Comments by students of St Peter's Catholic Primary School | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
flourished_reflection The skill I’m working on is creativity because having this skill means my work is more... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
modest_ibex My skill will be listening because I can hear the news and tell the things what are happening to... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
willing_meaning My skill is listening because if you are a news reporter you need to listen to there side to the... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
romantic_satsuma We could use less plastic and recycle waste as if all the waste goes to the ocean or into the... Suggest a discussion 05/3/24
flourished_reflection You could go litter picking anywhere like the beach your local area. Walk around ,ride your... How to make a change 05/3/24
comfortable_buffalo I think people are not changing their behaviour to protect the planet because they are too stuck... Why don’t people change? 05/3/24
talented_keyboard My first idea is to… . Get up and wake up. ... Suggest a discussion 05/3/24
talented_keyboard I think we should only be shown bad news about the climate change because we can fix it to make... Too much negative news? 05/3/24
resilient_signature the most important piece of information that I learned from the lesson was that the next... Did you do the classroom lesson? 05/3/24
sensible_badger What surprised me during the lesson was when we were told men were getting paid more for doing... Did you do the classroom lesson? 05/3/24
flourished_reflection I think everyone is responsible for global warming so we should all fix the problem. Humans are... Climate change and inequality 05/3/24
busy_cymbals What most upset me was finding out that men often get paid more. We found out that there is a... Did you do the classroom lesson? 05/3/24
pioneering_cloudberry It is unfair that women and men should be treated differently because we are all created equal... Gender inequality: have your say! 05/3/24
romantic_satsuma Global meetings such as COP28 are extremely good at spreading awareness about climate change and... Global action! 05/3/24
reflective_clarinet In this discussion I will talk about eco-anxiety it means when someone is worried about the... Suggest a discussion 05/3/24
empathetic_reindeer People should listen to the good news and not the bad news Too much negative news? 05/3/24
inventive_politics We should plant more trees and not use to many electricity and make solar panel and use less... How to make a change 05/3/24
vivacious_snake People can’t change because some people don’t worry about the world so much and they think... Why don’t people change? 04/3/24
secure_tennis We should make a change by planting more trees so we can breath oxygen not CO2 and try get solar... How to make a change 04/3/24
romantic_satsuma In my opinion , we should introduce a discussion about how we can help nature.This would be good... Suggest a discussion 04/3/24