Weekly Competition #4
05 October 2018
clever_starfish and benevolent_solution
What a fantastic week! We had a series of excellently observant entries this week, which pushed everyone at BNC HQ to look back at the photos again and again, and to be more open-minded to different interpretations. Well done to benevolent_solution who showed excellent reasoning. We liked how they looked at each picture, gave reasons and then came to a well-thought through conclusion. This is a great way to structure a response! Congratulations also go to clever_starfish. They interpreted the pictures in relation to the Myanmar Issue and the media and explained how they were linked to each other. Well done! Scroll down to see the winning entries in the orange boxes.
Which was the odd one out?
This week's competition requires open-minded thinking as well as excellent reasoning. Have a look at pictures A, B and C. Which one do you think is the odd one out? Make sure you explain your answer with good reasons and keep an open-mind. There may not be a 'right' answer here so we want you to look closely or creatively, and give reasons for your choice.
For example: I think picture A is the odd one out because it's the only one that doesn't have a person in it, just vehicles.
Good luck!
Comments (187)
the third one is the odd one out because it dos not look like myanmar and they have alot of tec .
i reson that peopl sood hav the right to not be kikt out of they
i think picture a is the odd one out because b and c are showing people reporting the news but picture a is showing
tanks in a desert and it has no explanation.
I agree with steady_speech because if you start to think about 'a' is the only picture which is showing war and danger while in picture 'b' is showing people protesting ,and in picture 'c' it looks like they are filming a movie of film in the desert.
How do you know that they are reporting on something. They could be filming anything . Also picture B looks like they are protesting against something.
You have made a good point. However how can you tell that picture B and C are reporting the news and not having an argument with another group of people trying to prove their point or interviewing a group of people?
Your point is valid; however, how do you know that image C is showing someone reporting the news? It could just as easily be a: documentary, television show or just film. You can't assume unless you have proper evidence to support your answer.
In addition, why doesn't it have an explanation? It appears they are fighting for there country or place for a reason. They couldn't have tanks unauthorized so it has to be government involved or at the very least military involved. So you can't really say it's not for a reason because it is.
Also, do you have any additional information to support this? Maybe another point?
I hope this can be taken into consideration next time.
C and B go together because they are trying to get people together and get people to notice what is going on. Whereas, A is people actually in the middle of the situation.
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Picture A is the odd one out because it is the only dangerous picture out of them all.
I think the first one that there should be no should be forced to go from there homes they have to be on the streets in different countries and people die in the war because people deserve a life.
I think it is Picture A because it is more related to Myanmar and it has no high tech . etc camera's
I say b because it does not look as much the same as a and c
This could be right but have you got any reasoning or evidence that supports your view? Why is it the odd one out? Also, why isn't the other images the odd one out? I am not disagreeing with your point I just believe that you should back-up your point and say your opinions on the other images are as well.
Personally, I think that image C is the odd one out because it appears that they are documenting a wildlife show or something to do with the wilderness; whereas image A and B are both showing people fighting for what they believe in and for something that they support. They are both different because they are fighting in different ways. But they are both battling to make something right or win their fight.
I hope you found this helpful in any way and can use this advice wisely next time so you can get others to see your point which I'm certain is a good one.
Have you not noticed that picture A is to do with the military and picture B and C is to do with the news. which reason do you think is strongest and why? I personally think that the similarity between the news is far greater than the similarity of looks.
i think a is because the others have cameras in
Yes i agree with you .
I think a because picture b and c has camres.
I think the first is the odd one out because it's the only one where nobody is filming any thing
I think a because picture b and c has camres.
I really agree with you
in my opinion i think that a is the odd one out is number A because it has different democracy to c and b
i think A is the odd one out as it looks like there is danger and possibly could be a war.In the other pictures it looks like its not as important as A because it does not envolve in fighting
I am thinking picture A, because it looks less safe than all the others. Plus picture B and C have cameras, and the people look well kept.
i completly agree with you
That is well said, and very clever of you to think of that post yourself, nice.
I think picture C is the odd one put because it doesn't show a scene from an argument or a fight, in fact it looks quite peaceful. Picture B looks like a protest, it could be against the ill-treatment of the Rohingya muslims whereas picture A could be the army fighting against the Rohingya.
It could be argued that picture A is the anomali since it does not contain advanced equipment like cameras or megaphones.
Some people may think picture B is the outlier because it has no direct link to the arid terrain of the other pictures which I assume were taken in Myanmar.
Well done for thinking through each picture and clearly showing your reasoning. Star-worthy work!
Yes I get your point, but have you considered other factors in the pictures? I think A is the odd one out because firstly, picture B and C are both doing some form of filming, while picture A is only showing tanks. Finally, picture A is the only picture showing a vehicle.
The reason I agree with strong_song is that he is telling us , picture B doesn't show any sign of harm or violence , whereas the other two (picture A and C )show that they're set in the same place - the dessert of Maynmar-that is getting destroyed by the military!!How could people do this to them?The Rohingya people suffer so bad having to live in camps and living with a tiny bit of food especially the babies!!!The babies need a lot of medication but sadly there isn't any people that can help!!!Bangladesh is already to poor for people to buy food or living on their streets!They can't even afford a proper medication for people to live longer!!!!
i think that it is also A because it is a violent and dangerous picture , which is not like the other ones
I believe that picture C is incorrect, I think this because the surrounding is giving us evidence to back up this situation, so this picture doesn't show that people are dealing with/making an effect on the cruel democracy in Rohingya. In picture A, it looks like their showing their strength to stop the crisis themselves, and in picture B, it looks like someone is trying to make an effect with a public speech, therefore, the odd picture out is C.
Excellent reasoning shown! Well done for explaining how you came to your conclusion!
Thank you, Olivia
I think picture a is the odd one out because it is the only picture with war ,vehicles and just one person in it .
Picture C is the odd one out because it does not show war or fighting it looks quite peaceful as if nothing is going on . People would also say picture B because it also looks quite peaceful as if there is nothing wrong
In my opinion I think that picture B is the odd one out because picture A and C are apart of the issue in Myanmar and Bangladesh but in picture B there is a lady shouting not about the problems in Myanmar and Bangladesh she’s shouting about both of the country’s not to be helped.
I really think that picture C is the answer because it doesn’t have any war or any other many information is it’s regarding about Mayanmar’s war. It doesn’t show that it’s showing any democracy or anything cruel or about the Rohingya people. In picture B it looks like someone is trying to make an effect on anything and it’s very intresting to see what kind of pictures are odd and even in picture A, it, looks like their showing their own strength to stop the crisis themselves that they make.
I think picture C is the odd one out because it’s not really explaining what is happening , but picture A and B is explaining that their is something wrong happening:the tanks explain that there is a war happening in the dessert (Mayanmar).The woman shows us that she is talking about something interesting because people are taking photos of her speaking .We can tell that there is a lot of people there because she is using megaphone to help her talk louder so the people get an idea about what she is saying.
It is possible for the odd one out to be A,because it looks like the only one in Myanmar. There is tanks it has a high possibility because it shows war tanks are being brought in maybe to attack the Muslim Rohingya. It can be B because it shows maybe an important person arguing over the unfairness of the rasism being caused to the Muslim people living in Myanmar. C an be odd because it looks like a news report being filmed reporting on what is happening during this war.
I think that the odd one out is picture C.
Picture A may relate to the military who set fire to the Rohingya and forced them to flee because it shows tanks
Picture B may relate to Aung San Suu Kyi because she is the leader of Myanmar and picture B shows a leader.
Picture C may relate to people who have seen what has happened to the Rohingya.
I think that picture C is the odd one out because it relates to people who have seen it happen, whereas the other picture relate to people who have experienced it.
I believe that picture c is the odd one out because they are poor people in picture c and there are people in a beautiful field and talking about something in a country that is poor and they have a beautiful view while in picture and maybe voting or having a walk to stand against the people who are having a problem with their country and getting forced out into Bangladesh
Picture C loooks as if nothing is going on and there is no war fighting or argument in the scene.In contrast to that Picture B looks like there Is a statement is being shared because the lady doesn’t look as if she is protesting.However , Picture B I believe is the odd one out in my opinion because there is a war tank and you can tell nothing good is going on .Unlike the the other two pictures which are very peaceful
I believe that the odd one out picture is the picture c because it most probably has people filming a film however it can be about the war with Mayanmar and the Rohingya well the picture a would have a meaning of that there is a war and that the army relationship Aung San Suu Kyi would definitely help win the war against the Rohingya people who Aung SAN Suu Kyi lately have blamed for terrorism. The picture b can also be involved in some kind of war or a riot.
So I think b looks like a protest! Maybe about people wanting to help Myanmar/Rohingya people.A looks like the military in Myanmar (because of the tanks and the place) C looks like people doing something maybe for the news and giving a backstory of how it happened from what over people have heard! In my opinion C might be the odd one out because it could be showing anything!
I believe that the odd one out picture is the picture c because it most probably has people filming a film however it can be about the war with Mayanmar and the Rohingya well the picture a would have a meaning of that there is a war and that the army relationship Aung San Suu Kyi would definitely help win the war against the Rohingya people who Aung SAN Suu Kyi lately have blamed for terrorism. The picture b can also be involved in some kind of war or a riot.
I think that picture a is the odd one out because in that picture there is violence and in the others there is no violence and in picture c I think that they are taking pictures of proof of what is happening and in picture b I think that they are telling of what was happening
I think that C is incorrect because in picture A there are tanks and that’s how they probably killed the Rohingya people and in picture B there is someone holding a megaphone and she is probably standing up to Aung San Suu Kyi and she’s probably saying that what Aung San Suu Kyi done to the Rohingya was wrong.Picture C is the odd one out because there’s just someone taking a photo of someone else and a picture doesn’t explain anything.
It’s possible for the odd one out to be A because it looks like the tanks were involved in the myan problem and the other sources are not aggressive as the first one and are quitepeaceful. However B looks like it is a debat or an argument maybe over what is happening in Myanmar. The last photo looks like news reporters maybe reporting what has happened in Myanmar also have seen what had happened.
I think picture b is the odd one out because the surrounding is empty and looks more like a desert that a wildlife program is taking place but picture a and b look like something more serious -picture a has evidence that it might be about the problem in Myanmar because there is military trucks
I believe that picture B is the odd one out because they are the ones that are shouting and actually involving the Rohingya people and saying that we should be helping , and we should not do what Aung San Suu Kyi does.
But how do picture A and picture C contrast to picture B?
I think it is picture C is the odd one out because it is calm and peaceful whereas picture B is shouting maybe for the Rohingia peace also picture A may be planning to attack Myanmar that is why I am saying picture C is the odd one out .
I think one because there is thank and I think it’s war .It could be b it could be a documentary oabot the rohingas . I don’t have any evidence of C
I honestly think that picture C is the odd one out because all the others have to do with argument or war and picture C different because it seems that in that picture their relaxing in the sun in picture b it looks as if there is an argument or there was a bad decision picture A the Myanmar Buddhist people were having war with the Rohingyan people.
I think picture A is the odd one out because the other two look like directors who are filming something. And A looks like 2 tanks are going to war I also think that B and C are quite peacful and A is like war and the opposite to peacful. In C they are showing you what peacful looks like and what the world is like with out war. B looks like there is a producer telling the movie people what to do.
Picture C is the odd one out because it doesn't show someone making a point (tanks are for war and wars often start with disagreements and the megaphone is normally used when you are trying to say something or catch someone's attention). However, Picture A can also be the odd one out because it is the only picture that doesn't have a camera in it. Also, Picture C is the odd one out because it looks almost peaceful (shouting, in my opinion, is not peaceful and tanks, well, I doubt they are used for something calm).
I think it is Picture C because it is the only one that is faded out and you cannot see the faces or the picture that clearly. There are only shadows. I think this is quite powerful because the effects portray a kind of tranquillity. Also it is different because of the contrast in the skies. In picture A and in picture B the sky is light blue. However, in picture C the sky is an orangey red and the sun is low. In this picture I think it is dusk. In addition to this, in the other two pictures something urgent or intimidating is happening, but in picture C it is calm and sweet.
I think A is the odd one out because it the only one that causes a crucial impact.Although C is the only one that includes peace it is to similar to B Because B does not cause death so a is the only one that is harmful so a is the odd one out.
I think picture C is the odd one out because picture B looks like an argument which could turn into a bad protest or a war. Picture A is probably planning to attack Myanmar and picture B could be a soldier telling the country to also plan to attack Myanmar. Picture C is three guys relaxing in the sun taking pictures. This is the reason I think picture A and B match.
I also think A might be the odd one out because A is in the middle of the situation and is quite violent. As B might be trying to get people to help stop the war and C could be an interview about the war but has a lovely backround. C also could be an interview to somebody who had to leave the country and they are asking to also help stop it.
I think that they are all the odd one out for different reasons. C could be the odd one out as it is the only one that is calming because in B protesting is not calming, and in A there is a tank probably going to fight which is not very calming where as C is. B could also be the odd one out as it is the only image that you can not see the ground in. Finally A could be the odd one out because it is the only one with a building in it. By the way there is a person in image A so therefore your example would not be correct in that respect but it is the only one with a vehicle in so it would be kind of correct.
I think the odd one out is A because it is not a protest or a filming but a war. To back up my reason I think that ,if you look closely, the other pictures (B and C) don't look like a destroyed landscape unlike A It's Quite sad to see picture A unlike the others that seem completely different, not happy but used to it. The picture A makes me feel guilty and bad for all the people who there houses have been demolished. The photos B and C, I think, that they are of a situation that may of happened a few years ago although the first picture looks quit recent.
I think picture B is the odd one out because it looks very cold. And in Myanmar it looks realy warm and also in picture B the people are wearing fluffy coats.
I honestly believe that B is the odd one out, I think this because there is people who are raising there voices and actually saying to the Rohingya’s stand up to Aun San Suu Khi and say that she should be doing something about it !
I personally think that picture C is the odd one out. This is because both picture A and B show a scene of conflict, whereas picture C looks like it is in a more relaxed country/part of the country, where people are all at peace with one another.
In picture A, by looking at the tanks, you could assume that people are finally standing up to being treated in an unfair way, in such a way that they have caused a rebellion against their country. However people could say that that picture is the odd one out, because there are no cameras/way of filming and it is the only picture that includes vehicles.
In my opinion picture c is the odd one out because the surrounding is not showing many evidence that any Rohingya immigrants or soldiers or even the prime minister of Rohingya whereaspicture A shows military trucks that may possibly be the Rohingya army and picture B looks like a person who is protesting against the Rohingya violence/'terrorismn'.
In my opinion, you can explain these pictures in THREE different ways.
1st way: the picture A is showing a situation of a war, the picture B is showing someone either giving information, instruction or protesting with local public and the picture C is showing a person giving information, instruction or protesting to the world public. Since, the Picture B and C are news journalists giving news and the picture A is nothing related to news reporter. Therefore, the picture A is the odd one out.
2nd way: the picture A is showing a situation of a war, and the picture C is showing after the same war in the same place the news reporter giving what happen after the war. Whereas, the picture B is showing in an urban area, completely different place to the war zone and it only shows either people protesting against the same war in a city or something not related to the same war. Therefore, the picture B is the odd one out.
3rd way: the picture A is showing a situation of a war and the picture B is showing in a famous city, people protesting against this war not to happen whereas, the picture C is showing a documentary of climate change in a deserted region, which is nothing, related to that war. Therefore, the picture C is the odd one out.
I think that picture C is the odd one out because there is no evident anger or opposition to anything displayed by anyone. In pictures A and B, there are people evidently standing up for and doing what they believe is right, however picture C is mutual; the person who I assume is being interviewed may be doing this too, however you cannot tell that from the photo. The first 2 pictures are of war, either verbally or physically, however the third is more peaceful. Despite this, people may think it is A because in the others somebody is speaking their thoughts, or B because in the other two, the terrain looks like Myanmar, however in B you cannot see where the photo has been shot.
I think that the odd one out is C.
I think A is the odd one out because it looks like they are not communicating with each other and it looks like war which is not good it also makes people feel bad
I'm my opinion, I think picture A is the odd one out.
Because picture C and B are both related to each other. I say this because, a person would usually use a megaphone for announcing something. Which is related to the news because the news usually announce something. Which leads to the next picture that has people taking pictures with a professional camera. Usually, the news have people who take photos for them for extra information and journalists sometimes vlog in places to show people how it's like there or for a special occasion. Which still links to the news. Picture A shows a picture of tanks yes it's related to Myanmar but is it related to any of the other two pictures?
I think picture A is the odd one out because it is the only picture that shows conflict. There is a type of conflict in this picture as there are tanks and usually when tanks are being used, the situation is bad. I also think that this picture is the odd one because it appears to be ominous as it looks deserted and again the tanks add to the ominous atmosphere.
On the other hand, picture B and C seem very informative and doing something that may be useful compared to picture A. Picture B is a woman that is saying something through a loud speaker. This is different to picture A as she may be doing something for a cause or for something positive. Picture C is also different to picture A because it looks like they may be filming a documentary , which is an educational source , so it would have a good effect on the viewers. Its also different to picture A because it doesn't seem as tense and is set in a environment full of nature that seems peaceful.
Hi BNC! If you have received a star on your entry, then your reasoning and open-mindedness have been excellent...well done! I've set the bar slightly higher for secondary school students as I want you to push yourselves and develop your reasons fully before coming to a conclusion. Well done everyone, I look forward to reading more!
We think C is the odd one out. A is the army and shows violence and conflict, and B shows people protesting against something, which is also conflict. C has a natural landscape which has not been disturbed by man, and it looks like people are filming a tv show there, which is fiction.
What do you think that they could be protesting against and why? B doesn't look like the same setting as A and if it is the same setting how can you prove it? (IM NOT BOSSY, HONEST)
We think picture A because picture B & C look as if they are on set making a documentary or a sort of film and A looks as if it has something to do with the war and brute force and B and C look as if they have connections with filmography and there are cameras are in photo B and C but in photo A it’s just tanks and A looks as if it’s been taken with a phone compared to B & C.
I think that A is the odd one out because no one wants war
A because we do not went a big war
I am going to make a prediction that that the picture A is the odd one out because the other pictures have a camera and the picture A does not and also the picture B and C look like there doing soothing that is not war
I think A is the odd because the rest have camera
I think the odd one out is A because no one is being film it has war stuff
I think that b and c go together because they have people in talking and shooting videos and a is just tanks
I noticed that A and B are both set in the daylight, and C is during night time.
I think the odd one out is b because it is in a bright atmosphere and it shows their facial looks.
I think picture C is the odd one out because the A and B look kind of dangerous and like Myanmar ,whilst the third looks like a movie scene.
I noticed that A and B are both set in the daylight, and C is during night time.
In A, there is a vehicle, but in C and A, there is not one.
I think that A is the odd one out because B and C has an image of cameras and it looks like they are filming or creating pictures whereas in A ,the image is not related to any of these.
why is burnet so important??????????
I think a is the odd one out because b and c are are both reporters and a is not however c could also be the odd one out because a and b both show conflict
I think a is the odd one out because b and c are are both reporters and a is not however c could also be the odd one out because a and b both show conflict
In my opinion, B is the odd one out because in A they are standing guard and in C they are reporting the crisis and i can prove this because it looks like it is the same setting .
I think b is the odd one out because a and c are quite bland but b has a lot more colour than the rest
I think a is the odd one out because b and c both have reporters
b is the odd one out because ac don't have mirophone
i think c is the odd one out because a loos like there's some sort of war and in b it looks like the group of people are protesting . A and b are are conflict but c is a calm looking place .
c ios the odd one out because theres no infomation
I think A is the odd one out because in B they are protesting and in C I think they are filming the protesters but in A there are tanks and its very deserted so it does not look like it is part of the problem in Myanmar or Bangladesh
I think A is definitely the odd one out because this image shows people at war (e.g tanks) which is the complete opposite of the other pictures because the others share the similarity of a video camera in sight. This is why I think that A is the odd one out.
a is the odd one because b and c don't have desert
I think that C is the odd out because the women and the person holding the microphone is interviewing somebody in private in the middle of no-where and just interviewing a random person and the person doesn't even care what is happening around him.
A,Is the odd one out probably because it shows nothing nice just violence,terrorising and conflict,
A, is just a picture with tanks and a person standing on a hill watching what is happening.If you look closely the tanks are aiming at a house staring at it like a death stare...
B,Is a women standing up for what is happening and protesting against what is happening at the moment and is trying to get her voice heard (literally)
And C,is a women and a man holding a micro-phone interviewing a person probably for a special cause.
I think that A is the odd one out because it's showing and Army Tank maybe going to war. Whereas, B and C look they like are possibly TV directors as they all mention some type of camera. A is showing violence and conflict, as usually tanks are used when the situation is bad/getting worse. Yes it's related to Myanmar but it's not related to B or C.
i think it is C because theres no infomation underneath the name or were it came from its all blank
I think A is the only one with a veichles and guns plus it is the only onein a desert.
i disagree i think it is A that is the odd one out because A is the only one that uses violence and heavy Armored vehicles
I think the odd one out is b because a and c look similar because they both took part in a desert and they look very hot
I believe that A is the odd one out because it's the only picture that doesn't show someone holding some kind of technical piece of equipment, also there are no vehicles in the other images.
I think they all are different because they have different settings and they have different clothing
I think B because that is the only protesting and with mega phones.A and C are similar because they both are in the same settings
I also agree that C may also be the odd one out because it is the only one that has people filming the wildlife and nature.
B might be the odd one because the other images contains a background of the day time which shares colour similarities based on how it is during the day.Not only the colour of the day, but also the deadly grasses and the crisped sand. Also the images has a clear view of the ground and the event happening above it.B however has none of these similarities and is completely opposite in colour wise
I think c is the odd one out because a is army c is natural landscape but not in Myanmar it is not relative to Myanmar b shows people protesting which is relative to Myanmar because people protest in Myanmar everyday
I think that they are all different in there own ways because A is the only one that has a moving vehicles in the picture but picture B and picture C look like someone is filming but C looks a lot more peaceful than B.
I think that c is the odd one out because b and a look like they need help
I think that C and B go together because as you see, they both have cameras and they bare recording and trying to solve the situation. But in picture A they are in the situation.
I think picture a is the odd one out as it is the only picture within the warzone.
In my opinion I think that A is the odd one out because it has vehicles while B and C don't. Also I think A is the odd one out because nobody is broadcasting (as in B and C it looks like there are cameras). In A there are tanks ; in Myanmar the military have been attacking people's houses while the others look calm and tranquil. On the other hand B could be someone making a broadcast about the crisis in Myanmar trying to get their view across. Whereas C looks like somebody is making a nature broadcast or it could be before the Myanmar crisis. I still think that A is the odd one out.
I think that A is the odd one out because in B and C both of them have people videoing and taking pictures and a you have a picture of war and nobody wants war
A is the odd one out because no one records in a war
I think that the won witch is odd is picture b as it the only won witch is not on sand although A do not show people
i think A is the odd one out because B and C are both videoing
I think 'a' is odd because it has lots of vehicles and it looks like war and fights.
I think A is the odd one out because it is a dangerous place (war) while the other photos are maybe from debates or speeches unlike A which is 1000 times dangerous.(I mean...) would you like to be in that situation?
In my opinion i think all three pictures are showing how life can change in seconds
In my opinion the third picture is the odd one out because they look like they are in a random field filming a wildlife programme. However one and two look like they are fighting for something, just like in Myanmar.The first one, from my perspective, looks like they are in a war with someone. The second one looks like they are expressing their opinions to the public.
I think that picture C is the odd one out because it is the only picture that doesn't contain violence and arguing and it's also peaceful .
I believe picture A s the odd one out because it's destroying the place with large machines just ruining, it my opinion is that it should stop as it's ruining the enviorment and not helping it at all it's damaging peoples lives and ruining them even more this is not right.I for one will help make this stop and not agree with anyone ,who try's to ruin the enviorment.C and B are all about helping the enviorment like C is all about telling everyone in the world should help and I agree as this is good and doesn't help just the enviorment it helps the people living in it and picture C I agree with because it's like telling everyone to start helping the enviorment .I think that this should keep going because it's helping the people ,who live in it.So picture A is the odd one out because it's not doing anything good for anyone but I don't know if they will stop but I hope they will
I think picture A is the odd one out because there are tanks and no people to be seen, unlike pictures B & C.
There is a person on a hill in A.
i think picture a is the odd one out because its about a hard working men
I think that Picture A is the odd one out because B and C seem peaceful and I think that they look like the people in them are trying to help others around them. C looks like it is really violent and it reminds me of a warzone. I believe that it isnt doing anything good for anyone involved and it looks scary whereas the other two look much happier than A and they dont look anywhere near as scary.
I see what you mean because A shows a more industrial issue but my view is that A and B are linked through protest but I am now realising that the three pictures are very debatable
I personally think picture C is the odd one out because its a more relaxed environment whereas picture B and A are more stressed and dangerous
I also think Picture A because it represents violence and war and suffering.
i think that picture a is the odd one out because the other ones have people talking and a has an army tank so i must be practising or going off to a war where as the other ones are maybe debating or filming something.
I think C is the odd one because A looks like war and B looks like the girl is angry about the war and telling people to help to stop it .
I think A is the odd one out because it is about violence however the other two are different and they are not about violence.
i believe that picture C is the odd one out. This is because the man knows he is being filmed or having a photo taken of him. The woman doesn't seem to notice the man taking a photo of her. I don't think the army people with the tank know that they are being photographed because they are still running around absentmindedly like they didn't know. these are my thoughts, thanks for reading.
I agree that picture c is the odd one out because if you do look at the pictures a lot of things are going on in pictures a and b but not much in c
Yes you have a point, but if you look at it from a different point of view, you can see that B and C both have some sort of filming in it and its also joyful as in A it would have the most differences as it isnt joyful and its extremely sad, it is warfare and senses of death.
I think A because its all about violence unlike B and C
I have a reason for A because it is the odd one out for war and violence. B and C are mostly calm especially C because there is someone is talking through nature and B is just a lady who is telling people what to do.
I think that picture C is the odd one out because it shows a film crew filming a journalist in a motionless field while picture B and A show anger and protest.
I personally think that photo A is the odd one out because photo B is helping people when they don't know what to do and photo C is showing people how to look after the world and make it a better place. The reason why photo A is the odd one out is because it isn't helping people or making the word a better place, its destroying the little peace we have left. it is making the world negative because, as soon as something bad happens its all everyone can talk about. We need to focus more on the positives.
I think A is the odd one out because It is very violent where B looks like it is a women trying to help others or make a speech and then C is probably a journalist interviewing a witness of their investigation.
the pictures A,B,C all represent forms of arguing a point. A is military version of arguing a point by the manner of force. B is a form arguing by protest or making a stance. C is a form of arguing by the use of the media by tv or the social media platforms available for them. the odd one out, personally, is B. This is all done by the level of media they will receive by third party sources. C is built to be picked up by the media as It will be posted mainly on news channels or social media. A will also have a good level media coverage as the media channels will pick up military demonstration. Military demonstration are very high profile situation and the country performing these operations will deter later problems. B is the odd one out due to the level of noticeability. Some protest/demonstration do get picked up by the media however demonstrations happen all the time. When I was in Australia there were people demonstrating the cruelty against animals. They had TV screens showing animal cruelty and they were wearing anonymous masks. This however was not picked up in the national news nor the local. So this supports my argument that B is the odd one out due to the amount of media coverage.
Fantastic reasoning shown, vibrant lobster. Well done!
I think picture a is the odd one out because the other two look like directors who are filming something. And it looks like 4 tanks are going to kill the people of Myanmar because the Rohingyan people won't leave I also think that b and c are quite peacful and A is like war and the opposite to peacful. In c they are showing you what peace is and what you could get for Myanmar and what the world is like with no war. b looks like there is a director telling the film crew to film a thing.
I think that picture A is the odd one out because pictures B and C are people trying to spread information. It could be their opinion on something, a news story, a documentary, or something along those lines. They have some information and they are giving it to other people. Picture A is something happening, by the looks of it, probably a war. This could be what the people in pictures B and C are talking about. Picture A is something happening and pictures B and C are some information spreading about something that has already happened.
Technically any of the pictures could be the odd one out, picture A could be the odd one out because it is the only one showing war and conflict and the others are news reporters I think, there is also the view that the news reporters are reporting about picture A and the crisis. C could also be the odd one out because of the time of day and it is the only one that doesn’t represent the Rohingya crisis and people working to prevent it. But then B could be the only one with a speaker/megaphone and mostly the people are in the distance giving the effect that the photos were almost ‘posed’ for, also the picture could’ve been taken anywhere where the others look like they have definitely been taken in the middle east.
I strongly agree. At first I thought that photo A was the odd one out because it is the only one picturing conflict and negativity. But now, looking back, I agree: there is no odd one out. All of them have their own significance and I think that there is no "odd one out"
I think that there is a message in the Picture B and C of persuasion. The kind of persuasion in these pictures indicates peaceful persuasion. Photo A however is of a different kind of persuasion, a forceful persuasion, with no say in it for the people involved. This kind of persuasion is unfair and gives no room for debate. Room for debate is what is needed for any kind of fair protest, where there is a safe environment that anyone can safely say why they are wrong. However, these days this kind of protest is usually only found in the more local, less publicised protests. Therefore people can't say what their view is and safely oppose the government. Therfore the military picture of A is the odd one out, with no way of arguing against this persuasion.
Each photo shows a removal of freedom and harmonious well-being. The first photo is clearly showing a martial war, disrupting the peace of the civilians that either previously lived on the site or those which live nearby. The second has connotations of a human-rights war, disrupting the peace that was never granted by taking away the rights of people who lawfully should be granted them. The last photo has no implications of a war, but the man in the photo is clearly being filmed, even if it was voluntary, taking away his sense of peace. Each photo gives incredibly different suggestions, but I believe the most 'odd' one would be picture C because it has no connotations of war within it, giving implications of peace, as it gives freedom from the fear of violence that is in the other photos.
l think that A is the odd one out because that photo is the only one with tanks of war while the others are taking pictures for news or memories BUT you can also turn it the other way round.
Now I am making a disagreement to myself I think picture A is the odd one out because I have relised that you would't use huge tanks for makeing news as the other pictures are useing the right things
This also gives us evidence that picture c is the odd one out because in the picture it doesn’t shows any sign of violence ,all it shows us is that the there is a woman speaking something important to a lot of people.Iknow this because the woman is using a megaphone!!!
Picture B is the one with the megaphone and picture ce is the one with a man that is doing a review in the safari.
I think that picture c is the odd one out because that one is very calm and the others are quite big. Picture a looks like war and picture b looks like politics. These pictures don't seem like the happiest of pictures, especially the first one
i think A is the odd one only because the picture doesn't show something being filed and considering that the others both have cameras , show the benefits of something being filmed. In A it only shows tanks and therefore i think A is the odd one out. Thank you
I personally think that picture C is the odd one out, this is because it is the only picture without an argument going on (or at least what looks like an argument) of some sort. Picture A shows an argument with a scene of violence, which could also mean that people are finally standing up in such a way that they will be noticed/heard, whereas picture B shows an argument in a less aggressive manor, in which people seem to be shouting, at what could be between two different sets of people.
On the other hand, picture C is set in a calm and peaceful setting and as far as we can tell, there does not seem to be much going on, other than the interview.
However all of them are different in their own way, picture A because of all the vehicles/machinery, picture B because of the people shouting and picture C because of all the camera crew/equipment.
Considering all the three pictures,
A and B can be related to each other,
or A and C can be related to each other
or B and C can be related to each other
or A, B and C can be related to each other
or none of the A, B or C can be related to each other.
Because these pictures did not give any facts about when, where, why and what situation with no explanation. Therefore, you can make any fake news by just looking at any of these pictures using your imagination and make them related to each other.
For example, let us consider the picture A and C; it is showing a situation of a war and after the war. Therefore, you can make it related to the Myanmar conflict. However, the picture A looks like somewhere in the Middle-Eastern deserted land (either Iraq or Syria) and the picture C looks like an Australian remote land (the person who looks like a news reporter/documentary reader is wearing an Australian hat). However, Myanmar is a land filled with greenery. So, in my opinion, the pictures A and C did not relate to Myanmar at all.
In my opinion picture C is the odd one out. The other two pictures are both fighting for something the love. C may also be fighting for something they love - the wildlife - but they show it in a different way. Picture A is showing fighting for something they love aggressively yet picture B is showing what they believe in using worlds . Yet C is not talking it just showing what is right its not forcing anyone to listen. Its calm and gentle not like the others.
Personally, I believe that they are all different in multiple ways but I believe that image b is the odd one out because image a and c are doing something for the bennefit of themselves. Meaning that:
Image a- it is fighting for a country or a place which isn't the answer and it isn't for a good reason.
Image b- is showing a rebellion or a debate for a point the strongly believe in.
Image c- is showing a documentary or a show being filmed so they can earn money for it.\
However, I believe they aren't as differnet as they look at first glance. THy are all fioghting or showing something they know alot about.
The odd one out is A because there are tanks going into war where the other two are nice and A has tanks and B, C doesn’t have any tanks.
The odd one out is A because there are tanks going into war where the other two are nice and A has tanks and B, C doesn’t have any tanks.
I think that the odd one out is C because A and B might be protesting .In picture C it looks like they are reporting.
I think photo A is the odd one out because it is the only photo with tanks and there are no cameras in it.
i think it is A because all the pictures are about speaking out but A is about the military
so A has to be the odd one out even though maybe B is about military rights and how they should
get more weapons so C could be the odd one out.
I think the odd picture out is C as the first one looks like they are warring and the second looks like they are rioting/protesting as they have a microphone and she looks like shes shouting. The third looks like a peaceful plain with them filming a documentary or something along those lines
I think the odd one out is picture A because it means war and the other two are about speaking out . I think because picture A has tanks and tanks are normally used in war and picture B and C have people speaking out so the odd one out is picture A
I think that photo A is the odd one out because it shows violent things in it like tanks.
I think A is the odd one out because B and C look like it is about people sharing news but A looks like people are just at war in a few tanks
I think personally that picture c is the odd one out because A is all about violence and demanding maybe and or victory( something). Where C is all about camera action and coming together to produce a film or an advert. B contains demanding actions like image A because it is war they are demanding victory and in B they are demanding for everyone to listen and do the right thing. But that is somehow what C is about because they are needing to listen and do the right thing to produce the film. But I still think see but I might change my mind from other peoples opinion and views . I do agree with breathtaking_deer because that C is the only one with out cameras. Also I think that Ais also the odd one out because that is the only picture that is showing conflict where A and B are showing thoughtfulness .
I think that photo B is the odd one out because it doesn't look like they have anything to do with Myanmar
In my opinion, picture B is the odd one out because it doesn't relate at all to the rohyinga crisis since no one has done anything about it and it shows that a women is shouting which is not what Aung Sang Suu Kyi is doing at all. But the other pictures relate to the issue and here's why... Picture A
results to bombing and vicious attacks which is happening to a small group of innocent Muslims. Picture C results to cameras trying to get their latest news story's in Myanmar and flashing lights at the rohyingas .Which is clearly not helping the situation.
Personaly, I don't think that there is an odd one out because, in a way, they are all linked if you think about it in a way that I do. Picture C looks like one of those factual documentories about animals or a country or somthing and it also looks like it's trying to get some type of measage across to the veiwers. In picture B they are obviously making an anousment about somthing. But what if that somthing might be Myanmar and the milletary's power. And maybe the tanks are to do with Myanmar to. So in a way they are all slightly connected.
I think A is the odd one out because it is showing a gun and war scene .the other two are showing some people making a documentary or radio or a TV show because there is a loudspeaker and cameras and microphones . But they could all link up because they are making something about war and how it is bad and the tanks and dry ground is the setting so it is either A or all of them.
I think picture A is the odd one out because it has one person but the other pictures have three,picture A has no cameras but the other pictures have cameras,picture A has tanks but the other pictures don't have tanks,picture A is set in a war zone but the others are peaceful.
You have made a good point, and I do agree with you, but both picture A and picture B look like they could both be taking part in an argument or standing up and fighting for something. Just picture A is doing it in a more of an aggressive manor.
Picture B looks like they are standing up to someone in a more of a less aggressive manor, however you do not know what is happening in the rest of the picture. For all we know, there could be an army in the rest of the scene and they are leading that group and giving them instructions, or they could just be taking part in a political event.
As we do not know the rest of the image, we can not make any straight up decisions, and we must assume.
I think that photo B is different because it shows gender equality in a mainly male focused job, which are most.
Why do you think this shows a gender equality? Do you have any evidence of what her job actually is? I agree that some jobs women or men stereo-typically fall into there own jobs, but we need more evidence/proof to say that, that is a stereotypical man's job. Personally, I believe that C is the odd one out because it is the only photo that appears to be reporting on someone else who is reporting, and therefore perhaps it is showing a different perspective on the same news story. Additionally, it is a lot more peaceful than the other photos which almost are quite angry and confrontational. Perhaps it's the aftermath of the stories in A and B...
this is quite true i agree with you!
I think photo A is the odd one out as if you can see on b and c it shows people filming and it has some sort of film in it and conversation but in photo A it has no conversation, no people that you can see and u can see there is warfare in the photo A but as in B and C its more joyful and chill instead of war and sadness.
I think the odd one out is picture c because it is only one that is fighting or making a protest of some sort. Picture A shows fighting in the war where as picture B shows someone yelling which is sometimes linked to protesting. Picture C looks like quite a calm environment unlike the other two.
I believe that picture C is the odd one out because the other two pictures show quite forceful events whereas C gives an image of tranquility and calmness. Pictures A and B show images of a forceful nature with the tanks and what looks like a protest which are usually overpowering.
I think that picture C is the odd one out because it's the only one that isn't fighting in some way for what they believe in. Even thought picture A is fighting violently and physically for what they believe in and picture B are expression what they believe in using words but picture C is using electricity to film what looks like a television show.
I believe that picture C is the odd one out because it seems the most tranquil and peaceful out of all of them. Since A has tanks and looks dangerous and B seems to be a protest of some sort which usually aren't as peaceful since protesters use force and aggressiveness to get their way.
Despite most people commenting that just A, B or C are the odd ones out I disagree to a small extent with all who had an answer similar to this because of the strong similarities between the three of the pictures such as: I can infer all the people displayed in the pictures are trying to get a point across to a higher power through speech or violence. Despite the similarities picture a is most likely to be the odd one out because it is the only picture using violence.
At first, I personally believe that picture C is the odd one out. This is because the other two photos and based around war, violence and opposition.
- Picture A clearly depicts military control or destructiveness, however it may be a defensive position preparing to support or protect the civilians who are showed in the background.
- Picture B shows a women standing up against or rebelling against an idea or movement. At first I would believe that she is doing something for the good of her nation or community, however she could be pushing for an incorrect or unjust law.
- Picture C shows a film crew recording what appears to be a nature documentary or program. There appears to be not much happening in this picture and very little to take from it.
In conclusion I believe that picture any could be the odd one out depending on your views, assumptions and ideas, in spite of this, I individually believe that C is still the odd one out due to the lack of activity and also does not comply or relate to the other two images given.
Each picture has something they are showing, picture A is showing an area being run down by fighting. Picture B is showing someone fighting with there words and saying what they believe in, yet picture C is just in the wildlife filming something not hurting anything just being calm and quiet. Picture C could also be recording to raise awareness to what people are destroying. So that is why i believe that C is the odd one out.
I personally feel that picture C is the odd one out. This is because in picture A you can see tanks being used in a war. The people inside those tanks are fighting for something that they want. To be in control, to show their power. In picture B you see a lady speaking into a megaphone. Possibly a protester. Speaking her mind and fighting for something she wants. We don't know exactly what she wants but we know she feels very strongly about it looking at her facial expression. So, these first 2 pictures both represent people fighting for what they want.
Picture C on the other hand is not fighting for something. The man is obviously reporting something, which means he can't be biased which then leads to the conclusion that he is not fighting for something he wants. He is just giving out information on something people find interesting.
These three pictures show the difference between a news reporter on a topic like Myanmar and people witnessing the problem in Myanmar first hand. The news reporter gets information for some witnesses and then passes it on to viewers on the television or social media and then the people witnessing it first hand know all about it and are fighting, debating and clashing heads over it.
I think that Photo C is the odd one out because Photo A and B are showing people that are clearly fighting for something. In Photo A there are tanks that are either keeping the peace, or the military like in Myanmar that are driving people out of their homes. In Photo B, it looks like there are people that are holding a protest for something, for example human rights. Photo C however are filming something, that could be anything, and yet the others are more obvious about what is going on.
I also think that Picture A is the odd one out because I can imagine this picture in the future. Humans are killing the planet every day: pollution, deforestation,overpopulation. This picture shows me scorched land(global warming) and a broken down house. Also there are military machines. Maybe something dangerous is happening in this picture. I think this is the odd one out because the rest looks like it could have been taken today.
I think picture B is the odd one out because it is the only picture where I can see a woman.🙍♀️🙎♀️
I think that picture A is because it is the only one without cameras and you can not see people in it
Why can't aung San suu kyi stop the danger because it is her country and she has to protect it
Some pepole mite think B is the answer because know one is doing any thing . Some pepole mit think c is the answer because some one is doing some think to help Myanmar . Some pepole MIT think a is because pepole are going to ware to de fend Myanmar I agree .
Some pepole mite think B is the answer because know one is doing any thing . Some pepole mit think c is the answer because some one is doing some think to help Myanmar . Some pepole MIT think a is because pepole are going to ware to de fend Myanmar I agree .
I think that c is the odd one out because it has nothing to do with the mynmar also it looks like c is in a peaceful place. A is not odd beacause if I was there I think it would be noisey and its linking to mynmar b is not odd because it looks like the women is telling them to calm down but it is chaos it's like military just set fire near that area. I choose c as odd because who would film this heart breaking thing? none wants to see people die on the spot no one that's why I chose c.
The odd wan out is a because it is about army and the others look like it is sapost to be for aung San suu kyi
I think that A is the odd one out because you shouldn't have to fight to get your own ways on like B and C has really try to stop the dramatic problem.I agree on C because they are trying to get everyone to cooperate and help
Picture A is the odd one because it is the most dangerous and disturbing out of them all.
I think picture a is the odd one out because there are more vehicles then people.
I think C is odd because they are doing a cowboy scene in the middle of nowhere
I think picture A because there is no people
I think A is the odd one because it looks like their having war and the rest don't
I think picture A is the odd because it is the only one which has a vehicle and the other ones have megaphones.
I think A is the odd one out because there are only bomb droppers, sand and little house.
I think it is A because it is not a very peaceful place there and it also links to the rojhanas because the police put fire on their village a burnt them an picture a is trying to bomb a particular place
I think picture A is the odd one out because it has no humans and it's like a military because of the tanks also,i think it is the odd one out because has not reached technology in a way as you can see there are no microphones. I also think it is the odd one out because picture C has the sunset. My last and final opinion on this is because it relates to what is happening in Myanmar or Burma, as some people would say. This is because in Myanmar the military is forcing the rohingya out of the country.
I say that A is the odd one out because there are tanks in it and a small house that looks to be in the middle east and looks very poor, whereas in the other two pictures there are people trying to make a show
I think A is the odd one out because B and C are maybe protesting or filming a documentary whereas A has tanks in the picture suggesting that maybe there is war or some kind of problem going on. In addition, picture A is a very dangerous scene and quite disturbing whilst B and C are quite peaceful and normal .B has a protester on it or a journalist. C is some kind of movie or documentary so i think A is the odd one out
I believe that it is picture B because A and C are mostly deserted, so you can't see anything for miles. Whereas in picture B it looks like their is a crowd of people standing behind the woman with the loudspeaker. Also B is shouting out for something (probably) like human rights, whereas the camera crew behind the camera for picture A and C are not doing anything, they're just watching.
I think picture A is the odd one out because it is the only one that has tanks whereas for picture B and C there is technology such as cameras and different types of filters I also think that picture A is the odd one out because it looks very sad and it looks like everyone is about to start war and fight for a particular type of thing that they want the world to be better at.
Even though that some people may think that the odd one out is Picture A because it has no people in it, I believe that the odd one out is Picture C because it doesn't help people. For example, in Picture A they are trying to help people be safe and in Picture B is trying to help people have their rights but Picture C seems to have nothing that helps people so that is why I think that Picture C is the odd one out
So i think the picture a is the odd one out because the first one shows tanks in deserts but the other two show people reporting and trying to show other people in the world something