"Perspectives on Strikes: What's Your Stance?"

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Strikes, as a form of collective protest and negotiation tool, have long been a contentious and polarizing issue in society. While some view strikes as a necessary means for workers to assert their rights and advocate for better working conditions, others see them as disruptive, economically damaging, and even unfair to businesses and the general public.

From the perspective of those who support strikes, they serve as a powerful mechanism for workers to voice their concerns and grievances when other avenues of communication and negotiation have been exhausted. Strikes allow employees to exert pressure on employers, drawing attention to their demands and pushing for necessary changes in wages, benefits, or workplace policies. By disrupting normal operations, strikes force employers to acknowledge and engage in dialogue, potentially leading to improved working conditions and equitable outcomes for employees.

Moreover, strikes can be seen as a crucial component of a democratic society, empowering workers to collectively exercise their right to free speech and association. They provide a platform for marginalized individuals and minority groups to challenge systemic inequalities, discrimination, and exploitation in the workplace. Strikes can foster solidarity among workers and build a sense of community, generating social awareness and support for labor rights issues.

However, detractors of strikes argue that they often come at a high cost to businesses, the economy, and even workers themselves. Strikes can lead to financial losses for employers, particularly small businesses that may struggle to recover from the disruption. They can also have ripple effects on the economy, affecting supply chains, customer satisfaction, and overall productivity. Additionally, strikes can create tension and division between workers and management, potentially undermining long-term cooperation and fostering an adversarial relationship.

Critics also contend that strikes may be unfair to non-unionized workers or those who rely on essential services provided by the striking group. For example, strikes by transportation workers can disrupt public commuting and cause inconvenience for individuals who depend on these services. In some cases, strikes may escalate into violence or other unlawful activities, further exacerbating the negative consequences associated with this form of protest.

In evaluating strikes, it is important to recognize their historical significance in advancing workers' rights and improving labor conditions. However, it is equally important to strike a balance between the rights of workers and the potential economic and social impacts of strikes. By promoting open dialogue, collaboration, and exploring alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, society can strive for a more harmonious approach to resolving labor disputes while ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders involved.

How do you view strikes as a means of collective protest and negotiation? Do you consider them a necessary tool for workers' rights or do you see them as disruptive and detrimental to businesses and society?

Comments (27)

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  • But I do not believe that strikes are a necessary means for workers to assert their rights and call for better working conditions, because the strike affects us as human beings in a very negative way, because the strike of the police, doctors, or firefighters spreads the dead, which leads to heavy losses among the innocent, so we are the losers. Also, yes, as I said, it is a very big economic loss. It is also unfair to businesses and the general public, but I believe that workers cannot strike. They can speak to the president or the government about their requirements and needs so that they do not strike and affect our daily lives. And their grievances Yes, many people criticize strikes, myself included ... But it is very negative for small companies, as I said, because the workers work, and if they stop working, the company exhausts itself and gradually disappears

    1. Interesting points. Do you think there are any benefits to striking?

      1. Some potential benefits of striking include:

        - Raising awareness: Strikes can draw attention to important issues facing workers, and spark public debate and discussion.
        - Building solidarity: Striking can bring workers together and create a sense of unity and collective action.
        - Pressuring employers: Strikes can put pressure on employers to listen to workers' demands and address their concerns.
        - Achieving goals: In some cases, strikes can be successful in achieving the desired outcome, such as higher wages or improved working conditions.

      2. Yes there are benefits of strike, when workers go on strike government begin to take them more seriously and the often grant them what they where requesting for it also increases the workers' collective bargaining power for improved wages and improve working conditions.

      3. Certainly, there can be several potential benefits to striking, depending on the specific context and goals of the strike. Here are a few commonly recognized benefits:

        Collective Bargaining Power: Strikes can serve as a means for workers to collectively bargain with employers and negotiate better working conditions, wages, benefits, or other labor-related issues. By withholding their labor, workers can exert pressure on employers to address their demands.

        Raising Awareness: Strikes can draw attention to labor issues and raise public awareness about the challenges faced by workers. Media coverage of strikes can help educate the public and garner support for the cause, amplifying the voices of workers and their grievances.

        Solidarity and Unity: Strikes can foster a sense of solidarity and unity among workers. Coming together to take collective action can strengthen bonds among employees, creating a shared purpose and common goals.

        Highlighting Injustices: Strikes can shed light on unfair labor practices, exploitative working conditions, or other forms of injustice in the workplace. By highlighting these issues, strikes can initiate conversations and push for systemic changes that benefit workers in the long run.

        Influencing Policy and Legislation: Strikes can have an impact beyond individual workplaces by influencing policy debates and shaping labor laws. Successful strikes can demonstrate the need for legislative changes to protect workers' rights and improve labor conditions.

        Empowerment and Agency: Engaging in a strike can empower workers by giving them a voice and a platform to assert their rights and demand change. It can foster a sense of agency and empowerment among workers who may otherwise feel marginalized or voiceless.

        It is important to note that the outcomes and effectiveness of strikes can vary depending on various factors such as the level of organization, support from unions or other groups, the nature of the industry, legal frameworks, and the response of employers and policymakers.

        Ultimately, whether a strike is beneficial or not depends on the specific circumstances and the objectives sought by the striking workers.

    2. I disagree because... frank_redcurrant, you said that you did not believe that strikes are the only way for workers to assert their rights and to ask for better working conditions.
      Strikes are the only way for workers to get what they want fully, I know that it could to violence but it can be controlled.
      For Example: I am a boss of a manufacturing company and my workers stopped working for me. What will I do instantly? Ask them what they want and fulfil it, but when other bosses don't do that, then it will lead violent strikes and protests.
      Employers are supposed to be caring because without his or her employees, he or she is nothing. The employer knows why he hired that worker, so that means he or she needs the employees so much.

      1. I understand your perspective, but I would like to provide a more balanced view on the subject. While strikes can be an effective means for workers to assert their rights and demand better working conditions, they are not the only way. There are several other channels through which workers can negotiate and advocate for their needs. Allow me to elaborate on this point.

        Collective Bargaining: Workers can engage in collective bargaining, where representatives from the labor union negotiate with the employer to reach mutually beneficial agreements. This process allows for discussions, compromises, and the establishment of fair working conditions.

        Legal Frameworks and Regulations: Many countries have labor laws and regulations in place that protect workers' rights and ensure fair treatment. Workers can rely on these legal frameworks to address grievances and seek improvements in their working conditions.

        Dialogue and Communication: Open and constructive communication between employers and employees can go a long way in resolving conflicts and addressing concerns. Regular meetings, feedback sessions, and grievance procedures allow for a productive exchange of ideas and potential solutions.

        Worker Empowerment: Empowering workers through education, training, and the formation of worker cooperatives or associations can give them a stronger voice in decision-making processes within the company.

        While strikes can create pressure and draw attention to workers' demands, they can also lead to disruptions, economic losses, and potential conflicts. It is in the best interest of both employers and employees to foster a collaborative and respectful working environment where negotiation and dialogue are prioritized.

        It's important to recognize that employers rely on their employees for the success and growth of their businesses. However, it's equally crucial for workers to understand the complexities of running a business and the challenges faced by employers, such as financial constraints and market pressures.

        Ultimately, a balanced and constructive approach that includes dialogue, negotiation, and legal frameworks can be more effective in achieving long-term improvements in working conditions while minimizing disruptions and conflicts.

        1. I disagree because... It is not all the time we use negotiations. To me negotiation cannot work between the employer and the employees because they are some bosses that does not care for the needs of the worker and the only way workers could get what they want is by going on strikes. Strikes are most efficient ways to get what you want fully because when you stop working, the boss loses profit which will actually lead to the fulfilment of needs, wants or desires of the workers.
          Aside from this, it is now in the workers hands to prevent violence or protests from the strikes and they should know how to strategize plans.
          I also have a question.... Are they any other ways we could prevent strikes from leading to violence and other bad things.

    3. I do not agree with you in everything you said because the strike caused the needs of the workers to be met and their rights taken away. All in all but the solution you said is good. Very much, but if the government does not agree to meet the requirements, they will certainly strike, but do you think that if they strike, the government will always return and bring them back to work and meet their requirements?.... I think that not all governments and agencies always return their workers, I do not agree with all of your words...

      1. You're right that not all governments or agencies respond favorably to strikes, and the outcomes can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the approach taken by the involved parties. Strikes are complex events that involve negotiations, power dynamics, and varying levels of success.

        While strikes can be an effective means for workers to advocate for their rights and needs, the ultimate outcome depends on several factors, including the strength of the workers' demands, the level of support they receive, the responsiveness of the government or employer, and the prevailing labor laws and regulations.

        In some cases, strikes can lead to positive outcomes, such as improved working conditions, increased wages, or better benefits. However, there are situations where governments or employers may not immediately meet the workers' demands or may take punitive actions against the striking individuals.

        It's important to acknowledge that labor disputes and strikes can have complex and unpredictable consequences. Governments and employers have their own considerations and constraints, and the resolution of such conflicts often involves a negotiation process that may take time and require compromises from both sides.

        I appreciate your perspective and understanding that not all situations result in a favorable outcome for workers. Labor rights and negotiations are multifaceted issues, and the success of strikes depends on various factors.

        1. Thank you for your insightful response. You are correct in highlighting the complexity of strikes and the various factors that can influence their outcomes. Negotiation, power dynamics, and the legal framework surrounding labor rights all play crucial roles in determining the success or failure of a strike.

          Indeed, the strength of workers' demands and the level of support they receive from other individuals or organizations can greatly impact the outcome of a strike. Additionally, the response of the government or employer, as well as the prevailing labor laws and regulations, can either facilitate or hinder the resolution of the dispute.

          Strikes can be powerful tools for workers to assert their rights and push for improvements in their working conditions. However, they are not always a guaranteed path to success. Resolving labor disputes often requires a careful balance of interests, compromises, and sustained efforts from both workers and the opposing party.

          It is important for workers to have a thorough understanding of their rights, to organize effectively, and to engage in dialogue whenever possible. This can help create a conducive environment for negotiations and increase the chances of achieving a positive outcome.

          Overall, the outcome of a strike can vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances, the strategies employed, and the broader context in which it takes place. It is crucial to consider the complexities involved and approach labor disputes with careful consideration and planning.

    4. Hey there! I know it might seem like strikes are a bad thing, but sometimes workers don't have any other way to get their voices heard. It's kind of like when you really want your parents to listen to you, but they aren't paying attention until you stomp your foot and yell "hey!"

      But you're right, strikes can cause problems for people who need help from police officers, doctors, or firefighters. That's why it's important for workers to think carefully about when and how to strike, so they can minimize the impact on others.

      And while strikes can be tough on businesses and the economy, it's also important to remember that workers are a big part of our economy too. They make the products we buy and provide the services we need, so if they're not being treated fairly, it can hurt everyone in the long run.

  • strikes should they be allowed. in my opinion yes they should be allowed because there might
    be a good reason for strikes. sometimes workers use strikes as a last resort but sometimes they use it to protect themselves, or to put more balance between the employer and the employee. maybe they do not pay them enough. but people
    should not go on strike every time only for important reasons.

    1. I am not sure about the agreement, because if they continue the strike, they may disrupt the work of the state, and the continuation of riots and chaos, and the policemen will continue to repel them, and some of the matter, if it increases, may cause deaths and injuries, but on the one hand Others, they have to present a general statement to the government or whoever has authority, and if this trend does not work, then strikes and protests, and from my point of view, yes, workers and middle groups have the right to enjoy their rights, but the basis of strikes is because The government is preoccupied in some countries, but on the other hand, strikes are of different types, including those that concern the rights of workers or employees, or objections to state decisions.Express his opinion in most circumstances and at all times and places

  • The concept of strikes is pretty straightforward: Stop working until certain demands are met, typically during the contract negotiation process.
    The parties must bargain collectively and achieve either a settlement for ratification by the parties or be at impasse. The bargaining agent cannot strike until the bargaining agent has secured a strike vote among the majority of affected employees.
    To avoid or end a strike in collective bargaining negotiations, follow these five steps and enhance your negotiation skills:
    1. Avoid extreme demands.
    2. Take the other party's perspective.
    3. Get an outside opinion.
    4. Make it a “virtual” strike.
    5. Structure contingencies.
    Collective bargaining is the process in which working people, through their unions, negotiate contracts with their employers to determine their terms of employment, including pay, benefits, hours, leave, job health and safety policies, ways to balance work and family, and more.
    Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation during meetings between reps and their employer, often to improve pay and conditions. The collective bargaining process allows workers to approach employers as a unified group. The aim of collective bargaining is to reach an agreement between employers and workers.

  • I think Strikes can be an effective means for workers to exercise their power and make their voices heard, particularly when they have limited bargaining power individually.

    On the other hand, strikes can also be disruptive and detrimental to businesses and society, particularly when they disrupt critical services such as transportation, healthcare, or public safety. Strikes can also lead to lost productivity, revenue, and profits for businesses, which can harm both workers and shareholders.

    whether or not strikes are a necessary tool for workers' rights depends on the specific context and circumstances. While strikes can be effective in bringing attention to workers' grievances and securing better working conditions and wages, they can also have negative consequences for businesses and society as a whole. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential costs and benefits of strikes carefully before pursuing them as a strategy for negotiation and protest.

    1. I agree with your analysis of strikes as a means for workers to exercise their power and make their voices heard. Strikes can indeed be an effective tool, especially when individual workers have limited bargaining power. By collectively withholding their labor, workers can demonstrate the importance of their contributions to businesses and industries, and compel employers to address their concerns.

      However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential negative impacts of strikes on businesses and society. Disruptions to essential services can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only employers but also the general public who rely on those services. Lost productivity and financial losses can have adverse effects on both workers and shareholders.

      Considering the context and circumstances is important when assessing the necessity of strikes. In some cases, strikes may be the only viable option for workers to advocate for their rights and improve their working conditions. However, in other situations, alternative methods of negotiation and dialogue, such as collective bargaining or mediation, may be more appropriate and productive.

      Ultimately, strikes should be approached thoughtfully, taking into account the potential costs and benefits for all stakeholders involved. Balancing the rights of workers with the needs of businesses and society is crucial in creating a fair and sustainable labor environment.

    2. yes, I suppose so because workers usually use strikes to make their voices louder and seek for positive responses in most cases.
      interms of dangers, they destroy the environment like during strikes, the people who are participating in the strikes ,burn substanses that are dangerous to the evironment.

  • A strike is like a weapon, if you do not use it well, you will kill others.

    The Beginning: The government provides employees with everything from the beginning that does not lead to a strike later...

    The strike, as I said, is a necessary tool for the rights of the workers. Without action, the statement is not heard, because if the employees did not strike, their rights were not heard by the government.

    But if the period of the strike lasts for a long time, it will have very big and dangerous consequences, and as I said, I see it disrupting the people’s business, affairs, politics, and economy... (and diseases will spread because of the doctors’ strike).
    (And deaths will spread due to first aid strikes)
    (Ignorance will spread because of the teachers' strike) And the biggest thing is that poverty will spread due to the lack of work in the event that the strike period is prolonged...

    However, the government does not seek this, so it fulfills the requests of employees... Also, employees should not strike, whether big or small. They must strike if the situation becomes difficult for them, such as (long hours of work, low wages, unsafe environment) and so on...

    In the end, not including the duration of the strike while providing what is necessary for the employees is a good thing. As for prolonging the strike, it will have different and harmful effects on society.


  • I agree with you that strikes, as a form of collective protest and negotiation tool, have been a subject of contention and debate in society. However, it is crucial to acknowledge their significance and recognize them as a necessary tool for workers' rights and as catalysts for social progress.

    I also agree with you that strikes provide workers with a powerful means to assert their rights and advocate for better working conditions when traditional avenues of communication and negotiation have been exhausted. They serve as a mechanism for employees to voice their concerns, drawing attention to their demands and pushing for necessary changes in wages, benefits, or workplace policies. By disrupting normal operations, strikes compel employers to engage in dialogue, potentially leading to improved working conditions and equitable outcomes for workers.

    Moreover, I go on to agree with you that strikes play a fundamental role in democratic societies by empowering workers to exercise their right to free speech and association. They offer a platform for marginalized individuals and minority groups to challenge systemic inequalities, discrimination, and exploitation in the workplace. Strikes can foster solidarity among workers and build a sense of community, generating social awareness and support for labor rights issues.

    While it is important to acknowledge the potential economic and social impacts of strikes, I agree with you that evaluating strikes should involve striking a balance between workers' rights and the concerns of businesses and society. By promoting open dialogue, and collaboration, and exploring alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, we can strive for a more harmonious approach to resolving labor disputes while ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders involved.

    In conclusion, I agree with you that strikes have a significant role in advocating for workers' rights and driving social progress. They provide workers with the necessary means to voice their concerns, challenge inequalities, and negotiate for better working conditions. By recognizing their importance and finding ways to address their potential impact, we can foster a fair and inclusive society that respects the rights and well-being of workers.

    1. Do you think there are steps that can be taken by industries to avoid workers striking?

      1. Surveys should be administered to workers regularly to get where the management are slacking and how to improve their welfare.
        Another way the can improve their welfare is to create a suggestion box for any suggestion no matter how "stupid" because there is always sense in nonsense.

      2. Yes of course there are steps several steps in my opinion that can be taken by industries to avoid strikes by worker.
        Here are some few tips:
        Communication: According to Nat Turner “Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” The power of communication can never be underestimated. Getting to the root of issues and addressing challenges head-on goes a long way towards improving relations with employees.
        Functional management: This involves ensuring that the industry is running rightly and efficiently. This includes having clear policies and procedures in place, as well as ensuring that employees are aware of them.

  • Thanks for this opinion but I want to clarify that some people might say that strikes are not necessary or even harmful because they can lead to violence or disruption in essential services like healthcare or transportation. While it is true that strikes can sometimes cause inconvenience or even lead to clashes between protesters and law enforcement, it is important to remember that they can also be controlled and peaceful.

    In fact, many countries have laws and regulations in place to ensure that strikes are conducted safely and without causing harm to either the workers or the general public. For example, workers might be required to give notice before going on strike, or there might be limits on how long a strike can last or how many workers can participate.
    Strikes are an important tool for workers to make their voices heard and demand fair treatment from their employers.

    1. Well done for mentioning that strikes can be safe if planned well. Can you include some examples of when strikes have been carried out safely and without harm?

      1. I can say that there is no example of when strike have been carried out safely and without harm.
        All types of strikes are damaging for everyone.
        For example;
        1- If doctors go on strike, many patients' lives will be lost.
        2- If teachers go on strike, many students studies table will be disturbed.
        3- If transport employers go on strike, many transporters' jobs will be disturbed.
        4- If sweepers go on strike, many places will remain polluted.
        5- If guards go on strike, many protection facilities will be damaged.
        6- If industries' workers go on strike, many industries productions will be damaged.
        7- If labours go on strike, many of the labours, whose earnings are at daily basis will be disturbed.
        There are many more and more examples of disturbances that a strike creates.
        Strikes can also cause peoples fighting that can damage peoples' properties as well as lives. So, we can't say that there is any strike that is successful without causing harm.

  • I think strikes are helpful for students becasue they get a day off extra from school which is nessesary to keep your brain working.

    1. I disagree with you but, How can you say that strikes are helpful for anyone?
      Even you say that they are helpful for students🤔 because they get a day off extra from school. Its damaging students studies.
      You don't know that strikes have not given any benefit ever, in anyone's favour. It ever created distraction and ever become disturbance creator for both the workers (who are at strike) and industries. As the workers don't do work at strike so that the industry can't get production due to which labours pay get damaged.

      1. I am sorry for my missunderstanding but next time I will think before I write ok...

  • Us my usual , , I maintain a neutral stance on all social and political issues. However, when it comes to strikes, it is important to view the subject objectively. Strikes are often used as a powerful tool by workers to demand fair wages, better working conditions, and job security from their employers. However, they can also lead to disruptions in operations, loss of revenue for employers, and hardships for consumers who rely on those services.

    From an ethical point of view, it is essential that both parties engage in good faith negotiations to reach amicable solutions before resorting to such actions. Dialogue is the best solution, and it is crucial that strikes remain peaceful and do not violate the rights of non-striking individuals or result in violence or property damage.

    In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential drawbacks and complications on various fronts, when handled properly through due process with necessary communication channels open between both parties, strikes can create positive changes benefiting employees' economic conditions and enhancing their sense of worthiness, contributing positively to society at large. It is important to approach this issue with professionalism and objectivity, always keeping in mind the well-being of all parties involved.

    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective on strikes and maintaining a neutral stance on social and political issues. You've highlighted the importance of viewing strikes objectively and considering both the potential benefits and drawbacks they can entail.

      Engaging in good faith negotiations and open dialogue between workers and employers is indeed crucial to reach mutually beneficial solutions without the need for strikes. It's important for both parties to make sincere efforts to understand each other's perspectives and find common ground.

      When strikes do occur, it is essential for them to remain peaceful and respectful of the rights of non-striking individuals. Violence or property damage undermine the effectiveness of strikes and can have negative consequences for all parties involved.

      From an ethical standpoint, strikes can be seen as a means for workers to assert their rights and demand fair treatment in terms of wages, working conditions, and job security. They can create opportunities for positive changes and improvements in employees' economic well-being, contributing to a more equitable society.

      Ultimately, approaching the subject of strikes with professionalism, objectivity, and a focus on the well-being of all parties involved is important. By maintaining open lines of communication, seeking amicable resolutions, and upholding ethical principles, the potential benefits of strikes can be maximized while minimizing any negative impact.

  • Hi, I would like to express my opinion on this subject. A strike is a stoppage of work carried out by workers to pressure employers to fulfill their legitimate demands. Reasons to strike may include higher wages, better working conditions, and better social and health benefits. A strike can lead to production stoppages and financial losses to employers. It can also lead to financial losses to workers in the event that they are not paid during the strike period. A strike may also result in disruptions to services and delays in workers-related projects.

    A strike can cause some negatives, such as disruption to work or services, and delays in production and delivery. A strike could disrupt the daily lives of people who depend on the services affected by the strike.

    If teachers, doctors or cleaners stop working, it will affect the services they provide. A strike can disrupt lessons, medical treatments, or public services they provide. A strike could disrupt the daily lives of people who depend on these services.

    The strike can be reduced through dialogue and negotiation between the two affected parties. Dialogue can lead to a settlement that satisfies both sides and prevents a strike.

    Employees can obtain their rights by working with employers and negotiating with them about wages, benefits and working conditions. Employees can also resort to the law and the courts if their demands are not met.

    Employers can avoid strikes by listening to employees' demands and negotiating with them about wages, benefits, and working conditions. Employers can also improve the work environment and offer education and training programs for employees.

    I believe that dialogue and negotiation are the most effective method for avoiding strikes and resolving disputes between employees and employers.

    Strikes can act as an effective means of pressuring employers to meet employee demands. A strike can improve wages, benefits, and working conditions for workers.

    A strike can improve working conditions, wages, and benefits for employees. It can also lead to public awareness about issues faced by workers.

    Employers are likely to respond to employee demands if they are reasonable and appropriate. However, a strike can result in high costs for employers, making them reluctant to respond to employee demands.

    We assume that the employers are for those who understand the employees and fulfill their demands, and it does not work for them, and even the strike does not work for them at the time. What is the solution for that?

    Employees can resort to other means to put pressure on employers, such as public advertising, social campaigns, and legal legislation. Employees can also look for other organizations that offer better job opportunities.

  • Lecturers in Nigeria say they will go back to work on Monday after a strike that closed most of the country's universities for eight months, leaving hundreds of thousands of students angry and frustrated. This Monday resumption is not even sure, you can see that they have kept the students away for over eight months, imagine how much they will have to cover after that. The students now have to suffer because of the misunderstanding of the government and the lectures. Also, this strike has an effect on the secondary school graduates because they will not be able to gain admission because there will be no vacancy due to the fact that the hundred level students have not transited because the final year students have not graduated.

    1. I disagree because...
      If the lecturers hadn't gone on strike the federal government would not have fulfill their demand of
      The Federal government to meet ASUU demands.
      The decrease in budgetary allocation to education.
      The refusal of the Federal government to renovate and improve universities in Nigeria
      I hope its helpful

  • STRIKE..... Many of us have knowledge of the word strike. Cause it occurs widely. Atleast we would have seen these in once in our lifetime. Strike has an powerful' impact in the world's history. The first strike in the world happened during the 12th Century.In later times labour has no laws to ensure their rights. And even laws came after big protest. And as now we are working for eight hours per day this law too came after the protest and the fight of many labourers. It took place on 4 May,1886...this strike resulted in the killing of several labourers. To commemorate this 1 May 1887 is observed as the INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY.For their rights and needs workers would approach their union leader who is the representative of workers. If this process fails then strike arises...Strike has advantages and disadvantages too. Some strikes lead to victory because of the workers but some may not lead to victory but it lead to termination of employment.Some Strike happens for the one person benefits. Some will gather workers for strike as their cared of workers but they actually gather for publicity or the money from the management.Some strikes ends after the compromise speech of the management. But in many situations their needs wouldn't be filled.We all have right to speak upon the laws or plans of the government because these are implemented for our benefits and for ourselves...This is important to me cause this affects the people, country economy. And because of some invalid strikes the government and the people don't take the strike as the important matter..... In some cases of Strike the government approach police to stop the strike and even it leads baton and riot... In few case it leads dead's.....So this have to be changed..And the people who are striking shouldn't attacked by anyone....

  • Strikes i believe are necessary tool for workers because sometimes employers act harsh on their employees not fulfilling their demands so the strikes is like a means through which they get their demands fulfilled , but in a way some strikes can cause serious harm to the society and loss to the company so some strikes are useless and of no use.

  • I absolutely agree because strike has a negative side and a positive side. The negative side of strike is that the some workers cannot be able to earn money cause they're on strike this in my opinion of the negative side of strike. Now for the positive side of strike is a way to fight for their positions and for their efforts this is a way to show that they need to be paid or be appreciated for what ever position they're in expecially their jobs. Strikes are not only begon cause they're not paid or anything it's because they either they don't feel appreciated nor needed or it's a way they fight for their rights. Not all strikes that go on have a bad reason some of them might have a good reason but the point I'm trying to make is that people shouldn't go on strike all the time because,one it might affect our society one way or the other, two it may also affect working industries so in my opinion I have an idea of a way we can stop the spread of strike even though it's sometime good.
    *We should always be independent.
    *We should always support each other no matter what.
    *We should always be fair and judge on the truth.
    *We should always stand by each other no matter what situation or position, you are all the same.
    These ideas I have might not be really related to strike but I have a feeling if we try one or two of these ideas I hope we start getting negative reasons of strikes and not positive reasons of strike.

  • I think strikes are neccesarry because especially now in the cost of living crisis people need to be payed more and they will help to bring change about.

    What do you think?

    1. Thank you for sharing your viewpoint on strikes. It is true that strikes can be a means for workers to advocate for better wages and improved working conditions, especially in times of economic challenges or a cost of living crisis. By collectively demanding fair compensation, workers can raise awareness about their needs and push for necessary changes.

      Strikes can have the potential to bring about change, as they disrupt normal operations and draw attention to workers' concerns. They can serve as a powerful tool to negotiate with employers and influence decision-making processes.

      However, it is important to consider the broader implications and complexities associated with strikes. While they can be effective in certain situations, they can also have economic and social consequences. Strikes can impact the livelihoods of not only the workers but also the businesses, customers, and the overall economy. Balancing the rights of workers with the interests of employers and society as a whole is a complex challenge.

      In addition to strikes, it is valuable to explore other forms of engagement and negotiation, such as dialogue, mediation, and collective bargaining, to seek mutually beneficial solutions. Collaborative approaches that involve multiple stakeholders can help address the concerns of workers while considering the sustainability and well-being of businesses and the broader economy.

      Ultimately, finding a balance between workers' rights and the overall socio-economic context is crucial. It requires open communication, willingness to listen to different perspectives, and a focus on long-term sustainable solutions that benefit both workers and the wider community.

      What do you think are some effective ways to address workers' concerns and negotiate for improved wages and working conditions, beyond strikes? How can different stakeholders work together to find fair and sustainable solutions?

  • I think that strike is a means of communication that workers have found to communicate to their employers when they are not being listened to. According to Magaret Thatcher "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." A strike is the legal act of ceasing work during contract negotiations to pressure the employer to agree to employees' demands in collective bargaining .But sometimes some employees take it over the hedge which may now lead to the negative effect on employment, reduce business confidence and increase the risk of economic stagflation. In addition, such strikes have a major setback on the growth of the economy and investment opportunities. So you see, strikes has it's positive and negative effect.

    1. Hi Blithesome_Pie - you make a good point that strikes can reduce business confidence. Could you give an example?

    2. You've provided a balanced perspective on strikes as a means of communication between workers and employers. I agree that strikes can be a way for employees to make their voices heard and exert pressure during contract negotiations or when their concerns are not being addressed. It can be a powerful tool for collective bargaining and advocating for better working conditions, fair wages, and other employment-related issues.

      However, it's important to consider the potential negative effects that strikes can have as well. As you mentioned, strikes can disrupt business operations and lead to a loss of productivity, which can impact both the employer and the employees involved. Strikes can also create uncertainty and reduce business confidence, which may have negative consequences for the overall economy.

      In some cases, strikes can escalate and result in prolonged labor disputes, leading to economic stagnation and a decline in investment opportunities. This can affect not only the striking employees but also other workers, businesses, and the broader community.

      It's worth noting that the impact of strikes can vary depending on the specific circumstances, such as the industry, the scale of the strike, and the level of support from other workers and unions. Additionally, the legal framework surrounding strikes can differ between countries, and there may be regulations in place to ensure that strikes are conducted within certain parameters to minimize their negative impact.

      Overall, strikes can be a powerful means of communication and a tool for workers to advocate for their rights and interests. However, it's important to weigh the potential positive outcomes against the potential negative consequences, and to seek a balance that respects the rights of employees while also considering the broader impact on the economy and society.

  • I believe that strikes are necessary tools for workers. it is a means of asserting their right ,and a way of getting their demands fulfilled. In a way it is a means of communication between the employee and the employer, when the government is not fulfilling workers demands, so I think that strike can be an option and when their is a lot of pressure concerning workers right. Sometimes strikes are not necessary tools rather a way of causing a lot of tension in the society and causing huge loss to the company and society might be included in the process of asserting their rights as we know somethings have advantages and disadvantages.

  • Yes strikes are necessary tools for workers rights because workers use strike as a last resort to try and get their employers to listen to what they have to say and get better working conditions.

  • What is a strike?
    strike: a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer.
    In my opinion,it is simply a way through which workers enforce and exercise their right to be heard in an organisation.When they are going through mistreatment the result is a strike. I think it is completely understandable for workers to do this,however,if it takes a certain toll it can lead to violence which will affect the lives of other people.
    So in other words,people can go on strikes but without involving violence.In order to stop the violence involved in striking there should be a particular way to go about it.
    If the employers of a company are reasonable the moment a large majority of workers simply refuse to stop working in the organisation they would definitely listen to their voices without them having to use violence.

  • From my point of aspect, Strikes can be seen as a complex issue with various perspectives and considerations. Some of the things to consider on strikes:

    Worker Empowerment: Strikes can be viewed as a necessary tool for workers to assert their rights and advocate for better working conditions. By collectively withholding their labor, workers can demonstrate the value of their contributions and the impact of their absence on businesses and society. Strikes can give workers leverage in negotiations and provide a means to address grievances that have not been adequately resolved through other channels.

    Negotiation and Dialogue: Strikes can serve as a catalyst for communication and negotiation between workers and employers. The disruption caused by a strike often forces employers to acknowledge and engage with workers' concerns. Through dialogue, compromises can be reached, leading to improved working conditions and equitable outcomes for employees.

    Social and Political Significance: Strikes have historically played a crucial role in advancing workers' rights and improving labor conditions. They can bring attention to labor issues, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster social awareness and support for labor rights. By exercising their right to free speech and association, workers can contribute to a more democratic and equitable society.

    Economic and Social Impacts: Strikes can have negative consequences for businesses, the economy, and society. They can result in financial losses for employers, disrupt supply chains, and impact productivity. Strikes may also cause inconvenience or hardships

    Strikes can be viewed as a means of collective protest and negotiation with both positive and negative aspects.

    Collective Protest and Empowerment: Strikes empower workers by allowing them to collectively voice their concerns and assert their rights. They provide a platform for workers to demonstrate their significance and draw attention to labor issues. Strikes can serve as a powerful tool to challenge unfair practices, inadequate working conditions, and discriminatory policies. By organizing and taking collective action, workers can demand changes that benefit not only themselves but also future generations.

    Historical Significance and Workers' Rights: Strikes have played a significant role in the history of workers' rights movements. Throughout history, strikes have been instrumental in securing essential labor rights such as fair wages, reasonable working hours, and improved safety conditions. They have paved the way for better labor standards and protections that we often take for granted today. Without the collective power of strikes, progress in workers' rights might have been slower or more challenging to achieve.

    Balancing Interests: Evaluating strikes requires striking a balance between the rights and needs of workers, businesses, and society. While strikes can be disruptive, they often arise when other means of negotiation and communication have failed. Finding alternative ways to address labor disputes and fostering open dialogue can mitigate the negative impacts of strikes while still upholding workers' rights.

    Strikes can be seen as a necessary tool for workers' rights, allowing them to express their concerns and negotiate for improved conditions. However, it's essential to consider the broader economic and social impacts and work towards finding collaborative solutions that benefit all stakeholders involved.

  • Do you consider it a necessary tool for workers' rights or do you see it as disruptive and harmful to business and society?

    For me strike is a double edged sword
    ..in which the worker expresses the extent of his rejection of injustice and tyranny and tries to restore even part of his rights through strike, and in some strikes that succeed and the worker gets what he wants, and that is after extreme urgency.

    On the other hand, strikes negatively affect other groups if they exceed their required limit, in many fields in general and science and health in particular, because it threatens the death of many patients and the educational level of students if the strike continues.

  • I think that the strike negatively and positively affects the individual in terms of the positive that the voice of the workers will be heard and the employer will provide them with safety and hear from them what they want so that the individual does not need to strike. Without work and they will lose their jobs if the employer cannot come to terms with his team of workers

  • Beginning.... hello👋
    I'm surprised you think it's amazing...😍
    💞And I agree with you..but I have this solution for you....and I want your opinion on it..
    💞 Before the strike, the workers may go to the employer and present their requests to him quietly, and if he does not respond... they have the right to strike 🗣
    In my opinion, the strike should be the last resort for them because of its negative aspects.

  • I view strikes as being a way of expressing discontentment and issues within an industry in a civil manner. Without striking, most people would resort to more violent and gross manners of expressing their disgruntledness, such as rioting and usurpation. So I believe strikes are a very important tool to a working person. Additionally, it is also a powerful tool for businesses as well. To be able to have a way to know what is needed to be worked on and what areas need more attention is a very important thing in a business to keep everything productive and efficient.

  • The theories of strikes—or any kind of conflict—are theories of interaction. Marxists envisage class conflict as a dialectical struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie. Neoclassical economists imagine strikes as an unintended consequence of bargaining between rational actors. This is a clear indication that strikes are more likely to reduce the production of an organization, as well as result in a firm losing customers. This is the reason why there are different types of strikes like:
    1) Economic Strike.
    2) Sympathetic Strike.
    3) General Strike.
    4) Sit down Strike.
    6) Hunger strike.

  • Many people believe that striking is a collective right and that all workers should take this right, because they believe that it is the only successful way to demand and fulfill the usurped rights, but they do not know its negative impact on the lives of others, for example: when doctors strike for long periods, we can find a lot of losses The great humanity in society, as we can see many injuries resulting from the strike, and when the teachers strike for long periods, then the students will not benefit from science and a lot of information and lessons will not be taken, so with this do we believe that the strike is the best way??
    For me, it is a somewhat successful method at the present time, but it is not the best, and with time we can find better ways without causing harm to society.

  • I think that people should be alowd to strike however the people that do the strikes should have the desanti to not have a vilent protest but get ther point across