Comments by students of Maritime Academy B | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
content_meteor I believe that in the future, that instrustial job such as construction and farming will be... People v robots 04/2/24
jolly_glacier I think they should take gaming apps or others SERIOSLY as right now, they are letting children... Age restrictions 04/2/24
content_meteor I the police and Government should make ads to keep their people safe. I think this topic should... Prevention or protection? 03/2/24
content_meteor I felt all of the ideas very interesting, A few of my suggestion is for schools to promote... How to make a change 03/2/24
allowing_wallaby It makes me feel negative ,the media reminders me as it is looking at the worst thing we maybe... Climate change: regular reminders 02/2/24
dynamic_clarinet One job I think robots can take over from humans is making medicines. The robots might be more... People v robots 02/2/24
analytical_raisin We need more positive news because people are sad for are world even though it is evolving. If... Too much negative news? 02/2/24
content_meteor B In my opinion, in every scenario all workers in every job should be kept safe. A safe working... AI accident: who is responsible? 02/2/24
successful_performance I personally think that AI is taking over us. What about all the jobs that people have know. How... Jobs of the future 02/2/24
unassuming_reindeer In my opinion, I agree with B but I think prisons should be like Scandinavia. This is because... What if prisons aren’t working? 02/2/24
inspiring_apricot i think prison is a bit strict and bad because you have to spend 23 hours in a cell and have 1... How should prisons be run? 02/2/24
jolly_wildcat enlightened_tiger I agree with you as yes it would feel weird knowing that your talking to bots... AI bots on the Hub? 02/2/24
compassionate_weasel Hello, About ai I have mixed feeling about it. On one side its extortionary and fascinating... What's your reaction? 02/2/24
credible_rabbit I believe that negative news is more frequently noticed and presented around the globe compared... Too much negative news? 02/2/24
dynamic_clarinet I would train my robot to help me on my homework when my parents are busy, Walk my Dog. just... AI companion 02/2/24
analytical_raisin If I had an AI robot I would ask it to make me unique foods for me to try and I will copy the... AI companion 02/2/24
modest_tamarillo I disagree with this comment as having freedom is a human right and people might not be able to... Freedom v safety? 02/2/24
analytical_raisin I think if AI takes over jobs people will be more lazier and will lose connection with the... Jobs of the future 02/2/24
shrewd_olive I think child are getting overwhelmed because of climate change and all the misinformation in... Too much negative news? 02/2/24
jolly_wildcat I think if AI took over Jobs it would be bad here's some reasons: People get less... Jobs of the future 02/2/24