impartial_starfruit has not published standpoints yet. Comments by impartial_starfruit Comment Post Date Comment: My answer is much different than the ones I have seen by scrolling through these responses. I... Post: Competition #4 winners Date: 14/2/24 Comment: I believe that companies can have some control over a celebrity if they are the face of the... Post: The “face” of a business Date: 14/2/24 Comment: I believe that every person, business, and company should be able to freely state their opinion... Post: Businesses and elections Date: 14/2/24 Comment: I disagree, because... it is possible for reformative forms of discipline to be very... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I disagree, contemplative_fly, because... not every crime has the same severity. Like murder... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I disagree, because... sometimes, people commit crimes that aren't inhumane, although not... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I believe that prisons should always prioritize being reformative. This is because the reason... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I believe that, although everyone is responsible for climate change and reversing what we've... Post: Climate change and inequality Date: 06/2/24 Comment: If I had an AI companion, there would be a couple of things that I would want it to be... Post: AI companion Date: 05/2/24 Comment: We barely see any positive news in the media about climate change. Although there should really... Post: Too much negative news? Date: 05/2/24 Comment: I agree, and to further add on to that, AI feels very dystopian, in a bad way. If we let it... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 03/2/24 Comment: There are quite a plethora of reasons as to why people don't make the change to save the... Post: Why don’t people change? Date: 03/2/24 Comment: I disagree because, your last sentence makes it seem that you agree with option A. It is the... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I disagree because, although I can kind of see where you are coming from, the most logical... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I agree with you on some parts, but I don't think that option B is a reasonable response. I... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I believe that AI will do more bad for the planet than good. User reasoning_knowledge changed my... Post: AI and the planet Date: 02/2/24 Comment: In my opinion, option A seems the most logical. It aligns almost perfectly with a human's moral... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 01/2/24 Comment: Hello, I chose the worried option. This is because, although AI can do a lot of good, it is... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 01/2/24