Fast fashion is cheap clothing that is made quickly to keep up with the latest trends – and in 2022, people seem more concerned with keeping up with these than ever before. The fast fashion industry is now one of the biggest in the world. However, it’s having some serious side effects. So who is responsible? And how could people make more sustainable choices?
Watch the video for a quick recap if you did this lesson in class.
Fast Fashion
Fast Fashion should be illegal all around the world.
"Fast Fashion" in the eyes of nature and how can we help.
Disastrous and false fashion.
Fast Fashion
Climate Change Due To Fast Fashion
Fast Fashion
Fast fashion and its impact on the environment
Fast Fashion...on what conditions?
3R : reduce,reuse,recycle.
The ugly truth of fast fashion
Impacts of fast fashion
Fast or sustainable fashion ?
The pros and cons of fast fashion
Your character in clothes
Fashion obsession
Creativity in fashion design
Fast fashion