Comments by students of Bomas Academy | Nigeria Student Comment Post Date knowledgeable_message i think there should be a discussion about corruption in business and politics because it is... Suggest a discussion 14/2/24 highspirited_concept Yes, we had a similar class thought we also thought that every country should have their own... How did the lesson go? 14/2/24 approachable_climate I agree with you active_beetle because, when a migrant moves from one place to another they are... Why are there rules about immigration? 14/2/24 spontaneous_rock I agree because... I think that when there are too many immigrants in a country, it can cause a... Why are there rules about immigration? 14/2/24 reflective_conversation I'm not sure about this because a lot of people have the wrong idea of immigration but I think... What are the benefits of immigration? 14/2/24 highspirited_concept I don't totally agree because if anyone is just allowed to live anywhere it would cause a lot of... What do you know about immigration policies? 14/2/24 fun_conclusion I think that the type of green skills that youths should be focusing on is in 1 water: it is... Are green skills the future? 14/2/24 fun_conclusion Anthea is a character from Shazam: fury of the Gods (2023). Anthea wields the primordial force... Competition #4 winners 14/2/24 funny_twilight Among the benefits of immigration are the following: 1. It contributes to a nation's... What are the benefits of immigration? 13/2/24 secure_outcome Why do individuals travel abroad from their home country? I think there are several reasons why... What are the benefits of immigration? 13/2/24 secure_outcome One policy I think is fair is that of Poland, Poland is simply being kind and hospitable taking... Fair or unfair? 13/2/24 secure_outcome I got 8 out of 8. What I learned from our class discussion is that every country has their... What do you know about immigration policies? 13/2/24 gracious_starfruit Despite our disagreements, I believe it is crucial to hear and listen to other people's... Why so divisive? 13/2/24 active_coconut I think it is important to hear other people’s idea because it might be better than one’s... Why so divisive? 13/2/24 eloquent_pie I disagree because it cannot be everyone to leave the country. Some people may stay because... What do you know about immigration policies? 13/2/24 active_coconut I think the benefits of immigration are A. Economic Growth If immigrates get to a new country,... What are the benefits of immigration? 13/2/24 gracious_starfruit In my view, Poland is a highly fair country that has given careful thought to children's... Fair or unfair? 13/2/24 eloquent_pie If nobody ever leaves their country to another, I think that no one will know about the... Suggest a discussion 13/2/24 gracious_starfruit My result was a 7 out of 8. While comparing the amount of money the UK would spend on returning... What do you know about immigration policies? 13/2/24 super_engine I agree with fearless_mandarin. Indeed, people's opinions differ because they are based on their... Why so divisive? 13/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 94 95 >