Comments by students of St Peter's Catholic Primary School | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
resilient_signature I believe that it’s unfair because some people have been training for years then finally win the... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 15/3/24
caring_explanation After learning about coping in sport today I think that, it is unfair and unjust for athletes to... The Enhanced Games 15/3/24
willing_meaning I think that is unfair because people that have drugs in a competition they will win and it will... Unfair Games 15/3/24
romantic_satsuma I think doping is not fair as people are cheating just for victory and praise and fame. Also ,I... Is doping fair 15/3/24
reflective_clarinet I think doping in sports and games is unfair because sports people are being banned and getting... my opinion or standpoint upon this 15/3/24
bold_fact No, I do not think we need athletes to be our superheroes because we already have fire fighters,... Enchanced games? Do we really need superheroes? 15/3/24
willing_dolphin Enhanced games v normal games has an enormous difference because you could beat a world record... ENHANCED GAMES VS "NORMAL" GAMES 15/3/24
talented_keyboard I think doping is fair and unfair for example, if you were about to join the Olympic Games and... Is doping fair 15/3/24
balanced_whale In my opinion athletes should be allowed to have drugs because people want to know if they can... Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in competitions? 15/3/24
pioneering_cloudberry I think it would be good to take drugs because we can learn something new and if someone took... Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in competitions? 15/3/24
busy_cymbals I think that our children should be able to live without eco-anxiety in their lives and so on... Do you want your kids to have a world tomorrow? 15/3/24
romantic_satsuma We should worry about eco-anxiety for many reasons. I have thought of 5 reasons and will like to... Why we should worry about eco-anxiety 15/3/24
romantic_satsuma In my opinion, i think that a good caption for the photo would be "together we can make a... Caption this! 14/3/24
romantic_satsuma To deal with eco-anxiety, we can make more eco-friendly moves for earth. Firstly, this would... What can we do about eco-anxiety? 14/3/24
romantic_satsuma I think it is important for young people to learn about the topic of AI in the news because they... Competition #8 winners 13/3/24
modest_ibex We can show them facts about how meat production is affecting our planet badly. We can... How to make a change 12/3/24
romantic_satsuma So we've been talking about eco-anxiety but what is it? Eco-anxiety is when a person is very... What is eco-anxiety? 12/3/24
modest_ibex I think that women in the media is important because they are not seen very much on the TV and... Competition #8 winners 11/3/24
modest_ibex We can make a change we need to stop eating certain meat and start to recycle because if we put... How to make a change 11/3/24
romantic_satsuma In my personal opinion, we are worrying about eco-anxiety as we know that one day, it could... Eco-anxiety, why are we worrying? 11/3/24