What does the cartoonist think?

In October, Rishi Sunak became the new prime minister of the UK. He is the fifth prime minister in six years. His appointment is the most recent event in a long period of instability for the UK – in fact, he took charge after the previous prime minister, Liz Truss, resigned after just 44 days in the job. Like all of the prime ministers since 2010, Mr Sunak belongs to the Conservative party, known as the "Tories".
The news that there is yet another new prime minister has sparked a lot of discussions, not just in the UK but around the world.
One political cartoonist, Kal, who does artwork for The Economist, drew this cartoon. It shows a sinking ship with Rishi Sunak coming to the rescue, saying: “Rejoice my hearties! There’s another new Tory prime minister at the helm!”
Over to you!
- What do you think Kal, the artist, thinks about the situation in the UK? What clues did he give you?
- Is a cartoon a good way to share news? Why or why not?
- If you were to draw a cartoon to represent your country, what would it be? Why?
Comments (50)
Kal the artist thinks that the new prime minister is here to save the country from all the problems and develop it more. A cartoon is a good way to share news because it's more attractive and it can also simply capture one's attention easily and they are also interesting. In my country Uganda there is a lot of corruption and out break of diseases so I would draw a cartoon about the Ebola virus disease and the corrupt leaders in our country.
@highspirited_king you say that you think the new prime minister will save the country from its problem, which part of the cartoon make you think this and why?
the part where he comes sailing on a boat screaming "Rejoice my hearties there's another new tory prime minister at the helm" and the fact that he is the only one with a well off boat and the others sunk.
That's a great observation, highspirited_king!
The part where he is like "rejoice hearties there is another new troy prime minister at the helm" it was like the savior of UK had come to save them from the problems since their former prime minister had resigned and they had know other person to turn to for help.
I think a cartoon is the best way to share news because many people hate reading plain words but when they see cartoons accompanied to the words it will give them interest to read the news.
If I were to draw a cartoon to represent my country, it would be when Museveni overthrew Obote because Obote had demolished kingdoms which was part of people's culture so in the same way that Sunak came in as a new prime minister when Liz Truss resigned is the same way Museveni came in to solve that problem and revived the kingdoms that Obote had demolished.
Hi Idealistic Song - you make a good point that the word "rejoice" is an unusual choice and is often used in a religious context. Do you think the cartoonist thinks Rishi will be the saviour of the UK? What do you think about his arrival in a rowing boat?
I think Kal, the artist, thinks that there was a tide in UK and UK was sinking so Rishi Sunak came to rescue the situation. This gives me a clue that Rishi Sunak is a good man with good policies and caring about the people and people literally think that he is the light in darkness.
I think cartoons are a good way to share news because they capture people's attention and me inclusive they even bring about the instant commentary and analysis of the affairs it shows so this makes cartoons muck understandable. one can see just one cartoon and gets the concept that one could take 5 minutes to read an article so this makes it a good way to share information.
To represent my country i would include the force keeping personnels taking money from a guy who was overspeeding and other personnels just looking at him to show the level of corruption in our country and to show that the government does not mind about the situation
@outspoken_knowledge that is a great description of what cartoon would describe news in your country, well done. Can you look at the above cartoon again, do you think there could be another way to interpret it? What do you think the significance of the 2 different boats is?
The big drowning boat represents the UK being taken over by issues or drownings into economical, social and constitutional affairs and the natives are the one suffering like the high cost of living and now the government saw this and to solve this it appointed a new tory prime minister to come and save the people from the waves that had taken over UK and were making UK to be in great discomfort and this is were Sunak comes in to save the people from this wave before it destroys everything.
I think boat is insignificant in comparison to the big sinking ship. It seems to me that the catoonist is implying that the new president have less resources and management skills to defend when the biggest economy of the region is on the brick of failure.
I really like your ability to decipher the picture. I personally did not see it this way. However, you said that it made you think Rishi Sunak was a good man. Do you think this is everyone's opinion, or maybe the artist comparing him to Liz Truss?
Also, you said cartoonists were good ideas, however, just like I did not decipher the picure in the same way as you, different people may see the drawings in different ways. Do you think that a drawing can tell all types of news stories? I think that it could be drawn in for an opinion, but I am not sure it could show some news in the same way as the picture above.
i like how you would represent your country, but are there any other ways to do so?
He thinks the situation with this president will be very bad and catastrophic.He will not be like the good president they eager to govern them.May be he wants us to read through the picture and his pen that they will have a miserable situation, Clearly, he wants to tell the reader that if you elect him you will sunk in a very wide sea.
I think using caricature here sumerises the whole bad situation which the people and their counry will face if they choose him in the elections .
@jolly_lemon this is a well explained comment, well done on picking up on the potential meaning behind the sinking ship. Do you think that a cartoon like this is a good way to share news? Why?
Is a cartoon good way to share news?
I do believe that cartoon is a good way to share news beacuse it is something people of every age are interested in....
Some of the issues or messages that children are not aware about....so it's really beneficial in raising awareness among children as well.
I feel that if a news or message conveyed in the form of cartoon, it is more easily understood!!
I personally really like to watch cartoons because they are so lessonable....
Watching cartoons gives me entertainment, lesson and makes my mood fresh at the same time.
I recently watch a series called "Pakistan Girl" which carries a very important message....
"We should always help people in need and becomes a defender of peace"
It also promotes women empowerment!!
I'm not sure about this because whilst cartoons are something lots of people are interested in, how would you show it to people? After all, children see things in a different way to adults, so, the cartoon may have to be clearer. Or, the image may be deciphered in a different way.
Perhaps, when news is displayed, a cartoon could be given as well, that way, you can understand the news from the artists perspective, whilst understanding the picture more clearly.
I have not heard of 'Pakistan Girl' but I like the fact that it promotes women empowerment, it shows that cartoons are able to show important things just as well as news does-perhaps in an even better way!
"Kal", the artist thinks that the new Prime Minister will help them to overcome their problems. He thinks that Rishi Sonak is the ray of hope for the people of United Kingdom. Like all other people in UK, "Kal" is also upset by the present situation in the country.
Yes, cartoon is best way of sharing news because it make it easy for the people to understand the scenario.
If I have to draw a cartoon to represent the problems of my country, I will make people struggling with the flood because it has disturbed my country very much. Moreover, I can also express my feeling about the people affecting by corruption by drawing a cartoon.
If you were to draw a cartoon to represent your country, what would it be??
If i get this opportunity so i'll definitely highlight an important issue about my country....
My cartoon would be about:
" Freedom of Expression "
It's one of the most important issue in my country (Pakistan).
The reason for choosing this issue is that everyone consider himself/herself first and did what they want without listening to others opinion.
Every person has a right to express.
It's not fair to make a decision only on your basis...listen to others is also important. It also leads to injustice.
This issue should be raised so that not only young but also children would be aware about this so that they might not to face this problem anymore.
It must be addressed before it escalates!!!
I agree because I believe freedom of expression is incredibly important for the democracy of a country. What issues do you think are limited in your country due to the limits on freedom of expression? How would you teach your children about the freedom of expression?
Some of the cases were seen in which many people's voice are silenced simply because they speak out against evil. Due to which even the poeple who raise the voice of truth become silent due to fear.....so that many problems created in my country.
This problem can't be solved so easily, but we cannot stop raising voice of truth. We should be so strong that no one can silence our voice. We should make people and children aware of it!!
The cartoon depicts a sinking ship with a British flag and people trying to hold onto whatever they can grab, it also shows Sunak on a rescue boat with the hopes of saving all of them even with his small boat in the storm. Seeing this cartoon, it gives me clues of disharmony, political instability and people of the UK struggling to keep up with the chaos in there country due to their queens death unstable leadership and this affects them a lot since there is delay in service provision. Basically, a cartoon is a good to share news because it brings out the reality of the situation in a simple to understand. Actually we use cartoon videos as we learn in class for they help to draw the imagination of the concept at hand in our brains. The other reason is that there is no boredom in a way that a cartoon keeps people entertained even when passing on important information. Besides that, a cartoon can easily universally be read by anyone and they get the intended information since its easy to interpret.
In my country, I would draw a showing the slummy areas in my area since there are over 57 slum settlements and many people live their and my message in the cartoon would be advising them on how to keep their neighbourhood clean so as to save the environment and remain healthy. It would contain cartoons depicting the reuse and recycle of plastics for better uses than just dumping anywhere and i would add other cartoons depicting the conservation of water sources in their areas so as to remain health and conserve the environment they live in.
This way through a cartoon, I would have passed on important, precise and environmental conserving information that would easily be understood by the general public.
Hi Daring_Cherry - I really liked your interpretation of this cartoon, and I find it interesting you use cartoon videos in class as part of your learning. Out of interest, when putting together your cartoon suggestion for addressing health and the environment within local slum settlements, would you go for a positive message (one of hope/aspiration), or a negative (showing the effects of poor health/environment), and why?
Well, honestly hope and aspiration are a good concept but i would rather go for a negative (showing the effects of poor health/environment) because for me its better to handle problems in a community so that they also become hopes and aspirations. A cartoon addressing the effects of poor health/environment would encourage people to take better care of themselves the protect the environment more. A progressive community is one that pays much attention to its weak areas ''DON'T YOU THINK ITS A BETER OPTION TO FIGHT PROBLEMS IN OUR COMMUNITES THAN FOCUSSING ON AREAS WHERE WE ARE ALREADY OK?''
Just to clarify my point - the purpose of positive messaging/aspiration would be to encourage the better behaviours by role modelling/providing a vision for what could be, rather than pointing out the things that are going wrong e.g. "Wouldn't you rather live like this" vs "Don't live like that". I still think you are right that negative messaging would work better in a cartoon aimed at trying to provoke people into action, especially in the short term. Longer term I wonder if aspiration would be more motivational, although I'm not sure a cartoon would be the best method for getting the message across - what do you think?
I certainly agree with saying that aspiration would be more motivational and effective in the long-term cause as time passes by,people will get tired of criticism and would actually desire appreciation of what they have achieved in all the time you have spent telling them of the bad things in the community.Aspirational messages here come to actually stir up the enthusiasm of the people to do more good and these messages could be passed on through movies,plays, writing books, television reality shows and campaigns.Like you,I also believe that in the long run aspiration would yield more than negative messaging. Actually when I looked at many of my fellow students in class,I realized that negative messages from teachers, for example "Your handwriting is so poor." in the long run makes them hate the subject while positive messages like "You could write better,try writing slowly." makes them love what they are doing and they even try to do it better in the long run. Hope that's the kind of opinion you wanted from me.
"Would a cartoon be the best method for getting the message across?"
Well I think,that a cartoon is a nice way if passing on information however it cannot be used all the time and all types of messages,there are some types of messages that a cartoon wouldn't bring out well as it only majorly relies on visual effects to convey messages in some cases these images may become hard to understand according to the message being passed and also the fact that they over exaggerate events which is not good for publicity for example a political message of an of a president in the 1990's might scare people due to exaggeration and may be difficult to understand stand since sometimes viewing pictures arises many questions in our minds and given the fact that we were not there when such an historical event happened,it all just becomes unclear.So basically,cartoon are nice but not for all situations.
Great examples that you've observed there, and absolutely agree with your points.
I agree because... ur descriprtion is quite clear nd lucid.cartoonist had been doing the social work nd also performing their journalistic duties ... moreover its very light way to express abt some issues . It depicts the very true picture of whats going in the society .
I like ur portraying of slum population recycling nd reusing plastics which will b ensure to b effected .
Wow, daring_cherry. You are so talented in analyzing information. I really like your interpretation of the cartoon. I admire your talent.
I also agree with you that using cartoons is a good way of representing information. Cartoons help to bring information to reality more than texts. According to www.pewresearch.org, " Over the past decade, the percentage reading a print newspaper the previous day has fallen by 18 points (from 41% to 23%). Somewhat more (38%) say they regularly read a daily newspaper, although this percentage also has declined, from 54% in 2004". In the digital world we live in, people are discouraged to read write-ups of news but if all the information to be conveyed in the write-up is summarized as a cartoon, it will get the attention of people and they will not be bored easily.
As for me, If I was to make a cartoon to represent my country, I would make a cartoon based on gender inequality. In my country, girls are given less importance when compared to men. Women are hardly given education because of the mentality that since girls are eventually going to be married off, they should not be educated. According to www.knoweme.com, "Nigeria's adult female illiteracy was at the level of 61.9 % in 2018, up from 59.7 % in 2008". Girls are also not given inheritance because of the belief that the male will carry on the family name, not the girl so the inheritance should be given to the males. According to www.landesa.org, "Most often, men have a greater chance of inheriting land over women, a patrilineal system of land inheritance that persists despite the provisions of the law. Hence, there is a huge gender gap in land ownership in Nigeria, and less than 2% of women, compared to 17% of men, own land by themselves." This is a major issue in my country and if I was to make a country representing my country, I would make a cartoon on this topic.
I can see what Kal is trying to do. Cartoons are a great way of representing harsh issues in a mild and less offensive manner especially when it concerns politics. He must have also felt the same. From where I come, I like to describe it as an "almost utopia" because we still have a lot of things going on to become better than we are now. I'll say a poor little kid looking at his rich parents from afar while they love anther kid is the best way to describe my country. Kal must have let his sensitive side show to pass out his message.
Your idea about a cartoon for Nigeria really caught my attention. Can you explain your idea a bit more? For example, why would you show Nigeria as a kid looking at his rich parents? What does this stand for?
I think that kai is trying to mean that the UK is currently drowning in issues and the boat with the guy on the boat is the government telling the public to "Rejoice my hearties! There's another new Tory prime minister at the helm!"
I feel like a cartoon is a good way to share news because it comes I a nice and cool way such that the public doesn't over react if the news is that devastating.
If I were to draw a cartoon to represent my country, I would draw the Ebola crisis and the corruption of leaders to help spread awareness to the community.
In my opinion, Kal thinks that Sunak has come to rescue UK from the political storm that has destroyed their ship of mature politics. The cartoon shows that UK is has good hope for the future with Mr. Sunak being their prime minister.
I say a cartoon is a good way to share news because it gives a deep insight of what is happening through real life examples that can be understood by everyone; it is brief and attracts one to eagerly understand what message it is trying to portray.
If I were to draw a cartoon, I would draw one that shows that Uganda is the Pearl of Africa. I would include the physical features, wildlife and vegetation that makes us proud of our country. Uganda is globally known to be naturally attractive due to the stunning nature that can be found elsewhere, and this would push me to further advertise our beauty. It is a sign of patriotism and will bring in more tourists which will help lift our staggering economy ever since the end of the COID19 lockdown.
Is animation a good way to share news? Yes animation is a really great and beautiful way to share news and also to share a message that many people around the world watch animation I am an adult but I love watching animation it attracts people I really liked this way If you were to draw a cartoon to represent your country, what would it be? I will draw on the injustice to which the people of my country of Palestine are subjected and I will draw on the heinous crimes that are taking place in my country.
Great points and perspective poetic_banana, I just wanted to also get your opinion on the Kal and his artwork. What are your thoughts on the cartoon and what does the artist think about the situation in the UK?
I think that yes, but not all animations know the news because there are unhelpful animations such as Tom and Jerry and there are animation images without sound, for example, there are animations to learn languages such as Arabic and Korean
Hi Pioneering_Orca - you're correct that the word "cartoon" also means an animated film. Would your answer be different if you thought about the meaning of "cartoon" being a drawing with exaggerated features (like Kal's cartoon above)?
At that time the United Kingdom was not living in stability and the artist Cal explained in this drawing of instability and much of that he explained that people were on the ship and the ship was crashing and sinking and people are drowning and some are trying to survive and another man came on a boat calling them to try to save them because this man is a benefactor I think that caricatures are an excellent way to share news because there are many people who like the way of drawing because this method is very expressive of the conditions that occur. If we help them with the least things, we will bring joy to their hearts, and this is a wonderful thing. Also, the rich people, when they look at this painting, will grieve for the condition of the poor, and they will help them.
the cartoon shows sinking ship with a British flag and people trying to hold onto whatever they can grab, it also shows Sunak on a rescue boat with the hopes of saving all of them even with his small boat in the storm. Seeing this cartoon, it gives me clues of disharmony, political instability, high costs of living and people of the UK struggling to keep up with the chaos in there country due to their queens death unstable leadership and this affects them a lot since there is delay in service provision. Basically, a cartoon is a good to share news because it brings out the reality of the situation in a simple to understand. Actually we use cartoon videos as we learn in class for they help to draw the imagination of the concept at hand in our brains. The other reason is that there is no boredom in a way that a cartoon keeps people entertained even when passing on important information. Besides that, a cartoon can easily universally be read by anyone and they get the intended information since its easy to interpret.
In my country, I would draw a showing the slummy areas in my area since there are over 57 slum settlements and many people live their and my message in the cartoon would be advising them on how to keep their neighborhood clean so as to save the environment and remain healthy. It would contain cartoons depicting the reuse and recycle of plastics for better uses than just dumping anywhere and i would add other cartoons depicting the conservation of water sources in their areas so as to remain health and conserve the environment they live in.
This way through a cartoon, I would have passed on important, precise and environmental conserving information that would easily be understood by the general public.
I see a ship half of which is sinking and the other half is clinging to it, part of it is under the water and part is above it and everyone is afraid and the foundation (the sails) are torn, the flag is torn, and they are all looking at the little Sunak boat hoping that he will save them all, and achieve They have safety and return science to its original nature, and all of this made me understand the lack of cooperation, and the existence of problems and distance from each other in both thinking, economics, and even politics.
The cartoon is very useful, as it expresses and clarifies everything without talking, and attracts the person to understand the subject, and gives him the true story and is easier to express. In the world, and the other half contends with the first half and it is in the worst condition, because our country is divided into two halves, one half of which is economic and they own everything and impose their control over everything and the other half work for them and try to live.
In my opinion, I think the cartoonist Kal that. Firstly, the cartoon shows a UK ship sinking with people on it sinking with it but suddenly a savior in Rishi Sunak comes on a small boat to rescue the people of UK . This gives me clues that UK is not in struggling politically and keeping up with the chaos in there country due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II . The country's has been political unstable. After the Queen's death, 2 prime ministers have ruled the UK Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have ruled United Kingdom . In this way the cartoonist has passed information through a cartoon because most people like cartoons. This is a good way of passing news to the people.
I would draw a cartoon showing how our president has helped the people in our country.
I came to know that the people of the United Kingdom live in fear as global conditions become more and more destabilized,And also the economic situation has become the only hope for a solution is a prime minister who has realistic aspirations and a treatment for high prices
Yes, it is a good method, as it increased my interest in knowing the news as soon as I saw the picture,And I can write about it from my point of view and share my opinion, and perhaps my opinion will contain a creative solution or inspire in obtaining a creative solution and so on the opinions of others and we will reach a decisive decision
If I were to draw about the situation of my country, I would draw a hurricane and use optical illusions, and I would draw next to the hurricane a man speaking at a world conference
The role of the cartoonist is important and necessary in such crises, as he is part of the social media. The role of the cartoonist (Kal) was clear through his drawing, he explained the difficult situation that the United Kingdom is going through, and here he was successful in conveying the idea to the reader and viewer easily and quickly. The drowning that he drew and the distress in the sea for fear of drowning was a warning bell. Many believe that the caricature is easy, and I say that it is the easy one who can only use his skills in communicating the general idea. Caricature is a social art that addresses problems and clarifications in portraying and communicating them to decision makers. As a citizen, if I were a cartoonist in my country, I would draw a dilapidated, exhausted and weak body as a result of the political situation and the factional and partisan division that my country has reached.
I think that arts of all kinds and forms have a role in changing for the better, especially caricature, as it is the closest art to people, through which hidden messages can be communicated that sometimes cannot be conveyed directly. As for caricature drawing, it represents the state of chaos and instability in Britain. There are several factors In this case, first, the Russian-Ukrainian war and its impact on economic stability in Europe, secondly, that the new British prime minister did not come through direct elections, but came by acclamation, and this is a strange event for European democratic societies. From the dread in British society, and I believe that the new prime minister is able to change the economic situation in Britain for the better if he finds royal and popular support as a unique economic figure.
⁌ The cartoon features a ship with the Union Jack hoisted on a mast. The ship's deck is already below the water's surface and the crew on board is holding onto the masts and whatever is in their reach and also features Sunak on a rescue boat telling them not to lose hope rather to rejoice because another Tory prime minister is at their helm.
⁌ I think Kal the artist thinks that the entire UK is sinking into an ocean of political instability, disunity, and economic depression.
⁌ Cartoons are a good way to convey a message following the reason that they can easily be understood by the general public including kids. Educative cartoons like "Akili and me" a cartoon developed in East Africa helps toddlers to learn counting and reading the alphabets. Therefore, if a cartoon can help a toddler to understand the message being conveyed in the cartoon, how about the adults? Cartoons are some of the best ways to pass on complex messages in easily understandable ways for example the cartoon by Kal can help a teenager to understand the current situation that the UK is going through just by a simple drawing.
⁌ If I were to draw a cartoon to represent my country, it would be about pollution. This is simply because most of the population is ignorant about pollution and keep on using sources of fuels like charcoal, firewood which yet release green house gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. The
majority of the population doesn't know the effect of excessive use of plastics and they need to be sensitised about the sustainable means of conserving the environment. So if I drew a cartoon featuring plastic wastes killing fish in the ocean, the masses will be sensitised that plastics are harmful to the fish and hence find better means of disposing off rubbish rather than dumping it in the ocean hence saving the aquatic life and reducing the risk of acidic rain.
Excellent work @willing_city. What do you think are the limitations of using cartoons to communicate news stories? Are there any sorts of stories that might need a different format or medium?
Cartoons can't be used all the time because at times the tend to over exaggerating and over simplifying complex historical events at times making the viewer get the information but in a wrong perspective. They are often politically motivated and make no attempt at objective, independent analysis. They can also be very unrepresentative. Understanding what a historical political cartoon means can be difficult for us because we did not live through the political events the cartoons talk about. However, all political cartoons rely heavily upon a very simple visual 'code' rather than relying solely on words to convey their message.
I agree because in our world today talking is hardly enough and because everyone is doing it nobody sees voicing out opinions as important rather people try different approach and the artist depicted the situation of political instability in a way everyone would understand. The method is captivating and at the same time does not hurt anyone.
Wow, willing_city. This is a very detailed analysis of the cartoon by Kal. You are very talented. Your work really changed my opinion about the cartoon. At first, when I saw the cartoon I couldn't decipher what it meant but after reading your comment. I have a clear picture and I feel that Kal was very wise in his use of cartoon to portray the present situation in the UK.
I think that using a cartoon to share a story is not a bad idea as most people feel drawn to pictorial representation of things than to words. It is a simple way to grab a person's attention in a digital world.
If I am to make a cartoon to represent my country, it would also be about political instability just like in UK to be honest. It is the cause of so many of our problems in Nigeria. We have a high cost of living with inflation rate of up to 20.77%, insecurity and so many other issues. Now students like me are suffering not being able to study their dream course. I wanted to study medicine but because of the high cost of studying it, I and many others cannot study medicine most skilled doctors in Nigeria are also leaving because of their low pay leading to a shortage like we discussed in the topic, Sustainable healthcare: Doctor shortages. Many lecturers in Nigeria have gone on strike because the government has not aid them for about eight months. There are so many issues in my country that are linked to political instability so if I am to make a cartoon representing my country, I would make my cartoon based on this topic.
I think the artist Kal clarified in his painting the picture of the current tragic situation in the country, and the complete chaos that prevails, and there are the drowned innocent victims of instability. On the other hand, I see that President Sunak is coming on a small boat trying to save what can be saved, but on the other hand I wonder how He can achieve safety and stability with this small boat. I think that the artist is trying to show us that despite his attempts, the responsibility exceeds his boat and his capabilities. I hope that he will be able to solve the problems that his people have been suffering from over the past years, especially the problem of the high cost of living that kills others. May peace, security and stability prevail in the country
2/I see that animation is a good way to explain and communicate many ideas about social and political matters in the simplest way and to express the prevailing opinion in the country expressing rejection or acceptance of some policies and different matters.
3/If I want to draw a drawing to represent my country: I will draw my country in the future, so I will draw a dove of peace between peoples 🕊️ and a rose of love for all people without discrimination 🌹 and a fruitful tree that benefits people 🎄 and a clear sky without clouds or worries 🌌 and a bright sun of hope that broadcasts optimism and peace ☀️ and a wide sea of ambitions And dreams 🌊 and the land of its people with diamonds 💎 They are its essence and sound foundation 🌟 I think I will not find more beautiful than this painting in which I can express what is on my mind 👌
The artist Cal expresses in this picture the state and state of the country when the former president was in it, and when the new president came to rescue them, he expresses in this picture the amount of joy and happiness and made it a moral spirit
And drawing the caricature is a good way to convey the news, because when I saw the picture, I felt the suffering and desolation and the state in which the state was in and the ships crossing quickly for the joy of the painter Carr when the new conservative president came.
If I am a cartoonist and they ask me to draw the state of my country, I will draw prosperity and brightness, people walking laughing and eating together, and very light rain because we are in the winter season.
Kal painter at that time expresses that the United Kingdom was facing many difficulties at that time. Is the animation good? Yes. It helps in sharing the news in all the world and it attracts children to watch it. What would you represent your country? First, I will represent the injustice, the attacks, the killings and the crimes that we go through every day
yes, cartoons are a good way to share news, because we can represent things to even to children, I feel it would be a better way to make kids think and it would also be a better way to give kids an idea of how the world is supposed to look like. If I had the opportunity to draw a cartoon, I would most likely draw one of Nigeria and show the corruption that takes place, but I would also draw our potential hope, a candidate for the 2023 elections, PETER OBI. Most Nigerians believe that he is our hope, and so do I.
I see in this picture a ship that is about to perish, it and those in it, and on top of it there is a British flag. Hostages of distance and alienation, and that this kingdom has been devoid of political stability.
The artist Cal used a good way to convince his people and assure them that he will help them in every small and big and in all their affairs through caricature drawing.
I think that animation is a good way to share any news, because the way of drawing gives more broad connotations and symbols than writing, and also shows the reality of the situation and makes it easier for the viewer to understand quickly.
I would like to draw a figure with indications that show the extent to which cities and countries are affected by environmental pollution due to the presence of many environmental obstacles in my area and my message in the animation will be to advise them on how to keep the environment clean. It will harm them.
Through the method of caricature, I have conveyed a clear scientific picture that people can quickly understand.
Almost the artist drew a sinking ship and children clinging to the British flag with all their strength so that it does not fall from them, and he drew another small boat in which Rishi Sunak is located, and I think he came to save them all. The instability of rulers in their positions and also the lack of any assistance or provision of services for them, and that the caricature helps clarify the meaning and reality and deliver the desired goal. But it is actually important and works to deliver certain messages
I would say yes a cartoon is a good way to share the news, because if kids are watching it can be entertaining and educational for the kids. I would also say yes, because it can be beneficial for people that are visual learners. I would also say yes, because it can help people understand what their trying to put out better.
I see there is a ship sinking, as if there is a flood with them, and there are drowning people and there are those who are trying to stand firm, and that the British flag is torn at the top, and that Rishi Sunak is coming with his good ship and trying to save everyone, and there are some who he saved in his ship, And everyone looks at him hoping that he will save them This has given me an idea that there is a huge flood in the United Kingdom, carrying with it the lack of independence and political stability and that there are big problems in the United Kingdom, and everyone hopes that the new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will solve them and spread calm and security
Cartoon images are very useful as they have the ability to communicate words that cannot be described, or shortened, and can be understood even if they are not in the same town in which they were drawn, and if I could draw a drawing, I would draw that someone dies suddenly On the ground and he puts his hand on his stomach, and there is someone who opens the refrigerator to see what is in it until he eats it, and his face is frustrated and there is nothing in the refrigerator, and this is until the idea of the food crisis is communicated to everyone and its dangers are communicated and clarified
The cartoon shows a sinking ship and Sunak saying he here to rescue them.
Kal thinks that the problems of the country are too much for Rishi Sunak to bare, therefore he can not solve it and maybe a prime minister from another party might do a better job.
The clue he left is that Rishi Sunak is coming in a rowboat to save a sinking ship from a storm saying another Tory prime minister is here to do the job.
Yes, a cartoon is a good way to share the news because more people are drawn to pictures instead of words, and most young people love animations more than they do in real movies.
I would draw a cartoon about a bus with the color of my country (green-white-green) with passengers (citizens) inside. They have a flat tire and the driver suddenly realizes that he doesn't have a spare tire.
Can you explain what your cartoon represents?
The cartoon paints a picture of the state of my country where leadership is inadequately prepared to lead the nation forward. Before election, lots and lots of promises are made, then the citizens believing they are capable votes them in and then the journey begins. The leader is in the driver's sit, the citizens are fully with leader, then just one problem and is as if there is no solution in sight and no fall back plan.
1I think cal meant in his drowning that there are those who are drowning and need help"the people" and that came with his boat to help them and he that " the minister who will save the people and restore stability to thier country"
2It is very good method in my opinion because it is eye . catching and attracts the person to read and share the news..
3 I was going to paint an olive tree with doves of peace flying , children playing, carrying the flags of thier countries flying high , and heart carrying love for all of people of the world ♥️
Isn't beautiful!!!
What Kal is attempting to say is that you cannot expect the problems of a large country like the UK to be solved by the actions of a single person. The size of the large ship that is already sinking gives me a hint, and Rishi Sunak arrives in a small boat telling them to rejoice, claiming he is here to save them. What can that little boat do, given the size of the ship and the number of people on board?
A cartoon is a good way to share information, and it can make learning easier and more enjoyable for people. Cartoons bring dull pages to life and can be eye-catching.
My cartoon shows a broken down car with three highly placed and respected men, the best in their respective fields, looking for who will solve the car's problems. This discusses how we need the right president to fix our country's problems and steer us away from power outages, insecurity, and other issues.
This is a really good analysis of Kal's cartoon.
It seems that Kal thinks that Sunak was appointed in the of the crisis of UK instability, he was given instable problems to cope with, and as shown that Rishi is trying his best to rescue the britains and UK (we can see UK's flag), but it is obvious that Rishi's ship is sinking, although he is trying hard but the problem needs more time and greater potentials. So he says there's another tory tory prime minister at the helm meaning he is trying to get help from others to save the problem.
The cartoon depicts a sinking ship with people drowning, and Rishi Sunak tells them to rejoice because the savior has arrived. Given the size of the ship and the rowboat, Rishi Sunak is in, I believe Karl is implying that this is a lost cause. This is because the rowboat is small and the number of people on board is large. Rishi Sunak will have to squeeze everyone into his boat to achieve this. How will he persuade his people to trust him again, and even his party?
A cartoon is a good way to share the news because people understand it better when they see pictures. Cartoons captivate both children and adults, making learning more enjoyable.
My cartoon will show people in complete darkness, with a ray of sunlight attempting to break through the darkness.
I believe Rishi Sunak has a small solution to the UK people's problems, but he needs the people's cooperation for it to work. The small boat he arrived in provides the clue to this answer.
I believe that cartoons are a good way to share news because they can captivate many minds while also making people think deeply.
In my cartoon, a high towering building is on fire, and some people are unconscious; a hero appears in the midst of the fire to save them.
I agree., but we have to draw something more beautiful than that, which is about the water crisis that we suffer from, as the Gaza Strip, and it is a drawing of people who waste water on the other side, drought and poverty
According to the cartoon, Karl believes that people have been suffering for a long time since 2010, as evidenced by some people sinking, drowning, and even dying. Now that Rishi Sunak is in charge, the first priority will be to help and save the people; his arrival in a small rowboat may not be noticed as much, but this is his first attempt to change the economy and other grey areas in the country.
Yes, cartoons are a good way to share the news because they are easily understood by both young and old people and allow for each person to create their own interpretation of the cartoon.
My cartoon will depict a plane in mid-flight that is moving smoothly until the passengers realize the pilot is unqualified.
After I read the story and pondered it, I understood from the drawing that he says do not despair, for the relief is coming, and the relief is that he came to liberate them and make the mound completely stable / and I think that the animation is signals that enter the brain and make us absorb them very quickly, and on the contrary, in people who negatively affect the brain and understand the phrase is not Decree / If I want to draw something, I will draw about the problem of soil salinization that my country suffers from, drawing trees, and that the land suffers from soil salinity, and it can be inferred that the land is salty through the presence of salts, that the surface of the earth is white in color, and the fruits and flowers fall greatly
In my openion the Cartoonist Kal here has reprecented UK to have been unstable in terms of power , economy , growth etc. The turbulant sea with a sinking ship indicate instability in the country and governance . The people of the country are also suffering they are looking up for somebody to save them from being drouned in the sea of global inflation . They seem to be looking at the newly elected PM as a ray of hope to save them from crisis.
Yes I think cartoon is a good way to share news because it is easy to understand .Visualisation of an event has greater impact on the people. It can convey more than what an article can convey .there is no language barrier as all can interpret a cartoon . It feeds the imagination of the reader and hence i feel that it is a good way of sharing news .
If i were to reprecent my country as a cartoon I would reprecent it as a Unicorn as my country is having about 100 unicorns ( startups with a turn over of 1 billion a year ) Hence it has contributed to global economy
Firstly I will like to commend Kal the artiste on the beautiful cartoon drawing he did representing the political state of UK. The sinking ship represents the chaos in the British government. The broken sails represent directionless political state of the UK and the people look helpless and some are calling for help which represent the citizens that are crying for a saviour. Rishi Sunak represents their political saviour.
He gave a clue on the political crisis and problems the UK is experiencing.
Yes, a cartoon is a good way to share news because it is less offensive and it is also captivating.
If I was to draw I would like to represent the issue of ethnicity and the disadvantages it has brought to Nigeria.
I think about an other aspect of the cartoonist Kal. He wants to show that a young and raw mind is the need of the hour when the UK's economy is on the versge of collapse.
He also depicted the cost of living crises will be the biggest challenge for the new prime minister and he has no sustainable plan in hands.
I think cartoons are more effective and more influenced medium of sharing news to all minds. Artists in drawings have and edge of conveying irony of the situation in lighter tones.t Cartoonist draws on two unrelated events and create humorous effects in the connection.
If i would draw a cartoon. I would like to draw a cartoon where the gramdparents sharing the stories about sustainable lifestyle to the kids.
The cartoon depicts a sinking ship with a British flag and people trying to hold onto whatever they can grab, it also shows Sunak on a rescue boat with the hopes of saving all of them even with his small boat in the storm. Seeing this cartoon, it gives me clues of disharmony, political instability and people of the UK struggling to keep up with the chaos in there country due to their queens death unstable leadership and this affects them a lot since there is delay in service provision. Basically, a cartoon is a good to share news because it brings out the reality of the situation in a simple to understand. Actually we use cartoon videos as we learn in class for they help to draw the imagination of the concept at hand in our brains. The other reason is that there is no boredom in a way that a cartoon keeps people entertained even when passing on important information. Besides that, a cartoon can easily universally be read by anyone and they get the intended information since its easy to interpret.
In my country, I would draw a showing the slummy areas in my area since there are over 57 slum settlements and many people live their and my message in the cartoon would be advising them on how to keep their neighbourhood clean so as to save the environment and remain healthy. It would contain cartoons depicting the reuse and recycle of plastics for better uses than just dumping anywhere and i would add other cartoons depicting the conservation of water sources in their areas so as to remain health and conserve the environment they live in.
This way through a cartoon, I would have passed on important, precise and environmental conserving information that would easily be understood by the general public.
The art work is a good representation of the UK political body. The sinking ship represents a failed government, the citizens are crying out for a leader or saviour and Rishi Sunak coming as their saviour, pledging to serve with integrity and humility and to work day in day out to deliver to the British people. He promises them economic stability and support for Ukraine and also provide more money to help citizens cope with soaring household energy bills.
Yes cartoon and art are really a good source of not only spreading news but also to convey your message to others
The thing which i understand from this cartoon pic is that Rishi Sunak is coming to save his people and is saying that Rejoice my hearties! There’s another new Tory prime minister at the helm!”
But the point to note is that he really wanna save his nation but the nation is so huge and the boat on which he is rescuing is so small to save every one and if he fit everyone they all would drawn
So the thing which i learn is that Rishi really wants to save the people from conflicts but now his vision and aim are so small that he can't rescue everyone.
I believe Karl is saying that Rishi Sunak has the potential to be a great leader, but the odds are stacked against him because leading a country is a difficult job.
Rishi Sunak's arrival in the small rowboat despite the raging storm and people drowning inspired me. Rishi Sunak has a strong love for his people; many people will flee the scene when trouble arises, but not Rishi Sunak.
I believe that using a cartoon to convey news is a good idea because it will be understood, comprehended, and made sense by both young and old people.
My cartoon will depict people in my country fighting and bricking against one another, and in the midst of it all, a gentle, weak, and feeble man appears, to no one's surprise, but with his wise counsel and knowledge, he brings the war to an end.
Is animation a good way to share news? Yes animation is a really great and beautiful way to share news and also to share a message that many people around the world watch animation I am an adult but I love watching animation it attracts people I really liked this way If you were to draw a cartoon to represent your country, what would it be? I will draw on the injustice to which the people of my country of Palestine are subjected and I will draw on the heinous crimes that are taking place in my country.
Almost the artist drew a sinking ship and children clinging to the British flag with all their strength so that it does not fall from them, and he drew another small boat in which Rishi Sunak is located, and I think he came to save them all. The instability of rulers in their positions and also the lack of any assistance or provision of services for them, and that the caricature helps clarify the meaning and reality and deliver the desired goal. But it is actually important and works to deliver certain messages.
**This drawing shows a ship sinking in the water and on board the passengers and crew appear who have climbed the masts and attached to them in a request for help and around them appear the bodies of innocent drowned people. If we look closely, we will see a small boat for President Sunak, whose condition does not allow saving those lives.
This sends us the idea that the United Kingdom is trapped in an ocean of political and economic division, and attempts to save it are almost non-existent
** When the pen is unable to reveal the truth, the people resort to the feather, which draws everything they need to say, and this is what sends us an idea of what is going on in their hearts.
** If I want to draw a drawing to represent a politician, I will draw the flag on the ground covered in blood, with a knife near it, and a person from behind carrying a bag of money and a passport 😔😔
Can you explain your idea for a cartoon a little more, aware_leaves?
Kal, the artist represents England as the sinking ship. England has in a recent few months has faced huge economic blows and is going through a crisis. Rishi Sunak has been depicted as the man who is coming to save this sinking ship. However Sunak's boat is much smaller as compared to the huge ship that lies ahead of him which basically implies that with very little time and huge amount of work to be done its interesting to see how Rishi Sunak will manage.
1. I think the cartoonist meant that Sunak, who claims he will save the kingdom, has only a small boat, which can hardly accommodate Sunak and his retinue.
2. Drawing is in my opinion a good way to share news, as it shows flaws in a satirical way easily and quickly to the reader or viewer.
3. I will draw a chair upholstered in red silk and studded with gold for which the parties of my country will fight. My state, Palestine, is divided because each side wants to exclude the other. At the same time, I will paint my dream in a cloud above this chair, with an olive tree under which all people will shade.