What are the benefits of immigration?

Robert is the Deputy editor of The Economist, which means he helps to decide what news stories should be in the newspaper.

Watch the video to hear Robert explain what the UK’s Rwanda bill means for asylum seekers that want to live in the country.

Comments (145)

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  • I believe immigrants can benefit our country because they bring skills like being doctors or engineers. They help make our country better by using their talents. Companies also benefit from immigrants because they bring new ideas and skills. If a country doesn't allow immigrants, they might miss out on good things. It's important to include everyone and not exclude people just because they come from a different place.

    1. I agree with you polite king because. many people have their different talents and skills and imagine a country with different people with different ideas and skills it will foster their economic growth An adage says opportunity comes but once .like you said the country can miss out on a lot of good things by not accepting migrants I still totally agree with you on this because the might get the opportunity that they have been waiting or looking for throughout this whole years.
      In conclusion to what you have said immigration fosters an economic growth or development.

    2. Hi,
      I totally agree with you that it is good to have immigrants in our countries because of the good things they can bring in such as their skills and talents as doctors, lawyers, engineers and many other professions. I will like to stress that when an immigrant is accepted into a country, the country may benefit from the immigrant but there might be immigrants that will come into a country that will not positively affect the country but negatively affect them. For example a man leaves country A and goes to country B may have gone to better a hospital because he is a good doctor but the man may also bring some characters of him which are not good which may include fraud, lying, disobedience to constituted authority and other characters which may rub of on citizens of the country that may make them bad citizens, and that is one of the many reasons why some countries ban immigrants from specific countries.

      Thank You.

      1. I would love to ask you jazzed tamarillo.
        How would a country band immigrants without knowing their characters whether there would have a good or bad effect in the country they are migrating to?

      2. When immigrants commit crime in the country, do you really think it's good to give them second chance before being banned from the country?

        1. Yes I am one of those people who believe in second chance, therefore I believe that all those who have done wrong deserve a second chance to make up for what they have done. Just imagine if the person gets deported because of ignorance, don't you think it would not be fair to punish someone for his/her ignorance?
          Also it is possible that the person may have intentionally done the crime but it is best to first try to help the person before deporting him/her because most people may change under the love and care of good people, so if the person is accepted into society after what he/her has done he/her might change making it unnecessary to deport the person.

          Thank you.

      3. I see your point, but is immigration really one of the cause of criminal/fraudulent activities? Would you not argue that each country has its fair amount of criminals regardless of immigration?

        1. Yes, If I where the one, I will have to argue that each country has its fair amount of criminals regardless of immigration. Let me explain, in my county, kidnapping has become a serious crime in Nigeria, by Nigerian people and other immigrants. It was said that some people from other country's, so it doesn't mean that the immigrants are the one's that cause crime, each country has its amount o criminals activities, the two country both made contribution to the kidnapping rate in Nigeria.

    3. Immigrants bring new information that can develop our country and widen our horizon. They bring new cultures that can be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on our own cultures and point of view. Immigrants increase a country's heterogenous nature as more cultures are brought into a country.
      Immigrants also raise the rate of demand in the market. They purchase things in the country for survival therefore increasing the country's economy.
      Immigrants also increase the country's workforce and population.
      Countries who don't accept immigrants have a possibility of staying stagnant in development. This is because they do not give room for new ideas because they look more on the disadvantages of immigration (for example, there may be a higher rate of unemployment). Give room for immigration but have reasonable and friendly limits.
      Thank you.

    4. that is actually true but also we should not over look the disadvantages of courses we know that every thing that has advantages also have some disadvantages.
      for instance, immigration leads to increase in population which can put pressure on public services.
      so if there are no restriction for number of people that comes into a particular country definitely unemployment will arise in such country and as we all know that large movement people leads to more security monitoring.
      so as we looking at the advantages we should not over look at the disadvantages.

    5. People from different countries possess a lot of talents and have the opportunity to exhibit and display their talents in the countries that they migrate into. For example, some foreigners might be very skilled in farming which would contribute to the general feeding of members of that nation. They might also be experts at medicine which in turn promotes health care in the nation. So in my opinion, any country that barely accepts immigrants will suffer underdevelopment.

      1. Some people might argue that people within the country should be trained for these roles? How would you respond to them?

        1. Interesting question tiff.
          I believe this is more reason to allow immigrants in.
          In the case of farming
          Some might insist we could train our people with the skill of farming .
          The question that should be asked is Are there experienced teachers and resources available that would enable the teaching of that skill (farming) easily digestible.
          i believe experienced and adequately baked individuals should also be allowed in to do this.
          Africans for example is blessed with land and we were also given the strength for labour.
          We have the best seasons for planting and seeds and vegetables needed .
          Africans are experienced because we have been taught on a early age the skill of planting.
          I believe countrys should not always uphold the perspective that immigrants are not needed, because immigrants also bring something to the table.
          The country could have the material the immigrant could have the skill .
          I believe before a country should conclude on the issue of immigrants being allowed they should also consider the benefits and consequences.

    6. I concur because... People from different nations could go about their daily lives in different ways. Additionally, the nation may adopt their way of life, and we might discover new strategies for reducing our own climate change in addition to learning how to lower theirs.

    7. I concur because immigrants may add to a nation's growth in a variety of ways by bringing their unique abilities, skills, and contributions to creativity and production. Additionally, immigrants might launch companies that mimic economic growth and generate employment opportunities. Not to be forgotten is what polite_king stated: "It is crucial to welcome immigrants and not to reject them based just on their place of origin.

    8. I agree because... I believe that when people from other countries immigrate to a new country, they can bring valuable skills are resources with them. This can help their new country by adding diverse talent and boosting income. It's like having a team where everyone brings something special to the table. By welcoming immigrates, countries can benefit from their unique perspectives and abilities, making our world a richer and more interesting place.

    9. I agree because immigrants can bring new skills and idea which we never knew. We should learn to explore different skills from people from other countries they can help us in those things we are lacking in and we can equally help. It is important to allow immigrants come into the country because they help us a lot. If we stop immigrants from coming into our country we would not be able know how things are done in other countries and our country would be boring because we won't be able to explore and learn different things from them.

      1. Hi
        I agree with you celver_redcurrant you are right immigrants can bring new skills and talents to our country people should learn other things from other countries because they can help us in those things that we are lacking. for example Immigration can also help people to understand the culture of other countries and immigrants can even help us in making new things that we lack.

    10. I agree with what you said but just something that I need to know. Do you really think that immigrants bring more skills and talents into the country more than the citizens already existing in the country?

      1. I personally believe that immigrants bring new skills and talents not necessarily more skills and talents. Because the citizens in the country already have skills but immigrants bring new skills that the did not know about and it also helps them to know how they can do things that are more beneficials in their country.
        Immigrants play important roles in the society especially if the immigrants belong to the labour force(working class) because they help to boost the economy.

    11. You have some valid points but I have a question to pose, what if the number of immigrants increases eg doctors will there be enough jobs and accommodation for all of those immigrants?
      I love the fact that you pointed out the positives of immigrants in other countries and how they benefit the countries as well.
      Will the economy of the country decrease if the number of immigrants increases?

    12. Hello Polite King,
      I agree with the statement you are making. I believe immigrants can grant amazing skills such as medical and engineer type of skills. The skills brought can also benefit companies because of the things that they can bring to the table. It is better to bring diverse type of ideas. Companies can get unique ideas that can benefit your company. You cannot knock it until you try it you’ll never know what you’re missing out on until you give it an attempt.

      1. Certainly! It is intriguing how immigrants can bring new insights and original concepts into businesses, particularly during challenging financial circumstances. By leveraging their creativity and distinct experiences, companies can not only boost their revenue but also improve the quality of their offerings. This mutually beneficial situation underscores the significant role that immigrants play in the success of companies and economies.

    13. Hello!
      I agree with you polite_king because immigrants help bring in various skills and talents that can help improve and build the country. These is because immigrants may have a different way of doing things and as such may have specialized in doing a particular job or profession in the place in which they left. For instance (doctors and nurses)immigrants from many other countries are going to the UK and the USA to improve their healthcare system.
      Immigration also helps promote peace and understanding. Take for instance if a country like Germany has immigrants from France the Germans will be able to understand the French better and vice versa for the Germans in France. This would mean that Germany will not want to do anything harmful to France as it has citizens there and vice versa.
      So in essence what I am trying to say is that immigration has many advantage but the right balance ha`s to be found for these advantages to overweigh the disadvantages.
      Thank You!!!

    14. "I agree because immigration can bring doctors and engineers with specialized skills from their home country. They can also contribute their expertise to these fields in the new country, while also sharing knowledge on how to do the job effectively. This can be beneficial for both the immigrant and the new country."

    15. Yes, I concede that immigration has a lot of benefits to a country such as bringing skilled workers as you have said above but I will also dare say that it has a disadvantage which is, leaving the source countries with a loss of manpower, brain drain, reduction in socio-economic income.
      It could also cause overcrowding and congestion in host countries which immigrants migrate to.
      Thank You :)

    16. I wholeheartedly concur with you, polite_king, as immigrants can enrich a nation by bringing in new talent, knowledge, and abilities that it does not already possess.
      Immigrants can teach others how to behave well in their nation.
      However, immigrants may face certain disadvantages.
      1. Presenting the bad actions of their nation.
      2. There are immigrants who come to plunder natural resources.

    17. I agree with you, polite-king, because immigrants can help a country grow and become a great place. There are numerous ways that immigrants can help a country, here are just a few:
      1. Immigrants bring fresh ideas, skills, and talents. For instance, it is difficult to locate a professional doctor these days, so welcoming immigrants will give them the chance to show off their abilities in a different setting.
      2. Immigrants increase employment possibilities and help to the development of a nation.
      In conclusion, as my colleague polite-king out, it's better to include everyone rather than to exclude them all because they come from a different nation.

    18. Hello, polite king

      I agree because... Nowadays, the act of immigration has impacted on many societies and local civilizations in miraculous ways. Immigration has impacted in the following ways;

      1. SURVIVAL:
      Immigration has improved on survival because people immigrate for many reasons, and one of them is education. There are some people that go and study overseas for the purpose of gaining good grades, of to learn new skills. It can therefore give a society better ways on how to go about good living for example people can gain new ways from immigration on how to take care of their society to avoid loss of lives and property due to natural disasters like global warming, and many more.

      As a result of immigration, people can work hard in order to become very successful like Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Yuan, and countless others.

      In conclusion, because of immigration, living and learning has become a lot more easier for people to survive and gain good education to achieve their dream of making it big in life, and I hope that it shall continue to morph and shape people for the better.

      Thank You!!!

    19. Hi Polite King, you made some great points. However, I believe that immigrants could potentially cause higher unemployment rates due to their need for jobs. Additionally, having to provide for the immigrants in the country could negatively impact the economy. Nonetheless, I do agree with the point that immigrants bring new cultures to a country.

    20. Hi, inventive signature.
      I believe you gave some good points, but I would like to state something.
      Even though immigrants bring new cultures and diversity, they also make holes in the original economy and education systems of a country e.g. If immigrants fill the USA there will be competition when it comes to space and job opportunities causing the rates of unemployment to skyrocket and lack of accommodation in the country.

    21. I agree because... If immigrants are not allowed to enter a country people with skills that benefit society and the people around them are rejected and miss out on good things that they might bring for the wellbeing of the society.
      Thank you👍

    22. Hi polite_king.
      I think that you are right but not fully.
      I think that immigrants may come from outside the country. But, how do you know that they will be competent and intelligent? They can even harm your country. If they were so skilled they would not have been expelled from other countries. What is your opinion about this? Finally, I would like to say that immigrants are not always good. Hope you are able to understand.

  • First of all, immigration can be defined as the movement or transportation of an individual or a group of people from one place to another. It can be through cars for travelling to a very close state or city, through air planes for travelling through countries, far away states, continents, and many more.

    Second of all, people immigrate for various kinds of reasons. People immigrate for positive reasons like;
    a. To study overseas to further good education.
    b. To find good job opportunities.
    However, there are also negative reasons why people immigrate from one place to another. Some of them are;
    a. In order to escape legal punishment due to breaking of the laws.
    b. For the purpose of terrorizing or bringing chaos to a peaceful country.

    1. Hello
      I agree with you, and there are many other reasons, and ways of travel regarding immigration. From what I have learned, not everyone gets a safe ride from one country to the other, some people have had to stay on crowded boats for months to seek safety, or travel miles on foot to be able to reach their destination.
      A reason to immigrate can either be a push or pull factor. A push factor is pushing someone away from their home country to another country, like war, or poverty. A pull factor is pulling someone from their home country to another, like a better life, or reuniting with family.
      Immigration has affected my country positively and negatively, a lot of immigrants bring new ideas that have helped build the economy and state of living in my country. On the contrary, there have been stereotypes of certain groups of immigrants that make the country discriminate against them, even after everything they have done for my country. They don't deserve this treatment.

    2. Hello,
      I totally agree with you because immigration has negative and positive conflicts. Many immigrants come just to have a better life or start a new life. If immigrants come to our country there could be a high standard of living which is another reason why it's good to let immigrants in. But as you stated in your comments there are negative effects about this. Many immigrants come just to escape from prison or from a crime they made in their country which could put a risk on the citizens of that country. They could also bring bad kinds of stuff let's say for example many people come with drugs which this is horrible because many people come to get rid of those things just for more people coming with more.

      1. Hi
        I completely agree with you engaging_twillight. Yes immigration has negative and positive conflicts. Many immigrants just migrate to have better life if immigrants come to our country they can help the country in many ways for example high standard of living and immigrants can solve that problem.and some immigrants just want to terrorise a country for example a terrorist can bring some illegal drugs and arms.

      2. Hello engaging twilight

        In accordance to what you are saying because many people migrate for a reason or purpose which some of these reasons might be negative or positive. I feel that most migrant enter for a good purpose which is most time it for a better life and to start a now life but I do not think that the rule is unfair because they are doing these to promote safety in their country and avoid the crime rate increasing I will like to say that the UK government is doing a good job trying to protect the image and reputation of their country.

        Thank You!!!

    3. Your thoughts are totally right.
      We can talk about benefits of immigration or not if first we clarify the purpose of immigration.
      If it's for education or job opportunities this means that the country can benefit from them. They can stay and work in the construction they study after their studies and use all their expertise in their jobs.
      However when we are talking about immigrants that enter another country because of war then we need to form different perspectives and legislations.
      Additionally, the country they are entering needs to be well prepared for those immigrants and have the appropriate knowledge to help them accordingly.

  • Hello, topical talkers.
    In my humble perspective, I will say that a country could benefit from immigrants by making immigrants bring about new traditions that may be helpful to the economy. For instance, if a Nigerian or any other person immigrates to another country, the country could encourage that individual to help the economy by creating a tourism center to educate those who may not know about his/her culture and traditions thereby broadening the knowledge of other people. I also feel that if a country does not accept immigrants, there we be different things lacking in the society; in the sense that people will not be exposed to others that are not within their boundaries. Skills such as preparing of certain dishes will not be found in such a society; It will also make that particular country alien to some certain people. Immigration has affected my country in both positive and negative ways such as increasing the population of the country, increase in demand for goods, creation of new job opportunities and many more.
    Thank you.

    1. Hello allowing peach
      I personally agree to what you are saying because, immigration grants room for respect for traditions between different nations because the immigrants from different countries can teach others how their traditions are, and what the country is lacking ( reference to allowing peach ) which can lead to development. Immigration can also lead to peace between nations because for example if I in Nigeria have a neighbor or a friend that is from another country which maybe the society has painted people from that particular country bad you can change the peoples perspective on how they see them which will eventually lead to peace between those two countries.
      In conclusion, I think that immigration will avoid wars between countries and also I think it can lead to socio-economic development.

      Thank you!!!

  • Well, in the course of my 13 years here in my country, I can say that affected my country in both positive and negative ways. I say this because the government accepting immigrants into my country has helped us a lot. Firstly, immigrants come into the country and introduce some skills like robotics engineering and so on which has helped some of those who are currently studying or are robotic and software engineering.
    However, one of the disadvantages of accepting such people, has resulted in overpopulation and insufficient resources necessary for living like food, shelter and other basic necessities of life and this has also caused high rate of criminal activities and been unable to get such people because of overpopulation.

    1. I totally get it, succinct_cheetah.
      Immigration has its pros and cons. It's awesome that immigrants bring in skills like robotics engineering, benefiting students and professionals in that field. But I understand your concerns about overpopulation and limited resources. It's crucial for governments to find a balance and provide the necessary support for both the existing population and newcomers. By addressing these challenges, we can create a harmonious and thriving society for everyone.

  • I believe that there is one main important benefit of accepting immigrants which is "INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF LABOUR FORCE". Labour force is the amount of people in a country who are willing and able(by law) to work. The labour force is gotten between the ages, 15,16,17 or sometimes 18 to 64 or 65 depending on the country. If a country should accept immigrants, it will increase the number of people who are willing and able to work for the government and private businesses. When the number of people willing and able to work in a country increases, the production capability f the country also increases, allowing the country to make more profit. When a country should accept immigrants, increased production capability is not the only profit. Reverse brain drain is also a benefit. Labour force which are immigrants often have a variety of skills and specialties which can benefit businesses and also the country. When a country should accept immigrants into their country on a regular or occasional basis, the immigrants can use their skills acquired from abroad to benefit the country.

    1. Can you explain what brain drain is?

      1. Hi Tiff @Topical Talk, I just want to explain what brain drain is according to the context in which helpful_personality spoke in. Brain drain according to Wikipedia is defined as "An occurrence when scientists, engineers, or other intellectual elites migrate to a more developed country to learn in its universities, perform research, or gain working experience in areas where education and employment opportunities are limited in their home country. " Brain drain is usually caused as a result of unfavorable working conditions of employees in a country. Immigration is one of the ways in which brain drain occurs hence, the working population in a country reduces leading to a decrease in the labor force.

        1. Thank you, and can you, in your own words, give your opinion of how you think 'brain drain' impact a country with regards immigration?

      2. Hi Tiff @ Topical
        I would like to explain what brain drain is according to the context of helpful personality.
        According to Wikipedia Brain drain is a phenomenon where, relative to the remaining population, a substantial number of more educated (numerate, literate) persons emigrate.
        According to Wikipedia Reverse brain drain is a form of brain drain where human capital moves in reverse from a more developed country to a less developed country that is developing rapidly. These migrants may accumulate savings, also known as remittances, and develop skills overseas that can be used in their home country.
        Brain drain can occur when scientists, engineers, or other intellectual elites migrate to a more developed country to learn in its universities, perform research, or gain working experience in areas where education and employment opportunities are limited in their home country. These professionals then return to their home country after several years of experience to start a related business, teach in a university, or work for a multi-national in their home country. Their return is this "Reverse Brain Drain".
        In my own view I think brain drain is also a benefit of immigration this happens when skilled technicians goes to more developed countries to maybe gain working experience in areas where it is banned in their own .
        In conclusion I will say that Reverse brain drain is a benefit of migration because skills people are limited to in their country they migrate to another country and learn more about it and go back to their home country and start maybe an organization or maybe a trade about what they learnt

  • I think that migration can help in increasing the standard of a country reason being that many people come to migration for different purposes as you all have stated @polite_king, @inventive_signature, @grounded_seal and @allowing_peach. I am in total agreement with all your points and will lay the foundation of my points.
    I feel this way because as new people are coming for educational purposes, bringing of skills and talents, and the bringing of different traditions as you all have said, if people migrate, the standard of living of both the country of destination and the country of departure will increase the standard of living. Reason being the country of destination will do things such as;
    1. Trying satisfy the needs of the migrants.
    2. Bringing of new skills by the migrants which are helpful in the running of that country.
    The country of departure will try to increase the standard of living in their own society because they will reason and say "what is making people to leave our society?" and when they see the problem, they will try and solve them in order to get back the migrants who have left their country.
    In conclusion, I think that migration help in developing the standard of living of both the country of departure and destination.
    THANK YOU!!!!

  • In my opinion, countries can benefit from immigrants. The immigrants you accept might bring skills that help your country, like tips to improve farming or new technology ideas, such as a robot that cleans up messes. They could also bring good advice. If countries don't accept immigrants, they might miss out on these opportunities for improvement. Yes immigration accepted my country in a good because the immigrants that came help the farmers in the country to have better produce for a low cost.

    1. You mention immigrants working for a lower cost. Is this always a good thing?

      1. Having immigrants work for a country at a low cost can be both good and bad. It's good because it provides the country with more labor without spending much, saving costs for companies or countries. However, it's not fair to the immigrants as they may be exploited, not receiving fair pay for their work, violating their human rights. It's a complex issue with both positive and negative aspects depending on the situation. I believe there should be policies or efforts to ensure that both the country and the immigrants benefit from each other without one side gaining more advantages.

      2. Title: Pros and Cons of Immigrant Workers

        In my opinion, there are both good and bad sides to having immigrant workers. On one hand, it's good because immigrants often face many challenges and it's nice if they can find work, even if it's for lower pay. However, it's also bad for the government because they might not receive as much income from immigrants compared to citizens. Still, I believe it's better for us to prioritize helping people over our own benefit.

        1. You mean that migrants may not pay tax locally? It's possible, but it's also possible for citizens!

      3. Hello, Tiff @ Topical talk.
        In my point of view, I have to say that assuming whether it is a good thing or not is determined by whether it is accepted by the immigrants working at a lower cost. If they are not informed about the original cost, it will be considered cheating as they do not know about the original cost (which is wrong) . If the immigrant is informed about the original cost and still accepts the proposal of working at a lower cost, it is considered right.
        Immigrants should not be cheated because they do not know much about a particular place but should be given justice in that particular country.
        Thank you.

      4. Hi Tiff@TopicalTalk,
        I'm not sure about this because... immigrants working for a lower cost mean that immigrants accept their salary to be much lower than the average local wage. This could have a knock-on effect on the locals working alongside them, possibly resulting in local workers' hourly wages being suppressed and improving the employers' profitability. This could possibly create a loophole to hire immigrants and get them to work for a lower wage than local workers. Immigrants are attracted by a 'higher' wage as it is still lower compared to the local average and the pay they could get from the countries they came from. This could also be attributed to economic migration, in which immigrants moved from LEDCs to seek a better quality of life, job opportunities, and better pay. 'Push' factor works in LEDCs that lack job opportunities, economic instability, and overpopulation and that people would want to migrate in order to seek a better way of life, while 'pull' factor works in more economically developed countries like the UK where better pay, working conditions, welfare, etc. are offered, attracting immigrants from immigrating to somewhere else. In the meantime, the enlarged profitability for employers would turn out to be beneficial to both local and immigrant workers in the long term because more job opportunities would be created due to the expanded business and higher job demand. Also, the 'entrepreneurs' from some industries that rely more on the immigrant labor force would probably boost their productivity and expand their market share. I wonder if maybe companies rely on hiring these immigrant groups and paying them less in order to be able to keep prices down. That, in turn, could have a negative influence on the need for job opportunities for locals and the overall wages of local workers. I feel this question is so important because it affects more than just the exceptions of people like me who are curious onlookers. When companies utilize the ability to employ lower-cost immigrant workers, it's really easy for them to take advantage of that, and then there's the potential for unforeseen negative effects on the local population's job availability and job wages in countries. Thank you.

    2. Absolutely! I completely agree with you. Immigration can bring numerous benefits to a country. Immigrants often bring diverse skills, knowledge, and ideas that can contribute to the growth and development of a nation. They can introduce new technologies, innovative practices, and different perspectives that can lead to improvements in various sectors, including agriculture. By embracing immigration, countries have the opportunity to tap into a pool of talent, creativity, and expertise that can drive progress and economic prosperity. It's great to hear that immigrants have made positive contributions to farming in your country.

      Thank you.

      1. Definitely, I agree with you that immigrants can also bring advantages to a country. They bring different skills and ideas to the table for the development of the country. For example, bringing ideas for the construction of roads. They can also help discover talent in people with their creativity and knowledge to help a country grow much bigger and better.

    3. Of course, I agree with you @harmmonious_mulberry because immigrants especially those who have certificates and expertise bring new ideas of technology, robots and even government agencies. This can improve enhances security and reduces errors.

  • Many people believe that immigrants are bad, although they do many things to help our economy and have good reasons to migrate to another country; such as to get better education, to find better jobs, or to escape from poverty. There are also many ways that our country can benefit from immigrants; for instance, they are filling labor needs, purchasing goods, and paying taxes. Our population also grows from immigrants opening up new jobs, higher economic growth, and more! We to can also learn something from immigrants as they might share their culture with or sharing their immigration journey and learning why they migrated here or what's going on in their country to cause them to come here. All in all, we can really benefit from immigrants as they help our economy, contributes to population growth, and can learn a thing or two from their experiences or culture.

    1. Hello,
      I have taken the same stance on immigrants. America is what It is today because of immigrants, and help from other countries. Ever since the 1500s, immigrants have been helping build this country brick by brick. A lot of railroads, houses, and buildings were built by immigrant laborer workers. They have also accomplished more for this country in other fields, like engineering and medicine. Sharing ideas with people from different countries has allowed us to get the best technology, and medicine possible.
      Immigrants have also increased the diversity of the country, there are people from all races, and many ethnicities in the US right now. I am very glad that there is diversity because when a place is more diverse, we widen our knowledge of other cultures, and are more likely to have a more respectful perspective towards other races, which decreases discrimination and hate in the world.

    2. Great idea unique expression ,most migrants go to other country just to explore their culture and traditions.in Nigeria we see so many immigrants who come every year just to experience our unique culture and traditions.and this people are contributing to our economic development, because during their stay they buy our food,go on tour,attend festivals and buy some of our art work.one of the items this immigrants like purchasing is our Aso òké and tye_dye.
      One important impact of immigrants is their ability to create innovative ideas and better solution to a particular thing.
      Am using this as an illustration
      In Nigeria we are know for our rich culture and traditions,before now we do eat with leaf and bare hands,but I guess an immigrant saw this and said the is a comfortable and hygienic way to do this ,so they decided to introduce the use of plate,spoon .
      We do use woods to cook,but now we has gas cook,stove and all that.if this people were not allowed to experience our culture and traditions, would our country have benefited from this great invention.
      One thing fascinate me about immigrants,is their love and respect for culture and traditions.

      1. Do all immigrants have love and respect for culture and traditions? How might it affect someone's opinion of immigrants if they had only experienced people who did not?

  • People used to migrated due to following reasons
    1 medical
    2 education
    3 Job Opportunities etc
    people from village do migrate to city

  • In my opinion that immigration have great benefits, it fuels the economy as the young people who travel or immigrate to work in specific places because they don’t have this chance in their country. increases the productive capacity of the economy, and raises the GDP, the most important thing is cultural diversity as they bring new languages, and new religions as the migration of African Americans from the southern United States to the northern states during the 20th century. some families immigrate to get The opportunity to for a better job to improve their quality of life and to give their children The opportunity for a better education
    Migration has played an important role in Egyptian society since the early 1970s. By the mid-2000s, remittances from migrants accounted for about 6% of Egypt’s GDP, which places Egypt among the top ten remittance-receiving countries in the world. With 5% of Egypt’s population estimated to be living abroad in 2006

  • Accepting immigrants will, in my opinion, greatly help your nation because they can bring fresh capabilities that your country is lacking.
    benefits of immigration.
    1. New talent is introduced by immigrants.
    2. Immigrants contribute to hard labor.
    A disadvantage faced by immigrants.
    1. They are able to introduce the negative behaviors of their nation.
    2. Certain crimes can be initiated by immigrants within the nation.
    eager to see any corrections.
    I'm grateful.

  • Hi
    I believe immigrants can benefit our country because some country need workers badly for example some country need doctors so immigrants can apply for the job so in this way many patients can be cured and that's how immigrants can benefit a country. And some countries can benefit immigrants by giving them job.

    1. I agree because... The immigrants are a benefit to the society by increasing the employment rate in the country.
      In some third world countries, to become a doctor, you will need to spend at least 8 years in the university and since they are in the third world countries some of them might not be able to get well paid job befitting of a doctor and as result seeking opportunities outside the country is always very attractive since it offers them better opportunities.

      However, there is are downsides I this these doctors that had immigrated to the other countries. They leave their own country vulnerable. For example, in my country, the doctor-patient ratio is one-to-eight, there is absolutely no was a single doctor can attend to eight thousand patients.

      1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

        1. Hi Chloe @ topical talk
          I think I know where he found his evidence. this evidence can be found in Nigerian news. There are 4 doctors to 10000patients and that is according to the WHO because in Nigeria people who studied medicine in university spend seven years studying to become a doctor however some doctors from Nigeria travel to other countries and apply for a job in order to benefit from the country's better standard of living and salaries since what they are earning at home cannot satisfy their needs.

  • There are many ways a country can benefit from immigrants but, Immigrants bring numerous benefits to the country they settle in this is because they bring numerous advantages to the country they settle in.
    Economic growth Immigrants fill labor gaps and start their businesses which helps contribute to economic growth
    Cultural Enrichment Immmigrators bring diverse cultures Adopting creativity and tolerance understanding new culture
    Skill Enhancement brings skills that were well used in their country like tailoring carpentry etc which can help drive innovations and expertise in various sectors
    community engagement helps them practice social community and practice their civil rights
    these are all benefits of immigrants
    Thank You

  • Immigrants should be accepted into a country because diversity in backgrounds and skill sets, including immigrants in medical and engineering fields, can bring fresh ideas and progress to companies. Failing to welcome them may lead to missed opportunities. Therefore, immigrants should be allowed to work so they will improve the country's GDP and profit. But sometimes, there might be cons related to countries that accept immigrants. For example, immigration increases the population, which can strain public services.

  • I believe immigrants are beneficial because they come with many skills. They move to the US to work and have better lives. With immigrants we would have more people in jobs a boost in economy. Immigrants also don't expect high pay including how in their past country they would get paid about 2 dollars.

  • Hi,
    Immigration has many benefits for both the country and the immigrants themselves. Economically, immigrants fill employment gaps, create jobs, and contribute to economic growth through taxes which results in the incresing of the countrys GDP. Immigrants support society by spreading their own culturally diverse perspectives, traditions and skills. Like if a immigrant comes to a country then that person can become a doctor, a engineer or anything which will surely take the country to the heights.
    Thank You

    1. Hello! Thank you for sharing your views on the positive impacts of immigration - could you please expand more on how a country would benefit from being exposed to culturally diverse perspectives?

  • In my opinion, the most important way that a country might benefit from accepting immigrants are as follows:
    1) Cultural expansion
    If a country accepts immigrants then the people from the other different countries will bring diversity in culture
    of the country. Immigrants will bring new types of traditions in the country.
    2) Economic growth
    Immigrants will help to increase productivity and helps bring new types of businesses which will help to contribute economic growth of the count.
    3) New skills and technology
    Immigrants will bring new and different types of skill and technology from different countries across the world which will also help in development of the country.
    4) International relationship
    Accepting immigrants from different countries will help to maintain good relationship with them.
    If a country doesn't accept immigrants then they will left behind in respect to other countries in the development like North Korea. The development of the country becomes very slow if it doesn't accept immigrants. My country has also been affected by immigrants.Immigranta are helping to bring new ideas and innovations. Many new types of businesses are also being started by the immigrants.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

  • Immigration has many benefits than emigration, immigrants brings skills and talent to countries why emigrants bring burden to countries. Accepting the traditions , customs, beliges and norms if immigrants can help in developing a country.

  • In opinion I think immigration will affect countries positively by bring news ideas for agriculture and businesses. New cuisines and clothes will be added. The country's economy will increase, and the trading market will flourish. Job rates will increase, and new jobs will be introduced. Immigrates can help the environment by doing a lot of community services. Immigrates can help in fuel growth and start business that improve the economy. Immigrates can help in education by being teachers this way students can have enough teachers, migrates can help in medicines to by being herbalists and even doctors. The native people in countries can learn new languages and learn many effective skills that help grow their economy. Immigrates can creates way to develop houses, schools, advanced technologies. Native people can learn immigrates culture, arts and the ways they display their talents. I believe with the help of immigrates countries economy will flourish like never before.

  • Countries could really benefit from immigrants, the main reasons I am saying this is because:
    1. An immigrant could be a potential entrepreneur.
    2. If the immigrant has good work ethic, that will really benefit the county.
    3. You would never know if an immigrant can bring glory to the country.
    4. When immigrants do labor they can increase the economies GPA.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

  • The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is to increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Without immigrants, our US economy would be a 'disaster,' experts say "Where there's economic growth, there's immigration." Opposing popular belief, immigrants don't take away jobs from American workers. Instead, they create new jobs by forming new businesses, spending their incomes on American goods and services, paying taxes and raising U.S. businesses.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

  • One of the most important ways a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is the diverse number in their GDP. Adding more people can add more jobs, which would make more money and economic impact for their country. This increases the number of capital goods being produced in the country. This creates more economic impact positively because of the increase in technology to create these skyrocketing GDP amounts.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

  • To add on to my earlier comment, immigrants also add diverse changes to the country, so the traditions, customs, people, and holidays would be mixtures and uniquely known. The more unique and different a country is, the more tourists and money the nation creates and earns. If there is something that a nation did not previously have, they would maybe also skyrocket in those fields and boost their economic needs as well as their citizens' needs.

  • According to me, Immigration has great benefits like it helps in stimulating more global connections and increase in economies of the country.
    In recent years we have seen a lot of wars, most utmost ones like Russian-Ukraine war and Israel-Hamas war which lead to a lot of disconnections and fall in economy.
    Immigration can help countries maintain peace and tranquility with each other, it can even increase the number of hands(assets) for countries. Which can help countries to develop economically and socially.

    Thank you.

  • Hello!
    From my perspective, one of the benefits of accepting immigrants into a country is because of increased economic output. This is because the more immigrants are accepted into a country, the larger the labor force will enlarge and the productive capacity of the economy. Therefore there is a great advantage to countries who accept immigrants.
    Thank you!

  • I believe that immigration may improve the nation in a variety of ways, some of which are as follows:
    1. New talents and a strong work ethic are two traits that immigrants frequently bring to the workforce, which can mimic economic growth through higher productivity.
    2. Different cultures and languages that they have adopted from their home nations are brought by immigrants.
    3. Immigrants support the continuation of vital services by filling gaps in sectors of the economy that are experiencing a labor shortage.
    4. Despite obstacles, effective integration initiatives can promote social cohesiveness and a feeling of solidarity and acceptance across various communities.
    All things considered, immigrants are essential to the growth and development of the economy since they provide significant contributions that can boost its vibrancy.

  • Hi friends
    I believe that accepting immigrants can have a positive impact on the country because they can introduce new materials that can develop the country even through the smallest way. Also, accepting immigrants can welcome skillful people to work in the community that can even help them. For example, if there are a few amount of nurses in that country, immigrants can have that occupation that will increase the amount of nurses. It is most likely to occur because the immigrants who have come to their country might introduce the country to other co- workers and friends which will make the number of nurses now increase because other people will love to come and live in a good environment.

  • When immigrants come to our country they bring plenty of benefits. Their knowledge could help many things. For example ,their ideas can make businesses a lot better. They bring in plenty of new things not just for their beliefs but their skills. They may not be from our country but that does not mean they can't help. Sometimes immigrants can help more than others since they bring in a variety of new ideas. If a country does not accept immigrants they will most likely miss out on new ideas that could make their country better.

  • HELLO!
    When a country accepts immigrants,it can benefit big time! They bring skills, boost the economy, and add cultural diversity. It's a win-win!

    If a country doesn't accept immigrants, it might miss out on the economic and cultural contributions they can bring. It could limit diversity and potential growth. Embracing immigration can be beneficial for a country's progress and development.

    Immigration has had a significant impact on Nigeria. People from different countries have migrated to Nigeria, bringing their cultures, traditions, and skills. This has contributed to the cultural diversity and economic growth of the country. Immigration has helped shape Nigeria into a vibrant and multicultural nation.

  • The topic of immigrants has always been controversial there are people that support it and people that don't. I believe that immigrants can really help our country because they can create new innovations with the things they were taught in their country whether it be the way they cook, clean, teach etc. Immigrants only want a better life for themselves so i'm sure they would do anything as long as they are somewhat financially stable or have what they need. If a country does not accept immigrants they would be missing out on people trying to create a better life for themselves as well as a different perspective. I doubt any countries don't accept immigrants tho because how would you not accept someone just because they weren't born in your country? you never know what they are capable of.

  • An amazing way I think countries could benefit from accepting immigrants is for economic purposes. As said in the video by Deputy editor Robert, immigrants can bring great ideas from their country into a new one. This way, this country will be open to perhaps new businesses or will feed on the ideas to create new things. If a country were to not accept any immigrants, the country would not be diverse. The country would not advance in a lot of ways. The country would probably be stuck on the same things and even the way the population is treated. Also using North Korea as an example, people are living very miserably compared to my country, here in the U.S. They are under rule much like people were centuries ago. Immigration in my country has put many walls in between all people from different countries. Immigration has brought some people to think they are less because they're from a different country, and what they are doing is wrong.

  • In my opinion, the most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is that the country would hae a good name and bepraised by those in support of accepting immigrants. The country that doesn't accept immigrants would be shamed or supported. My country does not really have institutions to hold immigrants, but I am sure that if my country gets the chance, we would accept immigrants and support them in their time of need. It makes me sad when I hear that some countries tur away immigrants, I mean they are just trying to get to safety away from their dangerous homeland, most with their families. They simply want to keep themselves and their families safe from any danger. If our countries were to be in dangerous situations, we would surely want to find a sanctuary. You need to consider how you would feel in their position.

  • Immagration could actually benefit the country in many ways. When they arrive at the country, they would need a new place and find a job. Finding a job and earning money also means increasing the country's GDP (economic system). Culture is also a main way a country could benefit from accepting immigrants. We get to discover their tradition, food, clothing, religions, and many other! They also bring their skills and jobs. Some immigrants can work as interpreters as they can speak more than one language. They have different experience and practices from their homes and countries and provides different ways to solve problems or do things. Sometimes, they have connections with other countries which could make trading easier and better.

    Many people don't appreciate the benefits immigrants provide for their country. If a country doesn't accept any immigrants, their economic system would probably never grow again. There would be no workers for factories or industries and no entrepreneurs. They wouldn't be able to learn new skills or cultures.

    In my country, there are many different people of different race that work in various jobs. Some are teachers, doctors, accountants, policemen, etc. Now, people are always learning new things about different cultures and practices. It doesn't make the country boring at all!

  • I advocate for the positive impact of immigrants on our nation, as they bring valuable skills such as medicine and engineering, enhancing our country's development. Immigrants contribute to innovation and diversity within companies, enriching our society with fresh perspectives and abilities. Denying immigrants entry could result in missed opportunities for progress. It's crucial to embrace inclusivity and avoid excluding individuals based on their origins.

  • The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is having all types of different cultures come to the United States. something that might happen to a country that won't accept immigrants is if that country that didn't accept the immigrants in the first place goes into a war I'm more than sure that the country that they did not help would not help them in return. Immigrants have overpopulated already overpopulated areas in the United States. in cases like New York for example New York was already an extremely populated area but with the addition of immigrants and it's just made it worse. not just for the immigrants but for the people of New York as well. it's bad for the immigrants because some people believe that they shouldn't be there and choose to use violence to get them to leave.

  • Primarily ,immigration is the process whereby an individual travel from their initial country to another on order to earn a living I think that immigrant can benefit our country I say this because economically those in need of the immigration argue that immigrant helps in contributing by boosting the economy and adding the labour supply ,And promoting innovation.

  • There are many benefits to immigration! It can contribute to economic growth by bringing in new skills, talents, and innovation. Immigrants often fill labor market gaps and start businesses, creating jobs for both themselves and locals. Additionally, cultural exchange and diversity can lead to a more inclusive and tolerant society. These are just a few of the positive impacts of immigration. It can help to increase knowledge skills opportunities and help in building up the community and understanding the culture of the people around it.

    1. I agree with you. Economic expansion, cultural interchange, cuisine, learning a new language and speaking a different dialect, and changes in fashion are all advantages of immigration. Immigration has increased the number of people living in each country and given rise to a large number of employment. Part of this increase in population has come from inter-immigrant marriages between natives of the host country and immigrants. As a vital component of education, migration is also beneficial for the advancement of education. For instance, when professors and instructors relocate, they carry with them a greater body of knowledge from their home nation that will benefit students in the new location.

  • Hi,
    I realized that this topic in general has a lot of different perspectives and a lot of complex concepts, and it is a little hard to understand what the real aim of these immigration policies, some people may be against it, others may see it as a very good step and some may not really have much to say about it, like they are unsure of how it makes them feel, I am actually among the people that are unsure, but I didn't let my feeling get it in way of researching about this topic and though these policies have their disadvantages but they also have their advantages, and we can't judge because everything has a good side as well as a bad side and these laws are not excluded, they may not always be in favor of everyone but they ae made for the good o everyone and not with bad intentions. One of the main advantages of immigration policies that caught my attention is that these policies can bring about economic growth and innovation in a country. Migrants if given the opportunity to gain access to different parts of the world can bring a lot of growth and development in their economy, as a come from different places and backgrounds and they also have different and diverse skills, knowledge and even expertise that could even improve or enhance the level of productivity off that country, like if you go to countries that have a small population and also shortages of skilled workers in different aspects, Migrants could help a lot in changing and turning that situation around. This is one of the many advantages of immigration policies, so no matter what we shouldn't have a negative mindset on everything because not everything is entirely bad especially these immigration laws. I hope of have done justice in my explanation.
    Thank you!

  • Hi everyone.
    I think the most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is through economic growth. Accepting immigrants can help a country's economy by filling labour shortages in sectors where there may be a lack of local workers, such as healthcare, agriculture, and hospitality. Additionally, immigrants often start businesses, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth.

    If a country doesn't allow immigrants to come and work, there might not be enough people to do important jobs like healthcare, agriculture, and other essential work. This could make it harder for the country's economy to grow.

    Yes, immigration has had a significant impact on Ghana. Historically, Ghana's immigrants have contributed to the diversity of Ghana's cultural landscape, bringing with them different traditions, languages, and practices. This cultural exchange has enriched Ghana's societal fabric and contributed to the country's multicultural identity.s been a destination for immigrants from neighbouring countries, such as Togo and Cote d'Ivoire, as well as from other parts of the world. This influx of immigrants has influenced various aspects of Ghanaian society, including its cultural diversity, economy, and labour market.

    1. I agree because... If a country were to stop accepting immigrants, the country’s economy would most definitely suffer. Immigrants increase the number of people working in a country. Immigrants have the ability to bring scarce skills that add to the skills that the workers in the country already have. If countries were to cut back the rate at which it accepts immigrants, there would be a very negative effect on the whole country and the quality of life in the country will reduce. The country's potential and economic growth would slow down and the country will become less productive. The labour force in a country will also be low because of the fact that population is low. Immigrants increase the supply of labour in the society. More people willing and able to work means that there will be more goods and services being produced by the country and businesses. Because of this, the amount of a country's output will increase, providing more money for the country.

  • Hey,
    I feel a country could benefit a lot from hosting or accepting immigrants, this is because immigrants are from different cultures and also different backgrounds when they migrate to other countries, they promote diversity among people in the country bringing together people of different tribes and cultures. Diversity could really be of a great advantage to many countries, some of these advantages are firstly, the people of the host country will be given a chance to interact with people from different backgrounds or countries, the immigrants could also introduce people of the host country to new ideas and perspectives on different issues or topics and can also expose them to foreign cultures that they did not know about. It could also help prevent echo-chambers as diversity helps people to be exposed to people from different backgrounds with different opinions. So people will not be restricted to only information in their country.

    Another advantage immigrants could provide to their host country is that they could create innovative and lucrative business ideas and develop businesses which could be of a great advantage to their host countries economy. An example of businesses which could be created by immigrants is the establishment of Nigerian restaurants in Canada. These restaurants are mostly owned by Nigerian immigrants who found a way to make money by providing the citizens of the host country a taste of food from their homeland or country. These immigrants, with the aid of their businesses are also helping their host countries economy.

    1. Thank you for using real examples in your explanations. Those restaurants sound great!

  • I can quite say that while living in my country, I have met a considerable number of immigrants, some from Lebanon, China, India, Syria, and many more, and living amongst them has been a great ride and it still is, all of them work in their own way to make my country a better place, some educate, some brought their technology from their home countries, what I am trying to say is that immigrants have really helped my country and Nigerians in other countries have helped those countries in which they have migrated to. Every country has the potential to be great but what they need is the help of others, immigrants can bring their technologies from their country to their place of settlement, they too can also contributions to, look at Barrack Obama, his father was an immigrant from Kenya, and Obama became the first black president in the United States, countries should understand that although immigrants are different, their differences can help make that country greater.
    Thank you for reading my views.

  • Accepting immigrants can help the nation. There are several advantages to welcoming immigrants, not the least of which is that a welcoming nation will gain international recognition.
    However, there are situations when it will be extremely difficult to accept immigrants since some immigrants are bad citizens. If a country accepts these people, it would become corrupt and its population will become initiated.
    It will be extremely difficult for our nation to welcome immigrants because some came only to take advantage of our natural resources before fleeing.
    Therefore, you should be aware of their origins if you plan to welcome immigrants.
    eager to see any corrections.
    I'm grateful.

  • I understand that the rich countries may feel burdened by the influx of immigrants. But like Mr Robert said the countries with different cultures are more diverse and keep improving since the immigrants do bring their own culture and food and products. Like you can find Chinese food and shawarma in the UK and US you can also get spices and learn traditional medicine from other cultures.
    Some countries that do not accept immigrants risk loosing man power especially those with aging population.
    Although is not as rich as the develop countries immigrants have contributed alot to our food and culture. We got a drink called zobo made from hibiscus flower from immigrants and now it's a popular drink. We also have other foods that originally came from other parts of the continent even shawarma was brought by the Lebanese to Nigeria.

  • Hello,
    The way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is through economic growth and innovation. Skilled immigrants often fill labor shortages contribute to technological advancements, which leads to increased productivity in the country. Immigrants also bring diverse perspectives that bring about different experiences and cultural exchange within the country
    If a country doesn't accept any immigrants, it could face several consequences. Firstly, there could be labor shortages, it could hinder economic growth and development. Additionally, without immigration, a country may miss out on the cultural exchange and diversity that immigrants may bring about, which leading tolack of innovation too.
    Even in my country India, Immigration has showed its benefits. Like other countries, It has enriched the country's cultural landscape too by bringing in diverse traditions, languages, from various parts of the world which adds to India's diversity. In economic sense too, skilled immigrants have contributed significantly to sectors like IT, healthcare, and finance. Immigration has contributed to urbanization and population growth in cities like Mumbai and Delhi too. India would never have been where it is today without immigration.

  • A country applied certain rules while accepting immigrants from different countries and after following all the rules the people who are able to come in the country consider to be unique and talented. People of different countries have different mindset and viewpoint. So, accepting immigrants from different countries will allow us to come up with many more new ideas which will help us to advance the country. By using the talent and idea of those immigrant people, we can develop our country more rapidly. But the immigrant can come to help for a country only if they are skilled and can work for the advancement of the country. Taking more immigrants than necessary only lead to uncertainty and problems. Bangladesh has given shelter to more immigrants than necessary as a result instead of getting benefits we are facing several problems. For this reason, we should take only limited skilled immigrants from across the globe instead of taking people from the same country. If any country doesn't accept immigrant, then I think the advancement of the country will come to halt as all the people will have same perspective and there will be no one to think outside the box. For this reason, the country should accept immigrants by maintaining policy for their own benefits.

  • I think the most beneficial part of a country accepting immigrants is the new exposure of different cultures. Whether it is food or a tradition it is important for people to experience different cultures on their own. The sheer number of cultural restaurants you would find on a single British high street is proof that we are accepting the diversity of the world around us. There is a range from Asian to South American food for people to try and enjoy.

    The fantastic cuisine is only one of the many things that benefits a country from accepting immigrants. The traditions they bring help us accept their cultures and when we have done that then we may be able to fully accept them into our countries and our lives.

    1. I think you made an interesting point - in a way, through the variety in cuisines on a British high street shows the world coming together. Could you please give another example on how diversity can be seen in the UK?

  • In my opinion, immigration has great opportunities, such as the development of a country and a fresh start for new people in other countries. Some come to settle down in hopes of finding belonging and peace, but there are some disadvantages that make immigration difficult. Some include the bad treatment of people from a country toward immigrants; some tend to be racist; and others tend to look down on them for just being outsiders. I believe they need to be open in order to make immigration benefits better with no worry. They should see it from the point of view of new people, new ideas, and new developments. Everybody has thinking capacities, and it wouldn't hurt to bring the ideas of different countries( a little twist to development already) into a developing country to enhance that country. In conclusion, immigration has good benefits, but with these points taken critically, its benefits can be even greater.

    1. I like the way you have created your argument to the benefits of immigration, can you highlight what some of these benefits might be to create a more balanced comment?

      1. Hey there, @Emily,
        Some benefits that could provide a more balanced comment include:
        1. Diversion of local economies: As I stated, early immigration can lead to new and massive development in a country due to new perspectives, experiences, and ideas. On the other hand, Immigrants can also start
        their own businesses, create jobs, and contribute to innovation and productivity in the new country.
        2. Increases the population in some countries: In some countries, where they have small population, immigration does a lot to increase or balance the population and aid in addressing the challenges of aging and declining populations in some countries because a collective source of labor by the people of a country to furnish and develop the country, with just a small population, the goal to achieve will be almost impossible.
        3. Improves living standards: Immigration helps a lot in the furnishing of countries, in fact most historic buildings were built by immigrants. Immigrants come to new countries to find jobs, and so once they find jobs, they do it to the best of their abilities, examples, making homes and apartments for people, building designed roads and many more.
        4. New cultures and languages inculcated: Immigration benefits a lot in inculcating new languages, tradition and ways of life into countries but as the saying goes one can force a horse to the river but can never force it drink from it. Immigrants will forcefully inculcate new cultures unless they are accepted and that is why countries must be open to immigrants not to look down on them.
        All these listed are a few benefits of immigration that I felt could create a balanced comment. Thank you.

    2. I agree with you because alot people actually have the wrong idea about what immigration even is some people actually as you had stated astounding_petal they look down on the people who immigrate as if they are not welcomed but even though there is some bad there is always good. Some people are actually entreupenuers who help immigrants get started with their lives. Immigration also has its benefits as you also said which could be even greater if worked on such as education like univerities such as MIT and Oxford.

      1. I'm not sure about this because a lot of people have the wrong idea of immigration but I think of that in a way that they have listened to the advice of what some of their close relations have told them, some of them solemnly rely on the information sometimes gotten from the internet which may be false . So I think that they should be able to filter the information and make more research to ascertain the validity of it before making judgements.
        In a way I feel these policies are there to safeguard countries from getting overpopulated and putting strain on the available resources. I just have one question for you, would you like to live in your country that it overpopulated by the immigrants whereby they that take all the available employment opportunities.

        1. Interesting ideas. Can you think of reasons why people might leave their home countries?

          1. Hi Chloe,
            I think the reasons why people might leave their home countries is can be due to various reason, some of this reasons is the pursuit of better education, healthcare, economic opportunities, tourism and sometimes war and conflict.
            Whatever the reason may be, people will always go to where they fill safe, served and accepted. The point here is to make sure that we make our own society more dynamic in various aspects by providing better services and create for people the right environment to fulfil their dreams.

        2. I disagree; although your points are quite valid, but let's look at this question first. Why would people want to immigrate to other countries? What else in other countries could improve their lives and those of their families? People have different views about immigration, so acting based on hearing other people's views, relying on the internet, and not viewing or experiencing it for yourself is, in my opinion, biased. People actually dislike immigrants just because they have different ethnicities; they are different and a lot more, but they don't see the brighter picture, so to speak. Policies that ship other people back home after struggling to get there are quite harsh. Why not build shelters or dedicate a work field just for immigrants? Yes, overpopulation may arise, but for partner countries that share borders or have friends, they can send the immigrants there to find jobs there too. Yes, policies are there to safeguard countries, but what of the policies that safeguard immigrants? Some immigrants risk their lives just trying to get back after being deported and its fair. I agree with the notion that these policies need to be regulated.

  • Accepting immigrants can bring diverse skills, talents, and perspectives, contributing to economic growth, innovation, and cultural enrichment. Immigrants often fill labor market gaps, stimulate entrepreneurship, and contribute to a dynamic and resilient society, fostering a more robust and adaptable national economy.A country that doesn't accept immigrants may face several challenges. It could experience labor shortages, especially in industries with specific skill demands. This might lead to slower economic growth, reduced innovation, and an aging workforce. Moreover, without diversity, the society may miss out on the cultural exchange and enrichment that immigrants bring, potentially leading to a less dynamic and globally connected nation.Immigration can impact a country in various ways. Positive effects include cultural diversity, economic growth, and addressing labor market needs. However, challenges such as social integration and managing increased demand on public services can arise. The overall impact depends on immigration policies, economic conditions, and the ability of the host country to adapt to demographic changes.

    1. I like how you have created a very well balanced comment for the benefits of immigration. How do you suggest we help other people see this and support the benefits of immigration?

  • In my own understanding, immigration can lead to the growth and development of many cities and countries. For example, due to immigration, it can lead to the growth and economic development of some underdeveloped countries, it can also lead to proper provision of useful natural resources for example palm oil and palm kernel to provide other means of income gain as well as other access to means of survival.

  • In my own perspective,
    Accepting immigrants in a country has both negative and positive impacts. In the negative aspect, accepting immigrants might lead to the over population of such country therefore leading to the inability of the government to provide the basic amenities of that society. But ignoring the negative aspect, accepting immigrants have so many benefits such as it brings about the growth and development of such country as the immigrants would use their skills, talents, and abilities to impact positively to that country. Such country therefore also benefits from accepting immigrants as they use their new ideas to support companies. On the other hand, when a country do not accept immigrants, they might lose so many opportunities such as not having any alien ideas or people to learn from but just depending on their own ideas. So finally I would say that immigration has affected my country positively by giving us the opportunity to learn how to cook foreign dishes, learn coding and robotics and also learn their culture and language.

  • I believe immigrants possess the ability of bringing new ideas and innovations to country the immigrate to because not only are the ideas new to that particular immigrated country but would also bring about development be it the industrial sector or the agricultural sector or the political sector.
    So if a country is hindering immigrants from entering their border,it simply implies to me that they are limiting their development to within them and not open to diversification and oneness

    1. I agree with you, immigration brings diversity and a mixture of culture to a country because as more people from different cultures come to reside in your country, the country will have more ethnic groups also it adds the population to the country.
      It is shown that no two humans are the same so as each person come, they come with their different skills, talent, ideas and determination so they all have their different ways to contribute to the country.
      Lastly it also boosts economic growth filling labor needs, purchasing goods and paying taxes.

  • In my understanding, one of the most significant ways for a country to benefit from accepting immigrants is through economic gains. Immigrants often contribute to the economy by filling labor market gaps, starting businesses, and paying taxes. Additionally, another way for a country to benefit is through social and cultural integration. Accepting immigrants can foster social cohesion and integration, providing opportunities for locals to learn about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, ultimately promotion tolerance.
    The issue of accepting or rejecting immigrants has become a contentious topic in many countries. While there are valid arguments on both sides, it is important to consider the potential consequences of not accepting immigrants. This essay will explore both the positive and negative effects that may arise from a country's decision to reject immigration.
    Positive Effects:
    One of the positive effects of not accepting immigrants is the potential reduction in strain on public resources. By limiting the number of newcomers, a country can alleviate the burden on healthcare, education, and social welfare systems. This can lead to improved efficiency and better allocation of resources for the existing population.
    Negative Effects:
    However, there are also negative consequences associated with rejecting immigration. One significant drawback is the potential loss of cultural diversity. Immigrants bring with them unique perspectives, traditions, and experiences that enrich the cultural fabric of a nation. By denying entry to immigrants, a country may miss out on the benefits of a diverse society, including increased creativity, innovation, and a broader understanding of different cultures.

  • I think the benefits of immigration are
    A. Economic Growth
    If immigrates get to a new country, they come with new ideas and more businesses. This will improve the country’s social growth and increase the countries money. (New jobs will be created.)
    B. Population Increase
    If immigrates go to another country and register themselves as a full citizen of the country, it will increase there population. (It will also create room for more jobs.)
    C. Cultural Change
    A lot of countries have changed or improved culturally due to immigration. For example;
    1. The way they speak
    2. The way they talk
    3. The food they eat
    4. The way they dress
    5. The language they speak
    6. What they do as a living
    And when they immigrate in large groups a lot of things will change with almost everything they do.

  • I think that immigrants can benefit most low populated countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as these countries encourage more and more immigrants to migrate to them because they need more work force to extract the petrol in their lands so, immigrants will be very beneficial to these types of countries which need them most,while high populated countries should redirect the asylum seekers to other safe and low populated countries.
    Thank you

  • Why do individuals travel abroad from their home country? I think there are several reasons why people might do it, including travel, education, and stable and growing finances. The benefits of immigration are immense; these include the introduction of new jobs and the exchange of cultural aspects like food, attire, and language from the place of origin to the host nation. Population growth, entrepreneurship, and innovation are the outcomes of this.
    While I acknowledge that there are drawbacks to immigration, I think the advantages of immigration outweigh the drawbacks. One example of a drawback is when a bad set of people enters a nation and steals the resources and jobs intended for its citizens.

    1. You made some interesting points about the positive effects of immigration. Can you explain what you mean by a 'bad' set of people and how they would steal resources and jobs?

      1. Hello, Aimee @ topical talk.
        In my humble point of view, I have to say that every good thing has a negative side of which immigration has its negative side. People may immigrate with "bad" intentions, so I can agree with the point that states how immigrants may steal resources and jobs. As most of us assume that the main purpose of an immigrant may be him/her seeking a better job employment, educational purposes, environmental factors, etc. But it may be in the mind of a particular immigrant to do otherwise as he/she may want to take advantage of a country that lacks the type of his/her skills. Some immigrants may not realize that they steal jobs from others as some come with a clean mind and attitude towards work while possessing extra skills which could give them an edge over citizens of that country.
        Thank you.

      2. Hey Aimee @ Topical Talk,

        I believe that individuals might resort to stealing due to various reasons. For instance, when they immigrate to a different country, that country might have better job opportunities and resources that their own country lacks. In such a scenario, individuals might be tempted to take what they need for their own country.

  • Among the benefits of immigration are the following:
    1. It contributes to a nation's population growth
    2. It boosts that nation's economy
    3. It fosters teamwork; individuals can collaborate to become more productive and thus make more money. Although it might have some effects, I think that more individuals cooperating, exchanging ideas, and creating new kinds of employment will promote unity. The more, the merrier, is what my mother always says to me.

    1. Thank you for sharing your views on the benefits of immigration - do you think that individuals coming together from various countries will help in bringing the world closer together?

      1. Yes, because it will help to promote unity since the immigrants have to be within the same country, and they will learn to tolerate each other.
        I further feel that if more people were to come together, there would be a free flow of new ideas, more growth in the country’s workforce, introduction and free flow of cultural and traditional ideas. It will allow people to learn about the other country even without having to travel to see or experience it. It would indeed be better if everyone knew a bit about the other person.

        1. I think you have made some really good points here - I also think that if people of different cultures were to come together, we would all value each other's differences, and this will create an environment of respect.

  • Hello,
    I believe that immigrants can benefit our country because many of the immigrants coming in have different skills and talents that they want to show the world and not just their country. Let's say for example a doctor that comes from Mexico to the US. There will be a better standard of living in the US because they are helping citizens from the US. If a country doesn't accept immigrants there would be consequences because many of that type of race would put an embargo on your country allowing you not to trade with that country or can be an entire continent. This can affect their economy and then they will accept them but obviously, the other country already knows that they are not going to be treated fairly. From my perspective I don't think immigration has affected my country USA, I think it made it better because we have a balanced economy and we have a good standard of living. But probably this is not going to be my perspective if there is a new president that will close the border to many people around the world then my opinion will change.
    Thank you

  • The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is that they will bring new skills and talent to the country. The country will have a economic growth as the immigrants will work in that country. They can fill up the gap on labor market. They can make innovation. Giving taxes, they can contribute too. Many countries face population problem. So the immigrants can help address demographic challenges such as aging population and low birth rate. They contribute to the diversity of art, music and culture. They can make new enterprise and make workplace for other people. It will help the GDP of a country.

    If a country doesn’t accept any immigrants, they will face a lot of problems. There will be labor shortage. They cannot produce there needed things enough. There birth rate will decrease. Thus,they will have shortage of labor. There economic development will be stopped. There will be no cultural diversity. So,they will not be able to know about new culture deeply.

    Yes,immigrants have affected our country. The "Rohingya" who came from Myanmar has a negative impact on our country. Our living place has become less. Even, some of them are contributing in crimes. But, some other immigrants are helping our country. Many immigrants are working in Bangladesh and helping in our development. Our economy is increasing.

  • The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is that they will bring new skills and talent to the country. The country will have economic growth as the immigrants will work in that country. They can fill up the gap in the labor market. They can make innovations. Giving taxes, they can contribute too. Many countries face population problems. So the immigrants can help address demographic challenges such as aging population and low birth rate. They contribute to the diversity of art, music and culture. They can make new enterprises and make workplaces for other people. It will help the GDP of a country.

    If a country doesn’t accept any immigrants, they will face a lot of problems. There will be labor shortage. They cannot produce their needed things enough. Their birth rate will decrease. Thus,they will have a shortage of labor. Their economic development will be stopped. There will be no cultural diversity. So,they will not be able to know about the new culture deeply.

    Yes,immigrants have affected our country. Immigrants are helping our country. Many immigrants are working in Bangladesh and helping in our development. Our economy is increasing. Chinese workers are working on road constructions.

  • I believe one of the best ways a country can benefit from immigrants is when they bring important news. For example, if a country sells crude oil for international trade, an immigrant might have news about another country they saw with oil when they were migrating. This information can help the country sell their crude oil for money, resulting in income for the country.

  • I think one of the best ways a country can benefit from an immigrant is if the immigrant brings valuable knowledge or skills that the country needs. For example, if a country's leader falls sick with a serious illness and there's no cure available locally, an immigrant might know how to make the cure because they came from a place where it was produced. So, in the end, the immigrant could help save the leader's life and benefit the country.

    1. I agree with you. Your response reminds me of a story my family has been hearing and narrating for generations. It's about a ruler who fell sick, and there was no cure for his illness in the country. The ruler didn't want treatment from someone from a foreign country. But, to cure him the people in his dynasty applied the medicine onto the pages of his holy book, which he read every day. When he licked his fingers to turn the pages, he unknowingly took the medicine and got cured. Even though the ruler didn't accept help, the story shows how new people can bring new ideas and valuable knowledge.

  • I believe that people immigrating into countries would be a better benefit towards society. They better our country because they have skills that may better our society in many ways that differ from how we are setting our society's standards. They can bring up our economy also, by giving out more jobs especially to the immigrants and expecting them to bring up the country's global rating. When countries reject immigrants from their countries the immigrants are going to provide their knowledge to other countries. Countries may benefit from letting in immigrants which will better the country overall.

  • An important aspect through which a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is the new ideas and skills that they bring along with them, which will help the country grow, making it richer and more dynamic. If a country does not accept many immigrants, it might make the country dusty and stagnant, as there won't be a sense of diversity among the people, and the same ideas would go on. Immigration has definitely affected my country, India, in many positive ways, such as cultural and social diversity, and of course, immigration has contributed to the Indian economy.

  • Accepting immigrants can substantially gain a country by including its diversity and bringing in new thoughts and abilities. This can assist the financial system's growth and make society extra vibrant. Without immigrants, a rustic would possibly face challenges like a shrinking team of workers and less innovation, which could gradual down its development. In my use, immigration has made our society greater diverse and has helped our economic system by filling vital jobs. But it has additionally caused debates about how to combine freshmen and allocate resources pretty. Overall, immigration has had a big effect on our United States, shaping its culture and financial system.

  • I think immigrants can improve a country, by increasing the population of people if needed, many countries at times need females especially to reproduce and increase the population of a country and immigrants are very essential especially if they marry the citizens in that country or plan to stay for good. Immigrants can equally help by bringing different skills and vocations into different countries. For instance, if an African enters a country with sufficient money and no qualification of a job, he/she can invest or open up a basket weaving store, African supermarkets, yoga classes or even a cultural session inviting and encouraging many people to come and talk about their culture, make items from their country and learn more about that of others. Immigrants tend to increase the diversity and decrease racism in a country. They also improve the medical skill in a country by getting jobs through good qualifications and teaching others too.

    1. I agree with you when you say that immigrants can improve countries. For example, immigrants can boost that country's economy. They also make new job opportunities. I like how you gave other explicit reasons on why it might help the country. I feel like you could have added a downside to accepting immigrants, like a counter arguement. For example, having immigrants can cause shortages.

      1. Can you say a bit more, enigmatic_kiwifruit? Are there any examples you can draw upon?

        1. Yes, I can.
          Adding on to the downsides, illegal immigrations can take jobs from non immigrants. It can also weigh down the economy of healthcare, education, and safety.

  • I believe that immigrants cause more merits than demerits. To be honest with you, at first, I gradually thought immigrants were unbeneficial to a country but now I think otherwise. Immigration can give substantial economic benefits. Immigrants can occupy many jobs and help the country gain well financially, and it can also help to make more AI bots. Since the population grows there will be more jobs being made and most of them can include the making of AI bots, and they can even sell some to other countries and make millions.

  • Immigration gives individuals chances to learn both formally and informally.There are different things to a traveler have experience of outside the world and even with in the environment.Immigration bring's different life styles and experiences in which one can learn from .
    Examples of things an individual with the experience of immigration can lare both formal and informal;

  • I believe Immigrants bring a diverse set of skills, perspectives, and work ethic to a country, enriching its culture and economy. Through their contributions, immigrants often fill gaps in the labor market, start businesses, and drive innovation. They also help sustain social welfare programs by contributing to the tax base. By embracing immigrants, a country can enhance its global competitiveness, foster creativity, and promote cultural exchange. However, if a country does not accept immigrants, it risks a shrinking workforce, which could lead to economic stagnation, labor shortages, and declining innovation. Additionally, a lack of diversity can hinder cultural growth and limit opportunities for cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, ultimately impacting the country's long-term prosperity.

  • If a country were to accept immigrants, it would be really beneficial. The country would have a bigger population. If the has a vast amount of resources to support a larger population, then immigrants would benefit from this.
    Countries who accept immigrants will have an increase of GDP. If a country doesn't accept immigrants, they might recieve backlash from other countries, or subdivisions. (like the U.S.) The country might still benefit from not accepting immigrants. For example, they won't have resource shortages. Immigration has made an impact on the U.S. in good ways, like creating new jobs.

    1. It looks like you've done a lot of research, well done. Can you give some examples about how immigration has created new jobs in the US?

      1. Yes, I can.
        Immigration can lead to the creation of new firms. According to MIT News, about 80 percent of immigrants are more likely to found a firm. Over 1 million+ firms were founded. This also increased the economy of the U.S..

  • Hey Friends!
    I understand that immigration and immigrants are 2 important things that a country has to make it better.
    If countries get a lot of immigrants, they become more richer and better. This is because people coming from different places bring different cultures, different species and increase the country's reputation. There will be a high rate of tourists and the economy of the country will grow.
    If a country does not accept immigrants then the status of that country's growth will be very poor and also, there will be the same kind of people or things everywhere. The rate of tourists coming will be very low and there would be a lower rate of employment.
    I think the immigration of my country has always allowed immigrants to come because whenever I go to malls or some places I see American, Ukrainian and Nepalese people around me. This benefits my country as immigrants from other countries coming to a place, makes the civilians have a bit of experience. This enriches our country and it enriched mine too!
    Some examples of immigrants coming to other countries are- Ukrainians are coming to India and America because Russia and Ukraine had a war.
    Thank You

  • I think that countries benefit from immigrants because they bring lots of new skills to the table. Places like Egypt, have a lot of farmers, these farmers can improve the agricultural stability of a country. Countries that don't except any immigrants are usually countries that are very isolationist, but that means that if a new advancement happens in the world, most of this country's citizens are not going to be aware of it.
    Especially in Egypt, with the recent war between Israel and Hamas, tons of Palestinian refugees are coming from across the border into Egypt. These refugees have one big advantage, they will do anything for any price, they are just glad to help. This is not manipulation, these people are grateful, so they may work as farmers with minimal-wage, just to help out the people who helped them.

    1. I agree because immigration can help in the development of a country in several aspects. In the cultural aspect, good traditions and habits from another country can begin in another country because tradition will be passed on to other people who might befriend the immigrant. Immigrants may have lived experiences or connections with other countries and cultures, which can help their adopted country better navigate global issues, build international relations, and foster a sense of global citizenship. These advantages can be of major benefit to the adopted country in many ways.

      1. Well stated chatty fact but I disagree with you because...
        In my own perspective, I'm not sure that all countries accept to learn other people's culture and traditions especially from immigrants. For instance, in a country where immigrants are not treated equally as the citizens, most of the citizens would not want to associate with them and also would not want to learn their culture because they don't welcome immigrants and the see them as worthless people. But I don't support the ill treatment from the citizens of a country to immigrants because we are all humans and are unique in one aspect or the other.

        1. I agree because... There could only be acceptance in cultural differences when a country does not make an immigrant feel superior.Therefore accepting them as their citizens as well.

  • I come from a country where immigration is not new to us. A long time ago some people from my country because of the war moved to other countries to work there and have a better life and they succeeded. The last few years the same happens vice-versa. We actually have a lot of immigrants from neighbouring countries or people that try to escape the war. Those who come for better life have been adopted easily and even there children are part of our communities. As for the people from wars this is rather difficult for them. Yes the government have given them some places to live temporary or their basic needs suc as food. In some cities like mine there are also refugees schools that try to implement their children. However I think there is a long way to come as our country is still foreign to them

    1. It is well said. We study in our history lesson so much about wars and how our country suffered and then surpassed the difficulties that now we can understand how immigrants feel. I think we are trying hard to make them feel welcome but we need a lot of work for the ones escaping war. It's not only the basic needs they should have but all the psychological support to feel normal again.

  • Immigrants help the country a lot. The most important way in which a country could benefit from accepting immigrants is with the same work that immigrants do since the majority of workers in factories, agriculture, construction and many more since many countries do not accept immigrants. and the majority has a great economic decline at one time the United States removed many immigrants from the country and the country suffered great losses in agriculture and many other jobs

  • 1.People can find a new home
    2.People can find a safer palce to live with better conditions to live.
    3.People could grab an opportunity for a work.
    4.People can move to a place that suits them.
    5.People bring their cultures all around the world

  • Actually, immigration as we all know that it has so many benefits both to the immigrants and yo the host countries.
    Firstlly, it contribute to cultural diversity. As immigrants brings their unique traditions, languages and perspectives, thereby enriching the cultural fabric of the host country.
    Secondly, immigration also helps to address Labor market needs, filling gaps in the workforce and driving economic growth.
    Immigrants often start businesses, create jobs, and contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship.
    Further more, immigration can lead to to demographic revitalization, helping to address aging population and also as we know demographic challenges.
    Finally, immigration has the potential to bring social, and economic benefits to both individuals and societies.

  • In my personal view I don't fancy so much the word immigrant as it nowadays is considered as an inferior idea.
    For me immigrants entering.g a country for job opportunities or studying is a benefit as we can get acquainted with people from different cultures. This is what we are aiming nowadays. To be intercultural interwinned, to have intercultural tolerance but most of all acceptance. Therefore these people can even be distinguished humans in our countries and we are going to be part of it.

  • I believe that immigrants bring positive things with them most of the time. Almost all the people that migrate do so to live a better life and get away from harsh conditions such as poverty, violence, etc. So in most cases these people just want to live better and make some money for themselves or to send back home to their families. Not to mention that they are some of the most hardworking individuals. Some people claim that they are stealing the jobs of the people of the countries they migrated to. However, there is enough work to go around these days and even if they were to deport these immigrants there is a high chance that the people that originate from that country won't even want to work these jobs. This is what ended happening in Florida with the Mexican immigrants.

  • The most important way that a country can benefit from accepting immigrants is in its economy. Many people immigrate because they want to start a better life and come looking for new opportunities. Immigrants benefit the country because most of them are hard working and they come to work. This benefits the economy in many ways because they create new jobs when forming businesses which increases the economy and they also pay taxes. They also bring new ideas and skills that can also benefit the country in many ways. If the country stopped accepting immigrants i believe it would have an economic effect, labor expansion would decrease and so would the economic growth of the country.

  • The benefits of immigration is that many immigrants come to look for a better future for their kids.Also many of them come to spread their ideas that could be very helpful for the type of job they may want.Immigrants can bring new skills and new opinions they can see things differently too so immigrants aren't just the only ones benefiting from coming here and getting a better future but so does the company they work at.

  • Immigration allows people from all around the world to come into the country, allowing immigrants to bring their culture along with them. Many business industries (healthcare, science, politics, etc.) benefit from immigrants. They can bring their ideas as well as knowledge to help make the country better and safer. They can also connect more with customers if they speak a different language. If countries didn't accept immigrants into the country, they would miss out on many technological advancements.immigration has affected my country in many good ways. Immigration adds diversity to countries and the country benefits from this.

  • I feel like something big that a country could benefit from accepting immigrants is that they bring different abilities to the country. For example, in America, majority of the farmworkers are Mexican. Another thing is that I've seen that many construction workers are Hispanic, majority of the times they are immigrants. In my opinion and how I see it, these hispanic immigrants do a lot of things for a country, like for example America, that Americans won't do. Honestly, I don't think I have seen many Americans do these types of jobs. These immigrants help the country out alot. Another major thing is that immigrants bring their culture to the country. They bring different, and new, ideas and practices to the country. As I see it, immigrants do provide some really good benefits to a country.

  • Hello topical talkers!

    A country that is not developed one and doesn't have a good economical system would have a great benefit if it would accept the immigrants coming to the country. Especially if its population is less. The immigrants would help the country to grow in a better way. As the population is increased the citizens (immigrants) would also be able to start up various businesses , would develope the country and would be able to fulfill the citizen's needs and wants.So , in my opinion, there are many benefits to a remote area country if it accepts the immigrants. Thank You!

  • A low population country may experience significant effects due to immigration. If people from outside the country migrate and start working there, their numbers can quickly increase. This influx can potentially increase the standard of living for locals and contribute to the overall development of the country. Additionally, this can introduce new customs, traditions, and potentially increase secularism.
    On the other hand, a high population country that stops accepting migrants may experience both positive and negative outcomes. On the positive side, there may be more space available per person. However, the negative aspect is the potential loss of new ideas and cultural exchange that comes from accepting migrants.from outside might stop coming

    1. That's great thoughts that you provided. Would you mind clarify what's a low population country? Is it defined by absolute number, or subject to land area / job market?

      1. I referred to the population numbers, as I have noticed many leaders becoming worried due to a decrease in birth rates. Therefore, I was thinking that if people from other countries were to migrate there, it could benefit the country in some or the other way.

  • Some argue that immigrants flood across borders, steal jobs, are a burden on taxpayers and threaten indigenous culture. Others say the opposite: that immigration boosts economic growth, meets skill shortages, and helps create a more dynamic society. Evidence clearly shows that immigrants provide significant benefits. Immigrants can help country by bringing a people of new skills and perceptive. It also help to increase GDP of a country. Immigrants also help to spread culture of a country to worldwide. In conclusion, immigrants help in rapid growth of country.

  • I think that immigrants are beneficial for the nation because they bring talents and skills the country hasn't seen before. They come as a part of human resource and help in the development of the country. Whether they be doctors or even artists; each and every person in this world has something unique in them and they shouldn't be discontinued further in life..
    Thank you!!

  • Immigration takes place in different places, it also causes a lot of change in the economy. It helps both the people that are migrating and the countries that they migrate to.Immigration increases the population of the country which gives positive changes. It also helps build up the minds of people, that is to say that changing environment builds up the strenght of peoples thought and thinking, but staying in one place as nature proves , reduces the level of your ability to think. Immigration can change a person both negatively and positively. But one thing a lot of people fail to understand is that you choose how you want your life to go not allowing life flow the way it wants to because it will not take you anywhere {.i.e. in the aspect of immigration }.I hope to convince and not confuse you that immigration has both positive and negative sides.


    1. Hi straightforward king,
      Interesting thought that staying in one place reduces the level of your ability to think. Could you explain a little more of how and why this is so? Being an immigrant myself, I think you probably learn just as much about your own country as about the foreign country when living abroad.

  • Accepting immigrants can significantly benefit a country by promoting economic growth through contributions to the labor force, filling skill gaps, and fostering innovation. Additionally, immigrants bring cultural diversity and different perspectives, enriching the social fabric of a nation. Countries that refuse immigration may face challenges such as a shrinking labor force, potential economic stagnation, and strains on social welfare systems due to an aging population. In the case of Greece, the country has experienced both positive and negative impacts from immigration. While immigrants have contributed to certain sectors of the economy and brought cultural diversity, the influx of refugees and migrants has also posed challenges, straining resources and leading to social and political tensions. The situation in Greece regarding immigration is dynamic, and it's advisable to refer to more recent sources for the latest developments.

  • I think immigration improves a country in diverse ways. it can be economically, socially, intellectually or even culturally. Take for example, immigrants can big a whole new cuisine to a country which most people will appreciate.
    In sports generally, we find out that some citizens of other countries play sports for another country which is sometimes due to the effect of immigration. Immigration creates room for exploration and diversity.

  • One thing we always look forward to in life is a second chance, in life we all make rational decisions some we are proud of, while others are nothing to write home about and in times like such we wish we could go back to the past and prevent those errors, but we can't. This is where immigration comes in, it gives you an opportunity to let go of your past and have a fresh start, it gives an opportunity for people to build a better and well-furnished name, legacy and reputation for their self. Immigrants can also be of good use and help to their new country regarding the fact that they may have priceless skills of great worth.

  • In my own opinion, there are so many ways in which a country can benefit from accepting immigrant. Here are some few ones that I know: A country a can be benefited by economic growth, Immigrants usually contribute to economic growth by filling gaps in the job market, starting businesses, and paying taxes. They also tend to bring diverse skills, talents, and entrepreneurial motivation that can help the people of the country. Another one is
    cultural enrichment, Immigrants come along with diverse cultures, traditions, languages, and perspectives, improving the cultural spirit of the host country. This diversity can lead to greater creativity, tolerance, and cultural exchange. There is also demographic balance, In many developed countries, older citizens and abandoned birth rates are leading to demographic problems such as labor shortages and strains on social welfare systems. Immigration can help reduce or even stabilize these challenges by changing the labor force and supporting social programs.

  • I believe that immigration has some benefits.First of all migrants contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they receive in benefits. What is more , labour migrants have the most positive impact on the public purse . Another benefit is that it boosts the working age population. And lastly employment is the single biggest determinant of migrants' net fiscal contribution.

  • i am inclined to believe that accepting immigrants may turn out to be beneficial to the economy of the country becavuse new jobs are created and buisnesses comimg from other countries may have a greater appeal to a specific country if people from different countries are there. Furthermore, people who have the chance to coexist with people from all around the world get to know other cultures and as a result the are more openminded

  • In my opinion, there are a lot of benefits of immigrants because immigrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. Immigrants boost economic activity, promote innovation, and improve the productivity of native-born workers. Increase in immigration raise both tax revenues and fiscal costs and also boosts the working-age population.

  • Hi!
    I think that immigrants can be very beneficial to the country as every individual has different thoughts and ideas because of this reason the individual working in a company or in any other fields the company would get different ideas to grow up. The immigrants might be having different skills which can be unique and the companies in other countries might not be having that skilled employees then it will surely make the company grow economically.And significantly the country will also grow.

  • In my opinion, Immigration can significantly boost a country’s economy, like
    Economic Growth, When a country welcomes immigrants, it gives a positive review of that country. Take for instance,
    1. Increased Workforce: Immigrants fill job vacancies, contributing to higher productivity and economic output. Think of it as adding more players to a football team—the game gets better.
    2. Entrepreneurship: Immigrants often start businesses, creating jobs and stimulating local economies. Imagine a new restaurant or tech startup—those are immigrant dreams turning into reality.
    3. Consumer Demand: Immigrants buy goods and services, boosting demand. Picture a bustling market where diverse customers keep businesses thriving.
    4. Cultural Enrichment: Imagine a global potluck. Immigrants bring their unique flavors—languages, traditions, and art. It’s like adding spices to a dish; suddenly, it’s richer and more exciting.
    5. Innovation and Creativity: Immigrants fuel innovation. Consider Google—founded by Sergey Brin, an immigrant from Russia. Their ideas shape our world.
    But there are also consequences of rejecting immigrants, like:
    Labor Shortages: Picture a construction site with missing workers. Without immigrants, some jobs go unfilled. Ghana could face shortages in healthcare, agriculture, and other critical sectors.
    Aging Population: Imagine a village where elders outnumber youth. Without immigrants, Ghana’s population pyramid tilts, affecting social services and workforce balance.
    Missed Opportunities: Restricting immigration means fewer skilled minds. It’s like having a library with half its books locked away. We miss out on diverse talents.
    Now there is also immigration in Ghana. For example
    Diaspora Support: Ghanaians abroad send remittances home, supporting families and local businesses. It’s like a lifeline connecting continents.
    Brain Gain: Skilled Ghanaians return, bringing expertise. Imagine doctors, engineers, and educators shaping our future.
    Challenges: Irregular migration and integration hurdles exist, but overall, immigration paints a vibrant picture of Ghana’s progress

  • Hi everyone!
    I think that if a country does not accept any immigrants they will not have a diverse culture and immigration has affected our country positively by bringing in new cultures and agricultural skills they also bring in new job opportunities.
    According to my research countries with migrants gain more cultural knowledge even Albert Einstein who was German in his work after he immigrated to The US helped us understand the world's mysteries today.
    Just as polite king said if countries do not allow immigrants they are missing out on good things.

  • Hello ,
    In my opinion, if a person who is facing lots of problems in his life because of poverty and then if person will went other country for some periodic time , it will help his|her to boost economic activity or he will be financially strong. Similarly, Immigration can benefit our country because if person with skills or talent will visit our country, it help to make our country wil be full of talent and our country will be developed because of talented citizens.

  • Immigration has a lot of benefits like talented individuals can get the opportunities which are not available to them in their native countries because of poor conditions. The US has benefitted because of the brain drain from India , Europe & China. If there are problems in a country so people can use immigration, and immigrate to live in safe conditions.
    There are many countries around the world where the population is reducing or the existing population has more percentage of elderly people. Youth is required for setting up new business and manpower is required to run enterprises there also immigraition can help, like the countries of Japan, Canada or australia

  • If the population of a country A is low then it will be very beneficial for that country from accepting immigration because their population can increase and there could be the proper use of the facilities that the country is providing. If will be great for both immigration and the government of country A.
    If the population of a country B is high then it won't be beneficial for them to accept immigration because if they accept immigration then the population of that country will increase more and more which will lead to overpopulation. Due to overpopulation, some people of that country can't get their rights, can't get proper education and healthcare. So, it will be good for the country B to not accept immigration in their country.
    Thank you!

  • I think that immigrants can benefit our country because they bring their skills and their talents. We also get to know their way of living and this way we can adopt anything we like. In addition, we can compare the everyday activities in our country with theirs and understand the differences.

  • Hello Topical Talkers

    Over the years, immigration has brought up immense growth and development to many countries and civilizations. It has introduces various local civilization to importation and exportation of various natural resources like palm oil, palm kernel, groundnut and many others in the sense that when immigrants come into the country they can teach the natives of the country on how to cultivate plants that were not naturally grown there.

    I also feel that Immigrants improve a country in the sense that they help improve the countries resources as I have earlier mentioned so in essence countries should not neglect immigrants that come to a country because you may never know what they can contribute to the development of the economy and the country at large.

    NOTE: countries should also be careful on the immigrants they welcome into their country in the sense that they should put a background check of the people they welcome into their country.

    Thank You!!!

  • Hello,everyone.

    In my opinion, immigration is the process in which people move from one country to another in various reasons. Mainly people immigrate for jobs, financial opportunities, better education, medical and security system etc. In addition, people migrate to escape from natural disaster, war etc. But, immigration has many advantages.
    1.Reduction in unemployment :people interested immigration for job opportunities. Many skilled people cannot work due to lack of employment. A person gets job opportunities through immigration. As a result, the unemployment rate in country decreases .
    2.Exchange of social characteristics :The social norms of one country are easily transferred to another country through immigration. Through this, the difference between the two countries are reduced. A citizen can gain knowledge about social norms, customs, manners etc of different countries. Thus, the social characteristics remain intact.

    therefore, the importance of immigration in the economic development of the world is immense.

  • I think immigration can help a country by bringing their culture, customs and traditions to said country and making it richer in culture. Also, I think immigrants go to another country to have a better life and work, so I think they bring as well labour force and new ways of earning money.
    If the country does not accept immigrants it might be seen politically not friendly enough with people so that it could start a conflict or controversy.
    Immigrants have brought to my country a lot of culture and traditions, which the rest of inhabitants have adopted as theirs, they have also helped the economy of my country and different points of view about things

  • A country might benefit from economic growth because as the migrants arrive they contribute to the human capital development of receiving countries and also help contribute to technological progress. If a country stops accepting immigrants there will be less tourism, they will be less likely to invest in the country or buy products. For much of Ghana's history there has been a load of immigrants and they impact the economy positively by contributing to the working sector and many more .

  • Immigrants, in my opinion, can assist a country by bringing fresh abilities and methods that the natives lack.
    A nation or countries will be well-known if they welcome immigration.
    Due to their willingness to perform labor-intensive tasks for their country, immigrants are vital to it.
    However, there are also drawbacks for immigrants, such as the introduction of their country's bad habits and the potential for resource theft.
    eagerly awaiting corrections
    I'm grateful.

  • Greetings !
    In my perspective, accepting immigrants can bring cultural diversity , it can fulfill the need of labor in that particular area and the immigrants can contribute to economy by invention and entrepreneurship.If a country is not accepting immigrants then it would face major society challenges like labor shortage,aging people, lack of cultural diversity , that may affect the economic growth. The unregulated immigration has affected India in the urban cities and has made negative consequences such as overcrowding.
    Thank you!

  • I think immigration is beneficial because immigration exchanges the culture of other country, like their music, their art work, cooking styles and recipes, wearing clothes and even the language too.

  • I believe that immigrants can help our nation by introducing new talents and methods to a nation that does not currently have them.
    A nation can gain from immigrants if it lacks citizens who are willing to fight for it; thus, immigrants can be hired as its warriors.
    However, immigration can have certain disadvantages at times.
    1. A nation's natural resources can be pilfered by immigrants.
    Immigrants have the potential to spread their nation's bad habits.
    eager to see any corrections.
    I'm grateful.

    1. Do you think it's fair to expect people to fight for a country they have not grown up in? I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

      1. They are not citizens of the country and were not born there, which is why I stated it is somehow unfair.
        However, the nation helped them with shelters and a host of other things, like embracing them, which is why I stated they should fight for a nation.
        They can be performing arduous labor as volunteers for the nation.
        eager to see any corrections.
        With gratitude, Katie @ topical discussion.

      2. Hello, Katie @ topical talk.
        Personally speaking, I would say that it depends on the fault of the country you are fighting against. We are all expected to perform tasks according to the stated rules and regulations, but others may carry out such tasks otherwise. For instance, a powerful country with strong military force may decide to raid another country probably because they have a weaker military force. In such cases, I will say it is right to fight for such a country whether one grew up there or not because the country that raided performed a terrible action.
        In conclusion, we should all follow the required rules and regulations so that we can all live in peace and harmony. I hope we all find this information stated useful in one way or another.
        THANK YOU.

      3. I believe that it is expected of them to fight for a country that gave them hospitality when they sought it. Most immigrants, as read from previous comments, move to other countries in search of refuge from their former country that might have been in a state of war. So, it is only expected of that person that when it is time to repay a good favor, they must be willing to comply.

        People who see it as unfair to fight for a place they did not grow up in are those that are ungrateful for the good deed done to them. They tend to shy away from their responsibilities as citizens of the country. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to instill that patriotic spirit into the hearts of each and every single immigrant in the country. One way I believe they can do this is by creating a conducive and thriving environment for these immigrants. Once they settle and start experiencing all the nice things made available to them, they will be more than convinced and inspired to protect it.

        I would also like to draw our attention to another aspect. In the case of immigrants who come to another country and become soldiers, would you say it is unfair for them to fight for their country even though they were not born there? In my opinion, of course not. Besides being paid for what they do, they have taken an oath of allegiance to that country. Neglecting that single act would be seen as a sign of unpatriotic behavior, which could incur lots of consequences.

  • I believe that imigrants bring a lot of labor workers and hard working people that could overall improve the U.S economy.I think imgrants have a hunger and dedication to their craft that many u.s citizens lack, imigrants bring agricultural benefits as because they may bring unknown crops that benefit our soil. Imigrants also bring the possibilities of our youth to learn a new language which makes them helpful parts of society.Finally, imigrants bring diversity and entrepreneurship with food and clothing choices.

  • My opinion is that immigration sometimes has a positive and sometimes negative impact on both parties, whether the country to which immigration is made or from it. First, the positives that accrue to the country that receives immigrants are an increase in the labor force and filling jobs that the original population does not want, the emergence of new skills in the country that immigrants transfer from their country. To the country they immigrated to, which leads to economic growth and the exchange of cultures in food, crafts, music, etc
    Negative effects on the country of immigrants to increased unemployment for the indigenous population due to the low wages that immigrants accept and the indigenous population do not accept, pressure on public services, and an increase in housing costs.
    The positive effects on the sending country: improving the standard of living, diversifying experiences, as well as reducing unemployment, and the negative effects on it: the loss of many workers who have experience and competence, which negatively affects the country’s economy and family problems. Therefore, we cannot say that it is only positive or only negative, but Immigration is a double-edged sword. Every person can arrange his priorities by looking at whether immigration brings him more negatives than positives, or vice versa.

    1. You have clearly thought a lot about this topic. Thank you for sharing!

  • Benefits of Immigration:
    1) Cultural Enrichment: Immigrants bring diverse perspectives, enriching the cultural fabric of a country. This can lead to a more vibrant and inclusive society.
    2) Economic Growth: Immigrants often fill gaps in the labor market, contributing to economic growth. For example, in the U.S., immigrants are more likely to start businesses than native-born citizens, creating jobs and boosting the economy.
    3) Innovation and Creativity: Immigrants bring new ideas and skills, driving innovation. In the U.S., more than half of the billion-dollar startups have at least one immigrant founder, showcasing the impact of immigrant talent.
    Not accepting immigrants can lead to stagnation and a shrinking workforce. In the U.S., immigration has shaped the nation's history and identity, from the contributions of immigrants in various industries to the diversity that defines American culture.

  • The most inmportant way they can stop immigrants is to make a big big fence and when you come they will give you a card if you have a drivers license or any license. immigration hasent affected my contury.

    1. Interesting - what are some ways in which immigration has positively affected the United States of America?

  • Accepting immigrants can be very beneficial for some reasons including more workers and more people to bring money into our country. It might make a negative impact if we don't accept a certain amount of immigrants into the UK because there were be crowding and overpopulation in other nearby countries. Immigration has not yet made a severe impact on our country but if we accept too many immigrants, that could change. In my opinion, the Rwanda plan has great potential.

  • Hello,
    In my opinion, countries can potentially gain a lot of benefits from the process of immigration. Immigrants that travel to countries are able to successfully enhance the country's economy in addition to contribute in that country's financial support and development, As immigrants are going to have to work in some profession in order to earn a sustainable salary. If a country declines immigrants that need to come to that country, then that will cause harm for both the country and the immigrants. If immigrants weren't allowed to travel to a country for safety and stability then they will have to stay in refugee camps and if there is a war going on then that will eventually have an impact on citizens that cannot asylum to other countries. This will also effect countries in Many different ways like for instance, it would lead to a low economical rate .

  • Hello everyone.
    In my opinion, if a country accepts immigrants and they live freely in that country, then the country must spend a lot of money to meet the basic needs of those immigrants. But, with a plan any country can be improved by its inhabitants. If the country can make the immigrants into better and intelligent citizens through education and create different types of jobs and industries then it must be a very big gain for the country and the people of that country. Which will help to present the country in front of the whole world later. I live in Bangladesh and my country has also received quite a few immigrants for that reason alone. Hope I have made my point clear to everyone.

  • Hi😃 brilliant Topical Talkers
    I would love to state my opinion in my comment.
    I think that the most important way that a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is that they can get more skillful people who will introduce new businesses that can benefit the country. For example, a country only uses electrical fans and the weather might be too hot which means the fan might not make any change to how hot the citizens will feel. An immigrant might introduce a business of evaporating cooling systems that will require less materials to operate. ( The evaporating cooling system idea is from: https://portacool.com/what-differences-evaporative-air-cooler-vs-air-conditioner/)
    Immigrants can also introduce their cultural diversities which will teach citizens of origin different cultures and their tradition. They will get this opportunity because they will obviously befriend the citizen of origin from time to time. For example, an immigrant can teach the different clothes they wear and foods they eat to citizens of origin so people who do not know much about other countries might get to have some information about the country that immigrant spoke about.

    I feel that if a country does not accept any immigrants:
    1.It will reduce burden on the country because if there were more immigrants, the country will have to pay more electricity bills, water bills etc. that the immigrant might not even pay.
    2. It will reduce social vices because if there were some immigrants who are not well cultured, they might introduce illegal activities to the community which will cause havoc and commotion.
    3. It will decrease the population because if no immigrants come to the country, it will maintain the country’s population so that they can manage their limited resources because if there were to be more immigrants coming to the country, the population will increase and limited resources will have to be used to take care of them.

    Immigration has affected my country when there was this particular time that citizens from a particular country kept migrating to our country continuously and they could not pay their utility bills so their bills had to be shared amongst the citizens in my country in addition to their actual utility bills. Also, we had to use our limited resources to take care of them which means it was a very hard time for the citizens of origin. It even came to a point that they had a special camp to themselves.

  • In my own perspective, I think that immigration can benefit a nation by introducing the skills and techniques that the country lacks.
    Immigrants can volunteer to the country's labour and securities.
    Immigrants can introduce the good behavior of their country.
    However, sometimes immigrants can have some drawbacks like.
    1. Introducing the bad behavior of their nation.
    2. Start to commit unacceptable behavior in the country.
    3. Pilfering of the natural resources of the country.
    Eager to see corrections.
    Thank you.

  • Immigration is when a group of people can't adapt to the dangers and problems in their country so they risk their lives to reach a place of comfort. Some people luckily make it and some people die trying but this doesn't stop People from doing it again because as humans natural instincts we desire to survive.

  • Countries can benefit from immigrants because they can come up with new ideas and new cultures Show that the country will be more rich. The country will not be one sided in knowledge .

  • I personally believe legal immigration will improve our country as we will have more jobs and more varied skilled people. As our population number are going down no-one should be rejected to come to this country and people can become better and provide more easily and live a peaceful life in the uk not having to live with any worries. My parents came from another county so i can have a better life in the uk than live in the dangerous parts of the sub-continent in south asia and I am living better here and can provide for my family in the future that are still living dangerously in south asia. i do also believe that illegal immigration is bad because they can come here and do more illegal things.

  • I think immigration is a good thing because it gives people more opportunities and work . Also it allows people to move countries and have a better life by earning more money than before. It enables people to escape war.

  • I do agree that immigration is a good thing and it can develop countries. Immigration could be a benefit as it can fill gaps for employment and jobs. It can also spread and introduce their own culture and traditions. This can be helpful towards ending wars and avoiding it, people can immigrate to a different country; it will provide peace. There could also be skilled immigrants who can change and develop a variety of things using the skills they have. It is vital to include everyone to be involved and share new ideas, without immigrants many ideas could have not been shared and this society could not be this developed. Our PM(prime minister) now, Rishi Sunak's grandparents immigrated. Look at his state now, many things have been changed and further to be developed.
    Thank you

  • The biggest benefit of immigrants is often the economic one. Skilled immigrants improve a country’s workforce, drive innovation, and fill labor market gaps. For example, in the US, skilled immigrants have contributed to technological progress and economic development.

    On the other hand, a country that does not accept immigrants may face demographic problems, such as an ageing population and a shrinking workforce. For example, Japan is facing demographic challenges, such as an aging society and shrinking workforce as a result of restrictive immigration policies.

    My country India’s immigration trends are complicated. India has a large number of emigrants, especially skilled professionals, but also receives immigrants, which adds to India’s diverse cultural fabric. For example, the influx of Tibetan refugees as well as migrants from neighboring countries such as Bangladesh have affected India’s demographic and cultural landscape.

  • I belive that a country may benefit from accepting immigrants because the custumes, culture, languaje and lifestyles of the country would be enriched due to the mix of people from different countries. I also think that the country's advrtising would be positive and this would lead to more tourims and a better quality of life. If a country doesn't accept any immigrants they might loose population and culture, it might also loose good things like different experiences, new ideas and jobs; furthermore the image that the country gives internationally is not very possitive.
    My country, Spain accepts a lot of immigrants per year from other countries, specially from Africa, South America and Asia.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree to what you've said. Such an interesting point made here because if you look at it from a wide angle, today most of the migrations are beneficiary to ones country or nation. Just like you have said, migration can boost the economic activity of a nation, improve on inbred people, it can also bring a good influence on the nation too and etc.
      And also we need to learn not to reject others it might be for our safety but not everyone is bad some could be to our own merits. Also the more the people the greater the nation.

  • From my point of view, accepting immigrants can beneficiate our country in the way of introducing new cultures and customs. Thanks to them, nowadays, we have a great variety of new things, and some of them are better from the ones we have and that is a way of learning new things. Apart from this, being with people from other countries help us in the way we interact with people as we can meet new people and we can interact with others with different ways of thinking, and that is s great thing. I think that if our country does not accept them, we would not have the same knowledge as we have today, and I think that people from other countries are a great point for us in the way of learning new things, and they can help our society a lot.

  • Immigrants have many skills in agriculture, construction, among others. These skills can be very beneficial for countries. Immigrants are able to do jobs incredibly quickly and efficiently. A country could be affected by the lack of immigrants, even if it has already seen many. Sometimes in the United States, without immigrants, agricultural jobs, among others, were greatly affected because thousands of immigrants were deported and the country suffered many economic losses.

  • I personally think Immigrants can Significantly Benefit a country deeply Because it can bring in different Professions which the country might lack for example Doctors lawyers Teachers etc And Its good to Welcome Immgrants As it can make a country more diverse And it will open up more doors for job oppurturnties in the country And I think countries should welcome immgrants with happiness as they have a lot of unknown and unmentioned skill So we should care for them just as much as people around us As at the end of the day we are all human after all

  • Immigrants fule the economy.when immigrants enter the labor force why increase in productive capability of the economy and increase the GDP.their income will rise and life will be better

    1. Can you explain more about how immigrants can increase productive capability of the economy? Who might disagree with your statement?

      1. Immigrants increase production capability because they increase the labour force of the economy, when many people work in factories and industries the amount of produce made per day will drastically increase in number too and as the number of immigrants are rising so is the amount of work done and products made. Gradually , due to the increasing population of immigrants taking up different jobs in the country the economy will have an increased productive capability. However, because of the high number of employees, employers might disagree that they increase productivity as all the profit being made is mostly used towards paying off wages to the workers, if the number of immigrants pouring in doesn't reduce there will be more homeless and jobless people on the streets, the company might them have to build different infrasturtures such as care homes and asylums to accomodate them.

      2. Hello Molly. I think immigrants can increase the productive capability of an economy by utilizing their skills and specific organizations that generate revenue for the country. For example engineers can work for companies that are already engaged an inventing products that can boost the economy. Additionally more workers can become inventors by coming to the country and producing things that would generate revenue.

        1. I also think that when immigrants bring their skills, talent and resources to a country, they can use time in various Fields like hospitals, businesses or even invest money in companies that promote renewable sources of energy. This can ultimately lead to improvement in the productivity of the country

  • Countries may benefit from accepting immigrants by improving the workforce and productivity. Immigrants can help with the economy to improve GDP . Immigrants can also bring ways to improve companies to make them more efficient. Countries accepting immigrants can help them in many ways, but if not accepted the economy could lower GDP and have bad effects on the economy. Immigration has helped the workforce and improve construction of homes and highways.

  • Accepting immigrants can bring various benefits to a country, such as filling labor shortages, boosting economic growth, fostering cultural diversity, and driving innovation. Countries that embrace immigration often experience demographic rejuvenation and increased productivity.

    On the contrary, a country that refuses to accept immigrants may face challenges like an aging population, labor shortages, economic stagnation, and a lack of diverse perspectives. Not accepting immigrants could hinder a nation's ability to adapt to changing global dynamics and technological advancements.

    Immigration has significantly impacted the United States, contributing to its cultural richness, economic prosperity, and innovation. Immigrants have played a vital role in various sectors, including technology, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, shaping the nation's identity and driving progress.

  • Economic growth: Immigrants can help the economy by working as workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers, and consumers. They can also help counteract the slowing growth rate of the U.S. population, which can contribute to overall economic growth.
    Human capital development: Migrants bring skills and contribute to the human capital development of receiving countries.
    Technological progress: Migrants can contribute to technological progress.
    Tax revenues: Granting permanent legal status to immigrants can raise tax revenues.

  • Immigration, like every activity in the world, has it's own pros and cons. A country can be sufficiently benefited from immigration. Aside from the fact that it will increase the nation's Goodwill in terms of Market Standards on the international platform, immigration will help strengthening cross-country ties - once again, beneficial for the global market.
    Next, it will help to establish development on a Global Level. It will result in increased education, awareness, and developed nations. Increased transparency and connectivity across the map - as a result, a boom in potential customers, again beneficial for the international market.
    Not unlike the butterfly effect, Immigration has significant implications when it comes to international business and worldwide monetary growth.
    To me, thus the primary and most observed benefit of immigration would be the rise in International Market Standards and higher prospects to every country.

  • There are many ways immigrants can benefit a country. As Robert mentioned, many immigrants start businesses and provide labour so this can help with the country's economic growth. Robert also mentioned that immigrants bring many new ideas and cultures to a country which fosters cultural diversity. These new ideas when implemented upon further develop a country. Many skilled immigrants help set a global stage for the country by serving as assets.

  • Hi, I think that immigrants can make a country richer in culture and traditions, obiously respecting the previously ones.
    In addition, I think immigrants can benefit our economy as they can bring new Jobs and new knowledges of their origin countries.

  • I believe there are both positives and negatives in a country allowing immigrants in. The positives are people who bring new skills in professions that need them, like doctors, engineers, researchers. There are also people who do other jobs, like seasonal workers, carers, etc., and who are very much needed in our country at the moment. One of the negatives would be the impact immigration has on the infrastructure, the health system, schools, etc. in my opinion, the authorities have to weigh both the benefits and the negatives and find the right balance.

  • I believe that immigrants are a benefit to society because
    Number 1: the more people you have, the more jobs are filled (even the ones people usually don't like)
    Number 2: immigration also gives people from different countries different opportunities that they might not have had before.

  • There are many obvious benefits countrys can make from accepting immigrants. Not only does it boost their popularity (I think very highly of Poland simply because they were kind and took in Ukrainians and treated them with respect no questions asked) but it boosts their cultural diversity. If no immigrants came in and out of a country then there would be no diversity, just a country filled with one culture and there's nothing wrong with that but it will make the country seem very hostile and make tourists not want to visit. A country that seems so uninclusive will scare people off and many country's make a large profit from tourism so it will affect their financial status aswell, since the rest of the world will be exchanging money as prices go up and they all copy eachother and that one country is left behind becoming poor. I don't realy hear much about immigration except for when I hear it on the news about other countries, never much about my own though but I know there are a range of cultures surrounding me in my village and community and I'm always learning different things from them about how they moved to the Wales, but other than that I don't think it has affected my country that much.

  • Hello friends,
    Imagine a country as a garden:accepting immigrants is like planting diverse seeds that enrich the soil, foster growth,and yield a vibrany tapestry of flowers. Without immigrants,the garden risks stagnation, withering, and becoming barren,devoid of the colors and vitality that diverse flora bring. Just as a garden needs tending to flourish , so too does a country require the nurturing presence of immigrants to thrive and bloom in all its splendor.

  • I think that the government is wrong because people crossing the boarder to get to the united kingdom so the can have better education and better jobs and the news said they have money to go to the dentist to get there teeth check and they want to live a better life because in over country's they have lots of floods and they don't have that much food

  • Countries can benefit from accepting immigrants into their country in many ways. One of the main ways they can benefit from immigrants is economically. Immigrants can help bring more talent and needed skills to the table, making them great for the economy. For instance, if there is a lack of workers in an important work field such as medicine, allowing immigrants into the country can help fill those needed positions.

  • Greetings.
    I believed that immigrants can benefit the country in overall development because they bring out so much valuable skills and by using those hidden skills we can develop the nation.
    By utilizing all those skills from different perspectives we can help the nation in economical growth.
    Different companies and industries also get more benefits from immigrants because they bring all the valuable skills and new ideas.
    Thank you.

  • Immigration brings numerous benefits to both receiving countries and immigrants themselves. It enriches cultural diversity, drives economic growth by filling labor gaps, and fosters innovation through the exchange of ideas and talents. Additionally, immigrants often contribute to social vitality and revitalization of communities. Embracing immigration can lead to a more dynamic and resilient society.

  • The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is the amount of job opportunities that the immigrants can provide and can benefit population growth amongst the country. If a country doesn't accept any immigrants into their country, then the population growth won't increase rapidly and could possibly bring down the actual population growth in the country depending on the birth rate of that country. Immigration has affected my country, the United States in a positive way. For example, the immigrants that come to America can create new jobs, form new businesses, pay their taxes, and raise the productivity of U.S. businesses.

  • The U.S. would not be supported by immigrants if immigrants weren't allowed at all. The country would not be able to stand if immigrants didn't work in the U.S. Immigrants allow diversity into America. Immigrants would probably be at threat if they did not immigrate. Immigration keeps the U.S. going and supporting the economy. They allow for beneficial careers and jobs.

  • Immigrants are good for a country because they have hard working skills. Based on how they came here, they must’ve worked diligently everyday to come to a place. Immigrants come because they want a new life and they want change. There are multiple different reasons why they come to different places. Immigrants contribute to the improvement of our country through their unique talents. Moreover, companies gain many benefits of their presence as immigrants bring fresh ideas and valuable skills. By denying immigrants entry, a country risks missing out on numerous positive aspects. It is crucial to embrace inclusivity and avoid excluding individuals based on their origin.