Comments by students of St Peter's Catholic Primary School | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
romantic_satsuma Eco-anxiety is when a person is extremely anxious about climate change and global warming. These... What is eco-anxiety? 11/3/24
caring_explanation Hi, I belive that eco-anxiety is normal because it makes people more aware what is happening. I... Climate change: regular reminders 10/3/24
romantic_satsuma People do not change their behaviour for many upsetting and mind-boggling reasons. Firstly,... Why don’t people change? 10/3/24
sensible_badger I think it is unfair for people to treat woman like that I have heard story's about this like... How does the world treat women 10/3/24
romantic_satsuma I suggest we introduce a discussion called "the consequences of eco-anxiety". We should make... Suggest a discussion 10/3/24
talented_keyboard I agree on the bit you said more and more people are getting eco anxiety because most of the the... Eco-anxiety, my view 10/3/24
talented_keyboard Thank you all the last thing I wanted to say another question for topical talk how does eco... Eco-anxiety, the future 10/3/24
sensible_badger I think I and many other people can ride a bike instead of a car because that has gas or if ... What can we do about eco-anxiety? 10/3/24
modest_ibex I strongly agree that AI is bad for the planet because Earth is a normal world but now we over... AI and the planet 09/3/24
digital_music Hello dear folks, topical talkers and citizens of the world, ... Your country in your hands! 09/3/24
romantic_satsuma The effects of eco-anxiety are really bad. It results in sleeplessness, loss of appetite,... The effects of eco-anxiety 09/3/24
romantic_satsuma We should make a debate about "how we can help". This can be helpful as we could help those that... Suggest a discussion 09/3/24
inspired_blueberry Wow these pictures are nice I really like how educated they and it look like they are really smart Festival snapshots! 08/3/24
modest_ibex I agree because that happened to me once when I said something people laughed at me and at break... What is eco-anxiety, my opinion 07/3/24
romantic_satsuma The future for eco-anxiety could result in various ways. It could cause pandemonium and chaos... Eco-anxiety, the future 07/3/24
modest_ibex I think there should be a discussion about "how to treat women" because we are treating them... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24
busy_cymbals In my opinion, this is disgraceful we are all humans and we are all equal. What surprises me the... Gender inequality: have your say! 06/3/24
romantic_satsuma In my opinion, we should introduce a discussion named ''how we can beat climate anxiety'' as we... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24
empathetic_reindeer I think that people should have good news because so that people will learn about eco anxiety I... Too much negative news? 06/3/24
willing_meaning I think AI is good because you can use AI for anything and in the future there might be AI at... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24