#15 Headline of 2021
Winners announced!
Well done to everyone who entered the competition this week. This one was the last competition of 2021, so it was even harder than usual to choose the winners! But, after a lot of thinking, we decided they should be…
determined_deer of Beit Hanoun Prep Girls A School in Occupied Palestinian Territory, who was the only person to mention the importance of the seed vault in Svalbord
agreeable_speech of Lake Bank Pioneer Preparatory in Tunisia, who cleverly combined three news stories by mentioning the “triple threat” of climate change, conflict and covid-19.
Great work!
The next competition will launch on January 4th 2022.
Welcome to the competition! There are three important rules:
If you don't follow the rules, you will not be able to win and your account may be deactivated.
This competition will close at 5pm (UK time) on Wednesday for judging! We will announce two winners on Thursday. Good luck!
This is the last competition of the year - so we are giving you the chance to think back over all of your news knowledge from 2021.
Your challenge this time is to write ONE HEADLINE about a news story that was important to YOU in 2021.
It could be about a local news story or a global news story - and remember, everyone has a different perspective, so there are no wrong answers.
This week you don't need to explain your answer because your headline should be clear enough on its own. Your entry should only be ONE SENTENCE LONG.
- Read the other competition entries first so that your idea is original
- Keep your headline short and snappy
- Make your entry personal to YOU
Comments (157)
The story of the tree .... Hope makes the impossible.
What is the main theme of this story or what sparked your curiosity about it?!
I agree with you, can we choose another title?
At the Biological Diversity Conference, the Secretary-General calls for bold measures to end the war
My address is: A United Nations Conference on Biological Change is held in Kunming, China
No, you cannot. Please enter the competition only once. You can still praise others for their contributions without adding more ideas of your own.
corona virus attaked the world enormously
Yes, I agree with you, because this virus has invaded experience, knowledge, humanity and everything. No one remains, otherwise this virus is feared and every day new viruses appear with new names and new qualities. Therefore, we must take the data of security and safety with all with us the word to protect ourselves and our loved ones, even with the least results, because this virus has been killed. More than a million so I have to take it into account
Save the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.
Your title is beautiful...and I have one more thing: Fighting Gender-Based Violence.
Please enter the competition only once. You can still praise others for their contributions without adding more ideas of your own.
Your title is beautiful and I have something else
Which is: An important event in my area is the adoption of the initiative to combat gender violence by my school.
Your title is great but I have another title 《Rittenhouse Defending Himself With Shooting》
Please enter the competition only once. You can still praise others for their contributions without adding more ideas of your own.
The best solution is to live with it. virus
Nice, because there were a lot of victims because of this virus
The news story is the use of artificial intelligence in our time
The news story is asking people to wear everything in their wardrobe In a photography project, Canadian photographer Libby Oliver called for people to wear everything in their wardrobe; In order to research how people express themselves through clothes, she said, “I have to move quickly, because these piles of fabrics are very stifling.
Yes, I agree with you on this, and I have another event, which is:
The design of the capsule house in 2021... the great thunderbolt
Please do not enter the competition more than once, mindful_footbnall. You can give praise to another person's entry but do not add another of your own.
Very nice, but I also have an important event that happened in 2021. The impact of vaccines being developed has high hopes for the end of the Corona nightmare. In the event that this crisis ends, tourism and travel will return to its previous era. I will name the title
“Vaccines against the Corona virus.
Please do not enter the competition more than once, original_pear. You can give praise to another person's entry but do not add another of your own.
Good, but I also have an important event for me that happened in 2021. The capsule contains a corner for the kitchen and for sleeping, as well as a corner for the bathroom and a reading corner, and the address can be
"Future Capsule"
Technological innovation in Iceland This title was important because this innovation helped reduce environmental pollution in Iceland
Thanks for your comment, majestic_moon. Your headline sounds intriguing but as a reader, I'd like to be able to know more even from a quick glance. Could you describe the technological innovation you're referring to in a couple of words and work them into your headline?
Iceland's new technological innovations and their capability to help reduce environmental pollution.
Technological innovation means development in technology in Iceland This innovation has helped reduce environmental pollution in Iceland
Good, and there is also a Swiss technology for storing carbon dioxide in Iceland..
The news story is the use of artificial intelligence in our time
Death is all around us, and survival is a sin
A very good thing happened, which was the production of a vaccine for the Corona virus, which led to a reduction in the speed of its spread
death is all around us. "Corona virus"
covid19 outbreak goes up in london and we went into lockdown
Taliban control Afghanistan again .
Yes, I agree with you on this, and I also have another event, which is: The Night of Ideas 2021: 24 hours to bring the distances closer to each other. We will soon be smaller than a village.
Gaming regulations turn strict in different countries?
The emergence of Omicron fears many people
I want air" .. a story for Corona patients
Kyle Rittenhouse: The Case That Divided America.
Astronomers discover a planet that has 8 hours in it throughout the year.
Now my question that I want answered:
What do you mean 8 hours in this year?
Is this his age?
But are you sure that this news headline is correct? When you read it at first glance, the comment attracts you greatly, but after a while you feel that there is a defect in a place. How do you say that there are 8 hours in one year? does this mean That in 24 hours it will be three years? Here you feel that there is a defect, and when I searched on this topic, I did not find anything that indicates the validity of what you say, I found other topics such as the discovery of the ninth planet that follows the planet Pluto
Elon Musk: Reveals the date of the start of implanting electronic chips in the brains of humans.
The US Department of Defense: The United States and Israel are discussing the issue of Iran and the continuation of its destabilizing activities.
Technology has evolved greatly in the world
It is beautiful
and artificial intelligence is ubiquitous and will help companies make smarter decisions about customer behavior.
Yes.. and our lives became easier than the past time
I would call 2021's headline... 'the continuous history',as Covid19 has continued spreading all around,and the Talibans will probably continue their hate across the Afghanistan citizens.So,both of these are the history happening in this moment,which may continue its hurtfulness.
A new life ahead with metaverse virtual world.
The coup in Sudan
Iceland makes a machine that takes carbon dioxide from the air and turns it into minerals over time
For me, the most fascinating news story from 2021 is the new virus called 'omicron', apparently, it is much more powerful than coronavirus and it was founded in South Africa.
Covide- 19 vaccines vs mortality , science talk or fake news pandemic?
The emergence of a new variant of the Corona virus called Mu, which is more dangerous than its predecessors and overcomes vaccines
My headline is 'Freedom of the press and the nobel peace prize'.
The Taliban took over Afghanistan.
The new Corona mutant began to invade the world.
Coexistence with COVID 19 is the only way to subsist
Coexistence with COVID 19 is the only way to subsist
The Taliban controls Afghanistan.
For me what attracts me most about the issue of Afghanistan was this news headline
" People fall from plane as thousands attempt to flee Kabul at any cost "😢
President Ashraf Ghani retires from ruling Afghanistan •♡
Is retire the right word, bright_currant?
I don't think it's true, but we can say that he was expelled from the rule of Afghanistan .
I think that's more accurate!
World leaders pledge to provide humanity with clean energy.
The departure of the American forces from Afghanistan is the most important to me
The important story for me in 2021 is: (I was infected with the Corona virus in the second wave, so I advise people to wear a mask and not leave their homes except for necessity, because I went through a difficult experience)
Leave illiteracy and fight ignorance
The environment is starting to punish us
Corona Virus: Everyone is to go to lock-down immediately.
One of the events of 2021, which is the out-of-control Chinese missile, which aroused terror in the world from the possibility of it falling on a populated area and that it might destroy many buildings and facilities, but fortunately the missile fell into the ocean and no one was hurt
Millions of animals are threatened with extinction....!
I totally agree with you because I love animals and I to think that this headline is very important.
Yes, and this will affect the environment because some animals save humans from dangers
If I were to talk about a news story that happened, it would be the story of discovering a cemetery in the Egypt under a house in Ain Shams by accident.
An event in Afghanistan: a mother sells her child to feed his twin brother.
Can you verify this is true, elated_vegetable?
Well that's what I read in the news, at first I didn't believe it but it was true (The 40-year-old Afghan mother, from the northern state of Jowzjan, sold the baby to a childless couple, for the equivalent of $104, which she said she would use to buy food for her family For 6 months, and in an interview with Save the Children, the mother said that she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, 5 months ago, and shortly after they left their farm, and added that “extreme poverty is what made her abandon her child, as she got money that he bought Her husband contains rice, oil and flour.” In your opinion, is the mother's behavior correct? And why?
Can you provide evidence for this story, elated_vegetable?
And also :
Cannes Film Festival to hide at home .. for an Afghan director who lives in terror after the Taliban takeover.
Svalbard's global seed vault to save humanity in the event of disasters.
Biological invasion: Do diseases from space threaten us?
The world's fear of the new Corona mutant " Omicron"
Yes... and the news about it makes us fearful
But there is no need to be very afraid, because doctors have gained more experience and knowledge about Corona and its variants
The weather and its vicissitudes turn our world into fear
Yes, and this will affect very psychologically
Climate change is the worst thing that will happen because of its great impact on the earth and on humans and animals as well
The school are close teachers are on strike. Go back your ordinance. In pakistan I am badly effected
The events of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood war and the people of Gaza standing next to them.
'A mini railway crossing built for dormice' is my headline because it shows that people have been caring for animals.
Changing the name of Facebook to Meta, which made the communication sites buzz with news ...... A new update with new entertainment
Black metal discovery... Davemaoite.
It would have to be the Afghan being taken over by the Taliban again.
A headline that is important to me is the Corona virus vaccine because it has saved thousands of lives but some people still haven't taken the vaccine because they think it is dangerous but it isn't dangerous at all and 4 in 5 people in intensive care with covid haven't taken up the vaccine which shows how important it can be to save your life because I knew someone who was unvaccinated and got covid so people must take the vaccine when they have the oppurtunity.
The most important thing for me, was when corona virus attacked the world. The headline could be -
'The virus, the highest risk'
'Corona Virus attacked the world.'
Yes, of course, this virus created a huge hole of fear
If I were to talk about a major occurrence in 2021, it would definitely be corona virus as it had a detrimental impact on every single person. For almost several months, we had to isolate.
Corona threatens and destroys the lives of many people
Innocent.. because of the lack of use of the vaccine they produced
My head-line that is important to me and had me thinking was children getting vaccinated had me worried because people under 12 could have a high risk of them getting sick and they could be at a high risk of danger and they could be scared because if it happens to them people would get all worried for them and then it's just because of the jab.
The biggest headline that is important to me is the Covid-19 because it is very dangerous and could damage people's lungs so i suggest that everyone should use hand sanitiser and should wash their hands at all times.
The Ingenuity Helicopter, the first flight of a motorized aircraft on another planet,has succeeded.
China responds to the United States: You will pay the price.
Corona virus has made the miracles.
What is the story of the virus that is increasingly spreading among children around the world
Omicron threatens the world 😷
What is the truth about the story of the “scary” artificial intelligence that will happen in the future
From my point of view, I think that one of the important events that took place in 2021 is that the two American scientists, Erdem Batbutian and David Julius, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
From my point of view, I think that one of the important events that occurred in 2021 is that Sandra Mason became the first female president of the Republic of Barbados after it became an independent republic from the British Crown.
From my point of view, I think that one of the important events that took place in 2021 is the take off of the Shenzhou 12 space mission to the large Chinese Standard Space Station. It is the seventh manned flight to China.
From my point of view, I think that one of the important events that occurred in 2021 is a global technical paralysis in the Internet, especially Facebook applications.
Nepal increased its level in human development index
The most important thing for me is COP26 climate change and my hope for real change in the world regarding all the creature.
UNRWA financial crisis has a bad effect on refugees' life in palestine.
The most astonished thing is that the frustration state that Banning girls from attending high school in Afghanistan.
Title (Is nature punishing us for what we do on it).
I think yes because we are the ones who pollute the environment and we do the worst things for them that's why they have the right to punish us
Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood families face threat of forced eviction.
It happened on March 17, 2021, because the President of Tanzania, Jut Bombeh Magufuli, passed away at the age of 61, and also on March 19, 2021 Samia Hassan was sworn in as President of Tanzania to become the first female president in the history of the country.
The new year knocks on the door, carrying with it the new Corona and closing scenarios
The most important thing for me happened in 2021, the Corona virus, which stopped and disrupted many events and highs on all levels, and the title could be
Corona virus spread around the world.
Gaza is under attack for 11 days causing 248 martyrs, 66 of them are children.
The most important thing on my mind is education. In 2021 we have returned to schools after fighting the Corona virus with a vaccine. I hope that we will continue because there is a virus coming.
Yes, and this will make our future happy, because face-to-face education is more accurate than e-learning
The emergence of the omicron virus,,, I am afraid of the spread of this epidemic
My headline is "A virus is eating people around the world."
One of the events of 2021. It is the closure of social networking sites for a whole day, including its social networking site of the same name and the famous photo-sharing platform Instagram and the messaging application WhatsApp, after millions of Internet users were surprised on Monday evening by the applications being disrupted.
"New Zealand plans to outlaw smoking for the next generation so they will never be legally able to buy tobacco in the country."
Video games dominate the minds of teenagers, causing them to become addicted to them
Due to new variant of COVID-19 (Omicron), Educational sectors shouldn't be closed because our future is in there's hand.
Please go corona.... Stop it corona.......
The new covid (omic corone)is growing rapidly in the world
The new mutant of Covid-19, the omicron, is sweeping the world.
Corona virus has killed thousands of people from different countries
At the climate conferenc in Glasgow thousands of young people take to the ranks to demand climate action
The title is : The United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Glasgow
‘Afghanistan being taken over by the Taliban’ was the most important to me
The United States: We may need a fourth dose of the vaccine to confront Amicron
The global slowdown caused by COVID-19 has not curbed rising levels of greenhouse gases ...
For me, coexistence with distance e-learning is important .
The Corona pandemic has increased the share of global electronic trade to 27 trillion dollars
NASA's Discovery of a New Planet (TOI-1518b).
Corona virus kills a large number of people around the world in a short time
And I am innocent.. This is due to the lack of use of the vaccine
Can you tell us what you mean, curious_location?
The important news is: the recent war on the besieged Gaza Strip.
The stolen right, Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.
The story of the virus that is increasingly spreading among children around the world
Yes, and this is the reason for the weak psychological and physical environment, and almost all levels have stopped teaching trade or others
Through humanity, where are you going under the axes of Corona and climate change, will you pass?
The landing to the moon has been postponed because it is not a strategic priority, especially in the conditions of Covid_19
Corona virus vaccine conclusion
The Corona pandemic has increased the share of global electronic trade to 27 trillion dollars
Mexican study: wildfire smoke causes lifelong neurological problems
A fire broke out in Antakya in Turkey due to the high temperature and continued for weeks
I think that the most important event for me happened in 2021, is that I won the cup in the creativity Weekly competition in the Global Conversation project for the year 2021.
And my title is (The greatest feeling in the world is the feeling of winning).
Global warming is causing the slow death of the world
Astronomers are exploring a way to live on some planets, such as Mars, and this is years later..
I think the most important event for me that happened in 2021 was the "Great Telescope" as NASA said it was the biggest and most massive telescope to date.
The most important events in 2021 are: Samia Hassan is sworn in as President of Tanzania and becomes the first female president in the country's history.....
The development of technology and the manufacture of the iPhone company for new versions of phones
The most important event in 2021 in the world of football is!
Injustice CR7 and Lewandowski in the Ballon d'Or 😳
I also had an event: One day in 2021, social media stopped working for a few hours because of a 12-year-old boy from China, and Facebook suffered huge losses.
An eye drop that replaces reading glasses.
New FDA-approved eye drops could replace reading glasses for millions: "It's definitely a life changer"
Tokyo Olympics
In the year 2021, a space launch took place from California. It is the fifth spacecraft that NASA has sent to Mars, and it is known as
A terrible historical event..
What would have happened if Nasa faild to save the earth from an approaching asteroid
I don't think that's something to be worry about, capable_dolphin.
The new variant , ' Omicron'— Again A LOCKDOWN ?
Nice, I agree with you on this, and I also have another event: "gravitational waves" as there are neutron stars, which are like beacons in space.
looking at solar eclipse can cause blindness! Is it a fact or myth?
The occurrence of annular eclipse in 10/6/2021
the bad psychological effects of Corona virus on the people with chronic diseases who are firstly under risk
Sweden is once again ranked as the most famous country in the world, surpassing Canada
Where did you get this information and what do you mean by most famous?
Announcing the winners of the 2021 United Nations Champions of the Earth Prize
And also the announcement of the best journalists and the reason for winning the Nobel Peace Prize
Scientists discover a "disguised" electromagnetic channel that connects Earth to space...
Scientists discover a different freezing point for water that may affect nature and humans...
Countries disappeared and others appeared....Get ready for a new map of the world in 2022.
News stories matter today in the context of the game changing climate crisis in every field.
Russian teenager: detonates a bomb in an Orthodox school.