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Comments by successful_crow

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What are dreams? Dreams are imaginary pictures of ourselves achieving a specific goal or... Expert challenge: achieving dreams! 15/11/22
190 pieces of clothing is not too much in my opinion. Having 190 clothes is not too much because... Sustainable style - be a designer! 15/11/22
I have been inspired through the movie "Ánnie". Annie was a foster girl who stayed in an... Do you have to see it, to be it? 14/11/22
I agree because..... the internet has been set aside for individuals like us to express... Should the internet be a human right? 14/11/22
For me a good working environment is a place where there is unity, trust, integrity and... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 14/11/22
I think the required number of clothing we should own is 190. I feel this number is reasonable... Sustainable style - be a designer! 14/11/22
i prefer the seed drones because it can plant more than a thousand trees. It promotes... Get creative, save the planet! 10/11/22
food waste.........In many countries today it is quite alarming today. Many people nowadays... Expert challenge: what could you do? 10/11/22
I think Enola Holmes will be able to change the world because when she was left all alone, she... Who could change the world? 10/11/22
1. I agree with Billie Jean when she said "you have to see it to be it". You have to make out a... Do you have to see it, to be it? 10/11/22
I feel famous celebrities should try to put their selves in the level of average when it comes... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 10/11/22
Well think it is perception. In the world today people now have regarded men to be at the top... Gender inequality: have your say! 02/11/22
I think it should be left the way it is. We can construct over a thousand factories but the... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 01/11/22
Yes. Gender inequality is wrong because we as women have legal rights to freedom,speech,vote and... Gender inequality: have your say! 01/11/22
Well...i think importing of good should be encouraged. Well considering my country Nigeria that... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 01/11/22
I feel the reason why we haven't solved the global food crisis is because of the extreme rate of... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 31/10/22
In my ernest opinion i feel men have a say more than women because they are superior over us. ... Gender inequality: have your say! 31/10/22