introspective_grape has not published standpoints yet. Comments by introspective_grape Comment Post Date Comment: I personally don't own a business, but I heard some important news about how China was... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 28/2/24 Comment: In my opinion I think that it was right of them to keep people at home from 11pm-5am because... Post: Freedom v safety? Date: 27/2/24 Comment: In my classroom we got a paper to find all the things that may remind people about climate... Post: Report back Date: 20/2/24 Comment: I'd say that boycotts can be helpful, but it can also cause some problems. Boycotts can be... Post: Are boycotts helpful? Date: 20/2/24 Comment: I think that we should prioritise making sure that prisons are secure since we don't want anyone... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 16/2/24 Comment: I think people should know that in 1942 around 60% of the jobs now did not exist and how that is... Post: Test your knowledge Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I think that people should be shown bad news because, if they are shown only the good news... Post: Too much negative news? Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I agree with A more because, I don't think that we should just put all the weight on one group... Post: Climate change and inequality Date: 06/2/24 Comment: Based on what I know about this topic I think a job that could be created by AI is management of... Post: Jobs of the future Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I'm excited and worried about AI, because I really want to see how AI could improve the world in... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 05/2/24 Comment: I think that our schools would still be here in the future, because there are things that people... Post: Will schools exist in future? Date: 03/2/24 Comment: I think that this scenario would be bad since the AI could lack empathy, and may answer... Post: AI bots on the Hub? Date: 03/2/24