my country. Many people enjoy sports and would like the events to be held in their countries but they should first look and the heaviness of the money in the banks of the country. would bring about new opportunities to the people of my area for example foodstuff businesses would work more due the more people coming in,the accommodation houses like hotels and guest houses would get lots of customers cashing in, transport businesses like motorcyclists, taxi drivers and bus drivers also get more earnings from transporting people from one point of the city to other areas. The government might also benefit greatly since more taxes shall be collected and aslo the tourism sector will improve since many entrants will be interested in other things like wildlife and historical sites in my country. The youth shall also get jobs for example cleaning football stadia thus solving unemployment in my country. Entrepreneurs could get more idealistic solutions to bigtime solutions in business through advice from fellow entrepreneurs across the world who might have come to enjoy world cup. So basically people in my area shall benefit economically and it will bring the economy on board.

    1. Well, I agree with you, but I think that no country can host such a big event as the World Cup unless they are able to do so. Given the financial, economic and political conditions in my country (Palestine), this thing does not enable us to host the World Cup, and this is a very sad thing. But if the World Cup is hosted in any country, it will certainly be able to do so in all physical, economic and political aspects. Of course, hosting the World Cup will bring many benefits to the host country. First, activating the tourism sector in the host country, strengthening the bonds of friendship with the countries participating in the World Cup, spreading the customs and traditions of this country among the masses attending the World Cup, and introducing peoples’ culture. Participation in the World Cup, marketing the country's local products, increasing the country's GDP, this host country will be the focus of all the people of the world. Therefore, I believe that hosting a World Cup for a country that is able to do that, the World Cup will be successful in that host country.

  • I would want a big event hosted by my local area because I enjoy sports.
    And this will cause many benefits like job opportunities and this will make our area have more money than before because of the cost that the people will pay to come to see the event.
    But there are also disadvantage like the lack of space they might to knock houses because of this and to make a huge event it will cost big amount of money .
    Do you know there are millions of people that will go to see the World Cup in Qatar so it must be under control

  • Hosting big events can be very beneficial for developing nations. Events like the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup attract tourists from all over the world. The local government spends huge amounts of money to develop infrastructure which in the long term improves the standard of living of people. It is a huge economic boost to the host nation. As people from various parts of the world travel to see the event, they also come across the local cuisine and culture. Thus the local traditions and culture are promoted. Host nations display their capabilities in the international media which in turn attracts investors. Thus hosting big events is beneficial.

    1. Are there any negative implications?

      1. Yes there are negative implications of my country to host such a big event like world cup because this event will attract more people in the country which will lead to congestion in the country. You realize that with this congestion there will be easy spread of diseases both the air borne diseases like influenza or covid 19 and the contact diseases like ebola and it will be hard to identify the infected people so their are even high risks of death of people. This will also lead to increase in the rates of pollution in the country because people will dump their polythene and plastics after having their snacks and drinks while watching the game. This will also lead to high crime rates in the country and because of the congestion it will be hard to identify that there are crimes taking place or to even identify the criminals.
        But as "easygoing lemon" said, that it will also be very beneficial to the country because the country will put in much money and effort to make sure that the event is a success just like Qatar put in $220billion to organize this world cup2022. So the country would improve on the infrastructure like the roads to ease the transportation of the visitors that are coming into the country and this will also benefit the natives. This event will attract tourists into the country which will help to increase on the country's revenue. The country will now be known by many other nations in the world which may attract investors in a country.

    2. I agree because... I agree with your opinion that it is working to revive the country's economy, but I think that there should be an economy in the country basically, as such activities are very expensive that these countries cannot afford, so how can they build an economy in light of their lack of capital?! And let's not forget that there are countries Developing areas of conflict and permanent conflict are not suitable for such large events

    3. I agree because... Some countries can benefit from what Qatar has done on a positive side, such as developing the state and building stadiums and hotels that are worthy of the visitors it will come. On the other hand, Qatar can spend some of the amount that exceeded $200 billion on its people who suffer from poverty, but Qatar is one of the Arab countries advanced, which can further develop more and more.

  • having a sports event in my local area can be very beneficial as it will raise the profile of my city and also it will bring honour and pride to my area. Many cities have been seen through sports events which lid to raise business investment and attract tourists. Also , sports will be improving and improving and will have great interest by the country and people and the benefits from doing sports are countless and will raise people's awareness of sports importance. In my local area, we will have the chance to witness such a big event as we don't have this opportunity every day. As countries exchange cultures in this big event, there will be better understanding for global culture. Also home fans will have the opportunity to meet their superstars. Although the hosting countries spend too much money on hosting such an event, they can get revenue in form of selling Tv rights and selling tickets as well and more foreign currency will be earned. There will be commercial benefits related to selling goods .
    If the country doesn't host the sports event well,it will cause so many problems. Concerning the bad reputation that area will have ,there will be negative publicity and thus losing a big number of tourists will be a logical consequence. Routine life for the native people will be affected because of large crowds and there will be a lot of pressure on the hosting country team to win the competition so that they can cover the expenses. Some buildings that are built especially for this event might not be used anymore in the future. Local business can suffer because of the huge advertisements that the big brands will sew up. providing high levels of security can cause spending too much money in addition to restriction of movement freedom during games.
    I believe that hosting sports events can make difference to the hosting area if they are planned well and wisely trying to avoid any negative points that will affect the area.

  • I very much hope that my region will host a major sporting event in short, because sport greatly attracts my attention and the interest of many, and seeing sporting events from a nearby place is completely different from seeing them on TV.
    I believe that any region hosting a major sporting event will reap a lot of profits on all levels: in the economic field it will benefit from raising its economy through tickets and through hotel reservations, and in the field of investing money in it, and in the field of tourism: this event will draw the attention of everyone around the region Therefore, everyone will want to visit it to get to know it and tour it, and thus its culture and heritage will be transmitted, such as its popular dishes, for example.

  • Watching world cup on tv is already so interesting and fun, but watching it first hand might be a thing that will only happen once in a live time for many people. Also business will be booming and many people will want to watch it so it will attract lots of attention.
    Overall it will be one of the best things that might happen in my country

  • From my point of view, I do not see that a major sporting event cannot be hosted in my country, although I hope that we will keep pace with countries in such major events, because this will return to the state a great economic recovery and the acquisition of different cultures, but our region is a region of constant conflict and conflict, and we suffer from weakness In the national and local economy, such events need. To a great economy that our region lacks 😞

  • First, I will say that my country is not a suitable place to host Olympic Games and Cup Games. Because of its small size, it will need expensive sums of money to build stadiums and hotels for fans. It is a wonderful thing that there are also games in my country, such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games, and it will also increase the culture of our country.

  • Who among us does not wish for a great event similar to that to happen in his region? This gives many advantages to the region economic, political, social, and psychological as well. But we regret our luck in our region, which is not suitable for that, and is incapable of great events occurring in it, because of its small size, dense population, and the lack of necessary capabilities. We are a people who love excellence and progress. But there is no trick, as they say. We hope to prepare a dedicated place with high privileges to receive such matches or competitions, because it is an event that will be recorded in the history of our region and will be a source of pride for us and our previous generations.

  • I would very much like to host the Olympic Games and the World Cup. They are fun. I love that, especially in my region. But I see that the Gaza Strip does not have large areas like other countries where the World Cup is held, such as Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. We are facing a financial crisis, we are facing many Of the problems, if we host the Olympic Games and the World Cup, we will face other crises such as (demolition of houses 🏨 and traffic congestion, etc.) Of the crises, we Arabs cannot, we cannot face more than one crisis, this is enough ... but it was my dream to attend the World Cup match Which will be held today, Sunday, on 11/20/2022. I wish I was there to encourage my favorite players (Lewandowski) and the player (Neymar Jr.). I wish you progress and creativity . We have a small playground on the street opposite my grandmother’s house, the Rafah Youth Sports Club.. I go to visit it every vacation, where something like the World Cup is held. .❤

  • Would you like Gaza to host a major event, such as the Olympic Games or the World Cup?

    Yes, I would like that much Because it would be very interesting for this to happen in an Arab town again and in Palestine for the first time This will be recorded in history, especially since it happened for the first time in the world in Palestine, Gaza. This is from my point of view. I do not know the opinion of others, but I respect the minds of others

  • Yes, I would like to hold the FIFA World Cup in Gaza City. Due to poor financial conditions. suffered by young people. And less work. Because it is an opportunity to earn money and economic prosperity by setting up gigs. To sell local foods famous in my city. And an opportunity for painters to paint the face. And opportunities for children's sessions. and opportunities for hairdressers. And shopping opportunities. by visitors. to encourage the cup. him too. Draw a great history. It will remain stuck in the minds of generations throughout the ages.

  • All countries wish that there would be competitions, football games and the Olympic Games in the country, especially the developing countries, to increase their importance and visit tourists from all over the world to watch the competitions, and there is always competition between countries and the best countries, and whoever achieves victory and the presence of the best contestants, and I hope that this will happen in a match and competitions In Gaza, to increase the importance, see the archaeological sites there, compete with other countries, build many stadiums to watch the games in, get to know people from other countries and know their opinions, get to know them, take them on a tour in Gaza, try to learn their languages ​​and get to know their country more, and I desire that because I love the Olympic Games and enjoy the watch them

  • The Summer Olympics is a global sporting event that has been held every 4 years since 1896, and all the games that are competed in are 27 sports, and each of them has special symbols.
    I hope that these games will be held in my country, especially the World Cup, to encourage sports, motivate victory and competition between different countries, and revive the economy.
    And if it happens to reside in my country, it will progress prosperously in terms of tourism, economy and exchange of cultures.
    This can cause problems, as it needs very large capabilities in terms of space and money, and it can also cause some disagreements between people.
    Despite these obstacles, I hope to hold the Olympic Games in my country.

  • Would you like to host a major sporting event, such as the Olympic Games or the World Cup, in your local area? Why and why not
    How can a major event like this benefit a region? How can it cause problems?

    1- Yes, I would definitely like to, without hesitation. Because it helps in the development of developing countries in terms of construction, work and many things will develop. It does not count.
    This project will bring in a lot of money. It will evolve and spread heritage. From food, daily habits and many customs and traditions.
    But there are also benefits and development. There are problems that can spoil. Any small mistake can spoil them and they are caring in all respect.
    In the end, I hope that the World Cup will continue and be successful.

  • I would like my country to host an important sport competition because I can see many different famous sportsmen like: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe and Neymar Jr at the World cup and many legends of football or other sports at the ceremonies but I don't think we have chances to host an important sport competition because we don't have the capacity required of big stadiums. We would have to join with other countries, this almost happened with Greece Serbia and Romania for 2030 but Greece changed their mind for a better offer for them.
    I think a big event like this will benefit Romania because the government will need to build new stadiums that are bigger than now and we will have a lot of people coming to Romania.The problems about this is that I don't think we have a lot of hotels and space to have all the people in a house or hotel and in Ukraine it's a conflict between Russia and Ukraine for the territories of Ukraine so it might be a problem because the people will be terrified every day and I don't think Romania has the ideal budget. I think right now is not the time but I hope that one day in the future we will have the world cup here as I think it would be a great event for our country.

    1. I agree with you. It will be good to have a sporting competition held close to where I live because there are many benefits to that. I would get to see many stars who I only get to see on television in person that would be an amazing experience. It will also help my country as well because many tourists from all over the world will come to watch the event. Now my country might not be strong enough to hold a very big sporting event but I know one day my country will be eligible and we will host big events such as the World cup not just for men but for women also.

      But, on the other hand, there is the point of view that it might not be so great to host a big sporting event close to where I live because it will cost a lot of resources to host the event and that money would be very useful in helping the hungry and homeless people in my country. Furthermore, with a very big sporting event, there will be lots of pollution. Not just environmental pollution but noise pollution also. Some stadiums are so loud that two people cannot hear themselves talking and that amount of noise will not be so pleasant for people living in that area especially in my living area because most of the people that live there are elderly and won't want so much noise. I too, find noise very unpleasant. The environmental pollution too would be overwhelming as not just the stadium will be full, hotels, clubs, the traffic will be jammed and so many other things. These are some of the reasons why I feel it will not be so pleasant to have a sporting competition near where I live. What do you think about this other point of view?

  • Yes, I would like a big sporting event in my local area, because it would be easy for me and other people from my local area to go to the event in person and not watch it on the TV.
    Also a big event like the olympic games could really benefit the local area by growing it's popularity. But it could also be bad for the country because it can be very expensive to prepare for such a big event.

  • It would be great if a sport event was hosted by my local area or in my local area it would make it easier for people who love sports and don't have the means to travel soo far to enjoy and watch their favorite team play.
    And it would create a chance for people to exhibit their talents through sports and people would want to come and watch in which creating an opportunity for tourist to come and have a nice view.

  • According to me hosting a big event like the World cup it thw olympics could really be a big mile stone for our country and this could really make our country develop. And according to me I could choose the World Cup event over the olympics. This is because even though our country will invest much in the event and us the locals we shall greatly benefit directly. Me choosing the wirld cup over the Olympics is because the World Cup event is so much attended by every one and according to the bleachers report website World Cup is the most attended and viewed sports event in the world this makes me choose it over the Olympics.
    These events are so benefious to the hosting country that is why I could forward my area it country to host them, these events act like marketing festivals of the country's tourist attraction for example if my country Uganda hosts the World Cup many people will get to know the amazing landforms and beautiful sceneries, wild animals and many other things so the number of tourists of country received will increase. The hosting of the World Cup brings a lot of people into the country and these people need to eat and other accommodation so us the locals we are the one to provide those thing so we shall get a lot of money directly rather than the government getting it and return it to us in form of social services. Hosting this event will improve a lot of liveshood in our area before even that the government will improve the influstructure in our area so that they can accommodate the vistors many people will also get the chance to interact with people from other countries hence this can help them improve on there way of thinking and solving problems so in my opinion I could greatly encourage our area to host the World Cup.

  • Hosting a big event like the World Cup in my country is very wonderful, but let's look at the other side, we are besieged from all sides, and we can't even get out from one city to another. Is it possible to host a cup in my country? Of course not because The problems that my country has gone through over the ages. When these problems are over, we might think about it

    1. Thank you for sharing this, outgoing_perspective.

  • I do not want that, because my country is less qualified to attend a big event like Qatar. 1- The capabilities are not fully available in my area, but in Qatar they furnished the ground with colors and a wonderful theater in the World Cup. 2- There are not many famous people in my country, but in Qatar they brought the famous BTS singer Jungkook. 3- My region is not very famous, but Qatar is very famous, as Qatar was the first Arab country to host the World Cup.

  • I would like to host the World Cup in a country and strongly, as it will turn attention towards the country and improve the situation, and will improve the interests of the neighbors, and will spend most of the projects inside the country on the streets and the possibility of entertainment, where they are almost non-existent, and will improve the health level. Health care and good hospitals because of my desire for tourists to enjoy the experience of attracting them to come back again even after the end of the event.

  • Considering that I love football and I hope to go to Qatar to attend the 2022 World Cup, but as a Palestinian citizen it is not easy to obtain a visa to go to Qatar, and this is a reason that encourages me to say: Why does Palestine not host the next World Cup, but this thing is impossible in light of the economic conditions political and material. But if the World Cup is held in Palestine, this will return to my country with many benefits and positives, that is, the world will recognize it and it will become a country full of tourists, and we will have the opportunity to participate in the world. The Cup and enjoy watching it, as well as raising the overall economy of my country, Palestine, presenting the culture and history of my country in front of tourists, and also strengthening relations between my country (the host country) and participating countries

  • Would you like to host a major sporting event, such as the Olympics or World Cup, in your local area? Why and why not? I think it would be fun if that happened, but there are reasons why this is not because my city is small and we can't buildHuge stadiums, luxury and important things too. Hosting a big event like this needs a lot of money and my town is unable to. How can a big event like this benefit an area? Hosting the World Cup and big events will be very useful.A lot of people are interested in sports and so you will attract people and they will go to that event and so they will learn about the culture of this town and their habits and religion and the way they dress and their food and so on and it will raise the profile of this town

  • I am a cricket lover and i live near the biggest stadium of Pakistan so if next T20 world cup happens to be here it will definitely be a dream come true.
    During last two decades the tournaments taking place in Pakistan have decreased due to security concerns but now it's getting better.If a world cup tournament takes place in Pakistan many people would come here and in this way our culture and food would be promoted. These type of events help to improve a country's reputation and provide a great boost to tourism.
    I can not see how it hurts a nation but surely it will disturb the traffic.
    (Above all that watching our team playing on the home ground will be awesome).

    1. You said that you think that traffic is one of the negative benefits of hosting the World Cup, but I do not agree with you, because a small problem like this does not stand in the way of preventing hosting the World Cup, which brings great benefits, and if we decide to look positively about traffic, we will not find that it is harmful at all. We can exploit it to our advantage. Frequent use of transportation means making money, thus raising the economy, and during the World Cup period, people use transportation a lot to move, which means raising the state's economy in a very large way. Thus, the matter is in our interest, not harming us.

  • It is good to hold the World Cup in my country because it benefits my country in all aspects, for example from the economic side, it develops, develops and prospers my country
    On the political side, it will develop and improve relations between my country and other countries

  • Do you want to hold a big event in your local country?
    Because I love football and I was hoping to travel to Qatar to attend the World Cup, but because I am a Palestinian person, it is difficult for me to travel.
    And I wanted to hold a big event in my country, Palestine, so that I could watch the World Cup, but this is something that is impossible to happen, because Palestine suffers from very difficult economic and political conditions, and if it happened in Palestine, it would have brought great economic and political benefit to the state, and it would come to it Tourists from all over the world, and then it can become between Palestine and other countries and people exchange experiences and cultures, and thus he has returned to Palestine also visiting its culture.

  • Of course, I wish to host sporting events such as: the Olympics or the World Cup in my country, Palestine, because sporting events are of great interest to other children, and therefore it will be an opportunity to raise the status of our country, but because it costs a lot of money, my country may not be able to host sporting events, but if that happens It will be a wonderful opportunity, but of course there are positive and negative effects, such as:
    1_ Civilized and cultural exchange between people
    2_ Forming friendships with other countries and increasing social status
    3_ Tourists know the extent of the beauty of the cities of Palestine and what is in it, and therefore it will be a center for tourists to come to it..
    And one of the negative effects of hosting sporting events
    1_ Increased environmental pollution due to the large number of cars
    2 _ Viruses can spread
    3_ There could be a population crisis and a food crisis for the country.

  • Yes, of course, I would like to host a major sporting event because of the large revenues that will return to our region and my country in general, because the visitors who will come will buy food and hotels and will also ride our transportation, get to know different nationalities, which will increase our culture, but of course this will never happen because my country is besieged and you cannot find a place Suitable for bringing a large number of people from all over the world. One of the problems this event will have is that visitors will come from all over the world, and there are a lot of them. It will carry infectious diseases and transmit them to people in the region and around the world, thus becoming a global disease.

  • Yes, of course, I will be a supporter of hosting the World Cup in my country, as we are one of the developing countries, and this opportunity will be considered a quantum leap for the entire country in all aspects of our economic, social and cultural life, through the exchange of cultures between different peoples, which increases awareness and culture, opens horizons and broadens perceptions, as well. A qualitative shift will take place in the economic aspect, which will facilitate participation with prosperous countries later on, and social and diplomatic relations will improve significantly, and the great benefit is that the benefit from hosting this event will yield positive future results as well and will not be limited to the present only.

    1. How do you think your country would fund the event?

  • Hosting a big event can put your country in a good light and make your country more friendly.
    I want to my country host a big event like Olimpic Games. Why, because that event can show us how good can be.
    A problem about hosting a big event are not only money is and prepare it and deal with it.

    1. I agree with you, my brilliant-ferret friend, but I do not agree with you when you say that this does not require money. No student can succeed without studying and getting tired. Hosting an important event such as the Olympics is an event for which we must prepare, for example, preparing hotels and airlines and preparing tourist places. All this, my friend, is expensive and requires time and effort

  • Bri9nging big events to my local area sounds interesting and it will be good for economic development. Imaging large infrastructures in my local area that would be very good at least we would be having intentional players coming to my town that would also be a good source of income the government but also the idea of introducing big events in my local area also have its disadvantage because it takes a lot of time to build infrastructures for the event and after it is done people may come and vandalize the building and due to consistent crisis the building will end up collapsing as good and nice as bringing a big event to my local town sounds I think it should not be brought.

  • In my opinion, the World Cup or The Olympics can be hosted in Romania with some effort. But would we benefit? Let me tell you.
    First of all, I don't think that, in this moment, at this hour, Romania could be able to host the World Cup for example because: We don't have that many stadiums; It would take a really long time to build the stadiums and other buildings for the players to stay in beacuse we don't have any performant technology ( in Romania, making a new road for the subway lasts about 12 years and roads are still being fixed with shovels);
    On the other hand, hosting the World Cup would be an honor and make Romania grow in tourism and popularity! But also, we're a small country in Southeast Europe, almost the same as Qatar so maybe us hosting the World Cup can cause controversy.
    In conclusion, I would love if a big event like the World Cup or The Olympics took place in Romania. If you think about it, there was a chance for Romania to host a big event in the 2000...Eurovision! It would've been cool but maybe next year. Who knows!

  • I would love for Romania to host the Olympic Games because then me, my friends, my classmates and my family could all have the chance to go and watch these amazing sports in the stadium. I love playing basketball and going swimming so to watch this in real life would be so cool. Personally, I am not interested in football so I would not care as much about the World Cup. However, a big event in Romania would be great for many reasons. For example, lots of people would come to my country and see how beautiful it is! Also, it might make the government fix some of our problems with broken buildings and help to finish building the metro links that have still not been built. There could be some problems as we do not have as much money as other countries and also we are next to Ukraine so the war might make people feel scared. But, I think the positives are better than the negatives and I hope one day we will be lucky enough to get to have this opportunity.

  • Many of us dream of hosting a huge event like this, but in my local area it collides with a dilapidated and weak reality that makes it difficult because it needs a huge budget and strong support, and here we lack the basic necessities of life, so it would be better to invest that money in providing our basics rather than wasting it on these events We can also invest it in combating climate challenges that threaten us individually, as we and our environment need support more than these activities....

  • In fact, hosting a major sporting event in my country, and especially hosting it in developing countries, will help spread Arab culture and the World Cup in my country will help the Palestinian cause and the Arab world as a whole, in the belief that the strength of the Arabs is from the strength of Palestine, and the strength of Palestine is from the strength
    Arabs! The development of Palestinian sports is an essential pillar for consolidating Palestine's position on the global level. It is expected that strong tourism revenues will flourish during the World Cup and beyond, thus reviving the economy through increasing tourism resources, creating new job opportunities, and increasing investments in infrastructure, such as the State of Oman, which also participated in the Olympic Games. , I would like my country Palestine to host a sporting event, that would give me and my friends, colleagues and family the opportunity to go and watch these great sports in the stadium so watching this in real life would be great. I am a football person so I will be very interested in the World Cup. A big event in Palestine would be great for many reasons. For example, many people would come to my country and see how beautiful it is too, you might get the government to fix some of our infrastructure problems and build several stadiums meaning that hosting this sporting event will lead to impressive future results!

  • If we can do such events in Palestine, then I agree that my country will be one of these countries in which the World Cup will be held, but unfortunately the conditions in Palestine do not allow because of the small area and the lack of hotels and because of the weak capabilities, but I dream that my country will be one of the developed countries in which there will be a World Cup the scientist

  • Romania could be a good host but as well couldn’t. We don’t have any laws against different social groups but the society here might bring hate towards different people. We probably couldn’t afford to hold such a big event either. It could be a good thing for us since having such a big event being held in your country makes it more known and might bring benefits in the future. We as well have tons of football fans in Romania and this kind of event might make our citizens happy.

  • I think that I would like to be a big sport event in my local area because I like sport and there kind of events. Olympic Games and the World Cup are the most interesting events to watch or to participate in, and it will make my local area very popular.

    That events will benefit the area by being more visited and these might make the area richer and popular.With the area Richer, a lot of the buildings would be able to be fixed since the government can afford it, and people would like more apartments.

  • This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't really want a big sport event to take place in my country. I worry about how much it cost Romania and I don't think we can afford a big sporting event like the Olympics or the World Cup. We also have a lot of problems at our current sporting events and I do not want the rest of the world to be in danger because of this. Like fans throwing fire crackers on to the pitch or getting angry because their team lost and then being violent. I am not saying this doesn't happen in other parts of the world but still. Don't get me wrong if I knew that Romania could host a successful event then of course I would want this and I would be very proud of my country but right now the negatives seem more strong than the positive.

  • Holding a big event like the world cup is a matter of pride for a country, region, and continent. This is evident from the recent victory of Saudi Arabia against Argentine. Though Qatar lost its last match, Qatries triumphed over the victory of their regional country. The same way. all Arab countries are feeling pride for holding the event in their region.
    Holding any game event in anyone's country has always been a dream of its citizens, but at the same time, the inhabitants of a country can understand - owing to knowing the economy of their country - why an event can or can not be held there. If my country Pakistan becomes economically to sustain expenditures and manage such an event then of course I will feel proud.

  • As an important global sporting event that will greatly benefit my region, all football fans will come to us here, but this is impossible in light of the economic, political and material conditions. But if the World Cup is held in Palestine, this will return to my country with many benefits and positives, that is, the world will recognize it and it will become a country full of tourists, and we will have the opportunity to participate in the global tournament. The cup and enjoy watching it, as well as raising the general economy of my country, Palestine, and presenting the culture and history of my country to tourists

  • How can a major event like this benefit a region? I believe that it can benefit more in developing countries than in developed countries, since it will help spread Arab culture and the event in my country will help the Palestinian cause and the Arab world as a whole, with the belief that the strength of the Arabs is from the strength of Palestine, and the strength of Palestine is from the strength of the Arabs!
    Also, this event will help my country financially through the money that will be spent on building luxury hotels, restaurants, infrastructure, construction and stadiums, as the revenues of the arena will be doubled, and the tournament will be an essential engine for achieving the country’s future vision and raising its social status and benefiting my country and becoming a tourist area because many of us love this Events, the indirect benefits that you will achieve The state ; It is to increase the good global impression of the country, improve trade and tourism rates, and food companies will operate more due to more people coming, and transport companies will also get more profits from transporting people from one point in the city to other areas. The government may also benefit greatly since more taxes will be collected.
    But how can it cause problems?
    I think my government will lose a lot of money preparing for the World Cup as it will have to build new stadiums and several hotels for fans.
    I think the positives outweigh the negatives!
    I hope you like my ideas ☆

  • I would not want a big event hosted in my local area. The reason for this is because I want to help the enviroment and by doing this, global warming would get worse.
    Right now, there is the cost of living. You would need to have a lot of money to host an event like this, but you could use it on better things, or things you need for your local area.
    Also, the amount of electricity used would be a problem. You also need money to pay for electricity.

    1. I understand the big amount of football fans in the world, but as quickwitted_tamarind said, the money could be used on better things. We all like having fun, but what about worring about our wealth? The electricity could be paid with some of the money earned from the tickets people pay to see the football matches. What I find most trouble making is how people are usually more interested in having fun than solving the world hunger, the global warming or pollution problems. It is not fun thinking of the poor people and how to help them. The solutions also seem to run away from us. I don't mean we shouldn't have fun, but we also need to prioritise some things. Hosting such a big event could bring many good things to a country, but we should make sure more than just a few people benefit from it.

  • I think it would be an incredible event for our country to host the World Cup. This would make our country well know over the seas. This can attract more tourists and have a big benefit in the touristic industry. On the other side this might be the way our country buget will rise. The World Cup will be expensive and cost us a lot but if we will succeed we can earn more money after the event ends.
    This will show us more to the rest of the Europe and might help our business with the other countries that export grains or other things. It will also let other countries see ther Eastern Europe has a lot of good things to offer too that people never talk about because we are not the obvious country to go and visit but Romania is very beautiful and it has a lot of natural reservations, amazing tourists attractions like waterfalls or museums. The forests from here are incredible. There are legends going around about some forests being haunted. We are well know for the Vlad Tepes legend. The castles from here are a must visit here. The country is amazing and the nature is walking around everywhere. I want the world to see this!

  • To be honest, it would be a 50/50. Sure, this World Cup would grant us a huge boost to our popularity, tourism and other factors. But the increase in popularity and tourism can backfire.
    Increase in popularity can lead to people to dig into our laws, human rights and history, and find the really dark truths about us. This would inevitably cause controversy, just like the Qatar situation.
    Increase in toursim can be rough. Hotels are gonna be overbooked, flights as well, loads of traffic on the roads and lots of literring is going to happen, since there are so many people visiting. When a football match was played in our stadium once, traffic became immense due to a huge amount of people wanting to see the match and due to police officers closing many roads to the stadium to prevent any major attacks on the stadium.
    Although, when you're hosting a world cup, you're pretty much in everyone's spotlight. So doing something very positive like donating to a big charity, can bring up your reputation drastically because more people are interested in your country than before.

  • I don`t think I want one hosted near us as our place would be trashed and we would end up being left alone to clean up all the mess which we didnt even do in the first place, also there would be a lot of fights happening about whos saying which team is better causing an argument

  • Hosting big events could be very detrimental to developing countries I mean a part of their funds allocated to something that would not even last forever, it does not seem worth it to me.

  • I can not pick a side on this topic because picking of side is 50%:50% because there are factors that have to be conceded in hosting an event this big for example the economy of the country has to be conceded, like now my country Nigeria can not host an event like the FIFA World Cup because of it economic challenges but on the other hand if Nigeria host the world cup it will contribute to the growing of its economical value because of the amount of tourist that will be coming from all around the world. Qatar has no problem in hosting the world cup because of it economic value it is the fourth richest country with the GDP rate of 93,521 $ while Nigeria is 144 in ranking with the GDP of 5,853$ this is a major factor.

  • I would not like if a big competition near where I live because it could change where I can go and could change people like my parents going to work which means no money.
    My friends will not like it because I won’t be able to go out with them and it could also cause traffic around my area

  • An event like the world cup can be held anywhere provided a certain region is showing willingness and thinks is capable of holding such an event. Pakistan became ruler of the cricket world in 1992. But the next world cup hosting was shared with neighbour India and other regions, because Pakistan thought that in this way it will be convenient. Had Pakistan been economically strong , it would have held the whole event in its own cities.
    So, there is no question why an event can not be hold in a region or country except the factor of being economically capable enough to make arrangements for the people coming from different cultures and regions.

  • Even if we wanted to, we just can't do it. Not to sound negative but it's true. Yes the benefits of us hosting it is overwhelming but it isn't something that we can just cough up the resources to manage effectively.

  • It is possible that hosting large events such as the Olympics is beneficial for non-developed countries. It attracts tourists from all over the world. They get to know the country's culture. It also increases the state's income, and with this money the infrastructure is redeveloped, and the government is working to reform facilities There may be some problems in our country like we don't have as much money as those other countries. But I think the positives are better than the negatives and I hope one day we will be lucky enough to get this opportunity.

  • Yes I would like it when a big event like world cup or Olympic Games are hosted by my local area because this shall be beneficial how? It will be of benefit in a sense that, my local area shall be known to the rest of the world, sceneries in my local area might attract the people who have come to watch that big event and they desire to come back and tour hence tourists who bring in income to the government.
    Natives might get market for their goods since the people coming to watch the big event might be potential buyers for their goods.
    The culture of my local area might get known to the rest of the world.
    People in my local area might get to interact with people form other nations and eventually become friends. So it would be good if such big events are hosted by my local area.

    But to an extent, it might be troublesome. The budget for the preparations to host the event might be heavy which might lead to reduction on funds supplied to some sectors in order to get those for preparing the venue to host the eventand at times may lead to debts and that's not good.

  • Yes I would love a big sporting event in my country. yes a lot of mummy will be used to start up, a lot of infrastructures will be put in place for such events but that is the good part, so many tourists come in , hotels are being booked , before you get into he stadium I believe you have to pay so to some point all the money you used will come back with profit included. Big events like this bring some hidden countries to light. Most people had never heard of Qatar including me but as the world cup started the country became famous and do not think it will all end after the world cup. More tourist would want to see the place and especially if you are like that loves going to beautify places you will want to go. The team of the country also automatically qualify for the world cup The downside of hosting is overspending on infrastructure and stadiums has led to some hosts being in massive debt and left with constructions that serve little use after the FIFA World Cup comes to a close.

  • Yes I would love a big sporting event in my country. Yes a lot of money will be used to start up, a lot of infrastructures will be put in place for such events but that is the good part, so many tourists come in , hotels are being booked , before you get into he stadium I believe you have to pay so to some point all the money you used will come back with profit included. Big events like this bring some hidden countries to light. Most people had never heard of Qatar including me but as the world cup started the country became famous and do not think it will all end after the world cup. More tourist would want to see the place and especially if you are like me that loves going to beautify places you will want to go. The team of the country also automatically qualifies for the world cup The downside of hosting is overspending on infrastructure and stadiums has led to some hosts being in massive debt and left with constructions that serve little use after the FIFA World Cup comes to a close.

  • Having big sport events in an are is what most people would like because when they are hosted in your area many people come and attend these events which increases on the economy of the country. How? People will look for hotels to sleep in as the event continues so the hotels will have more people to accommodate, they also tour other parts of the country which brings in more income to the country, people's goods will be bought .

    But not all people would like their area to host such big events because these events attract many people into the country where by you may not know the intentions of some people coming into the country. For example some might come in as thieves, robbers to steal other people's items then others might come in with an intention of killing someone and then lastly I may say that the place there are hosting will be congested which will affect the people that live around there so badly that they will even fail to identify the different crimes people will be committing in that place.

  • I would like to host a special Olympic games in my local area and the reason for that is to spread the spirit of entertainment and see the smile drawing itself around the lips of the children of Palestine and I see that these games become free because there are many and many people who cannot provide money for them to practice their hobby and their right to play.
    I also see that I host the World Cup in my local area, because this will benefit the host country, as it will have approximately more than 500,000 visitors, and it will be the most crowded days. I will also provide an excellent standard of living worthy of every visitor, and of course I will enhance the tourism field at that time. .

  • Yes, of course you want me to host a very important event like the Olympics and the World Cup. Either the big event will benefit the hosting region or not?? I will speak in my capacity as president: Everything in life has pros and cons. For example, the positive things for hosting is the high profits of airlines and hotels. As for the negatives, they are the large number of urban sprawl and the destruction of the environment. The stadiums need a large amount of land. However, this is very expensive.

  • In fact, hosting a major sporting event in my country, especially hosting developing countries, and hosting large events is still a dream that flirts with developing countries, and a goal that they compete for, especially those that aspire to be one of the main centers and important landmarks in the world, as hosting these events is Like the World Cup, it is a catalyst for the rapid progress of countries, and it has a positive impact that cannot be ignored. Qualification and participation in the FIFA World Cup is a first-class economic opportunity that helps the countries participating in this tournament to grow in all aspects, just as the World Cup will help in my country’s cause. It also builds the institutions of the independent State of Palestine and its infrastructure and provides the youth and sports infrastructure of facilities and facilities capable of meeting the needs of Palestinian youth and sports. To communicate with all the peoples of the world regarding the message of our people and the justice of their cause.

    1. You caught my attention by the way you described big events as a catalyst for rapid progress. Can you explain how this is so, please? I'd love to hear more!

  • At the level of this time, I do not want my region to discuss the World Cup, because it needs a lot of money.
    I want Gaza to host the match, but at another time I think it will be better

  • Hosting a world olympic game may be the best thing that could happen to a country which I really like, for the following reasons:
    1) attracting tourists, refreshing and enhancing the economy of a country. When a world olympic game occurs in a certain, huge number of people travel to this country to watch the game, which help them to be opened on the culture of this country and know more about it, in addition to that they insert huge amount of fresh money to that country.
    2) no doubt that the country hosting such events will be costed a lot, but at the same time the things that are costing are beneficial to the country itself. As an example, Qatar has spent 200 billion dollars in building the country and infrastructure like electricity, water, streets and bridges for transportation, but these infrastructure are not only for the event because they will last for the next generations and for the citizens of this country who'll benefit also.
    3) History Marked, such event will stay in the history of this country that they once hosted such event and if they hosted it perfectly it will be marked for them that this event was from the best events ever, which will give the country an importance level worldwide and it'll be respected.

  • It would be quite fun, having a huge stadium just down the road from your house. You could just walk down the road to the World Cup stadium. It probably would get quite annoying after about three days though , all the music ringing in your ears.

  • I would love to see some of the world's greatest idols come to town however as I try to see from another person's perspective, I realise it is not the best for some adults looking after their babies who need sleep or people having misophonia meaning a sensitivity of noise. I would make it a public vote to see what the majority wants.

  • Even if it sounds good at first having a big event like the world cup hosted where you live but if you really think about it.All the streets would be all covered with traffic it would make it harder to get from one place to another all the stores and restaurants would be filled with people.It would become impossible to find a packing spot and people are going to throw there trash every were also crime would go up because of all the people it well be hard to find a robber.

  • Hosting big events can be very beneficial for developing nations. Events like the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup attract tourists from all over the world. The local government spends huge amounts of money to develop infrastructure which in the long term improves the standard of living of people. It is a huge economic boost to the host nation. As people from various parts of the world travel to see the event, they also come across the local cuisine and culture. Thus the local traditions and culture are promoted. Host nations display their capabilities in the international media which in turn attracts investors. Thus hosting big events is beneficial.

    Reply to this comment

  • To be honest, it would be a 50/50. Sure, this World Cup would grant us a huge boost to our popularity, tourism and other factors. But the increase in popularity and tourism can backfire.
    Increase in popularity can lead to people to dig into our laws, human rights and history, and find the really dark truths about us. This would inevitably cause controversy, just like the Qatar situation.
    Increase in toursim can be rough. Hotels are gonna be overbooked, flights as well, loads of traffic on the roads and lots of literring is going to happen, since there are so many people visiting. When a football match was played in our stadium once, traffic became immense due to a huge amount of people wanting to see the match and due to police officers closing many roads to the stadium to prevent any major attacks on the stadium.
    Although, when you're hosting a world cup, you're pretty much in everyone's spotlight. So doing something very positive like donating to a big charity, can bring up your reputation drastically because more people are interested in your country than before.

  • I would love for Pakistan to host the Olympic Games because then me, my friends, my classmates and my family could all have the chance to go and watch these amazing sports in the stadium. I love playing basketball and going swimming so to watch this in real life would be so cool. Personally, I am not interested in football so I would not care as much about the World Cup. However, a big event in Pakistan would be great for many reasons. For example, lots of people would come to my country and see how beautiful it is! Also, it might make the government fix some of our problems with broken buildings and help to finish building the metro links that have still not been built. There could be some problems as we do not have as much money as other countries and also we are next to Ukraine so the war might make people feel scared. But, I think the positives are better than the negatives and I hope one day we will be lucky enough to get to have this opportunity.