Animal rights

This discussion was inspired by enigmatic_leopard of Cheam Fields Primary Academy in the United Kingdom, who wanted to start a discussion about animal rights. They have won five stars for having their idea published!

Stephen Fry

In the United Kingdom it is traditional for the royal guards and the royal family to wear animal furs during traditional ceremonies.

However, recently a famous actor, Stephen Fry, spoke out against this.

Mr Fry said: “Tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty.”

Comments (154)

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  • In Nigeria, poaching is abnormally common. We have cases of hunters selling illegal bushmeat and even some of our animals are going endangered. We need to make sure millitary personnel are put outside wildlife reservoirs and just forests too in order to make sure that the wild animals are safe from heartless poachers.
    Even some domestic animals are treated recklessly, such as dogs and cats as pets, who are abused by their owners and these owners aren't even stopped from buying other pets and abusing them as well.
    In some countries there are rules where before you get a pet fish, you have to have had a fish before. The pet shop owners actually make sure you've had one before selling it to you.
    Even if there was a rule like this here(Nigeria) , unfortunately, I think the pet shop owners wouldn't be the slightest bit bothered if you had a fish before or not once money is payed in full for it.
    Animals are not that relevant and therefore responsibility is not really taken for them here. I believe this needs to change as animals are actually largely important in ways other than being eaten and we need to spread awareness on why they shouldn't go extinct without effort being made to stop it.

    1. An interesting point of view. If you can only get the pet if you've had that animal before, then will pet ownership eventually die out?

      1. Hi,
        I feel that if pet ownership were to be limited or restricted to only those who have had pets or that particular animal before, it is implausible or unlikely that pet ownership or pet acquirement would completely die out, yes, it might lead to the decline or to the reduction in the number of people who own pets , but during my research I found that according to Forbes Advisor, " as of 2024, 66% of U.S. households own a pet and this is up from 56% in 1988, meaning that pet ownership and acquirement has increased significantly over the past three decades". It is actually going to be difficult to predict the future of pet ownership, it is obvious that pets play a very important role and are to significant in the lives of many people, also during my research I found out that 97% of pet owners consider their pets to be a part of their family, I can't lie I am part of that 97%. From my research I found out that pets provide a wide range of benefits to their owners. Animals who serve as pets, according to the Cleveland Clinic provide social, physical, mental and emotional boosts to their various owners. Here are some of the benefits of pets:
        1. They relief stress: Shockingly during my research I found out that petting a dog decreases the stress hormone, cortisol, which helps to decrease blood pressure and completely helps people to feel less stressed. I was so happy that do something as a little as that can save a life because high blood pressure and a lot of stress can prove a big threat to the health and life of someone and to know that doing something as easy as petting a dog can help to reduce that risk and also serve as a form of relaxation.
        2. Pets can help you with your social life , as these animals we call pets can lead to more human connections and interaction. They are also there for the purpose of companionship, in fact that is one of their main purposes, They help you feel less alone that is if they do not even completely take the place of loneliness in your life, They can help you not to seep in depression and isolation bringing more improvement to your mental health and state.
        3. Animals can also help in protecting you and being your aid when you have disabilities or limitations. Like an episode of a show I watch called " Operation Ouch " they showed a girl who had a little disability and had a dog to help her through everything. We also have dogs that help the defence department like K-9s, arson dogs and many others who assist the policemen, firemen and many others to save lives and ensure our safety.
        So you see these animals or pets that are abused save our lives and they also help us in our shortcomings , so they deserve to be accorded respect and their lives. And also with these reasons I have stated the tendency of decline in the acquirement of pets is highly unlikely.
        Thank you!

      2. Well, honestly speaking it probably would in that case. But truth be told that is a lot better than having animals die recklessly due to lazy or abusive owners.

        1. I don't think that will be the best solution, my reason being that the present owners of pets will eventually become old and pass away so the upcoming generation of pet owners won't have the opportunity of having a pet, that's not right because they will be affected because of the mistake of other people. Permitting pet ownership on the condition of experience isn't the best approach to this because it will even prevent potential responsible pet owners from acquiring a pet. I think a better approach to this is the sensitization of people on the dangers of poaching, also teaching them how to manage their pets, government should also establish pet owners law enforcement agencies that check out for abusive treatments to pets and arrest the perpetrator, that would work better and it wouldn't prevent the potential responsible pet owners from acquiring pets.

          1. Hello.
            I concur that the pet's current owner should properly take care of it.Pets that are not well-cared for will feel unwanted.They ought to have a facility for animal protection.Every pet wants to be loved and no creature wants to be rejected.
            Thank you.

          2. I completely agree with you because conditioning pet ownership on the basis of experience is not fair because if it is on experience, some people who need companions will not be able to do so because they do not have experience. Rather i think it should be based on responsibility and other credentials such as a clean criminal record.

    2. I agree because... every life is relevant even that of animals, just because their intellectual is not advanced doesn't mean that they should be maltreated, after all they still play a vital role in the lives of humans daily.

      1. I agree but would you rather have animals tested or humans?

        1. That's a really interesting question and very difficult to answer. So who can say who is responsible to value most human or animal life? Maybe it is all wrong from the beginning. Maybe we should have restarted the way we think and how we can prioritize beings, human or not, life values.

          1. Hello!
            I think as an animal enthusiast the life of pets. animals and living organisms are generally very important as they have many key roles they play in the world around us and some even help some humans who have disabilities to navigate the world safely without getting hurt but I think that these animals are a little bit overprioritized sometimes even more than ourselves as humans.
            All around the world, many people own pets, who help them in many ways but like us humans, the cost of taking care of these pets is relatively high. In fact according to a piece of research published on Google, "The average cost of owning a dog is around $1,400 per year. The average cost of owning a cat is around $1,200 per year. But, every pet is different and the cost of living has increased for people and pets alike." and according to another post on Google" Worldwide, 33% of households own pets." When considering the fact that a household could have more than one pet it means that the amount of money spent on pets yearly is high.
            We have millions of people roaming about on the street homeless and in need of care and assistance and this relatively high sum of money is spent annuallyon PETS!
            I am not against having a pet but I just think that we need to first focus on taking care of ourselves and people around us before we can think of spending this amount of money on pets!
            Thank you!!!

            1. You have a point but I should say that when we can't talk with numbers when we are talking about life.
              Yes maybe they are spending too much money on households pets but how much money is spent on weapons and military purposes?
              I agree that homeless people and generally people in need should be our priority but cruelty is another issue in animals.
              If we want to change then and help people.we should take action and demand from governments to take the necessary steps.
              Thank you

              1. I want to ask you, in a matter of life and death which will you choose humans or animals,i would love to hear from you. Thanks for your time.

                1. Hello brilliant_personality. This is a very rhetorical question and I hope that this day will never come to anyone. I mean to choose their beloved ones.
                  And why do I have to choose? I would save anyone I can with all my strength.
                  We have seen cases in my country during fires people abandoning their homes the whole family, people and pers. I don't think that anyone will threaten me what to choose. It's up to us to be saved all together.

                2. This is a very hard question to answer but I reasoned it, and we know humans are also called animals but, in this case, I will choose animals for death and life for humans because, humans have more standards than animals so we will need more development to the world, so humans deserve more life but please don't get me wrong both humans and animals deserve.

          2. I agree because... life is very valuable and we can only live once. so, why do scientists still conduct experiments on living things? shouldn't they be looking for better alternatives for scientists to use instead of living things?

            1. Do you have any ideas about what scientists could use instead?

              1. Ok Cloe
                I think scientist should use animals whith the same genetics and characteristics as humans.
                Thank you.

              2. Hello, Chloe @ Topical Talk.
                Scientist could make use many alternatives to perform experiments in the lab which could include:
                -Cell cultures: Both animals and plant cells can be grown, reared and cultured in a laboratory which can be used to substitute the use of animals as test subjects in the
                -Use of Human tissues: Healthy and unhealthy tissues contributed by willing human participants can be used to study human biology easier and more efficiently.
                -Use of Computer models: Computer models can be also used to duplicate the influence of substances on living organisms, which would provide a more profitable selection for animal testing and experiments.
                Although, these discretions aren't only more compassionate but also helps in predicting living thing's reaction to certain substances.
                THANK YOU👨🏻‍🔬🐇!!!

              3. Hi
                This seems to be a very sensitive topic, "...what scientists could use instead of animals?". I believe that the main reason why these animals are used is so that more effective drugs for ailments will be discovered. Most of the drugs we see in pharmacies and stores today are results of multiple tests and this tests can only be done on little
                animals because they reproduce faster than humans and using humans as experiments can indirectly lead to murder. So replacing animals in laboratory tests is a quite impossible feat, instead of replacing them, why don't we place laws that guide the use of animals in labs. Yes, I know that a lot of people have been on and on about laws but if these laws are implemented and carefully monitored they will definitely yield positive results, laws like limiting the number of animals used for experiments or using a particular specie of animal provided a culturing facility for their survival is established in order to prevent extinction or issuing license to laboratories before they are granted permission to use animals as test subjects, these laws sure favour both parties; humans and animals. Maybe in a more advanced future, artificial bio-genetically engineered animals would have been invented and be used in labs but for now I think these laws would work great to secure a green future for all species.
                THANK YOU.

            2. This is a very big question pioneering_impression. In my opinion experiments on animals just for cosmetics is out of the question for me. We can't harm animals just fir beauty purposes and thankfully many companies have understood this.
              On the other hand tests for medical purposes and finding solutions to many issues is a different thing. But again I can't really feel well when I imagine animals feeling pain for us. And did really these experiments provided the solution we needed and to what extend?

            3. I agree because... Right and freedom are very important. You've got a nice point pioneering_impression. People usually enter the forest and hunt animals like rhinos, elephants,deer and suchlike just for their horns but based on my own opinion,I don't even see the use of hunting. People see hunting as a responsible business. There would be a lot of migrants if humans are also hunted. Migration from one planet to another or real dangerous weapons would be used. If we do not understand animal language,we should think of how they feel and sight examples with ourselves. THANK YOU.

          3. I would like to side with your comment, it is true that all life is valuable, but can the value of life vary. like harmless and innocent microorganisms that we kill a very common and volatile example is the ant which no human being can count how many times it has been stepped I have a question for you are creatures lives like that of the ant excluded from the value of life.

        2. Humble_flower, thank you for your comment.

          Whilst testing products such as new medicines is done routinely to find out if there are side effects, it does assume that animals and humans respond in the same way.

          Sometimes humans respond differently. Some years ago, a medicine called thalidomide was developed. It was tested on animals and found to be safe but this was not the case for humans.

          Medicines have to be tested on humans in the end anyway.

          1. Hi James,
            In my opinion, medicines that are routinely tested for side effects are typically tested on animals. this is because animals share the same genes as humans and some animals can reproduce easily. However, certain medicines need to be tested on humans to determine whether they are safe for us to use or require further improvements.
            THANK YOU.

            1. I disagree with the justification on testing harmful medicines on animals solely because they might benefit humans. While animals share the same characteristics and genetics as human, subjecting them to testing raises ethical concerns and may not reliably predict human responses.

              1. I do not totally agree because if you don’t test it out on animals how would you know the harmful ones or do you better on test it on human beings?

                1. The debate over animal testing is indeed complex. While some argue it's necessary for safety evaluations, others advocate for alternative methods like in vitro testing or computer modeling to minimize harm to animals. Each approach has its own ethical considerations and effectiveness in predicting human responses to substances.

                2. I agree with you brilliant_personality, if we go straight into testing on human beings it could be fatal to humans and also to the animals. For a disease like rabies if the cure was not tested on humans firstly but on animals like dogs and cats that carry the disease.

        3. Neither! With the technology we have in this day of time we are able to create something that doesn't allow either species to be harmed. We have already created mechanisms who are able to tell us if something is toxic or completely unsafe. If we already have these, we could use them to see if the machines can be modified for testing products. Instead of testing on a living thing, we could use a machine to test if the products are safe for use.

          1. I agree with you if we test them on animals it is very cruel to them because every life matters even if it is an animal. With technology no one will be harmed or modified in a bad way.

            1. I agree because... Animals are also creatures like humans. If we harm animals, it is not useful rather it is useless based on my opinion. My biggest question is that what would happen if animals would hunt humans and not humans would kill animals?

        4. I think that this is a really interesting idea that I would love to expand on.

          Most humans believe that testing on animals is cruel and inhumane but if we didn't test on them then it would only leave humans to test on. However if we did this then people would continue to argue that it should not be done so there is simply no winning.

          If we decided to not test products of medicines on anyone then it may lead to worldwide outbreaks due to the unsafe products that are not being properly tested.

          So when it comes to animal testing there is no proper civil way that we can stop doing it without beginning to hurt humans instead.

        5. Hi humble_flower!
          My view might be a bit different but I think instead of testing on innocent animals, scientists should test on prisoners who have been sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. These prisoners have committed heinous crimes like murder, rape etc and they have been sentenced to lifetime imprisonment so they wouldn't be of any use anyway. By using them for testing, I think animals would be saved, prisoners would get their punishment and we would get more accurate results. Animals have done no crime and are innocent, testing on them is fundamentally wrong. We do not have any right to put their life at risk and provide them pain. So I think prisoners who have already hurt someone so much should be used for testing. Some might argue that we can't take their human rights, but what about those victims whose rights were taken by these criminals by killing, raping etc? Now, we can use the prisoners for something useful too. So even though this view might be a bit different, I think we should do this.

          1. I disagree because their being in prison is already their punishment so testing drugs and cosmetics on them is over punishment. With AI scientists should find new ways of testing cosmetics and drugs.

        6. I partially agree with you. Lots of people would rather have animals tested however, it depends. But did you know that people would love to volunteer to be tested? This is because they or their family get payed greatly and receive enormous deals which is a benefit. Would you rather have a perfectly fine animal tested or a dangerously sick human who has a few days to live?

          1. You make a very good point helpful_idea, people get paid lots of money to get it tested on themselves they also sign a contract that says that if they die their family will get paid all of the money that the place would have given that person. If the persons family is dead then he will sign a contract that says that they will give it to that person's friend.
            THANK YOU.

      2. Hi glad_outcome,
        You are absolutely right, the life of every living organism is important even animals because we all play an important role within our eco- system and every animal has a right to live. Just because we humans are higher classification of animals doesn't mean we should abuse or mistreat the other animals around us. Although we might not notice but animals play very important roles.

        Animals can be used for provision of food for human consumption and for human consumption I do not mean we should excessively kill animals for consumption but animals like cows and chickens can provide us with milk and eggs. These are things we use in our everyday lives but for a second have we ever wondered what would happen if cows or chickens did not exist any more, how would we produce yoghurt, ice cream and many other things. These are things that are at our dispense but we tend to ignore the fact that most of the time they are produced from animals but we are abusing and killing these animals daily forgetting that they play a crucial role in our lives

        1. I couldn't agree more, the roles animals play in our lives are really important but we tend to ignore them, animals deserve to have a right to life just as much as humans do. Animals deserve rights because they are just as important as humans are, because we all play an important role in the working of our eco-system but with the rate at which animals are being killed they are at the verge of becoming extinct and if we do not do something about it these animals might cease to exist. So we need to work hard towards saving these animals because they are a huge benefit to us all.

          One of the importance of animals is that they serve as pets to humans. Pets are said to be one of man's best friends and if we continue to ignore the crucial roles animals play in our lives our pets might cease to exist so we should try and work hard to save the lives of the animals that surround us before it is too late.

          1. Traditionally, using animal skins for clothing has been associated with royalty. While it reflects a sense of tradition and property, it's crucial to reconsider how these materials are obtained. Instead of supporting the killing of animals for their fur and skin, let's advocate for using materials from animals that have already passed away. This way, we can honor tradition without causing harm to living creatures. It's essential to find a balance between preserving cultural practices and promoting ethical choices to ensure the well-being of animals.

        2. Hi gusty_blackcurrant,
          I do agree with you that the life of every organism is important to all humans because without all this animals we the humans won't see food to eat such as: eggs, milks and so on which could lead to deficiencies and may even lead to death.
          Secondly, we will feel lonely because most humans don't have anyone to talk about their challenges they are facing in life but with the help of pets we could pour out our emotions even though we are aware they can't speak to us or give us words of advice.
          Lastly, pets such as: dogs, parrots acts as our watch guards and protect us from harm or danger. Without pets by our side humans could have gone through a lot being alone.

      3. I am together with you on this your point you have stated, because animals are not meant to be treated like trash as you have said @glad_outcome because they can't act or think like us. It is our duty to protect animals because they are useful in our ecosystem through the following ways:
        1. Animals help in the reproduction of plants through carrying pollen grains from one plant to another and also through carrying seeds. A very good example is the butterfly, which carries pollen grains as it sucks nectar from a flower.
        2. Beavers help in preventing flooding through their indirect damming when they are trying to protect themselves from predators.
        3. Rats can help us to detect landmines and also have the ability to make unusable land useful again through their keen sense of smell and ability to be trained.
        In conclusion animals should be given rights and be protected from poaching so as to sustain our ecosystem. If these animals are given rights, this will take us a huge step ahead in solving the problem of climate change.
        THANK YOU.

      4. I totally agree with you. Animals are vital parts of nature and human lives.
        But I think that we can not talk about intellectuality. I believe that animals are clever enough for their kind and have the same feelings with us. That's why they are do expressive even though they can't talk.

      5. I like the idea that you care so much about animals glad outcome,they are meant to be treated both with emotions and care ,we also know that we are animals but higher animals and we are given the respect we deserve.So the lower animals should be accorded same.Let's cultivate the habit of having love and compassion over them.

        1. I agree because... loving and caring for animals can help us. Animals serve as companions and pets to human and calm humans going through a bad time down.
          Imagine if you and a dog swap place and the dog does to you what you have previously been doing to the dog would you like it?
          Caring for animals should be a very common habit portrayed by us humans as we are some sort of senior brothers to them. They deserve to be treated with respect.


      6. I agree with you than no animal should be maltreated because they play a vital role in the live of humans. Animals do not only play vital role to humans but also plays a vital role on our climate. For example insects play a role in pollination of flowering plants, some animals play a role in dispersing of seeds to restore natural habitat, Animals can be really important in helping people learn about the environment and understand why it's essential to take care of it, etc.
        Thank You.

      7. I agree with you on the fact that every life deserves to be on Earth but the VITAL role is what I disagree with. FOR the security purposes they are not really helping because even with strong and aggressive dogs thieves are still able to kill the dogs with food poisoning or with a gun. So I don't see the point in having animals .

      8. HELLO!
        I agree with you glad_outcome every life is valuable not only human but also animal lives. Just because we are human doesn’t mean animals should be maltreated. Even trees shouldn’t be cut down because the trees are what give the earth its greenish color they protect us from the harmful effects of the ozone layer, they clean up the air by giving us oxygen and they are homes to a lot of animals. Also if pets are only given to people who owned a pet before, it wouldn’t be fair to others who want to own a pet and are kind people.
        THANK YOU!

      9. I agree because... Some are also smart according to BBC, animals are also smart such as dolphins, chimpanzee,apes, octopus and also crows, this animals deserve rights. Even if animals are not smart we still need to take care of them we don't need to maltreat them. If we don't take care of them we are being negligent to our world

      10. I totally agree that treating animals whith kindness is crucial, regardless of their intelligence. Animals play a significant role in our daily lives, and mistreating them is simply unfair. it is high time for a change.
        Imagine if, before someone could have a pet, those around them ensure they are responsible and genuily good and fair to animals, This way, pets could find homes where they receive the love and care they deserve. Bieng compassionate towards our animal friends is essential, and I appreciate you raising this important issue.

      11. Hi glad outcome, Do wild animals really play a vital role in our lives daily? The domestic animals help to comfort and soothe us. I agree with you animals should not be maltreated. But animals should not have more rights than adults and children.

        1. Interesting thoughts. Did you know that wild animals play vital roles in different ecosystems. Can you think how these affect our lives?

      12. I agree with you glad_ outcome because, animals play a vital role in the life of humans, their intellect might not be as high as ours but animals still help humans and the eco-system.

        1. How do you think animals help humans?

          1. Hi Eva @ Topical Talk,
            Animals are very versatile and very helpful when it comes to different things, they help humans and even the planet itself, they play a vital role in the lives of humans.
            I think that their major contributions of animals to humans are eco-wise. They help in combating climate change. i.e. When beavers build dams, when bees pollinate flowers and even shockingly how birds balance nature and they help humans both socially and health wise for example it is scientifically proven that physical activity of walking and playing with your dog contributes to better overall cardiovascular health and fewer heart attacks. What's more, dog owners who have suffered from a heart attack have better survival rates following the event.
            Animals help to protect people with physical and phycological issues and they even serve as a security means themselves.
            When talking on the purposes of animals in the lives of humans it cannot be undermined, and I want to give a shout out to animals in the world because... they are all important.


      13. You are very right glad outcome.
        As we all know humans are also classified as animals but high standard animals instead, so as humans have rights so should low standard animals have their rights, as you said all life if relevant even a criminal's life is important too so every one should have a right in different countries and even the world .

    3. Great point grateful brain,I concur with the importance of protecting animals. In Nigeria, there has been a tendency to mistreat animals, as illustrated by the pollution of aquatic habitats leading to a higher fish death rate. Considering the significance of fish consumption and its role in generating income, implementing animal protection laws becomes crucial. The introduction of fishing regulations in 1971 under General Yakubu Gowon's regime aimed to safeguard aquatic species from extinction, with measures like prohibiting toxic substances, banning electrofishing, implementing population control, landing tax, and catch quotas. Following these regulations, Nigeria now enjoys rivers blessed with healthy fishes, benefiting various aspects of daily life such as production, consumption, income generation, and medicinal purposes. Protecting animals is essential, given their vital role in our society.

      1. Well said admirable_butterfly.
        Animals play a crucial role in our ecosystem and their well-being should be prioritized. By implementing and enforcing strong animal protection laws, we can not only ensure the survival of various species but also support the livelihoods of people who rely on them for income and sustenance. Additionally, protecting aquatic habitats and preventing pollution can have a positive impact on the health and abundance of fish, which is essential for food security and economic prosperity. Overall, considering the importance of animals to our society, it is imperative that we take proactive measures to protect them.

        1. I agree because... Preserving our ecosystem and the well-being of diverse species hinges on the critical task of safeguarding animals. The implementation and enforcement of strong animal protection laws are paramount, not only to ensure the survival of these creatures but also to sustain the livelihoods of those reliant on them for income and sustenance. Additionally, prioritizing the preservation of aquatic habitats and preventing pollution can have a positive ripple effect on the health and abundance of fish. This, in turn, is vital for ensuring food security and fostering economic prosperity. Recognizing the indispensable role animals play in our society, it becomes imperative to take proactive measures in their protection. Some key points include legal frameworks, economic impacts, and the interconnectedness of ecosystems.
          Thanks 😊👍

      2. Thanks for agreeing and honestly, I'm glad you see protecting animals as important as I do

    4. Hi grateful_brain,
      I couldn't agree with you more, animal cruelty is usually a topic that is brushed aside but we need to realize that animals also play an important role in the working of our eco-system and if we do not stop animal poaching and hunting a lot of these animals will be extinct. Africa is home to the world's most iconic wildlife but illegal hunting might destroy our wildlife forever. Animals like Lions, Rhinos, Zebras and Gorillas are on the verge of becoming extinct because they are being slaughtered and their body parts are being sold for huge sums of money. These animals that are being slaughtered mercilessly play significant roles within the eco system and I can't even begin to imagine life without them. But to every problem there is always a solution and we can always try our best to save these animals before they go out of existence

      We should try to protect wildlife by informing the public and raising awareness about the dangers of animal poaching and illegal hunting. We can also encourage people to make donations in order to open more wildlife conservatories in order to prevent the animals from going extinct. We can also help by buying eco-friendly pets because many species are being illegally stolen from their habitat and are being sold in pet markets at large prices. We should also encourage people to report illegal trading of animal species. These little things could really help preserve our animals and stop them from going extinct. If we can all work together we can stop Africa's wild life from becoming history

    5. I completely agree with you! It's disheartening to hear about the issues with poaching and animal mistreatment in Nigeria. It's crucial to protect our wildlife and ensure their safety. Implementing measures like having military personnel stationed near wildlife reserves and forests can definitely help deter poachers. Additionally, raising awareness about the importance of animals and the consequences of their extinction is vital. We need to encourage responsible pet ownership and hold individuals accountable for their actions. It's a collective effort to make a positive change for animals. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the article! 😊

      1. I absolutely share your sentiments caring_spring.
        It's truly disheartening to learn about the problems involving poaching and the mistreatment of animals in Nigeria. It's of utmost importance to safeguard our wildlife and ensure their wellbeing. One effective method to discourage poachers could be deploying military personnel near wildlife reserves and forests. Simultaneously, it is imperative to increase awareness regarding the significance of animals and the severe repercussions of their extinction. Promoting responsible pet ownership and holding individuals responsible for their actions is crucial. Ultimately, making a positive impact on animal welfare requires a collective endeavor.

    6. I agree with you because Animal rights teach us that certain things are wrong as a matter of principle, that there are some things that it is morally wrong to do to animals. Human beings must not do those things, no matter what the cost to humanity of not doing them.
      For example: if animals have a right not to be bred and killed for food then they must not be bred and killed for food. It makes no difference if the animals are given 5-star treatment throughout their lives and then killed humanely without any fear or pain - it's just plain wrong in principle, and nothing can make it right. Safety precautions needs to be taken to maintain animal right.

    7. Grateful Brain, I agree with your comment. Poaching is a horrible practice and is getting worse by the day. Some people just don't learn and sell these expensive animal parts for tons of money. It has gotten so bad, it has gotten to the point that people have to dehorn rhinos and make them less of a target towards poachers.

    8. I absolutely concur with your perspective and I also believe that the exploitation of animals has gone to far and it is not a joke. People should stop showing cruelty and brutality to animals and they also must have experience before getting the hang and the ownership of one. Giving animals love and tenderness is very important and stopping exploiting them is of equal importance too. Besides, there is a very meaningful phrase that says: "What goes around, always comes around"

    9. I exceedingly agree with you grateful_brain, surprisingly, domestic animals are also being treated the same way in my country. You are right about domestic animals like dogs and cats are being abused by their owners. There have been instances where I have witnessed owners mistreating their pets, and it was so agonizing to watch. I had witnessed children beating their dog up and carrying it up and down, when they become tired, they just drop the dog on the floor which always resulted in a big "thud" sound. Surprisingly, as you stated, these owners are still given permission to buy animals even after abusing the ones they won.
      In my opinion, I think that there should be a rule that people who had owned pets or are owning pets can buy new ones, even if someone hasn't owned a pet before, they should go through a little test to ensure they know how to effectively take care of domestic pets.
      I think that most of the time it is not the fault of the people that makes them treat their pets badly, but the situation they are in. Due to the heartless and corrupt leaders in my country, people are going through hardships, and they barely get enough food on the table, thus when the animals start to worry their owners and whining about food they get really stress and beat them up, however, on the other side, majority of people in my country don't have the slightest clue on how to take care of pets and do it efficiently.
      Based on my life experience, I encountered a dog being beaten up by my neighbours, and after the beatings were over, I went over to the dog and gave it tummy rubs- since dogs love it. Ever since that day, anytime the dog sees me she always place herself in a position for me to give her tummy rubs.

      1. I'm sorry to hear that you've seen animals treated in this way, that doesn't sound nice or fair. But I like the caring approach you've taken to looking after the dog. You mention that pet owners should be educated before being allowed to own a pet. What things do you think people need to know?

        1. In my opinion, I think that the things people should know before owning pets are:
          1.They should be financially stable:
          At the end of the day, you have to take the pet to the vet for grooming, health care checkups, etc. All these need money to be done, thus people should be able to financially stable to provide their pets with the best care.
          2. You should be time efficient:
          You should be able to have time and train pets in order to create a bond. When they are given proper training, they do not become a threat to the society.
          3. Safe environment:
          Where you live, there shouldn't be easy access of the pet going out. The environment must be safe and conducive; it shouldn’t contain venomous animals that can threaten the life of the pet.

    10. I really love your point grateful_brain. Animals are abused in Nigeria and world wide. The production of silk promotes animal cruelty because thousands of silk worms are killed to produce this fabric. In my opinion, animals should be slaughtered properly in legal places like abattoirs, this will keep the environment healthy and also promote the rights of animals. Every living thing has its rights including animals, there are several cases of "Dogs" suffering from mental fear due to abuse by owners and breeders. It would really make a difference if each country had its own governmental organization of "Animal Rights" this will educate breeders and pet owners on the rights of animals, prevent illegal slaughtering of animals for meat, illegal hunting and maltreatment of animals.
      Thank you!

    11. I completely agree with you, grate_brain! It's really sad to hear about the mistreatment and poaching of animals in Nigeria. But I believe that we can make a difference by taking some positive steps. For instance, increasing the military presence around wildlife reserves and forests could help in combating poaching activities. Moreover, we could also implement stricter regulations and enforcement measures for pet ownership, similar to the ones in other countries, to encourage responsible care for domestic animals. By raising awareness about the importance of animals and how their extinction can be detrimental, we can create a culture of respect and protection towards them. I think that advocating for animal rights and educating the public about them can go a long way in bringing about positive change in attitudes and behaviors towards animals in Nigeria.

    12. I completely agree with you Nigerians tend to push aside the topic of animal rights but at this point in time if we do not do anything about the high rate of animal poaching these animals will soon become extinct, we need to raise awareness about the fact that these animals are important and we need them to survive because they play an important role in the eco system, we both need each other to survive so if we keep on killing them who exactly is going to play their role in the eco system?

  • You didn't give me any stars 'This discussion was inspired by enigmatic_leopard of Cheam Fields Primary Academy in the United Kingdom, who wanted to start a discussion about animal rights. They have won five stars for having their idea published!'

    1. That should have now been resolved. Sorry for the mistake!

  • Here in the US, there have been a few traditions in the USA that have been in the news because they involve animals. According to my research, one such example is the annual event known as the "Running of the Bulls" in some cities, particularly in the town of Cave Creek, Arizona. During this event, participants run alongside or in front of the bulls that are released into the streets.

    While this tradition may attract media attention, it is important to note that it is not widely practiced or culturally significant in the USA as it is in countries like Spain. Additionally, animal welfare concerns have been raised regarding the treatment and safety of the animals involved in such events.

    MY personal opinions or how I feel about this is about how much this is worth considering the ethical implications of such practices. Many people argue that these traditions can cause stress, harm, or even endanger to the animals.

    1. I agree on how you feel about this because getting hit by a bull is no joke and can possibly kill the person if not at least break a bone or two. nevertheless it should not be a type of tradition.

    2. I also get why you feel that because traditions should be safe and important to learn. Not just a pure danger to people or animals that do not expect anything less than an experience and fun.

  • Animals rights here in Egypt have been an important topic, with challenges that faced Egypt to improve although the country has strict laws addressing animal welfare . Here in Egypt animals like dogs and cats face a lot issues such abuse the overpopulation , and the lack of food to be fed. A lot of organizations try to raise the awareness . To improve animal rights,they improve education programs ,making fines for who treat animals wrong and sterilization campaigns,inspire

  • More narrowly, "animal rights" refers to the idea that many animals have fundamental rights to be treated with respect as individuals—rights to life, liberty, and freedom from torture that may not be overridden by considerations of aggregate welfare. The fundamental principle of the modern animal rights movement is that many nonhuman animals have basic interests that deserve recognition, consideration, and protection. In the view of animal rights advocates, these basic interests give the animals that have them both moral and legal rights. Under most state and federal laws, animals primarily are regarded as property and have little or no legal rights of their own. Because of this status, generally there is a presumption—provided no law is violated—in favor of the owner's control and use over the best interests of the animal. Does America have animal rights?
    Animal Welfare Act | National Agricultural Library
    The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) was signed into law on August 24, 1966. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, teaching, testing, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.

    1. I agree because animals also need to have their rights rights protected. There are some ways animals are treated that I dont like such as whipping horses to make them run and the bit in their mouths I feel its not comfortable. The with sharks, they only cut off their fins and they throw away the rest which is wasteful and some animals are killed for their fur and skin and the rest of their body is thrown away like crocodiles Some of those homeless animals are just being ignored. I've seen documentaries about animals being experimented on Like rats and bears that obviously hurt them

  • It is very sorrowful to hear that in United kingdom even royal guards and royal families, who should in fact set an example to their commonalty, crowds out animals' safety in order to satisfy nonsense traditions. Making animal furs violates animals rights and as this very wise and compiant person said: " Tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty". However, it is not to late to solve this problem. In order for this to be accomplish, I think that plethora of measures has to be taken. Initially, movements and actions should be organised in hope of people and especially royal families to abide and realize the harm they bring to animals. Moreover, animals raid should be confiscated by the state. This way, people won't be able to be supplied with furs made from animals.
    Well, in my country, Greece, animal rights are very important and there are many teams that offers help and privision to stray animals. However, there are times when people seem to act with indifference and individualism without carrying that much about animals fate and without putting themselves in their position. In the future, as a extreme lover of animals myself, I would like to establish a foundation where I will protect and save animals in need.

    1. I agree because... I think animal cruelty is such a big issue. Royals, famous people should set good examples nowadays and remind us that we stand equally aside animals.
      I think that my country the last few years have taken action in many ways. There have been made many improvements through organisations about stray animals and they try to offer them anything in need.

      1. Exactly, the royals play a big role in this matter. Not just the royals but people in power generally, they play a big role in maintaining the management of pets. As a person of authority, to lead by example is key, because of the influence they possess, a lot of people will want to be part of the "trend" of having pets, they can even create laws that guide the way people treat their pets. Therefore, I believe the royals should be informed about the treatment of pets, to help them spread it to their subordinates.

  • The question of animal right may seem paradoxical at first glance, but it actually has a simple answer. The premise of the question is that you can only get a pet if you have had the same kind of animal before, which implies that there is some kind of restriction or regulation on pet ownership. However, this is not the case in most countries, where people are free to choose any pet they want, as long as they can provide adequate care and welfare for them. Therefore, pet ownership will not die out, because there will always be new people who want to adopt or buy animals for companionship, entertainment, or other reasons.

    Even if we assume that there is such a rule that limits pet ownership to previous owners of the same species, there are still ways to avoid the extinction of pets. For example, people could breed their own animals and keep some of the offspring as pets, or they could exchange or share their pets with other owners who have different kinds of animals. Alternatively, people could adopt or rescue animals from shelters or sanctuaries, where there are often many unwanted or abandoned pets that need new homes. These methods would ensure that there is a continuous supply of pets for people who want them.

    In conclusion, pet ownership will not die out, even if there is a hypothetical rule that requires previous experience with the same animal. There are many factors that motivate people to have pets, and there are many benefits for both humans and animals. Some of these benefits include:

    - Pets can reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental health and well-being.
    - Pets can provide social support and companionship, and reduce loneliness and isolation.
    - Pets can encourage physical activity and exercise, and improve cardiovascular health and fitness.
    - Pets can teach responsibility and empathy and foster positive relationships with other living beings.
    - Pets can enhance self-esteem and confidence and provide a sense of purpose and meaning.

    Pets are an important part of human society and culture, and they provide many benefits for both humans and animals. Therefore, it is unlikely that pet ownership will ever disappear completely.

    1. You're absolutely right! The idea of restricting pet ownership based on previous experience might seem complicated, but in reality, people are free to choose the pets they want as long as they can take care of them properly. And even if there were such a rule, there are still ways to ensure that pets don't go extinct. People can breed their own animals, share pets with others, or adopt from shelters. There will always be a continuous supply of pets for those who want them. Pets bring so many benefits to our lives, like reducing stress, providing companionship, and teaching responsibility. They're an important part of our society!

  • In Nigeria, animal rights is also an important topic. People are becoming more aware of the need to treat animals with kindness and respect. There are laws in place to protect animals from cruelty, but there is still work to be done to ensure their well-being.

    Some organizations in Nigeria are actively working towards animal rights. They rescue and rehabilitate animals, raise awareness about animal welfare, and advocate for stronger laws to protect animals. These organizations also provide education and resources to promote responsible pet ownership and humane treatment of animals.

    It's great to see the growing concern for animal rights in Nigeria. By supporting these organizations and spreading awareness about the importance of animal welfare, we can all contribute to creating a more compassionate society for animals in Nigeria and beyond.Absolutely! I'm thrilled to share more about animal rights in Nigeria. One significant aspect is the protection of wildlife and endangered species. Nigeria is home to diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, and chimpanzees. Efforts are being made to combat illegal wildlife trade and protect their habitats.

    Additionally, there is a growing movement towards promoting animal welfare and responsible pet ownership. Many Nigerians are embracing the idea of adopting pets from shelters and providing them with loving homes. This helps reduce the number of stray animals on the streets and ensures they receive proper care.

    Education plays a crucial role in promoting animal rights in Nigeria. Schools and organizations are incorporating animal welfare into their curriculum and hosting awareness campaigns. By teaching young people about the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect, we can create a more compassionate future.

    It's inspiring to see the progress being made in Nigeria regarding animal rights. Together, we can continue to raise awareness, support organizations working towards animal welfare, and advocate for stronger laws to protect animals in our country.

  • I think that animals need to be more respected in Egypt because most of the animals are treated so badly and from these animals are dogs.
    Dogs are the most adorable animals and some think that they are dangerous too sometimes they are right.
    In my opinion, if the dogs are treated well, get good food, and are not hit they will be less dangerous.
    But also Egypt gives them vaccines so the people would be safer if they are bitten by a dog.
    Also, cats are treated badly in Egypt they are poisoned and hit and this is bad.
    I think the country must increase the amount of animal orphanages so the animals would be treated well, have a warm places to be, and eat better food .

    1. fascinating_wilddog you are right. But, I think you forgot to think about animal law. Currently, animal rights laws are being given considerable importance in all countries of the world. In my opinion, this matter should be seriously considered in your country Egypt. The government of Egypt can enact some laws that will help ensure animal rights.

      So I think that you and your country should care about animals as well as think about animal rights laws.

  • Hi,

    Animals do deserve rights, I agree with @enigmatic_leopard much!
    Animals get tested on for human products, makeup, and many other reasons. They don't deserve this, People believe Animals are useless for some things, or that humans come before animals. I respect these peoples opinions, but I have my own, Animals deserve rights and should be free to roam without being taken away to be tested on, which could possibly kill them. I believe they deserve rights because humans could hurt pets or animals in various ways, these come along to pollution, many animals on seas and beaches get stuck in plastic or waste, because of our careless acts. In some countries, people sell meat illegally, and they hurt animals illegally too. I hope people can understand my opinion.

    Thank you,

    1. Respectful_anteater, thank you for your comment.

      You say that animals should be free to roam. Does that apply to all animals, when some species are dangerous to humans?

      1. Hi James,

        I think all animals should roam, except some, humans shouldn't go near many animals, but yes, they can roam,
        Animals can be dangerous, but in some countries, 'dangerous' ones can be nicer, They might live happier there, Their habitat might be hotter in some places, when they need it cold, or hot when they need it cold, But yes, Some animals do need to be kept away from humans, may be kept in zoos, but I believe, if they are held somewhere, they need a large space, and it needs to be like where they originate from, But yes, Animals can roam.


      2. Hello, James, Mathematician @ KPMG
        I feel that the answer to this question is not simple, but it depends on the context and the situation.

        Some animals, such as lions, tigers, bears, and wolves, are predators that can pose a threat to human lives and property. They may attack humans or livestock if they feel threatened, hungry, or territorial. However, this does not mean that they should be locked up in cages or hunted down for sport. These animals have a natural role in the ecosystem and deserve respect and protection. They should be allowed to live in their natural habitats, where they can coexist with other wildlife and humans in a balanced way.

        Other animals, such as dogs, cats, cows, and pigs, are domesticated or farmed by humans for various purposes. They may provide companionship, food, clothing, or labor. These animals have been bred and raised by humans for thousands of years and have adapted to living with us. However, this does not mean that they should be treated as objects or commodities. These animals have feelings and needs and deserve care and compassion. They should be given adequate space, food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. They should also be spared from unnecessary pain, suffering, or slaughter.

        Therefore, the question of whether animals should be free to roam is not a yes or no question. It is a question of how we can respect the rights and interests of animals while also protecting our own safety and well-being. It is a question of how we can coexist with animals in a peaceful and harmonious way.

  • Animals are also creatures like us they also have life, but humans (Not all) are taking advantage of these poor creatures, and that's why most animals are going extinct, examples of animals are Sea turtles due to water pollution, Mountain gorillas due to loss of habitats. Because of human activities are mostly causing climate change. An example of a traditional festival or practice in Nigeria is the Argungun fishing festival which fosters a lot of stress on fish.
    Thank you

    1. You're right creative_personality👍! Animals are like us, and it's sad some humans harm them. Pollution hurts sea turtles, and gorillas lose homes. People doing things affect the climate. In Nigeria, the Argungun festival can stress fish. It's crucial we protect animals and nature. Thank you for caring! 🌍

    2. You mentioned some animals are going extinct as a consequence of human actions. What are some ways we could help to prevent this?

      1. In my opinion, I think that we could prevent some animals from going extinct consequence our action s many ways you like:
        -making pocthers stop potching endangered Animals.
        -putting all pitchers out of business.
        -leaving all indangered animals alone in the jungle.
        Thank you.

      2. I think we can help prevent animals from going to extinction by:
        1. Protecting their homes
        2. Support conservation
        3. Fight climate change
        4. Be eco-friendly
        5. Enlightening people about the dangers of hunting animals etc
        In conclusion, we should try to help and think of ways to make climate friendly choices to make sure the animals stay alive.

      3. In my own opinion to prevent animal extinction are. First of all, I think there should be educating people on it, because this will promote awarness of this matter, it can inspire some other people to top their bad doings.
        Another option is to care for the animals, mostly because caring for them will make them happy and will have a positive impact on both us and them. Hope this explains it well👍.
        Thank you!!

    3. I agree because they, as animals, deserve a life, just like humans. What have they done to us? Then think about what humans do to animals. I think that animals need to be given a lot more care, attention and help. I feel that humans have this great opportunity to help, explore and be fascinated by all the creatures that live in our environment but instead we have just ruined and destroyed their habitats and their poor, innocent lives. In that way, humans that do this are horrible. I know that there are also a lot of people who work on behalf of the animals and save them, but we need more and more and more of those people - at the moment, we just do not have enough.
      The more help we get, the more creatures we have.

    4. You are absolutely right creative_personality👍! Animals also like us in fact we are also animal so being one animal how we can harm another animal. We called social animal but according to me if we are not able to survive living with other animals than how we can be called a social in fact the other animals are living with very nice friendship than they should be called social animals! As the definition of social animal on my point of view is that those animals who live with good friendship and never harm to each other they are called social animals.

  • In Egypt a lot of people don't seem to care about animals at all. In my school there's a cat that sometimes goes inside the school and walks around and there are some younger kids who hit the cat with a football while playing it was probably an accident but they shouldn't be playing near the cat in the first place when there is already a football field in the school. This wasn't in a school but I also once saw someone grabbing a cat by its tail. In Egypt in general they don't have strict laws concerning animal cruelty which is why no one cares how they treat animals they just treat them poorly since there is no consequences for it. This is more of a global issue but a lot of pet owners don't know how to properly take care of their pets and just get pets because they're cute and then not give them what they need. There are even cases of people drowning puppies, burying kittens and just abusing animals in general but they go unnoticed which is heart breaking.

  • I strongly believe that as people we should prioritise animal lives as they are important and contribute to the diversity of our ecosystems and as we all know without bio diversity the natural surroundings and humans ourselves will suffer huge losses from this. This includes medicinal products and the day to day resources that grow and develop due to different ecosystems. Furthermore, a loss in species and endangerment of different species has a lot of different problems and disruption occurs with a humans interaction with wildlife and the natural surrounding. However, certain products and raw materials come from animals that promote growth in our economies and not just local trade but promote international trade. Some are actually basic necessities. Therefore I propose that we should encourage animal breeding along with making space to accommodate as many animals as are taken for resources . Somewhat like an exchange system that prevents overpopulation in animals but also that is against endangering the animal species

    1. Thank you cultured flower for your intelligent opinion.
      Yes, people should priotize Animals as they are an important factor to our society.
      But, Animals provide us meat, how do we get meat if the killing of animals are stopped.
      This also applies to fishes because of the contamination of the ocean, edible fishes are going extinct.
      I would like your honest opinion on this.

      1. Loving_honeydew, thank you for your comment.

        You ask "how do we get meat if the killing of animals are stopped."

        One aspect of animal rights can be not killing animals for meat. Should people become vegetarian?

        (by the way, I have been vegetarian for 43 years so far!)

        1. That's a great point! If people stopped killing animals for meat, it could lead to a shift towards vegetarianism or veganism. There are so many delicious and nutritious plant-based options available now, and it's awesome that you've been vegetarian for 43 years! It shows that it's totally doable and can have a positive impact on animal rights and the environment. It's a personal choice, but it's wonderful to see more people embracing a plant-based lifestyle. Keep spreading those positive vibes!

          1. I both disagree and agree with you! There are delicious and edible plant-based foods. You can't change people's taste. Some people prefer meat because it gives them happiness and different nutrients. They know what they see in meat. If you look at most vegetarians, they take vegetables because they are allergic to meat, or they are on diets or they are athletes. Both vegetables and meat both have nutrients. Meat is a protein and vegetables are minerals. Biology has shown that we need protein than minerals and that the human body accepts protein than minerals.

            I would not advice stopping the killing of animals for meat, instead we could reduce it, we could also make sure that animals we kill mate before they die so more animals will be produced. It would be balanced! People who love vegetables should keeping consuming it and people who love meat should ensure that the more animals are killed the more they are produced.

          2. I'm not sure about this because... But it's understandable that changing dietary habits can be challenging, and it's true that humans are omnivores by nature. However, some people choose to adopt plant-based diets for various reasons such as ethical concerns, environmental impact, or health considerations. While changing someone's perspective on this might be difficult, open discussions and sharing information respectfully can promote understanding.
            Thanks 😊👍

        2. Intelligent opinion, James, mathematician KPMG
          I believe being a vegetarian is a personal choice.
          Most people are vegetarian because of health issues,or possibly likeness to o vegetables.
          I suggest that animals should not be killed for fun only there should be a maximised amount of animals killed for meat
          There should be a certain percentage for animals that produces meat.
          In order for those animals not to go extinct.
          I believe animals should be respected,and treated rightly.

        3. Choosing vegetarianism is an excellent decision for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, considering that meat often contains various injected chemicals. Animals, when slaughtered, are treated with preservatives to extend the shelf life of their meat. Personally, I avoid meat due to concerns about its source from non-edible animals. Muslims are cautious about meat consumption, excluding specific animals like pigs. Opting for a vegetarian lifestyle can contribute to preserving lives, as excessive meat intake is linked to health issues and excess body fat.

  • Despite being a widespread problem, people often do not take animal cruelty seriously. Animal abuse should be seen as a major red flag . Animal cruelty in India has recently come into the light after several cases of animal abuse were highlighted in the news. A need has arisen to make stricter amends to the already existing Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, of 1960. A movement has been picking up speed on social media and people who are speaking for animals have created a hashtag for
    #NoMore50 . From cases of puppies being burnt alive to cats being drowned and , India has seen it all .
    Unfortunately, as these animal abuse statistics have shown, animal cruelty is a real issue in India that takes millions of victims every year. People should be aware of the daily struggles some animals go through and give their best to help them. Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”
    — Karen Davison
    Thank you

  • This Act was enacted in 1920 and is the major legal source to regulate animal protection and cruelty to them. Animal in the Act as “any domestic or captured animal,” which, at first glance, may seem too broad, shall apply to all categories of animals that are subject to human exploitation.

  • I feel like animal's have feelings, and they should have rights too, but I LOVE MEAT. I can't watch animals get killed. Animal rights refer to the belief that animals are entitled to certain moral and legal rights, just like human beings. These rights include the right to live free from cruelty, exploitation, and neglect, as well as the right to be treated with respect and compassion. The animal rights movement seeks to end the suffering and exploitation of animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research.

  • Unpopular opinion but, I think it's not really a bad thing that animals are being worn as clothing. However, I do believe that animals that are close to extinction due to the fact that they are being murdered just to make a pricey cardigan. Companies like Dior, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Fendi all use exotic animal skin for their products. These animals are exotic because there isn't a lot of that type of animal to keep slaughtering them for clothing. Animals like the hyacinth macaw, serval, and the Amur Leopard are all exotic animals that are at risk of extinction. This list can go on for hours but this is only a small amount out of the list of extinction. That is why I believe that exotic animals shouldn't be used as clothing but excess animals should.

  • I'm not from the United kingdom, but I am from the untied states. One thing that me and my classmates speak about a lot is animal testing. More specifically make up testing. I think injecting animals with chemicals, just to see if the chemicals are toxic is horrible. When I was little I honestly thought makeup testing was putting the make up on the animals, no one ever corrected or thought me the truth until I found it myself. Animals should never have to go through such things when its illegal for humans! If it was humans being tested on, we would let it stand, but because its animals we allow it? Its terrible to do such things! Animals should have the right not to be tested on.

    1. You are making a really good point! I totally agree with you. I wonder, though, if you have any suggestions for alternatives to animal testing in the consumer goods industry. If you were in the R&D/testing department of a large makeup company, how would you test the safety of the new makeup product?

      1. I had stated this under someone else's comment but, I believe that a grate alternative is using machines. For example, think of a machine that can scan products. These machines can check if the products are harmful or toxic. These products can be modified until the machines approve of them. This would be way better than testing on animals because no living being would be harmed.

  • I feel that using an animal's fur is not being cruel to it. For example, if you shave the fur of a sheep to make these costumes, eventually, it will grow back and it will not even kill the animal however, I think that if citizens in UK do not feel comfortable about this, the tradition should be changed to another thing that will not harm other animals. Well, I am not from UK, however, in my country, according to a tribe in my country called the Fante tribe, a festival is held every year to kill a deer and the blood of the deer is used for pacification. I feel that although it is tradition that existed years ago, now years have evolved and people take animals to heart so I feel that the tradition should be changed into a new one that will not hurt anyone and maintain happiness with everyone during the festival.

  • Animal cruelty indicates that humans are not aware of what animal life means. It is not an action of humanity and it should not exist in the 20th century. Animals are part of nature and they should live in harmony with us. Thankfully in our country many people are sensitive on this topic and the government has passed laws for people treating them badly. News seem to prioritize and this issue on their agenda so when someone treats with cruelty to an animal it all played in the news .

  • Every day we see a lot of animals and some times we behave to them badly. This is something that people shouldn't do. Animals are our friends and our companion. They are lively beings and their life should be treated equally as humans. They act humans so we need to take care for them. We must give them food and water. We should also wash them because like humans they must be clean. And we mustn't forget they offer to us their companion.

    1. I totally agree with you. Our animals are our friends and some of them are our companions. We are part of nature and they are part of nature so we need to keep a balance between them.
      To be cruel to a life is being a cruel to a human. They also have feelings and we must be sensitive to them.

  • In Nepal, poaching is not very common. But sometimes we listen that some people do that for money. Sometimes we have cases of some hunter people's selling illegal bushmeat, their skins, horns of some animals like: rhinos, buffaloes, etc. So our some animals are going endangered. Some them can say us good bye for always (extinct). So we need to keep keen eyes on the some wildlife reservoirs. And also we have to keep keen eyes in forests in order to ,Ake sure that the wild animals are safe from heartless poachers.

    Sometimes even some domestic animals are also treated badly such as dogs and cats. So as a pet owners they should carefull about that whether they are treating their pets or domestic animals nicely or not. Very hard punishment should be given to this kind of heartless people. Even they are buying ,ore pets and treating them in same manner.

    Even there is a rule in Nepal that none of any people can do hunting of animals but it is not working properly. As humans animals have the rights that they can survive in nature according to their desire. They also have the right to sustain their life by themselves. In Nepal animals are very few in population because of the responsibility is not taken by the government that they should be careful about the life of animals.

    So in the conclusion I want to say that we all should be together to protect the animals. Animals also play very important role in sustaing nature or eco-system.

  • In some parts of southern India, there's a traditional sport called Jallikattu. It's a bit like a daring dance between brave tamers and spirited bulls. The goal is to grab a bundle of coins tied to the bull's horns, and the winner gets some cool prizes or cash. Now, here's where things get tricky – some tamers can get a bit too enthusiastic, using spiky objects that can be tough on the bulls. This has sparked concerns from various groups, including NGOs, who are working to ensure the safety and well-being of both the bulls and the tamers.
    It's not just about the bulls; some tamers also risk serious injuries, and sadly, there have been cases of fatalities. So, you see, there's a bit of a debate going on. On one side, people see Jallikattu as an important cultural tradition, and on the other side, there's a push for more compassionate practices.
    NGOs and activists are playing a role in trying to find a middle ground where everyone can be happy – bulls, tamers, and those who love the tradition.

    1. I agree because... I have heard of a tribes in Africa who have an ancient ritual. Their young men must prove their skills and courage by killing a wild lion. A warrior band of brothers will run out into the grassland, looking for their next conquest and can only be proclaimed as true men after killing a lion. This tradition is very dangerous to both humans and the lions. In some cases the humans can be the predator and the lions the prey, in other cases it is vice versa. Yes I can agree it is a very important culture but the lions have their rights. Traditions like these is what can cause extinction of animals. Animals at least deserve to have the right to live. They can breathe and feel emotions just like you and I. How can people kill living things who can feel pain and try to save their lives.
      Animals are going extinct nowadays. Instead of hunting them, using them as entertainment and treating them like trash, we should try to save and preserve them. People often protest when their rights are violated and show the violators that they are fault, imagine animals coming together to protest and fight for their right. A lot of humans would be at fault. Animals cannot stand up for their rights, but we can. As humans we should make it our duty to stand up for the vulnerable animals who are discriminated.

      1. Absolutely! Your description of the ancient ritual in Africa is quite eye- opening thing. The image of young men proving their courage by hunting lions brings to light the clash between cultural traditions and the well-being of animals. Your point about the potential harm to both humans and lions emphasizes the negative impact of such practices. The idea of animals coming together to protest is an imaginative twist that adds a touch of empathy, making us reflect on the animals' perspective. Your call for humans to stand up for vulnerable animals is a compassionate plea. The analogy of animals having the right to live and feel emotions resonates, reminding us of our shared connection with all living beings.

        Overall, your perspective encourages us to rethink our relationship with animals, urging for conservation and understanding rather than exploitation.

  • I agree with him because I think animals shouldn't be killed for unnecessary uses. Animal furs could be replaced by synthetic products.

    1. I agree because producing animal fur products could lead to exploitation and harm of animals. They are also raised in captivity or trapped in the wild for their fur. I view this as violation of the animal rights to live freely.

    2. Well said, but this opinion of synthetic products is not a permanent solution to animal cruelty, because naturally anything on earth has it purpose.synthetic products will require a lot of spending, in villages or cities with upcoming facilities and those that are not civilized.i don't think synthetic products will benefit them because they will spend more on buying this products. Due to their valuable contribution, man has been able to survive.
      In my country, we use more animal products, especially the royals . It is our culture and traditions which has been passed down for years . Because of the great contribution animals are providing in our country, the government protect animals by creating rules and regulations on acquiring their products, you can't go and fish in my country without getting approval from the fishing organization or when it is not their season, they are so many association in my country responsible for animals protection even to aquatic life.apart from the fact that animal are being killed anyhow, if these animals dies on their own they will decompose and they can spread disease in the community, but instead of their resources to go into waste,it can be used for better invention.which will cost less income generation to purchase it, especially for those local village.
      I feel the replacement of animals products in royalty with synthetic products is not advisable, because it might be a threat to some culture and traditions.

  • I agree that animals should have their rights. In some places, elephant's tusks were sold illegally. Animals that are part of the illegal wildlife trade have often been violently removed from their habitats and families or killed despite their conservation status. I think these brutal acts should come to an end

  • The killing of animals(animal cruelty) has become too much in our modern day society. Yes, some animals were created for human consumption, but it is being overdone. People are killing dogs, cats, snakes and other animals that are not supposed to be eaten by human beings. It is so very wrong, immature, immoral, and totally unaceptable in the society.
    Thank you.

  • Regarding the use of animal furs by the royal guards and the royal family during traditional ceremonies in the United Kingdom, it's important to consider the evolving attitudes towards animal cruelty and ethical treatment of animals. Stephen Fry's statement highlights the need to reassess traditions in light of changing societal values.

    In response to Mr. Fry's statement, it would be reasonable to expect a public dialogue and debate about the use of animal furs in traditional ceremonies in the United Kingdom. The objective would be to find a balance between honoring historical customs and ensuring the ethical treatment of animals. This could involve exploring alternative materials or practices that align with modern sensibilities while preserving the cultural significance of the ceremonies

  • "Animal rights" refers to the idea that many animals have fundamental rights to be treated with respect just as individuals . Animal cruelty is a significant issue in Nigeria with many cases which go unreported and unpunished. It will be apt (appropriate) to mention that although there is no specific law or legislation on animal welfare in the country , animals should be cared for just as much as humans and should not be killed without authority . Since many people tend to use some animals as meat / food , laws should be instilled in countries to give authority to particular people who will have the right to kill animals for the benefit of the society and individuals . Also exotic species of animals should be preserved to prevent extinction of bizarre animals (strange or unusual animals ).

  • In the UK we have a certain group called the RSPCA and they make sure that the animals are safe and looked after. This is because they want animals to have a right to live a healthy life. They also want animals to have a good life and they have a nice and calm life.

    1. Why are organisations like the RSPCA important?

  • It is our responsibility to cure animals because animals plays very important role for an ecosystem. But my country Nepal does not have specific comprehensive legislation solely focused on animal rights. In my country the government has not make any rules or rights for animals. People of my country bit or kill some animals without any reason. Peoples of my country gives respect to the animal cow because it is the national animal of my country. My country peoples don't think that all animals found in our country are our national animals and we must have to behave them equally and also we have to care them. It is most important think that we must have to behave all animals equally and we must not have to mistreat them. If we kill animals our ecosystem will be damaged.

  • I just had a discussion with my friends and we discussed about this topic and in conclusion I came up with the following listed below:
    Here in Nigeria animals especially horses and camels, are used as beasts of burdens.They were used in the olden days to transport goods or for transportation and they are still used nowadays in deserts, rural areas etc. For transportation. I have come up with the idea that
    animals are to have their rights as well as humans have theirs.Everybody is meant to have their rights both animals or humans,we are also animals,but higher animals while they are the lower animals. I can advise government in my own view to put CCTV cameras in
    streets,forests,homes or compounds to ensure animals are treated well without cruelty. If anyone is caught in the action or wrongdoings they should be punished

  • Hi I am from Nepal,In my country people have a religious belief of sacrificing animals in the name of God. In my country the animals are being killed in the name of God unnessecarily. Animals aren't getting their rights. The people of my country doesn't treat animals properly, most of the people of my country hate animals. Only few number of people like animals. Therefore the government of my country should focus on giving animal rights.

  • Hello,me as an individual has never really experience harm to animals I am a huge animal lover but in England on my daily basis I never really thought about animal rights meaning it not the a thing that comes to mind but I passionate about the environment and animals so here what I think... So as an animal lover I could never inflict harm on them but most people do . Poaching in England is not abnormally common but there have been cases of illegal hunting around these areas . Most people in England have rarely or most times never really seen illegal hunting but we have had illegal bushmeat and some animals are vulnerable at this point .

  • Now, this isn't a tradition but something that's becoming shockingly popular is viral animal cruelty. People abuse or even kill small animals on camera and post them to the internet for views. This naturally makes people angry and they spread those videos around. This gets the original perpetrator what they wanted the entire time. This abuse comes in various ways. There's a documentary on Netflix about it having to do with small cats. I asked my friends about the experience they may have seen with this, not expecting everyone to give a genuine answer but the examples I got and their amount of diversity shocked me. These are the conclusions I came to.
    1; Small animals are always victims, but not always.
    Small animals are more likely the victims because they're helpless. They have yet to know how to defend themselves and how to fight back against the predator. It's also because they're cute. People find small animals adorable and people will defend what they love, it's just nature. This helps out with the progress of the perpetrator's views, which is bad. But in some cases, animals like horses are abused. In this case, the perpetrator doesn't take care of the horse's hooves, doesn't feed them, or just makes them do unnatural things and these actions are pronounced in bold on the internet. But this isn't the only case.
    2; Primarily people that abuse the animals are trolls
    If you aren't familiar with the term, trolls are people that mess with others on the internet. They can do this in a number of ways, they can pretend they have no idea about a common topic, or they just continuously argue with people. These people dabble in upsetting people online and they revel in it, mostly because they feel they'll never feel the consequences of their actions. This brings me to my third and final point.
    3; The internet is angered enough to take intensive action
    The internet hates trolls, this is clear. So when faced with a troll, the internet easily gets angry and decides to take action, action that may be illegal. This gets most trolls on the internet exposed and caught in real life. There aren't too many big animal abusers these days but it's still very much happening.
    Animal abuse on the internet is a huge problem that isn't being dealt with seriously nor fast enough by law enforcement. Countless animals, small and large, are dying painfully because some person wants views and in my opinion, they're sick.

    1. This is indeed shocking. Thank you for raising awareness of this practice. What do you think social media organisations should do to prevent such videos from spreading? Do you believe there should be the same level of monitoring for animal cruelty content as for messages promoting hatred and violence? And how can this be implemented in practice? Can AI technology play a role?

      1. Social media organisations try their best to stop these videos from uploading. They either take down the video, ban the creator, or simply restrict it but the videos come in too much of a mass to truly stop them from uploading. They always find a way and it ends up working for a long enough period for it to go viral before it's taken down. This is a big problem that people are facing on the internet everyday but no one ever promotes it or speaks out about it. It's just treated as another inappropriate problem on the internet that could be dealt with and never spoken about. I believe that these videos and creators should be monitored in order to save these animals from their impending end but the location of these creators are never found in time. If more people see that abusing animals is an easy and quick way to go viral, they will do it and even more animals will be hurt day by day. AI technology can possibly trace the addresses quicker, but there are many ways to hide your location on the internet so I don't think they'll be a big help.

  • Animals are an important part of nature and the ecosystem. i believe that if we want many of these animals to stay alive we should stop hunting and killing them off until they are extinct. elephants are being poached for their ivory tusks and are being sold for the highest bidder. When humans kill off a species to the point of extinction, they are officially ending that population. The species is dead and it is all because of those who killed that species specifically for a "valuable resource". We need to protect our animals and we need to stop killing off endangered species in order for the environment to be a better place.

    1. You are making an interesting point about poaching leading to a decrease in the size of certain animal species. I totally agree with you and deplore these practices. However, I wonder if we should dig a bit deeper and try to understand why practices like poaching continue. Is it because of human nature as a domineering and uncaring species? Or is it because of poverty? Poverty, lack of alternative livelihoods, and limited economic opportunities can drive individuals to participate in illegal wildlife activities. What do you think government policies should target—prohibiting poaching practices or addressing the underlying poverty?

  • In the United Kingdom, considering the ethical treatment of animals is crucial. While traditions hold cultural significance, it's essential to reassess practices that involve animal cruelty. If alternative materials or practices can be adopted without compromising tradition, it could be a positive step forward. Striking a balance between cultural heritage and ethical considerations is key to ensuring the welfare of animals.

    In various countries, concerns about traditions involving animals have surfaced. For example, bullfighting in Spain and certain festivals in which animals are mistreated have sparked debates. Evaluating the ethical implications and exploring alternatives that respect both culture and animal welfare is an ongoing challenge globally.In the context of the United Kingdom, the debate over the use of animal furs in traditional ceremonies reflects a broader societal shift towards ethical considerations. While traditions carry historical and cultural significance, evolving ethical standards necessitate a reevaluation of practices that involve animal cruelty.

    Stephen Fry's statement, "Tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty," resonates with a growing awareness of animal welfare issues. Advocates argue for the adaptation of traditions to align with modern ethical values. This could involve exploring cruelty-free alternatives or utilizing synthetic materials that emulate the traditional aesthetic without harm to animals.

    The discourse extends beyond the UK; in Spain, the practice of bullfighting faces criticism for its perceived cruelty. Similarly, festivals in various cultures that involve mistreatment of animals raise ethical concerns. Public awareness and activism play a pivotal role in challenging these practices and pushing for change.

    In navigating these complex issues, a constructive approach involves open dialogue between tradition bearers, animal welfare advocates, and the wider community. By fostering understanding and seeking alternatives that preserve cultural heritage while respecting ethical principles, societies can progress towards traditions that stand the test of time without compromising compassion for animals.

  • In countries like Nigeria animals are treated inhumanly. The rate at which animals are been killed is globally becoming negative. Animals are of very big importance as regarding to the eco-system,they help the exposed environment to regain its own fame.
    Animals are also God made Creatures like us so they should be treated rightly. Animals are used for sacrifices, they are used for meat and also in the textile Mills, for the production of clothing materials.
    Pets are kept as companions by human so they should not be maltreated. In my country so people use broken plates to feed animals. Animals are always given little foods.

  • The future of the United Kingdom often involve topics like political decisions, economic policies, and social issues. Regarding animal-related traditions, I don't belong to a specific country, but practices involving animals can be controversial and depend on cultural perspectives. It's important to consider animal welfare and ethical aspects in such discussions.

  • I believe that the use of animal furs in traditional ceremonies is a matter of personal belief and cultural practices. However, I also believe that animal welfare should be a top priority and that no tradition should be used to justify animal cruelty. The use of animal furs in the United Kingdom has been a topic of debate for many years, and the government and the public must listen to the voices of animal rights activists and organizations that are against such practices.

    Chaos theory suggests that small changes can have a significant impact on complex systems. This idea applies to the use of animal furs in traditional ceremonies. If we choose to make small changes in our traditions and practices, we can have a significant impact on animal welfare and create a more compassionate society. Therefore, it is important to have open and honest conversations about our traditions and practices and to consider the ethical implications of our actions. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide what kind of society we want to live in and what values we want to uphold.

  • Hi,
    In my own opinion I will say that animals have rights as humans too,and if we take a look at some countries they take care of pets like humans and they don't kill animals anyhow unlike Nigeria here.
    I would love to state some things that we Nigerians do to animals that we ought not to do to them:
    1.Killing them unjustly,we are not supposed to be killing animals anyhow because,they are also living things like us ,and we can't kill a human without being punished for it
    2. Maltreatment, we are not supposed to maltreat animals cause they also protect us ,especially animals like dogs.
    3. Eating them, we are not supposed to eat animals anyhow,but we should have a government organization where we can buy meat to eat instead of killing them ourselves.
    In conclusion I would advice that the Nigerian government should take steps on giving animals too their rights as living things. It will also be a good thing if we can imitate other r countries that protect their animals from danger.

    1. You are raising an interesting point about eating animals, but I am not sure I fully understood your point about buying meat from a government organization. Do you mean that only state-owned businesses should be allowed to raise animals for food consumption? If so, do you believe that the fact they would be state-owned ensures the most ethical treatment of animals in their raising and finishing?

  • hello everyone,
    I think petting should be stopped. Every living thing has freedom. Just like every pet has freedom. But nowadays people are endangering animals for their own hobbies and desires. People are keeping animals in their habitats against their will. If these pets are released back into the environment, they will not be able to adapt to the environment and the species will be at risk. Governments of every country should enact strict laws to protect animals. So that no one can poach or smuggle animals. Government action should be taken to ensure that animals cannot be harmed or abused as pets.

    1. Interesting! Do you think that even domesticated animals like cats and dogs shouldn't be allowed to be kept as pets? If so, how would you enact this change in practice? And what about domesticated farm animals? Should animal husbandry be prohibited?

  • i belive animals have rights as well as us humans . they deserve to be treated with respect and should have a good life like us humans wish for . animals are beautiful creatures with alot to live for . no cruelty should be shown.

  • Tradition is definitely never an excuse for animal cruelty. In the past few years, people's interest in protecting the animals and especially the ones that are about to go instinct has grown. However, it is hard to say that we are protecting the animals, when we are allowing such things to happen. What is the point of doing it if we won't even do it properly? I am sure that the traditions could go on perfectly fine, without having to show so much cruelty towards animals. I really doubt that the animal's fur plays such an important role in the festivals. I don't believe that just because they are the royal family, means they can do whatever they want. Surely, they have some certain benefits, but they all have a limit. In my opinion, important people like those from the royal family should be an example to others about certain things. Don't you think that maybe if they give up the fur clothing, it would have such a big impact on people's mindsets? Others will very likely think that if the royal family made such a compromise, then they could do it too. The royal family isn't the only one wearing fur clothing. A lot of people do, actually. So this movement would show the world what things can be done and how even incredibly important people care about such things, that others consider little. It would prove that in fact, they are not little at all.

    1. I really like your point that examples set by high-profile leaders are very powerful in changing people's thinking and, as a consequence, behaviour. Can you provide an example of such a change that was advocated by someone well-known and powerful, leading to a change in the behaviour of others?

  • In America keeping animals is common practice, dogs are very common. Dogs are used to protect and help people. Mistreating animals is often frowned upon, but many people in America own exotic animals like wild cats, dogs, crocodiles, and other wild animals. People who own these pets usually keep them inside, which can make the animals stressed or unwell. These types of animals just aren't made to be human companions.

    1. Interesting! Do you believe there should be rules and restrictions on this?

      1. Yes, in fact I do. I think a scale or a chart should be made to scale the compatibility of animals with humans. The scale should be based on animals biology, behavior, and risk. No animal deserves to be with an owner that can't correctly provide for them.

        1. This sounds very useful! Who do you think should create the scale?

          1. I think people who have experience or deal with animals should make the list. They know how to deal with animals, what they need, how they behave, and overall compatibility.

    2. You are absolutely right. Pets are companion animals and especially dogs are raised up as our friends. However animal cruelty has also expanded in such a degree that even dogs are mistreated hopefully by a small amount of people.
      I also agree that people should not treat exotic or wild animals as pets but let them live in their natural environment as they should be. Caring for a living being is not only for the ones who we can walk side by side but for those who need our protection

  • I think discussing tradition is complex and has profound implications for shaping cultural identity. Judging a tradition requires caution and respect for its deep values. Advocating for change does not deny the importance of tradition. While acknowledging cultural significance, certain practices require open discussion. Some traditions unintentionally harm the environment and society and require reflection and exploration of alternatives. Despite their cultural value, practices such as the use of animals in clothing production require a reassessment of the harm they cause. Recognizing these threats underscores the need for critical assessment. Changing the tradition of harming animals is not morally sufficient, so change is urgently needed. With alternative materials plentiful, there is no reason to persist with harmful practices, helping to build a healthier, more sustainable society. Embracing change is consistent with evolving values ​​that foster compassion, environmental responsibility and care for all living things.

    1. I really like the point that you are making about the interconnection between cultural traditions and the use of animals. I totally agree. Any change is difficult, especially cultural. You are giving an example of the use of animals in clothing production. I suppose you are assuming that, let's say, leather or furs come from animals specifically bred for the production of clothes. However, leather could also be a by-product of animals that were raised for food consumption. Using by-products from the food industry can be seen as a way to make use of materials that would otherwise go to waste and therefore reducing the waste problem. If there were a way of certifying that leather or other animal-derived products used in clothing come from by-products of animal husbandry for food consumption, would you still advocate for a complete change in this practice and make it socially unacceptable?

      1. Hello Liudmila ,
        Using by-products from the food industry to produce clothing can indeed be seen as a sustainable approach that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency. But do you think we can really produce high-quality leather or high-quality luxury goods from the meat we eat in our daily lives? Because you have to remember that these products are considered luxury goods, and in luxury goods, quality is very important. That's why I don't think it's a viable life to constantly produce high quality leather or luxury goods just from the meat we eat every day. The main reason is the difference in quality and characteristics between leather used for fashion and luxury goods and meat-producing animals. Luxury leather goods often require specific qualities, such as softness, suppleness and uniform texture, that may not be achieved in animals used solely for meat consumption. The process of producing high-quality leather involves carefully selected hides, special tanning techniques and strict quality control measures. Animal skins used primarily for meat often have blemishes, scars and mutations that may not meet the standards required for luxury goods. Additionally, demand for luxury leather products often exceeds the supply of leather available in food production. To meet the stringent requirements of the luxury market, specialized breeds and breeding methods that differ from current large-scale meat production methods are required. That’s why even though we know about this technology, we don’t take advantage of it, which causes huge harm to the planet because more than 1 billion animals are killed to make high-quality clothing made of leather and animal skins. So while using by-products from the food industry to produce leather has its merits, relying solely on the meat we consume daily can result in a lack of consistency and quality required for high-end fashion and luxury goods. Therefore, I believe that transitioning to sustainable and plant-based leather technologies that already exist in the current environment will be a more effective and preferable option. Adopting these alternatives not only aligns with the growing demand for environmentally friendly practices, but also addresses the limitations of relying solely on meat industry by-products. Vegetable leather offers a viable solution that minimizes environmental impact, avoids the ethical issues associated with animal farming, and ensures a more consistent and high-quality supply of luxury goods production. Making this shift will not only satisfy the growing preference for sustainable practices, but will also contribute to the long-term well-being of consumers and the planet.

  • We know that in 1824 in Britain, an organization raised the issue of animal rights. Gradually their thoughts spread to different countries. It can be said that since that time the civilized world has focused on showing tolerance towards animals and birds. Later some other organizations joined the animal rights movement. However, their activities were only awareness-raising. We have to care for animals. Today, worldwide, animals are used for commercial purposes and cruelty is practiced on them in the hope of higher profits. All countries have taken measures to prevent animal cruelty. We will be kind, gentle and caring towards animals so that our environment is balanced.

    1. You are making a good point, and I totally agree with you. I wonder if you could provide an example of how your school could demonstrate leadership in caring for animals and their rights. Do you have any examples of projects/initiatives that have already taken place, or can you think of a new project/initiative that you or your class could start?

  • There are alot of problems concerning animal rights in Egypt. In some areas people are not properly educated and they don't seem to care about how these animals feel or their rights as there are no strict rules regarding this problem. There are alot of stray dogs in most of the streets in Egypt, people who live in the neighbourhood were always bothered by their barking at night so they dealt with it by poisoning the dogs and this is an example of how badly animals are treated in Egypt. I think that they should have dealt with this situation in a more humane way by putting them in safe
    shelters . Another example is how horses and camels are treated in Egypt. They are continuously overworked and are harshly beaten by men almost all the time. Nowadays there is a charitable organisation called S.P.A.R.E (society for the protection of animal rights in Egypt) which was founded in 2001 to help all wounded animals and sick stray cats and dogs. There are alot of ways that we can animals with not only in Egypt but globally which are :
    ● Adopting, not shopping because animals are not things you can buy.
    ● Donating to local animal shelters and rescue organisations.
    ●Educating people and raising awareness about animal rights
    ● Working together to provide animals with a safe place to stay in.
    Of course these aren't the only ways we can help animals with ,they are just examples and ideas.

  • Why is this happening to ANIMALS WHY are THEY in cages why do birds have to be in cages and not human??? this is not right!
    Imagen if YOU were in a cage as a bird’s pet?????
    Well in case you don’t want that to happen you need to let animals have their freedom and let them be wild

  • Hello,
    I am from the UK but I wasn't aware of this animal cruelty but I have to side with Stephen Fry with this one because animal cruelty is unacceptable, killing animals and using them for something that doesn't need to be done using fake fur could do just fine instead of killing an innocent animal. If you were that animal you wouldn't like to be in that situation. Over two billion animals are killed for just clothing. Imagine if you add that to hunting animals and others.
    That's what I think about animal cruelty.

  • I strongly believe that animal cruelty should stop. The most common victims from animal cruelty are dogs, cats, and farm animals. Animal cruelty is when animals are being harmed whether its intentional or not. Animal cruelty isn't just hitting animals or testing products on them, there are many different forms of animal cruelty; hoarding, not feeding your pets or giving them their basic needs, hitting animals, and more. Hoarding animals is when someone has more pets than they can take care of. When people do this, it causes animals to have injuries as they might fight, starvation, or mental diseases. To solve this problem, you can donate to charities, teaching kids or others how to take care of a pet, and purchase products that are animal cruelty free. In conclusion, animal cruelty should cease to exist. On the other hand, some people might disagree; as I was scrolling down the comments, I saw someone mention the question; then who should be tested animals or humans? Well, they made a very good point although, I believe that scientists shouldn't test on an animal or human that is living a healthy life. I understand if scientists test on a human or animal that are already in a bad condition, but testing your products on living organism that are well and healthy is just wrong morally.

  • Enigmatic_Leopard, this is a thought-provoking discussion! Stephen Fry's stance on animal furs in traditional ceremonies raises crucial questions about the balance between tradition and ethical treatment of animals.

    In my view, I agree with Mr. Fry's statement that tradition should not be an excuse for animal cruelty. It's essential to reconsider practices that harm animals for the sake of tradition. I believe the United Kingdom should explore alternative, cruelty-free options for ceremonial attire, aligning with evolving ethical standards.

    For those not in the UK, I'd love to hear about any traditions in your countries involving animals and your perspectives on whether they need reconsideration in light of ethical concerns. Let's engage in a meaningful dialogue about respecting traditions while ensuring the welfare of all living beings.

  • First of all, I Thank You greatly for suggesting this topic. Animal rights are taken so lightly, that half the world does not care about what happens to them. We always prioritise human desires and wants above animal security. While there is no tradition in Hinduism that I am against when it comes to animal safety, there is one tradition that I am extremely proud of - Animal Worship.
    In India, Cows, of all the animals, are believed to the be the Sacred animal. No Indian is legally allowed to kill cows, or even manhandle them for dairy purposes. Cows are worshipped all over the country. It is a strong belief among people that they bring auspiciousness. I think this is one great way of protecting cows. All over the world, cows are exploited for their dairy usefulness. They are artificially injected hormones, their offspring are starved to maximise milk production. Believing cows to be auspicious prevents ill-treatment of cows as a whole.
    Lions, Peacocks, Bullocks, Dogs, crows even Snakes are believed to be worthy of worship. No animal is below humans, rather, they are above them. We have no right to hurt them in any manner to satisfy our personal desires. My tradition teaches us that Humans have no right to monopolise life on Earth. Every organism has equal right to survive and share the Earth's resources.

  • I think in fighting for animal rights we are taking steps in the direction, but not quite fast enough. In regards to the UK's traditional ceremonies using fur as clothing is truly appalling. In this day and age there are so many alternatives to real fur such as hemp fur which is produced in Ukraine without using persticides or herbacides - this type of faux fur is also hypoallergenic. So it is not only better for the animals but the environment as well.

    This is only one of the many alternatives to real fur, so it does get you thinking why we don't use something like this instead of harming animals for our own traditions and benefits. In an article released in November of 2019 it stated that 'Queen Elizabeth will no longer wear fur' this was stated by her official dresser. This was also followed by saying that 'any of the monarch's new outfits will feature faux fur'. However, the article also said that the queen will continue wearing fur during royal ceremonies. So even though it was a step in the correct direction her wardrobe wasn't quite cruelty free.

    Unfortunately, there is no real reason that monarchs wear fur during ceremonies except for the fact it is tradition.

    Personally, I think it would be virtually impossible to remove this animal fur from royal traditions, as these pieces of fur have been passed down through generations over hundreds of years. This has subsequently led to them becoming heirlooms for the royal family. I think that if we were to take away these fur heirlooms from the royals then everyone would have to get rid of their fur, no matter what their emotional connection they have to the piece because it would be the same siginificance for the monarchs as they also would have memories surrounding these possessions.

    Sources :
    - The Institute of Positive Fashion
    - Independent

  • Unfortunately in some parts of our country, especially in villages hunting is a common issue. Sometimes it may be legal but unfortunately there are a few people that practice it illegally.
    On the other side I would like to comment that nowadays there are many organisions in Greece that support animal rights and The media even are standing beside them.
    They've tried to be heard and even change perceptions.

  • One tradition in Nepal that has been in the news because it involves animals is the practice of animal sacrifice during the festival of Dashain, also known as Vijaya Dashami. Dashain is the biggest Hindu festival in Nepal and is celebrated with great fervor across the country.
    During Dashain, it is a common tradition for some families to sacrifice animals, typically goats, sheep, buffaloes, or chickens, as offerings to the goddess Durga. The sacrificed animals are considered sacred, and their meat is consumed as prasad (blessed food) during family feasts.
    This practice has generated controversy and debate, both within Nepal and internationally, due to concerns about animal welfare and ethical considerations. Animal rights activists and organizations have criticized the tradition, arguing that it causes unnecessary suffering to animals and promotes cruelty.
    In recent years, there have been efforts to promote alternative rituals and celebrations during Dashain that do not involve animal sacrifice. These include advocating for vegetarianism, encouraging donations to charitable causes instead of sacrificing animals, and raising awareness about animal welfare issues.
    The debate surrounding animal sacrifice during Dashain reflects broader discussions about the intersection of cultural traditions, religious practices, and ethical considerations regarding the treatment of animals. While the tradition holds deep cultural and religious significance for many Nepalis, it also raises important questions about compassion, respect for life, and the well-being of animals.

  • One of the traditions we have in our country for many years but activists try to oppose it is the one at Easter when we have lamp on the spit. I am not so fond of it as I do not think that in order to celebrate Easter we have to kill an animal
    It is a celebration after all and the killing of a lamp just for the purpose of it makes so unhappy.
    Fortunately Young people tend to avoid these traditions.

  • make shorter Animal rights are frequently violated through practices like factory farming, where animals endure extreme suffering in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, facing routine use of antibiotics and inhumane slaughtering methods. Additionally, animals such as mice, rabbits, and primates undergo distressing procedures in scientific and cosmetic experiments, subjected to confinement and exposure to harmful substances. The exotic pet trade further contributes to animal suffering, as wild animals are captured and sold, leading to improper care, stress, and the spread of diseases due to unsuitable living conditions. Cruelty in entertainment, such as circuses and theme parks, often involves harsh training methods, confinement, and physical abuse, compromising the well-being of animals for human entertainment. Illegal wildlife trade exacerbates the situation, as poaching and trafficking for body parts or as exotic pets threaten numerous species with extinction, resulting in the suffering and death of countless animals.

    To safeguard animal rights, various measures can be implemented. Governments play a crucial role by enacting and enforcing robust animal welfare laws that explicitly prohibit cruelty, ensuring humane treatment and imposing significant penalties as deterrents. Promoting ethical practices through public awareness campaigns and education is essential to help people understand the impact of their choices on animals and encourage informed decision-making. Supporting reputable animal sanctuaries provides a safe and humane environment for mistreated animals, while advocating for alternatives like cruelty-free products and non-animal testing methods helps reduce the demand for products that contribute to animal suffering. International cooperation is vital to address cross-border issues related to animal abuse, combat illegal wildlife trade, and establish global standards for animal welfare. By taking these steps and advocating for better treatment, societies can progress towards a future where animals are protected from abuse, cruelty, and exploitation, receiving the rights and respect they deserve.

  • In Egypt, Article 45 of the Egyptian Constitution commits to “the prevention of cruelty to animals”. And it says that the state guarantees humane treatment of animals. This shows how serious and important the topic is that it has its own law. However, some people treat animals in a cruel way. So, we should advise them that what they are doing is wrong and that there is a bad act there is a punishment. We should remind them that animals are also living creatures and that they feel pain like we do. In addition, we should raise awareness and point out that we should care about animals even the ones in the streets! This is because if we left them in a bad environment like places with pollution, this will lead to the spread of dangerous diseases that can lead to the infection and death of the animal and can get us infected as well.

  • In today's world, it's essential to think about how we treat our animal friends. Animal rights, simply put, is about being fair and kind to creatures that share our planet. It's not just a sentimental idea; it's a push for making sure animals are treated well.

    Think about it: animals feel pain and joy, just like we do. But sometimes, they face cruelty in farms or other places. This is where animal rights activists step in. They want to change the system, making sure animals are treated ethically. This isn't just about laws; it's about all of us understanding the impact of our choices.

    Laws can help, but what really makes a difference is when people like you and me care. Learning about how animals are used in things like entertainment or research makes us more aware. Simple actions, like choosing products that don't harm animals or supporting cruelty-free practices, can add up to big changes.

    Animal rights also connect to taking care of our environment. Protecting where animals live is crucial. By understanding that all life is connected, we can build a future where kindness to animals isn't just a nice idea – it's a must.

  • In Nigeria killing of wildlife is a common thing as there are no actions taking place against the offender's. Killing of animals is making most of them extinct as they are not many in population then why kill them when there are only a few in numbers left. The issue of wearing fur in London is not really fair against the animal as their body is not treated properly

  • In the United kingdom, discussions often revolve around various societal, political, and cultural aspects. Traditions involving animals, like fox hunting, have sparked debates due to ethical concerns. While some view these traditions as integral to cultural heritage, others argue for their reconsideration, emphasizing animal welfare. Striking a balance between preserving traditions and ensuring ethical treatment of animals is a challenge many societies grapple with.

  • Hi!,
    In the United Kingdom, there should be a reconsideration of using animal furs in traditional ceremonies. The concerns raised by Stephen Fry regarding animal cruelty are valid, and alternative materials or practices that align with ethical standards should be explored.

    Well my country is india..In India, there have been debates and controversies surrounding certain traditions involving animals, such as the use of elephants in festivals like Thrissur Pooram in Kerala or the treatment of animals during events like Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu. These practices have sparked discussions about animal welfare and ethical considerations. Many people advocate for reforms to ensure the humane treatment of animals while also respecting cultural traditions. Finding a balance between preserving cultural heritage and ensuring animal welfare is crucial in such situations.In addition to the examples mentioned, there are other instances in India where traditional practices intersect with animal welfare concerns. For example, there have been discussions about the treatment of animals used in religious rituals, such as sacrificing animals during certain festivals or keeping animals in captivity for religious purposes. These debates highlight the importance of balancing cultural traditions with ethical considerations and promoting practices that prioritize the well-being of animals. Additionally, efforts to raise awareness about animal rights and welfare continue to play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviors towards animals in India.


  • In my country there are lots of traditions that involve animals, and these animals will be killed and be eaten by others and sometimes the animals are not eaten but kept there for a purpose, which I don't know about. Some people in my country have animals as pets and sometimes these animals are not taken care of, they can be starved for days or tortured by their owners. I think animals should be treated the way some people are treated, because they are also living organisms just like us, and we can't live without food or water, so if they are being treated this way, I don't think we would like to be treated horribly the way they are treated by some people.

    1. What measures could you take to ensure all animals have rights?

      1. You can ensure animal rights by taking them to an animal shelter or keeping that animal for yourself to keep as a pet. If animals don't have right, they won't be eating or living by now, because humans also have rights and we are also living, eating and doing that means we have rights, so if humans and animals go through all the seven life processes, this means animals also have rights, just like humans.

      2. Hello Aimee @ Topical Talk .
        In my frame of mind , I feel we can make a difference for animals in our everyday lives, whether by adopting a pet to ensure proper care of an animals , respecting animal rights which should be implemented in countries by the government such as :
        Ensuring good water and a proper diet to maintain full health and vigor of an animal .
        Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition .
        Freedom from discomfort and exposure to danger .
        Freedom from pain, injury, and disease .
        Freedom from fear and distress .
        Freedom to express normal behavior , etc .
        Just as how humans possess emotions , so do animals . They can feel pain, and they can experience joy and love. As such, they deserve to be treated with the same level of compassion and respect that we would want for ourselves. In addition, kindness to animals can have a positive impact on our mental and emotional well-being as humans .
        THANK YOU .

  • Jallikattu is a 2000 years traditional competitive bull taming sports in Tamilnadu (India). In 2014 the welfare noard of India has imposed a ban on Jallikattu and similar sports involving animals citing the prevention if cruelty to animals PCA act 1960.
    A massive agitation broke outing 2017 against the government in tamilnadu to facilitate the Jallikaatu. Tamilnadu government obtained an ordinance on stating the practice of Jallikattu as an event involving bulls conducted with a view to follow tradition and culture.
    Now coming to my opinion though it is a traditional sports i should want to ban the Jallikattu because due to incident of injury and death associated with the sports, both to the participants and to the animals forced in to it . In conclusion I agree with Stephen Fry point, Tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty.

  • When it comes to animals, people think they do not deserve rights. People often ask if animals should have rights, and in my opinion, the answer is yes. If animals have rights, millions of them will be saved from suffering, exploitation, etc. Animal rights is what will distinguish animals from inanimate objects. If animals were given rights, humans would no longer misuse and abuse them. Animals have their own lives and interests they wish to protect. Animals and humans are so much alike. We can both reason, talk, we are both sensitive, emotional, intelligent and we both suffer. We need to talk about ways to make animal rights a reality.
    One of which is by creating laws that prevent animals from being haunted unnecessarily. Animals should not be killed for pleasure. Taking life of any kind either human or animal without any reason is morally wrong. Life of any kind is precious and should be protected. Animals should not be killed by humans just because we are superior. We often forget that we need animals to survive.
    Another way of giving animals their rights is by protecting their habitats. Animal habitat must be protected to allow them to live according to their choosing. This will prevent extinction and give them their rights. If you cannot protect animal habitat, you might as well make your own. Like for birds, you can help them by installing bird feeders, baths, and houses. You can also give them shelter.

  • Animals are peculiar creatures who are going extinct, reasons for animal extinction are as follows:
    1. Clothing: People use animal fur and feathers to make clothes, for instance, the silkworms are killed to obtain silk from their pods, and many wild animals are slain to get their skins and hairs, but these should not be excuses to slain these wonderful creatures, rather we should try to form ways to make our own fabrics that can be used to make quality clothes for people.
    2. Food: In Nigeria many people hunt animals, and prepare it to eat, the meat is known as 'Bushmeat' and is popular among those that live in underdeveloped areas, because of these activities many of these animals are getting endangered and we need to act on it, yes, it is true that animal meat is a form of protein but that does not mean that we should overkill these animals for instance all over the world people eat sausages, bacon and many other meat products, but what most people fail to understand is that these companies have licenses to kill animals and they reproduce more animals in farms.
    3. Sport: Even though this is not as popular as it used to be, some people still practice it and the results of their actions reduce the numbers of animals, animals shouldn't be seen as toys used to play and have fun with.
    4. Income: Animal parts are without a fact very valuable, we can get Ivory from elephant tusks and rhinoceros horns, the horns of many animals are turned into ornaments and many other valuable items that we can use, it is not like I'm saying we shouldn't have such items but we should try to wait for them , for instance if the animal is dying or dead already, we shouldn't kill an animal just like that.
    Remember animals are unique creatures in the earth and if we want our children to see them we should protect and cherish them. Thanks for reading.

  • Yes in our countries there are a lot of traditions and cultures .We all know Nepal is rich in cultures.In every part of Nepal there is different types of cultures.And they differ in many things but almost all of them have one similarities.When in someone life there is something bad going on the according to culture they have to kill one innocent animal and if they are gonna start a new thing they have to kill an animal so that the thing will show good result and if the things are going good they have to kill animals.Until now cause it's a traditional belief they haven't been called out yet.I wish these kinda things will get called out.Because killing a criminal isn't allowed in our country but innocent animals is.

    1. You mentioned that you are allowed to kill innocent animals but not criminals. Do you believe that animals should have the same rights as humans? If so, why?

      1. I guess I meant like the animals either innocent or guilt,either domestic or wild,either male or female,either has killed a human or not,either small or big...they shouldn't be killed.No matter how big the crime is the criminal isn't sentenced to death in our country and there are also a lot of wildlife reserve in our country but maybe due to lack of awareness, regulations and strictness still people are haunting the animals.But not by haunter by the people who follow their culture..kind of a superstation belief.Which should stop.The government should take stand for it.

  • In my opinion i think they should wear fake animal fur because they should never kill animals just to wear they’re fur . People buy pets but some domestic animals are treated recklessly, such as dogs and cats as pets, who are abused by their owners and these owners aren't even stopped from buying other pets and abusing them as well. I believe this needs to change as animals are actually largely important. Animals are cute cats are cutes this has to stop.

    1. How could you ensure animal rights laws are respected by pet owners?

      1. I think there should be a law about animal right and however breaks the law should be in jail so that all people can understand that animals are important too.

      2. Hey Molly O @ Topical Talk, I think a very good way in which we can ensure that animal rights laws are respected by pet owners is by making them sign an agreement before the animal are purchased. If this is done, we will not get any excuse when any of the rights are disobeyed.
        I think another way we can make sure of this is by going for regular review and updates on the pets. The pets sellers can go for interview with the new pet owners to make sure that these pets are well taken care of.
        We can also make sure pet owners have access to help and information about taking care of their pets. This includes advice on how to properly care for them, train them, and find affordable veterinary care. Encourage responsible breeding practices, and discourage the growth of places like puppy mills or unethical breeding operations. The goal is to ensure that pets are treated well and that their well-being is a top priority.
        This pets keep us company and can be our best friends in most times so there is also need for us to show them some love and make them feel wanted.👍

      3. Hello , Molly O @ Topical Talk .
        I feel we could ensure respect of animal rights by pet owners by doing the following .

        1) Education and pet ownership counseling : Pet owners should be offered educational programs in schools and communities to teach people about the responsibilities of pet ownership, including proper care, nutrition, training, and health maintenance. Awareness about neutering pets to control overpopulation and reduce the number of animals in shelters should be raised to ensure proper care of animals .

        2) Strong Legislation and Regulations: As a pet owner , we should support animal welfare laws that protect animals from abuse, neglect, and cruelty. Encourage mandatory registration of pets to ensure proper accountability for their care.

        3) Community Involvement: Organize community clean-up campaigns to create a clean and safe environment for both animals and people. Establish community pet care programs that provide resources and support to pet owners facing financial difficulties in taking care of their pets.

        4) Encourage Responsible Breeding: Promote responsible breeding practices that prioritize the health and well-being of the animals over profit. Backyard breeding should be discouraged and potential breeders should seek information about the importance of good and proper hygienic breeding for pets .

        5) Support for Low-Income Pet Owners: The government of many countries should collaborate with local organizations to provide pet food banks and veterinary care and also assistance for low-income pet owners, ensuring pets receive proper care.

        6) Celebrate respecters of animal rights : Recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations that actively contribute to animal welfare . This will thereby serve as an urge to others so that they will also be rewarded .

        THANK YOU .

  • In my belief, animals are into a cycle of life. Bigger animals eat smaller animals and people eat some animals. They need the protein and the energy to stay alive but some people have some awful traditions killing them or even hurting them and that's abuse.
    We need to behave well towards them and treat our pets as our companions.

  • In India we refer to animals as the blessing of God and consider them holy. The cow is often symbolically referred as our mother and killing it results in imprisonment and a penalty fine, yet the cases of animal cruelty are not uncommon in our land, there are numerous road accidents where dogs and cats are run over, even the animals used in farming are overburdened and are subject to extreme pressure. According to the “20th Livestock Census” released in 2019, India has 0.12 million donkeys — 62 per cent lower than the 0.32 million recorded in 2012. Not only is the population of donkey but almost every species is decreasing.
    Some people still even practice the habit of making offerings of animals to gods on the name of religion which I disagree with, for God's sake there are references in almost every mythology that animals were always loved and cherished by gods and killing them for's way too absurd.
    And the most miserable part about this is that even after seeing such a rapid growth India still lacks proper laws about animal cruelty and animal rights, even if there are certain laws then too they are full of loopholes or are never properly overseen and implemented for instance hunting is banned but still species are getting wiped out for their skins and bones and we have a equal share of responsibility in it with the government.

  • In my country there are many tradition involving of hunting down animals. When I hear about things like these I don't have any fear of animal discrimination because I learnt in a cartoon that it is all part of the life cycle. Imagine a world with only herbivores most of the plants would be lost and with a proper balance of both carnivores and herbivores the world remain what it is.

  • There is a tradition in my country that involves animals and that is called "Snake Charming ". Snake charming is a tradition that involves animals, particularly venomous snakes. In Bangladesh, snake charmers are known as "Shapure". They perform with cobras and other snakes, displaying their ability to control and handle them. It is done by them to entertain people and earn their livelihood. But I think it is problematic. Here are some reasons why snake charming is problematic:

    1. Animal cruelty: Snake charming typically involves capturing wild snakes and keeping them in captivity. The snakes are often confined to small containers or baskets, which restrict their natural movements and behaviors. The process of training snakes for performances may involve harmful practices, such as defanging or venom extraction, which can cause pain, stress, and long-term health issues for the snakes.

    2. Unnatural living conditions: Snakes used in charming performances are often deprived of their natural habitats, which can adversely affect their physical and psychological well-being. They may not receive proper nutrition, appropriate temperature regulation, or adequate space for movement and exercise. These unnatural living conditions can lead to physical and behavioral problems for the snakes.

    3. Conservation concerns: The capture and removal of snakes from their natural environments for the purpose of snake charming can contribute to the decline of snake populations. Some snake species are already threatened or endangered due to habitat loss, poaching and other factors. The removal of snakes from the wild further disrupts ecosystems and can have negative consequences for biodiversity.

    4. Safety risks: Venomous snakes, such as cobras are often used in snake charming performances. Handling these snakes without proper precautions poses significant risks to both the snake charmers and the audience. Snake bites can result in severe injuries or even fatalities, and the lack of proper medical facilities or antivenom access in some areas can exacerbate these risks.

  • Hiiii, Hello, Namesthe and Vanakkam to everyone.............

    I'm not from the United Kingdom, but I've heard about traditions there, like the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. It's not about making harm to any animals, but it's a special ceremony where soldiers in fancy uniforms switch their places. I think it's like a big game of musical chairs, but with guards!

    In my country, there are traditions with animals too. Some involve parades with decorated horses, and others have festivals where people celebrate with their pets. I think it's fun when people and animals can enjoy traditions together, as long as the animals are treated kindly and kept safe.

    It's important for everyone to think about traditions and make sure they're good for everyone, including animals. If a tradition is not good for animals, maybe people can find a different way to celebrate that doesn't harm them. Everyone should work together to make sure traditions are happy and safe for everyone, just like playing games with friends!
    Thank you.

  • Good Day Everyone,
    Today I had a very interesting biology class in which we learnt about conservation of natural resources. In the course of the class we also spoke about the conservation of animals which are endangered in the name of food, beast of burdens, fur for soldiers as the case is in the united kingdom etc. In my opinion such should not be happening because it leads to the extinction of animals. Firstly, I feel that there should be an orderly way or method by which the government allows the use of animals for food so that it will not lead to the extinction of those animals because it is understandable that food is a necessity of man. Secondly, instead of using our animals such as donkeys/mules and camels for farming and transportation, it is better to make use of our machines that technology has brought to us such as tractors for farming and our transport machines which include cars, bikes, trains, etc. Last but not the least there should be control over the use of animals for fur. Although it may not be possible to be removed completely because of tradition and for clothing, it can still be controlled by maybe means of license to companies before they are allowed so that our animals will not end up being extinct. In summary we should learn to conserve our animals to avoid their extinction.

    Thank You.

  • Animal cruelty is a really big problem . For example in Spain, bullfighting is a traditional sport that has been debated for its cruelty to animals. Similarly, in some parts of Asia, there are traditional festivals that involve the use of live animals, such as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China.

    It is important to consider the welfare of animals and to ensure that any traditions involving animals are conducted in a humane and ethical manner. Many organizations are working to raise awareness about animal cruelty and to promote responsible practices.

  • No, I do not think that animal fur and skins should be used in traditions whether it is the royal kings' guards to cultural or family events animal fur is inhumane and bad. Why use animal fur when you can use synthetic . With synthetic fur or natural animal fur the outfit of the royal guards and members of the royal family will look the exactly same.
    Animal fur has a higher carbon footprint than synthetic, it is not eco-friendly. Animals feel pain, emotions and are just as valid and important as human's.
    Imagen being sent to a slaughterhouse, animals know what is going around them they can feel and understand. Some animals, such as pigs and cows, watch their peers die in front of them, increasing their anxiety as their own end near. They will panic and run for an escape, only to be cornered and killed. Wi Foxes, wolves and dogs are highly intelligent animals, with very similar characteristics so why is a dog is treated like a pet and another for fashion.
    Would you wear a coat from a dog?

    Other Questions

    Should leather be treated the same way as animal fur, should they ban leather as it is the skin of animal?

    Should the tradition of Spanish bull fighting be banned, the suffering of innocent bulls to be forced to fight?

  • Unfortunately in many parts of the world animal cruelty is evident.
    There is a place in my country, called Kastoria where traditionally for many years mink are raised and killed for fur. The same is for leather products.
    I think this tradition is cruel as we don't need to kill animals to wear them. This is a detesting action.
    We can wear so many kinder types of clothes which some of them are more environmentally friendly.
    Thank you

  • In Ghana, there are no animal rights a person can see a goat, kill it and sell it just like that. Animals must also have their rights, after all animals are living things, and we human beings are living things so what gives us the right to kill animals.

    1. I politely disagree with you, cultured wallaby. I believe that it is silly to think that animals should have similar rights to human beings. Killing animals is simply part of the circle of life, for example animals already kill each other in the wild, so why can't we also do that? Plants are also living things just like animals, yet we still kill them. So I believe we do have to right to kill animals. After all, some animals kill humans as well.

      1. I agree because animals are very important in our day to day lives. Animals serve as an important food source. Animals are packed with essential nutrients and even their by-products can be made into food. Also, when animals are killed, their hide can be used to make leather products such as shoes, bags and so on. Killing animals is not wrong but we should atch how we kill them and which animals we should kill. The government should also make rules that guard particular animals. Endagered species should be captured and placed in a game reserve where human threats would not bother them. Strict punishmens should be given to poachers who hunt endangered species. The rarer the species, the more valuable it is. Poachers would often want to go for animals that are close to extinction because they would get a lot of money from them.

      2. I kindly disagree with you because if animals are being killed frequently, we will damage the ecosystem because for example: when people use DDT ( Dichloro Diphenyl Triclorethane- a poisonous substance used for fishing as an easy method) to fish, it kills the animals in the sea and they catch it and sell it to others which can cause the people who consume it to possibly die. The poisonous substance might travel far in the sea and kill other fishes which will be consumed at a point in time. This means that it can damage our ecosystem because one way or another, an organism who consumes this will die and other predators might be also waiting for their lunch. Also, I disagree when you say that since animals kill us we can also kill them because even the oldest lion's knowledge is like that of a 5 year old and all they want is their meat so if they get their meat, they eat it like when we get our food, we eat it.

      3. I strongly disagree with you, ethical apricot. In my opinion, killing animals is only considered ''part of the circle of life'' in the wild. What we humans are doing is not only draining food supplies but also creating a significant imbalance in our ecosystem. I don't think killing animals should count as something normal because, to me, it is similar to seeing a fellow human being and eating them which, of course, is not right. We should work together to raise animal rights instead of accepting it as something normal in our world.

      4. I disagree with your comment, although it is true that predation and natural processes occur in the wild, and humans get their protein from animals because humans have to eat. Yes, it is essential, but the scale and methods of human-induced animal killing far exceed what occurs naturally. Statistics show the staggering impact of human activities on animal populations. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the global wildlife population has declined by 68% since 1970 due to factors such as habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. Moreover, everyday examples (like means to eat, etc.) illustrate the detrimental consequences of excessive animal killing. Overfishing, for instance, has depleted marine species populations and disrupted marine ecosystems worldwide. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that approximately 90% of the world's fish stocks are either fully exploited or overexploited, leading to ecological imbalances and endangering marine biodiversity. Additionally, industrial farming practices often prioritize profit over animal welfare, subjecting millions of animals to confinement, cruelty, and inhumane slaughter methods. In my opinion, rather than accepting the normalization of animal killing, we should advocate for ethical treatment and conservation efforts to protect wildlife and promote biodiversity between animals and humans.

    2. I disagree because...
      As for we human beings we need to have a balanced diet.

      A balanced diet should contain foods from the following groups:
      3. Dairy
      We can only remove protein if you are a vegetarian, without proteins we can't have a balanced diet.
      Thank you!!!

  • i believe that, while mistreating animals is extremely cruel and sick, wearing their fur is a tradition in the royal family. i also believe killing animals purely for their fur is a waste and also cruel. however, with an animal, such as a cow, where nearly every part is eaten, whats the harm in also wearing its hide or fur?
    moreover, many fake fur alternatives are made of non-biodegradable materials such as plastics and polymers and they contribute to pollution. whereas, real fur from animals are biodegradable due to the fact they are from an animal, meaning they will not contribute to pollution a fraction as much as its fake counterparts.

  • I feel that animals are not trained to be in this kind of world and it us all down to their owners which the animals are their responsiblity. People who support animal rights recognise that all animals have an inherent worth a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. We believe that every being with a will to live has the right to live free from exploitation and suffering. Animals are used my humans and are there feelings are not taken into account. Thus clearly shows in our workd animals rights are not important. No one cares about how they feel. Even though we dont know what animals are saying. They still have a right. However they do have a crucial part in humans lives. On the other hand animals suffer everyday from testing. So I feel there needs to be change.

  • Animals play a huge role in our society, they are major for many peoples lives. The human species are reliant upon animals to survive for their source of food which comes along with nutritional values which are imperative to humans as well as transportation, farming, recreation, companionship, sport, and food.

    Animals deserve to have some form of freedom and shouldnt have to be born into it in an everlasting system. Overfarming is a problem. Humans require animals for a healthy well-being but taking away animals lives, a lot more than needed, is that acceptable? In America, some farmers and slaughter houses have came up with a more reasonable alternative.They use a Hormone free growth stimulant for improved body mass gain.People killing animals for fun and entertainment purposes should be illegal. You should not be bonding over murder no matter what species its towards. We have had animals beside us as companions and company, making lives longer and less lonely, many people would die for their pets. This shows the importance of animals to humans, yet they would treat other animals like miscreants. Many of our animals are going extinct because of humans. Eventually, most animals wont be around anymore and humans are shortening that.

  • In our society today we rely on animals as resources for our daily lives like food and fabrics and transport and companions and farming and we wouldnt live as well as we do now but we treat them like rodents and miscreants. Animals provide us with food which is imperitive to our lives. Through most of humans existance we have hunted animals as food however we used to live beside them and with them but now we own them and they have no freedom. However we have also used them as slaves in out existance for example when the egyptians reined they used them for jobs such as trampling seeds, pulling the plough and providing them with food and water proving that they helped us live but we are killing them and making them work which isndoing the opposite that they do for us.

    We are also destroying their enviroments. For example the rainforests, we are cutting down the trees and trampling on their ground, their homes. Killing them and their families. Their is less and less rainforest each year because of us humans we are reducing the size of the rainforest to make more farms where we treat animals like we dont need them and they dint provide us with life. They are born into a loop where they grow, breed, grow and get murdered to be processed and put on a shelf at a shop for us to eat.

    Even animals we use as comanions get treated like toys sometimes but we also love them. Some people would die for their animals, proving we shouldnt treat any animals like that as they can all be loved like that. We are killing animals even though we need them and soon we wont have any animals left and our ways arent doing anyhtung to help that

  • HELLO!
    I agree with Mr. Fry. In my opinion, it is animal abuse. Before they use animal fur, they kill the animals, and it is considered poaching. In Africa, poaching is common because many animals are killed and might go extinct. In Africa, the white rhino is about to go extinct. In Africa, approximately 1.6 trillion animals get killed per year.
    Before, in Africa, animals were more common than humans, but now the rate is reducing dramatically.

  • I agree with AI, but would you rather have a AI doctors or a human doctor?

    1. Hello, intellectual_ibex @ topical talk
      In my honest point of view, I will prefer a human veterinarian to an AI veterinarian because as humans, we can adapt to many situations and also proffer many solutions to those various situations. AI may be very accurate in aspects of giving diagnoses. But I have to say, that they lack something very important that we humans possess which is showing love and care to animals and their respective owners as they do not possess emotions.
      In conclusion, humans can diagnose and also show love towards animals which may be a defect in AI's currently as they lack emotions.
      I keep an open mind to other suggestions.
      THANK YOU.

    2. From my perspective I feel that as AI develops there will be more chance of it diagnosing and treating animal diseases faster and more precise. But I feel that there should be a balance between the two options meaning that we should not leave one out. Because an AI can perform arcane procedures with efficiency, and it can also reduce the risk of the errors and complications human make and complications, but a human may not be able to carry out this task. I also feel we should work with both doctors to get a better understanding of their capabilities and limitations.
      But a human can show emotional intelligence and empathy, which can positively affect the standard of the bond and the trust between the pet owner and the doctor.

      In conclusion whatever doctor you choose you should care about your pet's needs before making a choice. The most important thing is to ensure that your pet receives the best possible care and attention, regardless of who provides it.

    3. I'm not sure about this because... Why can't we have an human doctor use AI doctor's diagnosis and the human doctor explains the health condition in his own expertise. And how to take care of oneself from both the human doctors perspective and the AI doctors perspective. Cause two opinions are better than one.

  • Personally I feel like the United Kingdom shouldn't really get all that . I'm not saying they should. I'm saying that they don't deserve all of it. I say this because they might be using the animals fur for their culture or spiritual beliefs. Which for me makes it a little acceptable, but they are killing innocent animals. Personally in my country and religion we don't do that but if it's based on their beliefs I do believe it okay.

  • My opinion is that animals don't have rights, people grant animals their rights. God gave man control over the animals, every meal we eat is a part of an animal such as egg, milk, fish, pork, beef etc. Many animals are raised for food and that is peoples jobs. Some animals are raised as a pets for companionship for comfort and just for fun.
    People have rights not animals.

    1. Hello approachable_climate @ topical talk.
      In my humble point of view, I disagree because... we say that humans have rights and when they are not respected, we say we are being shown infraction. In this case, (violation of human rights). In my opinion, Animals should have rights because as much as they do not possess the ability to talk, one thing that they possess are emotions. Love should be shown towards animals. In reference to cases pertaining to animals as a source of food, I feel the government of countries should assign persons who should be certified to slaughter animals for human use and consumption rather than giving liberty to all to slaughter animals casually which could also serve as a source of income to those who will be assigned. If people are given the opportunity to slaughter animals casually, it could lead to extinction of a particular animal that someone may not know about.
      Thank you.

      1. I'm not sure about this because... Love should be shown to animals especially domestic animals but the wild animals, if you think about it wild animals do not possess emotions. As I said before every meal we eat has a particular portion of meat inside so there's no way that it will not seem to be cruel. We cannot just change our diet strictly to fruits and vegetables because, it does not give enough nutrients to sustain the body. The only thing that we can do is to restrict our self to small portions of fruit and vegetables.
        THANK YOU.

        1. Hello, approachable_climate @ topical talk.
          I beg to differ because... as I previously mentioned, I said that people should be authorized by the government to kill animals to avoid extinction of some animals and also avoid cases of poaching in some countries. Not that meat should be excluded from our daily diet. I also have to say, according to scientific research, Wild animals possess emotions too. They are only wild for the fact that they live in nature and they are not tamed; so they may use all mediums even if it means to kill another animal for survival (food). Just the same way if a human is not trained or in other words disciplined, he/she is likely to unpleasant behavior.
          On a final note, I will like to stand on the existing protocols that animals should have rights as they are helpful to man (as pets and work animals) and also to nature (animal dunk).
          Thank you.

    2. I strongly disagree with you @approachable_climate because in as much as animals are under our control, they deserve rights. Can you imagine a world without animals? Do you know how resourceful animals are to the society? Don't you not know that apart from the uses of animals as you have stated they are useful in the ecosystem, a very good example is the beaver which indirectly builds dams that protect us from flooding, this is telling us that even wild animals have uses. If the world was without animals, to me the world will be boring because animals bring a certain type of joy and teaching of good morals, take for example, the ant that is used as an illustration of hard work and a dog which is regarded as man's bestfriend. So if animals are eradicated, the world will be incomplete, but don't take me as if I hate your point, but rather see my point of view because I understand where you are coming from, but please reason with me on how animals are useful in the society and deserve rights.
      THANK YOU.

      1. devoted_television, I am not saying that I do not like animals as a matter of fact I like holding my kitten/cat. I just do not see my kitten/cat equal to a human being. Before the alligators were going extinct but thanks to the conservation of alligators they are now extant. And alligators are now coming into people's houses, backyards, pools etc.
        People are keeping python snakes as their pets if they escape from the cage their next meal can sometimes be a person.
        Wild animals should not be kept as a pets. Human being rights are more important.

        1. Hello @approachable_climate.
          In my comment I didn't mean that we are meant to keep wild animals as pets but instead wild animals shouldn't be poached to extinction, but should be allowed to live in their natural adaptations where they are helpful for example the beaver as I have stated in my earlier point. So animals deserve rights such as right to live and food, but please don't get me wrong and think that animals should be treated like humans, but should just be given some priviledges.
          THANK YOU.

  • In India, there is traditional sport which is known as jallikattu. In this , a participant has to hold the hump of the bull for as long as possible, attempting to bring the bull to a stop. It is a very serious sport which can cause injury to the bull and participant .. sometimes it can lead to death .. it is expressing concern over cruelty to animals .

  • I am not sure about this opinion. I mean as in, I understand his hatred towards animal cruelty of course but there is so much more important animal cruelty cases to take out first. such as, much more of a big one: heat trauma in cars for dogs. according to "" just in the UK: The estimated 2016 incidence of heat-related illness was 0.04% (95% CI 0.04-0.05%), with an event fatality rate of 14.18%. we need this to be dealt with.

  • I think that the United Kingdom needs to stop using animals to make their fur hats. Animals are on this world to be loved and cared for not to be killed. Each year about 100 million animals are getting killed for their fur this needs to stop.

  • I think that animal cruelty is bad.Animals are pets not fur hats.No animal should be treated like this in the UK.Animals are beautiful with fur or not but they shouldn't be treated like this.That's what I think about animal cruelty

  • In response to Stephen Fry's statement, there could be several potential courses of action in the United Kingdom:
    Policy Change: There might be calls for policy changes regarding the use of animal furs in ceremonial attire. This could involve legislative action to ban or regulate the use of furs in official ceremonies, reflecting evolving societal attitudes towards animal welfare.
    Alternative Materials: Another possibility is the adoption of alternative materials for ceremonial attire, such as faux fur or synthetic fabrics, which can replicate the appearance of fur without harming animals. This could align with a growing trend towards sustainable and cruelty-free fashion.

    Regarding traditions involving animals in Nigeria, one example that has been in the news is the annual Durbar festival, particularly in the northern region of the country. The Durbar festival features colorful parades with horse riding displays and often involves the sacrifice of animals as part of cultural rituals.
    While traditions like the Durbar festival hold cultural significance and are deeply ingrained in Nigerian heritage, there are ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of animals involved, particularly regarding their welfare and the ethics of animal sacrifice.
    It's important to recognize the cultural significance of traditions while also considering the welfare of animals involved.

  • In Egypt, there are alot of marine animals and marine plants that are being endangered because of pollution, global warming and over fishing and this makes a side effect on the food chain like The Coral reefs in the red sea. Coral reefs are shelters for alot of fishes. The Coral reefs face alot of
    problems such as the humans activities in the shore, the anchor of the ships damage the Coral reefs, oil split and global warming. These things threaten on the Coral reef and if the Coral reefs are being damaged ,alot of animals would lose there shelter and they can easily be eaten be eaten by the predators. Sea turtle are being endangered by plastic trash sea turtles think that plastic trash are jellyfish and over fishing. The Egyptian laws prevent over fishing in the red sea.

    In my opinion we must save the environment from over fishing and pollution because alot of tourist travel from all the world to Egypt to see and enjoy diving under the sea to see beautiful creatures and colorful Coral reefs.

  • Hi,
    I live in 'Bangladesh'. In my country, I found that people in my country care a lot about animal rights laws. People of my country try their best to save the life of animals. Here the government is appointing a large number of forest officers to save the forest animals from extinction. We also made some community for save animals. We always try to stop some traditions which are related with the animals.

    So, finally I want to say that save animal's, save our planet.

    1. Thanks for this storytelling_crab. What do you think it is about citizens in Bangladesh that make them care about animals so much?

      1. After much research on the people of Bangledesh, I concluded that in Bangladesh, strong cultural and religious beliefs play a significant role in fostering compassion and care towards animals. For example, some religions in Bangladesh emphasize kindness and mercy towards all living beings, including animals, by not killing them and eating their meat. Additionally, statistics show that Bangladesh has a significant population of vegetarians and vegans, with around 30% of the population following a vegetarian or plant-based diet. Community organizations, like the Bangladesh Animal Welfare Foundation, actively advocate for animal rights and provide care for stray animals. In rural areas, it's common for families to treat animals as cherished members rather than just livestock. In rural areas, where traditions often revolve around agriculture and animal husbandry, families commonly treat animals as valued members of their households, further reinforcing the ethos of compassion towards animals. In conclusion, I believe this contributes to the strong societal inclination towards animal welfare observed in Bangladesh. Can this practice be inculcated in other countries as well? How can we convince the citizens? Please feel free to share your ideas.

      2. Hi, topical talker
        Thanks for ask me a question .
        I think that the people of Bangladesh care so much for animals because of the qualities like sadness, compassion and love. This is our culture. We always try to take care of animals. It is true that animal rights laws in Bangladesh are very strict.So, nobody can harm any animals for them happiness. We always try to remember our humanity. We are not like another country's people.

        Thanks again.

  • In light of Stephen Fry's statement, it is evident that there is a growing ethical concern regarding the use of animal fur in traditional ceremonies in the United Kingdom. Considering Mr. Fry's stance, it may be beneficial for the United Kingdom to reassess the practice and explore alternative materials that align with contemporary values of animal welfare. This could involve a transitin away from animal fur to synthetic or more ethically sourced materials while still maintaining the essence and significance of the traditional ceremonies. It is essential to honour traditions while also making space for progressive and compassionate attitudes towards animal welfare.

    Regarding my country, Ghana, it's notable that there have been discussions around traditional hunting practices and their impact on wildlife conservation. Various communities in Ghana have cultural hunting traditions that are now being scrutinised due to their potential adverse effects on animal populations. This has sparked important conversations about the balance between cultural practices and the preservation of wildlife.

  • The " arugungu fishing festival" is one of the animals -themed celebration in Nigeria where participants must catch fish. The process is an amazing way. It a championship game. Who ever catch the largest fish emerges victorious, the game is fantastic, amazing , interesting and captivating.

  • Hello
    Well, this is a difficult discussion because I think animals should have a happier life than they actually have, because humans eat them, use them as carpets, or as the news say, we use them as clothes.
    From my point of view animals should be more respected because as we would not want to be in their shoes, we should treat them better, but on the other hand I think that it is important to us to eat the proteins and vitamins of some animals, so if we sacrifice an animal's life, we should "take advantage of it" completely by taking also its fur or its feathers for making coats or whatever.
    In Spain, it has appeared several times on the news the bullfighting festival, because it is a traditional festival that nowadays is celebrated in a lot of parts of this country, although many people does not agree.
    I personally go sometimes to the bullfighting festival of my village because of tradition; I don't like that bullfighters kill the animals just for having fun, but I like and enjoy de party atmosphere created, with people dancing and having fun.

  • I think we shouldn't harm animals because that gives a wild impact like if you eat meat, your eating animal and you dont know how they can save you form danger but also whoever eats read meat, they are high risk of heart strokes or anything else. Also, humans are not supposed to eat meat, they are supposed to eat naturality by eating nuts, vegatables, fruits and legumas

    1. I agree with you jolly_glacier. Eating meat isn't as healthy and also contributes to climate change. Animals are precious creatures that have been very helpful to us humans and have a great impact on our everyday lives. Animals like dogs, cats, fish, or any pets act as a therapist and help our mental health for when we are feeling down. Other animals such as ox, cows, or horses do heavy work for us. That doesn't mean we should abuse them and take control of them, we should also give them good care since they are helping us. Many animals are desperate and feel hope when we help them, but then it's like we are betraying them when we kill them and use them to turn them into our meal.

  • people hunt animal but animal have feelings and a life. I think people should stop and never hunt or hurt animals again. also human are the big is worry for animal and more and more animal are killed by human.

  • I think that the United Kingdom should stop killing animals just for fur coats to wear for their "traditional ceremonies". They don't need to kill animals for this. They could buy fake fur coats that look real instead of killing animals for their fur. Animals might not be human but they need to have their rights just like we do.

    I am from the United States and I have not heard about any traditions that have been in the news because they involve animals, sure there might be some news that I have not heard about in other places, but I have not heard any news about these type of things.

  • Have anyone ever seen a buffalo, dressed with a coat made out of human skin? No? So why do humans wear animal fur? Ban it immediately.

  • The right to life belongs to all living things. Even animals have rights, such as the right to eat and other things. In Nigeria, people hunt animals for their flesh, horns, and hides. They act on their own desires without considering the effects on the environment or the animal population. We must begin to consider other living beings.

  • It is so sad that people around the world-not just in the UK- are abusing animals and beating them. They go through trauma. They go through the same things humans do when we are traumatised. Animals are no different. They are alive. They were made to live not to suffer from mental health and abuse. Mr Fry isn't going to be a inspirational in the future for me when he thinks animal abuse is okay.

  • Hi,
    I honestly feel that animals have no right, if you probably feel like they have right to live, then please explain to me why you still eat meat. For those of you who feel that animals have right please when you feel like eating meet kill one of your family members, please I urge you.
    THANK YOU!!!!!!

    1. Hello brave_reindeer @ topical talk.
      I strongly disagree because... you said that if we believe in animal rights, we should kill our family members which is wrong according to the laws of most countries as it is recognized as murder. Animals have rights in my opinion because the same way we as humans possess emotions, so do they. They can serve as a source of help to man in different ways just as we may use them for businesses, as work animals and as pets just as a dog is said to be a mans best friend. Animals should not be killed at will but should go through right processes such as abattoirs where it is legally known for the killing of animals for meat.
      Thank you.

      1. Hi allowing_peach,
        I strongly disagree with you...because from my point of view you are proudly saying that you can have a wild
        Rottweiler as your best friend, please make sure that you don't train it or buy it from birth, just buy an adult dog and keep it as a best friend, let's see if you'll be able to tell the story the next day.
        THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • I am a really big fan of rights. I believe everyone is equal and therefore, we should all have equal rights. During my conversations, I found out that a lot of topics are linked together. The two topics which linked that got my attention were "Animal rights" and "How to make a change " I really learnt a lot during the conversation. I got a bigger picture of what is happening in the world because I realised that as people, giving animals their rights is also a way we can help the environment. When we reduce the amount of animals we farm and use for food or kill unnecessarily, there will be less emission of dangerous gases like methane into the atmosphere. There will also be less water consumption and pollution, and less erosion of topsoil. These are all advantages of giving animals their rights. I really think that animals should get a chance to choose how they get to live their lives. We got to do that so why can't they ?

  • In my country, there aren't any traditions involving animals. However, here in the United States, some people do hunt and like using the animal's fur for clothing or other items. While I think this is wrong, some people may stick to traditions really strongly and won't stop for an argument like this or because someone says so. What is currently happening in the United Kingdom is an example of what I just said. Real animal fur may seem as luxurious and make someone feel slightly powerful but in my opinion, this is extremely wrong and people need to at the very least decrease the use of animal fur because animals form a large part of a human's diet and many other things.

  • Ithink In the United Kingdom, safeguarding animal rights demands stringent laws against cruelty, enhanced support for rescue efforts, and education promoting compassion. Encouraging plant-based diets also reduces suffering and environmental harm. These steps foster a society that cherishes and defends the welfare of all creatures.By embracing these actions, the UK can take significant strides towards fostering a society that values and protects the welfare of all living beings.

  • Hi!
    In my country India its not a tradition in the present time, but it was in the medieval and early modern times that the kings used to go on poaching as a part of refreshment after wars and had a competition that the one who poaches the Tiger or any other big beast like wild boar, Jaguar, Leopard would get to keep its skin ,claws and teeth as a part of souvenirs . This also resulted in extinction of a particular species or the animal inhabitant like in the year 1947 last group of Cheetah was spotted in the the forests but were poached as a part of "celebration " and the Cheetahs went extinct after the same . After this incident government of India passed a law stating that its illegal to poach such animals but sadly the pride of India The Royal Bengal Tiger are one of the endangered species in India.

  • In Egypt, there are alot of wild animals. One example of them is the Mountain Tiger. The Mountain Tigers live in The Red Sea city and in Halayeb and Shalateen city. Mountain tigers are endanger because Mountain Tigers faced a huge proplem,they always ate the sheeps of the farmers in Halayeb city. The farmers decided to kill the Mountain Tigers to not eat their sheeps again and the farmers began to kill them.This proplem stayed for alot of years. When the Ministry of the environment knew about that, they made fines money and punishments for anyone that kills a Mountain Tiger to protect him from dangerous.

    I think that killing an animal is the worst thing in the world because animals have feelings like us and this can make a side effect on the food chains and the environment.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

      1. Sure, I got these informations from the YouTube with a title that was called (أخطر حيوانات مصر المتعدده بالانقراض) - Egypt's most dangerous and extinct animals.

  • I think the UK should stop using animal fur for their traditional ceremonies. I believe this because in modern day there are many alternatives that look and feel the same as real fur and are free of animal cruelty. Also, the animals are killed for their fur which causes their numbers to decline, for example cheetahs are hunted for their fur and are now considered vulnerable and face a high risk of extinction.

  • Animals definitely deserve rights. They should be treated fairly. The shouldn't be abused in any kind of way. animals are important in this world. Its best we should keep them safe.

  • I think that in the UK animal cruelty is not allowed, traditions must change. Something that was done hundreds of years ago is mostly not going to be relevant today. There are some exceptions, mainly focusing on religion, but animal cruelty in religion is a whole different story I don't want to talk about.
    And here in Egypt, poaching is common, pack mules and horses are beaten using whips, and fish farms are the main source of fish. People here only care about domestic animals, cats, dogs, and emotional support animals. That is without talking about the circus, which abuses all kinds of animals.
    If there were rules and regulations to regulate animal cruelty, I think that Egypt would be a lot better off.

  • Hello!
    "Tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty. "I agree with Mr.Fry,just because in the old times it was legal to kill an innocent animal it does not mean it has to stay the same forever, we are evolving-we can't continue to live in the dark ages. Animals are living things that largely contribute to the well-being of the environment. We cannot just keep on maltreating animals; it is not right. I even think the should be a law against maltreating animals.

  • I totally agree with mr fry and appreciate this opinion because animals are living things like humans so they have the right to live and enjoy life.
    One of the negative effects about the United Kingdom
    decision animals are going to be exposed endanger so we must maintain environmental balance.
    I think that every country must stop using animals in decorations and stop hunting animals for fun.

  • In India, there is rule that we should not harm any animals and they should be freedom.. But if it causes any harm to the people we might have blue Cross people taking that particular animal to their company and make treatment for that animal and release them back, Actually I too love pets...
    Thank you,

  • Animals can understand your feeling and emotions better than humans. It make you happy in sad situation.. The pets are the good friends of you which can understand you very well. It can't able to talk to make you smile but it amke you smile by a cute hug or a sad face...
    "Pets are my best friends"

  • Hi everyone!
    In my country, there are traditions like killing animals like goats and sheep and having their blood spread onto roads. Still, I think this is not right because this is just killing without reason and after this ceremony, the body of the animal is either tossed away or burnt making the place pungent and unsafe to the environment.
    I agree with glad outcome that even though animals do not have as much intellect as us humans they are still significant in our daily lives.
    I also think that the use of animals for testing in science experiments must be stopped because this is still animal cruelty because the animal can die, I agree with the fact that insects need to be tested but can't we use human DNA instead of a live animal?
    Even some circus animals and when I watched videos of animals being mistreated and underfed in circuses made me feel extremely sad.
    Grateful Brain stated amazing points such as the fact that animals are treated recklessly by owners and humans, but the reason they buy the animals is that they look cut and when they see it is a lot of work to take care of them, they abandon them.

  • In my opinion, I agree with you. It's because many people treat animals unfairly. However, I don't think permitting animal ownership is a good idea. This prevents other responsible pet owners from not getting a pet.I want people to enjoy having a pet. Animals today play a huge role in human lives. Some dogs might even protect people too. Even cats and other animals. They can help with stress, threats, and provide happiness. I think people should not own pets if they're not going to be responsible for it. They will just keep abusing their pets. Saving pets from abusing is a good thing. I think pets are important to us.

  • In my opinion,if all the British people wore animals’ fur most animals will go out.Because if each resident (think carefully,The UK has over 68 residents)has wore an animal’s fur coat,jacket,or any type of clothes so most of the animals would die.

    Here in Egypt there are some people say in the news that we shall care to the animals’ rights as the human and children rights.
    Thank you ☺️

  • In my country, a dog race was held, this consisted of the duels running with their dogs. The winners would be among the first to arrive. A parade was also held in honor of the dogs that help the officers, firefighters and rescue teams.

  • I believe that what's happening in the United Kingdom is totally wrong, We should all help support animal rights since animals are living creatures just like us they eat, drink, sleep, and so on . Animals should definitely not be treated in this savage way. In my opinion, the United Kingdom should make their royal outfits and clothes out of alternative resources for animals wool, leather and even reptiles scales.

  • In my country Nigeria/kaduna we don't have much zoo's cause we don't have much animals in town just in the forest and jungles. For example we don't really have a lot of wild life in the City but we are working on it. Wild life is we'll need for our living you see lions🦁are dying,Rino's are going extinct and which means by 2025 or this year animals can go down by up to a whopping 70% percent and if you think of, this imagine one day we're a parents and our children ask about these animals what will we say to them how will we explain it to them everything will be on our fault so please and please let's try to save the wildlife so we can save are future and our children's future thank you.

    1. Hello, crafty_flower.
      I agree because... I have confidence in the fact that animals have rights to live just as much as humans. I believe we could help the issue of extinction of bizarre animals by keeping such animals free from harm, ensuring their right diet, and as educated people, we should help in the spread of keeping and taking care of such animals. We may not be able to stop every animal from getting extinct, but we should try our every possible best to ensure the safety of every animal.
      With these points of mine, I have stated a list of resources that may be helpful for us. I urge us to add this basic steps to our daily living.
      Thank you.

  • In my point of view , there are alot of other types of leather like cactus leather , mushroom leather , apple leather..which can be used instead of animal skin. Many endangered species are getting killed every year just for human needs. In UK , even if it is a tradition, killing or poaching an animal for making of animal furs is crime. Our countries ,poaching of animal has been decreased lately in oast 2 years.
    And this should be a very prime topic to be discussed on.

    1. Hello, communicative_moose.
      I agree because... Endangering the lives of animals for our benefit may later lead to our downfall as we may lack such animals and their resources later on. Part of our priorities as humans should be supporting and ensuring the proper welfare of animals. Scarce/bizarre species of animals could be preserved and used as a source of tourism which could also bring income to a country.
      In conclusion, I feel that we should not only think about our current needs, but should also plan for the future by saving resources.
      Thank you.

  • Hi,
    I would like to talk on animal cruelty in fashion industries. According to the Oxford dictionary, animal cruelty in the fashion industry refers to the unethical treatment of animals for the production of clothing, accessories, and other fashion items. It involves practices such as fur farming, leather and suede production, and animal testing. In my opinion this is very unfair to animals, take a look at the production of silk, lots of silkworms are killed in the production of silk. We can prevent animal cruelty in fashion industries by making and buying synthetic fibres this will promote animal rights and enhance the lives of animals such as silkworm, straightforward_king once said do not harm animals, they are special gifts from God.

  • After reading most of this comments I have learnt a lot of new thing and one of which is "Importance of the Lives of Animals": The life of everyone matters including those we consider least important such as animals. Around the world especially in Nigeria animals are not treated nicely the are treated cruelly and this is not meant to be so because the do not show as much emotions as we humans do does not give us the right to maltreat them. It saddens me when I see animals being maltreated but this discussion has helped me to know more ways to take care of them. I personally think that pet owners should not have pets especially if they can't take proper care of them.

  • From my perspective, traditions should never justify animal cruelty. While cultural practices hold significance, they must not compromise animal welfare. Animals deserve compassion and respect, as they can feel pain and suffering. It's essential to evaluate traditions against modern ethical standards and replace cruel practices with humane alternatives. Promoting awareness and empathy towards animals can help challenge outdated traditions, creating a more ethical and compassionate society while still honoring our cultural heritage.

  • Hello ,
    I am from the United Kingdom and I am sitting a bit on the fence with this .
    This is because on one hand it is a tradition that has been going on for 200 years . This would mean that it is very hard to change as in royalty everything dates back .
    On the other hand real fur should not be used as it is not ethically right as humans should not use or wear animal skin/fur . This is because the animals does not deserve to have their fur taken off them .
    Thank you for reading ,
    Good day .

  • In my opinion, animal rights are a crucial aspect of ethical and compassionate living. It's essential to recognize and respect the inherent value and welfare of all living beings, including animals. By advocating for animal rights, we can promote kindness, empathy, and sustainable practices in our interactions with the animal kingdom.

  • I agree.... because animals are very important in humans life , so which one would you prefer people or innocent animals tested?

  • Hello 👋
    I think that the rights of the animals need to be accurately made, moreover, you can donate or do additional helping ways such as decreasing overhunting.
    Some people ferociously sell all animals' fur or skin furthermore they don't leave 2 animals to reproduce, so that's called overhunting, and as expected it's legally incorrect, so animals begin to be endangered. First of all, they need to have more reserves to include this animal and stop animals from being endangered.
    What are some examples to help you understand overhunting :
    A type of bear is endangered, but someone kills them all and sells their fur.
    A type of lion is still not in the reserve but it's accurately endangered so all are killed and their skin is sold.

    It doesn't always with a lion or a bear it's with every single animal and I want to stop this emerging situation.

  • As far as I know, in some countries people use rhino horns as necklaces as a tradition but that was then, but still, to do so they have to kill a rhino and to the extent now white rhineos are extinct apart from two female ones that are alive (Najin and Fatu)!
    White rhineos are extinct all because of the poaching which isn't right. And for that I really feel sad for what they did and now once the two rhinos pass away, they will be truly extinct.
    So no matter what I totally agree with what Mr Fry said "*tradition is never an excuse for animal cruelty*"

  • In the United states of America many farms disregard animal safety and put them in enclosed environments and not to mention all the hurredos acts they do to the farm animals. Also most farms in america produce C02 which is bad for the environment and our planet. Even outside of the U.S animal cruelty is most common in asia and the middle east because many places in asia are undeveloped so they use animals to travel or to bring materials throughout.

    1. Hello, congenial_leopard.
      I concur with your point because... considering animal discrimination as an issue in the society troubles me as it can also affect us as humans in diverse ways. For instance, many people say that everyone should be given liberty to kill animals; In my perspective, I will say no to that because it can lead to the loss of bizarre animals. In such cases, only assigned people should be allowed to kill animals for human consumption.
      As responsible citizens of a country, we should not see and issue in the community and overlook such issues. In solving the case of stagnant animals causing overgrazing raised by congenial_leopard, I feel we can solve this issue by introducing farmers to other methods of grazing like rotational grazing i.e. moving livestock from one pasture to another at regular intervals. Preventing overgrazing at a particular field by livestock could benefit man and the environment in ways like habitat creation which could create a good atmosphere for man, plants and animals to live in.
      THANK YOU.

  • I think that this should not be used because we have vegetarian people in the United Kingdom they might get upset buy this and might protest and put them in danger they could use fake fur as it is mostly for traditional ceremonies.

  • It's a very hard question to answer, but I think that we should take care of the animals that live in the sea. These are the ones we often neglect . Additionally, we frequently throw trash into the sea, and they eat these trash every day. What should we do to make them safe? Firstly, we mustn't throw trash in the sea or ocean. Secondly.,we mustn't catch rare fish. We must take care of animals.

  • Birds have rights,
    People like to shoot birds with pellets and BB guns we need to preserve the birds from random killing. We also need to have restrictions on possessions of guns.

  • I think that the traditional for the royal guards and the royal family to wear animal furs during traditional ceremonies should be stopped. This is because the animals which are being skinned because of their fur end up getting killed. I am sure that they are not like sheep which are shaved. Some animals like alligators, bears, rabbits, raccoons, dogs, and minks. Later on we will see news that these animals are getting extinct because we humans decided to use their fur. Don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to say we should reduce the way we kill them. There are a lot of plants we can use to manufacture cloths so I don't see the reason they made it a tradition to wear animal fur at a point in time.
    I am not sure there are any traditions here in Nigeria because I know we really cherish our animals and we try our very best to make sure they don't go extinct. Animals like the Cross River gorilla are highly cherished in the border of Nigeria and Cameroon.

  • Hello,
    The lives of some animals are endangered, the ''AFRICAN FOREST ELEPHANT'' is an animal that is being endangered and is gradually going extinct.The African Forest Elephant is going extinct due to poaching for ivory and bush meat and loss of habitat. According to my research, between 1989 and 2020 the population of the African Forest Elephants reduced by more than 86%, this is to tell you that the lives of the African Forest Elephants are threatened. Animals have the right to live and they have not done any wrong for their rights to be denied so why do we humans deprive them of their rights by endangering their lives and doing all manner of mean acts to the animals?
    I find this very unfortunate that we humans do not want to realize the importance of this wonderful gift that we are blessed with. We should learn to value our animals and treat them nicely by making them comfortable,caring for them and showing them love.
    THANK YOU!!!

    1. I agree because just as humans , animals have rights and this rights are being abused by the humans . Sometimes people even burn the forest where they live and they will not have a place to stay, they even cage them and carry them to sell , use as meat or to the zoo and this will hurt them as much as it will hurt us when it happens to us .
      Thank you.

      1. Actually from my own perspective, I personally agree with your opinion of how Animal rights are being abuse by the humans but don't you think some animals are dangerous and deserve all those hurtful acts towards them as a way of discipline as puinshment for their bad behavior. Don't you think so? Thanks .

  • In the United Kingdom, there is a discussion about what should happen regarding certain traditions that involve animals. For example, there are debates about fox hunting and its impact on wildlife. Even if you are not from the UK, you may have traditions in your country that involve animals as well. It is important to think about how such traditions can affect the welfare of animals. Don't forget to read what other students think about these topics and express your opinions using the thumbs up, thumbs down, and question mark icons to engage in a respectful conversation.

  • The traditional practice of royal guards and the royal family wearing animal furs during ceremonies should be stopped, as it leads to the death of animals like alligators, bears, rabbits, raccoons, dogs, and minks. This practice is not only harmful to animals but also to the environment, as it reduces the use of plants for cloth production. In Nigeria, the Cross River gorilla is a highly cherished animal, but the African Forest Elephant is facing extinction due to poaching for ivory and bush meat, as well as habitat loss. Animals have the right to live, and humans should learn to value and treat them well. Animal rights are being abused by humans, such as burning forests, cages, and transporting animals for meat or zoos.

  • In my opinion tradition should be broken. This is because it is unfair to all the animals that have to die, not in order for us to eat, but in order for us to show off their identity as a fashion accessory.

    1. I disagree because... Tradition is safe, easy and has brought your business success at some point. So why change it now?

      All too often, the urge to uphold existing methods can be detrimental to a company’s growth. Times change, and if you want your business to stay current it has to change with them or risk being left behind.

      Just look at Google. In the late ’90s, Microsoft dominated the PC space to the point that there was an antitrust suit leveled against it for bundling Internet Explorer with Windows. A few years later, Google exploded onto the scene when it revolutionized the search engine. It wasn’t long before the technology giant created Chrome, one of the most popular web browsers out there, busting the myth that a browser coupled with an operating system restricts competition.

      1. I disagree because many animal species are becoming extinct or endangered because of traditions like these. It’s not right that animal have to die to be an item of clothing for us when we have many alternatives. Imagine there was five black bears left in the world. Would it still be right to kill one for the benefit of its fur for a royal guards hat?

        I don’t understand when you say about changing something can be detrimental to a company as I am speaking about tradition for those who are seen as important figures. Yes, times do change and now we should change as the time does as animals life’s cannot be taken away from them when we have the likes of faux fur. Animals have many more rights and protection laws to keep them alive and not be taken advantage of by poachers and hunters which means that it should apply for everyone including those who are noble enough as it’s still a law that should be obeyed by everyone within that area. Using the ivory from rhino tusks isn’t allowed anymore so why should using real fur be accepted?

  • I'm from the UK and beleive it is inhumane to slaughter these animals just to look nice and to stick to tradition, it would not affect any ceremonies to simply wear cosmetic and/or fake fur. Traditional is a beautiful thing and should always be respected but tradition doesn't define everything if there was a tradition that involved killing someone they wouldn't just find a random person to kill each year. They would think of a different way such as pretending to stab someone or something similar to that and they would still be keeping tradition by keeping it similar and still doing the ceremony. It would be easy for the royal family to get good quality fake fur and it wouldn't change anything about the ceremony and upholding it. If anything it would make it easier than having to buy real fur from a hunted animal. I think that the UK should come up with better alternatives because it is very much in their power.

  • In my opinion the cruelty of killing animals for their fur is horrible. Traditional fur on hats and certain accessories worn by the royal guards and royal family is unacceptable and unnecessary as there are many types of faux fur available. There should be a ban on new items of clothing being made out of real animal sourced materials but older items that have been made before should still be worn as there was no point of the animal being cruelly killed to make the clothing accessory if it will no longer be worn.

  • In my opinion the animal have are also live in our earth and i think before human come in this world the animal are already present in this world and now the people are killing the animal for different purpose like for meat, game etc. The animal skin and horns are sell in black market in lot of money so peole are killing animal day by day now the animal should also get the rights to live in this world.

  • I think that animal rights should be a thing that people should be so tensed and hyped about.
    I say this because I think that it will be humane for people to start thinking that the animals under us should have such rights because of what they have done for us.
    I think that such rights should be given to the animals because they have helped us with the necessities that we need. For example,they provide us with meat( this should only be slaughtered by the professionals to stop getting penalised), company, help, load lifting and many other things. So, I think that it will be a great idea if we show our appreciation by giving them these rights.
    In conclusion, I just say that animals should not be stripped of these rights so that we will show our appreciation for all that they have helped us with, from the carrying of our load to accompanying us.

  • In Spain, bullfighting has been a long-standing tradition, but it has become a source of controversy, particularly due to concerns about animal welfare. Think of it like a family with a deep-rooted tradition that has been passed down through generations. Some family members see it as an essential part of their identity, cherishing the history and cultural significance it holds for them. However, there are also family members who feel uneasy about this tradition, believing it's time to reconsider its place in the family's values.

    Imagine a lively family dinner where heated discussions arise. Some relatives passionately defend the tradition, arguing that it connects them to their heritage, while others express discomfort with the idea of causing harm to animals for entertainment. As news spreads, neighbors and friends become involved, sharing their opinions on whether the family should continue this tradition or adapt to more modern and humane practices.

    In essence, the debate over bullfighting in Spain mirrors a larger societal conversation about respecting traditions while evolving with changing perspectives on ethical treatment of animals. It's a complex issue that reflects the ongoing tension between cultural heritage and the ethical considerations of the present day.

  • In my opinion Animal rights are moral principles grounded in the belief that non-human animals deserve the ability to live as they wish, without being subjected to the desires of human beings. At the core of animal rights is autonomy, which is another way of saying choice in other words Very few countries have enshrined animal rights into law. However, the US and the UK do have some basic protections and guidelines for how animals can be treated.

  • In the US, I don't believe that there are any traditions that involve animals here. There might be traditions here but i've never heard about them so far. Moving on to the question, I think that the United Kingdom should stop their traditions that involve animals. I chose this case because according to research, one of the traditions that involves animals is sport hunting. Research didn't tell me much but the information I can share so far is that sport hunting is just hunting animals for sport.
    Another tradition is whaling. Whaling is hunting whales for food and oil. There are more traditions in the UK that involve animals too. I just don't think killing animals for sport is a good idea.

  • Hi, this is a bit controversial. Should traditional fashion change due to animal rights or do this traditional costumes in ceremonies bring so much tourism and money that they don´t matter about animal rights.
    I think that they should reduce the use of those animal furs or reuse them so that the impact is not so big, or they could find another type of material similar to animal fur such as fabric or find any artificial material.
    Here in Spain is common in festivals the intervention of some animals like bulls, which are the most common, normally they do bullfights, games or races, where frequently they kill the animal; but as Uk, is part of our culture and later those killed animals are used for other things.

  • Here in Croatia,, animals are perceived as less valuable to live and they must serve people for their own needs. Also if we take puppies for example, people consider them less valuable and leave them if they don't have breed and because they can not make money from selling.. I'm angry,sad, and I think that every life is equally valuable whether it is human or animal!!!!

  • I am not from the United Kingdom and I have also not heard of anything like this in my region. To comment on Mr. Fry's opinion, I agree. Tradition or not and royal or not, it does not give anyone the right commit animal cruelty. Animals are what keeps most of the human population alive, and this action that the UK is committing can cause animals to be endangered or even go extinct.

  • In my own opinion animals should be treated rightly .This is so important as animals have feelings too and just like humans will experience pain. As humans are at the top of the food chain, we are gifted the duty of taking care of animals whose outcomes are left in our hands. Because of this, we should educate ourselves as much as possible and treat animals with kindness and respect. After all, we all live under the same sky. Animals should also be given adequate care meaning the should not be maltreated and they should be given proper medical attention using the right facilities to ensure their health safety .
    1.Report animal cruelty.
    2.Teach children how to have respect for animals.
    3.Shelter an animal in need.
    4.Demand striker laws for animal protection.
    5.Be an example of kindness to pets.

  • I think the Uk is terribly wrong for using animal fur. Animals don't deserve that. Let animals live for once. According to the internet 1.2 billion animals have been used for their fur in the UK. I really don'r understand why they have to use animal fur just use fake fur. No, in my country we do not have any traditions that have been in the news that involve animals.

  • Hi,
    In my opinion, the use of animals for scientific experiments is very wrong. According to my research, there are other ways that scientists could do their research other than use animals to test their experiments. Other ways in which scientists can do their experiments without the use of animals are;
    1.Scientists should devise ways of doing experiments safely on human volunteers.
    2.Scientists should use computers and mathematics to predict the effects of chemicals and drugs on humans.
    3.Scientists should use simple organisms (such as bacteria) to study bio processes.
    I believe that if scientists use this methods, animals lives will no longer be threatened due to scientific experiments.

  • Every animal will give you back the amount of love you give it. They may not be as developed as us, but that doesn't give us humans the right to mistreat them. They deserve love like every living thing on the planet.

  • In my opinion animals should have equal rights because ; All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and parental love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account. Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of us bought our beloved “pets” at pet shops and kept beautiful birds in cages. We wore wool and silk, ate McDonald’s burgers, and fished. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animal involved.