Comments by highspirited_king

Comment Post Date
People can support their country to produce food in many ways but also the country has to... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 04/11/22
Internet is both a good a bad influence on people depending on the way they use it but internet... Should the internet be a human right? 04/11/22
First of all, songs are the best and reliant ways of sharing a message since people would rather... Protest songs: what would you choose? 04/11/22
Why shouldn't they make it at least even as to whereby we have a youth president and a universal... Older or younger lawmakers? 04/11/22
It would depend on the bugs that I eat for example grasshoppers and white ants, these are the... Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? 04/11/22
A worker should work for less than 36 hours in a week which means they would have to work at... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 04/11/22
A good working environment is when like your surroundings favor you like the people around you... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 04/11/22
Not all workers should be paid highly because if paid highly the business can run bankrupt... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 04/11/22
I would share a song to all the corrupt leaders, people, governments telling them to promote... Protest songs: what would you choose? 04/11/22
The seed drone might make the biggest difference to the world since it can plant 40,000 trees in... Get creative, save the planet! 04/11/22
Due to high electricity usage in my country "Uganda" I would invent a gadget that can measure... Get creative, save the planet! 04/11/22
First of all, i think these messages don't have a true meaning i personally would ignore this... Mind your language! 03/11/22
I agree because... Most world leaders are corrupt and they... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 03/11/22
I agree because... Internet has helped many people to get... Should the internet be a human right? 03/11/22
I agree because... There are some educated parents who can put... Competition #1 Interpreting statistics 03/11/22
indeed this is true but you can still use this money to pay for the ticket and have various... Money, money, money! 03/11/22
I disagree because... instead of buying a ticket to go to space, one can use... Money, money, money! 03/11/22