Will AI transform the emerging world?

The Economist front cover

Look at this front cover of The Economist magazine.

The “emerging world” refers to countries and places that are still growing and developing.

These places may have challenges, like not having enough resources or opportunities.

People in these places strive for progress and positive change within their communities and nations.

Experts believe AI could help countries in the emerging world to become more developed.

For example...

Farmers in India are talking to a computer that understands their words, even if they can't read, to find out how to get support from the government.

Students in Kenya will soon be chatting with a computer to get help with their homework, and the computer will get better at teaching based on what the students ask.

In Brazil, scientists are trying out a smart computer that helps doctors take care of patients, even if they haven't had a lot of special training.

Comments (152)

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  • AI has the potential to transform the emerging world in many ways. In the future AI may have a huge impact in healthcare! We may see advancements in robotic surgery and maybe even drug discovery. The possibilities are exiting because AI has the potential to revolutionise health care! Do you agree?

    1. Can you find an example of AI being used in surgery?

      1. Hi Tiff@topical talk
        Artificial intelligence has applications in robotic and laparoscopic surgery.

      2. I think AI could be used in surgery so they can identify the infected areas and tell them the easier and faster and the most harmless way to complete the surgery.
        Thank you.😁

        1. Hi dear pioneering_impression. Your idea is appreciated. However, I don't think AI can help in surgeries because if they have been programmed to do a surgery on only one part of the body and there is another problem, how will they be informed? If a human doctor was doing the surgery, the doctor will detect the issue and tell the family members so that they can think of having a surgery on that issue. Also, if the robot performing the surgery malfunctions at an emergency surgery, just imagine what will happen. For example, when a woman is about to give birth immediately and there is no doctor and the robot malfunctions, imagine the pain they will go through so I feel that AI is not the best option for surgeries. You also said that it will make it easier and faster which I don't also agree with because even if they do it within 30 minutes and they don't take their time, what is the main purpose. It will then cause them to miss out issues that should have been done properly

          1. What rules could you put in place to make sure humans and AI work together safely?

            1. I think the rules that should be put in place before an AI should be able to collaborate with humans Is that AI should undergo thorough testing, programming, and interact well with people like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa. This ensures that AI is well-equipped to work with humans.

              1. "I agree that AI needs to undergo some tests and have real interactions with humans to ensure it can provide accurate and positive information. 😊 As you mentioned, Siri is a good example of AI that interacts nicely with people and provides accurate information because it undergoes testing. However, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa have their flaws when it comes to answering questions, especially if the questions are inappropriate or beyond a user's age range. 🤔 This could be harmful to their growth and development. Thank you for highlighting the importance of establishing rules for AI before its interaction with humans. 👍"

              2. I agree with your comment, AI was created to support to humans and help humans to improve in areas where they couldn't, AI voice assistant's, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana can help students with disabilities interract with their peers and teachers smoothly. AI voice assistants can help deaf students repeat every lesson the educators teaches. AI can translate the mute students writings' into words into voices allow them to express their opinions freely. AI can also help assist students with solving advanced questions'. AI has advanced to the extent that humans can express their emotions and opinions to AI bots. AI can help students with advanced essays and help prepare timetables for students to enjoy homestudies. AI vioce assistance can also help teachers by reminding them about meetings and time for thier next lessons. AI can help teachers prepare presentations and help with students report card's , this releases stress for teachers. In my opinion I believe AI is help humans advance and understand their capabilities and help them do things and activities they could never do.

              3. HELLO!
                I agree AI is not supposed to be harmful to the environment but to make the environment a better place. But some people use advantage of AI and do bad things.
                THANK YOU!

              4. I agree because, without any testing, their might be a glitch during use, which can cause harm. As you said, it needs to be tested through interaction with humans so they can know how to cooperate with their mental and emotional minds. If they are not tested with humans, they can show information, but not for some children of certain ages. Thank you.

              5. Moreover, I am of the opinion that due to the fact that sometimes online sources are of low credibility and in some cases can even contain information that could be used adversely, AI should be checked thoroughly and programmed in such a manner that the intake of information is from dependable and reliable sources.

                1. AI cannot currently distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information. Do you think this is a reason for it's development to be slowed down?

            2. Thank you so much for this mind-blowing question.

              I feel that for AI to work safely with humans, there must be a way that programmers would code them to be humble to their perfect position so that they do not become too authoritative or else users might find an issue with the bot and take it back to the programmer which may be stressful for them to recode the bot. In the case of a surgery, AI bots can be used as helpers to the doctor instead for allowing the bot to do the surgery by itself. For example: the bot can be handing over the items needed like giving the medication needed but not in replacement of what a nurse will do but rather to assist the doctor when the nurse is unavailable and nurses too have a lot of work to do so they can go and rest at home for a few days whiles the robot works and when their days that are supposed to be spent at home is exhausted, the bot can be either charged, be updated or can be on shut down whiles the nurse is now working.

            3. Hi Tiff!
              Some rules that should be placed so humans and AI can work together include AI bots being sent for regular testing and checking, humans being trained on how to work with robots in workplaces, robots not harming humans and more. Human employees should be given lessons on not interfering with or hacking robotic systems. Further, employees should be educated about not to misuse AI for their benefit. Robots should be handled with care as they might hurt someone if broken, so proper measures should be taken to ensure no robot is being treated roughly. Another rule that can be put is robots following the orders given by humans except when an order might not align with the company's rules. I think some rules such as this might be helpful to ensure a safe working environment between humans and robots.

          2. i strongly agree. if the robot malfunctions in an important surgery ,then the patient could be greatly injured or worse so his/her family might sue the health company making a degrade of the quality of the equipment. this may lead to more failed operations which will lead to the company being bankrupt.

      3. Hello! Tiff@ Topical Talk
        Here is how AI can help in surgeries
        AI can be super useful in surgeries because it can give doctors the right tools and teach them how to use them, especially if they're still learning. For example, if a doctor isn't sure how to use a tool during surgery, AI can provide instructions or even control the tool itself to make sure everything goes smoothly. This can help doctors perform surgeries more safely and effectively, which is really important for helping people stay healthy!

        1. I would want to ask you polite king
          Can AI really help doctors in their surgery when they were really programmed them for the surgery they are doing or carrying out to the patient?
          Also in the test I wrote I was made to know that AI cannot be used for medical surgery.

          1. In response to your question, I believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to greatly aid in surgical procedures, provided it is appropriately programmed and integrated into medical practice. When used effectively, AI can enhance surgical precision, presently we can see from the new technologies in healthcare like better imaging machines they in addition to AI can effectively guide surgical procedures.
            Although AI has great potentials it can only complement the skills of healthcare professionals rather than replace them entirely. We can harnes the benefits of AI while maintaining the human touch and compassion that are integral to healthcare.

      4. An example of AI performing surgery is the story of Keith Thomas, who was a quadriplegic, a quadriplegic (a form of paralysis) is a disease that involves the inability of the 4 limbs to move. The patient became quadriplegic after he was had a pool accident and badly broke his neck 3 years earlier, the AI was able to perform a successful brain transplant and was able to move his hands and legs after year of paralysis. This story entails that with AI there are impossibilities to what we can do, it also expands on this point that has been earlier stated by@clever_peach about AI being able to revolutionise healthcare and on AI creating drugs, AI has actually made a drug called INS018-055 which is a first-in-class anti-fibrotic small molecule inhibitor, which means it is useful in fighting fibrosis or scarring in the lungs examples of such diseases are scleroderma and Chron's disease . This all entails that AI is can help in revutionalising healthcare.
        THANK YOU.

      5. An example for AI being used in surgery is image recognition. AI algorithms can analyse medical images such as x-rays and MRI’s to help detect anything abnormal. This can then help the doctors to make more accurate decisions during surgery. AI can also be used to predict a patients outcome after surgery and can assist maybe personal treatment plans for the patient. What’s your thoughts?

      6. Hi,Tiff@tropical talk the examplepf AI being used in surgery one example is The use of AI powered surgical robots like the do Vinci surgical system, which assist surgeons in performinh minimally in vasive procedures with greater precision and controll.

      7. Yes, the robotic surgeries are available for surgeries such as hip replacement. When the robot performs the surgery, it wouldn't even make one mistake or miss a step (as humans sometimes tend to do) since it is already programmed with instructions. According to a recent survey, patients feel less pain during the robotic surgery than regular surgeries.

        1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

        2. Hi 👋 rational_sealion
          I like how you expressed what you think. However, I disagree with you because you said that the robots will not make mistakes as humans will do because they have been programmed. If so, who programmed them? Is it not humans who programmed them? Also, humans make mistakes so it is very likely for the robots to make a mistake because if the humans who programmed the robot made an error, then the robot will not be able do the surgery correctly. Also, if patients feel less pain when the surgery is being done by robots than the normal pain being done by humans, what if the surgery is not being done properly by the robots? This will cause less pain because they might have not done it well.

        3. I agree to disagree in the sense that, yes AI bots are programmed to do some operations which are less risky than human operations. Because the AI bots hardly make mistakes. But as we all know, AI bots only have knowledge of what the are programmed for. SO when it comes to health care, what if there comes a situation where by there are no doctors around and the AI bots are left to do a surgery and they do not have the full knowledge of a particular surgery? Whats going to happen?
          Because I know that we humans all have our short comings. Spo what will happen if the AI bot is not well programmed and it is the middle of an operation? and its a very urgent surgery.

      8. Hi TIFF @ Topical Talk
        I have found an a AI that could be used in surgery as listed below :
        AI virtual assistants which are AI powered chatbots, apps or other interfaces -can be used to help answer questions about medications, forward reports to doctors or surgeons and help patients schedule a visit with a physician.

      9. Hey Tiff @ Topical Talk! I was thinking about how AI can assist in surgeries and I thought they can help by analyzing images of a person's insides, such as a photo of their bones or organs. This analysis helps doctors in planning the surgery and anticipating any potential issues. It's amazing how technology is advancing and finding ways to help us in different fields!

      10. Hi Tiff,
        Some examples of AI being used in surgeries are:
        1.Before Surgery:
        Imagine a surgeon planning a surgery. They use AI (like a smart computer) to look at pictures of the patient’s insides (like X-rays or scans). The AI helps the surgeon understand what they’ll find during the surgery.
        2.During Surgery:
        When the surgery is happening, AI is like a helpful assistant. It shows the surgeon 3D shapes and structures.
        Guides tiny cameras (called endoscopes) inside the body and can even track how tissues move.
        They can add digital information to what the surgeon sees (like a virtual map).
        3. Robotic Helpers:
        Some surgeries use robots controlled by AI. These robots are super precise and can do delicate tasks. They understand what’s happening during surgery, make smart decisions, and move very carefully.
        4.Smart Tools:
        AI is also part of the special tools used during surgery. These tools give real-time feedback to the surgeon. For example, they can help find hidden problems. AI is like a clever helper for surgeons. It makes surgeries safer and more accurate.

      11. Yes the can find an example of AI being used in surgery like the da Vinci Surgical System. The da Vinci system is a robotic surgical platform that allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgeries with enhanced precision and control. It consists of robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments and a console where the surgeon sits and controls the system.

        The da Vinci system incorporates AI algorithms to assist surgeons in real-time. The system translates the surgeon's hand movements into precise movements of the robotic arms, filtering out any tremors and providing a more stable and accurate execution of surgical tasks. Additionally, it offers features like 3D visualization and magnification, allowing for a more detailed view of the surgical site.

        They technology has been used in various surgical procedures. The integration of AI in surgical systems like da Vinci aims to improve surgical outcomes, reduce recovery times, and enhance the overall efficiency of surgical procedures.
        AI help and assist doctor a lot in the hospital in terms of surgery, in the ancient doctor uses their hand for surgery, it takes time for doctor to finish a particular patient before another and it kill a lot of people, but now with the help of AI technology that is meant for surgery it makes work easier and faster for the doctor and it saves a lot of lives in the world today.

      12. Yes of course, examples of surgeries which can be done by AI machine is the robot used to carry out BBL surgeries for increasing some parts of the body.

      13. That's a thoughtful query. tiff @topical chat, AI bots can be used in hospitals or surgical rooms to support or aid doctors in carrying out their duties. For instance, while a doctor is performing a surgery, they require assistance in getting the instruments necessary for the task. I eagerly await any corrections.

      14. Hello Tiff
        Here are some ways that AI bots, in my opinion, can assist with surgery:
        1. AI bots can help a surgeon by providing the necessary instruments (nurses) for the procedure.
        2. While AI bots cannot yet replace doctors, in my opinion, this will change in the future and make people's lives easier.
        3. In addition, I believe that the physician can merely look it up online if they need to know something unexpected that happened during the procedure.

      15. Hi Tiff
        According to most of things I have seen AI that are being used in hospitals today are da Vinci Xi and it is among the most used AI machines in the world .da Vinci Xi , has improved surgery in so many hospitals round the world today.

    2. I do agree with you because AI if programmed correctly could do almost anything. It could find something hidden that we havent been seeing in some "uncureable diseases" such as cancer. AI powered robots could actually collect enough data over the years to have an incredible breakthrough in the medical sector. AI will change humanity for the better without a doubt all we need to do is get some ideas in out head about what we want it to do and we can accomplish any goal with its help.

    3. Hi
      I agree with you clever_peach because you have a good point.AI has the potential to transform the emerging world in many ways because AI has many abilities.for example AI can help a banker in banking a farmer in farming and AI can make the world progress in many ways.

      1. I'm not sure about this because you can't comfortably tell me that the world has not been progressing before now. Do you mean to tell me that the farmers and bankers have not been doing their job perfectly and with perseverance before the existence of the AI?

    4. I confidently agree with you clever_peach, because AI can have many impacts to the emerging world ,AI can be used in health issues, security issues etc.
      Artificial intelligence (AI)can help students in their school assignment by helping them with relevant information about the assignment.
      AI can even help adult with their job work or projects. AI can even help doctors with surgery and perform some of the task the doctors are not good in,AI even give doctors with information they don't know about in healthcare.
      Eager to see corrections.
      Thank you.

    5. I don't think I actually agree because if the AI should transform the emerging world there is a possibility that the citizens in that country are all going to be job less.so I don't think the AI can transform the emerging world but in a way can help to make a developed country more developed

      1. How do you think AI can help with development?

        1. "Hello Eva @ Topical Talk, AI has the potential to aid development in various fields. For instance, it can assist bankers in their work and doctors in performing surgeries. The abilities of AI can also contribute to the progress of a country." many people now use AI to make their work easier and faster.

        2. AI can help with development by assisting us with work like surgeries, fast food restaurants, producing shoes and more.

        3. Hey, Ava @ Topical Talk!
          I think AI can help with development through environmental protection. By analyzing data, AI can monitor things like air and water quality to make sure they're safe for people and animals. It can also track endangered animals to help protect them and their habitats. Plus, AI can even predict things like natural disasters, so we can be better prepared and keep everyone safe. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

        4. Hi Eva @ Topical Talk,
          AI can help with development by spending less time on repetitive tasks, helping scientists with further research that we do not know of, helping surgeons when performing more advanced surgeries as well as helping architecture with more improved building structures and with the capability (if needed) working from home and many others. This makes our lives much more easier and faster. However, the downside to this could cause unemployment, and does not have the same thoughts and empathy as a human would resulting danger to the humankind.

    6. Yes, I agree with your comment. Clever peach AI will revolutionize healthcare and medical services, but I want to question you will it revolutionize it in all aspects, let's say in psychology, therapy and psychiatry because to do these jobs effectively AI must be able to understand what it is that their patient is going through AI must be able to understand its pain and all the things that the patient goes through. But AI cannot understand human feelings and emotions, and just so you know, it is all still under mental healthcare.

    7. Hi Clever Peach!
      I love your comment and the examples gave but can you give an example of AI being used in drug discovery?
      I would like to clarify and learn something new from you.
      Thank you

    8. I agree because,
      The coming of AI's to small hospitals which are struggling to gain peoples trust and to gain recognition, helps a lot in achieving their primary goal as a clinic or hospital some of the reasons why people do not trust some of these hospitals is because, of some levels of lack of efficiency or inadequate training of medical personnel. Now the coming or introduction of Ai's can help them to eradicate most of the uncalled-for mistakes gain the trust of people as Ai's are highly efficient in such aspects. 25% percent of humans who die every year is as a result of mistakes made by medical personnel during medical treatment or surgery.

      With the employment Ai's it would give patients more hope of surviving rather making them fear loosing their lives during surgery.


    9. Technological advancement in company equipment will lead to a widespread of employment,this is called frictional employment.but now all the work that is supposed to be done by human will be done by machine,so therefore human labour would not be needed.

    10. I agree that AI has the potential to create new worlds or bring games to life with its advanced technology. Some people might see this as a positive thing because they could view it as a source of entertainment or as a way to experience things in a more immersive way.

    11. I'm not sure about this because it is part of every country to encounter challenges such as development I strongly disagree with you because if (Artificial Intelligence ) is used most country's would be more computerized or computer based witch could widen the gap of the negative effects (Ai) but on the other hand I do agree that (AI) is currently dominating the world so there is a large percent of the world that is more technological based and the rest of the world slowly adapts to the use of technology so the effect of (AI) has greatly impacted the world.

    12. Although the idea of advancements in healthcare is a good thing, many people might not trust or feel comfortable with so much reliance on new technology rather than proven human medical care. This is especially clear with the older generation who find technology daunting and unaccessible.

    13. I agree because robots cannot get tired. This may even help decrease the waiting times for major operations saving many lives!

  • Hi ,
    I personally think the current AI can change a lot in this emerging and modern world . I say this because we have a couple examples from what is already happening and what technology is slowly being introduced . A example of this is schools . We are currently seeing the slow progression of technology and AI being used in schools . We are currently seeing this in real life in The Georgia institute of Technology . They are using AI in a way of a teaching assistant called Jill Watson . Jill helps the students there by offering to 1 to 1 attention to them .
    On the other hand this may also be a bad thing as school is meant to be more than just education and learning . It is a place where students can grow their social skills aswell . This could not be done to the same level with a robot as they do not understand any emotion . This means the students will not have any connection to the teachers and might put them off learning .

    1. Thanks for sharing an example! How could we combine the use of AI and humans to get the best in education?

      1. Hello Tiff ,
        I think your question is really good . I think that AI and humans could merge by giving examples and harder level question answers to the teacher . This would make life easier for the teacher so they could focus on purely teaching the class . AI could also help when the teacher is ill . The AI will already know what part they are up to so they could teach the kids for that day .
        Thanks for the great question .

      2. I think that combining I and human efforts can greatly enhance the quality of education in menu ways. my favorite way is by using AI to correct teacher's spelling errors and create more challenging questions that improve their quality of education.

      3. Hello Tiff.
        AI can be used to assist us in learning different languages like Spanish, Arabic, French and lots more.
        I think if we have an AI bot that is programmed with French, Arabic Spanish and other languages we can be talking to it in order to perfect our language and it is going to be fun. Also installing some cool games that has to do with developing different languages would help us too.
        Another amazing thing that the AI can do in education is to assist teachers who are super busy. The AI buddy can help teachers in coming up with really fun and interesting in a simple plans. It can also suggest awesome game activities for the students to learn with.
        By using AI in education we can make learning more enjoyable and effective for everyone involved.

    2. What you are saying is correct. AI is really helping in the education sector. They really contribute to developing the quality of education in schools. As you said, education isn't everything that one learns in school, one can also learn skills and grow themselves emotionally, socially and mentally. While AI cannot teach them all of this, they can be used as efficient tools by the teacher and this will really develop the level of education. Teamwork will really come in handy in the future. If teachers are able to efficiently use AI then everything will become better. With the accuracy and speed of AI and the affection and commitment of a teacher, the future of schools seem very bright.

  • The world is evolving into technology-based world, in my opinion I think AI will bring some positive changes in the world. AI has already taken the fields of agriculture, education, constructions etc. In agriculture AI has assisted farmers in the dispersal of seeds, drones used to fertilizers and insecticides. Scanning how fertile the soils for planting and creating seeds that are able to with stand disasters and even pests. AI based sprinklers used to water crops with or without the supervision of farmers. AI has assisted education in many ways, students used AI assistants for their research and studies, AI assist teachers by making their schedules and creating effective presentation. AI has helped disabled children in studying, do activities and communication with students. In hospitals AI assisted in helping researchers to find cures for illness and diseases and assisting in surgeries. In construction sites AI has helped save many lives and helping to reduce stress and labor for workers. AI is improving our planet for the better, but still needs a little work to our planet our advanced.

    1. Interesting points! Do you think there are any disadvantages of using AI in these industries?

      1. Yes, I believe the are disadvantages of using AI in these indutries, in Agriculture the will high costs because buying a machine for farm will cost farmers a lot of money,another is potential human job loss, and lack of emotions and creativity. AI is an algorithm and can somtime give misformations about the soils,plants and over fertilize plants. In construction humans become lazy and rely on AI to do all the work, this can be can a huge problems for constructors because they will be addicted to these invention which can cause problems . Because of AI ability to do tasks properly and quickly, workers in sites will tend to lose their jobs leading to increase of employment. Another is that since some projects take place in areas that are well connected to the ibternet it will be difficult for AI to perform its tasks. In education , AI cant express emotions and give support to children thus student tend to be bored and lose the ability to collaborate and communicate. In hospitals , AI might fail to diagnose illnessses correctly or patient could be misdiagnosed due to th lack of understanding human emotions.

      2. I just had a little talk with my friends and in the talk we discussed about disadvantages of AI after the talk I later came up with the Idea as talked about below:
        In my own view I think There are many disadvantages of using AI in the industries as listed below:
        1. Costly Implementation: These are those related to the development and execution of the implementation strategy that targets one or more specific evidence-based interventions. The strategy will affect directly the subsequent intervention, possibly in its efficiency, utilization, or quality.
        2. Potential human job loss: Actual Impact of AI. With projections that AI could potentially replace around 800 million jobs worldwide by 2030, it's no wonder the world is brimming with anticipation.
        3.Lack of emotion and creativity: Another limitation of AI is that it lacks emotion and empathy. It can't replicate human emotions or understand the emotional impact of art or music. As a result, AI-generated content may lack the emotional depth and impact that comes from human creativity. Additionally, AI is only as smart as the data it's fed.
        THANK YOU.

    2. I agree because the proliferation of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) is indeed transforming various aspects of the world, bringing about several positive changes. This transition is evident in agriculture, education, healthcare, and construction, among other sectors.
      Just as you mentioned, in agriculture, AI has significantly enhanced efficiency and productivity. By leveraging AI, farmers can employ precision farming techniques, such as using drones to disperse seeds and apply fertilisers and insecticides. Additionally, AI-powered sensors and algorithms can analyse soil fertility and weather conditions to optimise crop growth. These advancements not only increase yields but also promote sustainability by reducing the use of resources.

      But I also think that we shouldn't only pay attention to the advantages of AI but also the disadvantages.

      1. I agree strongly with the comment that we should also look at the disadvantages of AI enthusiastic_buffalo, AI has its disadvantages in education, human interactions decrease, which will affect the social and emotional development of students. Unemployment of teachers and lack of humor in class. AI can malfunction in any lesson causing harm to students and teachers. In agriculture, AI can be expensive can can cost a lot for development and maintenance. Loss of jobs and cultural values for farmers. Plants can be having difficulty adapting to technology. AI can be inaccurate in predicting water levels, soil fertility, and weather patterns. In healthcare, AI can harm patients due to AI system errors and inaccuracy. Patients not being comfortable with an AI treating them. In construction sites, AI can malfunction causing accidents to happen. Low internet connectivity making hard for AI systems to work. AI predictions in sites are not accurate hence causing buildings to be weak and unstable. In all AI still needs more work before humans can fully allow AI systems to assist them in their daily activities.

      2. Yes, to add onto @enthusiastic_buffalo we can't just look at the good side of things, if we do things can go extremely wrong. For example: Somebody wants to back out of surgery but they cannot because the robot is already doing the surgery. Robots don't have feelings, or remorse. They just go with what they're programmed for. Let's say it was a robot police, the robot could possibly arrest people that look like they're doing wrong but they're not. For example, if someone is putting a phone in their pocket the robot might think it's a gun. Or, if the person pulls their phone out, they might get arrested by the robot. All in all, my point is to look at not only advantages of AI, but be aware of the disadvantages of AI too.

  • As the world changes, technology changes too. So I think that yes AI will transform the world. Many gadgets, machines will be technological advanced to assist us in our daily tasks. Additional in many big sectors such as farming Healthcare, education the use of AI will be increased dramatically. It has already started in some of them, such as robotic surgeries, autocorrection in education and so on. However I think that after so.e years AI will arrive at its peak and it will stop progressing. Of course this is a personal opinion.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I believe we are constantly progressing concerning technological advances but I think at some point there will be an end or something different will emerge that we haven't thought about it up until now. For me AI is best properly used in medical reasons and especially for people with disabilities. It is for them a comfort as it can help them communicate or even walk. For these reasons this is their best use.

  • I feel that the AI could transform the emerging world into a place that everything is made easier or us such as, the AI guiding us with our assignments as students, helping us to summarize notes to reduce stress, helping adults and parent to organize their schedule, also helping cleaners in cleaning e.t.c AI could do a very big lot for us but the things stated above is a brief summary. Have a lovely day Topical Talkers.

    1. I agree with you because... student now use Ai to do a lot of work for example project giving by the school to the student to do at home the would go ahead and use the internet to do it so that they can go and play.

      1. I exceedingly agree with you reflective_cymabals because Artificial intelligence (also known as AI) as you stated it helps students to do a lot of work (project),yes I agree with your point ,thus AI holds great promise for making our lifestyles more easier. It helps us with research,assignments, helps with time management,helps individuals with organizing,automation tasks, personalized learning and etc..

      2. The fact that they have internet access should not put them under the illusion that letting AI do everything for them is alright. There should be regulation because dependence on AI will make them dormant. There is a difference between using AI as an aid and over-using it. They should at least work with the information that they get from AI and put in a little creativity themselves. This will actually help them develop better. They should not just come home from school and toss all their assignments to AI to do it while they go and play. This will not lead to development, it will lead to dependency and dormancy.

        1. I wholeheartedly concur with you, intelligent_orchard, since AI can have a positive effect on security-related concerns. This is because AI is very good at spotting crooks and can follow someone just by looking at them.
          Artificial intelligence (AI) affects learning and development in addition to security.
          AI aids in the development of physicians, farmers, and other professions.
          However, there are occasionally certain drawbacks to AI. These include as follows.
          1. Jobs may be replaced by AI.
          2. AI might rule the entire planet.
          eager to see any corrections.
          I'm grateful.

        2. I think your opinion is intriguing and I completely agree with you, intelligent_orchard. AI has the potential to change the world such that everything is simpler and better, in my opinion. AI may help people in their daily lives, assist kids with school-related tasks, and support parents. In the future, I think AI bots can help to make things simpler for physicians, since AI can help to improve some jobs and support people in jobs like those in the medical field.

    2. Hi reflective cymbals!
      I agree because I believe that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly simplify our lives. For example, AI could help us with our schoolwork, help us condense notes to ease stress, assist adults and parents with scheduling and much more.

      1. I agree because... AI could serve as an assistant in every job. It helps us work easily both with children and adults. No matter what the job is AI would help one way or the other. Most of us think AI would not be suitable for teaching since it has no emotions. But it could help provide the teacher more information and resources. Example: On the hub the real adults do most of the job, but AI helps them to identify whether someone copied from somebody or used AI. AI could help you solve question in steps as an improvised teacher. AI could help you generate a reply or comment using the prescribed genre since it uses gigantic words that make it seem more professional. Now am really confused about a question. If AI was invented a long time ago where the great scientists existed, would they have made more or less discoveries.

        1. I agree and disagree with you because........ you stated that AI could serve as an assistant in every job. AI guiding us with our assignments as students, helping us to learn our notes in the shortest ways, to reduce stress on our teacher’s, helping adults and parent to organize their schedule, also helping cook different foods around the world. I believe that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly simplify our lives.
          This is very good but AI devices malfunction easily. AI devices helps with teaching.
          Imagine that an AI bot comes to the class and just speaks without making the class interactive some need the class to be fun before they can understand what the teacher says but because is an AI bot it is programmed to just speak and AI bots don’t have feelings.
          This happens because AI devices lack these stuff:

          Job displacement
          Ethical concerns about bias and privacy
          Security risks from hacking
          Lack of human-like creativity and empathy
          High production costs
          Making humans lazy
          Rise in unemployment
          Difficulty in creating the correct AI structure

        2. I agree with your comment, AI can help people in many ways. In school, our STEM teacher showed us glasses that can help blind people from bumping into objects and walls, so when nearing a wall or objects the glasses will make a beeping sound. AI can help create devices that help blind people from accidents and situations. AI can help students who are homeschooled enjoy their studies by using AI to create a metaverse where the student can interact with people and the AI can disguise itself as a human teacher so the students can have the feeling of life in a classroom. AI voice technologies can help mute students express their opinions and questions, these voice technologies can help deaf students understand educators' lessons. AI can help guards in prisons by scanning every area of the prisons every hour, this way prisoners have no chance of escaping. AI can help the elderly in nursing homes by, reading to them, scheduling for them to take their meds, and helping them to walk around easily . Humans' idea of creating AI has helped many people do things they are not able to do and will continue making dreams possible for humans.

        3. I really love your question helpful_idea and i would love to give my opinion on it. I have been thinking about something similar to that too. I think that if AI had existed a long time ago great scientist wouldn't even be great. The thing about AI is that when it is implemented, it eases the work of the user which means it puts you in your comfort zone. Most scientists made those discoveries because they were not in their comfort zone, they were experiencing some kind of problem. If AI had been there to begin with, they would have just solved the problems with a click of a button without even wondering what caused the problem. I also think that if AI is really implemented in developing countries they will develop fast but they won't develop well. There is a difference. Other countries have developed by making mistakes, learning from them, being innovative and finding solutions to the problems they face. This gives them the ability to think critically and actually solve problems around them. On the other hand if developing countries rely on AI too much, they could simply tap a button to solve their problems instead of using their own intelligence to find a way out. I don't think AI should be allowed to develop a country, the people should develop the country with AI as a tool.

    3. Those are good examples. Could you think of any negative impacts of using AI in the emerging world?

      1. We all know an adage that says that everything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage this same adage applies to AI in the emerging world AI has a negative impact.
        AI'S negative impact is that it could result to scam example an AI could do an advertisement and people think it's humans and they subscribe a large amount of money for the advertisement without knowing it is AI scam, and later when they discover it was a scam they get high blood pressure.
        In conclusion the negative impact on AI in the emerging world is that it could cause security risks that is scam.

      2. The negative impact of using AI in the emerging world is that AI will take over the world and it will be replaced with humans.and if they are not control AI it can cause danger particularly when there is no guidelines and protective laws in place. Although AI have a lot of benefits in an emerging country we cannot say if the benefits out weigh the risks.

      3. Hello, we all know that everything has a good and bad side so I am going to try and list out a few disadvantages. Firstly, I know this might sound a bit childish but a while ago I watched this cartoon that spoke about robots taking over the world and over powering us. Secondly probably the AI could gang up against us and start to terrorize our live bit by bit. Thirdly and lastly, AI could cause an increase in unemployment and poverty. The AI could start coming into our work places and take our spot. So I hope that these few points of mine explain a lot

      4. I'm not sure about this.....but,
        The introduction of AI, in developed areas carries the risk of job losses, privacy concerns and an exacerbation of existing inequalities. The implementation of AI might disrupt economies. Impede the growth of traditional skills. The influence of AI on job markets in developing regions could potentially pose challenges. Result in skill gaps. Additionally the impact of AI on emerging economies raises concerns regarding data privacy and ethical considerations. The introduction of AI, in developed areas may give rise to dilemmas and regulatory challenges concerning data privacy.

      5. Yes, AI has many negative impacts in the emerging world, and some people see it as an advantage, while others side with me. There are some advantages, but the disadvantages affect us in our daily lives presently. Some negative impacts include:
        Job Displacement: As AI automates tasks, some jobs may be at risk. Sectors relying on routine work could see job losses, affecting employment opportunities.
        2. Bias and Fairness: AI algorithms learn from historical data, which might contain biases. If not handled carefully, these biases can perpetuate discrimination, especially against marginalized groups.
        3. Limited Access: Not all countries have equal access to AI. Infrastructure, costs, and expertise can hinder adoption in developing nations.
        4. Ethical Concerns: AI decisions impact lives (e.g., healthcare, finance). Ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical use is crucial.
        5. Privacy Risks: AI often processes personal data like Inadequate privacy protections can lead to breaches and loss of privacy.

    4. Hi,reflective_cymbals
      Your suggestions and opinions were great. But, don't forget that when Al will be make a emerging world we will be able to complete our work easily. But, don't forget that once Al transforms the current world into the emerging world, our job will be easier. But, it will make people lazy. Human creativity and intelligence will decrease. Then no one will be efficient.So in my opinion, if Al transforms the current world into the emerging world, it will be both good and bad for us.

    5. I strongly agree with you because of i fill that AI can transform the betterment of this world by making life easier for us and the upcoming Future generation. It can also help us in our academies like assignment and the rest.

    6. I strongly agree with you because you could transform the world in the following ways:
      1. AI can make the world a better place to be.
      2. It can be used for teaching why because you could use you can use the help of AI to browse.
      Thank you all!!!

    7. I wholeheartedly concur with reflective_cymbals that AI can advance the developing world by assisting kids with their homework summarizing notes so they can learn more quickly and effectively.
      Even adults can benefit from AI for their work and possibly projects.
      I believe artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to improve the emerging planet.
      AI is even capable of serving as a good counselor to people. For instance, if an elderly person is concerned about what to eat for health reasons, AI can make some recommendations for him.
      eager to see any corrections.
      I'm grateful.

    8. I agree because artificial intelligence, or AI, can make our lives easier. For instance, when we have school assignments, AI helps us complete them more quickly and easily. It can also help us summarize our coursework and make life easier for our parents by helping with scheduling. In conclusion, AI will significantly improve our quality of life compared to the previous economy.

    9. With confidence, reflective_cymbals, I concur with you because AI can assist with health-related difficulties as well. For instance, AI can educate doctors new information and assist with some tasks that they are unable to perform.
      AI may assist adults with their job work and occasionally projects, and it can assist students in finding solutions to their homework.
      eager to see any corrections.
      I'm grateful.

    10. I wholeheartedly concur with you reflective cymbals, and I think your comment is fascinating because I think artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve the planet we live in; it can help us with health issues and hopefully help doctors in the future; it can help us with school-related problems and problem-solving; and it can even help our parents schedule their work (personal assistant).

    11. I wholeheartedly concur with reflective_cymbals that artificial intelligence, or AI, is contributing to global advancement. AI can help with a number of issues, including: 1. Health issues: AI can scan human body systems to determine the location of problems; 2. Security issues: AI can provide security in your home or elsewhere by tracking people down simply by looking at them. However, AI can also have drawbacks, such as 1. AI having the potential to take over people's futures; and 2. AI having the potential to take over the entire planet.

    12. Thank you very much reflective _cymbals, your comment was an educating and a lovely one. But I will love to ask you this question, don't you think that the AI can equally make people very lazy to perform a simple job?

      1. Well, AI can make people very lazy, in fact it has already started. Like, dishwashers for example, what do we need them for. We could wash our plates with our hands to be sure how clean they are. Those things are really expensive so why spend that amount of money when you could do it all by yourself. It also leads to an addiction behavior not to use human capabilities, thus making us very lazy.

        1. How might the invention of dishwashers and washing machines have had a positive impact of some people, especially women?

          1. Well in my previous comment I was a bit against the use of dishwashers but then the dishwasher and washing machine can have both positive and negative effect. Ive stated already the negative change so now I will state the positive. Dishwashers, make work easier in the kitchen and it also reduces the rate of work women or men or children go through. Washing machines, save time because, they are designed to clean clothes much faster than washing them by hand.

  • In my opinion Ai can be a effective thing for the transformation of emerging world. It is being more powerful and capable to perform most of the activities getting concerned it is providing effective changes in the world. AI can transform the emerging world in numerous ways. With advancements in AI technology, we can expect improvements in various sectors. AI can help in providing personalized education experiences. It can also help in addressing global challenges like climate change.Ai has the possibility to make a positive impact on our lives and the world !!

  • AI will definitely play a crucial role in helping them in all aspects but also at thesame time it will also help in destroying them since they are still emerging world, if they embrace technology at this early stage, then what ''Albert Einstein'' said in his quote about technology will definitely happen to them, and he says in his quote ''i fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. the world will only have a generation of idiots''.

  • Definitely yes ! I do think ai will change today world into technologically advanced and easy.
    It can be in every sector agriculture, education,science, technology,and many many more .
    I will take my example I draw little bit in my free time . My teacher told me I am sellacted for inter school compilation. I told ai my topic how I want image . It gave me the output i execute it which make me winner .

    1. Did using AI for the image part of your work give you more time to focus on the main part?

      1. Definitely!
        Using AI for the image part of my work has been a game-changer. It saves me so much time and allows me to focus more on the main part. It's like having a helpful assistant that takes care of the visuals while I dive deeper into the core of my work. It's been a real productivity boost!
        Absolutely! AI has been a huge help in streamlining my workflow. By automating the image part, I can dedicate more time and attention to the main aspects of my work. It's like having an extra set of hands that takes care of the visuals, allowing me to focus on what really matters. It's been a total game-changer!

  • I believe that AI will serve as a great help to the emerging world as shown above in the aspect of farming, teaching, taking care of patients. One of the major difficulties in the emerging world/countries is its lack of communication with other countries which have had a significant level of development. I believe that if developing countries were to be in good communication with developing countries through the means of AI, it will be easier for those countries to take advice and strategies in developing their country. Also as AI will have a good impact on the emerging countries, it may also have a bad impact when it begins to be abused. We have seen in different conversations that AI were made to assist us and overdependence of AI can lead to laziness of humans and even replacement of humans in certain jobs.

    1. Those are good examples of the positive impacts of AI. Could you provide examples of where AI could lead to laziness?

      1. Of course, I believe that AI has the potential to breed sloth, but relying exclusively on AI systems to complete tasks will undoubtedly breed laziness. The younger generation these days tends to rely entirely on machines and the internet, so when it comes to completing homework and class assignments, this is a problem because many schools have introduced artificial intelligence (AI) to their students. However, many students abuse this technology by using the internet and AI machines continuously under the false pretense that this is helping them with their work. As they say, too much of anything is bad, so relying only on AI machines will undoubtedly cause one to rely and depend on AI machines which it is not good.

      2. Certainly!
        While AI can have many positive impacts, there are also concerns about its potential to contribute to laziness. For example, relying too heavily on AI for tasks like decision-making or problem-solving may lead to a decrease in critical thinking skills. Additionally, the convenience of AI-powered devices and services may discourage individuals from engaging in physical activity or seeking out real-life experiences. It's important to strike a balance and use AI as a tool to enhance our lives rather than relying on it excessively.

      3. Well, sitting back and letting AI do everything for you might lead you to think that there is no need to do anything because AI has you covered. It will be so easy to get things done and so, you will lose interest in actually challenging yourself to do anything. If AI takes over all our affairs, we will become dormant. For example if a man works in an office and makes speeches to present during a conference, he will always challenge himself to do better. But if AI is there to write his speech for him, he could just decide to sit back, relax and let AI do all the thinking.

      4. I somewhat believe that there are some drawbacks of heavily relying on AI. In Nepalese agriculture, integrating AI for crop management could sideline traditional wisdom, overlooking farmers' nuanced understanding of local climates. Overdependence on AI may undermine critical thinking and creativity in education, hindering innovation. Striking a balance is crucial, integrating AI advancements while preserving valuable insights from experience and traditional knowledge.

  • AI will be able to change to coming world both negatively and positively ,it can be able to help the society and also make life easier for us but at the same time it has its downfalls, AI will be so effective that it might replace all of the work and jobs that people have, people might forget how to do some things and it might also make us to forget some skills that we have developed already , there is this movie called wall-e which is a perfect example of what it is I am trying to say.

    1. Hello charming_artist
      I stronlg agree with your comment,the world is changing ,soon everything will be done by AI, but in my opinion I think it will impact humans postivley and negatively. Jobs that require emotions such as teaching, day care, some parts of healthcare etc. cannot be controlled by AI, because doesnt have the minimum requirements to up these jobs. AI cannot express emotions, making hard for AI to understand their feelings and comfort in times of need. AI cannot relate to humans, thus interacting with them impossible , meaning find out problem for humans is a minor issue for humans to evolve.Understanding people is one important keys in life, AI lacks the ability to understand and communicate with humans. Humans will rely on AI too much neglecting there jobs thus making them extremely lazy and passive. Apart from the negative side, AI has some azaming benefits, AI can improve some jobs such as agriculture, businesses, constructions, some parts of healthcare etc. In agriculture AI can use drones to water plant's and spray pesticides' and insecticides. Using AI sensors to scan farms for any pests and animals can help farmers spot them and save crops. AI can help farmers study the soils and check whether patterns to see whether it is Ok to plant crops. AI can help farmer researchers to create seeds that withstand any whether conditions and disasters making crops abundant all year. In constuction AI can help build eco-friendly buildings ,using natural energy such as wind ,sun and water to power these building can help reduce carbon emissions.AI help these building with stand disasters and weather conditions help to save more lives. AI can help lift heavy objects easing stress for humans. In healthcare AI can help in researching for new effective treatments to cure illnesses and diseases. AI can slo help in brain and heart surgeries and help in surgeries to seperate more Saimese twins in the future. In my opinion I strongly believe that AI changing face of the earth for the beteer but I believe that humans should not rely on AI all the time rather AI should be a movitations for humans to create more effective technologies to help support humans.

  • Hello.
    AI has the potential to improve the planet, in my opinion.AI can make the world more equitable. For instance, if someone has to Google something, AI can assist him in doing so. Farmers, doctors, and teachers can all benefit from assistance with students' homework and learning. The world can truly be changed by AI.

    1. Those are good examples. You said that AI has the potential to improve the planet. Can you give an example of how it has been used positively by farmers and teachers?

      1. Hey.
        Teachers and farmers can benefit greatly from artificial intelligence (AI). For example, teachers can receive assistance in researching the subjects they teach pupils and make their classes more interactive and farmers can use AI to translate their native language into English and vice versa this will help them to talk to fellow farmers worldwide and learn from them. They can make their farms work with AI to make them better and more productive. Like when to water the plants and alerting the farmer of pests and dieseases. In fact, AI has the power to improve both of these groups of people.
        Thank you.

        1. I agree with your comment , AI can benefit farmers by analying the soil composition of samples to determine which nutrients may be lacking. AI help predict crop diseases. AI reduce water usage and improve crop yields. AI can help spray fertilizers, pesticides to help reduce pests and treat plants. Ai can help monitor livestocks health and it can reduce money for farmers. AI can help in wheather patterns and alert farmers of disasters. In education provide student with advanced tutoring this students can learn aheard of teachers to help make teaching easier, it can also increase students thinking capacity and analytical skills. AI can assist students with special needs to support children with disabilities , learning diffculities and other challenges . AI can intensify students learning by interacing them in interactive and engaging lessons.

      2. Hi There
        AI can help local farmers with access to a wealth of information and tool, enabling them to make informed decisions about their farming practices. This includes insights into optimal planting times, soil health management, efficient water usage, and pest control strategies for example Automated farm machinery like driverless tractors, smart irrigation, fertilization systems,I0T-powered agricultural drones, smart spray, and AI-based greenhouse robot.

        1. What impact do these tools have?

  • Hi everyone!
    I think that AI will be able to develop the world positively because it has the ability to train and help people in the case of emergencies, one such scenario, is if a person is suffering from seizure ,AI will be able to educate a person surrounding the seizure patient and teach that person how to help the seizure patient using the right tools.
    Artificial Intelligence can also help in the world of technology because if a student does not geta particular topic and no one is around to help the person can rely on AI to teach them.
    It might also make students lazy because they might end up relying heavily on AI for assignments but with restrictions at certain times AI will develop the world positively.

    1. This will help business men and women connect to each other from every part of the world,the do not need to go see each other physically.Ai will also help medical practitioner who are not yet perfect,by instructing them on what to do, because it has been programmed to carry out that task.

      Ai is will also be of help in banking, people do not need to go to bank physically to make transaction,they can do this from their home and it even more secure unlike going to the bank and getting robber.it helps in calculating,and the are different banking app now.
      The only disadvantage it has is the fund,and will it be useful for the poor.

  • AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, education, agriculture, and finance in the emerging world. From AI-powered diagnostics in healthcare to personalized learning platforms in education, and from crop monitoring in agriculture to digital banking in finance, AI could drive innovation, economic growth, and social development, but equitable access and addressing challenges like job displacement and privacy concerns are essential.

  • We could combine the use AI and human to get best education by helping each other and AI can show the human what he can do so that the human learn from that.Human can show AI what he can do and learn from that.And it will be more helpful for the world.

  • AI could transform the emerging world in many ways. They can help countries with their educational system to implement modern techniques with technology. But all this need to be done by moderation. AI is not the solution to learn in depth. It's a tool to.help you find something faster without you having the basic knowledge. Personally I think that AI if used properly can help people.

  • I think AI bots will transform emerging countries. The example which stood out to me the most was: students in Kenya will soon be chatting with a computer to get help with their homework, and the computer will get better at teaching based on what the students ask. For instance, if a student was given homework and they did not understand it and they ask their parents, but their parents did not acquire education when they were younger, they will not be able to help them, so they will not be able to do the homework but if they have a computer, they can just ask it. And the fact the computer gets better at teaching based on what the student asks is superb!

    1. I'm not sure about this because... I don't know how AI would get better at teaching based on what the students ask. And I kind of disagree with you because you are saying that it's going to help them positively. I think it would affect them negatively because they have probably gone through a lot doing Homeworks without any research or internet which is extremely difficult so they would gradually start to rely on AI to feel how it is to do less of the work and get it done. But generally, I think the way AI is going to have an impact whether good or bad depends on the user.

  • AI could transform the emerging world into a place that everything is made easier for us. For example, the AI guiding us with our assignments as students, helping us to learn our notes in the shortest ways, to reduce stress on our teacher’s, helping adults and parent to organize their schedule, also helping cook different foods around the world. I believe that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly simplify our lives. For example, AI could help us with our schoolwork, help us condense notes to ease stress, assist adults and parents with scheduling and much more.AI can transform the emerging world in numerous ways. With advancements in AI technology, we can expect improvements in various sectors. AI can help in providing personalized education experiences. It can also help in addressing global challenges like climate change. AI has the possibility to make a positive impact on our lives and the world.

    But let us not forget that AI devices are all programmed in different ways.
    And AI devices can malfunction easily. AI devices helps with teaching.
    Imagine that an AI bot comes to the class and just speaks without making the class interactive some need the class to be fun before they can understand what the teacher says but because is an AI bot it is programmed to just speak and AI bots don’t have feelings.
    Thank you!!!!

  • In developing regions, Artificial Intelligence will have a great impact resulting on many advantages and and also disadvantages.
    The advantages of Artificial Intelligence in developing countries include:
    1. It helps to improve the educational system by educating the teachers on better learning approaches.
    2. It would help to improve the general health of people due to the increase on technology in the medical sector.
    3. It would help workers in the extractive industry, eg farmers to be more efficient and productive through the creation and implementation of new AI-powered machines.
    4. It would help to fight against climate change, poverty and more.
    These, and so many more are the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in developing countries.
    However, with pros there are also cons such as:
    1. Most youths and members of the working population can become machine-minded and lack creativity.
    2. It can make humans become more lazy.
    3. It can result in a huge rate of unemployment and lack of jobs,etc.
    All in all, I believe that AI has the power to drive positive change in developing countries.Yes, there are disadvantages but I personally believed that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
    Depending on how AI is used in developing countries , its cons can be prevented.

    1. I think AI would create more jobs than it would replace. It's the same cause which was with industrial revolution which created way more jobs than it would replace. I would like to support this with a quote
      "You will not be replaced by AI, you will be replaced by a person who knows how to use AI"

  • AI can greatly benefit emerging countries in farming, teaching, and patient care. However, communication is a major challenge for these countries. AI can facilitate better communication and provide advice for development. However, overdependence on AI can lead to laziness and job replacement. AI can also be used in schools, such as the Georgia Institute of Technology's Jill Watson teaching assistant. AI can help in emergencies, such as treating seizure patients, and provide guidance for students. However, it may also make students lazy and rely heavily on AI for assignments. AI can also help in technology, but it may not be as effective as robots, which lack emotion understanding and may hinder learning. Overall, AI has the potential to positively impact emerging countries, but it must be used responsibly and responsibly.

  • From how I perceive it, I believe that Al can help our planet transform into the emerging world. It is a substantial revolution and achievement of humanity so it is natural that most countries will be affected both negatively and positively.
    On the one hand, Al can contribute in the development and the upgrade of countries in several sectors and it can also help to get jobs done that are dangerous for people to do.
    One the other hand, Al can limit job vacancies and many people will lose their jobs as everything will be accomplished by robots. Thus, many financial issues will be generated both in the community and both individually to citizens.
    A very compelling example for the aforementioned things is Dubai which is an emerging country that is inextricably intertwined with technology and Al. Shops there use Al for serving costumers as there are many robots working in food chains, local citizens use it while working and students utilize it for extracting information in order to cope with school difficulties. So, it goes without saying that in such developing countries known for being wealthy with good reputation, Al is essential for the social cohension.

    1. I agree because... I also believe that AI will change the world positively.
      With the development of the metaverse scientist and researchers can conduct experiment to test for treatment for medical illnesses. If the experiments are successful they can apply their findings in the real world which will be beneficial to us.
      Also the metaverse can help in the farming industry to increase agricultural productivity.
      Teachers can also use the metaverse as an instructional tool to to make learning fun and easy.
      If the knowledge gained from the metaverse is implemented in the real world it is going to transform our lives in countless positive ways.
      This is why I think that AI will have a positive impact in the emerging world.

      1. The potential of AI is truly remarkable. For instance, Apple's Vision Pro is a virtual reality world with endless possibilities - from gaming to movie watching. I believe we are yet to witness the full extent of AI's capabilities in the future.

        1. I agree with you that AI we are here to see the remarkable things AI can do in the future. This is because the way the world is progressing with knowledge and researchers scientist can use AI to really look for medications to illness that doesn't have cure at the moment. For example using the metaverse as a testing ground, scientist can try to find cure for cancer patients and it can be found within a very short time together with cure for other illness as well. To me AI is indeed remarkable and I can't wait to see what AI can do in the future

  • Hello 👋

    AI can help countries that are still growing in many ways:

    (1)Doing Things Faster:
    AI is an artificial intelligence means it's too smart, and even can be smarter than humans AI is too fast doing things it can make tasks easier and quicker in industries like making things, farming, and services.

    (2) health care evolving
    Did you know before that AI can be used in medicating people AI can make it easier for people to get medical help it can be as a robot 🤖 which works as a doctor or an AI that helps new doctors (begginers). It can also help especially in places where it's hard to find doctors.

    (3)Learning became easier.
    AI can help students learn in ways that suit them best, even if they don't have access to good schools. did you know that in China or Japan, they put something on the student's head that when a teacher asks a question it will be answered without it being said? AI will read the student's mind.

    (4)Helping New Ideas. AI can support people with new ideas by giving them smart advice and finding new ways to solve problems. It can give you information through applications like chat GPT

  • I think that AI will positively affect "The Emerging World". AI will be able to help and build new communities while also helping the people living there. For example how it stated above that AI will help kids in Kenya with their homework.

  • In the aspect of doctoring it would change it by far, if everyone has a robot protecting it's health we won't have to worry of going to the hospital.most of the times when people die it's because they didn't reach the hospital early but if we had an AI personal doctor we could get treated right there.
    In the aspect of Education it would boost it by far, if we have AI bot teaching us about what we're suppose to be learning in class it would be more understandable because the robots can give us very good point that have been brought from people around the world and it you don't understand a word he can explain it for you.
    With this two factors being improved AI will improve our emerging world.

  • In my opinion, the negative impact of AI is that it can worsen the inequality between having an education and not having one. AI does not have feelings, which means it cannot feel the unfairness of not having a proper education. In addition, AI can make humans lose jobs such as psychologists or business owners or doctors and maybe even lawyers!

    The positive impact to AI is that it can assist in medical diagnosis, find infections and treatments quickly, save time and eliminate biases as well

    1. I'm not sure about this because... AI does not have fellings for humans so it can not be used as a lawyer. What makes you think that if AI makes a business owner to lose his job why will AI not take the place of the doctors.

  • I think that providing the farmers in India with a speaking computer, so that they could benefit from the government's support is a revolutionary idea. However I can see a few problems coming with it. For example, if they are waiting for support to come, then how will they have enough money to pay for such an expensive product? Computers with the highest of technology are hard to access. It is hard for me to imagine how they will purchase it, as long as they haven't received government help. Also, if something goes wrong, will they have to pay for the reparations with their own money? That could be challenging. Another important aspect to consider is that many people will refuse to learn how to even use a computer. I know that some people who have never had access to technology can be quite sceptical about it. For example, my grandma didn't want to get a mobile phone, regardless of its benefits. Me and my mom tried to persuade her, but with no luck. My grandma kept saying that she won't be able to learn how to use it and that that she will probably break it. With that much stubbornness, learning how to operate a computer was out of question. So I think that AI could be useful to farmers, but only if the younger generation from India plays its role. My grandma had to accept a mobile phone when her old one stopped working. Of course, it took a bit more effort to convince her, but we managed.

    1. Thank you for sharing this story. This is an interesting comment about how older generations may view AI. Can you explain why people may be more hesitant?

      1. I think that older people may be more hesitant, because AI is something completely new to them. This technology is different from what they have learned to deal with. I think that they are also sceptical about it, because it made the younger generation addicted to it. They can notice kids and some adults always looking at their phones. Also, they probably notice how everything is done differently today, due to technology. I think it bothers them because they know that things could have been done their way, exactly how they would have done it years ago. Technology has evolved incredibly fast, which maybe made it hard to adapt to. Sometimes, when everything is moving on so quickly, you try to stick to something you know that you know you can keep. Another thing to keep in mind is that they have received a different education. In my country, my grandparents live then and now look nothing alike. I believe that because they were used to doing certain activities that they liked, they wanted to teach us too. It is just that...we are not really willing to learn much from them, so they are not willing to learn much from us either.

        1. This is really interesting. Thank you for responding!

  • From my point of view AI could have both and negative effects on the emerging world. AI can contribute to advanced farming where lands can be exploited easily and faster. It can also add a positive impact on Healthcare. However we need to take into account that AI need to be handled reasonably and only for the good of humanity.

    1. I agree with you because if we use AI too much, that is where AI becomes bad in the sense that if we over use AI , there could be potential job losses, think about AI doing everything in the world and earning the money, how would humans be able to get money and care for their needs, isn't it just useless to be living. But if we use AI moderately, by only allowing them to take over jobs that are life threatening to humans such as fire fighting and mining, humans can still have jobs and their lives can be preserved.
      In conclusion, I believe that AI can go both ways depending on how we use it, so we all should be careful in the way we use AI cause it could either make or destroy we humans.
      THANK YOU.

  • I agree that AI will help in transforming the emerging world especially the farmers through the presence of tractor used in making ridges which could take days to make when being made by humans but could only take some hours to make millions of ridges by AI tractor.

  • AI, or Artificial Intelligence, has the potential to revolutionize the emerging world in various ways. On the positive side, it can improve access to education and healthcare by providing online learning platforms and medical diagnosis tools. Additionally, AI can enhance agricultural practices by analysing soil conditions and predicting weather patterns, helping farmers make more informed decisions. However, there are concerns about certain negative impacts. For example, job displacement may occur as automation replaces human workers, potentially widening the income gap. Additionally, issues related to data privacy and security need to be carefully addressed.

  • AI is progressing, in my opinion, soon it will help in a lot of things, homework, education, medicine, and agriculture. I believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help a lot, by making our jobs more efficient, accurate, easy and better. So in conclusion AI will summery, and AI will favorably improve the future.
    Thank you.

    1. It's true AI is processing, they are evolving, and improving in technology. AI will make a big difference in all of our lives not only in doing homework, improving the quality of education, medicine etc.
      it will also improve how quickly we calculate equations, tell us more information that we did not know about etc.
      AI is here to stay and make our lives better.
      Thank you😇.

    2. Hello, topical talkers.
      I agree because... In my perspective, I feel that AI already helps in the activities you mentioned there @ creative_personality. In aspects of giving answers or opinions on homework, creating interactive games that could enhance a child's learning and efficiency due to automation of some repetitive tasks and so on. I feel AI is very helpful by making work more accurate, relieving stress, saving time, etc.
      In conclusion, AI has shown a level of superiority than humans towards most activities which is very pleasant but we should not let it take complete hold of us.
      Thank you.

    3. I disagree because AI will breed laziness. And you said AI will make jobs more efficient. It is impossible cause over the years human have been doing this job but never got harmed ,I think AI is bad for the planet. What if AI start malfunctioning.lastley I think AI consume lots of energy.
      THANK YOU😊.

  • I think AI has a positive impact in farming and health care.
    In farming AI can be used to teach the farmers about what support they can get from the government even though some of them are illiterate . AI can be used to tell the farmers which fertilizer should be use on rice field, which should be use on tea garden etc. How much fertilizer should they use to grow more crops.
    In health care, AI can help the doctors to take care of the patients. They can help in surgeries too. They can suggest medicine about some diseases so that the patients don’t have to go to the doctors.

    I think AI has a negative impact in education. If AI help us in doing our homework than how we can develop our skills and increase our knowledge. We have to remember that AI is invented to help people in some areas not to decrease their talent. Thus,students will have no interest in education. Otherwise they will be dependent on AI without trying to solve it.

  • Hello, I imagine that artificial intelligence (AI) could change the world by helping us solve all of the climate change issues that we are currently facing. The benefits of AI include a cleaner, greener world and a significant decrease in the frequency of floods and other natural disasters. The drawbacks include the high cost of creating or maintaining AI that could assist with climate change. Developing nations in coastal regions would benefit from it since they would no longer be in risk of submerging due to the consequences of climate change. Instead, they may now proceed with their appropriate development without interference.

  • I believe that AI could transform the emerging world by helping us out with harder jobs and other things. For example, AI is already helping us with surgeries but it's not completely doing the whole job. It just kind of works as an assistant. AI most likely will help us with more jobs in the future. AI is also helping students in school. There is this site called chat GPT that helps users come up with a prompt if they are writing a paper. It is wonderful to use as a source but not to completely copy from word by word. AI will help us with many more things in the future.

    1. Why might some people see this example of using Chat GPT as "cheating" at your work?

  • AI is the one of the best things created by man for man. It has a lot of positive and negative impacts or effects which are stated below.
    The potential positive effects that AI could have in growing countries include:
    -AI could be used to improve health care by diagnosing and treatment options as well as taking good care of patients.
    -AI could be used to improve education by providing personalised learning experiences and the have access to information.
    -AI could be used to improve agriculture by providing better crop management as well as weather forecast
    -AI could be used to improve infrastructure by providing real time data in traffic and energy users.
    -AI could be use to improve government services making it more transparent.
    Onwards to the potential negative effects of AI on growing countries
    -AI could lead to unemployment as some jobs will be done by AI.
    -AI could lead to ethical concerns such as risk of bias, unfairness and discrimination in the algorithms and the misuse of AI
    -AI could lead to privacy and surveillance concerns, as the data collected could be used to track individuals.

    1. Thank you for sharing, spirited_concept. Your challenge now is to pick one of the things on your list and add "and this means that..." at the end. This will help you to take your thinking a little deeper. I wonder if any other Topical Talkers would like to reply and try this too?

      1. Alright Katie, I will start with the first effect that I mentioned: AI can improve healthcare. And this means that patients would have access to more accurate diagnoses and treatments, and this could lead to quality of life. It could also help to address health disparities by providing equal access to quality healthcare for everyone, regardless of location or economic status. And by improving healthcare, AI could also help to reduce the overall cost of healthcare, which could free up resources to be used in other areas.

        Another negative effect: AI could lead to unemployment. And this means that many people might lose their jobs due to the automation of some tasks, and this could lead to economic hardship and unrest. It could also lead to a shift in the types of skills that are in demand, and this could leave some workers without the skills they need to find new work. Even though new jobs could be created by AI, it might not be at the same rate as the jobs that are lost, and this could lead to a net loss of jobs. This could have a negative impact on the economy as a whole.

    2. Well said spirited_concept.
      You've highlighted some great points about the positive and negative impacts of AI in growing countries. AI definitely has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, like healthcare, education, agriculture, and infrastructure. It can improve patient care, provide personalized learning, optimize crop management, and enhance government services. However, we must also be mindful of the potential negative effects, such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and privacy issues. Striking a balance and implementing responsible AI practices can help mitigate these challenges and maximize the benefits for everyone.

  • Hi
    I believe that the AI could transform the emerging world into a better place because AI can make our lives better and it can make our work easier and faster and AI can also help people in many ways for example artificial intelligence can help people to program things and AI can even help farmers in farming and it can help people in banks, hospitals and even schools by giving them opportunities to access world class information for learning.

  • I fell that AI has the potential to positively transform the emerging world by improving access to education , healthcare,and agricultural support.For example,AI powered tutoring can enhance learning outcomes, AI assited healthcare can extend medicial exoertise to remote areas, and AI applications in agriculture can boost productivity. However, there are concerns about job displacement and unequal access to AI technologies, whicj could exacerbate existing inequalities in these regions. Balancing these regions. Balancing these positive impacts with addressing potential challenges will be crucial for ensuring equitable development.

  • "I believe that AI can be more beneficial in the field of agriculture. For instance, it can assist in identifying plants that are less susceptible to diseases and better suited to weather conditions. Additionally, it can predict the appropriate time for harvesting the crops and perform other related tasks."

  • I think students should learn to work with and learn from humans not just AI. There is more to learning then looking at a computer. When students get older they need to know how to communicate with people not just computers.
    AI doesn't have emotions so won't know how children are feeling.
    AI could help cut fruit and vegatables from the soil though as its an easy job that takes so many people to do.

    1. I agree with you, there are many upsides to AI, but we can't ignore the downsides. If we solely depend on AI, it will stifle creativity, and, of course our social skills will suffer. AI should be used as a tool to help us achieve greater heights but we should never forget our own capabilities.

  • Hi everyone!
    AI has both positive and negative effects but I am going to talk about the negatives one such negative is the dependence on AI for daily tasks another is the use of AI to complete assignments which can bock the creative process of humans, In school we had a debate on the positives and negatives and concluded that with restricted use of AI in certain areas such as academics AI could be a beneficial tool in the development of society.

  • I really believe that AI has the capability to make our lives easier and give us more time for other activities. For example, in hospitals and clinics, AI helps doctors understand their talks with patients better. This makes it easier for doctors to figure out what's wrong and how to treat it. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) even says this. Apart from playing wonders in the healthcare system it can also help scientists solve big problems, like climate change. Plus, if AI takes care of simple tasks for us, we'll have more time to enjoy our hobbies or work on projects we're passionate about.

  • It will be a revolutionary change in the education system of Kenya if they are able to use computer to teach their students. Each student will get a personal tutor in form of a computer which will assist them to clear any doubts and in their study. But my question is, will the computer be able to replace the place of a teacher? It will never be able to do that. Providing computer as helping hand for secondary and higher secondary students will be good move but we should not let the children to learn from computer. It will leave a lot more negative effects on the children rather than doing positive thing. We have to keep in mind that teacher played an important role for the mental development of a children which a computer fails to do. So, computer should not replace teacher. It will work as additional helping force for the students in their journey of learning. So, I think that it is a good idea to provide students computer alongside the teachers. It will help them to learn more.

    1. Exactly the same thoughts . Having each person a personal computer would be a great idea but can not replace a teacher. It cam be used as a secondary tool especially for older learners that they need to be more autonomous. However they need guidance on how to work. Even the way a teacher talks or sounds can lead the students.
      Especially for younger students a teacher is like a role model to them something that a computer can not be.

  • AI has the capability to transform the emerging world in a lot of ways. Some prospective positive and negative effects are listed below:
    Positive Effects:
    Enhanced Accessibility to Education: AI educational tools and devices can provide personalized learning experiences, helping students all over the world to access quality education.
    Improved Agriculture: AI can assist farmers with crop management, pest control, and irrigation, leading to increased yields, improved food security, food preservation and preparation.
    Enhanced Healthcare: AI diagnostic tools can aid healthcare professional, improving patient care and treatment.
    Negative Effects:
    Rampant Unemployment: AI may most likely lead to job loss in occupations such as agriculture and manufacturing industries, leading to unemployment and income inequality.
    Dependency on Technology: Overreliance on AI systems could deteriorate human knowledge and skills, leading to a loss of human creativity skills and talent.
    Privacy Risks: AI surveillance systems may infringe upon individuals' privacy rights, raising crisis about data security.

  • I think that AI will have both negative and positive effects on the developing regions but it is undeniable that the positive effects are superior. Developing countries might be struggling in some areas that AI can really improve such as education, agriculture, economical structures and so on. Developing countries are well.....developing, which means they need innovative ideas that could help them reach new heights and improve the standard of living for their citizens. AI would really help to develop the country properly since it is so concise, speedy and accurate. Not to mention it can handle loads of information. Ai will make developing a walk in the park.
    However, AI might also make the level of hard work reduce as people would come to rely on AI for their own development instead of working towards it effectively. They could become lazy and leave AI to do all the thinking and building.

  • AI is one of the most important things in our life but as it positives it also has negatives let us start with positives, AI can be better than humans in something such as speed, solving problems and making our life more easier.
    Some of its negatives that it's making us somehow lazy and job displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from hacking, a lack of humans such as creativity and empathy.

  • I am absolutely certain that AI will change the world in amazing ways and completely change the way people live for the better. Some of us have probably heard the 21st century being referred to as the ''information age'' due to the rapid advancements in technology made during this era. Comparing the devices made in the 1900s to that of the 2000s, the results are truly remarkable and almost unbelievable.
    I don't think AI's impact on the emerging world has any negative effects as they are significantly outnumbered by its advantages. Looking at the impact of AI on the countries mentioned above and the benefits it came with, it already proves that there is nothing AI cannot do- even when it involves the growth of the emerging world.

  • AI is so valuable thing that it we use it in a right way it will make our world another place the most important point that we should depend on that the AI must be the tool not the style because how great is the AI it is still made by a human and will improve because the effort of the human so if the human use AI in jobs like police , doctors , security, environmental projects to protect our world from pollution also we should train the robots and AI very well to prevent destroying our world .

    1. Interesting ideas. Do you think there are any risks associated with AI and if so, can you give some examples?

  • I feel that AI will significantly transform the emerging world. This is because AI technologies have so much potential in education and medical fields. Ai is already being used in Hic’s (high income countries) healthcare systems to detect diseases or possible abnormalities in mri scans ultrasound scans and X-rays. Ai has the possibility to make some groundbreaking change especially in economically emerging or deprived areas. If Ai technologies are able to be run by solar energy then they can be used in more deprived areas in countries like Africa to aid with educational development as they can offer their knowledge for children to learn from as many adults in those areas do not have the knowledge to teach the children. This will give the opportunity to many children to learn and develop like other children in high to medium income countries which gives them the same opportunities in later life as us in high income countries. This would hopefully bridge the gap between the knowledge and intelligence of people from different parts of the world.

    Ai will also be able to overcome language boundaries so that people who speak in different languages can communicate with each-other. This would be useful in all sorts of situations and would help unite people with different backgrounds as they can share their stories and opinions to others with different experiences to them.

    Additionally, research has shown that Al technologies are being developed to predict outbreaks of diseases and epidemics. This will allow countries all over the world to take necessary steps and precautions to make sure these diseases don’t spread and cause another problem like Covid-19 as I’m sure that would be the last thing we would want to happen.

  • I strongly think that AI will have a big change to all the three examples shown above, because if AI is being used in farming, I am sure this will make the farmer have less work to do, since some famers start working from dawn and will finish in the time of 9:00pm, I really think this will help them a lot. With the students in Kenya who are about to be gifted AI gadgets, will have a big change to their education, because sometimes when a teacher is trying to explain something, students find it difficult to understand, so if they are getting AI gadgets it will help them with any explanation, anytime they are stuck at a question, or need explanation for a topic. I think AI will be an excellent addition to the hospital, even if the Docters don't have the proper training for any kind of illness, AI can just show him the steps to heal the patient or even teach the doctor how to cure some kinds of sicknesses.

  • I was thinking that how introducing AI to developing countries could have a positive impact, especially if young students are taught how to use it effectively. As it is given above that, in India, farmers are already using computers to communicate their issues to the government. AI can also help those who are less educated or belong to marginalized communities and have difficulty conveying their problems to the government. However, we need to be careful not to invest too heavily in AI if it means neglecting other pressing needs that these countries might have. After all, we don't want to create more problems than we solve, right?

  • On my opinion, A.I has the potential to transform the emerging world into a world having A.I assistance to everybody and most works are made easier and reliable to A.I. The A.I has the knowledge of all over the world, it could guide students on assignment, project works, summarize our notes and better and faster opinions on the topics. A.I even can assist doctors for the diagnosis of the patients, operations required steps and tools and guide the doctors practicing the medicines for the first time. A.I has such great potentials for the greater goods of humans while it may possess negative potential power on the emerging world. It could lead on laziness and joblessness of many young people. Through the advancements of A.I, they are practicing on the jobs, even resulting better accuracy and time management. Due to such advancements, businesses have applied A.I bots on work, stealing many people's jobs. On the replacement of humans with A.I, it results more spare time and causing laziness. It may create a colossal negative impacts on some life skills such as critical thinking, analysis, curiosity and many more. On developing regions, A.I has true potential to transform the regions as it results better solutions to many issues and it's suggestions have the potential for improvement on such sectors. It could analyse the total improvement of the overall factors and increase the efficiency and accuracy on the major factors.

  • Definitely, AI has the potential to transform the emerging world in numerous ways. It can help improve access to education, healthcare, and many other essential services. AI-powered technologies can also drive innovations, boost productivity, and create new job opportunities. however its important to ensure that AI is developed and implemented ethically, with a focus on inclusivity and adressing potential biases by harnessing the power of AI responsibly, we can make a positive impact on the emerging world, exiting times ahead.

  • Hello,
    I think that AI will be able to transform emerging world. It has the potential to help people with different works and make them easier and efficient. It will provide us easy access to education and learning. There are many applications available to tutor students which helps them with their school work plus gain external knowledge and facts. Also, as example given AI can help in agricultural field too. It can help us analyse data to predict weather, read soil and identify different plant diseases. AI can also help in health sector. For example telehealth; which helps us to identify our health problems easily. But while talking about negative effects there will huge digital divide. Not having equal distribution of technology will lead to huge digital divide. Also people will neglect their responsibilities such as family, friends, and works etc and only be busy with the Internet stuff. But overall AI has the potential to change the emerging world.

  • AI will definitely help in transforming the world! It will be used in various sectors such as health, education, finance and agriculture.
    However, it will have various positive as well as negative aspects which need to be kept in mind. Positive include-
    Automated transportation which will ensure fewer accidents.
    AI has the potential to boost a person’s economic health.
    Using A.I. enabled devices to ensure safety and security of residents in an area.
    Many autonomous weapon systems have been developed using A.I.
    It allows easy exploration of data and provides a great amount of information.
    Negative include-
    It kills the curiosity driven approach which individuals have . Due to the increased Usage of AI, people have lost their ability to think outside the box and use chatbots and virtual assistants for even the simplest of tasks.
    It can cause job displacement as A.I. will replace human workforce in industries in the near future.
    It may lead to the formation of biased opinions as A.I. uses algorithms to generate the same type of information which we surf on the internet and we won’t get to know the whole picture of a situation.

  • I would really like to see AI transforming the world. AI is so cool and has so many vast abilities. AI can change the world by doing dangerous jobs like mining, oil refining and so on. AI can also help in jobs like archeology. AI can analyze fossils and natural materials and identify their archaeological features faster than humans can. This will make classifying them and getting information from them a million times easier. AI can also handle the excavating of ancient materials making archeology easier. AI can also help archeologists to pinpoint exactly where to dig making their job less stressful. This being said, AI can also have negative effects on jobs which have to do with creativity. This is because it lacks creativity. AI cannot find beauty beyond the codes imbedded in their circuit boards. AI cannot get inspired, instead it tries to mimic human inspiration and use already made artworks as a base. As AI advances, it becomes more helpful but can also be a distraction. AI can limit human potential and creativity because of the thought that "AI can do it all."

  • Hello topical talkers.
    I'm here to discuss about AI developing regions it brings economic growth and improved healthcare education agriculture However challenges like job displacement data privacy risks technology dependency and ethics need attention inclusive policies education investment and ethical guide less are crucial guide for balanced AI adoption.Ai makes work faster and easier.

  • I think AI that AI would be very useful in business in the emerging world this is because AI is always up-to-date on all business transactions all currency transformation mineral resource increase or decrease this is because they could also help locate where a particular product is highly needed in an area or country AI is always up to date on all these kind of changes although they have their negative and positive effects I think they are positive effects are a large better than their negative effects their negative effects only effect a little I think a i would only negatively affect small businesses AI would have on small businesses is the cost of getting an AI and when AI is used by big businesses human businesses which can't compete with AI won't be able to keep up in the market but if AI , when AI is used by a small it would would improve their marketing techniques and approach and and assist them the little information to know about the business they are doing where to build your business in same with big businesses and Global businesses and help develop their business is even more than they are
    Thank You

  • From my point of view I think that AI will transform this world for the better, It will because the recent developments that even students are making to help society is tremendous. Today at school, the call of Year 7 in our school made a device that can be attached to a pair of glasses and this device makes a beep sound whenever the person gets close to an object. This device was incredible and really pressed me with how even year 7 students are making developments like these. The device was also coded. With this great device that can help so many blind disabled people,we ca change the world for good.

  • I feel that will make eco improvements in the world such as bots that will pick up litter and eco-friendly cars. To some people it will emerge into the world as an amazing device but to others it could seem like a waist of time. Others might feel left out because they might not be able to afford new AI. Some people might use it in a bad like doing homework and essays but it is their responsibility to know when not to go too far on the AI. Some people might think AI emerging into the world as good jobs being done like chores, or it will make better jobs. I am half half about AI emerging into the world. I think it would be a good way to help the planets eco system. But on the other hand, AI development could make tools which thief's could use to break into houses to steel things. We have to be very careful about what we make with AI. It could go down in a very bad way like this. My dad once told me that there is no point on worrying about locking your bike because there are proffesionale bike thief's that ( with the AI being so impressive) they have electric saws and can cut through your bike locks. Overall I am so so about AI emerging into the world. The big wide world.

  • I think the positive impact it's going to have on these regions is that it's going to make tasks a little bit or a lot simpler. It's going to enhance the knowledge of the children; it's going to help make communication easier and it's going to help teach intermediate or beginners and help doctors to handle a higher number of patients in a day. I think the negative impact is that it's going to reduce job opportunities which could lead to people committing crimes. It going to increase the crime rate in those regions and is going to place the lives of people under risk. Example: Someone's only job could be being an extra tutor to help children complete their homework and study. But now that there are computers the people could be asked to stop the job and could lead to them committing crimes - or even drug abuse since it's the only source of been able to get food, water and basic necessities.

  • I think AI would transform the emerging world to an easier place.
    I say this because in S.T.E.M class we made a smart glass for the blind if you get near any living thing or object is makes this beeping sound.
    This is an example of an AI device.
    It can make the world an easier place.
    Thank you!!!!!

  • Hi Amazing people around the globe!
    I feel that AI can have both negative and positive effects on us. In this comment, I will like to speak about the potential effects of AI
    Positive: It will explain student’s homework to them if they do not understand and even if you understand, it can give you extra information. It can also help students who do not understand a topic treated in class so they can go there for extra assistance. Lastly, it can help students to learn before coming to class and have a fair idea of what they will be learning in class.
    Negative: Instead of students thinking through their homework so that if they have any difficulties they can use the AI, they will rather immediately use the chatting computer without thinking through their homework. They might easily get their scores but when examinations are due, they might have challenges in answering the questions because they might have not used the computer to explain to them but rather just skip to the answer to make everything easier and faster

    Positive: There are many patients in a hospital and doctors have to attend to all of them quickly which can be very hectic so the computer can help the doctor to treat the patients in a short period of time.
    Negative: The doctor might leave all of the work for the robot to do and when it is done, they get paid even though they don’t work and the robot can malfunction.When the cause us found out, the doctor might be held responsible for allowing the bot to malfunction and not working at all
    Positive: It will help them to have an efficient communication with the bot even though they cannot read and can also enable support from the government
    Negative: They might not bother to learn how to read and there might be a time that they urgently need to read but if the bot is unavailable, how will they read?
    According to the points listed below, I will love to explain that AI can help us in a way by teaching us different methods to do things faster but it can also not help us in a way by making as lazy in a manner because it might do all the work for us and we will not learn how to do that task and when it is not available we struggle to do that task. So instead of using AI to easily get answers , we can use it to help us to solve the issue so that when it is not available we can do that task.

  • AI could transform the emerging world into a place where most things are easy. AI can help in education, language detection and translation and lastly healthcare. Due to the AI's high intelligence, it can guide students with classwork and give effective strategies for the subject that it's teaching. There are a lot of languages on earth, but, people don't know all the languages to communicate with others all around the world with different cultures and languages. AI can help detect the language that they are saying and will help you translate the words that you are saying into ones that the other person understands. Lastly, AI could help with healthcare. Due to their high and advanced intelligence, they can help with creating medicines to treat people who are sick more efficiently and faster.

    1. Great point about AI being able to translate to allow more people to interact with one another. How do you think that will affect different politicians or businesses?

      1. Hello Harriet @ topical talk.
        I am going to speak on how AI can affect businesses. In my humble opinion, AI has made both positive and negative impact on humans; but I feel it has more advantages over disadvantages.
        AI can help a business by making some decisions based on consumer choices. For example, AI can analyze the consumption of a particular product by consumers which could aid the producers in deciding the quantity to produce subsequently.
        AI can also aid in the transport sector of a business by predicting maintenance of vehicles and also with the usage of self driving cars, employment opportunities for software engineers, and those who will maintain the vehicles are created.
        Thank you.

  • In my personal opinion I think AI would completely change the world from humans to AI. In today's world almost everything is done by humans in only some developed countries and places they use AI to do almost every work.But in future everything will be done by AI .Only some fields like education or teacher can't be replaced due to AI.

    It will transform the emerging world into a place where it is much easier to do any work. For example: It will help us to write notes or to study about anything. It will help adults to do their work or jobs from their home. For example the teachers will take online classes to their students and make easier for them to study. AI could do much big problem also because if it malfunction or if it started having their own intelligence they will cause the negative effects to the humanity or they can destroy the humanity.

  • I believe AI is changing the planet in so many ways. In my opinion AI can help students with different disabilities. In school, our stem teacher made glasses the help blind people when they walk around. the glasses make a beeping sound alerting the blind students when he/she is near a walk or an object. This got me thinking, AI can create devices that can help blind people crossroads easily and walk around freely. AI can help students who have walking disabilities by creating device that direct them and alter people of their arrival. Students with hearing disabilities can use AI to translate the teachers voice into words when the teachers are teaching, this way they can feel a part of the class and move forward with the class. Apart from students with disabilities AI can help homeschooled students by having interactive lesson and have the feeling of being in class. In healthcare AI can help with brain and heart surgeries, they also help assist researchers create cures for illnesses and diseases. AI can also assist in helping to save the planet by using AI bots to clean local parks and street. AI is assisting humans in some many tasks and will continue to support humans in their goals.

  • I feel like AI could be helpful in the world as it can get things done quicker and make stuff in less than 5 seconds but if it was in robot form I think it would be super helpful for backing cakes/bread loafs for the local bakery or making a medicine to cure a disease

    1. I really agree with you. AI has the ability to do nearly everything. It will help us make things quicker and it has google and all that knowledge in the world. AI will help nearly every job, and it emerging into the world would be a relive and a big help to the planet. It will help doctors, bakers, rocket scientists and many other jobs.

  • In my opinion, AI could transform this emerging world because AI is already giving advice to students & adults on how to manage their lifestyle, stress, and tasks. AI can give advice on how to manage a job or a company, for example AI can help a farmer grow his crops and how to take care of them. AI is helping students with their essays and projects already. AI can let adults and students get by easier without stress and help with certain tasks and assignments. Also, people might use it for the wrong things. If students are lazy, they might ask AI to write an essay for them. That would be a negative part of AI. But, overall, I think AI will be positive for developing countries.

    1. Yes! I totally agree with you AI can be used wrongly in some ways for examples lazy students with story’s but AI is also used in good ways such as maybe helping make a medicine to cure a disease but great comment really liked reading you’re comment very interesting!

  • In my opinion AI will play a major role in emerging countries. These countries are ready to move steps ahead to progress technologically. They feel they are ready to experiment in order their country to be more developed faster. In my personal view these countries are the ones that in the future will put the standards higher for all the world.

  • AI has many effects on the growing world, both positive and negative. One positive effect is helping farmers. Like the farmers in India, AI can give them opportunities to have a better life. It can also help with the daily tasks that a farmer does, like watering and pruning. Though, a malfunction can happen at any time, creating some negative effects. Or, the internet could go out and AI that requires the internet to work would be useless until the internet is back.

  • Ai can change the emerging countries in a lot of ways it might someday even help in surgery or find cures for diseases
    For example
    Virtual shopping assistants and chatbots help improve the user experience while shopping online
    Precision agriculture, powered by AI and IoT devices, helps farmers make informed decisions regarding crop health, irrigation, and pest control.

  • I believe that AI can help countries that are still growing and developing, like India, Kenya, and Brazil, in many cool ways! For example, in India, farmers can talk to a computer to get help from the government, even if they can't read! In Kenya, students will soon chat with a computer to get help with homework, and the computer will learn from them. And in Brazil, scientists are using smart computers to help doctors take care of patients, even if they haven't had a lot of training.
    But while AI is super helpful, it also has some things to watch out for. Sometimes, it might take away people's jobs, which could be tough. Plus, we need to be careful that AI doesn't make unfair decisions or invade people's privacy. Also, not everyone has access to AI, so we need to make sure everyone gets a chance to use it and learn about it. Overall, AI can be awesome for helping countries grow and get better, but we have to be smart about how we use it!

    Ai will have many much impact of transforming the world into emerging world. How in future Ai can assist in different activities eg.
    Restaurant attendant,health caring,in factories and may also assist in schools. There are high possibilities that Ai can help in any of this listed activities..THANK YOU.

  • AI is evolving each day, and I believe it can truly transform our world. but as with anything, AI has both negative and positive effects. On the positive side, AI could help improve healthcare access by enabling telemedicine services in remote areas and providing medical assistance to those who previously lacked it. However, there are concerns about AI exacerbating inequalities, as those without access to technology may be left behind. For instance, in agriculture, AI-powered tools like drones and sensors can help farmers increase productivity and reduce waste, but small-scale farmers may struggle to afford or access these technologies, widening the gap between large and small farms.

  • Hi topical talkers!
    AI can change how things work in places that are still growing and developing. For example, it can help farmers in India by letting them talk to a computer to get government support, even if they can't read. In Kenya, students can chat with a computer to get help with homework, and the computer learns to teach better based on what they ask. In Brazil, a smart computer helps doctors take care of patients, even if they haven't had a lot of special training. This can be good because it can make life better by improving education, healthcare, and farming. It can also make jobs easier and help countries grow. But it might also make some people lose jobs because of machines doing work, and it could make unfairness worse if not everyone can access or understand the technology. So, while AI can help a lot, we need to think about how it might affect people and make sure everyone benefits.
    Thank you!!

  • Yes Artificial intelligence built with so much coding and programming has the ability to transform the emerging world in different aspects. In the healthcare Ai would have more adventurous deeds, easy surgeries and the rest of the medical assistant.
    In schools AI could be able to teach students perfectly especially at Ghana were students are not given much care by their teachers, AI would be used by students to answer questions.

  • AI will have both positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts will be that the students work will become easy by using computers. A compiter which can help the doctors without mich trainig will absolutely be of very good use. But people have to adopt the work which AI wants them to do. They have to work as per AI. AI can help the students and make their work easy, they can make their studies easy but they cannot give them attention as the teachers give them. AI cannot replace our teachers. It will also help all the doctors, engineer's, astronaut, etc. But it will take the jobs of many people. The students should be trained to adopt the way AI works.

  • Ai has many possibilities to transform the world in many different areas. For example, Examining dangerous areas in the world could be safe to do with the help of AI. AI can be programmed to survive dangerous conditions and live without nearly anything. Ai can also educate students and help them learn because they have millions of sources to check work that students do. for instance, the Keyna example might happen soon if we can find a way to make the use of AI cheaper.

  • In my opinion I believe AI has it pro and cons, AI has transformed other modern world into a technology based world. AI has advanced the ways of agriculture by analyzing the soil and determining which nutrients its lacking. AI can identify and predict and identify crop diseases. AI can drones for whether patterns , weed control, planting seeds, harvesting , environmental monitoring and soil analysis. This can improve crops health, monitor irrigation systems etc. It can reduce Co2 Emissions , increase efficiency and save money for farmers. AI can help in healthcare by diagnosing diseases , predicting outcomes and helping to create antidotes for disease. AI can be effective in laparoscopic and robotics surgeries, AI can surgeons when operating. AI can help in construction by enhancing project efficiency, safety of workers 👷 and provide sustainability. Apart from all the wonderful things can do to help humanity, it is also a threat to humanity future. Humans will rely on AI to perform tasks and solve problems, gradually humans tend to become lazy and passive. Just imagine AI bots discussing on ways to help stop climate change? The ability to create more AI's will be very expensive for companies and people. Humans are transcending into an era where humans will need technology to assist and support them in creating new advanced ideas but humans should not rely to much on AI hence humans thinking and creating capacity will deteriorate.

  • AI is treasure of this century can you imagine that there are many jobs are done wit AI with very high quality in easier and faster way like police , security and doctors also too much jobs but everything has also cons so if to much using the AI it will make us lazy and unable to do too much work and we will totally depend on the AI also it is a problem so we should balance the equation between using of AI and our usage.

  • AI might transform the emerging world by having more control in jobs. There would be some positive and some negative effects on this. Some positive impacts this have are providing free education, such as answering questions we have when doing something and improves businesses and technology. But it also negatives impacts such as not giving opportunities for people who want jobs too and could somewhat bring a business down if it gets hacked or breaks. Many regions with AI would face the positives and negatives impact.

  • In places where life is still budding and buzzing with change, AI is like a really smart buddy ready to lend a helping hand! It's super cool because it can make learning fun, help doctors take care of more people, and teach farmers neat tricks to grow more food. But hey, some folks worry it might snatch away jobs, or poke its nose into our privacy, and, well, sometimes it can goof up. Plus, not everyone might be able to afford it, which is a bummer. So, while AI has loads of potential to make things awesome, we've gotta use it wisely and make sure everyone gets a fair shot at enjoying its perks!

  • I believe the most important impact of AI in changing the world would be in the sector of mental health and stress issues.As we see the rate of illiteracy and suicides due to stress are on peak..but in this situation AI can act as our companion in needs like it provides a support to the ones who are struggling in time management and later due to pressure and improper facilities they commit sucide..AI can improve this situation in future by helping them figuring out what the problem is or by providing them facilities...I am sure that AI will be an important factor affecting the literacy rate and saving lives of millions of people...

  • Hii ,
    AI is already transforming and will soon continue to transform the world into a magical place. In the upcoming years, AI will be ubiquitous, touching every aspect of our lives. We can already witness its presence in various fields such as education, medical facilities, and agriculture. Even in our schools, AI is playing a significant role in development.I believe that AI will predominantly have positive effects. Every country aspires to be well-developed, and AI presents itself as the perfect tool for development. Its applications in various sectors can lead to efficiency, innovation, and progress.As we embrace AI, it's essential to harness its power responsibly and ethically for the betterment of society as a whole.

    Thank you.

  • Farmers in todays world don't get a lot of support or praise in their hard work which is not great but the technology provided to make changes in that would be perfect for higher speed and produce in farming. Though they would have to get more used to the use of technology, they would surely be happy about the change.
    One concern I have about this is that the farmers may become too indulged in the world of technology and may constantly be using it, social media, for example is something that can keep someone on their device a whole day without a break and that could reduce the result of the farmers work.

    The computer would definitely open the children's eyes to a lot of new resources and new knowledge. It would help improve their grades by a lot and the schools could become something bigger (like from being a public school to a private school) . The students would have knowledge for bettering their future careers and becoming amazing people in the future.
    But the students may start to rely on the internet a little too much which will reduce their creativity, problem solving, decision making and more. When they are completing homework, they would leave the entire assignment to their computer and when it comes to assessment it would be clear that they never actually learned anything. In the end they wouldn't actually be well educated and all thy would have learned would be being sociable.

    This would make a huge change in the healthcare of Brazil; the medical staff could learn a lot from the computers as there are many different ways of taking care of someone.
    However, one malfunction can lead to the loss of someone's life because a computer isn't always right. If the computer ends up prescribing the wrong medicine the patient's problem would worsen and if the wrong tool is advised to a surgeon by the computer in a surgery that just may be the end of a person's life.

  • AI has the potential to affect the industrial sector in the sense that Robots are generally faster than humans which means they are able to work 24/7, making them more efficient and increasing the production of these developing regions. Although this would be a great advantage, AI would affect the developing countries negatively as well because AI is expensive which means that these developing regions would need a lot of money to be able to work with AI

  • AI will definitely transform the emerging world and is still happening in some countries. But I must notice that the use of AI is not so familiar to all the public. We can see the use of AI in Healthcare, jn farming but mostly from people that Rae being trained to use it and in major companies. For instance a local farmer cannot still use AI as it first needs to be familiarized with it and be well prepared and for any malfunctions. For me AI has a long way to be introduced to the whole world.

  • I believe that AI will have a positive impact on the future of work in the medical field. Using AI, certain diseases could be cured in a shorter period of time, making medication more accessible. Additionally, AI could help develop advanced methods for performing surgeries, such as laser surgery, which doesn't require stitches. Currently, some surgeries are already being performed with the help of AI. I think that with further advancements in AI, medical professionals will be able to cure many ailments in a shorter amount of time.

  • AI will not transform the emerging world 🌍. If AI should transform the emerging world there will be every possibility that individuals will not have what they do for a living. Despite that the help of AI will be needed doesn't mean it should be over used, it shouldn't even be balanced for security purposes.
    Humans should still be in charge in order to have something to do for a living.

    1. I'm not entirely certain about this because, in my understanding, AI is meant to complement our work or make it easier in the future. With the use of AI, we can find solutions to things that are challenging for us. However, without a good foundation, AI won't function well. Therefore, AI specialists and professionals in various fields must work together to achieve the best results. For instance, in areas like farming and medicine, AI can work alongside specialists to enhance productivity. Thus, I believe that AI will significantly transform the world in the near future.

  • AI has the coded ability to transform the world, well said but it doesn't carry out all those things without the intervention of humans for its programming . AI machines and robots shouldn't be mis used in the economy, now in some underdeveloped countries and there is serious food scarcity, insecurity and starvation it self so bring AI to do the works will mean double ration of hunger because there will be no work.

    1. Hello.
      I agree because... we are not to be fully dependent on AI. They are created simply to increase accuracy and save time towards work. AI has brought different jobs such as software designing, robotic engineers, etc. As humans, we are the creators of AI and we should not let it control us but should only use it as assistants for our work.
      Rendering people jobless is very bad. I feel this issue could be solved by simply using machines and AI, but humans should be the operators. So everyone should be educated on how to operate AI's at their different fields of work.
      Thank you.

  • AI is still in progress and will definitely transform the emerging world.
    Nowadays we can find AI almost everywhere, in Healthcare, in media , education and even transportation. I have read somewhere that autonomous vehicles are into the plan.
    The purpose of Ai will be to produce everything fasterjn order to lower costs.
    However we should take into consideration that we need to find a balance between human interaction and AI. AI should enhance the performance of people and not eliminate it.

    1. Interesting ideas. Are there any industries that you think will not be changed by AI?

      1. Hi Molly!
        The truth is that I believe to some extend all the industries will be affected. However I think that some will be less affected than others.
        These contain a lot of the human element such as the creative ones connected to art, or entertainment ( acting,singing) where people use their emotions to convey messages or create feelings to the public.
        I could think that even jobs like psychologists , nurses or generally theroaists are in the same position .
        Jobs that require empathy and understanding.

  • I think there's a probability that AI can bring a more positive than negative.I expect that in the future they will sort out the problems of AI and also enhance
    it's abilities.They probably will make specific AI for a particular purpose. The negative effects are manfuntioning and hacking and the benefits are heathcare, security,accuracy, efficiency and enhancement.
    Again this can bring a huge amount of development to an emerging world. This will make more advancement to the emerging world than other countries and this is because the country will grow with technology also this country might have downfalls because the will be too reliant on technology .
    Overall emerging countries will need AI to improve it.

  • AI can transform the emerging world by helping students with their home work summarizing notes and reducing stress for school children.
    AI can help people like farmers, doctors and physicians and rest of them.
    AI can have some disadvantages like.
    1. Take over the world.
    2. Take over peoples opportunities.

    1. How can AI help doctors?

      1. This is a nice question Chloe @Topical Talk, because AI can help the doctors by helping them with relevant information about what they don't know or information about some illnesses.
        AI can scan human body by using his eyes and find where the problem is.
        AI can help doctors by reducing some work for them.
        Eager to see corrections.
        Thank you.

      2. Hi Chloe @ Topical Talk!
        In my perspective,Ai helping dctors has both positive and negative impact..

        Positive impacts:
        1. Helping doctors find out what's wrong with patients faster and more accurately.
        2. Making treatment plans tailored to each person's needs.
        3. Doing tasks like scheduling appointments and organizing medical records so doctors have more time for patients.
        4. Finding new medicines faster.
        5. Keeping an eye on patients from afar to catch any problems early.

        Negative impacts:
        1. Some jobs might go away because machines can do them.
        2. Doctors might rely too much on machines and forget to think for themselves.
        3. Our private medical information could be at risk.
        4. There are tough questions about fairness, privacy, and who's responsible if something goes wrong with AI in healthcare.

        Thank you!

  • I think that there are alot of positives and negatives for the three situations.

    The positive of the first situation is that the government will support the illiterate farmers in agriculture. The negative of the first situation is that the illiterate farmers will be lazy to learn and write because they will depend on AI.

    The positive of the second situation is that the students can answer any question in any place and in any time. The negative of the second situation is that there will be no creativity in Kenya's schools because every one in the schools will answer the same answer to the same question.

    The positives of the third situation is that AI will help doctors in alot of things like 3D and 4D X-rays , communicating with patients and this will save time and AI will give datas and informations about the patient. The negatives of the third situation is that the doctors will be lazy to learn more because they will depend on the AI and AI can take a position in a job instead of humans and this will increase the unemployment.

  • Artificial Intelligence has the ability to transform the emerging world in so many ways, because in the time ahead AI may have a lot of impact in various sectors of life especially Agriculture,well farmers suffer a lot from planting to plucking them out when the plants are ready to be harvested, Already India uses AI to help them so why can't we do the same?, It can help us in various ways such as: planting, spraying, fertilizing and helps farmers schedule irrigation more accurately.
    Thank you.

  • I think AI has the potential to positively impact the emerging world in various ways. Consider this, AI has this amazing ability to make education better by giving each person their own special way of learning and teaching, even in far-off places. Advanced language translation tools using AI can totally help people who speak different languages understand each other better. It's like they can talk to each other even if they don't speak the same language! And it's not just about talking, it's about sharing ideas and information too.
    However, the use of AI in the emerging world may have some negative impacts. As robots start doing more jobs, some people might lose their jobs. That's a big worry because it could mean less privacy, more chances for our personal information to get stolen, and unfair treatment from computer programmes. Also, there's a chance that only some people or places will get to use these cool new technologies, making the gap between rich and poor even bigger.

  • In my opinion if technology keeps on going at this speed we will be fully dependent on it and these are the bad and good reasons what I think might happen. First all of the positive reasons , the world would turn into a clean place because of the AI cleaning it all up , we would have faster transport , you would probably work from home because of all the robots working for you and you would never have to feel hard work. these are all the negatives that you can have if the world kept on progressing we have you not getting enough exercise which will decrease the population causing more heart attacks and other health problems , what if you live in a city or country that has natural disaster it will cause lots of problems such as the rain the power cuts made and the last negative option is that you would feel controlled by the robots and feel you are less supreme to them.

    1. Weighing up both perspectives, do you think AI will improve our lives?

      1. Hello Tiff @ Topical Talk!
        It's a complex question. While AI has the potential to greatly improve our lives by enhancing efficiency, cleanliness, and safety, there are also concerns about dependency, loss of self rule and potential health impacts. Striking a balance between utilising the benefits of AI and minimizing its drawbacks will be crucial in shaping our future.

  • It depends on how we change AI for the future.In the future, AI will probably perform many tasks currently done by humans. It's already chipping away at certain types of work. Already, certain tasks linked to admin and clerical jobs look very vulnerable. But while AI will certainly displace jobs, most experts believe it will create new one.Research and development. Advances in AI are enabling researchers to better understand everything from the cosmos to the human body. Sifting through enormous amounts of data looking for patterns and anomalies has helped shape our understanding of galaxies as well as develop the vaccine for Covid-19.

  • AI, in my opinion, has the power to transform the modern world by bringing stress-free, comfortable living to everyone.
    AI may assist medical professionals by providing pertinent information regarding a certain ailment. It can also benefit farmers and other healthcare professionals.
    However, AI occasionally has drawbacks such as.
    1. Assume people's positions.
    Conquer the globe.
    eager to see any adjustments.
    I'm grateful.

  • These findings suggest emerging market and developing economies face fewer immediate disruptions from AI. At the same time, many of these countries don't have the infrastructure or skilled workforces to harness the benefits of AI, raising the risk that over time the technology could worsen inequality among nations.

  • AI is very good for medical healthcare due to the fact that it not only can assist surgeons in surgery's but it can also help educate physicians and develop more research and more affective ways of preforming a surgery. Yes, you may argue that AI can malfunction but humans are also capable of making mistakes. In the future it can benefit surgeons as they can work with AI, it does not have to be based on just AI. They can collaborate in the future to enhance human abilities and improve AI's abilities in medicine and upgrade medicine to a great extent. Of course there will be certain boundaries like humans being there in a surgery in case the AI fails!! AI could also help pharmacists develop medicines and new pharmaceutical drugs.

  • Frankly, as for me, as Ahmed, I see that artificial intelligence is capable of helping countries in the emerging world in many ways.
    At the beginning, I would like to clarify the extent of my interest in education, and as a person who raises the slogan *Education is more important than everything and it is the message of life*. Helping to develop education in such emerging countries of the world is capable of helping them a lot and influencing other fields. Simply put, artificial intelligence now provides detailed explanations and answers to many questions and problems. Academic studies, if not all of them. Also, it has recently become available for free in most countries of the world. Students are able to make it help them in their studies, and for university students as well, it is able to introduce them to the sources from which they can study.
    Secondly, in industry and commercial transactions, there are simply now thousands of machines that work using artificial intelligence in their work, and they have become widely available. On the other hand, there are many transactions that are carried out through artificial intelligence programs with complete ease.
    In short, he is able to work in a lot of places and provide a lot of workers.
    But in the end, I would like to add that I do not support complete reliance on artificial intelligence for anything. Simply put, if that is done, humans will gradually lose their value. We must always remember that it is a means of assistance and not a means of throwing our tasks at them.

  • I imagine AI transforming our learning and generally peoples lives!For our learning AI is a great thing to use for it.In History once we used AI and the AI was transformed into the person we were learning about so we got to ask them questions and it would give us the answers we were looking for exactly.AI can change peoples lives as for a teacher you could use AI for ideas and pictures and all sorts of different things!

  • AI could transform the world in many ways but there are some things that could go wrong with having AI control the world. AI could help the world with many things though also. One main thing that AI could help the world with is healthcare. But one thing that could go wrong with AI controlling the world is that some of the bots could malfunction and mess up. There are many benefits and drawbacks of AI taking over the world but it is definitely possible for AI to take over the world.

  • I personally think that AI in the future could transform the medical industry in these emerging countries like India, Pakistan, and etc, by being able to diagnose the disease that a patient might have based on their symptoms faster than a human doctor. The AI could even help scientists discover new diseases and their symptoms, so they'll know if a patient has that disease in the future.

    But the negative effects of the AI taking over the medical industry in these country could be, that the doctors become laid back and dependent on the AI to do the work for them.

  • AI can have a huge impact on our lives. In the 21st century AI help us do the tasks we cannot do by our own, by suggesting us a way to do so. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a sub field of AI help in communication between human and computer in natural language. It also used in e-mail filtering, text voice messages, AI powered virtual assistant and auto complete and spell check feature of word processing.
    Thank you.

  • I think that ai will help us to succed further in the future as it can help us to do more jobs that only a few people are currently doing. Also, it can help those who cannot read or write as the ai can support them with tasks that require this such as filling out essential forms.

    However, ai may be a potential threat to those who have jobs that can be replaced as their jobs might no longer exist in the future. The rise of ai can mean that many everyday tasks will no longer require human iteractions and many people will be left jobless.

  • With the aid of AI, I see promise for the future. AI has proven useful so far, and I believe it will have a bright future 😉.AI has benefited us in the areas of education, health care, and even agriculture. Just think ahead over the next ten to twenty years. Without a certain, I would adore to see AI in the future.

  • Considering all points made on how AI is good in developing regions such as farmers in India having access to help they otherwise couldn't get, kids in Kenya getting help they otherwise couldn't get, and Brazilian doctors helping patients they otherwise couldn't help; AI is a great tool that can certainly enhance life in these regions. However, I would like to think of the cons as well as the pros, such as doctors in Brazil using AI to help patients. I feel this would take away the specialty of learning how to deal with these patients rather than let the AI do all the work for them. What if, for example, a doctor is operating on you using AI tools and the machine malfunctions or the surgery goes wrong? If the doctor is not knowledgeable or trained, then I feel this would do more harm than good. I certainly think AI can improve this field as well as farmers and children seeking help, but it can have some negative effects as well.

  • I think that trying out a computer which can help with the medical industry is great. In many cases, students who are still in training can treat the patients, they just need some help to be sure that they don't give out the wrong treatment. Perhaps using AI could make it more affordable for people to go to the doctor too. I think that a lot of the medicine is incredibly expensive. Once, when I was at a pharmacy with my dad, we accidentally overheard a lady who changed her mind on the quantity of medicine she was going to buy, because the overall price was enormous. She was supposed to take her pills every day, for 30 days. However, she could only afford 10 of the pills. It made really angry, because she actually needed her pills. So, I definitely think that AI could become incredibly useful with giving diagnoses, but something we should probably worry about is how people will be able to buy the medicine. I am enchanted that we are developing technology for everybody's sake. Still, I think that we could also try to think one step forward. For example, in order to successfully finish a project, you can't only focus on a small part of it. You need to be able to see the whole picture, in order for it to turn out right. Focus on little things at a time, but make sure that you are aware of the bigger image too.

  • A positive is that a.i will be useful for the people in Africa. I think that because it could help the children with homework. It will also be helpful for the adults because if they have to write and essay about something they can use their phone,laptop or ipad. The negatives are that the technology can malfunction and show us things only the government is allowed to see.

  • AI, in my opinion, will transform the modern world by helping pupils learn concepts more rapidly and by solving issues and summarising their notes.
    Even grownups can benefit from AI for their jobs and projects.
    Businesses that depend on machinery to complete their tasks more quickly and easily can benefit from AI.
    Jobs for farmers, doctors, and other professionals can benefit from AI.
    AI can benefit farmers by facilitating their labour more quickly and easily than it did in the past.
    AI can assist doctors with some tasks like surgery and patient prescription writing. It can also educate doctors on specific illnesses that they may not be aware of.
    eager to see any updates.
    I'm grateful.

  • Hello Topical Talk!
    In the future, AI will definitely be used a lot more, so it will have an obvious impact on the emerging world in many
    ways. Yes, AI could help a lot, like in Brazil, where they could use AI to help them treat and take care of patients even if they haven't had specialized training, but using the AI too much could develop a sort of dependency on it. So when doctors in Brazil who haven't yet received specialized training get comfortable with using AI to treat patients, then the AI suddenly shuts off or malfunctions and the only things they have are their human resources and tools, what happens next? Would they fumble through a diagnosis and give uncertain opinions? But there isn't only negative, AI shouldn't be used as a tool to complete certain tasks but to teach, inform, enhance, certain tasks. So situations like the one I imagined before won't happen. AI can be really helpful to the emerging world, but simply forming a dependency on it can be detrimental.

  • AI will have both positive and negative effects AI will transform the way things are done in the society making it more efficient and effective. But what happens to humans, well humans will benefit greatly from this, but AI will take over and carry out the normal human processes going to work, healthcare even taking care of their own children the way how secluded the world is now because of social media, people will become even more isolated if AI should become a part of their lives.

  • The positive potential effects of AI that have on countries that are still developing are that there would be more job opportunities in that country which would result in more income for the community and possibly the country's GDP growing instead of declining or staying still. Another result is that people in these countries can learn more because of the AI that is helping them with their specific job. The negative results of AI in these countries are that the countries may be too dependent on AI which would cause less interactive learning from other people that can teach the same stuff as AI. Another cause is that AI is that the people learning from the AI can cheat their way of getting into certain jobs which would lead to many problems in that community.

  • I think AI is very useful now in the world. But it might be going a bit out of hand with everything so I think that the way AI is now should stay like that because if it gets and further it might be able to take peoples jobs and that will leave lots of people in the world with no money and then no way of living so I think Ai is very useful but should stay the way it is because otherwise it will get very out of hand.

  • ai could be bad in the future but lets hope it helps us out in our future to help people in there every day lives like the elderly hopefully with out going bad ?

  • AI is already in our lives influencing in many ways even if we don't understand it.
    AI can be in transport, technological products, the way we pay or order a product on the internet.
    I believe that it will also play a crucial role on advancing many countries faster than ever.
    We can see that on farming , on Healthcare. It will provide a great opportunity in many countries concerning education. We have also seen in how easier it is nowadays to interact with children from far away countries and even cooperate on projects together.

  • Hi!
    AI can bring both good and bad thing to these regions...

    Good effects:

    1. India (Farmers):
    - Good: AI can help farmers get better support from the government, making farming easier and earning more money.
    - Good: Using AI in farming can make crops grow better, helping farmers make more profit.

    2. Kenya (Students):
    - Good: AI teaching can help students learn better, even in places with not enough teachers.
    - Good: With AI, students can get help with homework, no matter where they live.

    3. Brazil (Healthcare):
    - Good: AI in healthcare can help doctors treat patients better, especially in faraway areas.
    - Good: Using AI can save money in healthcare and make sure more people get the help they need.

    Bad effects:

    1. India (Farmers):
    - Bad: Some farmers might not have the technology or skills to use AI, making it harder for them to compete.
    - Bad: Machines doing farming jobs might mean fewer jobs for people, forcing some to move to crowded cities for work.

    2. Kenya (Students):
    - Bad: If schools rely too much on AI, students might miss out on learning from teachers, making school less enjoyable and effective.
    - Bad: Not everyone might have access to the internet or devices needed for AI tools, leaving some students behind.

    3. Brazil (Healthcare):
    - Bad: People might worry about their privacy if AI collects sensitive health data without clear rules.
    - Bad: Doctors relying too much on AI might forget important skills, which could be a problem if the technology fails or isn't available.

    In conclusion,AI holds great promise for transforming the emerging world by helping farmers, students, and doctors. But it also has downsides, like taking away some jobs and making people worry about their privacy. We need to make sure everyone can benefit from AI and that nobody gets left behind.

    Thank you! (:

    1. Hi,agreeable aspect it is true that AI improves living standards but at the same time it makes they society rely on it too much which makes them forget about their potential.Many people today use AI to do simple jobs, this might improve the quality but at the same time makes them lazy and dependent.Humans should not forget that AI was made to help us not to do everything.

  • There are both positive and negative changes AI might bring to the world. For the positive effects, AI could do tiresome and tough jobs for us and could even process like a human brain and give us many interesting ideas. In the other hand, AI robots might get too smart and may have a cruel idea to replace human with AI bots.

    1. Can you think of two jobs AI can't replace?

      1. Jobs that AI can't replace are those which require creativity, for example: Artist and photographer. These two jobs are very special as these people use their own imagination to express themselves. AI are only programs, but they don't have feelings like humans do. They have no way replacing these jobs.

  • I think AI could help in a huge variety of different fields and contents. In my opinion, I think that AI could help emerging places with healthcare and medical treatments, after all, health and safety is definitely number 1 especially according to areas and places that cannot provide many hospitals or medical treatments in general. for instance, humans and robots could both collaborate together to help enhance healthcare and maintain a healthy community for places that are in need, like building hospitals but with robots! humans can help with building hospitals that robots can work in them. for example, we could design robots to work in hospitals as real doctors to prevent letting sick people asylum to wait in long, everlasting lines. I think robots can succeed working as doctors since they are rapidly faster than us humans.

    1. Interesting ideas. Are there any jobs that AI will not be able to do?

  • These are just a few of the ways that I believe artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to change the modern world:
    1. Given that our parents are constantly occupied with various activities, AI can assist them with scheduling diverse scientific activities.
    2. AI can support or aid students in completing their homework assignments, which must be completed at home.
    3. AI bots can also help our medical professionals or doctors. For example, during a surgery, a doctor needs nurses to help him; however, we don't have enough nurses, so AI could be a useful solution in this case.

  • AI can significantly benefit countries by performing tasks faster, making them more efficient in industries like manufacturing, farming, and services. AI can also aid in healthcare by providing medical assistance through robots or new doctors, especially in areas with limited access to doctors. AI can also make learning more accessible, even for students without access to quality schools. AI can also support new ideas by providing smart advice and problem-solving methods. Researchers and scientists can use AI to find cures for diseases that currently have no cure, such as cancer, using the metaverse as a testing ground. AI can assist parents in scheduling scientific activities, assist students in homework, and potentially assist medical professionals, such as doctors, in times of need.

  • I think that AI Will transforma the world in a way thet humana will be not needed any more, only to repare the AI mistakes.In a future humans will be in their homes doing nothing.I algo think that many jobs will disapear with the pass off the time.

    1. Do you think there are any aspects of human nature that AI can't replace?

      1. Yes, there are some aspects of human nature that can never be replaced by any computer programming such as the AI. Although they are far better in handling certain jobs as factory workers, drivers, cashiers, bookkeepers and travel agents than humans, they lack empathy, compassion and creativity. And these aspects of humans can't be replaced by AI, this is why even when they are fully in motion there will be various jobs such as Lawyers, social workers, Parents, therapists, artists and CEOs still in vacancies in the future. AI, due to these aspects of human nature that can not be replaced, will never be used as leaders as they fail in good decision making, as artists as they also don't take unpredictable risks in creativity and because of their incompassionate nature are not good options for Judges, counsellors and parents.

      2. Aimee @ Topical Talk

        1. Judgment and Decision-Making:
        o AI lacks the nuanced judgment and decision-making abilities that humans possess.
        o Example: When faced with ethical dilemmas or ambiguous situations, humans often rely on intuition and empathy, which AI struggles to emulate.

        2. Creativity and Innovation:
        Creative ideas, creative thinking, and problem-solving all come from human creativity. Although AI may produce data by using previous designs, it is not able to really create or imagine novel ideas.
        o Example: Artists, writers, and inventors draw from their unique experiences and emotions to create original works that resonate with others.

        3. Emotional Intelligence:
        AI is unable to have pity or feeling. It is usually human to be able to sense and respond to human emotions, whether with words of comfort, humor, or kindness.
        o Example: A comforting hug, a heartfelt apology, or a shared laugh—these emotional connections are beyond AI’s reach.

        4. Physical Dexterity and Mobility:
        heir bodies allow them to do difficult jobs, such as creating beautiful crafts or performing musical instruments. Artificial Intelligence is not as real or as flexible as humans
        o Example: Surgeons, artisans, and athletes rely on their physical skills, which involve muscle memory, coordination, and sensory feedback.

      3. Yes,I think that AI will be not able to replace the human sensibility or any feeling in general,if thet try to replace It the result will be very cold and It will look that It is not natural and It is artificial.So for exaple I think that AI will be imposible to work as psicologist for example.

  • Using AI in school is actually a great idea because, teachers now adays get their lesson plans so they can educate students but if we have the AI in schools, they will teach the same thing and students will understand the same way a teacher teaches but the only problem is when the AI don't have emotions they meant treat the student without care so having AI in a school can be an advantage and also a disadvantage.

  • Hello people of *Topical Talk!*
    I am willing to explain to you about how the advanced programming of AI can vitally encourage the positive development of the world. An example for this are schools. The use of AI in schools is extremely important if used correctly as they can be beneficial to the education of many students which will allow them to improve development of the world in the future due to their high-tech education AI has performed to them in school. Another reason is that we can use AI to help with our daily lives; chatgpt is a wonderful example as it enhances and embeds improvement of brain knowledge due to its highly developed programming.

    In conclusion, AI can be used as a very vital role to assist us in helping to develop *OUR* world to thrive the best it possibly can.
    Thank you for reading and hope you are doing well.

  • exactly! Imagine an AI attacking a superhero to change the world to come. It’s like having a magician’s genie that makes you want growth and progress. From enhancing agriculture with intelligent agricultural techniques to delivering healthcare through magical diagnostics, AI is like a magic wand bringing prosperity and innovation to every part of the world AI self-reliantly helps boost economies and leap into the future, creating its over-watered solutions. So brace yourself, because with AI leading the way, the world will be a thrilling ride to a brighter tomorrow!

    1. You certainly sound excited about AI, memorable_football! Can you explain what you mean by an "over-watered solution"?

  • I imagine AI transforming the emerging world by making more jobs or by helping communities or even by improving our education. For example, like in the image above that said, "students in Kenya will soon be chatting with a computer to get help with their homework, and the computer will get better at teaching based on what the students ask." The AI can help the students with what they need help on, or on a certain subject.
    Although, AI can be very beneficial, there are some cons to it. For example, since AI can teach students, teachers could no longer be needed since the AI could teach them everything that teachers would, which could also take their jobs.
    In a nutshell, when it comes to AI it can have its pros and cons when transforming the emerging world.

  • I think maybe there could be ai authors because they may be more creative than humans and maybe have more ideas.

  • I think AI will emerge the world to a better place where everything is easy.
    1. Global Labor Market and AI:
    o However, many of these countries lack the necessary infrastructure and skilled workforce to fully harness the benefits of AI, which raises the risk of technology exacerbating inequality among nations.

    2. Income and Wealth Inequality:
    o Research indicates that AI can help less experienced workers enhance their productivity more quickly, potentially creating disparities among different age groups and skill levels.

    3. Positive Developments in Developing Economies:
    o . Such innovations allow citizens to access education, health, employment, and other opportunities.

    Let us not forget that AI can't always be the case because:
    Let’s explore some of the areas where AI faces challenges:

    1. Lack of Transparency and Explainability:
    2. Job Losses Due to AI Automation
    3. Deepfakes
    4. Privacy Violations
    5. Algorithmic Bias Caused by Bad Data

    AI devices have disadvantages which are:
    1. Unemployment.
    2. Ethical Concerns:
    3. Lack of Creativity and Empathy.
    4.No Improvement with Experience.
    5. Reduced Jobs for Human.

    And let us not foget they can malfunction easily.
    Thank you!!!

  • AI might transform the emerging world in many different ways like :
    1)Agriculture-by providing the facility to farmers to communicate to the global world which can directly have an positive impact on agriculture
    2) Education-by providing the facility to students to easily access the latest study stuff which directly have positive impact on the development of country
    3) Social life-by providing the facility to common people of getting updated information about the current events of their area, city, country, world, etc

  • AI might be in the emerging world. I say this because we already have AI in a lot of places. Like hospitals and in our mobile devices. AI is still growing to this day. AI might help with a lot of new stuff, like helping with someone's outfit or helping diagnose people for their disease. But, there are also a lot of cons of having AI. Like, the AI might malfunction if it's doing surgery and mess up the procedure. It can also mess up a lot of stuff.

  • AI has the potential to significantly transform the emerging world in various ways. Some positive effects include:

    1. **Economic Growth**: AI can boost productivity and innovation, leading to economic growth in emerging regions.
    2. **Healthcare**: AI-driven solutions can improve healthcare access and delivery, especially in remote areas with limited resources.
    3. **Education**: AI-powered educational tools can enhance learning outcomes and bridge gaps in educational access.
    4. **Agriculture**: AI technologies like precision farming can increase crop yields and efficiency, addressing food security challenges.

    However, there are also potential negative effects to consider:

    1. **Job Displacement**: Automation driven by AI may lead to job displacement, particularly in sectors reliant on manual labor.
    2. **Privacy Concerns**: AI systems may infringe upon privacy rights, especially in regions with weaker regulatory frameworks.
    3. **Bias and Inequality**: If not carefully designed, AI algorithms can perpetuate biases and widen existing inequalities in access to resources and opportunities.
    4. **Dependency and Control**: Emerging regions might become overly dependent on AI technologies controlled by external entities, raising concerns about sovereignty and autonomy.

    Overall, while AI holds immense promise for the emerging world, it's crucial to address these potential challenges to ensure equitable and sustainable development.

    Thank you.

  • AI will advance the emerging world because it will improve or contribute to the work of engineering, in the 21first century AI assist humans in the work for example ,By analyzing data from sensors and it reduces human error’s AI has a potential to revolution to engineering.

  • HI,
    In my opinion, I strongly believe that AI is improving the world for the better and will uplift humans in their goals and ambitions. AI is supporting some jobs around the world and improving many. AI can help in agriculture by checking the fertility of the soil and ensuring it gets all the nutrients it needs to survive. AI can use drugs for security on farms to ensure no crimes happen there and can be used to water crops, spray fertilizers, and use insecticides. Farmers can create an eco-friendly system with the help of AI so it can stand disasters and weather conditions. In construction, AI can create an eco-friendly house that is powered by the wind, sun, and water. AI can improve roads by building eco-friendly roads that are charged by the sun and, at night, can emit light for approaching objects in the distance, This can help reduce carbon footprints AI can also help disabled people, like the blind. AI can create glasses that tell a blind person that he/she is approaching an object. AI can help researchers create cures for diseases and illnesses. AI can also assist students in helping them with essays and discovering new things. Giving students activities to do can sharpen their analytical thinking skills. AI can assist in complex surgeries and secure important files from hackers and viruses. In my opinion, the world is evolving, and soon AI will support humans in their jobs, which can help reduce stress for humans.

  • Here are some ways that artificial intelligence (AI) can change the coming world, and given the current state of affairs and the outlook for the future, these are not the only ones.
    1. AI can support or aid in surgical procedures by capturing images for x-rays. AI bots can support the physician by remaining by their side to help with any needs the physician may have.
    2. Artificial Intelligence is improving daily, which helps students like us by automating tasks, assignments, and even questions that need to be asked.
    3. Because our parents put in a lot of effort every day, AI is able to arrange their work.

  • AI could be helpful in helping think of more safer, more reliable and more cost effective ways of working and living. They will help the development for easier ways of life.

  • I think that AI will change lots of schools because in the future i think the teachers will be robots but robots would not be that good at teaching because they would just tell the children the answers. I don't think they should do PE because they might break. Finally, AI might not have the emotional intelligence that humans have, which is important for teachers.

  • AI has the potential of advantages such as saving time, repeating the task. For example, AI could basically make ones job much more easier as in scanning medicine or drugs. But AI has many negative advantages. Many AI bots can give in potential human job loss. AI can easily take over jobs and in the future, many of us wouldn't have jobs.

    1. Can you tell me what jobs you think that AI could easily take over?

      1. Hey Eva! I could name some of the jobs AI could easily take over. I feel like Tech Jobs because AI could easily take over programming, coding etc. AI could take over waiter's role/service role. Some countries already have AI posing as waitress as in Japan. There's many more jobs but these are the only jobs I think AI could take over.

      2. i think that AI can do the calculation related jobs easily.

  • AI has been improving in transforming the emerging world 🌍 In so many ways and, it has enhanced the accounting world, in banks today AI , machines are been used unlike the olden days were people keep their money under the ground , and it is not a good idea to keep your money in the ground . But now in the 21first century AI machines are been used to redraw money , AI sensors are used in security fo ATM cards, it can protect your account from hackers. AI has enhanced and improved the 21first century banks and AI robots has reduced the stress of humans in accounting life today.

    1. Can you give two more examples of how AI has improved our world today?

      1. Hi!
        It helps in identifying diseases more quickly and accurately, speed up and streamline drug discover.

  • I think it will have both positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts will be that the farmers would be helped by the computer, student's will have progress in their studies, many doctors who are not much trained can take the help of computers. After the formation of AI alot of things will change. But there are many negative impacts of AI, people will become lazy and will do all their work with the help of bot. Farmers will get alot of positive impact because of this but students should not be using so much computer because the school learnig is the best learning with fun and friends. But if the students are being helped then is good for them. The person who becomes doctor will think of not taking degree because he knows that from computer he can take care of patients. Because of this the world will fully emerge the world.

  • i think that AI will decrease human jobs. it will be difficult for the people to find jobs.

  • AI will change the emerging world. We have seen examples of AI being used for different purposes and different roles. For example, there is ChatGPT - something many people use - and its used for homework, creating pictures, but to also create many ideas based on knowledge that it gets from not only the basic knowledge from its creators, but also general knowledge it uses and collects from the internet. The emerging world is a very underestimated source of knowledge that has history. But different countries might have very famous people from there who understand learning and like knowing about stuff. An example might be a political leader or a Prime Minister who governs the country. They might like knowing about different things that can advance their country, like AI. So AI will change the emerging world for the good.

  • AI is one of the biggest chances given to us. We have the chance to develop a companion for us humans which is not only handy in our everyday life by providing us with information quickly. But it can make a change on a much bigger scale. AI can for example support hospitals with organization of patient files, giving the already stressed out nurses and doctors more time to work with the patients. This wills also result in the doctors being able to get information on a patient much easier than before. It can also help with the diagnosis of patients, as it is capable of analyzing for example the results of a blood test distinctly faster than a human.
    Furthermore, AI is a great tool to use in schools, especially in underdeveloped countries. In just a matter of seconds AI answers all every question the internet has an answer for and is in addition able to translate these answers which is extremely helpful if someone doesn't speak English but only its native language. AI can create fair chances for people who would normally be limited to sources in their home tongue and can help them improve their English.
    Of course AI still needs some time and we still need to maximize its potential, but I firmly believe that in a few years, AI will have a positive impact all around the world.

  • I think that AI has the potential to change the world in both positive ways.I think they can help in healthcare such as surgeries and can AI help less experienced workers enhance their productivity faster.

  • If I had the choice between a human or an AI I would definitely ask for the human because i am aware they are quite advanced but anyone or anything in the case could make a mistake and i'm scared about that i know humans could make a mistake but they are more gentle

  • In my opinion Yet ai stands to transform lives in the emerging world, too. As it spreads, the technology could raise productivity and shrink gaps in human capital faster than many before it. People in developing countries need not be passive recipients of ai, but can shape it to suit their own needs. Most exciting of all, it could help income levels catch up with those in the rich world and also Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a widely-debated issue for decades but it is now gaining even more attention with the recent advent of its real-world use. There are differing opinions about what AI may hold for the future with some focusing on the potential opportunities while others highlight the possible disruptions it may cause globally.

  • I think that the AI without dauds Will change the future in many different ways, althoug the countries lees developed Will experience less changes the most developed maybe will have changes as for example in many works such as the ones that required for maths or scientists but maybe the feeling of proving and Discoveryng of new things, the AI is more objective and make things better and faster while not all is going to be necesary for everythimg as they will need to have a human over them, also there are same works that need to be done by humans as the psicolgists or psiquiqtry or maybe same doctors

  • I think AI can play a big part in shifting and aiding emerging countries because of its new perspective and inovative character. I think it can have a big influence in the field of teaching , because it can provide certain ressources that the people because of a lack of funds cannot. In that way it can have a positive effect on especially young people's lives and further their developement. On the other hand it could have negative consequences because while AI is continuously advancing, there are still gaps in the knowledge and a certain margin of error, ehich means that it would be hard to fully entrust the AI with any particular field. This means that certain supervision is necessary which needs to again be funded and time needs to be devoted to it. That means that the result could just be further ressources being spent on something that sadly is not guaranteed to be helpful in the long term.

  • I think AI soon will have the reliability and power to change aspects of our world from economics to environmental change even education for instance although Chat GPT is a quick and intelligent solution technological advancements like AI are bringing us away from HUMANITY

  • The positives about AI is that they can help disabled people. For example if you are in a wheelchair and you drop something a robot can help you. The negatives are that the machine can malfunction. For example if you are working on a robot and it hits you in the face it's going to be bad.

  • AI has the potential to change the world because it has so much more talent then humans. For example when they had a robot do surgery on a grape to show how precise it was and multiply perfancal doctors have said that AI would be much better at it. However let me ask you this would you replace a chef with AI and robots or keep them as a human chef because with AI in contal all of the food would never be messed up but with out humans the element of creativity would be lost and new dishes would ever be made. So would you value the quality of a dish or the quantity of different dishes.

    1. I agree because what humans do, AI can do better. For example drug identifications in medicine, for example humans can take up to many hours to identify drugs in medicine but AI can easily detect drugs in medicine.

  • If A.I. might transform the world some positive sides could be, taking jobs that no one wants or gets. If A.I. takes jobs that no one really wants this could benefit businesses, resources, hunger and etc. A.I. could be programmed to help stop climate change and get more people helping to end it. Some negative effects could include, people losing jobs, more pollution due to the factories or businesses that make the A.I., and other problems. A.I. could even led to wars over things like some A.I. robots going into the U.S. from Canada, that may be harmful if there are malfunctioning or messing with any of the people.

  • AI has the potential to take over computers and coding and many more. AI can easily take over coding more than humans can. AI can make improvements to coding and computers. Do you guys agree?

    1. Yes, I agree with you but AI can only replace manual work. It can write codes for sure, however it can't replace the creative thinking of developers. Developer not only types code but also uses his creative thinking skills to make the application much better. I think developers would need to be familiar with AI to boost their productivity.

  • Greetings,
    I think that ai holds a lot of potential to transform the emerging world. I think this is true because we can already see a lot of examples and predictions about ai transforming the world in various sectors. Many people are believing that ai is and will bring a lot of transformation in many fields like education, healthcare, agriculture etc. In the the education sector, it can help students as well as teachers to make the teaching and learning process easier and advanced. In the agricultural field,it is already helping and will help the farmers by making the process easier and faster.It can tell the farmers about the things that they should do for making better crops. Likewise ,it can make the health sector transform by curing disorder or diseases. I won't say that it will only make positive transformation.In mu personal opinion, I think that this will make people more dependent.
    Thank you

  • Ai has the ability to change the coding and robotics world in so many ways. In the future of coding AI will have a very big value to the world of coding in the 21st century we all see that AI is transforming the coding world and it is really advancing the world of coding, AI easily removes errors that is why it is called artificial intelligence it is highly intelligent so it easily removes errors and it has the coding world so easily. The probability for AI to stay in coding is becase AI has the potential to be reduce, revolut and reduce errors in Coding, Do you agree with my opinion. THANK YOU...

  • AI is the technology that has the access to many information and the potential to do important things in life and it could be really useful if we could make an AI that can do surgeries without any risks. However, in normal daily healthcare AI wouldnt be that effective against individuals such as someone has disabilities.

  • I think that AI will transform the world in a good way because AI is helping us with more difficult tasks. AI could possibly help us even more in the future. AI could also impact the world in a bad way. Like now, people are cheating by letting AI write reports for them. It does not show how much they really know.

  • Well I think everything has a positive and a negative side, in the same manner AI also has both. With increase of AI there are many positive changes like
    •People can do jobs just by sitting in their home. Due to this many people especially women have become independent and can even work after their marriage.
    • Labour will decrease in the developing countries as people can earn even by making vlog on Instagram and YouTube.
    •There will be low risk of human error. •24/7 availability of AI machinary.
    • Help in medical applications.

    Though there are many positive changes but the negative effects can yet be seen.
    •Through increase in AI there are many crime like phishing, cyber bulling etc also increasing.
    •People especially the young generation is becoming lazy.
    • In the olden times youngsters used to read books and do research work or any physical activity in their free time, but the young ones of this generation is becoming lazy they are always wasting their time by playing games or watching reels on mobile phone's.
    • Through increase in AI people are forgetting ethics, morality and humanity. Everyone is becoming emotionless and speak without thinking how the another person would feel.
    I think this is how AI might transform the emerging world.

    Thank you.