Comments by students of Bomas Academy | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
wise_painting I think that b is the wisest choice because if the prison offers them extra training they will... Prison staff 18/2/24
openhearted_music In my own opinion I think prison officers should prioritize obtaining justice so that people... What’s the purpose of prisons? 18/2/24
mirthful_flight I agree with your views on Poland. Deciding to educate children who are willing to learn and... Fair or unfair? 18/2/24
wise_painting I think there's a probability that AI can bring a more positive than negative.I expect that in... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
gracious_starfruit I agree with your views on option A. I think that the pay of prison staff should be increased... Prison staff 18/2/24
gracious_starfruit I agree with you. I chose A because, I think it is everyone's responsibility including... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
super_engine I agree with you. I went with option A because I believe that everyone has a responsibility to... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
super_engine Business can also review their supply chain to include sourcing their materials from recycled... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
peaceful_city ARE GREEN SKILLS THE FUTURE? As a young person the skill I want to develop are cars. In the... Are green skills the future? 18/2/24
reflective_conversation I think that there should be a hub discussion on BECAUSE WE ARE GIRLS. I said this because... Suggest a discussion 18/2/24
super_engine I agree with you. There are rules about immigration for the following reasons: 1: For security... Why are there rules about immigration? 18/2/24
eloquent_pie Hi Chloe, I think that the reason why people migrate from their country to another is due... Why are there rules about immigration? 18/2/24
gracious_starfruit I agree with you. I also feel that the best option is the Yellow Ribbon project in Singapore... Reformation 18/2/24
faithful_nation Thank you for this wonderful question. In my opinion countries should have rules in place about... Why are there rules about immigration? 18/2/24
peaceful_city Yes, I think we should withdraw because if we don’t go out of that country your company might... Countries behaving badly 18/2/24
reflective_conversation I agree because... Fighting climate change is not something that can be fought in a few days... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
fun_ant I agree with active_beetle but I must say while there are lots of negatives being said about... Why are there rules about immigration? 18/2/24
fun_ant I agree with you. While I feel that businesses should not tell people the candidate to vote for,... Businesses and elections 18/2/24
approachable_climate I disagree because... The age limit for voting should be 21 because when a person is 21 he/she... Age restrictions 18/2/24
approachable_climate I agree because... Prisons should have different buildings for those that have committed... Reformation 18/2/24