Comments by reasoning_knowledge

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Our planet is in a critical state of environmental crisis. The ozone layer, which protects us... Report back 26/1/24
Helo, I feel that an era will come that we may not go to school again. But I should think that... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
Hello! I understand your concern about the future of education. There are many ways to learn... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
Hello. I acknowledge that human activities have contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24
In addition to what you have said the AI cannot replace the work of a lawyer because most... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
Yes, I agree with you. It is a shocking and frightening fact that the little things we do that... Finding a balance 25/1/24
I agree with you this is because hearing positive news too much is not helpful like wise giving... Climate change: regular reminders 23/1/24
I also trust that there is a lot that machines can help with in our daily lives and I hope that... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24
Hello, I agree with you because I feel that the time that students would have used to copy... Classroom spy! 23/1/24
Hey rhetorical_goat, I strongly agree with you because from my research, I have seen that an AI... People v robots 23/1/24
I agree with you about having mixed feelings towards what the AI will be like in the future.... What's your reaction? 22/1/24
well, it is becoming very important that teachers should accept the AI and use it as a tool for... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
I agree with you, this is because when someone hears good news over and over again, it causes... Too much negative news? 22/1/24
Hey, Yes I must say that a lot of jobs have been lost because of the creation of AI... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
I strongly disagree with opinion A because AI are created to help us, not to be our slaves. And... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
Well, I agree strongly with you. Even though AI will replace a lot of jobs, let's not focus on... People v robots 22/1/24