Comments by students of Leonteios School of Athens | Greece

Student Comment Post Date
charismatic_imagination the woman i would like to refer to is Ioanna Papaspyrou who is said to be a model of strength... Competition #5 winners 19/2/24
digital_flower I disagree with your point about being a bad thing that international women's day is more known... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
lovable_rainforest Hi, In my opinion, continuing to do my business in that country is the most constructive... Countries behaving badly 19/2/24
blissful_nature Hi, I think that every business is allowed to do whatever they want as long as it brings them... Businesses and elections 19/2/24
lovable_rainforest When I read the question I immediately imagined a robot that would do all the things I hate to... AI companion 19/2/24
charismatic_imagination I agree with A as in today's word woman's work is mostly undervalued and underestimated. The... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
charismatic_imagination Are you only refering to women who were publicly recognised for a psecific achievement? I really... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
independent_reflection Hi, I totally agree with you and option A since nowadays it is a well-known fact that... Businesses v the environment 19/2/24
resilient_moon I think that immigrants can benefit our country because they bring their skills and their... What are the benefits of immigration? 19/2/24
allowing_expression I'm not sure about this because the celebrity outside of work he is a person like we are so he... The “face” of a business 18/2/24
allowing_expression okay.Well,i believe that the brand should have a little impact in the way that the celebrity is... The “face” of a business 18/2/24
noble_earth Personally, I believe that lack of local news can have negative effects on a community. It can... Responsible citizens 18/2/24
noble_earth I think that everyone can somehow involve to protect the planet. Reduce, reuse and recycle! We... How to make a change 18/2/24
blissful_nature Hi, I chose worried because i am honestly quite scared about it. It is essential that we all... What's your reaction? 18/2/24
steady_maths You have a point but I believe it could have a negative impact in countries too. Too many... What do you know about immigration policies? 18/2/24
steady_maths Yeah, but the immigrants are humans and they need to find a home. In my opinion, it's inhuman to... Fair or unfair? 18/2/24
charismatic_imagination i am inclined to believe that accepting immigrants may turn out to be beneficial to the economy... What are the benefits of immigration? 17/2/24
selfassured_independence I believe that immigration has some benefits.First of all migrants contribute more in taxes and... What are the benefits of immigration? 17/2/24
steady_maths 1.People can find a new home 2.People can find a safer palce to live with better conditions to... What are the benefits of immigration? 15/2/24
steady_maths I scored 7/8 . I actually learned a lot about immigrants from UK moving to Rwanda and what's... What do you know about immigration policies? 15/2/24