Comments by students of Maritime Academy B | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
consistent_engine People have such different opinions about immigration policies because of their viewpoints in... Why so divisive? 12/2/24
consistent_engine Although freedom is a human right that is valued, I believe it should be taken away from people... Freedom v safety? 12/2/24
content_meteor The Government's need to be responsible in women's football. Women's football has gone from... Women's sport 10/2/24
content_meteor If I had an AI companion, I would like it to do manual jobs around the house like cleaning my... AI companion 10/2/24
consistent_engine A creative idea that deserves to be tried which aids climate change is to advertise a game that... How to make a change 09/2/24
dynamic_clarinet On the news I think there is too much bad news. Almost every time you turn on the news you here... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 09/2/24
clever_orchard In my opinion I would say that I would leave country A because it can take my company down... Countries behaving badly 09/2/24
content_meteor In my opinion I think a person has some control of a celebrity in the safe of the Brand. Brands... The “face” of a business 09/2/24
dynamic_clarinet I think for the first one it should be 18 or over because when you are 18+ you get to make more... Age restrictions 09/2/24
allowing_wallaby They should spend more time preventing as if they are putting their resources to preventing that... Prevention or protection? 09/2/24
consistent_engine A job I know that AI would do better than human is food production, because they have better... People v robots 09/2/24
modest_tamarillo i think that robots will take up a majority of jobs and new ones that will be created. people... Jobs of the future 09/2/24
modest_tamarillo The person who made this robot cant take all the blame because sometimes its not peoples fault... AI accident: who is responsible? 09/2/24
allowing_wallaby I think that school should continue to stay face to face as if covid has taught us anything is... Will schools exist in future? 09/2/24
effervescent_power you can make a change by putting rubbish in the bin so the environment gets better and being... How to make a change 09/2/24
jolly_wildcat I think AI could help our planet because the could lower littering percentages. It could also... AI and the planet 09/2/24
analytical_raisin Agree with you as kids need the teachings they can for there possible future but at the same... Prevention or protection? 09/2/24
quiet_contribution if i could meet him i would say what inspired your drug policy and who inspired you Jérôme Mangelinckx 09/2/24
consistent_engine In my opinion, Yes. I think it is right to restrict people's freedom if it keeps them safe, this... Freedom v safety? 09/2/24
jolly_glacier I think we shouldn't harm animals because that gives a wild impact like if you eat meat, your... Animal rights 09/2/24