Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
witty_cheetah Yes, it is right to restrict people’s freedom so that they will be safe from danger as now... Freedom v safety? 01/2/24
polite_pomegranate PRISONS are places we're corrections are made. It is a correctional ground for does who default... How should prisons be run? 01/2/24
witty_cheetah What I would like my AI companion to do for me is to help me do some small work wherever I am,... AI companion 01/2/24
resourceful_leopard exactly, i dont think ai in the student hub would be a good idea cause ths competition is based... AI bots on the Hub? 01/2/24
bright_philosophy I agree 👍 in your opinion, because we the humans (scientists)are responsible because they are... AI accident: who is responsible? 01/2/24
unbiased_planet Hi! Having AI as my friend or having a robot that am in charge of, and i am trying to build a... AI companion 31/1/24
resourceful_leopard As a student i would want a robot that reads my note out loud when am getting prepared for a... AI companion 31/1/24
prodigious_globe I disagree because there is no need of going to prison for correction I you eventually don't... What if prisons aren’t working? 31/1/24
nice_eagle I have developed a balanced perspective on the statement “If a prison is bad, it would be better... What if prisons aren’t working? 31/1/24
nice_eagle I solidly agree with what gregarious bee said about prison and in my own understanding, prison... How should prisons be run? 31/1/24
prodigious_globe I disagree with you active_beetle because there is no need for going to a correctional centre if... What if prisons aren’t working? 31/1/24
bright_philosophy I disagree in your opinion, i would say that AI will help in the good and bad to the planet.... AI and the planet 31/1/24
prodigious_globe It still amazes me how tidy_photograph from Vidya Sagar English School from Nepal talked about... Competition #2 winners 31/1/24
enigmatic_singer The class was very much interesting we had an investigation on the notorious criminal fito and... How did the lesson go? 31/1/24
educated_harmonica In my own country, I believe that the number of young people politically engaged is decreasing.... Are young people politically engaged? 31/1/24
unbiased_planet Hi Aimee! Thanks for your question. when it comes to classroom, the teachers interact with... AI bots on the Hub? 31/1/24
unbiased_planet I choose option C because here in Nigeria, we witness more hot weather as a result of the... Climate change in your country 31/1/24
intelligent_nectarine Yes I agree with you but knowing about this negative news which will help bring solutions to the... Climate change: regular reminders 31/1/24
bright_philosophy Yes it is right to restrict people's freedom if it's to keep them safe because of the person the... Freedom v safety? 31/1/24
prodigious_globe I agree to opinion A because there is no use of prisons or correctional centers if they don't... What if prisons aren’t working? 31/1/24