AI and the planet

In another discussion, educated_fern wondered about whether the development of AI could help with future environmental challenges. This got us thinking…

Do you think that AI will be more good than bad for the planet? Or more bad than good for the planet?

This discussion was inspired by educated_fern of Jagat Mandir Secondary School in Nepal. Well done, you've won five stars for having your idea published!

Comments (271)

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  • I think AI could be the bad for the planet because of all of the e-waste metal and plastic that has been stuck or screwed together can't be recycled and it has to be very strong so your ai can work. The simple way to say this is that phones, laptops all go into the bin or in second hand and break. But also AI could also help with sorting the recycling picking up litter from the floor and do the compost. For me it's a win-win because if I separate all of this into bad for the environment and good for the environment it would be a tie. My class has also thought about it too but their unsure. The bad thing is that if you even tried to recycle e-waste it wouldn't work because of the toxic metals in it. What do you think?

    1. I agree with you jolly heart because people do throw these things away and don't recycle these things.
      These toxic metals could really harm our environment and damage our life.
      I really like your ideas jolly heart .
      Well done !

    2. I agree because... People often discard e-waste, harming the environment. Many don't reconsider recycling, leading to potential damage to our surroundings and lifestyle. Your point is crucial highlighting the importance of addressing this issue. Thank you for bringing attention to it.

      1. your so right, e-waste is a big problem for nature and our health when not handled right. Electronics have bad chemicals stuff like lead and mercury that can leak out and make the environment sick. But if we recycle them, we save our resources and protect our planet. Let's make the earth greener 🌍.

    3. With respect to your comment jolly heart, I am in a disagree with the your statement as AI has several research and large scale data management benifits along with better observational gadgets. If we speak in regard to the statement " That materials that make up the device in which AI algorithms run are non recyclable " According to data collected from search engines several parts of AI including Printer cartridges ,CMOS Battery ,Circuit boards ,Power cord ,Ray tube ,CD or DVD, ROM ,Cables ,Aluminum or plastic casing,
      Keyboard , Glass monitor , Motherboard ,
      Graphics, SSD, and audio cards along with the materials that the computer parts are made up of, including gold and silicon in the CPU, aluminum that seals the magnetic disk, steel and copper in the optical drive, and silver, glass, and plastic, are recyclable . Only 2% of the components of computer are non recyclable same goes for more advanced technological devices with non recyclable waste percentage being very less .

      1. thank you for your feedback about my work I really think you had a good reason the topic too

    4. I agree because people in this age usually throw away their old device just to get the latest one, so by time AI is fully operational, the amount metal devices thrown away will be over millions & millions tons . I still do agree that this metal will be recycled and used to manufacture more robots that could replace soldier during any battle that might happen and this prevents any humans actually getting harmed during warfare

      1. I agree because... Nowadays, it's so common for people to ditch their old gadgets just to grab the latest ones. And as AI becomes more advanced, we're likely to see even more electronic waste pile up—we're talking about tons and tons of metal devices being tossed aside every year. It's definitely a concerning trend that we need to address.
        But here's the thing: we can't ignore the potential for recycling to help out here. All that metal from discarded devices can be reused to create AI-powered robots, which could actually be pretty useful, like in military situations where they could take the place of human soldiers. So, while we're adding to the pile of waste, at least we're finding ways to put it to good use.
        Plus, there's a silver lining to this: using AI in military settings could actually save lives. By sending robots into dangerous situations instead of people, we're keeping our soldiers out of harm's way. It's a win-win: we're reducing casualties and making the most of recycled materials to advance technology.

        1. Hi astounding_petal
          I agree with you because recycling electronic waste, particularly metal components, presents a smart solution to mitigate the environmental impact. Reusing materials from discarded devices to create AI-powered robots demonstrates a creative approach to repurposing resources. The idea of using AI-powered robots in military settings to reduce human casualties is a good way of saving lives because if the robots get damaged, their parts can be replaced, but if soldiers get injured, most parts of them can't be fixed or replaced to get them in battle again.

    5. I agree that there are both positives and negatives, the metals used in some AI does use precious resources and might involve mining or destroying the environment to get to them. As long as they are developing ways to use maybe renewable resources as well. But your right if they can help with helping to clean the planet like the robots that are used in the sea that help to clean out out the plastics and rubbish that ends up in the sea and end up hurting the wildlife. I think that Al could might be better as it just does its job it’s programmed to do. A human might have other motives for doing something like it might not want to recycle its waste as it cost too much or they are feeling lazy that day.
      Al could also be used in places in the world that humans might not be able to or that are too dangerous like go deep under the sea or in places that might be toxic to humans. Like robots might help to repair or clean places where there is toxic waste.

    6. I agree as AI develops so will some of the negative affects it will have on the environment, I have read about the potential large carbon footprint, The large amount of electronic waste which contains hazardous material that can contaminate our soil and water supplies.
      I do think that there are negatives to AI but I’m not sure if it outweighs the good as long as it is made responsibly.

    7. I agree with you, because all the waste material produced from the AI can't be recycled because of toxic metals which is very dangerous for our planet. It creates pollution in the environment. The waste produced from the AI is very hard to manage which is a problem for our planet. So we should try develop AI which can be easily recycled after it's use.

    8. I agree because us humans can spot many of the recycle trash and we could immediately know which place to sort it. AI isn't very that much technical so, they wouldn't be able to spot our trash and quickly recycle. Possibly, what if AI starts malfunctioning? AI is really bad.

  • I think that AI can be good in one way and bad in another way.The facts that help me believe that AI will be good for the future is that the productivity of AI (artificial intelligence) may boost our workplaces, which will benefit people by enabling them to do more work. As the future of AI replaces tedious or dangerous tasks, the human workforce is liberated to focus on tasks for which they are more equipped such as those requiring creativity and empathy .It also helps people do tasks quicker and better and allows them to make more efficient decisions. On the other hand I also think AI can be bad for the future stating that AI may have its own carbon footprint and negative environmental impact because it relies heavily on computing data centres. Those data centres consume a large amount of electricity and also require a significant amount of water for cooling purposes. But, AI systems may not always be fully reliable, leading to distrust in their decision-making capabilities. Over-reliance on AI can make humans dependent on technology and reduce critical thinking skills. This is why I agree AI can be good and bad for the future.

    1. I agree with you funny_potato, the reason being is that I think that as you said AI can be good in a way and bad in another way, the reason being is that there is an equal balance of AI having negative and positive impacts on the world. A s you said. AI helps in doing tasks quicker and better which can save a lot of time and release burdens from people's backs. Moreover as you said, AI can help in dangerous tasks and workplaces, due to this, human being can focus on works which involve in empathy and creativity.
      However, the negative side of AI people start to solely rely on it, and if you rely on something for long and it has never failed you; you trust it wholeheartedly. But AI cannot always provide the right answers and decision. As you said, by relying on AI, we humans will start to doubt our decision making capabilities. Moreover, if we humans depend on AI for everything, it will decrease the self -esteem we have in our life skills. Thus I exceedingly agree with your point about AI being good in one way, and bad in another way.

      1. Artificial intelligence's impact on Swiffer decision-making processes is one of its main outcomes. AI systems can offer insightful data that helps with decision-making. In addition to making people dependent on it and fatigued artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly impact society given that the digital world consumes a substantial amount of energy, which accounts for 73.2% of global emissions. Does this suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) is terrible for humans or good? Because everything has a positive and a negative aspect, focusing on the positive aspect only serves to highlight how beneficial AI is to humans, while focusing on the negative aspect discourages people from using AI even when it really helped, the negative and positive side makes using AI look very confusing and and stressful because of this two side, so is AI really helping or destroying.

    2. I do agree the end product of using (AI) is very good technology that makes work easier and faster which has relieved a lot of people from the stress of having to do their work and balancing also having to do domestic work like chores yes I do agree with the leftover time many people can engage their selves with recreational activities or more time for self-development. yes with the increase in the production of (AI) the carbon footprint of all humans will increase in percentage. the (AI) will negatively impact the environment yes the amount of energy and electricity will increase the (AI) is not reliable and can fail at any time

  • I honestly think AI will be more bad than good for the planet, because AI will more than likely take a lot of opportunities that real humans should have, such as some jobs, and AI will eventually start to take over the world. Everyone's going to be used to using AI to do important things, and everyone will be trusting AI to do things for them. The qualities of a real human will no longer be as appreciated as they should be, due to the simplicity of just using the internet and AI.

    1. I disagree because... AI is supposed to make people's lives easier, not for taking opportunities from them. AI helps people by, discovering job opportunities which are open for hiring, or finding businesses/companies which will show a person between which is best to work at. I know people might take advantage of AI by, letting it complete all their daily activities, which will make them lazy and relaxed, meanwhile some people also use AI to help them with their everyday lives, like work that needs to be completed, AI can help the person with his/her work, which will release stress from their day. I think AI would still have a part in helping the environment, because of some device's which can be...:
      (1) Automated grass cutter.
      (2) temperature changing devices.
      (3) Tracking icebergs and identifying population devices.
      The list of AI devices goes on and on, together with some devices which are still being built and will be used in the future. I think people shouldn't take advantage of these device's, rather they should learn from it, in case they find themselves in a situation, which will not be involved by AI, but life will still be easy since the person was contemplating when the AI was helping his/her activities to be done.

  • In my opinion AI will do good more than bad.I think this because AI's can be used to do all sorts of things that it is programmed to study, this means that it could potentially even help save the planet.For example, they could measure where most of the sunlight comes during the day to maybe insert some solar panels and maybe in factories(like ones that use fossil fuels) they can measure how much the places actually need so there will be no excess meaning we can have the use of fossil fuels used in a much fairer way.Overall I think that they will help the plant and the eco-system to return back to normal where every animal,human,plant and single cell organisms can all live together at peace with us humans becoming a bit more modern by etting the AI's work with us to help stop all the dilemas that we have throung the eco-system.

    1. I agree with you. Along with what you said, AI can also be used in biotechnology and genetic engineering. It can be used to produce more amount of the good plants. The Farmers can use AI-powered systems to detect insects and plant diseases more quickly than humans.
      As of 2021, 87 percent of US agriculture businesses were using some form of AI to manage their farms. This is used to bring improvements in the farm and crops which is better for the environment. The AI named Plantix was developed by PEAT to identify the deficiencies in soil, including plant pests and diseases.
      AI can also be used in better weather forcasting which can help us take necessary precautions and save the plant.

  • I think that AI will do more good than bad because it can help monitor any task that you can't keep track of. An example can be like in an oil factory we can use the AI to monitor the pressure system and also teach interns or beginners. All of this is just one of the many reasons that Ai can be helpful.

    1. I agree because... AI can teach many people many things or rather , give opinions on different topics which I personally find useful most of the time . In addition to your example @ supportive_wildcat , I have to say AI is very helpful . Refineries can use AI models to predict consumer demand for different petroleum products , thereby allowing them to predict quantity for production and manage inventory efficiently . AI can also help in recognizing leaks in an oil company and without AI , such leaks might not have been spotted so easily ; and this could have left the lives of the workers at stake . In summary , AI can be used for both good and bad . It is just left to you as the user , to choose its activity towards you.

      Thank you.

      1. I agree with you, but we can argue that AI can assist with the major global concerns. We may apply it to a number of global concerns, such as recycling, climate change, industrial and agricultural bases, and mental health problems. We can use it, for instance, to make hearing aids. We can utilize this capability to create noise cancellation. Additionally, we can recycle it by building garbage-carrying robots or automated vehicles that will assist in moving this waste.
        I propose that the following day's theme be how we can use AI to provide solutions for the recycling dilemma. What are its salient characteristics?
        What advantages does it offer?

        1. Your perspective on leveraging AI to address major global concerns is insightful. The application of AI in areas like recycling, climate change, industry, agriculture, and mental health can indeed bring about transformative solutions.

          The idea of using AI to improve hearing aids, incorporating noise cancellation technology, showcases the potential for enhancing healthcare and addressing accessibility issues. Additionally, the concept of deploying AI in the creation of garbage-carrying robots or automated vehicles for waste management is a promising solution to tackle environmental challenges.

          Your proposal to focus on AI solutions for the recycling dilemma as a theme for the next day is commendable. Exploring the salient characteristics of AI in this context and understanding the advantages it offers can provide valuable insights. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and optimize processes makes it a potent tool for developing sustainable and efficient recycling solutions.

          Some advantages of using AI for recycling include:

          Efficiency: AI can streamline and optimize recycling processes, making them more efficient and reducing waste.
          Sorting and Identification: AI-powered systems can accurately sort different types of materials, improving recycling accuracy.
          Data Analytics: AI can analyze data related to recycling trends, helping in making informed decisions and implementing targeted strategies.
          Automation: AI-driven automation can enhance the speed and precision of recycling operations.
          Innovation: AI fosters innovation by enabling the development of advanced technologies for recycling, such as robotic sorting systems.
          By exploring these aspects, you can shed light on how AI can be a powerful tool in addressing global challenges and advancing sustainability efforts.thank you .

        2. I strongly agree with you blissful apple AI material can be recycled to other things which could be useful to human life and to the fullness of the earth and all the rest of the things inside of it. I also agree that AI can assist with the major global concern.

        3. Yes i agree with you that ai can help in recycling the garbage and I would like add my point that ai would be good for the planet because it will help in prediction of natural disasters, monitoring the pollution ,help to recycle the waste , help to reduce the waste and Ai can also help in repairing the discarded items can also be used in agriculture by monitoring the crops and pest detection and many more.

    2. I agree with this because AI will be able to do things humans cannot. For example, AI will be able to find medicines that humans cannot find. And also AI can do things way faster than humans can. And AI will be able to teach kids brand new methods and things that have to do with the world. In conclusion, AI should be in the world because it will be helpful when it comes down to jobs, school, and just the world.

    3. I agree because in schools, homes and offices people use cameras to take tracks of what others are doing, For example, People who want to steal, vandalise and destroy properties they would be captured and sent to prison.

      1. I strongly agree with you because,
        Imagine in a very big organization or company where people go in and come in and there are no trackers and cameras. People can easily steal without being caught. But now with the help of AI machines such as cameras, people who steal, vandalize and destroy properties are caught and punished according to their crimes.

        1. I won't fully agree with you. How sure are you that with the help of cameras or trackers people who steal, vandalize or destroy properties can be caught ? Because noting is perfect the cameras or trackers could malfunction anytime

    4. I agree to this but negatives do more damage than positive things as for example they could use AI to do their homework but teachers would not know that they have cheated.

      1. I do not agree with you on the fact that students will do assignment with AI and the teachers will not know because well trained teachers knows their students capabilities and so they will know when they copied. For example in this festival, I know lots of people's comments that has been rejected because they copied from the Internet and truly they copied from Internet so how do you think they find out that someone had copied from Internet?

    5. I agree because... AI has more advantages than disadvantages. Its disadvantages are its developer's fault. What you input into a computer most times, is what it produces. Advantages of AI to planet earth include:
      a. Smart transport options.
      b. Sustainable production.
      c. Sustainable land-use.
      d. Smart cities and homes.
      a. Fishing sustainably.
      b. Less water pollution.
      c. Protecting aquatic habitats and species.
      a. Water supply.
      b. Water efficiency.
      c. Water sanitation.
      d. Drought planning.
      - CLEAN AIR:
      a. Filtering and capture.
      b. Monitoring and prevention.
      c. Early warning.
      d. Clean fuels.
      e. Real time integrated, adaptive urban management.
      These numerous advantages overshadow minor disadvantages such as increased cyber crime and high rate of laziness.
      Thank you.

      1. I agree with committed_writer's intensive overview of the advantages of AI. Their viewpoint showcases how AI has the potential to address critical global issues such as climate change, environmental conservation, and public health. By focusing on solutions like smart transportation, sustainable production, and water security, AI offers promising pathways towards a more sustainable and stronger future. While it's important to reduce potential drawbacks like cybercrime and social impacts, it's refreshing to hear the emphasis on the overwhelmingly positive impact of AI on Earth's ecosystems and communities. Overall, I like such a well-reasoned approach to the potential of AI.

    6. I agree because monitoring any task for you even if it doesnt seem like it, it could actually have a big positive impact.
      Such as stress relief having to monitor how things are going on one thing and you are also needed at another place and another it piles up work and you begin to lose focus and become stressed. With an AI and its task monitoring it would definently releive us of stress. Monitoring tasks could also give better results to us because an AI is very observant and it can process information in the blink of an eye so it could definently give us responses on what to do next for the best result. In conclusion AI could definently do more good than harm

      1. Well done for replying to another comment. Please can you explain how AI would relieve stress?

        1. It relieves stress because you don't have alot of things on your mind to think about because the AI would do it because its monitoring on it for you so theres less to worry and stress is mostly caused by work and nowadays people work stressful jobs way more. Additionally stress relief can save people from alot of things. Such as high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, asthma and a heart disease.

      2. Excellent comment centered_lynx, I strongly agree to fact that AI can help relieve stress and can do more good than bad for the planet. AI was created to support human's ideas and goals and help humans more forward. AI can assist humans in detecting mental illnesses early and making more accurate treatment. AI can help in agriculture by using drones to spread fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides which can save money for farmers and save plants from insects and pests. AI can help monitor the soils quality and improve plants. AI drones can help disperse seeds on large farms, this can help farmers relieve stress. Apart from agriculture AI can in construction by using drones to scan areas that need fixing. AI drones can be used to observe workers behaviors and ensure safety to all workers. AI drones can help workers lift heavy bricks and metals; this can help workers relieve stress. AI can also help disabled people, AI voice technologies such as Siri and Alexa can help mute people communicate easily. AI can help deaf students translate the teachers voice into words to help the students understand. AI can help disabled people have the opportunity to involve themselves in sports. AI can allow people with disabilities to connect to people outside allowing them to share their stories and not feel alone. In conclusion AI is here to assist humans and encourage to humans to create more advanced AI to help humans relieve stress.

    7. I completely agree with you because your idea is completely true and has true logic behind it.

    8. I agree because AI can help the planet and even help outside the planet because if AI can make robots that can become seterlights and bring information from space to Earth, it will help outside the planet it can also help inside the Earth in big companies,AI can also make robots that will drive cars and be traffic wardings and even be traffic lights. AI can help in many other ways that people don't know. thanks.

  • In my opinion I would like to say that the AI’s brilliance lies an energy-intensive process with a staggering carbon footprint.
    As datasets and models become more complex, the energy needed to train and run AI models becomes enormous. This increase in energy use directly affects greenhouse gas emissions, aggravating climate change. According to OpenAI researchers, since 2012, the amount of computing power required to train cutting-edge AI models has doubled every 3.4 months. Researchers expected that by 2040, the emissions from the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry as a whole will reach 14% of the global emissions, with the majority of those emissions coming from the ICT infrastructure. These data demonstrate the urgent need to address AI’s carbon footprint and role in environmental deterioration.

    1. @broadminded_cricket - Thank you for your wonderful insight on this topic. Your understanding and interpretation on this subject is very intuitive and an interesting read. I do agree with you that AI is becoming a rapidly changing asset to the world in the many forms it has been included in such as IT, Tech, Data, Business. At times it is a struggle to design these such complex methods and instructions for the AI to operate smoothly and efficiently.

      Your evidence of AI impact on the ICT infrastructure is quite interesting and unique as IT is one of the biggest networks across the world... As for the data you have pulled from your research, how do you foresee the reduction of emissions in achieving Net Zero Carbon or an acceptable target for Worldwide Climate Change? What alternatives do you think we can adopt and utilise to better enhance and become efficient as for computer power generation?

      1. Hey Faizan, Analyst @KPMG!
        Your take on AI's impact on ICT infrastructure is pretty fascinating—like, IT is this massive global network, right? Now, diving into the emissions game for a sec. Imagine AI becoming our superhero in the quest for Net Zero Carbon. It's like having a sidekick that helps us cut down on emissions in everyday tech life. Think about it: AI optimizing data centers to run more efficiently, kind of like having a super-smart energy manager for your computer. Plus, envision smart algorithms steering us towards eco-friendly choices in computing. It's like AI becomes this green guide, showing us the eco-friendliest paths in the digital world. And let's not forget the impact on our daily gadgets! Picture this: AI stepping into our smartphones, laptops, and all those tech companions we can't live without. It's akin to having a digital companion that not only enhances our device performance but does so with a keen eye on energy conservation. Imagine your smartphone using AI to intelligently manage power consumption, ensuring your battery lasts longer while minimizing the carbon footprint. It's like having a personal tech assistant that not only boosts efficiency but also contributes to our broader goal of reducing environmental impact. The synergy of AI and everyday devices becomes a powerful duo in the journey towards a more sustainable tech landscape. In conclusion, how can we leverage these AI-powered superheroes to not just meet but exceed our Net Zero Carbon goals? What every day tech scenarios can we tweak for a greener tomorrow?

      2. My Journey Towards Sustainable Computing

        In our fast-paced tech world, I've been pondering ways to make my computing practices more sustainable. It's not just about performance; it's about minimizing our impact on the planet. So, here's my take on some strategies that feel doable and impactful.

        First up, renewable energy sources. I'm exploring solar power with panels and wind power through turbines. It's a step towards reducing my carbon footprint, aligning my tech usage with a cleaner, greener ethos.

        Then there's the hardware. I've been eyeing energy-efficient components. Modern processors come with nifty power-saving features that I'm eager to leverage. It's a small change, but it's a step towards a more eco-friendly setup.

        I'm also thinking about where I put my data. Locating data centers in places with easy access to renewable energy just makes sense. It's about working with nature, not against it.

        On a day-to-day level, I'm tweaking how I use energy. Smarter algorithms, task scheduling during low-demand periods, and letting AI optimize my workload are on my to-do list. It's all about being mindful of when and how I use power.

        Storing excess energy during quiet periods and using it when demand peaks is another trick up my sleeve. And, of course, embracing advanced cooling systems like liquid cooling helps keep things efficient.

        Blockchain technology seems promising too. It's all about transparent, decentralized energy management. I'm curious to see how it can help me track and improve my energy usage.

        Lastly, staying in the loop with the latest tech trends and collaborating with experts is my commitment. It's a journey of continuous improvement, making sure I'm always in sync with the newest sustainable tech.

        In a nutshell, my quest for sustainable computing involves embracing renewables, optimizing hardware, being mindful of energy usage, and staying connected with the latest advancements. It's a personal journey towards a greener tech future.thank u

      3. Hey Faizan, Analysts @KPMG .
        As I told earlier that we should reduce emissions to achieve Net Zero Carbon targets for worldwide climate change requires a multi-faceted approach involving various alternatives and improvements in energy generation and efficiency.
        Here are a few ways and alternatives that can be adopted to achieve Net Zero Carbon:

        1. Renewable Energy Sources: By scaling the use of renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, is critical. Investing in these sources can help replace fossil fuel-based power generation, significantly reducing emissions.

        2. Energy Efficiency: By Improving energy efficiency in buildings, industries, and transportation can contribute to emission reductions. This involves adopting energy and efficient technologies.

        To enhance and become more efficient in computer power generation, many ways can be taken:

        1. Data Center Efficiency: By optimizing data center infrastructure, cooling systems, and server efficiency can reduce energy consumption in the IT sector.

        2. Renewable-Powered Data Centers: By utilizing renewable energy sources to power data centers can minimize the carbon footprint associated with their operations.

        3. Green Computing Practices: By encouraging responsible computing practices, such as turning off idle devices, recycling electronics waste , and utilizing energy-saving features, can contribute to energy efficiency and help in net zero carbon.

        These are some factors to reduce Net zero Carbon.

    2. Hi, broadminded_cricket
      I disagree with the fact that there will still be a carbon footprint in the future,since many countries are turning green to fight climate change.If you know that during the present the planet is changin greener everyday,then how flourishing would you think the planet will be in a few years.
      Don't you think that in the midrange future all the planet will become green and supported by renewable energy sources,so AI development wouldn't cause greenhouse emissions?

    3. I'm not sure about this point you have stated @broadminded_cricket because AI has helped in tackling climate change more than contributing to the problem reason being AI has helped in tackling climate change through it's ability to predict weather, detect pollution and encouraging the usage of cleaner energy through the introduction of solar and wind energy. So in conclusion AI has to me helped in combating climate change more than damaging it. I hope you can see this from my point of view.
      THANK YOU.

    4. I'm not sure about this because... I think that AI has helped to try and stop climate change instead of contributing to it. AI is able to discover efficient ways to try and stop climate change, which someone could actually use to try and contribute to stop climate change. The AI could also be potentially powered through renewable energy sources, which would also help to save the planet.

    5. Hello
      Your comment was wonderful but I have to disagree with you. You said that emission will increase due to the energy needed for computing power for AI well in short this isnt exactly the case. Theres a technology called solar panels and these panels absorb light from the sun and turn it into energy. Alot of people are starting to switch to solar panels, though they may sound expensive and whatnot it actually isnt says that solar panels have become 50% cheaper. Starting to come together right? In short your comment talked about the carbon emmision even though that isnt the case.
      Thank you.

  • AI is can do a lot of good for the planet and the people living on it. AI can help us with things like checking the environment, cutting down on pollution, using resources wisely and helping with issues related to climate changes. But AI also has some downsides and dangers, like using up a lot of power, creating more trash, causing ethical problems, and messing up how we work and live. So we need to be careful about how we use AI, and think about how it affects the planet and everyone else, even those who are not born yet. AI should work with us, not against us, and respect our values and goals. That way, AI can be our friend, not our enemy.

    1. Hello,
      I agree with you on your advantages of AI to the planet but I disagree with you on your disadvantages where you said that AI uses a lot of power, creating more trash and messing how we work and live.
      Firstly I will like to throw a question which is, do your phones consume a lot of power? I believe no and one thing we should understand that an AI must not necessarily be a robot but it can also be in form of an application on our smart phones. For example we can make use of "cortana" on our windows operating system and "Google Assistant" on our android operating system.
      Secondly I doubt if AI will be creating more trash for us because there are AI powered robots designed for cleaning trash therefore I see AI in terms of trash cleaning to be an advantage.
      Lastly I believe AI is created to help or serve as assistance to we humans therefore they will do what they are instructed to do. I feel that if the AI's are programmed well they will do what they are told and I doubt if the AI is obedient it will be able to mess up the way we work live.

      Thank You.

    2. I agree because Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help us tackle environmental challenges such as climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste. AI can be used to design more energy-efficient buildings, monitor deforestation, optimize renewable energy deployment, and analyze complex, multifaceted datasets. However, AI can also pose some risks and threats, such as using up a lot of power, generate more waste, causing dilemmas. Therefore, we need to be ensure that AI is used efficiently, to make the world a better place.

    3. I agree a lot with you because, like you said AI can be a friend not a foe.

      1. Can you expand on this further?

        1. Most people are scared of AI because it seems scary, but most AI is built to live with us. It may loose control sometimes but overall, we can trust AI as a friend not a foe. As a friend, AI will encourage us to help the enviormnent. Will cannot be a foe to AI as it is so useful!

          1. I also agree with you thoughtful_agency
            Because how can a creation backstab its creator!
            Besides we can build AI and give it its desired purposes, I don't see how AI can malfunction and change the way it's developed and the goal it was designed for which is to asist humanity and to make the future possible for us.

          2. I agree strongly agree with your comment thoughtful_agency , AI can be useful to the planet. AI can help in agriculture. Farmers can use AI to test the soils fertility and help use effective pesticides and chemicals kills pests and insects. AI can help humans bulid solar panel houses that use the suns light to charge devices, and can be used for humans daily necessities. AI can help with the recyling of plastics and papers, papers bags can be reused to help save money for humans and plastics can be used as pots for little seedlings. AI can help humans by technology to create seeds so the population of trees can increase , this can help oxygen levels increase. AI cleaners can be place in waterbodies to help clean waterbodies , this can make fisshing easier and humans can drink water freely. To conclude I believe AI is afriend to humans and support humans for many years.

    4. I somewhat agree and not. AI is partially not good and what happens if AI malfunctions during checking the environment? Us humans are more developed than AI.

  • I think AI is more good for the planet because advanced technology would assist preservation and climate change alleviation. I think AI is more good than bad because in Africa there is an ongoing project that suggests a machine learning elucidation to give an account of electricity demand in African countries as a means to diminish climate change.

    1. In my opinion I believe AI is more good than bad for the planet is because , here in Ghana burning plastic is major issue , we produce a large amount of plastic waste every year and because of this the citizens have no chioce but to burn, which can create poisonous fumes and worsen asthmatic and heart conditions , but I believe with AI's help we find a better way of recyling these plastic. For examples instead of throwing plastic cups we can rather plant little seedlings so the population of tress can increase, or we build little bird houses for little birds and creatures to live. AI can help our waterbodies, because of illegal mining many of our waterbodies have gone bad, small villages rely on these waterbodies to live but because our water bodies are toxic many people are dying, AI can help pipes that can filter the water so people can drink fresh water.
      Thank You.

  • AI is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of humans or other animals.
    AI has the ability to reshape our understanding of climate systems and enable accurate forecasting and modeling.
    AI can help farmers in Nigeria to optimize their practices reduce waste and minimize environmental impact of food production.
    AI can also optimize grids and increase the efficiency of renewable resources. It can improve access to education.
    But AI can also be a big threat to Nigeria, here are my reasons:
    1. AI could become uncontrollable and pose a threat to humanity
    2. It can potentially be used to spread false information.
    3. Job loss and displacement.
    4. Possible overreliance in the technology and causes increased laziness in humans.
    5. Absence of empathy and unclear legal regulation.

  • In my own opinion, I would say that AI could be more good than bad for the planet. AI is very useful in this section. Most countries in the world are undergoing environmental challenges frequently and AI could be very useful in stopping this.

    One of the environmental challenges in the world right now is poor drainage system, in some countries, humans dump recyclable materials into the drainage at leave it like that thinking the excess water will wash it away. AI is very very useful here because we humans tend to be lazy while AI is hardworking well I guess it is because they don't get tired. AI can be very useful here by englitening people about the dangers of poor drainage system and how to dump recyclable materials, AI could work with the government to improve the drainage systems.

    Another environmental challenge is deforestation. Deforestation is the act of cutting down trees for commercial purposes.AI is very useful here in the following ways: smart sensors should be placed in the forests which detect and alert authorities to unusual activities, such as unauthorized logging or encroachment, AI robots (drones) could be placed in the forest to monitor unauthorised activities.

    Another environmental challenge is water scarcity.AI is also very useful here because it could help to improve the desalination processes-conversion of sea water to fresh water, another one is ground management which involves AI analysing ground water levels, recharge rates and exchange patterns.

    Other environmental challenges that AI could help with are
    -Climate change
    - Air pollution
    - Overfishing
    - Land degradation
    - Waste Management or Plastic pollution
    - Acid rain
    - Ozone Depletion
    - Urbanisation
    - Mining impacts
    - Nuclear accidents
    - Landfills
    - Industrial pollution

    Many more!!!
    AI is really useful for the planet 🌏

  • Hi
    In my own opinion, I would say that AI will be more good than bad to the planet. For Example, in the learning aspect. I believe that if we should be ordered to go back to the old system of learning, that existed in the olden days, lots of protests will begin because lots of people who grew up in developed areas like outside the country can not imagine themselves going through such stress again because its indeed a big time stress to put away the world of Laptops and computers in schools and then go back to the world of black chalkboard. Even here in Nigeria. Again imagine what it will look like to see yourself living in a house without electricity, this will definitely kill lots of people like Russian who I believe have never witnessed darkness in their lives talk more of living I a house without either standing fan or ceiling fan. What a terrible world.
    Also coming to some of our daily activities like cooking, imagine what it would look like seeing yourself cooking with fire and woods all through the year, lots of people will get burnt because cooking with fire, only exist in the primitive villages which not everybody can cope with that. So therefore, I strongly believe that AI will be more good than bad to the whole world at large.

    1. I disagree in your opinion, i would say that AI will help in the good and bad to the planet. Like the instance you used AI can help in learning in the good way but in the bad way it will make students lazy towards learning and other things AI can help us with. Also AI can help us towards our daily works and make it easier for us. But in the bad aspect AI will also replace humans in their jobs and they will not be any jobs for humans again.AI can help detect and prevent environmental damage before it may even come for example in the case of weather prediction . I am open to more suggestions.

    2. I totally agree with you unbiased planet AI has done more good than harm to the society and it will still do more good to the society and the country at large
      Thanks 👍.

      1. Do you want to provide some of the ways you've seen AI do more good than harm in your everyday life?

    3. I disagree because... you are saying AI will be more good than bad in the learning aspect. In the old times people had no devices that distracted them which made their learning more effective. Students use AI for homework instead of learning and answering. So now people are failing their exams because they stay all night on TikTok. And this is not helping in anyway. And have you realized that all those extremely smart scientists and mathematicians are from the olden days? They all went through the same learning system and even worse but did not have AI. Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Archimedes etc.

  • I feel as though AI will be equally helpful and unhelpful to the planet. AI can use internet access to answer questions about the planet, which will inform them. It could also help plant trees if it is programmed correctly. However, as broadminded_cricket said, AI's brilliance lies in an energy-intensive process with staggering carbon footprints. This will obviously hurt the planet. To fix its big carbon footprint we could perhaps find an alternative to the things used to power AI. Maybe we could get rid of AI as a whole? Earth and the human race were doing pretty okay without it, so we don't really need it. It's more for entertainment and convenience.

    1. Hey!
      I quite like this side of the argument. In today's time, Carbon - Footprint is a major footprint that all manufacturing industries are trying to solve.
      The Human Race was doing pretty okay without AI but that's the point! We were just doing "Okay". With the onset of AI, human civilisation has been able to go closer to doing "best". AI is the anchor of the Healthcare Sector, allowing us to develop technology further.
      While it can be looked at this way, that the progress in health care sector will result in decreased death rate, thereby increasing population, we have no right to decide who should live and who should die! Everyone has the right to live! The world belongs to everyone. And this exactly what AI is doing. Protecting people's right to live. Hence, we cannot get rid of AI.
      On a positive note, AI is helping us find several alternative solutions. It is allowing to see dreams we never had the courage to see before - An inter-cosmic civilisation.
      To conclude, AI has both it's good and bad sides. But the Good Side is that AI is helping us cross the boundaries of the planet itself, and that is the only reason we need to keep growing with it's help.

  • Hi there!
    AI has both positive and potentially negative impacts on the planet. On the positive side, AI technologies can contribute to environmental sustainability. For instance, AI can optimize energy usage, improve efficiency in transportation systems, and aid in the development of smart grids. These applications have the potential to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment.

    However, the increasing demand for computing power in AI models, particularly large-scale deep learning models, raises concerns about energy consumption. Training and running sophisticated AI models can be resource-intensive and contribute to a larger carbon footprint, especially if powered by non-renewable energy sources. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI for environmental solutions and addressing its energy consumption challenges is crucial for ensuring a positive impact on the planet. Efforts toward developing energy-efficient AI algorithms and promoting the use of renewable energy in AI infrastructure can contribute to a more sustainable integration of AI technologies.

  • I had the same results in my opinion inventive Blueberry one of my explanations was that all the plastic and toxic metals in all the AI can not be recycled because of this. Reply if you agree.

  • AI might be able to check and monitor the growth of plants but people could also use AI to help them do things that are not environmentally friendly like help them cut down trees or something like that AI can can be good or bad an equal number of times.

  • AI(Artificial intelligence) may be helpful for jobs in the future but it won't be very helpful if we're speaking about our planet.
    The reason to this is because these AI's all around the world are made out of all these horrible and toxic materials which could really effect our environment and endanger living species including humans.

  • I would say that AI will do more good than harm because it can save lives in the sense that AI of now and possibly the future because AI can be taught how to perform many life risking jobs, such as:
    1. Fire fighting
    2. Mining
    3. Aviation
    These are all jobs that require courage because if there is an accident, it may kill. But if can AI perform this jobs human lives can be preserved.

  • I believe that the impact of AI on the planet largely depends on how it's developed and utilized. On the positive side, AI has the potential to address pressing global challenges, such as climate change and resource management. For instance, AI can optimize energy consumption, improve agricultural efficiency, and enhance environmental monitoring. Additionally, it aids in medical research, leading to breakthroughs in disease diagnosis and treatment. These advancements suggest a positive trajectory for AI, fostering sustainability and global well-being.

    However, concerns arise regarding job displacement, privacy invasion, and potential misuse of AI for harmful purposes. The rapid evolution of AI technology demands careful regulation and ethical considerations to mitigate risks. Striking a balance between harnessing AI's positive potential and addressing its negative implications is crucial for ensuring a net positive impact on the planet. In essence, the trajectory of AI's impact on the Earth will depend on how society navigates and guides its development.

  • I believe that AI will be bad for the planet because many jobs will be taken over and humans will not have many jobs. Art is also affected because AI can also be used to make art. This means many artists' art may be called "AI" because many people will think it is fake. AI could be good but it can also become dangerous one day.

    1. I disagree because AI will never be able to replace humans, most jobs needs critical thinking for even the simplest things. Critical thinking needs subjectivity, to decide what is important and what is not, and decide which to work on first and what not. AI can not critical think, so most jobs wouldn't be taken over by AI. And most people would rather to work with a human rather than work with an AI. So i don't think we have to be afraid of AI overtaking our jobs in the near future.

  • I think AI is good for the planet because AI can help solve probloms in the planet like global warming by keeping track of factories which produce green house gasses and make new solutions for global probloms too.

  • I think that AI is bad for the planet. I say that because you have to build AI which causes you to use more material for the Earth which eventually leads to pollution which harms the Earth.

    1. I disagree because... after the AI has been built , it can contribute far more than what it has taken away from the earth ; For example @ insightful_cello you said that AI causes pollution . I do not seem to really understand in what form but all I have to say is that AI could aid pollution by pinpointing when and where the level of air pollution is likely to exceed legal limits and it can also contribute to the earth by providing real-time data on environmental conditions, AI can help detect and prevent environmental damage before it may even come for example in the case of weather prediction . I am open to more suggestions.

      THANK YOU .

  • This is a hard one for me, by that I mean that I'm stuck in between both. Now, how it can be bad for the environment is quite obvious, the AI and all the machinery used for it will be taking up very high amounts of energy that is harvested from the earth. And there will not just be a lot of AI, there will also be a lot of machinery as well which will need resources that could potentially pollute the earth. But for the good part about it, I read supportive_wildcat's comment and really thought about it. His/her comment actually made good sense about how AI can monitor the pressure systems and all those other things, this got me to change my mind about AI as it could also limit how much pollutant resources we use and how we use them.

  • I think AI will do more good than bad when it comes to the earth.I say that because of the fact that Ai is evolving and so is the knowledge that scientists know. We already have waitress robots in fast food places like chipotle,wendy's, and other popular fast food places , so why not program one of those robots to pick up trash, or to make sure people are not littering, and if they do litter, pick it up.And if it was to be a little bad the only thing i think that would be bad is the enormous amount of power it may take to charge those robots.You may be saying " But how will that affect the earth?'' Today's society runs on electricity people can't do much of anything without electricity today.Even to create natural resources like fertilizer needs electricity.

  • AI can do both good or bad effects to the planet.But I think it will do more of the good deeds rather than the bad ones.AI can help a lot in making the planet's environment much more balanced and clean.It can help in things like reducing plastics as well as papers by recycling .It can be used for picking up the large amount of wastes caused.It can also help in spreading awareness among the people.We know that AI can make a lot of good effects on the planet but sometimes it may cause problems like air pollution, noise pollution etc . But we should focus on making the bad effects turn into good ones by putting more creativity and advanced technology.

  • Hi,
    I want to share my opinion and some questions about Al. Which are so important for our planet.I am agree on the positive things of Al . Al is so helpful for us. Al can contribute to the improvement of our planet. If so, good for the nature and animals of our planet. So, we should side with Al. The role of Al has a great impact on our lives as well as the lives of animals. Many devices made of Al can help balance the environment. Al could develop devices that would be able to recycle pollutants in the environment. Also, we can make some machines or vehicles with Al that can easily extract the pollutants from the seabed. However, Al may have some adverse effects on the environment .But I think Al will do more good than harm our planet. Thanks.

  • I think AI will be good for the environment, but only if they are powered by solar, wind water or eco-friendly batteries.If not, then no.Ways that AI might be able to help us to be eco-friendly are, they might clear up trash. Maybe there will be eco- friendly drones and they will deliver food instead of vans that will pollut the planet.Most of AI is eco-friendly and engineers who make AI should try there best to make it eco-friendly because our planet needs a lot of help and this is one of our best ways.

  • Judging on a something as good or bad depends on the way you use it. Let's talk about AI to illustrate. Many people regard AI as beneficial because it provides a wide variety of functions that facilitates on people their lives. One way AI can help you is by saving your effort and time by making AI do a certain task. It can also help you in your studying and other things. On the contrary, others regards it as bad. Because they think that it may replace humans in their jobs, so this will cause a high percentage of unemployment and people will suffer. Others think that it can be used in illegal practices by hackers and terrorists and this poses hazard on people's safety. So Ai will be beneficial and good to the world if it was used correctly. At the same time it can be disastrous and harmful if it was used in a bad way.

  • I think artificial intelligence will do more good than bad for planet Earth. The future will bring relief to humans through the expansion of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been created due to the rapid development of science. AI will bring peace for people in the future and that would be great.
    Artificial intelligence has revolutionized almost every field today and this change will continue to accelerate in the future.For example - artificial intelligence has brought many changes in the workplace. The proliferation of AI has created almost as many jobs today. This trend will continue in the future. Artificial intelligence is playing an important role in education as well as workplace. Artificial intelligence is making progress in the field of education by collecting and analyzing data, taking automated tests, conducting various courses, etc.
    Thus artificial intelligence is establishing unprecedented patterns in the world through improvements in various fields. So I think artificial intelligence is doing more good than bad for the world.

    1. How do you think AI will bring peace?

      1. I agree because Artificial intelligence will overtake everything in the future. The spread of artificial intelligence will increase the speed of work in various fields. It will make human work much easier in the future. Due to artificial intelligence, many organizations are able to venture into new thinking and better results in the future. Artificial intelligence can help humans in the future by adding its creative abilities.
        This is how artificial intelligence will bring peace to humans in the future by simplifying work and providing support in many ways.

      2. AI is a powerful tool that can help us solve many of the problems that cause conflict and violence. AI can help us reduce poverty, improve health, protect the environment, and promote human rights. AI can also help us communicate better, understand different perspectives, and foster cooperation and empathy.
        AI is not a threat to humanity, but a partner that can enhance our capabilities and potential. AI can help us create a more peaceful and harmonious world, where everyone can enjoy the benefits of technology and innovation.
        Of course, AI is not a magic solution that can solve everything by itself. We need to use AI responsibly, ethically, and wisely. We need to ensure that AI is aligned with our values and goals, and that it respects human dignity and autonomy. We need to work together to ensure that AI is used for good, not evil.
        I believe that AI will bring peace if we use it as a force for good, and if we collaborate with each other to create a better future for all.

  • In my opinion it is good or bad in respect to how it is used.
    If used for overall development,in sectors like agriculture and industry for precision. It can also help in keeping records safely.
    Whereas if in wrong hands it becomes a tool of harm to others.
    A debate about reduction of jobs by AI is a long debate but I believe it may take up some jobs but also create some other.
    So though I pick neutral side I think Ai will do more good than bad.

  • What I think about AI and the planet is that AI may have a bad effect on the planet as I once said in the topic of how you feel about AI. I said that "I felt curious because we do not know if the robots will work perfectly or try to destroy the human race". So I think that AI might try to take over the world like in some sci-fi fictional movies. Robots almost took over the earth so I feel that AI and the planet would have a very bad effect in it.

  • I believe that the development of AI holds the promise of being more beneficial than detrimental for the planet, especially in our country, India. AI can be instrumental in tackling pressing environmental challenges by promoting sustainability, optimizing resource usage, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. For instance, in India, where the demands of rapid urbanization and population growth strain resources, AI applications can significantly enhance energy efficiency in cities, manage water resources more effectively, and optimize agricultural practices to ensure food security.

    AI-driven solutions, like smart grids and predictive analytics, have the potential to optimize energy distribution and consumption, ultimately reducing carbon emissions. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can aid in predicting and managing natural disasters, offering early warnings and facilitating more efficient evacuation plans – a critical need in a country prone to events like floods and cyclones.

    I think it's also crucial to address challenges, such as the environmental impact of AI infrastructure. Data centers, essential for AI, require substantial energy, and a shift towards renewable energy sources to power these facilities is imperative. Additionally, tackling e-waste generated from the disposal of outdated AI hardware through recycling initiatives is vital.

    I believe that AI has the potential to be a positive force in addressing environmental challenges in our country, India. Responsible deployment of AI solutions, coupled with a focus on sustainable practices, can enable us to harness technology for improved resource management, increased resilience to climate change, and contribute to a more environmentally conscious future.

    Thank You!!!

    1. I agree with your assessment of the positive potential of AI in addressing environmental challenges, especially in a country like India. Your points on enhancing energy efficiency, optimizing resource usage, and mitigating the impacts of climate change align with the transformative possibilities that AI presents. Here are some reasons supporting my agreement:

      1- Energy Efficiency in Urbanization: In rapidly urbanizing countries like India, where urban populations are growing, AI can indeed play a crucial role in optimizing energy usage in cities. Smart city initiatives, powered by AI, can lead to more sustainable urban development, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.

      2- Water Resource Management: India faces challenges in water scarcity and uneven distribution. AI applications, such as predictive analytics and sensor-based systems, can contribute to efficient water management, helping in the equitable distribution of water resources and addressing agricultural needs.

      3- Agricultural Optimization: Given the significance of agriculture in India, AI-driven precision agriculture can revolutionize farming practices. Optimizing irrigation, crop monitoring, and pest control through AI can lead to increased agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impacts.

      In conclusion, your article rightly highlights the positive impact of AI in addressing environmental challenges in India. Emphasizing responsible deployment, sustainable practices, and a focus on mitigating potential negative impacts are essential steps to harnessing the full potential of AI for the betterment of the planet.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

  • In my opinion, AI will do more harm than good. AI will dominate in more jobs that fit their description, such as manufacturing , solving skills, etc. Having AI dominate increases the carbon footprint. The training AI models use a lot of computer power, and that will make the planet suffer. Not to mention numerous job displacements, and when AI comes into power, finding the balance for both AI and humans in the same corporate society will be almost impossible. This sometimes even leads to serious cases of mental illness. Now, picture AI as a detective and a camera; it's great at analyzing data, but we also need to make sure it doesn't peek into our personal lives too much by relying on them for personal guidance. We should bear in mind that AI was invented by humans, and not all the data it presents is accurate. In present times, families hardly have time together; people are always on their phones and never around nature. Consultants lose their clients due to everyone relying on AI, which is not effective. AI also poses a lot of potential risks because, in order to have access to AI, you must have a device, and devices pose very detrimental risks to the human body. Examples include severe eye injuries, spine dislocations due to bad posture, headaches, drowsiness, etc. In conclusion, from where I stand now, AI has already taken over in schools, corporate institutions, and many more, and they do not intend to stop there. I believe a balance between AI and humans must be set, or humans will be left out completely.

    1. I agree, one reason why AI could dominate jobs is its ability to read complex tasks more efficiently and effectively than humans. AI systems are designed to learn and improve over time, enabling them to handle repetitive or even complex tasks with a high level of accuracy and speed. This level of automation could lead to powerful demand for human workers in certain jobs, potentially leading to job displacement or reduced employment opportunities for young people.

      1. Hi
        I agree with you on that topic that AI can do complex job than can help people with difficult tasks, for example in Nigeria people are trying to make their job more easy, now our technical experts are trying to find a solutions to problems, but in developed countries they have better solutions. If we have AI in Nigeria no one will have stress. Ai can help people with their job.
        Thank you.

    2. I agree with your concerns about the potential negative impacts of widespread AI adoption. Your points on job displacement, environmental consequences, and the need for a balanced coexistence between AI and humans are valid. Here are some reasons supporting my agreement:

      1- Job Displacement: The rapid integration of AI into various industries may indeed lead to job displacement, particularly in roles that AI can perform more efficiently. This can result in economic challenges and social unrest, as many workers may find it challenging to adapt to new roles or industries.

      2- Environmental Impact: The environmental consequences of AI, particularly in terms of the energy consumption required for training AI models, are substantial. Large-scale AI deployment could contribute significantly to the carbon footprint, especially if not powered by sustainable and renewable energy sources. Addressing this issue is crucial for a more sustainable future.

      3- Human Well-being: The potential risks to human well-being, such as mental health issues arising from job displacement or excessive reliance on AI, are valid concerns. Striking a balance between automation and the preservation of meaningful human work is essential for maintaining a healthy and thriving society.

      In conclusion, your article raises important ethical and societal considerations surrounding the expanding influence of AI. Striking a balance between the advantages of AI and the well-being of individuals and society requires careful consideration, ethical guidelines, and continuous monitoring of its impact. A thoughtful and inclusive approach to AI development and deployment is crucial for a harmonious coexistence between AI and humans.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

    3. Hey astounding_petal,
      I get that you're worried about AI, and it seems like you really believe it could cause some problems. The environmental impact of training AI models is a real issue, and people are trying to make AI use less energy. Losing jobs because of AI is also a big deal, and we need rules to help workers find new jobs. It's important to find a balance between AI and people, and we need to make sure AI systems are fair.

      You're right about privacy concerns too. We need strong rules to protect our privacy from AI. And you're also saying that too much tech can hurt our relationships and health, and I agree. We should find a good balance between using tech and spending time with each other.

      Your thoughts show how important it is to be careful with AI. We need to think about fairness, privacy, and the environment. Everyone, like policymakers, tech experts, and regular people, should work together to make sure AI helps us without causing too many problems.

      1. Hey there, appreciative orange!
        You pointed some good factors but I beg to differ with some points While the environmental impact of AI training is a genuine concern, efforts are underway to improve energy efficiency in AI models.
        The fear of job loss due to AI is valid, but it's essential to recognize that AI can also create new job opportunities, particularly in areas like AI development, maintenance, and ethical oversight. Privacy concerns are significant, and there are ongoing efforts to establish robust rules to protect personal information from AI-related risks. It's a complex issue that requires careful consideration.
        Regarding the impact of excessive tech use on relationships and health, it's a nuanced situation. While there are potential negative effects, individuals also play a crucial role in how they interact with technology to achieve positive outcomes. I'd list some examples to give a clearer understanding: Initiatives like Google's DeepMind, which uses machine learning to optimize energy consumption in data centers, showcase efforts to make AI more energy efficient, and AI has also led to the creation of new roles in areas like AI development and ethical oversight. Companies like IBM have established apprenticeship programs to equip workers with the skills needed for these emerging jobs. In addition, concerns about excessive tech use impacting relationships and health are understandable. Yet, initiatives from companies like Apple and Google, introducing features to manage screen time, demonstrate a commitment to helping users strike a balance.
        In conclusion, your concerns about AI are legitimate, and real-life examples show that there's an ongoing effort to address these challenges responsibly. It's a dynamic landscape, and collaboration among policymakers, tech experts, and the public remains crucial for a balanced and positive integration of AI in our lives.

        1. Great job, Astounding_petal. You truly understand the problems of AI and went deep into its complexity. You also show hope by acknowledging efforts to lower its impact on the environment. You talk about how AI can make jobs and also take them away, and give good examples like Google’s DeepMind and IBM’s training programs.

          You make a strong point about the need for rules to protect personal data. It's smart to think about how people can influence results, especially when they're worried about using tech too much. And you mention work by big companies such as Apple and Google to limit screen time, showing taking care when using these tools.

          In the end, you did a good study on the challenges and chances AI brings. There’s a need for cooperation among lawmakers and tech pros.

    4. I have to partially agree with you astounding_petal, the reason being is that I believe that AI can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives.
      I agree that families hardly don't spend time together because they are just scrolling on the phones, moreover, I also agree that due to AI, we can develop severe injuries such as spine dislocations, headaches , drowsiness etc.
      However, I don't agree with you stating that finding the same balance for AI and humans in the same cooperate society will be impossible, it can be possible. My reason for this is that AI was built to assist humans, thus if we have jobs that uses AI for repetitive tasks and carrying of really heavy tools and humans using social skills and creativity won't they have good cooperation? An example can be AI helping humans in the construction of buildings, so humans can draw out a plan, then AI executes it, then humans work on using their social skills in selling the buildings.
      Lastly, I have to disagree with you about AI causing job displacements. It should be the employer's who are supposed to be at fault, this is because they are the ones who fire their employees then rely solely on AI getting the job done, thus AI is not the reason for job displacements.
      In conclusion, I disagree with you that AI causes more harm than good, because I believe that AI has both positive and negative effects.

      1. I disagree with your comment, although indeed AI was invented to help us. I say this because, for instance, by 2025, AI could replace around 85 million jobs worldwide, as per the World Economic Forum. This shift affects people's livelihoods and can lead to financial strain. Currently, people have lost jobs to AI, and now these people go to AI-powered or generated jobs to just feed their families. I mean, humans created AI. Shouldn't AI come to humans for more advanced insight that they cannot comprehend? Companies adopting AI to boost efficiency and save costs often overlook the human impact. This rush to automation results in job losses without considering the welfare of employees. This can be seen in sectors like manufacturing and customer service, where AI replaces human workers. All I'm trying to say is while AI offers advantages, it's disadvantages must be addressed because they affect human life presently, such as job displacement. By prioritizing policies that safeguard workers and promote equitable opportunities, we can ensure AI benefits society for everybody. Don't' you think?

    5. I agree because... now very little children have glasses and almost half the amount of people in my class wear glasses. We use devices almost every day and now I am wondering how our eyes would be when we are old. Teachers try to correct the structure of how we stand and sit a million times, but it does not seem to work. AI is becoming dependent and as you said it's inaccurate. It just gathers information on already posted projects and modifies it. I really hope we learn how to use it wisely in the future.

  • In terms of realizing the global goal for affordable and clean energy for all by 2030 (SDG 7). AI can optimize grides and increase the efficiency of renewable sources. Predicitve maintenance using AI can also reduce downtime in energy production.That can mean reducing the planet's carbon footprint.

  • In my opinion I believe AI is more good than bad for the planet because AI can assist in agriculture and climate change. AI can help in farms by applying fertilizers on a large scale through drone activities. Also AI can apply technology in the modification of seeds that will be resistant to pests and bad whether conditions. In climate change AI can be the bell boy in giving signals in time to natural disaster prone areas so that loss of life is reduced in tsunami situations, volcano eruptions, wildfires and floods

    1. I partially agree with you zestful_arctic fox, the reason being is that I think that you are right in saying that AI can help in agriculture, because farmers can apply fertilizers to their crops on a large scale by the help of a drone instead of doing it manually. I also agree with you when you say that AI can be used to give signals when natural disasters are about to occur in order to reduce the number of lives that will be lost, however when you talk about AI applying technology in the modification of seeds, I don't agree. The reason being is that I think that it will be a bad idea if we tamper with natural processes, with artificial substances, and I also think that we as human beings have no right whatsoever to alter the process of nature, because it is natural.
      Some complications of using AI technology in the modification of seeds are:
      1. The loss of variety of life and ecosystem balance due to the introduction of genetically introduced organisms.
      2. The risk of toxicity for human or animal health due to the consumption of genetically altered crops.
      3. The violation of living beings by exploiting their genetic makeup.

      1. Well done for replying to another comment.

  • My feeling about artificial intelligence.The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence,such as visual perception ,speech recognition,decision-making ,and translation between languages. I agree that AI can do many things, but AI also has its limitations. I can see this most during its recognition of speech. In addition, there are grammatical limitations.

    1. What else do you think are the limitations of AI?

      1. Hi Eva!
        The greatest limitation of AI is that it does not feel emotions. Humans have the power to feel things. A good person will help another person in times of need even if they do not like them. However, a robot or an AI bot might not pay much attention to it and ignore it. AI would not have any feelings of guilt even when it hurts someone. For example - if a robot is employed in a workplace and it hurts someone, it will not apologise and feel guilt for its fault, however, a human in the place of that robot will. Other than this, robots lack creativity. They cannot create new designs, patterns etc as required in a few fields like fashion design. Robots require high costs and require monitoring regularly. Larger use of AI is making humans lazier and less productive today resulting in bad mental and physical health. AI might be evolving but it still has its own limitations.

    2. Hey reserved_butterfly,

      What do you mean by grammatical limitations? AI is constantly learning and improving, and it's getting pretty good at understanding and generating grammatically correct sentences. Sure, there might be occasional hiccups, but overall, the progress in natural language processing is impressive.

      AI has made huge strides in understanding and interpreting human speech. It's not perfect, but the mistakes are pretty rare. I mean, think about how voice assistants like Siri or Alexa understand and respond to what you're saying.

      I think AI is actually getting better at these tasks, and the mistakes are becoming rare. It's a powerful tool that's constantly evolving and becoming more reliable in understanding and responding to human intelligence.

  • I think AI is more bad than good because people will be lazy whenever they want to get something imagine a person who wants to get a glass of water they will then ask the robot for some water and the robot will get him water this will go on and on and on then the person will never get up ever again.

    1. Hey memorable_blueberry,
      I get what you're saying about AI making people lazy. It's true that if everything is too easy, we might not want to do things ourselves. But here's the thing - we can put some rules in place to make sure people use AI in a good way.

      First off, we need rules that encourage a balance. Maybe limit how much we rely on AI for simple tasks, so people still do things on their own. It's like saying, "Okay, you can use the robot for some stuff, but not all the time."

      Also, having a good governing body or authority can help. They can make sure there are fair rules about when and how we use AI. It's like having someone in charge who makes sure we don't get too lazy and still do things ourselves."

      I think education is the key. Teach people about using AI responsibly. Make sure everyone knows that it's okay to use it, but we also need to stay active and do things on our own. AI is cool, but we should still do some things ourselves to stay healthy and active."

      In a nutshell, having clear rules, a good governing body, and educating people can help strike a balance so that AI is helpful but doesn't make us too lazy. It's about using technology wisely and staying active in our lives.

      Thank you!!!

      1. I agree because if we did have rules it would make more sense. You said about making rules and there should be a governing body. Again I think this is a good idea but I have a question about that. What if the Government made the rules but the AI malfunctioned. Who will be responsible? Who will be in charge of the people making the rules?

        1. Hello! memorable blueberry.

          I think your question raises a valid concern about accountability in the event of AI malfunctions. In such cases, responsibility would likely fall on a combination of the government, regulatory bodies, and the developers or manufacturers of the AI systems.

          Ideally, a robust regulatory framework should be in place to ensure that AI systems undergo thorough testing, adhere to safety standards, and have fail-safes to minimize the risk of malfunctions. The governing body responsible for overseeing AI regulations would play a key role in holding developers and manufacturers accountable for any issues that arise.

          In the scenario of an AI malfunction, I think there would likely be investigations to determine the cause and identify any negligence or flaws in the system's design. Legal mechanisms would then be invoked to assign responsibility, potentially leading to penalties or corrective actions.

          I think it's crucial to establish clear lines of responsibility and accountability within the regulatory framework to address these concerns. Additionally, ongoing collaboration between the government, industry stakeholders, and the public can help refine and update regulations as technology evolves.

          Thank you for bringing up this important aspect, and I appreciate your engagement in the discussion!

  • I think AI will be good for the planet as it’s already is. AI is a big improvement to the world and will help with productivity and technological support. I think AI can also help with security and healthcare emergencies. AI can play a vital role in enhancing security measures like in cyber security. helping in the detection of threats and cyber-attacks. I think discussions and collaborations will be essential to shape the future of AI in a positive way.

    1. Can you explain how AI will be good for the planet?

      1. I think AI-powered technologies, such as drones and sensors, can be utilized in agriculture to optimize crop yields while minimizing resource use, like last year we talked about cyber roaches that can go in destroyed buildings to look for dead bodies. Climate change can also help by optimizing energy consumption, improving renewable energy production, and enhancing the efficiency of various processes. AI can also help the planet by detecting infections and viruses to find a way to actually solve that problem, these innovations can help bring a better future for all of us.

      2. AI can benefit the planet by optimizing energy use, improving climate modeling, improving conservation efforts, optimizing agriculture, improving waste management, increasing renewable energy efficiency, and reducing pollution. These applications help address environmental challenges and promote sustainability.

  • I think that AI could help the planet if people do not throw them away because AI is made of plastic and it can be a more sustainable way to get recycle plastic,

    1. Can you explain how you know AI is made from plastic?

      1. AI stands for artificial intelligence, which is not a physical material, but a field of computer science that studies how to create machines and software that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI can be implemented in different ways, such as using algorithms, neural networks, or deep learning. AI can run on various devices, such as computers, smartphones, robots, or even cars. Some of these devices may have plastic components, but that does not mean that AI is made from plastic. AI is not a thing, but a process.

    2. I do not necessarily agree with you. Artificial Intelligence is applicable to pre-existing electronic devices and therefore the production of additional plastic waste is minimal. What has to be said though, is that the materials that are used in the manufacture of our electronic devices are of dubious origins. Many of the resources necessitated for their production are minerals that are often extracted by workers in less developed countries, who are exploited and are often paid a fraction of their actual work. For the aforementioned reason, it is important to be informed about such issues and the provenance of our electronic devices. As for AI, it is more comparable to an application than to a device.

      1. A very knowledgable comment, joyful_persimmon. You are absolutely right that the materials used to power new technologies are forming new markets and lead to potential exploitation. Whose responsibility do you think it is to protect against this? Do you think it's the tech companies, or someone else?

        1. From my personal standpoint, the preservation of worker's rights across the world is a collective responsibility. One could postulate that governments and international organizations are best positioned to enforce effective measures for the protection of labor rights, especially in less developed countries, where the extraction of natural resources by underpaid labor, working under inhumane conditions, is the cornerstone of the products consumed, especially in more economically developed countries. For the aforementioned reasons, customers can also contribute to better working conditions worldwide, by informing themselves about the provenance of the commodities and the human rights track record of the corporations that manufacture them while trying to avoid the purchase of goods from companies with questionable work ethics.

  • hello!
    I think that AI will help the planet because I think that there would be a lot of new technology to help the the way thank you for listening.

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion, can you explain some of the negative effects AI could have on the environment?

      1. AI could have negative effects on the environment in several ways. One of the main sources of environmental impact is the energy consumption of AI systems, which often require large amounts of computing power and data storage. This can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions, e-waste(it means waste from smartphones or batteies. it also contributes to the depletion of natural resources and the generation of greenhouse gases), and resource depletion. Another potential issue is the displacement of human workers by AI, which could reduce the incentives and opportunities for environmental stewardship and social responsibility.
        In addition, AI could pose ethical and moral challenges, such as the accountability and transparency of AI decisions, the protection of privacy and human rights, and the prevention of bias and discrimination. These challenges could affect the quality of life and well-being of humans and other living beings, as well as the sustainability and resilience of natural ecosystems.

  • I think AI will be more good than bad because already we are using lots of technology devices. STEM and Computing are taken very seriously these days because in the near future everything will be technological. We use technology for homework, entertainment and more. Our lifes are going to be so much easier.

    1. You made an interesting point about AI making lives much easier, can you explain the negative effects?

      1. It's going to make us very dependent a⁰nd lazy and it is going to make unhealthy since we will be spending all our time on devices and will not go for excersing or outdoor games. We won't know how to do basic chores since there will be devices for specific tasks

        1. I agree with your concerns about AI because I think it has the potential to make us overly dependent and less active. If we spend too much time on devices powered by AI, it might lead to a sedentary lifestyle, affecting our health negatively. If AI takes over specific tasks, we might lose the skills needed for basic chores. I believe Striking a balance between utilizing AI for convenience and maintaining our physical and mental well-being is essential.

  • I think that AI will be more good than bad for the planet. AI can help us on various sectors such as :

    1. Improved Disaster Response: AI can aid in disaster response efforts by analyzing real-time data from various sources, such as social media, satellite imagery, and sensor networks. This can help emergency responders identify affected areas, assess damage, and allocate resources more effectively, potentially saving lives and reducing recovery time.

    2. Agricultural Optimization: AI can optimize agricultural practices by analyzing data on soil quality, weather patterns, and crop health. This can enable farmers to make more informed decisions about irrigation, fertilizer application, and pest control, leading to increased crop yields, reduced resource use, and minimized environmental impact.

    3. Assistive Technologies: AI-powered assistive technologies have the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. For example, AI can be used to develop advanced prosthetics, smart home systems, and communication aids that enable greater independence and participation in society.

    4. Cultural Preservation: AI can facilitate the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze deteriorating artifacts, manuscripts, or historical sites to provide recommendations for conservation and restoration efforts, ensuring that our cultural heritage is safeguarded for future generations.

    5. Efficient Resource Management: AI can optimize resource management systems by analyzing data on energy consumption, water usage, and waste generation. This can help identify areas of inefficiency and develop strategies for reducing resource consumption, promoting sustainability, and mitigating environmental impact.

  • I think AI has the potential to deal with the future environmental challenges. We know that AI has been able to make different works more easier and efficient. It will helps us monitor environmental changes such as quality of air, deforestation, and condition of greenhouse with the help of satellites. AI can analyse soil condition to help us with the use of favorable fertiliser for different crops and reducing agricultural wastage. AI will help us identify endangered species and the way how can we protect them. It can also analyse different data and predict natural disasters such as earthquake, storms etc. However the effectiveness of AI depends upon the way it is developed and deployed.

  • The impact of AI on the planet is complex, and it's challenging to make a blanket statement categorizing it as more good or bad. However, AI has the potential to bring about substantial positive changes for the environment. Here's why:
    Positive Impact:
    1- Climate Change Mitigation: AI can play a crucial role in addressing climate change. For example, AI-driven models can optimize energy consumption in buildings, industries, and transportation systems, leading to reduced carbon emissions.

    2- Renewable Energy Optimization: AI algorithms can enhance the efficiency of renewable energy sources like solar and wind. They can predict weather patterns and optimize the generation and distribution of renewable energy, contributing to a more sustainable energy landscape.

    1. You made some good points about the positive changes AI can have on the environment, can you think of the negative effects?

  • I think AI could be good and bad for the environment because they could help look after nature but they could also damage the environment . If we need to throw AI every now and again then nature will slowly be completely covered in the brocken or unused robots. AI could help the planet because they could help plant trees and plants but manufacturering it will cost a lot of money to build them. Also if in the future we still use fossil fuels then that could also damage the earth.

    1. I agree with you. AI can save the planet in so many ways. AI can optimize grids and increase the efficiency of renewable sources. Predictive maintenance using AI can also reduce downtime in energy production. That can mean reducing the planet's carbon footprint. AI can also prevent the current effects of climate change like icebergs melting. AI has the ability to measure changes in icebergs a lot faster than a humans can. This can help scientists understand how much melted water icebergs release into the ocean. For humans, it is a lengthy and time-consuming task to identify icebergs and tell when they will melt. AI can help tackle this problem.
      Inasmuch as AI has positive effects on climate change, we can not forget the fact that AI can also increase climate change. As AI's popularity keeps rising, more researchers and experts are noting the environmental cost. Training and running an AI system requires a great deal of computing power and electricity, and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are one way AI affects the climate. For AI to truly help us save the planet, scientists will have to learn to tackle this problem.

    2. The innovative and beautiful point you've proposed is fantastic. However, considering what you mentioned, don't you think AI could become a financial burden for poorer and rural areas? Many societies lack essential amenities today, and while some might invest in AI for environmental protection, the high cost of these machines makes them accessible mainly to urban areas. Even if AI takes over tasks like tree planting, humans, unlike AI, are consistently available to care for the trees, making AI in our environment potentially a financial threat to many societies or countries.

  • I know that AI is made of metal and plastic because you can clearly see it when you look at AI.

  • Artificial intelligence will come make a colossal impact for our planet because it will detect litter.Also, all the right things for the planet

    1. When you say "all the right things for the planet", can you explain what you mean?

      1. AI will create easier ways to look after the planet such as controlling tools to pick up litter and do lots of manual jobs which are sometimes hard for people to do.

  • I think that AI would make a good and bad impact on the Earth. I think it would have a good impact on the earth because AI can work a lot longer without tiring itself out. Also, AI could improve quite a lot of the jobs that people do. AI could also do some of the more dangerous jobs such as an astronaut or soldier (using drones). If we did get AI to do those jobs and the device got damaged, no one would necessarily care as much as if it were a human. In addition, an AI robot could help any child with their homework if they are stuck. The robot could explain how to get the answer instead of just giving them the answer. However, in the news it has been said that children have already started cheating. Also, if lots of people thought that AI would be better at a certain job and want to replace all the people with AI, all the people who work there would lose their jobs. If those people couldn't find another job they might not be able to afford the things they need most. If that happens then it would definitely change the world a huge amount. So that is what I think about AI, what about you?

  • Greetings! Let us take a look at the abilities of A. I before determining whether it would be beneficial for solving future environmental challenges
    A. I. can help us manage large scale datas while analysing it.
    A.I. algorithms may help by detecting a natural disaster with more data optimization which can enable to increase the safety of people in countries prone to natural disasters ( Japan could be an example as it is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis.)
    A. I can also help in to get a detailed observations of several specific regions where human can't reach such as volcanic region etc.
    A. I can also help in several rescue operation an example to support my statement would be suppose several people are trapped in building which has a major part of it collapsed and rescuers are unable to contact the people stuck there AI can come handy in such situations help in contact the people stuck as well as playing major role in rescuing them .
    Therefore I think I would be extremely beneficial while dealing with future environmental challenges and problems caused by them.

  • On one hand I think that AI will have a negative impact on the environment as it’s system requires a great deal of computing power and electricity, and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are one way AI affects the climate change .

    On the other hand , I think that there are AI applications that can help the deal with climate change . My idea is that the AI technologies can be applied directly to climate change mitigation by using them to monitor emissions . As a student who’s not an expert in the Al field , I don’t have certain or particular steps to turn this idea into reality . Although AI is always proved to be dangerous and harmful for the environment, I believe that it’s the time to prove that AI is a valuable tool in the fight against climate change and that the AI Industry can reduce its negative climate impact.

    1. Thanks efficient_dove! Can you explain what you mean by "AI is always proved to be dangerous and harmful for the environment"?

      1. Sure . Thanks for noticing!
        I meant that most of the researches done on AI prove that AI has negative effects on the environment which is true , but I think that AI may help in making our environment better .

  • I think that AI will be bad for the environment in many ways. AlI machines are made of materials that are already bad for the environment ( they are not recyclable at all), and the energy they use is harmful.
    Even more, AI can be used all the way for the wrong purposes. They can be used to cut as much wood as they can , to destroy faster parks in order to build offices, skyscrapers, they can be even used for faster farming which this means upbringing more animals for food production.

  • I agree that AI will be more good than bad for the planet because it helps in many ways like to accelerate the energy transition by optimizing savings and improving efficiency across energy-intensive sectors .The benefits of AI are Automation,Medical advantage,Solving complex problems,Managing receptive tasks etc.. Anything that people do with their natural intelligence today can be done much better with AI .

  • Artificial intelligence is both good and bad for the planet. Through this we can easily catch hackers and ensure security. Through artificial intelligence we will learn about the origin of global warming and ways to solve it. But in this age of artificial intelligence, people will become lazy and not do any work themselves. Humans will become dependent on artificial intelligence. Which is terrible. We should only do good things with the help of artificial intelligence. If we engage in bad deeds with it, then we have to pay the responsibility for it

  • I disagree because as global warming is progressively getting worse as malfunctioning AIs are going to use good resources and will leave lots of rubbish in eco friendly places as they will take over companionships

  • The relationship between robots and the planet can be complex and varied. On one hand, robots can have positive impacts on the environment and contribute to sustainability efforts. For example, robots can be used in industries like agriculture and waste management to reduce resource consumption and limit pollution. Additionally, robotic technology enables the exploration of other planets, assisting in scientific research and expanding our knowledge of the universe.

    On the other hand, the production and disposal of robots can create environmental challenges. Moreover, the disposal of outdated or malfunctioning robots can contribute to electronic waste, which poses hazards to the environment if not properly recycled or disposed of.

    In summary, while robots have the potential to positively impact the planet through various applications, their production and disposal require responsible management to minimize their environmental footprint and usefulness.

  • At Riverdale Middle School we talk about AI a lot and there pros cons and my opinion on it is AI has the potential to greatly benefit the planet in a variety of ways. For example, it can help us better understand and address climate change by analyzing large amounts of data and predicting future trends. It can also improve efficiency and reduce waste in industries such as transportation, energy, and agriculture. Additionally, AI can assist in disaster response and management, potentially saving lives and minimizing the impact on the environment.

  • I think that AI is more bad than good for the world in 3 of these ways

    1. AI can tend to be pricey - Ai is very expensive and if we would like to move on in the world with that system the government of some sort or even the school would have to make up money on their own if they really feel like it would be best for them to have an AI for their students.

    2. Lack of thinking outside the box or being creative
    All though AI is coded to create anything from codes to visual art they do not possess human intellect or even emotions so we really wanna have to be specific when asking them to do things because they are practically emotionless.

    3. Making Humans Lazy - With AI taking over our now presence they are practically taking over wherever you are to go you would probably spot an talking machine which is AI but when do you see that u should question where are the workers that previously had that job now that they are retired they are left at home and if we have AI do almost everything for us we would be left lazy with nothing to do and no reason so do anything.

  • AI will be more useful to the planet because it will help us in many ways for example like making of cars the AI robots will work fast in the speed and finish them in fraction of hours.... Or even minutes.... If AI is implemented in this planet it will be more useful for humans... And one thing we have use the AI robot for constructive purpose not for some bad purpose.... Thank you for bringing this topic...

  • In my opinion ,I think AI is bad because people will be feeling lazy whenever they need to get something or do something, for example a student who needs help to solve an equation, they will then ask the AI for the answers and the robot will instantly give the answer to the student instead of them solving it, this will go on repeatedly,then the student will become daft.

    1. I strongly disagree with your opinion because AI can do more good than bad for students and the planet. I believe AI can actually explain equations to students rather than solving the equations. AI can help sudents with learning by tutoring them with questions they don't understand. AI can help students home schooled interact with other students around the world. AI can improve homeschooled students writing skills and create creative lessons ideas. AI can help teachers identify students disabilities. AI can help create more efficient buildings and create vechicles that can be generated with the of solar. AI can help mersure carbon emissions and help factories find better ways of not producing fumes and smoke. AI can also come up with ecofriendly ideas to help reduce water pollution , AI can support people with the banning of using DDT for fishing. AI can also help devices from producing more carbon footprint. AI can help monitor the climate and provide enivormental hazard warnings. To concluced I believe AI shows humans potential in creating new advanced technologies and supporting humans in making the planet a better place.

    2. I have to disagree with you approachable_television, the reason being is that firstly, I think that AI can impact lives both positively and negatively; yes it is true that AI can make people lazy, but it was built to use as an assistance for human beings.
      With the example you stated, when the student asks AI for help in solving the equation, don't you think that AI will explain the process to obtain the answer? AI can only make people lazy when people rely solely on them, but at the end of the day, they were made for assistance and to make life easier for us human beings.

  • In my opinion I think AI robots would be bad for the planet because they would be burning a lot of oil so the arctic climates would melt and we would be experiencing a ton of climate change.

  • I believe that robots could be so useful in helping the planet and I think they should be implemented in environmental use a lot more. Robots can clean up the earth a lot faster than humans can and with that efficiency we can do so much for the planet. Robots can also do things that humans simply can't and because of that things that seem impossible become possible and help us save the planet in the most helpful, efficient, and effective way possible. We can build robots that help pick up trash in the sea or clean up coral reefs. We can also use robots to make sure we aren't doing anything that's going to majorly impact the environment so not only can we clean up our earth we can make sure it stays clean with the help of robots. Robots can also be used to advocate for the environment and inform humans of small things they can do to help because if enough people do a small thing it eventually becomes a big thing and overall it can impact the environment in a healthy way.

  • When I last looked in this topic I saw a user saying he disagrees and he made me change my mind about this topic . I realised that we could use AI to help solve all the issues that's happening in the world. This is one of the explanations why it is good for the planet. One of the reasons is that AI can monitor if the water is clean or not and also monitor droughts and floods . Another reason is that we all know that climate change is starting to affect some countries. Well did you know that AI can probably solve that problem by predicting bad weather and by creating some very healthy earth atmosphere. And find out a way to make some of the things in the AI recyclable.
    These are some facts about this topic:
    Did you know that if one AI in each country picked up 1000 pieces of rubbish could make a very big difference .

  • Hello,
    I think AI will be more good than bad for the planet, because
    AI has the potential to be a powerful tool for good, and could help us solve some of the biggest challenges facing the planet. For example, AI can be used to develop more efficient and sustainable energy solutions, and can help us better understand and manage complex environmental systems. It can also be used to improve agricultural yields, and to monitor and protect natural resources. In short, AI has the potential to help us solve many of the problems facing the planet, and could be a key part of creating a more sustainable future.

  • I think that Ai will lead people into poverty as new machines Introduce and their jobs are taken but I can also say that ai will help efficiently. When talking about space for say we see rovers on Mars for example are bringing samples of if there is life on the dusty planet

  • I honestly think it's going to be bad for the planet because there going to burn a lot of oil and so that would melt Arctic climates and we would be experiencing a ton of climate change.

    1. I disagree because majority of AI run on electricity. AI products are even able to use solar energy to run. The use of renewable energy to power AI is one of the advantages of AI. With AI in use, we can even learn to practicalize the use of renewable energy. AI systems like ChatGPT have nothing to do with burning oil and causing pollution.

      1. AI systems often need a lot of power and therefore electricity to maintain their data stores. I'm not sure to what extent these are powered by renewable energy so fossil fuels are probably used.

        1. Yes, you are correct. I think AI systems can have high energy demands, and the source of that energy is crucial. Many AI data centers use a mix of renewable and non-renewable energy. Encouraging the adoption of renewable energy in the tech industry is vital to mitigate environmental impact and promote sustainability in AI development.

  • i think AI is bad for the planet and our community because it could take over the world and it can't do physical things that humans can.

    1. I disagree with your comment strongly because AI has the ability to stop climate change. AI can help in in farms by detecting pests and disease in their crops, AI can also help by government find places where the soil is rich so more trees can be planted. Humans use AI by recycling trash to create shelters for endangered creatures. AI can assist in developing efficient buildings by enhancing the heating cooling and lighting systems. AI can used to predict natural disasters,for instance if Japan faces another earthquake, with the help of Ai the Japanese citizens can actually find ways to survive the earthquake . Companies can use Ai to monitor their carbon footprint and identify areas for improvement. In conclusion I believe Ai can do more good than bad for the planet.

  • Just like any other invention, AI can be used for good and for bad, but it's neutral. To assume that an artificial intelligence can be good or bad would mean that it is able to take on human characteristics - it would have to be conscious of the decision it's making to become truly good or bad.

    1. I'm not entirely with you on this comment because I feel like even though its taken on human characteristics its still not fully human yet. Also meaning that we can simply program it to have human characteristics and still a good thing without any bad sides such as aggressiveness. The part about decision making is also not entirely true. But I do agree that its neutral in a way since some people might have other uses for it that arent good.

  • i think instead of asking whether of AI would be good or bad for the future, i suggest we instead ask: How can we utilize AI for a better world? and what can we avoid in the process which could lead to negative results?
    For example, we can use AI in learning facilities and give each student a personalized learning experience, but we have to avoid completely relying on AI and still use the help of the teachers.

  • AI will be more good than bad when it comes to the aspect of industries because it will increase productivity which will help the workers, provide employment and increase the country's economic rates.
    Secondly, it will reduce downtime, enhance quality control, improve safety ratings and enhance securities in the industries which help citizens to be gainfully employed.

    1. I disagree because AI in industries because it will reduce the rate of humans that will be employed the will removed from their sheet and replace them with AI , then the worker will stay unemployed and the not have money to feed their family ,so why should AI take over the industries and when the have AI as guards how will the humans be employed as workers . i will say that AI should not full take over industries and AI is only meant to assist humans.

  • I think that AI might have a bit of a bad impact on our world but mostly it will have a good impact.
    The bad impact might be that school children might cheat (and already have) on homework or research and if they do they won't learn anything. Also, the materials used to make the AI robots is bad for the planet so if it isn't needed anymore it will be thrown away; making the state of our planet even worse than it already is.
    The good impact might be that it could help children with school work without actually telling them the answer (like a teacher.) It could also do jobs that are to dangerous for humans to do and go places that are to far for humans to go.
    You might think that the amount of positive things AI can do is the same amount of negative things AI can do but actually, there are many jobs that would be better done by AI than humans (and in many places AI has started to be used for them.)

  • I think that AI will do more bad than good to the planet. The reason why I say this is because AI has been programmed by people that may barely know what to do, so if this AI is programmed the wrong way it could cause a lot of harm to the world. For example, if AI takes over jobs, people will be left unemployed and will go bankrupt. Also AI could be bad because if they go too fast with their calculations, then that could be a result of incomplete or incorrect data. In conclusion, AI will do more bad than good in the world. If not programmed correctly, AI could be dangerous and inaccurate.

    1. I disagree because though you have stated a strong point about how if not programmed correctly it could lead to possible disaster this also means that if programmed correctly it could cause great good. The reason I say this is because take an AI powered robot that has been programmed to help people in wheelchairs. Since it has been programmed correctly its helping a disabled person live life with more ease. The same thing applies almost anywhere even in the medical sector an AI powered robot could be programmed to to perform surgery. These are just few examples on the many things an AI powered robot programmed correctly could do and it will most likely be programmed correctly because the way things are going more and more people are heading into a field which involves programming.
      Thank you

  • i think AI is better for the planet then worse for the planet, this is because it can do so many things in so little time. it can help keep track of money, water pressure and so much more. of course AI is still very early, so many things can go wrong but as we develop AI more and more, it will prove more useful to society.

  • When it comes to the impact of AI on our planet, there are both positive and negative aspects to consider. In Egypt, for example, AI has the potential to bring about positive changes by optimizing energy consumption, improving agricultural practices, and enhancing water resource management. These applications can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. However, it's important to acknowledge the potential negative consequences as well. The environmental impact of the infrastructure supporting AI, such as data centers and high-performance computing, raises concerns about energy consumption and carbon emissions. Ethical considerations such as privacy, algorithmic bias, and job displacement also come into play. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and addressing these challenges is crucial for ensuring a positive outcome. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you believe the benefits of AI outweigh the potential drawbacks, or do you have concerns about its impact on the planet? Let's continue the conversation!

  • All things have its own pros and cons.So, AI have also its pros and consand I agree that ai is harming our planet because we know that ai do all the difficult task but ai is taking the job of persons and some of them are very poor so they are out of job so they are raising their childrens in very difficult situations and also because of ai people are becoming less creative and also they are fully depend upon it

  • I believe that AI will do more bad than good for our planet not because of the AI itself, but because of the production of AI and robots. The factories producing the physical robots will continue to pollute the planet with smoke. Technology already causes plenty of issues for our planet today, so introducing more technology and electricity based systems for people and companies to use will make it noticeably worse and might even create new environmental problems!

  • I think to answer this question I need to know how the usage of AI will develop in the future to understand the consequences of it and depending on this information I can tell the answer for example I think that if AI is greatly interfering in our lives as if we substitute it with humans to do all the jobs on the planet this will be more bad than good because we are canceling the human presence and the world will be useless and the robots will invade the planet. on the other side if we used AI to aid humans in their jobs and daily tasks this will be more good than bad because while AI is developing humans will use it for their good and life will be much easier.

  • In my personal opinion I believe that AI can be very helpful when it comes to the planet. For example, with AI you can manage and provide information on the sources of pollution, which can help policy makers develop targeted strategies to reduce pollution levels in the world. Another practical strategy to manage and reduce air pollution is AI or Artificial Intelligence. AI may gather data from sensors and satellites to assist scientists to help solve pollution! Although also AI may be bad it may give us misinformation and may cause more pollution than we have right now.

  • I think AI would be good and bad for the planet, AI could help us with jobs and help teachers create work for students but people fear AI could take over the planet and their jobs. Even if people fear AI I think store owners or restaurants will hire more AI employees since they don't have to pay them this could also be beneficial to some people but not others. I think AI would be good and bad for the planet, AI could help us with jobs and help teachers create work for students but people fear AI could take over the planet and their jobs. Even if people fear AI I think store owners or restaurants will hire more AI employees since they don't have to pay them this could also be beneficial to some people but not others. AI can also have privacy security risks from hacking. Ai could easily hack someone's phone and release private information. AI also has a good side, they can be trained out of human error. This can help people save time by correcting all these errors. Also, AI can save time by working overnight, they can work 24/7 without getting tired which can be very beneficial. Overall AI has a good side and a bad side. can also have privacy security risks from hacking. Ai could easily hack someone's phone and release private information. AI also has a good side, they can be trained out of human error. This can help people save time by correcting all these errors. Also, AI can save time by working overnight, they can work 24/7 without getting tired which can be very beneficial. Overall AI has a good side and a bad side.

  • I believe that AI will do more bad for the planet than good. User reasoning_knowledge changed my mind to this standpoint. Although AI can do some good for the planet, like keep track of certain diagnostics, find certain medicines, and simply just do things that humans can't, it would use a lot of power, and create a hefty carbon footprint. This ends up being counter-productive.

  • Hmm, AIs have their good and bad sides, AI has the potential to bring significant benefits to the planet, from enhancing healthcare and education to improving sustainability and efficiency in various sectors. However, it also poses risks such as job displacement and ethical concerns. Success largely depends on responsible deployment, regulation, and societal adaptation. With careful management, AI can be a transformative force for good, advancing human progress and addressing global challenges.

  • I think that AI will do more good than bad because robots work 24 hours and they take care of the earth like picking up trash and maybe helping clean the air. AI can also clean energy and can also increase the effciency of renewable resources. predictive maintenance using AI can also reduce downtime in energy production. That can mean reducing the planet's carbon footprint. AI can also help us explore and expand our knowledge of the universe.

    1. I strongly agree with your opinion, AI can work for 24/7 without feeling tired which will be very helpful for the rapid development of our planet. They can be used at different manufacturing industries to increase production and efficiency. They also can be helpful in space exploration because they can easily survive in the space and help us to solve the mystery of universe.

  • AI's global effects are complicated and dependent on a number of variables. Through improved environmental monitoring, optimised energy efficiency, climate modelling and prediction, and precision agriculture, artificial intelligence (AI) holds promise for the environment. AI does, however, come with risks and obstacles as well, such as higher energy consumption, resource depletion and e-waste, biases and ethical issues, and job displacement. In order to fully realise the benefits of artificial intelligence, responsible development, implementation, and regulation are required, taking into account environmental sustainability, equity, and transparency throughout the lifecycle of AI systems.

  • AI can create both positive and negative effects depending on how it is designed, implemented and used. Here are some points to consider:

    Positive effects:
    1. Efficiency and productivity: AI can automate tasks, optimize processes and improve efficiency in various industries. This can lead to more efficient use of resources, reduced waste, and increased economic growth.
    2.Healthcare Improvement: AI has the potential to transform healthcare by improving the quality of diagnosis, personalization and drug discovery. This can lead to improved patient outcomes, lower healthcare costs, and better overall public health
    Side effects or negative effects:
    1. Job displacement: The automation potential of AI could lead to job losses in certain industries, especially those that involve repetitive or routine tasks. This could cause economic and social disruptions.
    This is how AI can be useful but remember every effect have a side effect .

  • In my opinion AI is very good for the planets , as AI can do a lot of jobs that are dangerous to human Robots do not feel cold or heat, so they can be used to explore extremely cold areas that the human body cannot bear it . We can also use them in extremely hot areas that the human body cannot bear it. This helps the planet and humanity to develop and explore new areas. Robots can also be used in hard work that exhausts a person, this preserves a person’s health. In other hand we have to put limits for robots to ensure that robots will not become enemies for us as if we use robots more than usual it will replace human and The unemployment will appear in the world. So robots useful for planet for sure but in other hand it can be dangerous for us

  • I believe that AI could help out humans more. For example, AI could be able to help people that are disabled or elderly, AI could help them if they were to injure themselves or be in a situation that they would need help in. AI could help them by calling 911 or help them do tasks that they can't do. Some tasks could be cooking, cleaning , and in the future, drive their cars or vehicles. I believe that AI could do very helpful tasks for people, this is why AI could be effective for the planet.

  • Hii!,
    Considering the question you asked,I'd say:

    AI's impact on the planet depends on how we manage its development and use. While it has the potential to bring about significant benefits such as solving complex problems and improving efficiency, there are also concerns about job displacement and ethical implications. Therefore, whether AI is ultimately more good than bad or vice versa will depend on how we address these challenges and ensure responsible deployment.

    Thank you!!

  • In my opinion, I think AI will be more good than bad for the planet. AI can help with many things including, researching ways to help the planet, being programmed to help extinguish forest fires/fires. For example, in California many forest fires are happening due to climate change. In the future, AI could be programmed to help the authorities extinguish those fires. Also, AI can also help with saving the environment by teaching people to be more educated about how to save the environment. I think that's why AI will be more good than bad for the planet.

  • I think the impact of AI on the planet depends on how it's developed and used. Responsible and ethical AI practices can bring positive advancements, but it's crucial to address potential risks such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and environmental impact from increased computing power. Balancing benefits and risks is essential for ensuring AI contributes positively to our world.

  • I think the impact of AI on the planet can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, AI technologies can contribute to sustainability efforts, such as optimizing energy usage, improving resource efficiency, and aiding in environmental monitoring and conservation.

    However, there are concerns about the environmental impact of large-scale AI infrastructure, which often requires substantial energy consumption. The production and disposal of electronic components used in AI devices can also contribute to electronic waste. Striking a balance between harnessing AI for positive environmental outcomes and addressing its potential negative consequences is essential for sustainable development.

  • The impact of AI on the environment depends on how it's developed and applied. AI has the potential to contribute positively by optimizing energy usage, improving resource management, and enhancing environmental monitoring. For instance, in agriculture, AI can optimize irrigation, reducing water waste. However, unchecked development may lead to increased energy consumption and e-waste. Striking a balance through responsible AI deployment and regulations can maximize benefits while minimizing environmental harm.AI's positive contributions to the environment extend beyond resource optimization. In transportation, AI-powered systems can enhance traffic flow, reducing emissions and fuel consumption. Smart grids, driven by AI algorithms, enable efficient energy distribution, minimizing waste. Additionally, machine learning models aid in climate prediction and disaster management, improving preparedness and response.

    Nevertheless, challenges arise in the form of increased energy demands from training large AI models and the environmental impact of manufacturing high-performance computing hardware. Striving for energy-efficient algorithms, utilizing renewable energy, and promoting recycling initiatives are crucial to mitigate these negative aspects.

    In my country, initiatives integrating AI for environmental benefits are emerging. For instance, AI-driven weather forecasting enhances our ability to predict and respond to natural disasters, minimizing their impact. Simultaneously, concerns about the carbon footprint of data centers hosting AI models have prompted efforts to transition towards greener energy sources.

    The key lies in responsible AI development, where ethical considerations and environmental impact assessments guide innovation. Collaboration between governments, industries, and researchers is vital to harness AI's potential for positive environmental change while addressing its challenges.

  • I think that AI could do more good to the planet than negative as it could do the things we, as humans, do not necessarily want to do. This includes things such as litter picking, planting trees, and recycling. But there is a downside, as they take a lot of money and resources to properly make. Because of this, I do not feel as though they would help the planet anymore than they would help it.

  • In this situation, i have mixed opinions.I think AI will make our planet worse because robots will take everybody's jobs and nobody will get any money to buy food and take care of their family. However, I also think AI can do better in jobs than humans and can enhance affordable healthcare and for educational purposes.

  • i think ai has potential to do good things

  • The question of whether AI will have a net positive or negative impact on the planet is a complex and multifaceted one. While there are undoubtedly concerns about the potential risks and challenges associated with AI, it is important to recognize the immense potential for AI to bring about positive change. AI has the capability to revolutionize various sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, and energy, leading to increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and enhanced sustainability. However, it is crucial to approach the development and deployment of AI with careful consideration of ethical and societal implications to ensure that the benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks. By fostering responsible AI development and regulation, we can strive to harness its potential for the greater good of the planet.


  • The impact of AI on the planet is a complex issue with both positive and negative implications. While AI has the potential to offer significant benefits for the environment, such as improving resource efficiency and enabling more sustainable practices, it also poses challenges and risks that need to be addressed.
    In Nepal, AI can play a positive role in environmental conservation efforts. For example, AI-powered data analysis can help monitor and manage wildlife populations, track deforestation, and predict natural disasters such as landslides and floods. By providing timely and accurate information, AI technologies can assist policymakers and conservationists in making informed decisions to protect the country's rich biodiversity and fragile ecosystems.
    Additionally, AI-driven solutions can enhance the efficiency of renewable energy systems, such as solar and wind power. By optimizing energy production and distribution networks, AI can help Nepal harness its abundant renewable energy resources more effectively, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating carbon emissions.
    However, there are also concerns about the environmental impact of AI technologies. The manufacturing and disposal of AI hardware, such as servers and electronics, contribute to electronic waste and resource depletion. Moreover, AI algorithms trained on large datasets require significant computational power, leading to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions, especially if powered by fossil fuels.
    To ensure that AI contributes more good than harm to the planet, it's essential to prioritize sustainable development and ethical considerations in AI research, development, and deployment. This includes designing energy-efficient algorithms, promoting recycling and responsible disposal of AI hardware, and addressing potential biases and unintended consequences in AI systems.
    Overall, while AI holds promise for advancing environmental conservation and sustainability efforts in Nepal and beyond, it's crucial to approach its implementation thoughtfully and responsibly to maximize its positive impact while minimizing its negative consequences on the planet.

  • Artificial intelligence presents both opportunities and challenges for the environment. On the one hand, the production and disposal of electronic devices used for AI can contribute to electronic waste (e-waste), which is difficult to recycle due to its complex composition and potential toxicity. This can have serious environmental consequences, including pollution and harm to wildlife. Additionally, the energy consumption required to power AI systems can also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, further exacerbating climate change.
    However, AI can also play a positive role in promoting sustainability. For example, AI can be used to optimize recycling processes, such as sorting and separating materials for recycling. AI can also be used to monitor and optimize energy consumption in buildings and transportation systems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. AI can also be used to monitor and predict environmental conditions, such as air and water quality, helping to identify and address pollution hotspots.
    In conclusion, while AI presents environmental challenges, it also has the potential to be a powerful tool for promoting sustainability. It is crucial to balance the benefits of AI with its potential environmental impacts and to prioritize the development and use of AI technologies that minimize harm to the planet. By leveraging the capabilities of AI while mitigating its negative impacts, we can work towards a more sustainable future for all.

  • AI technology can bring many benefits to the planet, including improved efficiency, environmental monitoring, renewable energy, and more accurate climate modeling. However, there are also concerns about the potential negative impacts of AI on the planet, such as energy consumption and job displacement. It will be important to carefully consider and manage these risks as we continue to develop and deploy AI technology.

  • i think that Ai will be good for the plant. AI can help with waste management for the planet. AI can find ways to dispose of trash in methods that will not affect the environment negatively Ai can come up with ways to improve renewable sources to work better. Ai can help to lower the carbon footprint being left by humans. Humans can collaborate with Ai to improve our methods and help to leave a smaller carbon foot print.

    1. As long as artificial intelligence is developed and applied appropriately, it could benefit humanity and the earth. Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds promise in addressing major issues such as healthcare and climate change. In addition to tracking deforestation, unlawful fishing, and wildlife hunting, it can also improve water quality, predict climate change, and aid in its management. Making sure we are utilising this technology morally and concerning people and other living things is crucial, though.

  • Machine learning can optimize supply chains to reduce waste, monitor resource consumption and promote sustainable manufacturing processes. AI can help to accelerate the energy transition by optimizing savings and improving efficiency across energy-intensive sectors.

  • I will go with more good than bad. Though it has many disadvantages which harm our planet such as unemployment, make human lazy, no ethics, emotionless but it will do lot more good things than bad like reducing the human errors, zero risks, new inventions. 24/7 availability. Digital assistance, perform repetitive jobs. In conclusion we need to leverage good AI to prevent bad AI.

  • I strongly think AI will be good than bad for the planet, because some people who have farms or gardens sometimes don't take care of their own environment, but with AI there can be gadgets that can control the amount of water being used to help plants grow. AI gadgets can also control your sprinklers with an automated spraying of water for your plants, which will have a time recognition to know what time the plants will be watered. I think this will be a big change to the environment in my country, because a lot of people don't have interest in plants forgetting that they are also living organisms, and some people just don't care about the environment.

    1. I totally get your point about AI helping out with farming, especially when people neglect their gardens. AI gadgets for managing water use and sprinklers could indeed be a game-changer. What if, with all this tech, people start slacking off on basic care for their plants? Like, "Why bother when AI has it covered?" And imagine if not everyone can afford these fancy gadgets. It might create a gap where some miss out on the benefits.
      Also, we can't forget about the environmental side of things. Making and tossing these gadgets can have their own impact. The whole process needs a closer look.
      So, while AI in farming sounds promising, let's not forget the potential downsides and make sure everyone gets a shot at the benefits. How do you think we can balance high-tech help with good old-fashioned care?

  • In my opinion, the impact of AI bots depends on their purpose. If created to replace human jobs, it could be harmful, leading to more unemployment and increased poverty. However, if designed as human assistants, it would be beneficial, freeing up time and reducing workload. It's crucial to consider the situation.

  • Do you think that AI will be more good than bad for the planet? Or more bad than good for the planet?
    Yeah it’s gonna be great seeing robots mowing your lawn, sweeping your room , powering your house instead of smoking generators….
    It’s like gonna be of great help, eco anxiety will be really removed by at least 75% or more, think about it…
    We don’t have to stress mum in waking you up, preparing healthy meals, cleaning the house reducing the smoke in the environment!
    I’ll finally stop house chores and doing my homework!

  • Hey there! I've been pondering the AI and environment situation, and here's the scoop. While AI holds some serious promise for tackling future environmental issues, we can't ignore the potential downsides.
    So, picture this: AI is like a superhero for the planet. It can monitor forests, track climate change, and even help us manage resources smarter. But, and here's the kicker, the process of making and running AI can be a bit of an environmental villain. The energy it gobbles up, especially if it's not from green sources, might leave a bigger carbon footprint than we'd like.
    Plus, there's this other thing. As AI steps in to do certain jobs, like in industries, it might mean some folks lose their gigs. Job losses can stir up economic trouble, and that's a real concern.
    And, of course, we can't forget about the ethics part. AI needs to be on its best behavior, without biases, and with privacy in mind. If it goes rogue, we might be in for some tricky situations.
    So, here's the lowdown: AI could totally be a game-changer for the environment, but we've got to watch out for its not-so-eco-friendly side. Balancing the scales is the key to making sure AI helps, rather than harms, our planet. How do you think we can make sure AI benefits the environment without causing more harm than good while balancing the key skills to make sure AI helps, rather than harms, our planet?

  • I agree that AI can be good for the planet. AI is capable of doing so many things, and most of the time without error. AI is gonna be good for the planet because it can help with tasks that are too hard for most people, it can help with very risky tasks, & I believe that with the help of AI the process will go much smoother when building buildings & land clearing. Although it can be good, we have to make sure it stays that way. AI functions by what we put in, so in order for it to be good, we have to make sure it functions properly. America is using AI to improve its services & operations. By that I mean that they are using AI for healthcare, transportation, the environment, and delivery. By searching on google, it says that the federal government established strong guardrails to ensure the use of AI keeps people safe & doesn't violate their rights.

  • I think think AI will do good for the planet . AI can help us in doing various things like solving the problem of the climate change, it can help intake control over the all solar energy released by the Sun. AI can helps solve the problems of different natural disasters like earthquake , volcanic eruption flood landslide etc. AI can helps us to reduce the cyber crime. AI can help us to utilize all the energy available on earth in a proper way.
    AI will help us in different space exploration missions.

  • I believe that AI is more good than bad but for this country and for the world because if you look at it this way you'll see the more greater things that does for our life for example text to speech is the type of AI and loads of people use it so good for people who have dyslexia and struggle at typing and spellings its good for them as well as the people who struggle with spelling and typing. AI is in things like you might not think about like virtual assistants(like siri and alexa),image analysis systems, speech and face recognitions, auto driving cars even some drones these all have some kind of AI inside and some jobs have been tested just to find AI would have been better for that role. Another example of a very popular AI software is Chagtp which is very good for projecting images,answering questions and chats to you like a human being. But on the other side, you could think about the flaws like what if it malfunctions but still
    Think that it has more pros than cons.
    Thank you,

  • Through my restless research and thinking for more than 30 minutes, I have come out with my discovery that AI is severely destroying the planet. At first, I was going to agree with the fact that AI has done more good than bad to the planet but after my countless research I am sure that AI has done worse than good. Each time you use an AI model such as ChatGPT it comes with a negative cost to the planet; it can cause climate change. I say this because the cloud AI models live on in actually made of metal, plastic and powered by vast amount of energy. It uses as much as energy as 30 homes in a whole year and emitted 25 tons of carbon dioxide. Tech companies are not measuring this, and it will come as a cost to the planet because it is a reason for climate change.

  • I believe that AI has the potential to be more good than bad for the planet. While there are certainly concerns about the environmental impact of AI, I believe that the benefits it can bring to sustainability efforts and combating climate change outweigh these concerns.

    One of the main ways that AI can help the planet is by enabling more efficient use of resources. For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to optimize energy usage in buildings, reducing waste and lowering carbon emissions. Similarly, AI can be used to improve supply chain efficiency, reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing and transportation.

    Another important way that AI can help the planet is by enabling more accurate climate modeling and prediction. With the help of AI, scientists can process vast amounts of climate data, leading to more accurate predictions of extreme weather events and long-term climate trends. This information can help policymakers make more informed decisions about how to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    Of course, there are also concerns about the environmental impact of AI itself. For example, the energy required to run large data centers can be significant, and there are concerns about the impact of e-waste as AI devices become more ubiquitous. However, I believe that these concerns can be addressed through continued research and development of more sustainable AI technologies.

    Overall, I believe that AI has the potential to be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change and in promoting sustainability. While there are certainly challenges to be addressed, I am optimistic about the potential for AI to help us build a more sustainable future.

    1. I disagree because even though you are using AI to give you ways to help the planet, you are also harming the planet. Each time you query an ai model it comes with a cost to the planet and takes as much energy as 30 homes in a year, it emits 25 tons of carbon dioxide every time you ask it a question. Training and running an AI system requires a great deal of computing power and electricity, and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are one way AI affects the climate. And this of course courses climate change. So the next time you use an Ai model like ChatGPT know that you are hurting the planet.

      1. Could you share where you found these numbers please, jazzed_ocean? This will help other Topical Talkers to decide how trustworthy they are.

  • I think AI will do more good than bad to the planet. This is because when AI is introduced, recycling will more efficient. For example, here in Ghana, many people burn their rubbish and if recycling AI is introduced, it wouldn't only reduce emissions and also the rubbish could be recycled into clothes for needy.

  • In my opinion, I think Artificial Intelligence might be helpful for jobs in the time ahead, however it will be more bad than good,when it comes to the planets.
    This is because these Robots around are created from toxic materials ,wastes and etc..which could really affect our society,environment and other living things , Including we humans .

  • Certainly! AI can play very crucial role in addressing environmental challanges on the planet. Ai technology are used for various applications such as optimizing energy consuptions,monitoring and managing environmental challenges and inhailing sustiablity in indrusties. AI can can contribute to better understanding and managing natural resoures ,reducing waste and developing more efficient and eco-friendly solution. Its a powerful toolthat can aid in creating a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future

  • I think that AI will be more good than bad for planet because AI has the potential to be more beneficial than detrimental for the planet, given its capacity to address some of humanity's most pressing challenges while also presenting certain risks that need to be carefully managed. On the positive side, AI can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity across various sectors, leading to improved resource allocation and reduced waste. For instance, in agriculture, AI-powered systems can optimize crop yields and minimize water usage, thereby contributing to sustainable farming practices and food security. In healthcare, AI-driven diagnostics and treatment methods can improve patient outcomes and reduce medical errors, ultimately saving lives. Additionally, AI technologies hold promise in combating climate change through advanced data analytics, which can inform more accurate climate modeling and facilitate the development of renewable energy solutions. Moreover, AI has the potential to revolutionize transportation by enabling autonomous vehicles that are safer, more efficient, and produce fewer emissions.

    However, alongside these benefits, there are also concerns regarding the negative implications of AI on the planet. One of the most significant concerns is the potential for widespread job displacement as AI and automation technologies continue to advance. This could exacerbate existing socioeconomic inequalities and lead to increased unemployment if not properly managed through reskilling and education initiatives. Furthermore, there are ethical considerations surrounding AI, particularly regarding data privacy, algorithmic bias, and autonomous decision-making. Without appropriate regulations and safeguards in place, there's a risk that AI systems could perpetuate or exacerbate societal biases and inequalities. Additionally, there's the potential for misuse of AI technologies, including malicious uses such as cyberattacks or the development of autonomous weapons systems.

    To ensure that AI has a net positive impact on the planet, it's essential to adopt a responsible and ethical approach to its development, deployment, and regulation. This includes prioritizing transparency and accountability in AI algorithms and decision-making processes, safeguarding data privacy and security, and promoting inclusivity and diversity in AI development teams to mitigate bias. Additionally, governments and policymakers play a crucial role in establishing regulations and frameworks to ensure that AI technologies are used ethically and responsibly, with a focus on maximizing their benefits while minimizing potential risks. By addressing these challenges proactively and collaboratively, AI has the potential to be a force for good in addressing global challenges and improving the well-being of people and the planet.

  • I picked the unsure option because I'm
    quite neutral on this topic; whether or not AI is a blessing or a curse to the human race.
    AI is neither good nor bad.
    A blessing nor a curse.
    A friend nor a foe.
    But at the same time,
    AI can be good or bad.
    A blessing or a curse.
    A friend or a foe.
    It all depends on how you decide to use it. The topic of Artificial Intelligence has taken many by storms and starts so many controversial conversations. AI has a lot of benefits and can help to positive impact our planet in many ways such as:
    1. Reduction in Human Errors.
    2. 24x7 Availability.
    3. Digital Assistance.
    4. Unbiased Decisions.
    5. Performing Repetitive Jobs.
    6. Advanced data analysis.
    7. Personalisation.
    8. Automation.
    9. Increaseed efficiency, etc.
    AI can also have many disadvantages and demerits such as:
    1. Lack of creativity.
    2. The absence of empathy.
    3. Skill loss in humans.
    4. Possible overreliance on the technology and increased laziness in humans.
    5. Job loss and displacement.
    6. AI is expensive to implement.
    7. Big tech domination.
    8. Data dependence.
    9. Environmental impact,etc.
    Conclusively, Artificial Intelligence can be good or bad depending on how and who uses it. People should first be properly enlightened on the dangers of AI if it is used wrongly and also how to implement it properly for increased efficiency.

  • To be very honest, I do not have a specific answer for this question. AI helps us complete tiresome tasks in areas such as data collection, E-commerce, email responses, software testing and many others and this helps people get time to focus on tasks which require human abilities like jobs involving emotional intelligence and creativity. With AI helping us we will be able to diminish basic human errors and promote the advancement of autonomous vehicles like electric cars.
    On the other side of this argument, AI can also be considered a threat to humanity. As people begin to rely on AI, companies will start to replace employees with AI appliances because they do not need to go on breaks and they do not need to be payed. This can lead to unemployment. As companies buy more AI appliances, the price of these appliances will increase which later leads to inflation.
    According to, Generative AI Impact Forecast predicts that 2,400,000 out of 57,232,000 US jobs in 2023 will be replaced by 2030. And as some of us may know, that is a very big number.
    So the answer to this question is not very clear to me.

  • I think the AI Will be good for the planet because new things can be invented,and Will hello yo solve many problems.Also It can have a bad parte like all things because AI can cause many problems in the life off many people if It is not under control,because It can get important information from the govervent if another country wants.From my point off view the AI Will be very good if we control It

  • According to me, AI will definitely do more good than bad for the planet. AI will help us with many things such as calculations, studies, minor jobs, etc. This type of debate arises every time a new technology emerges. But in the end, people get used to it. After reviewing some articles I came to know that in my local area when screen-touch mobile phones came into existence, most people didn't use them. As they thought it was very harmful to their eyes and its radiation was harmful too. A lot of debate took place on this topic but today the majority of people even young children possess their personal smartphones. Every one of them has accepted smartphones with their pros and cons. So I believe AI will be accepted too as people will understand its advantages over time.

  • I think Al will be more bad than good for the planet. Al is a powerful robot that can easily be overused. Al and learning algorithms extrapolate from the data they are given. If the designer does not provide representative data, the resulting Artificial Intelligence Systems become biased and unfair. In addition, Al may have its Carbon footprint and negative environmental Impact because it relies heavily on Computing Data Centers. Those Centers Consume large amounts of electricity and also require a significant amount of water for cooling purposes. Al can potentially be used to spread false information, and public opinion and affect people's behaviour decisions and decision-making. Al can also be used to analyze data on a person's behaviour, preferences and relationships to create targeted adverts that control, handle or use their emotions and choices.

  • I strongly believe that AI is very beneficial to mankind and the world, my reasons are one it helps us to do our daily tasks and also reduces loss of lives in many way example the can help to create treatment plan for patients. I think that if we put a heavy reliance on AI it will make many bad effect more than good so I suggest we shouldn’t intensely depend in AI so that AI wouldn’t become a problem to mankind.

  • I believe the impact of AI on the planet depends on how it's developed, deployed, and regulated. If used responsibly, AI has the potential to address environmental challenges, optimize resource usage, and contribute to sustainable solutions. However, without proper ethical considerations and safeguards, there's a risk of unintended consequences and environmental harm. It's crucial to ensure AI technologies align with ethical and ecological principles for a positive impact.

    1. What do you think the unintended consequences will entail?

  • The impact of AI on the planet can be both positive and negative, but its overall effect depends on how it's developed, implemented, and regulated. In terms of environmental benefits, AI has the potential to enhance resource efficiency, optimize energy consumption, and contribute to sustainability efforts.
    For example, in various countries, AI is being employed in precision agriculture to optimize crop yields, reducing the need for excessive pesticide and fertilizer use. Additionally, in energy management, AI-driven systems can optimize power grids, leading to more efficient energy distribution and reduced environmental impact.

    However, concerns arise regarding the environmental footprint of large-scale AI infrastructure, such as data centers. These facilities consume significant amounts of energy, contributing to carbon emissions. Striking a balance and promoting sustainable practices in AI development, like utilizing renewable energy for data centers, is crucial to mitigate potential negative effects.

  • AI has the potential to enhance resource efficiency, optimize energy consumption, and improve waste management.

    Innovative AI applications perform important parts in wildlife monitoring, preventing poaching, and tracking endangered species. In my continent, initiatives utilizing AI-powered drones survey and protect wildlife in national parks, contributing to biodiversity conservation.

    AI can adapt quickly to ecological challenges. Picture AI-driven robotic systems autonomously cleaning and restoring polluted water bodies, equipped with advanced sensors to identify pollutants and contaminants, reviving aquatic ecosystems.

    AI algorithms can optimize resource utilization in agriculture, reducing environmental impact while ensuring food security. Precision farming guided by AI insights can lead to sustainable practices, with reduced pesticide use and enhanced crop yields.

    Despite these positive applications, concerns arise regarding AI's contribution to increased resource extraction. The reliance on rare minerals like cobalt in manufacturing AI hardware components can lead to environmental degradation through unregulated mining practices, impacting ecosystems and biodiversity.

    Real-world examples illustrate these contrasting perspectives. In my country, smart traffic management systems powered by AI have successfully optimized traffic flow, reducing congestion and associated emissions. However, the challenge lies in navigating the potential environmental costs tied to resource extraction in AI production, or even costs of experts to implement such technology.

  • I think artificial intelligence will help the planet very well,this will help to reduce stress on people. Artificial intelligence can help in work activities, fighting wars, fixing of expensive spoilt items and also can be used as a reminder.

    1. Can you tell me a bit more about how you think it will help people at work?

  • I think AI will do a lot of good for the planet, as well as considering its cons. AI or Artificial Intelligence is able to do so much now. It helps those with disabilities and challenges, it is effective for calculations, and is great for production. With the planet, I reckon AI will be useful with things such as solar panels, harvesting wind energy, and helping find out how to restore our ozone layer. AI can help solar panels calculate and adjust to move towards where the sun is, and the maximum location for harvesting energy. With wind energy, AI can know when to pause and start spinning again. With our ozone layer, AI can find our weak points and cooperate with humans to solve issues. The cons however, include the waste AI can bring. A lot of AIs need hard drives and servers to help with memory and training of their software. This can create a lot of waste, and E-waste is currently a growing problem. Considering the pros and cons, I think AI could be of plenty of use.

  • AI helps protect ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources, ensuring a healthier planet for current and future generations. Resource Efficiency: AI-driven solutions reduce waste, increase resource efficiency, and lower operational costs for businesses and governments.

  • Hii, Hello, Namesthe and Vanakkam to everyone.........
    I think that the impact of AI on the planet depends on how it is developed, deployed, and regulated. AI has the potential to bring about positive changes in various fields, such as healthcare, education, and sustainability. It can enhance efficiency, automate tedious tasks, and contribute to scientific advancements.
    However, there are also concerns about the negative consequences of AI, such as job displacement, ethical issues, and potential misuse. The environmental impact of large-scale AI infrastructure and data centers is another consideration.
    I vote that AI will be more good than bad for the planet, it's essential to implement responsible and ethical practices in AI development, prioritize sustainability in technology infrastructure, and establish appropriate regulations. Striking a balance between technological progress and ethical considerations will be crucial in determining the overall impact of AI on the planet.
    Thank you.

  • Depending on how AI is created, used, and managed, its effects on the planet could be either positive or negative. AI is useful for controlling and keeping an eye on environmental resources. It can be used, for instance, to monitor climate change, control wildlife populations, and keep track of deforestation. AI technology can improve agricultural techniques, resulting in a more economical use of resources like pesticides, fertilizers, and water. This has the potential to support ecologically friendly and sustainable agriculture. AI can assist in reducing waste management procedures, increasing recycling rates, reducing pollution, and lessening the negative effects of garbage disposal on the environment. Large-scale datasets can be analyzed by AI systems to forecast natural disasters like floods, storms, and earthquakes. This makes it possible to prepare for and respond to disasters more effectively, which may save lives and reduce environmental harm.
    If we fail to manage AI correctly, it can also cause a lot of harm to the environment. Valuable metals and mineral resources are required in the production of AI hardware, which may have negative social and environmental effects. In addition, AI requires a lot of energy to function, which increases the consumption of energy. There will also be a lot of electronic garbage, which will harm the environment if it is not disposed of properly. Although artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve the world, its development and application must take ethical, environmental, and societal concerns very seriously. To optimize artificial intelligence's benefits for the environment, efforts must be made to develop and apply it safely and sustainably.

    1. Actually I am confused about what you said about how AI can help to control Wild life population please tell me the ways it can do that. And also how can AI technology help to improve agriculture techniques and what way can it do that? And also how can AI trenchcoat help in reducing pollution? But in all what you have said I agree about the point you made about if AI is not manage well it can cause alot of harm to the environment thank you for your comment I have learnt alot.

      1. Regarding wildlife, AI-driven image identification systems are able to identify and count individual animals by analyzing photos taken by camera traps. This aids in the tracking of animal population sizes and behavior analysis by researchers. AI makes it possible to focus conservation efforts by assisting in the identification of particular habitat features that are essential for a given species. AI is capable of analyzing genetic data to evaluate the genetic diversity and overall health of animal populations. Programs for breeding and conservation that focus on conservation must have this information.
        Regarding agriculture, AI-powered devices can assist with tasks like planting, harvesting, weeding, and other tasks, which lessens the labor force's workload and saves time. AI-powered systems are able to recognize pests, crop diseases, and nutrient deficits by analyzing photos. This makes it possible for specific treatment and early detection. Based on real-time data, AI algorithms may prescribe precise dosages of pesticides and fertilizers, minimizing environmental effects and increasing efficiency. AI can aid in breeding, resulting in the production of crops with increased yield, disease resistance, and resilience to climatic changes.
        AI can also aid in the reduction of pollutants. In order to monitor and enforce environmental rules and make sure that enterprises adhere to emission guidelines and other environmental laws, artificial intelligence (AI) can analyze satellite imagery and other data sources. Urban air pollution can be reduced by using AI algorithms to control autonomous and electric automobiles. AI can optimize energy utilization in buildings, factories, and electricity grids, which lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
        I think AI can benefit the world greatly and make life more comfortable for humans if we can use it to its full potential.

        1. Can you think of two negative implications AI could have on the environment?

  • I think that AI will help more the planet if it us used properly.
    With the use of AI we can faster make recyclable materials, track criminal actions and help people in th Healthcare system.
    Even in education gas helped a lot for researches and autonomous learning. We can't overuse it but think logically where we need it more.

    1. Please can you explain how AI will help the planet?

  • I think the most obvious answer to this is that AI will be more good than bad for the planet. There are so many reasons as to why it will be beneficial. Although AI has certain disadvantages like making people lazier and less creative, these are outnumbered by its advantages. AI can predict natural disasters, provide real-time information on the environment, help farmers and do so much more. AI can detect crop diseases early, provide timed nutrition to livestock and inform the farmer about weather changes. Further, AI-driven vehicles can help in reducing the emission of harmful gases. So there are so many reasons why AI will be more good than bad for the planet.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in helping us understand and address challenges related to the planet. AI technologies can be used to analyze and model complex environmental systems, improve resource management, develop more sustainable practices, and even predict natural disasters. Additionally, AI can help in monitoring and managing energy and water systems, as well as in mitigating climate change through various applications. It can also aid in wildlife conservation and in developing more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. With the right approach, AI has the potential to contribute to positive environmental impact and sustainability efforts.
    Thank you!

  • The impact of AI on the planet is multifaceted and depends on various factors including how it's developed, deployed, and regulated. It's challenging to make a definitive judgment on whether AI will be more good or bad for the planet as it involves a complex interplay of technological, social, economic, and ethical considerations. Here are some potential positive and negative impacts of AI on the planet:
    Positive impacts:
    1. Efficiency and productivity: AI has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity across various industries, leading to more sustainable resource utilization.
    2. Environmental monitoring: AI-powered systems can help monitor and manage environmental issues such as air and water quality, deforestation, and wildlife conservation.
    3. Renewable energy optimization: AI algorithms can optimize the generation and distribution of renewable energy sources, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
    4. Sustainable agriculture: AI technologies can improve agricultural practices, leading to higher yields with fewer resources and reduced environmental impact.
    5. Disaster management: AI can assist in predicting and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters, thus reducing human and environmental losses.
    Negative impacts:
    1. Job displacement: Automation driven by AI could lead to job displacement and socioeconomic inequalities, particularly in sectors where repetitive tasks are automated.
    2. Energy consumption: AI models, particularly deep learning algorithms, require significant computational resources, contributing to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions.
    3. Ethical concerns: AI systems may perpetuate biases or be used for malicious purposes, leading to ethical dilemmas and societal unrest.
    4. Privacy and surveillance: AI-powered surveillance systems raise concerns about privacy violations and the potential for mass surveillance, infringing on civil liberties.
    5. Weaponization: AI technologies could be used to develop autonomous weapons systems, raising ethical and security concerns and potentially leading to unintended consequences.
    Ultimately, whether AI will have a net positive or negative impact on the planet depends on how society chooses to harness and regulate this technology. By addressing potential risks and maximizing its benefits through responsible development and deployment, AI has the potential to contribute significantly to global sustainability efforts.

  • hello everyone, We can use artificial intelligence as an aid to remediation. A person can easily become a global village with all the people of the whole world through artificial intelligence. Then various ways to preserve and remedy the environment can be discussed and initiated with everyone. We can confirm and identify which ones to save, which ones can be re-produced and used, which ones are harmful to the environment.Remanufactured screens We can reduce material waste by repairing or remanufacturing with the help of science and artificial intelligence. Materials that can be saved and turned into fertilizer or paste can be used with the help of artificial intelligence using science technology. As a result, the use of unhealthy ingredients like pesticides is reduced.

    1. I agree because AI is an amazing futuristic producer but could you think of any downsides of this

      1. Yes, of course there are downsides to everything. If people focus on the negative rather than the positive. The downside is that the problem is exacerbated.

  • I think AI will be a positive impact on society as climate change is getting worse but they're amazing with intelligence and can creative eco friendly cars and other climate changing products as they have a really high intelligence

  • Hi,
    I feel like AI will cause more good than harm. AI is made to assist humans and is made for specific tasks; hence they cannot go out of the boundaries that has been set for them. AI can help the planet in many ways and I'm going to break it down for us to understand my opinion.
    Let's start with AI and the production of food: AI is going to make farming very efficient for farmers as they can multi-task therefore handling all the farming operations coming from tilling up to the point of harvesting without any flaw. The introduction of the TRACTOR in Nigeria alone has improved timeliness in farming operations, such as land preparation, planting, and harvesting, resulting in higher crop yields. Agricultural productivity has increased, leading to improved food security and income generation for smallholder farmers. Then you can now go on and imagine what an AI controlled robot would do.
    AI can also help significantly when it comes to global warming. AI can boost energy efficiency, predict disasters, monitor ecosystems, track deforestation, optimize supply chains and avoid waste to help and reduce the effect of global warming on the planet. I think that to finalize my points, AI should be made in moderation.
    Yes, AI can have disadvantages on the planet but from where I am sitting it looks to me like AI is more good than bad in helping the planet.


    1. Those are interesting points you made about the benefits of AI. Could you think of any potential disadvantages?

      1. Hello Molly O @ Topical Talk,
        Sadly, everything that has an advantage also has disadvantages but the most important thing to consider is that the advantages are more than the disadvantages. When it comes to AI there is a high possibility for an accident in the coding, up to the production of it, as it is a product of humans.
        -Although AI can have a positive environmental impact, for example by enabling smart grids to match electrical demand or enabling smart and low-carbon cities. The training and running of an AI system requires a great deal of computing power and electricity, and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are one way AI affects the climate.
        -No improvement; AI is a technology completely based on pre-loaded data and experience, so it cannot be improved as human meaning that it cannot be prepared for every situation thrown at it.
        Finally, AI can be "Bias" as it is not just a social or cultural problem, it is equally found within the technical sphere. Design flaws or faulty and imbalanced data that is being. This happens when the data used to train an AI system is not representative of the reality it's meant to model. It can occur due to various reasons, such as incomplete data, biased sampling, or other factors that may lead to an unrepresentative dataset.
        AI has its flaws here and there, but its benefits have overweighed its flaws, that is why it will cause more good than harm to the planet.


  • I think AI has the power to do a lot of good for the planet than bad. It can help us find solutions to big problems,and make our lives easier and equitable. Of course, we all need to be mindful of how we use AI and make sure it's being used responsibly rather than getging it involved in bad hands causing destruction !!!

  • AI can have both positive and negative impacts on the planet.On the positive side AI technologies can be employed to address environmental challenges such as optimizing energy uses,managing resource more efficiently,and monitoring and mitigating climate change . However, there are concerns about the environment footprint of AI itself. Training large AI models which requires substantial computational can contribute to increased energy consumptions and carbon emissions.Its essential for AI community to work towards developing more energy efficient algorithms and sustainable computer practices to minimize the environmental impact of AI. Balancing the benifits of AI for the planet with its potential environmental costs is crucial for ensuring a responsible and sustainable integration of AI technologies

  • Hello everyone,,
    Everything has good and bad effects. Artificial intelligence and its fraternity are not. Artificial intelligence has both good and bad effects on the planet. Artificial intelligence has made our work simple and straightforward. This may have done us good but it has also made people more lazy and more technology dependent. Due to artificial intelligence, people don't want to trust people like before. Because of this, conflict is created between people and distance is created between them. Many experts think that this artificial intelligence can be the cause of the world collapse. A deadly virus can be created from artificial intelligence. Also many more problems will be created due to this artificial intelligence. So,, I think that artificial intelligence will be more bad than good.
    Thank you!

    1. You mentioned AI has played a part in conflict between people. Please could you expand on this and provide any sources for your evidence?

  • I believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will do more good than bad for our planet.
    The reason I say this confidently is because, AI is one of the greatest technological developments and evidence of the advancement in the technological sector of our lives. It is simply brilliant and astonishing.
    AI is a tool which was created and programmed by humans, Why should we be scared of it? Rather we should use AI to our advantage. It has many benefits and advantages to its users such as:
    1. Increased efficiency and productivity.
    2. It is a time saving tool.
    3. Solving of complex problems.
    4. Development of healthcare.
    5. Helps in decision making.
    6. Completes Repetitive tasks, etc.
    I have a personal belief that anyone who considers that AI is bad simply dosent know how to use it. With the right training, skills and perspective, AI is a huge blessing to the human race.

  • I think that AI would be more bad than good for the planet as it takes a lot of fossil fuels and energy to make the AI an it often needs repairing so that takes even more energy. It also produces some non-degradable waste which goes into landfill so it is very bad for the planet. However it does also save some energy as it is very efficient.

  • Any thing in the world has pros and cons and the effect of anything depends on how do the human drive it as an advantage or disadvantage so the using of AI robot has many ways but the best thing is to now how to use it right so of use the AI robot to make a schedule and helps us in studying or searching for any projects of course it will make the world better specially in environmental projects but if we use it to control the world not protecting it it of course will be the worst or in unfair jobs I mean when we use it to do our completely job not helping us to sum any thing in our life depends on us as human and how do we work with it.

  • I solidly agree with what supportive wildcat said and according to me, i will say that AI will do more goid than bad in the society and nation as a whole bacause, imagine using a car that consumes fuel and releases carbon monoxide to the atmosphere which is currenty deplecting the ozone layer and causing more harms to the climate.
    But today, AI cars consumes no fuel and it is rechargable which has help us today.
    Generally, in terms of speed and accurate, AI machines is.the best for that.
    Thank you.

  • AI and machine learning models can predict changes in biodiversity based on environmental factors. For example, they can forecast shifts in species distribution due to climate change or habitat loss, allowing for proactive conservation measures.

  • AI would do things that human beings would not be able to . It can help in global problems , health situations , gaining knowledge , monitor any task , etc. It can track down any task if you would not be able to . AI is useful for :
    Recycling waste material
    Reduction of pollution
    Reusing old material
    Refusal of pollutants
    Operations of patients
    Health checkup
    Making a work schedule
    Reminders of a timetable
    Data Analytics
    But it can also be the reason of many major global concerns . So AI can be useful as well as harmful for the nature. Thank you !

  • Good day everyone ,
    In my opinion , I think that AI is good as well as bad for the future. Different people have their different perspective , some people go for the good future of AI , whereas some people go for the bad future of AI. In my perspective, the good future of AI can be - it can help the humans in many ways like - it saves our time , it helps doing complicated tasks , reduce human errors and accidents and many other. For example - In India , artificial intelligence is expected to assist India in healthcare facility. AI could help detect many hazardous diseases like cancer for further treatment. Whereas , the bad future of AI can be like - it can reduce the rate of employment , An AI can get something wrong without the guidance of human experience and perception. For example - In India,
    there will be wage inequality- Automation and AI contribute to wage inequality by affecting worker groups specializing in routine tasks.

  • Hello,On the one hand, AI has the potential to help us address some of the biggest environmental challenges we face, such as climate change and resource depletion. For example, AI could help us develop more efficient ways to use energy, find new ways to generate renewable energy, and create better models for predicting and responding to environmental disasters. On the other hand, AI could also have some negative effects on the environment, such as increasing energy consumption and the production of electronic waste. So it's really hard to say for sure whether AI will be more good or more bad for the planet in the long run

  • In my own opinion;
    Firstly i would say that AI could be said to be the ability of a digital computer-controlled robot to perform task commonly associated with intelligent beings .it can also be reffered to as a computer system that is capable for performing complex task.
    so i would say that Ai has done more good than harm because without ai i do not think that people will survive it.
    for example people use gas not firewood because firewood will be slow in cooking.

  • Artificial intelligence can make a good impact for our planet because AI can help stop pollution

    1. You say AI can help stop pollution. Can you say a bit more, jazzed_huckleberry?

  • We have to stop solely relying on A.I. Yes A.I can help you with an essay, yes it can generate images, yes it can do jobs faster than a human can but what are you going to do when A.I backfires or shuts down. We have to stop being lazy and come up with our own thoughts and ideas because A.I won't always do it for us.

  • Greeting to all,
    I thought that AI is good but it is bad in another way.It is usefull for humans in many ways, Such as - It provides us with creative ideas.It is used to boost up the work that human beings do and it also give us Knowledge.,but on the other hand it is harmful for nature In many ways such as, AI is made up of many type of material in whose production a large amount of toxic waste is produced which is hardly harmful for nature .

  • Hello!
    I strongly believe that AI can be a powerful tool to aid in the betterment of our planet. AI has the potential to;
    -improve the quality of education
    -increase the chances of future leaders
    -Reduce carbon emissions from oil factories.
    I believe that AI makes a positive impact on our planet and creates a better future for all

  • I think ai will be more good than bad in the future for the sole reason that when ai is programmed, it is usually programmed with one purpose. If the ai is only programmed for one thing and one thing only, it will just focus on that thing instead of anything else and will ultimately complete its job in the end. Ai is really smart and is capable of doing great things. I believe in the future, Ai will be a great asset to us and might even be involved with solving some of the many problems we have with this world.

  • It depends on whose hands the artificial intelligence falls.If it falls into the hands of a good person,it will be beneficial for the planet,but if it falls into the hands of a bad person,the results will be disastrous.

  • I think AI can be more beneficial than harmful for the planet is its application in optimizing transportation systems. AI algorithms can analyze traffic patterns, predict demand, and optimize routes for vehicles, leading to reduced congestion, shorter travel times, and lower fuel consumption. By minimizing idling and optimizing traffic flow, AI can help decrease greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, thus contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. I think A.I do more good things than bad things for Planet.

  • I think both. Firstly, for a bad reason AI could become harmful and cause lots of damage which could include producing CO2: fires, car accidents -smoke- and just naturally harming someone. This could also mean that people will go against AI and a war could start. Furthermore, when we are trying to protect Earth AI could remove all the hard work we are trying to do and in fact do the opposite and destroy our planet. While on the other hand, AI could help us save our planet and stop climate change as well as invent new ideas which we could use. Also, it could warn people who are doing the wrong thing that this car or that factory is producing CO2 and is bad for the environment so maybe AI could also persuade people, who aren't helping much, to take more action and do their best. In fact, AI might as well be able to give a suggestion to use an electric car and give a new idea on how the factory can still be one but not produce CO2.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Can you think of some positives AI could have in the future?

  • I think that, the AI is a very useful thing to our planet and also it will improve the planet's future as it apply a lot of things to the planet. One of these things is the jobs. The AI apply us with different and creative jobs which help us to think in different ways.

  • I think AI is good and bad for the planet because AI is known to be a machine.
    It’s good because, A machine can do things easier and faster, for instance if it was to pick up trash it will do it easier, faster and more accurately than humans.
    1. They can go were humans cannot go.
    2. They do things more accurately.
    3. They can do things easier.
    4. They do things faster.
    I think AI is also bad because it can malfunction easier and can make mistakes until its memory is re-programmed/corrected.
    1. It shuts down or misbehaves if you make a small mistake.
    2. It cost billions to buy.
    3. When their producing smoke comes out which destroys the ozone layer.

    1. that is a very good paragraph but are there any other reasons for this?

  • AI can make a huge impact on our environment by making cars that don’t create pollution

    1. Interesting idea, can you explain more about this?

  • AI could possibly help with the future.The reason i think that is because look at this generation now we have iphones macbooks and more so imagine if we had 10 times that. It may be dangerous but it will take lots and lots of work to perfect it but even with that AI could still helps us do things that may not even be possible because you never know what AI is capable of.Which is one of the reasons why i strongly believe that we need AI,AI could also really impact are future in a drastic way if you really think about AI could even do your job if it gets great enough it will just take some work for it to be able to monitor your task and the pressure system.

  • I believe that AI will do more good than bad for the planet because AI doesn't leave any carbon footprints or emissions which could lead to more clean air in the United States. Also, AI knows a lot more about saving the planet and pollution so this could also lead to reduced pollution in heavily polluted areas like California in the U.S.

    1. Is running AI completely emission-free? Can you find any evidence to challenge this?

  • AI will be more good than bad for the planet because it knows more things than an actual human can. One of all the reasons that AI will be good for the planet is that the machine will be more focused unlike an actual human that is driven by emotions. A huge advantage of AI is that it doesn't have second choices like humans do which AI will be good in making more accurate decisions. Another thing is that machines do not require rest and do not get distracted. AI is good because it can process more faster than a human.

  • I think AI will be a 50/50, it could really help the planet it could find ways to help the trees and plants and wild life survive for longer , however it could also destroy the planet it could replace everything in this planet AI could take over it could be the reason mankind goes extinct it could be the reason we have limited years. We dont know , but personally i think it the worst thing you could ever bring into this world is AI children nowadays are already obsessed with tequnology and that would make people want to download these AI apps and could give AI some key information and in the possible future if AI gets more inteligent it could use all that information against you one day.

  • I think AI will do more bad than good as many ways electrically powered objects/machines are supplied is non-efficient often due to fossil fuels being the main source of energy currently used for them in both production and transport - which is proven time and time again to be not the most beneficial. Also, humans have been able to survive for centuries without this technology that is now being developed, so it often seems to me as an excuse for impending laziness and computer dependance - meaning the planet will not be the main focus of the future, rather new ways to differ our once satisfiable lifestyles for new more appealing ones due to less hardworking futures.

  • AI could do great things for the planet,
    such as it could save the planet from climate change, it could invent tools to track the weather accurately, it could track ice brakers and identify pollution.
    Other things include of saving energy and many others.
    Some downsides for this is that AI is made out of electrisity wich could result in carbon dioxide emmisions. the last worry is that AI has a staggering carbon footprint.

  • This question is quite hard to answer. I think that it is dangerous, that this much technology gets interconnected in our lifes now. As long as it helps and supports us, i apprechiate it very much, but i guess that at some point it just gets TOO much.
    During the process of building an electronic device, there are a lot of environmental problems.
    We also can not ignore and should never forget that due to the increased use of the internet, many more people got anxiety and the rates of depression got very bad over time, because our brain can not handle this much information and comparison with others.
    I believe that we may need support with technical issues, but anything social needs to be done by humans. I also dont like that many students just need to type in some words to ChatGPT to get a full and grammaticly correct essay. Doesnˋt that take away the joy of achieving something YOU did?
    So i think it is more bad than good for the planet, if AI becomes very much bigger. I want to live in a world where we have connections with others and where we need to do something in order to get what we want.

  • In my opinion I think AI could be both a positive or a negative thing depending on how it is used. It may have a negative effect because if AI is used in mass production it will increase the greenhouse effect because of how much energy and electricity it is using which can further lead into climate change. Though an idea I had to counteract this is to attempt to make a solar powered AI which will just cancel out most of the negative effects on the planet but for now it is just an idea. On the other hand it can do things such as teaching people how to work their jobs better or just giving information in general this helping the economy which may lead to more donations to help the planet ect. Overall I think that if a good solution for climate change is thought of and AI is used correctly it will be good for the planet while if it is not it will further damage it.

  • Hi,
    I think that AI will do more bad than good because, thinking about climate change, loads of fossil fuels will be used in the making of the bots and AI items and green house gasses would be produced. Also, AI uses more energy than other forms of computing and uses electricity which uses loads of fossil fuels in order to make it. Another point is that if we use AI for house maids, we would become lazy and if the AI has a glitch and cannot work for a day, we would have forgotten how to look after ourselves.

  • I think that AI will be of better to the society because AI can help in the early detection and Verdict of aliment as well as in the development of new treatments and remedies. AI can provide very nice learning experiences for students. This can lead to better academic results of the students. AI can help in the prevention of accidents and disasters, it also reduces the risk of deaths in the society. AI can prevent crime and all sort of things

  • I think that AI has the potential to bring both positive and negative impacts to the planet. Some of the advantages of AI for the planet include its ability to automate processes, enhance creative tasks, provide precision, reduce human error, reduce time spent on data analysis, and make predictive decisions faster than humans. These can lead to more efficient and sustainable practices in various industries, such as climate forecasting, transportation, and agriculture, ultimately benefiting the planet.

    On the other hand, there are drawbacks to AI implementation, such as job displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from hacking, and a lack of human-like creativity. Furthermore, the high costs associated with AI-enabled machines and the potential for environmental impact from increased energy consumption are also points of concern

  • I think it will be good and bad for the environment because AI could help look after the planet and plant new trees and plants. However AI could also be bad for the planet because to make AI and robots you need to dig up lots of materials and most mining machines use diesel and diesel creates greenhouse gases which creates global warming. So in conclusion I think it would be better for us to not use AI too much.

  • I think AI will help the human development because they can assist human humans expand their knowledge of the huge world.Therefore humans can develop more AI to advance the world

  • I think AI can help climate action. How this happens is existing AI can predict weather, track icebergs and identify pollution. AI can also find areas where the level of pollution is extremely high. Experts say ‘AI can help stop climate change’. In addition, AI will build upon our knowledge to work alongside us to discover ways to prevent climate change turning into a larger problem. AI is monitoring deforestation by detecting deforestation such as expanding roads. Using AI, we can better understand environmental risks and take dedicated steps to protect our precious forests. All these reasons are ways that AI will assist us to stop climate change.

  • Tackling climate change is one of our biggest problems and solutions have been envisaged but none have been put to action. It has been estimated that climate change will follow a 30 % increase in severe wildfires. The world economic forums’ aim is to develop AI further so that it can predict where in the world wildfires will be provoked and the extremity of them. But in the present, AI can predict the weather, recognise pollution and can detect icebergs. In addition, AI has Furthermore AI can help to limit carbon emissions by leveraging machine learning.

  • I predict that AI might actually do more good than bad but not that much good.
    The reasons I think this is:
    First of all, I think that AI might do a bit of good since they already have a great understanding when they have the power of humans in them, guiding them so that they become the greatest things on the earth that was ever create.
    Alan Turing , who is quite an important figure, is an computer scientist and mathmatician for artificial intelligence and everything in between. Alan Turing is probably where AI came from in the first place. I have heard that in 1997, Garry Kasparov was defeated by an AI called Deep Blue. This shows that AI might do wonders for the world.

    1. Thank you for this comment, magical_tennis. Can you explain more about what you mean by humans guiding AI?

      1. What I mean by humans guiding AI is that AI isn't really going to work unless humans are working on the AI and adding their own knowledge and everything else the AI needs to work. To summarise my comment, AI isn't going to work humans help them and guide them by telling and their own knowledge to help them understand.

  • I think AI can be helpful and dangerous at the same time.Helpful meaning it could help people do some research and give them the things you need but it can be dangerous by taking over the government. AI can not do some things that humans can like become a builder because it can get damage esaily.

    1. I agree but I feel that AI will do only more harm than good to the planet. Considering the fact that even at the early stages of AI it has managed to draw this much attention and worry to itself, it is worrisome that eventually, most of the negative theories brought about by AI critics may come true.
      Firstly, the materials used to make robots do not easily decompose and are hardly ever recycled. this will cause accumulation of metals that do not have use. Furthermore, over-dependence on AI is becoming a serious problem especially in schools as students no longer want to think for themselves rather, they consult AI to solve their problems. If a situation comes where AI cannot solve the problem at hand, the problem-solving skills of the human would be low, and this will render us useless in such a situation.

      1. I disagree because... It is humans that made AI and because of this, AI will only function according to how it has been coded and the experts that are making this AI will and some restrictions on them in other not to cause more harm than good because it’s to help man to improve in all aspects.
        So I think AI will do more good than harm on the planet, remember AI has the interest of the planet in their mind while creating them.

    2. I completely agree with you quiet_litreture because AI that is helping us is dangerous to us it may help us research and search for useful things and is also reducing climate change in a lot of ways but it can also be a disadvantage because it can reduce job opportunities and increase poverty and can take over our government yes but we have to look on the bright side and look for our mistakes and make them better.
      Thank you.

    3. I strongly believe that AI isn't going to be dangerous in any way, this is because as we know that AI don't operate nor think on their own, they operate according to what that has been coded into them, and as we know that it takes, only but well-educated individuals who decides to come together to manufacture AI.
      Now I believe that those that manufactures AI only has the interest of the whole world at large, they are only interested in its positivity not in the negativity what this means is that they can only create AI in a way that it will only bring advantages to the world not disadvantages and that is why AI has no emotion which means they can only act according to what that has been coded inside of it which is what will bring advantages to the world, they can't say no to what has been coded inside of them.

      1. Actually all what you have said I agree but I don't think I got when you said that AI don't have human emotions but I have a question for you, which is AI teaching is for the positive side for what I know, so as to teach students if AI don't have emotions how will it be able to teach people?
        So in conclusion what I am trying to say is that, AI should have emotions so as they will be able to function properly with humans . So I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that AI needs to emotions so as to function well with humans, and if you are able to my question I know it will convince you more with evidence for you to believe more . Thanks.

  • Ai can be used in prosthetic body parts for diffrently able person for their life's ease and ai helps in sustainable development of the country and our earth

  • I think AI is more good than bad for the planet because AI can be programmed to do good things for humans. But
    robots can't have too much power. That is why programming a robot takes skill and effort. Also robots can be different types from satellites to a toy meant for kids. That is why I think AI is more good than bad for the planet.

  • AI has huge potential for helping all the planet and its inhabitants. AI can assist us with tasks such as monitoring the environment, reducing pollution, making efficient use of resources, and assisting with climate change-related issues. However, AI also comes with significant drawbacks and risks, such as excessive power consumption, increased trash production, ethical dilemmas, and disruptions to our daily lives and ways of working. Thus, we must exercise caution in our use of AI and consider its implications for the environment, future generations, and ourselves. AI ought should respect our beliefs and objectives and collaborate with us rather than against us.AI can assist us in addressing environmental issues like climate change.

    1. Flagging in case of AI.

  • I strongly agree that AI will do more good than bad to the planet, AI helps the planet, farmers even use AI that helps them. This are the following things AI does for the planet:

    1. Detect pests and diseases:
    Through monitoring and surveillance systems, Ai is able to detect for pest and diseases on plants. AI cameras and sensors could be used to sense what is going on in the environment. An example of this sensor is a 'humidity sensor' this sensor allows AI to detect the air temperature.

    2. Improving harvest quality and accuracy:
    AI has the ability to analyze a large amount of data and is able to give perditions which are mostly accurate. When you combine this together AI can identify issues, before a farmer goes into full scale production.

    3. Natural disaster predictions:
    As said earlier on AI is able to predict what is going to happen next in the environment, for example, if there is going to be a thunderstorm the AI humidity sensors would already know and send the data to the news. When this happens peoples could be alert and would be safe from what could have been a disaster.

    1. Hi cultured_ wallaby
      I love the description of what you think AI can help with. However, we do not really share the same thoughts. I simply disagree with you because you said AI can do good than bad. However, I feel that the bad rather out wages the good because take this scenario: A student goes to write WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination) in my country which is the exam you write before going to university. If you fail, you get repeated in that class but if you pass you go to university. This students goes to use the washroom under permission and they use an AI applications like CHATGPT to answer the questions, write it in a piece of paper and copy it in the exam. They might not get caught and they will pass. However, when they go to university they might struggle. If they are interviewed after finishing university, (through cheating again without getting caught) they might fail and get unemployed which people might not believe because they might have passed their WASSCE and final university exam. This will make it impossible for them to get any job to do because at the end of the day, they did not learn anything so they know nothing about any job they can manage to do because AI did everything for them. The student might be jobless for the rest of his or her life and who is the source of this trouble. It is AI!!

  • I think that AI is more good than bad for the planet because this AI could analyze tips on how to improve our society reduce climate change, and give more ideas for better ways to farm, etc.
    We use AI to do things in our everyday lives it helps us so how would that same AI be bad for the planet when it is currently helping it we trust it and it won't betray our trust.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi @pioneering_impression, can you tell me a bit more about how we use AI in our every day lives?

      1. AI is ubiquitous in everyday life, powering virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, personalized recommendations on streaming platforms and e-commerce sites, and social media algorithms. It improves smartphone photography, translates languages ​​and detects fraud in financial transactions. AI-powered navigation apps optimize travel routes, while smart home devices automate tasks. Healthcare benefits from AI in diagnostics and personalized treatment plans, while AI-powered customer service chatbots help with inquiries. Even in entertainment, AI creates content and enhances the gaming experience. Overall, AI is seamlessly integrated into everyday activities, enriching lives and improving efficiency.

      2. Well, Eva, I think AI plays a significant role in our daily lives. for instance, we rely on AI for research to find valuable information, for ordering items not readily available in our surroundings, and for communication with our family and friends, among other things. However, the potential of AI extends far beyond these common uses. if we can program AI effectively, we could employ them for more critical tasks, such as military operations.

        instead of endangering the lives of our soldiers, we could deploy properly programmed AI to engage in combat and mitigate risks. by doing so, we could potentially save countless lives while achieving our objectives more efficiently.
        Thank you.

      3. Hi Eva @ Topical Talk
        We can use AI in our daily lives by
        - gaming most of the games use AI like NPC to give quest and treasures after completing the quest.
        - streaming platforms AI can be used to stream videos to provide information on the environment and all different news stories.
        - assistant we can use AI to help us to research information for our homework and projects. Thank you 😊

  • I think AI is good for our planet. It can help develop undeveloped countries and make life easier. They help in:
    -Solving Issues
    and so much more. AI bots can also be built and used in war. This is because if a human goes for war, the human might die and cannot be replaced. But if a war bot is sent to war and gets destroyed, it can fixed or rebuilt.

  • I think Ai will do more good because it will eventually be a lot smarter than us so they could do things a lot quicker and find solutions to things we never thought of

    1. Hey @balanced_painting, can you tell me more about what you think AI can do quicker?

      1. They would be good with pressure because they can think quicker and act on stuff quicker

      2. in my opinion, AI can do data entry, add punctuation, edit spelling errors, and calculate very sophisticated problems easily.
        Thank you.

  • AI can a helpful tool or it can be a hindrance for humans in the future. AI can develops on its own, in the way like humans are developing as it is made on the basis of human intelligence, so its thought process is like humans only.
    On the other hand, it is connected to the internet having access to all the information, and activities going around the world. AI can help in solving topics that a normal human cannot, so it is helpful here. While AI can also be used for making fake videos and audios which may harm the privacy of an individual and lead to bad outcomes.

  • I think it will help because AI doesn't rely on fuel or diesel it uses batteries and charging so it gets electricity to run. Also in the future it might have some good ideas on how to save the planet! well maybe not save but help the planet quite well! Also there are AI cars at the moment and they rely on electricity so that will help in the long-term view off things!

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) affects the world in both beneficial and harmful ways. People frequently overlook the necessity of physical and mental exercise.As a result, they employ AI to assist them with the majority of their work, and after that, the world will transition to one powered by AI.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) affects the world in both beneficial and harmful ways. People frequently overlook the necessity of physical and mental exercise.As a result, they employ AI to assist them with the majority of their work, and after that, the world will transition to one powered by AI.

  • First of all, I think AI is going to take an important part in the world in a few years, if we continue as now in the world by polluting the AI is going to make a bigger job when we start to think seriously in our planet, Earth. As you can think, AI is going to help human in the sense of helping the planet, what it can depend of their help is the quantity of pollution is in Earth, as much pollution, a bigger help we are going to need.

    From my point of view, the AI is going to improve our life in Earth, that includes helping in the way of stopping polluting and starting a new dynamic in our planets safety, I imagine in a few of years robots in the streets collecting tarsh to reycle or to send it to another place or to the garbage collector.

    To conclude, AI is going to have a good connotation in our future and will help a lot to us to change our mind and go to the correct path.

  • Hi.
    In my understanding, the world will be a better place.for instancqe if a Coke business is low of product to sell and Ai can solve the problem and solve other problem, that why Ai is better in the future.
    Thank you.

  • AI can help address global concerns such as recycling, climate change, industrial and agricultural issues, and mental health problems. It can be used to create hearing aids, noise cancellation, and recycle waste through garbage-carrying robots or automated vehicles. AI can also help in preventing theft and vandalism in schools, homes, and offices. However, it is important to note that well-trained teachers can detect and prevent students from copying, as they can identify when someone has copied from the internet. Overall, AI can provide solutions to these global issues.

  • I think AI could help our planet because the could lower littering percentages. It could also hurt the planet because of the AI breaking down and what they would run on.

  • AI will be an amazing solution to the planet's problems since it could do dangerous jobs that may be hard for humans to do in the future.

  • I think that AI would be in good use for recycling because in a garbage factory AI can be monitoring the systems so it will not malfunction.Also if AI were engineers they would be able to fix anything and can make it electric.

  • I think AI will be more bad for the planet because it gives a lot of confusion everyday and humans would not have any jobs to fill in so i am disagreeing with this that is all i want to say to everyone out there have a good day

    1. I agree because most of the jobs now will be dominated by AI it's only jobs like creativity and innovation that Humans will be able to do better than AI because AI doesn’t have feelings. So humans will always be better at innovations and creativity.

  • In my oppinion AI wont make much of a difference planet health wise atleast.Even with electric cars and resturants and major establishmeants using ai as servers and customer service there are still talks of global warming and pollution some might say even more.I think Ai taking over in the manual labor force specifically will only change wages and job requirements as well as the economy but as far as planet health goes i believe Ai will have little to no effect in the world.

  • AI is everywhere. On our phones. On social media. On customer service lines.
    However, the question of whether artificial intelligence brings more bad than good is complex and highly debatable.
    AI has the potential to bring significant benefits in various fields, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, finance and education. It can increase productivity, improve decision-making and help solve complicated problems. On the other hand artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms can potentially be used to spread false information, sway public opinion and affect people's behavior and decision-making. For instance, AI can be used to analyze data on a person's behavior, preferences and relationships to create targeted ads that manipulate their emotions and choices. AI is a powerful tool that can easily be misused. In general, AI and learning algorithms extrapolate from the data they are given. If the designers do not provide representative data, the resulting AI systems become biased and unfair. So i personally think AI can do more bad then good.

  • In my opinion AI would be good for the planet as most run on electricity which can be harvested from the Sun nearly everyday. whilst AI can be mysterious and have the power to think on its own it can be programmed to do certain things like farming and medical procedures which would benefit the entire world & help those in need.

  • Hello everyone,

    I believe the development of AI could have a significant impact on climate change, potentially for better or for worse. On the positive side, AI has the potential to generate innovative ideas and solutions for mitigating climate change. It can facilitate the discovery of more efficient ways to reduce carbon emissions, optimize resource usage, and create a safer, more sustainable planet.

    However, there's also a downside to consider. Over-reliance on AI technologies could inadvertently lead to an increase in our carbon footprint. For instance, the energy-intensive nature of training and running AI models could contribute to greenhouse gas emissions if not managed responsibly.

    Therefore, while AI holds promise for addressing climate change, it's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that its deployment is done in a manner that minimizes environmental impact and maximizes its potential for positive change

  • AI is very valuable thing we have these days but it must be trained very well because if it is not trained very well it might destroy the world and control our minds at the same time we should not use it in small and big things and in all details of our life so the things will start to develop by controlling our minds and make us stop thinking about every and anything .

  • AI is a powerful tool with the potential to reshape our approach to global environmental challenges. In climate change, AI's data analysis aids in creating accurate models for disaster preparedness and mitigation. Precision farming in agriculture, guided by AI, optimizes crop yields and minimizes resource usage. In energy, AI facilitates the integration of renewable sources into smart grids, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Wildlife conservation benefits from AI's monitoring capabilities, protecting endangered species. In waste management, AI streamlines recycling processes, contributing to sustainable practices. Underwater, AI aids in ocean monitoring, addressing pollution and overfishing. AI's impact on public health includes analyzing connections between environmental factors and health outcomes. In urban planning, AI contributes to smart cities with eco-friendly infrastructure. Ethical considerations are crucial for responsible AI deployment in our quest for a sustainable planet.

  • Hi!
    I feel that AI will do more bad than good because it can bring a whole lot of issues by malfunctioning which will require a huge sum of money to repair it.Also, AI can make me lazy by doing all of the work for me. For example: sweeping. At the end of the day, I might forget how to do most of the chores and what if the robot malfunctions? What would I now rely on? Also, AI can be a form of distraction to students. For example in my country, students will not learn, rather, put their focus on watching shorts and also Tik Tok. Let us assume that we have a class test the next day and they forget. So when they come to school, they might not be able to write it. After all this, since the student did not study but still wants to acquire marks, the student can assume they are going to use the washroom and might open their laptop and use it for research. Then they might copy it and write it in the test. This can cause their test to be cancelled and can be suspended from school because of this
    All because of AI. The advantages that we feel AI is giving us, (for example: doing all our chores) are rather disadvantages that will never help us.

    1. I'm not sure about your comment, AI has its pros and cons in assisting humans, but I strongly believe that AI can do more good than bad for the planet and humans AI has the abilities to assist children in their studies, for instance a homeschooled students or a disabled students can use AI to study and do effective research. AI has the ability to tutor disabled student's and correct any mistakes they make in their lesson, AI can allow disabled students to learn on learning platform such as Adapted Minds, Twinkl and Quizzes. AI can create intelligent textbooks for disabled students to learn. Homeschooled students and disabled students can use VR headsets to study, AI can create a hologram educator for every subject so students who have disabilities and homeschools can feel the experience of being in class. AI can assist teacher by giving it tidy schedules allow the teacher to relieve stress and have to interact with students. AI is a perfect helping tool for humans, but it allows humans to passive and rely on it. In my opinion have a choice either they rely on AI all the time or rather use AI to assist humans in need.

      1. Wonderful comment, I believe aswell that AI will help more than it will cause chaos though there are some instances where AI has caused chaos such as cheating on exams, homework etc the number of good it has done so far for humanity strongly outweighs that of the bad.

        An example for what I just said as stated by is that AI has come to support people is where they have helped people with non-standard speech. Voiceitt is a speech recognition company that uses AI and machine learning to help people with speech imparaments. Its designed to recognise and adapt to non standard speech patterns which will then enable clearer communication. even says that an AI trainers can help instruct people become fit and even use specific data from that person to help create the most effective workout for them in order for them to stay healthy and be fit as possible.

        Thank you

        1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

  • I think that AI will definitely do more good than bad because it has many abilities like programing, driving and weather forecasting through this abilities humans can get what they want.For example we can use AI to monitor the weather humans can get tired while monitoring the weather but AI can never get tired.

    1. Thank you for your comment - can you think of some ways AI could have a negative effect?

      1. Hello
        AI has many negative effects. For example AI does not have feelings to express and they are some things that AI lack and AI can take over the world.

      2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses potential negative effects including job displacement, privacy invasion, bias, security threats, and ethical concerns with autonomous weapons. Job loss due to automation, privacy breaches from data collection, and biased algorithms perpetuating inequalities are pressing issues. Additionally, AI-driven cyberattacks threaten security, while autonomous weapons raise ethical dilemmas regarding human control in warfare. Addressing these challenges requires responsible AI development and robust regulatory frameworks to safeguard against adverse societal impacts while harnessing AI's transformative potential.

  • Hello everyone
    In my honest opinion, AI has the potential to bring more good than bad for the planet. When developed and utilized responsibly, AI can have a positive impact by improving efficiency, advancing innovation, and addressing complex challenges. However, it's important to be mindful of potential negative consequences and work towards mitigating them. By prioritizing ethical considerations, sustainability, and responsible implementation, we can maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing any adverse effects. It's all about using AI as a tool for positive change!
    Thank you!

  • I think that AI will do more good than bad for the environment. With the development of generative AI, it will have the ability to give unique ideas and inventions that could change the environment. Machines built with AI could be used for developing programs that would solve one of the biggest issues arming the environment, that is, the production of greenhouse gases.

  • I think AI can help in global concerns,to create more jobs and build or create things beyond human understanding. I think AI will be very relevant to our lives because there will not only add to the population of they earth but contribute something.

  • The increasing use of AI in various industries, such as manufacturing and military, has led to a significant increase in electronic waste. However, recycling the metal from discarded devices can help reduce this waste. AI-powered robots could potentially save lives by replacing human soldiers in dangerous situations. However, AI's dominance in certain jobs increases the carbon footprint, increases job displacement, and can lead to mental illness. It is crucial to balance AI and humans in corporate society, as AI can be a detective and camera, but must not overshadow personal lives. AI's use can also lead to increased reliance on devices, which can pose risks to the human body, such as eye injuries and spine dislocations. Therefore, a balance between AI and humans is essential to prevent the complete extinction of humans.
    AI has the potential to significantly impact climate change by generating innovative ideas and solutions, reducing carbon emissions, optimizing resource usage, and creating a safer, more sustainable planet. However, over-reliance on AI technologies could increase our carbon footprint, as the energy-intensive nature of training and running AI models could contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, it's crucial to strike a balance and ensure its deployment minimizes environmental impact. AI can also create job opportunities, but it can potentially replace jobs like waiters, medical assistants, construction workers, and bank tellers. Research shows that 25% of current jobs will be replaced by AI in the future, making adaptation crucial. As AI continues to transform the workforce, it's essential to explore its benefits while being mindful of its impact on the workforce.

  • AI, in my honest opinion, is harmful to the environment than good to it. I believe this because since developing AI requires using more resources, which in turn results in environmental damage as well as increasing waste in certain sectors, therefore it can destroy our surroundings and our planet due to carbon dioxide emissions.

    1. I'm not sure about this because... It's true that as we develop more AI technology, we're using up more resources, which can harm the planet. This process can lead to increased waste and emissions, contributing to environmental damage like carbon dioxide buildup. For example, just training one large AI model can produce emissions equivalent to those of several cars over their lifetimes. This isn't just theory—it's a real problem we're facing. Think about the huge amounts of electricity needed to run the data centers that power AI systems. They add strain to our energy resources and worsen our carbon footprint. Plus, manufacturing and disposing of AI hardware creates even more environmental challenges, especially when it comes to managing electronic waste. But it's not all bad news. AI also has the potential to help us tackle environmental issues. By using AI to analyze data, we can find ways to use energy more efficiently, reduce emissions from transportation, and manage resources like water and agriculture more effectively. So, while we need to be mindful of AI's environmental impact, we can also use it as a tool to find solutions.

  • I think that AI will be more good than bad for the planet because whilst there are things that humans can do that AI can not, there are also a fair amount of things that AI can do that humans can not (quicker or faster etc...). For example, AI could put solar panels up on buildings quicker than us as humans; they could give us advice as to protect the world and they could even navigate places of the world that are in danger because of climate change. This would be good because more people will become aware of the situation and it will really help everyone including the Earth.

  • Hello,

    It will do more good in my opinion. I say this because I actually have firsthand experience in the good it can do. During the covid pandemic I took some online classes on a site called brightchamps. During these classes I learnt how to code and even create an app and install it. The app was used to raise awareness and to give advice on how to reduce your carbon footprint. I feel like everyone should be exposed to an app like this sometime in their life because its easily a great reminder. The AI generates ways of how a person would reduce their footprint by looking at the device they use and how long they use it. It was a simple app but if its used right it could have a great impact.

    Thank you

  • Hi,
    When I think about AI and our planet really think AI is more good than harm. I say this because... AI is ver resourceful and can help us in the palnet.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you give examples of how AI can help the planet?

      1. Hi, Chloe @ Topical Talk,
        Well in my perspective I think that some advantages of AI on the planet are:
        1)Increased production rate of food.
        2)Improvement of sanitation processes in the world.
        3)Protection of Animals and plants.
        As you can see AI has a lot of advantages and can be very productive and lucrative. What I think is that AI can help the planet in collaboration with humans. For example, AI and humans can work together in improvement of sanitation processes. Since AI are disease prone and humans are very smart AI can do the dirty work, such as clearing of dustbins and disinfecting public toilets while humans can use wisdom to assign and build robots that will handle particular tasks. So, in my eyes AI is just an extension to the limitations that humans cannot accomplish that is why they can help the planet even further than humans.


  • I think AI will do more good in the future as it can help people with their jobs and make lives even easier. Since it can hold lots of information inside it, it can help do lots of life changing things. Especially with hard jobs it will make a big difference.

    1. I agree with you when you say it will do more good in the future and make a lot of jobs easier, but I disagree with you when you say that it holds a lot of information inside making there be big difference in the job industry.
      I disagree with you because... yes there is no doubt that the Ai has a lot of information stored inside it but in my opinion, there will always be a bridge that the AI will never be able to pass, allow me to say that the AI CANNOT THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. So to drift back, the AI has had a lot of information being stored in the AI, but I think that it is the impact that a human being has made in life technologically that they put into the brain of the AI. In general I think that the AI will never be able to take control of the planet, I just think that they will forever just help to develop the world and assist the human beings. That is just one of the reasons that I disagreed with you.
      THANK YOU!!!

  • I think that AI would do more good than bad. The reason I believe this is because AI can help us with almost everything. AI can be put into machines to help with manual labor. AI machines could also help in medical areas, law enforcement, and other areas. With these technological advancements, all manual labor would be robot jobs. The bad thing about these AIs is that they might not be 100% reliable because all machines have some malfunction. Another thing that would happen is that because AI machines do all the work there would be no need for humans to work so they would become lazy and dependent on AI machines. But even with this I still think that it would be more good than bad because the good would outweigh the bad.

  • More good because the can help us pick up litter and whenever they see any thing bad they can help us do it

  • As normal, anything has benefits and harms, and it is smart to benefit from the advantages of artificial intelligence and avoid its disadvantages. In our current era, the use of artificial intelligence has spread very widely in various fields. What I like most is the use of artificial intelligence to help people with special needs. For example, making smart glasses to help the blind and reduce their dependence on others or the creation of an artificial hand to help the deaf and mute communicate with others and in other fields such as agriculture, which is the use of artificial intelligence in creating a system for everything that the plant needs to grow properly, which reduces the need for the human element and thus reduces the cost and artificial intelligence also helps greatly in Learning and acquiring many skills and many other uses, Despite the number of features We cannot ignore its shortcomings, and one of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence is its use in violating privacy, manipulating identity, creating fabricated images and videos, which harm cybersecurity, and tampering with digital evidence used in the criminal justice system. Therefore, there must be oversight of users of artificial intelligence and spreading awareness of its benefits and harms so that we can benefit from it properly.

  • As normal, anything has benefits and harms, and it is smart to benefit from the advantages of artificial intelligence and avoid its disadvantages. In our current era, the use of artificial intelligence has spread very widely in various fields. What I like most is the use of artificial intelligence to help people with special needs. For example, making smart glasses to help the blind and reduce their dependence on others or the creation of an artificial hand to help the deaf and mute communicate with others and in other fields such as agriculture, which is the use of artificial intelligence in creating a system for everything that the plant needs to grow properly, which reduces the need for the human element and thus reduces the cost and artificial intelligence also helps greatly in Learning and acquiring many skills and many other uses, Despite the number of features We cannot ignore its shortcomings, and one of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence is its use in violating privacy, manipulating identity, creating fabricated images and videos, which harm cybersecurity, and tampering with digital evidence used in the criminal justice system. Therefore, there must be oversight of users of artificial intelligence and spreading awareness of its benefits and harms so that we can benefit from it properly.

  • In my opinion, I think that AI is bad for planet as th making of AI can release greenhouse gases which can result to climate change

  • In my own opinion i think AI will do more good and bad because they can be programmed to do automated work such as building or creating cars and/ or objects that are used in our everyday lives. It can also be beneficial because of the minimal impact it has on the world as many robot / AI are programmed to not interfere with humans or disturb any activities.

    1. A good comment made, can you extend your comment further by explaining what you mean by AI having a 'minimal impact on the world?' What about the restrictions of AI, would there be certain work / roles that AI wouldn't be able to complete and can you explain why this might be?

      1. As in 'minimal impact on the world' I meant that AI would not negatively affect the natural world unless they are programmed to do so. I was not thinking about the restrictions but I see that you have made a very good point, the restrictions of AI depend on the amount and/ or type of technology used to create it, so the reason AI wouldn't be able to complete certain tasks could vary on the overall capabilities of the AI and type of technology used to create the Artificial Intelligence.

        I hope this answers your question and thank you for the reply.

  • I think AI would cause more bad than good, because it would put people out of work, For example if someone's career was being a surgeon and all the human surgeons got replaced by AI surgeons, that surgeon would be put out of work. This could be the situation for many people in the future. Also the people creating AI know STEM and if nobody is teaching STEM to our students, then what will happen then? What will they're purpose be?

  • I totally agree with the point that says "AI will be good more than bad for the planet" because AI or artificial intelligence is used meaningfully, spite of it makes life more easier by giving us information and recommendations suited to our individual needs.
    Now a days people used AI of different ways like health, shopping, games, transportation, social media, navigation and solving cognitive problems.
    I think that in the future world will be more intelligent and Ai will be developed more and more.
    Can i ask you a question... what is going to happen if there is no AI and what were you going to do???

  • In considering the impact of AI on the planet, it's very hard tobalance of potential benefits and challenges. Firstly, AI has the potential to significantly contribute to addressing environmental challenges by optimizing and increasing resource usage, reducing energy consumption, less carbon footprint and aiding in climate change mitigation or control efforts. For example, AI systems can optimize energy grids to reduce carbon footprints and increase efficiency, as seen in projects like Google's DeepMind using AI to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. Similarly, AI can enhance precision agriculture techniques and processes, minimizing water and pesticide usage while increasing crop yields at the same time reducing environmental impact. However, there are also concerns about AI's energy consumption, electronic waste generation, and potential for unprecedented and unexpected consequences. Balancing these factors will be significant in ensuring that AI's overall impact on the planet is towards the positive side, with thoughtful regulation and innovation driving sustainable AI development.

  • Ai could do both good and bad for the world. Because AI is an technological advancement, it could harm nature (animals, trees, etc.) and its balance of the world. Nature is very important for us, and AI advancements can heavily harm it. But along with those bad things, come with good things. AI as a technological advancement could strongly improve the world.

  • I think that AI will do more good than bad because AI can help with many things such as helping grow crops and plants, AI can also help by doing things like recycling. These are just some of the many reasons I think AI will do more good than bad for our earth.

    1. Interesting points earnest_bird. Can you think of examples of where AI could do harm to our Earth?

  • I feel and trust that the AI can do more good than harm to the planet with the following points I am about to state. Firstly, AI can stop species from extinction by monitoring ecosystems and spotting trends over time. Secondly, the AI could go educate people on how to recycle their waste, how dispose of their waste properly and how to care for their environment. Thirdly and lastly, we all know that once in a while our schedules may be a bit tight so probably the AI could help us to recycle on our behalf. All we have to do is put in the instructions and leave it to do the rest.
    Also I do not want to contradict myself, but what about the waste from the robots? What does it do to the planet? does it help of does it make matters worse? We all know that all things have two sides, so now lets try and talk about the waste side or the AI and what it does to the planet. We don't know how the AIs end review would be so how do we determine how to dispose of them, do we burn them which could cause acid rain and what about the smoke or do we just gather them all up and find a place to dump it which could just cause a whole lot of space gone. This question just pooped into my head as I was thinking of what good AI could do for the planet.
    Anyways you all should have a lovely day.

    1. However, I believe that if we allow this to dominate our thoughts and mindset, it may convince us to give up on our daily routines, careers, or even attempt to take over lives. This can be extremely dangerous and dreadful the environment, and it will also prevent humans from experiencing exciting and interesting lives or from discovering new things because AI has already done so.

  • In my opinion, AI will be more bad than good for because it is increasing human dependency on machines. Artificial Intelligence has many disadvantages such as- lack of original creativity, high cost and a limited thinking capacity.

    I agree with the fact that AI machines can be useful as public utility and reliability but it is also very harmful for the environment as it is trapping our lives within machines and technology which is gradually disconnecting us from our planet. The increase in use of AI is leading to an increase in electricity and energy consumption. Thus, AI is more bad than good for the planet.

  • In my perspective, I believe that Al could be beneficial for the environment and it would contribute to the elimination of some important issues that are concerning people in my community and worldwide.
    Particularly, if I were to talk about my country, I would say that Al can have a major effect on addressing local environmental issues such as lack of recycling and of course deforestation. The use of AI is very important for their resolution as a robot "armed" with the power, intelligence, perspective, resourcefulness and capabilities of technology, can accomplish things that had never crossed our minds.
    One thing that it would be great if Al could do is to favor recycling. For this purpose, robycles(my invention)should be generated and installed into homes. They will basically be robots that will have the privilege to convert a used, plastic product into a reusable and environmentally-friendly one and simply enhance recycling. If what I aforementioned is implemented then nonchalancy on recycling will be limited and people will become more aware of the environmental crisis. Moreover, a robot works and acts like a human being, thus through its excellent knowledges and its high perception and resourcefulness, it can contribute as a member of a tree planting action where he will work and plant trees as a real person.
    Taking everything into account, we can deduce that Al is beneficial for the environment and if this inventions of mine become reality then a plethora of issues would be solved in my community and globally.

  • I think AI has positive effects and negative effects.
    ~Negative effects like
    •laziness(our physical energy will be affected)
    Ex:we use ChatGBT for answering our HWs
    •remaining alone
    Ex:you wont talk with other people like friends and families.
    •it stops us from using the human skills
    Ex:I am giving a description of a drawing to any source of AI.AI will give the drawing then I will print it.But I didn’t use the skill of creativity and the talent drawing.
    •I know this point doesn’t relate with AI but I think it is too important for you to know it.Some technological devices are very expensive.There are updates and new versions of technological machines every day.People spend a lot of money on buying the latest version.
    ~Positive effects like
    •translating words we can’t understand
    •helps us finding places pieces of information
    •how to know developing new services
    •we can talk with AI as a friend to reduce loads
    •connecting with people we love
    Thanks for reading😉

  • AI is bad for our planet as it can cause litter

    1. Hey @jazzed_huckleberry, how do you think that AI can cause litter?

  • As long AI would exist on this planet it will be a threat to our mother we all know plastic and some heavy metals from which AI products are made can't be recycled easily and took decades to be completely recycled this can cause harm to animals ,create pollution and disturb our planet's ecosystem.AI do help us in our work and makes our work easy even some of the businesses around the world are totally depended on AI also most of the Businesses use AI in their work but, AI use should be in a limit else the waste produce will be really very harmful to earth and everyone .

  • Hi everyone!
    In my opinion, the topic of AI and the planet is a double-edged sword because AI could be positive. After all, it figures out or comes up with a new way for us to get rid of trash without harming the environment.
    It can also be harmful just like Jolly Heart mentioned because it is made up of metals which cannot be recycled, and AI can also bring up our carbon footprint.
    I would like to hear your opinions on my take on the topic.

  • What I think is that as long as AI is developing posetively there must be a negative aspect of it but so far the rate of negativity AI has caused is higher than the positive side in the sense that students of nowadays no longer focus on their studies what they would like to do is to go on social media, they lack the ability to think or reason critically without the use of AI,
    We all need to minimizeor do not abuse the use of Ai.

  • I disagree with letter A and B because the teachers can't be exchanged with AI teachers . The AI doesn't have feelings but the teachers have feeling. If AI teaches me, I can't understand but if a real teacher teaches me I can understand him because a real teacher has a body language, emotions and feelings. If a real teacher teaches me, he will make us work in groups (as a team) because working in teams will help us to exchange our ideas and experiences, this will make us more intelligent in education.

    I agree with letter c because schools are not only for education. In my school we have physical, art , music and activities sessions.

    In my pointview the best day in the week is Monday because in that day I play football with my friends in the school.

  • In Nepal, AI helps farmers grow yummy food by telling them when to water their plants and how to keep them healthy. It's like having a magical plant buddy! And in hospitals, AI helps doctors see inside our bodies better, like a superhero with X-ray vision, so they can help us feel better faster.

    But, like all superheroes, AI has its weaknesses. Sometimes, it takes away jobs from people, like when machines start doing work that humans used to do. That can make some folks sad because they don't have a job anymore. And there are some worries about AI being used in ways that aren't so nice, like spying on people or even making weapons!

    To make sure our robot friend AI stays on the good side, we need to teach it to be fair and kind, just like we teach our friends. We also need grown-ups to make rules to keep AI in check, so it only does helpful stuff and doesn't cause any trouble.

    So, if we teach our AI buddy well and make sure it follows the rules, it can be a super cool friend to the planet, helping us out and making things better!

    In my opinion AI could be bad and good for the planet depending on the usage of it. It's like having a powerful tool. If we use it wisely and make sure it's used for good things, then AI can be a big help for the planet. But if we're not careful, it could cause problems too. That's why it's important for us to be smart about how we use AI and make sure it's always doing more good than bad!

    Thank You!

  • AI has both negative and positive sides but I will start with the positive side.
    1.If it is given to much space, it can take over half of humanity.
    2.It can cause havoc.
    3.It can reduce the rate of job opportunities.
    4.It can cause so much change that it may cause inconvienience for us.
    1.It provides more information. makes work more efficient.
    3.It causes change positively.
    4.It is a companion for man.

  • I think that AI is actually doing good things for the planet because, in a country like India, AI is making strides in environmental conservation and management. Companies like Kaiterra in Bangalore offer AI-powered air quality monitors, aiding cities in combating pollution. In Hyderabad, ICRISAT employs AI and satellite imagery for crop health monitoring, benefiting farmers. Meanwhile, the Wildlife Institute of India in Dehradun uses AI-driven camera traps for wildlife conservation. Chennai Metro Water optimizes water distribution with AI, while in Gurgaon, ReNew Power uses AI to enhance renewable energy efficiency. These initiatives showcase AI's potential to address environmental challenges across various sectors in India and the world...

  • In the future I think AI could be bad for the envoiroment because it causes waste as you can't compost its mental parts. If a robot breaks you have wasted a loads of expensive mental and technology. AI won't be thinking about what is bad for the planet for example if they are driving cars they won't be thinking about how much petrol they are using and the pollution caused where as a human might. Humans driving electric cars would be better as humans are more thoughtful.

  • There are controversial opinions about AI. But i believe that it can improve on how we think about the planet. AI technology can create solution to ongoing issues with this planet. It can involve the way we think and help us to reduce plastic by creating other ways such as making pencils with newspaper and making reusable bottles for it to be planet friendly. However it can also affect the world greatly as it components to be made are harmful for animals and are a very big source of waste.

  • I think AI could be more good for the planet than bad. I say this because AI has all of the internet within its grasp. For example, if you ask AI a question about lets say, math, all it has to do is gain access to a calculator and it can answer your questions. If you ever have a question about something, its most likely on the internet, and AI has all of that and can get access to it in an instant. That involves problems and solutions about the planet. So AI could generally do more good than bad with its fountains of information.

  • AI is not good for our environment because AI is made of metal

    1. Can you explain how you know AI is made from metal and why this would be bad for the environment?

  • Frankly speaking, l think AI will be more good than bad for our environment, at first though, l thought AI could harm the environment in so many ways like causing accidents on the streets just by walking by or harming the plants and chasing random animals just for fun, but l came to the conclusion that it all depended on the programming of the AI. I mean to think of it, AI could do such amazing things for as like keeping the enivoment tidyby picking up litter, acting as tour guides for tourists sites, manufacturing new materials or technology for us or probably even advising as on how to recycle waste material

  • I agree that it might be negative and positive, because use it for doing bad things to the environment for example we might burn much coal to make a robot then that robot will need much electricity , and that is infinitely awful to our environment . If we make it without producing steam , and it uses less electricity , and the robot help clean the ocean, plant trees and clean forests

  • I think AI can be good or bad according to the situation it is good sometimes but not always. Like a real example was when Elon Musk asked the robot Ai " Sophia" that will the AI capture the world and the robot agreed to it. Hence it can be a danger if we get to much involved in AI development. This is now happening with AI and robots are not giving good signs. In our school there is a robot which worked and suddenly it glitched out in front of the whole school. AI will also do the jobs for humans which will cause unemployment and poverty in humans and will be a big problem in future

    1. Hi excellent_panther, what you have written is very interesting. I'm interested to here more about a situation where you think AI will be a good thing

  • i think it would be bad for the planet because if it is broken and smoke comes out of it it probably could cause pollution and pollution is bad for the planet.

  • AI is going to make a huge impact on the planet.By being extremely good and helping the environment

  • I think predicting the ultimate impact of AI on the planet is complex. While AI holds immense potential for solving environmental challenges, improving healthcare, and increasing efficiency, there are also significant risks associated with its development and use. These include potential environmental misuse, job displacement, and unforeseen consequences. The outcome ultimately depends on how we develop and utilize AI. Implementing ethical frameworks, prioritizing responsible development, and focusing on solutions that address global challenges are crucial to ensure AI benefits the planet and its inhabitants. It's not a question of good versus bad, but rather harnessing the potential for positive change while actively managing the risks to ensure AI serves as a force for good.

  • i think AI could be bad for the planet because in Tokoyo there is this restaurant which AI serves food for you it is like living in the future also in Tokoyo there are many more restaurants like this and here is the good part you can control the AI with your computer and work home and control what you are cooking also in Tokoyo there are loads of fun musics that you can say and it will play it for you

  • In my perspective, I believe that AI or artificial intelligence is more good than bad for the planet as the environment can gain benefits and from AI. The world can achieve many benefits from AI and its way of helping our lives be genuinely very easy, for example, helping in agricultural and environmental concerns, for example, AI manufacturers can create or design a robot that can help in agriculture by planting instead of humans, those robots can also be designed to do their job extremely fast. On the other hand, Also, In my opinion, I think that there should be robots in every single street automatically recycling trash and rubbish thrown if there is. That would definitely help and support environmental and agricultural health a lot moreover this topic actually links well with the topic " Eco- anxiety" since if there are real robots helping and doing these stuff it will also help people with eco anxiety as eco anxiety is basically the fear of environmental change or concerns to overcome their fear of environmental damage. In conclusion, AI is spectacular and provides endless opportunities for making life a lot more easier, bit this doesn't mean that people or citizens should stop recycling or replanting it is still their responsibility.

    1. I agree with you AI can be a very helpful to eco-anxiety and the robots could burn away rubbish or could be farming instead of humans. The robots could even be made of recyclable materials but even with the help of AI our only planet is our responsibility not something we can just let it fix on its own.

  • i think that ai can both good and bad as the ai can help take care of people who have certan disabilitys or elderly people who cant take care of themselves on the other hand the e-wate it produces can be very dangerous and you canteven recycle it as the toxic metals in it can be very bad for the planet and some robots can go rogue and injure or even kill people.

  • I think AI will be both good and bad for the plant.
    In Nepal, AI is used in many fields like education, agriculture, medical, etc. All the laboratory tests such as x-ray, CT-SCAN, etc are done by AI. In hospital, AI is used to diagnosing illness, keeping the records of the patient and may more purpose. Farmers use AI to get information about crops, crops market price, calculate cost, etc.
    There are negative effects of AI on planet too. Like making dangerous and harmful weapons like rocket launcher, missiles and controlling and firing on other countries.
    Thank you!

  • I feel that AI will be good for the planet because it gathers different human arguments and can predict the best case to help the planet. You could make AI bots who can collect rubbish and take it to a bin or the could run off of recyclable plastic. The AI could do this by burning the plastic inside its core and using nuclear energy to move. with AI we can all think of better and creative ways to save our mother planet before it's too late to turn back.

  • I think AI will be bad for the planet because carbon dioxide emissions are one way and AI affects the the researches are rising , researchers and experts noted that there are environmental change like increase in energy , they directly affects greenhouse gas emissions, aggravating climate change, etc.

  • Hi friends!!
    I am in the middle because I feel that the bad does not outwage the good and the good does not outwage the bad for the reason being that, AI can help in our academics by giving us enough information for our homework but can also be a source of distraction of our studies (social media). In this case, I feel that now our reasons are balanced. Another typical example is AI helping us to recycle bottles but these AI machines are the same machines who produce ink and waste substances that can be pumped into the sea. In the case of my country, we do not have most of the machines that will help us with our daily activities but so far with the devices we have they help us in a way and also not help us. A basic example is using cars in my country. The car can enable efficient travels without trekking to get tired however, there can be fumes coming at the back of the car which pollutes the air and no one pays attention to it because all they want is to bein a car and reach their destination to do their activities.

  • In my thoughts AI can also preserve the trees and plants like humans. They can be good and bad also for environmental challenges. But in my opinion they would be good for our planet AI can also do those things which are done by humans and they do some developments also

  • I think that AI will be helpful in many situations that we can't even imagine.
    Take for example space exploration. It is a field that with the help of AI explored difficult places humans can reach.
    It also helped with the same way exploration of the sea. Without AI help we have discovered unknown depths .
    So in my opinion is a very useful tool to understand parts of our planet that centuries ago were unknown to us.

  • It is commonly known that our environment needs our protection and we should provide solutions to it.
    AI can be used in many useful and practical ways
    How it can help us? Think our lights at home. By using AI automation ,lights can be turned automatically when we are not into the room. This way we can save energy.
    We can use AI to produce faster eco friendly products or help farming.
    They can use AI to forest extreme weather conditions before they hit a city.
    These and many more can bu used in such a positive way that we can affirm that AI could help the environment.

  • In my opinion in the future i hope that shops still have humans that work there instead of robots. If we don't see real human life, i feel like it could affect us because even though robots are good mechanically they just don't have the comfort that humans do when communicating. Talking to a robot would be a good sense of getting information,but when you want a personal conversation they are not great at that.When talking to a human it generates empathy and human to human contact is nice for a good conversation.

  • In my opinion,I think AI in the future would be very useful but at the same time getting more and more helpful to humans.Humans are now having ai to do everything for example ai has many programs and websites that continue using ai for all their information.Like if your on a app like tiktok , now tiktok is now having many filters using ai and many people have been using ai to do their work and school work.I disagree and agree because ai can be helpful and sometimes cause many things to go wrong.

    1. You say that AI can cause many things to go wrong. What do you mean? Can you give some examples?

  • I think that AI would be good for the planet as well as bad for the planet. The benefits to having AI helping the planet would be:
    Having them programmed to plant trees every time we cut down trees,
    they could help find more eco-friendly options.

    The negatives to having AI help the planet is that since most AI robots these days are made out of metal. When an AI eventually breaks the metal waste would hurt the environment instead of helping it. AI also need a lot of power and electricity to help programme and train AI which means that training AI lets out carbon emissions.

    What do you think?

  • Ai is badly affecting our planet as waste material produced from Ai machines are proven really very harmful to our mother earth .the electronic waste such as metal ,iron and other metals including plastic take a many decades to get completely recycled and hence, this e- waste is being thrown at every corner of the earth even we are polluting the space and atmosphere also which isagain a threat to earth and stop this we should minimise the use of AI machines as much we can and should perform are every task independently THANK YOU

    1. Yes I vehemently agree with you. Based on the fact that, it is true that industries throw their waste products in a substandard manner. Most Industries do not have the right way to throw their waste products. So waste from industries whether solid, semi-solid or liquid. Like scrap metal oil, concrete masonry, etc. Can be well recycled to make better contrivances. Because just you said active clarinet, it can seriously adulterate the atmosphere and our mother earth because nothing is useless.

      1. Yes, thankful olive this totally true that nothing should be said as waste and we can use all these e-waste in much better ways by recycling them . Many countries in world don't bother this situation instead , they should try to generate new ideas towards it . Indian government has taken this initiative and launched a program "kachre se kanchan" this simply means best out of waste in this program the e-waste generated across whole country is collected at one corner and after the scientific researches many products are made out of it one biggest achievement out of this is a huge government building constructed using of metals, plastic and glass present in e-waste .thank you thankful olive for bringing my attention towards it.

  • On our world the people throw different phone,laptop and many other metal to get latest one it seems as the waste in the world . And it can be use to make ai and robot it can be recycle nicely . It can use as the ai soilder and help the people to be safe from harmful infection of gas come from metal

  • I think that AI will support development for solutions for climate change and global warming. As AI can calculate answers in mere seconds and help enhance solutions.

  • Hello, I was very happy educated_ fern inspired this discussion because I have a lot to say about it. Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of living beings, primarily of humans. It has a negative impact on society and here's why.

    1. AI technologies, like big deep learning models, need a lot of energy to work. If we use fossil fuels to power them, it can make more carbon emissions and hurt the environment.

    2. When we get new technology all the time, old devices get thrown away faster. This makes more electronic waste, especially from AI devices like phones and computers. It's bad for the environment and our health if we don't throw them away the right way.

    3. AI can make some jobs go away because it can do them instead. This can make it hard for people with low-skilled jobs to find work. It can cause problems in communities with less money and make things unstable.

    Thank you!!!

  • I think that AI will be the at the negative or bad side of the planet, because of most of the company's that produces AI usually use plastic objects and meta objects in producing of their own AI machine and I think that most of the machines are not been screwed well, can affect most of the user's in so many, for example some cars are been made by AI and if the are not properly made the cloud cause accident when it is on use , It has affected so many countries and I will suggest that those companies that do make fake products should be closed.

    1. Actually I don't agree with you but in a higher scale I agree with you, why because of what you said about the possiblity to have accident because of the lack of well screwed nuts because of the lack of energy to do so because before they or rather he or she could do it to make like an example car it will actually make the person weak and probably have have a sleeping mind while doing that.

      Then for why i said I don't agree with you in a lesser scale is because the ablity to screw a nut by a human might actually not going to be done well but being done by AI it will actually be done to the last piece of it to make sure it is perfect to the test of the creator or Master.

      So in conclusion, what you said about AI fixing in nuts will actually be done properly but for humans it might not be done properly because of the lack of physical capability, ablity and even strength to do so. So i hope have been able to convince you and also impact a new theory and concept. Thanks.

  • The impact of AI on the environment can be both positive and negative, but whether it leans more towards one or the other depends on how we harness and regulate its development and application.
    👍More good than bad for the planet. AI can significantly enhance our ability to monitor and manage environmental resources. For instance, AI-powered drones and satellite imagery can track deforestation, illegal mining, and other environmental hazards more efficiently than traditional methods. In my country, Ghana, where illegal mining poses a significant threat to forests and water bodies, AI can help authorities detect these activities more effectively.

    👎More Bad than Good for the Planet. In the development of AI systems, a high amount of computational power is needed. Which can contribute to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions. Plus, data centres, where AI algorithms are trained and run, consume huge amounts of electricity. This would mean that more fossil fuels are burnt to produce more energy, increasing the effects of climate change. In my opinion, whether AI proves to be more good or bad for the planet depends on the manner in which we steer its evolution, implementation, and governance.

  • Honestly, I think artificial intelligence causes more harm than good to the environment. I think this because the development of AI necessitates the use of more resources, which in turn leads to environmental harm and increased waste in some industries. As a result, greenhouse gas emission from AI development have the potential to destroy our planet and its surrounds.

  • AI can be good and bad for the planet. On the positive side, it makes things work better, like using drones with AI for farming to grow more crops. AI also helps keep an eye on the environment, like using smart algorithms to watch for deforestation. It can even make energy from the sun and wind work better. But there are problems too. AI might take away jobs, especially in places where machines do the work. Also, some AI needs a lot of electricity, which isn't good for the environment. There's a worry about privacy too. Like, if cameras with face recognition are everywhere, it could be like someone is always watching, and that's not cool. So, it's kind of like a balancing act. If we use AI in smart and careful ways, it can help the planet. But we also need rules to make sure it's used in ways that don't hurt people or the environment.

  • From my point of view, I think that AI would be bad for the planet because, firstly, AI is mainly technology, and all technological devices need minerals and metals to be built. This could provoke pollution during their extraction, which contributed to global warming. For examples, all our mobile phones need minerals and metals to be formed, and many of them we do not know from where do they come, and many of them med to their exhaustion and release greenhouse gases. Finally, when they are off (they stop working) they are not recycle and they are throw away, which also means pollution.

  • AI IS NOT GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! AI's are made up of metals and many other materials like steel can cause methane gas to be released from the fields helping global warming and climate change even more. According to a study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, the manufacturing and use of electronics, which includes AI, can contribute to the release of greenhouse gases such as methane. Now we can think oh "We can program AI to garden and clean the earth" but there are many things to consider. For example, the AI could malfunction from heat which means its body needs to be gotten rid of. You could probably shred the material of the AI but there are always small parts that still exist. Even the smallest piece of metal can leave a whole lot of damage.

  • I think AI can be good for the planet because since AI is smart and is very advanced, it could give humans advice on how to look after the world and how to keep the enviroment safe and healthy. But Also AI could be bad the world because mabye AI will start trying to replace jobs and if bin men swicth with robots then AI might be smart but not careful and if something bad happens then the Whole neighborhood will be filthy and by the time you know it, the whole country will be dusty.

  • I think AI will do more good than bad for the planet. I agree that AI might use a lot of energy to work but that can be solved using solar panels that could be on top of their heads to use energy from the sun to power themselves. Also, AI could filter the carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air, leaving only oxygen in the air and the excess carbon will be used to make diamonds which would create a lot of jobs for the youth and those diamonds will be used to build facilities, such as Hospitals, Schools etc., in urban areas. AI could also prepare courses for illiterates on how to keep the environment clean.

  • AI could be really bad for the planet for the planet and i think AI should not even be in this world because the people who make AI use metal and plastic also they are really hard to get out we would recycle but people think that AI is really cool and they would like to have AI in the planet but more waste is going to be coming in our planet and soon AI would be destroyed and be recycled so i would think AI is bad for the earth until then,

    bye topical talkers:)

    1. Hi blissful_hummingbird, thank for this! I wonder, do you have a specific example that you can think of where AI is bad for the planet?

  • ai has the potential to change the world

  • I strongly think AI will be better for the planet, because it will help people make their jobs easier, like some farmers who work the whole day planting and plunking out food stuffs out of his/her farm. With AI, this can make them take a break off farming leaving AI to finish the work faster, whiles they can still be monitoring their belongings. In my country we would really need this, because people work very hard, and I am sure they get tired from it, so if AI was to be added in my country, I think it will make people release a lot of stress, which will help them relax more often.

  • I strongly agree that AI is bad for the planet because Earth is a normal world but now we over took it and made electric so now in the future because we got electric we can make robots and they will do what humans say, from the technology of laptops, phones and tablets.

  • In my opinion everything has positive and negative points and in my observation this is same with AI. At one stage Ai provides many benefits to our planet like performing task for human beings and improving the technology existing on our planet but if we will look at another side so, we will be able to observe that Ai is gradually damaging our planet like Ai is generating to much of e- waste and causing unemployment as poor people are loosing their jobs because they are being replaced by ai. But government and citizens of many countries don't bother about it instead of that they should take strong action towards throwing of e-waste.

  • I think AI will be bad for the planet because it makes people like devices and it distracts people in dangerous jobs and education. But there are also things that AI does that is good like, it can help in doing things that you don't understand and it makes your work faster and easier to do when you are working with limited time. AI also helps you to do things no matter how tired you are as humans. AI is faster than humans, even if human cheat robot will still finish the work faster and more efficient.

  • In my opinion, it's hard to say whether AI will have a good or bad impact because there are so many contributing factors to both arguments. However, if we push aside the E-waste, overuse of energy (non-renewable) and the fact that AI could easily put millions of people out of their jobs, AI will actually hugely affect the health of the Earth - for the better. This is because AI bots are capable of solving complex equations almost instantly, meaning they could figure out how to balance the good and bad gases in the Earth's atmosphere, reducing the greenhouse effect. If hundreds of AI bots could fly into the sky (maybe using recycled helium weather balloons), they would be able to take samples of gas around the world and give expert advice to governments and citizens on Earth. If a group of people come together and invest a lot of money into this, they would be able to manufacture these AI bots. However, some governments may not approve and they might not trust AI to carry out such a complicated task.

  • In own opinion I feel AI will do more bad than good to the planet Why? as we can all see the world is evolving we are seeing robots do teachers jobs and other jobs too. These AIs will only cause laziness to mankind, therefore psychologically and physically polluting the planet. AIs can also make us loose our jobs which can lead to low income and we will be struggling to pay rent and take care of ourselves, AIs basically make life difficult for us humans and we wont want to live in a world filled with these things.

  • In my point of view, I feel like Artificial Intelligence will do more harm than beneficial. I believe this because of the way our environment looks now. If you have not heard, India has one of the world's worst air pollution because of how many people there are living there and the growing industrial activity. If we were to say that we put even an entire workforce of robots to work on one street, there would be high carbon emissions in the area. Another reason why AI can hurt the environment is because pollution will get into our rivers and oceans, which will harm all life on the planet. Life will cease to exist, as we will then abandon our planet and live on Mars. This is why I would not want AI to rule.