glad_camel has not published standpoints yet. Comments by glad_camel Comment Post Date Comment: If I were the leader of MY country, I would promise to plant as many plants as possible BECAUSE... Post: #12 Important promises Date: 23/11/21 Comment: If I were the leader of MY country, I would promise that I would try to end pollution from... Post: #12 Important promises Date: 22/11/21 Comment: If I were the leader of MY country (Pakistan), I would promise that I would make health and... Post: #12 Important promises Date: 19/11/21 Comment: I would like to find out more about headline A because I like to gather a lot of information... Post: #11 Tell me more! Date: 15/11/21 Comment: I would like to find out more about headline B. It's nice to hear that dinosaur bones were... Post: #11 Tell me more! Date: 12/11/21 Comment: The book I know is called THE STORMING WALL and is by Todd Miller. In Storming the Wall, Todd... Post: #9 Think of a link Date: 01/11/21 Comment: REPORTS R Report facilitates decision-making and planning. E Each part has a purpose in the... Post: #8 The News Date: 27/10/21 Comment: I listened to American vice-president Al Gore. The most important thing they said was that the... Post: #7 Share the expertise Date: 20/10/21 Comment: My dream job is Environmental Physician. This job would be good for the environment because... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 15/10/21 Comment: My dream job is to be an Environmental Engineer. Obviously this job would be good for the... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 13/10/21 Comment: My dream job is to become an Agricultural Engineer.This job would be good for environment... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 12/10/21 Comment: A very big problem in my community is Air Pollution. Air pollution is caused by emissions... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 11/10/21 Comment: A problem in my community is water scarcity.There are several factors that have contributed to... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 05/10/21 Comment: I think the most important quality for journalist to have is Courage because Courage is the... Post: #4 Because... Date: 28/9/21 Comment: In my opinion, creativity is the most important criterion for a journalist because Creativity... Post: #4 Because... Date: 27/9/21 Comment: A journalist goes through any situation to get the news of an accident or incident to us,... Post: #3 Caption this Date: 23/9/21 Comment: In this picture we are told that we hear the news quickly and easily but the reporters work hard... Post: #3 Caption this Date: 23/9/21 Comment: My triangle is:Revelotion maker, because news is witnessed by a huge amount of people , If the... Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 09/9/21 Comment: Here is my triangle:Update - Because the news keep us updated or up to date with the world's... Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 09/9/21 Comment: my triangle is:Healing , the power of minds because news describes what great minds want to know... Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 08/9/21 View more >