Standpoints by insightful_bee Written by: insightful_bee The amazing earth day 21 May 2023 0 comments Comments by insightful_bee Comment Post Date Comment: I agree because... strikes should not be banned but rather controlled. Not every workers... Post: STRIKES TO BE ALLOWED OR BANNED Date: 12/5/23 Comment: I absolutely agree because strike has a negative side and a positive side. The negative side of... Post: "Perspectives on Strikes: What's Your Stance?" Date: 12/5/23 Comment: I totally agree because we still have a chance to fix our planet cause their is problem that... Post: EARTH DAY: WE STILL HAVE A CHANCE Date: 11/5/23 Comment: Strike the most common thing in our working industry's well in my opinion teacher's might have... Post: Strikes poll results! Date: 11/5/23 Comment: I agree with you and appreciate your write up. It is only when there is equality that societies... Post: Equality Date: 10/5/23 Comment: If people do not support the King I believe they should not attend any carnations or be given a... Post: Not for everyone? Date: 10/5/23 Comment: I agree nepotism is a very bad thing especially to humankind. One of the negative consequences... Post: Nepotism is a monster that has taken over human minds Date: 10/5/23 Comment: If Ai start taking over the it would result to lack of getting jobs, we might starve Ai is very... Post: "AI" is taking over the world. Date: 10/5/23 Comment: Law:2 is a little bit strict for me because we need animal products in our body because they... Post: The law in your hands? Date: 19/4/23 Comment: With the metaverse people can be able to travel through virtually anywhere in the world simply... Post: Report back Date: 19/4/23 Comment: Yes you can for example beans most a animal products nutritions can be also got from plants. Post: The law in your hands? Date: 19/4/23 Comment: Well in my own opinion in Nigerian university go on strike so much and it's mostly public... Post: Working conditions Date: 18/4/23 Comment: In my country climate change has caused desertification, poor crop yeild, flash floods and lands... Post: Climate change in your country Date: 14/4/23 Comment: The news story that is affecting my area is pollution. Pollution is caused by trash, and bushes... Post: Competition #1 News near you Date: 11/4/23