Digital Divide: Could it slow down the enforcement of the Metaverse?

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Digital Divide is the unequal access to technology between people. Some have more access to technology than others. In this age of the Metaverse, that could be a huge problem.

As the age of the metaverse is fast approaching, the way we do things is rapidly becoming more technology based. From ordering pizza to attending university online, the our dependence on technology and internet increases by the day.

But what about the others? People who don't have acces to all this technology? And what about those that have have access to this technology but don't know how to utilise it? Just 3 weeks ago, I taught my grandma how to save a contact on her phone. How are they going to cope when technology soon becomes an important part of our lives? UNESCO studies (as of 2019) show that globally just about 55% of households have access to the internet. But what about the other 45%? What happens to them? how will they cope?

What do you think are some major ways in which people with no access to technology can be affected? And what do you think can be done about this?

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  • In my point of view, in the next few years everything may become technologically-based so those without it can be really affected, like;
    1. We have passed the regime where by town criers no more send messages so those without technology will always be late in receiving an information because now most people send information through social media
    2. If you are in a business your business can go out if you don't have technology because your competitors may out run you. Now online transactions are done, advertising are done online also so we will be affected.
    3. Now, to get knowledge you don't have to go to libraries, because there are online books and classes and it can save money because there are now free online books and you don't have to pay as much as the hardcover books or classroom classes. Knowledge and education work together because now with the online activities the barrier of time and place has been broken.
    4. It is very possible that when everywhere is technologically based that there will no more be security people working in houses but safer means will be available like spy cams so the people who don't know about it will be affected negatively.

    1. I'm not sure about this because... town crying is mostly done in the small towns and villages so there where new technology have not approached them so they will now use loud speakers to pass out messages and i agree about the books but don't you think going to the library is more fun and more educating and it exercises our brain more and it is more better for our eye sight and more understanding.

      1. The main point is that digital divide will slow down the complete introduction of the metaverse. Not only will digital divide slow down progress, the metaverse will also worsen digital divide. Looking into the cost of VR headsets and stuff, some average people who on a normal day would be able to access the internet would not be part of the metaverse and if it were to be a reality where everyone was free, that would be deprivation of the right of freedom. Putting the responsibility of bridging the digital divide on the government will be more of more stress on the government. There already is a digital divide and implementing the metaverse will only worsen it.

  • The digital divide indeed poses a significant challenge, particularly as technology becomes increasingly integral to our daily lives and the emergence of the metaverse presents new possibilities. The impact on people with limited access to technology can be far-reaching. Here are some major ways in which they can be affected:

    Education: Lack of access to technology limits educational opportunities and resources. It can hinder online learning, access to educational materials, and participation in digital classrooms, leading to unequal educational outcomes.

    Economic Opportunities: The digital divide can create disparities in employment and economic opportunities. Access to technology and the internet is crucial for job searches, online applications, and remote work. Those without access are at a disadvantage in terms of job prospects and career development.

    Social Inclusion: Technology plays a vital role in communication, social interaction, and civic engagement. Without access, individuals may be isolated from social networks, miss out on important information, and face challenges in participating fully in the digital age.

    To address these disparities, efforts should be made to bridge the digital divide. Here are some potential solutions:

    Infrastructure Development: Governments and organizations can invest in expanding internet connectivity and infrastructure in underserved areas, including rural and remote regions. This involves extending broadband coverage and providing affordable internet access.

    Digital Literacy Programs: Initiatives should focus on promoting digital literacy and providing training and resources to individuals who lack technological skills. This can empower them to navigate the digital landscape, utilize technology effectively, and take advantage of online opportunities.

    Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between governments, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities can help address the digital divide. Joint efforts can include providing subsidized devices, internet access, and educational programs to underserved communities.

    Content Localization: Efforts should be made to make digital content and services available in local languages and tailored to the cultural context of different regions. This can enhance accessibility and relevance for individuals with limited technological exposure.

    Addressing the digital divide requires a multi-faceted approach involving policy changes, investment in infrastructure, educational initiatives, and community engagement. By promoting equal access to technology, we can strive for a more inclusive and equitable digital future.

  • If access to necessary hardware, software, and internet connectivity is limited, large numbers of people may not be able to participate in the Metaverse. This would limit its potential market and hinder its growth. The development of the infrastructure required to support the Metaverse could be slowed in areas with limited resources.

    So efforts must be made to close the digital divide through initiatives that increase access to technology and improve connectivity.

  • Hiya enigmatic_salak,
    I completely agree with you. In my country Nigeria, there are a lot of people have not had access to technology and this has had a lot of major negative effects on the people who don't have access to technology. As of recent the Central Bank of Nigeria created New Naira notes and an attempt by the Nigerian government was made to enforce the use of the new currency, but the problem was that there was shortage of this cash currency, people would make long queues at the ATM's and by the end of the day they wouldn't get any cash because of this a lot of people used online banking to make transactions and to engage in trade, but people who lived in rural areas and had no access to technology found it hard to buy things because there was no cash and since they didn't have access to technology they couldn't use online banking to make bank transfers.

  • Hi enigmatic_salak I like your sense of pointing out things not really focused on. At the beginning of the new session in my school, first term to be precise we treated this topic DIGITAL DIVIDE and we understood it to be the gap between regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don't or have limited access to it . Now with the metaverse taking over people are thinking what of those who have little or no knowledge of how it works, operates, ways in which it will affect our lives and how they will cope and with this time fast approaching we need a fast solution to this problem because apparently there is no time. a solution i have thought of is that those in our communities with knowledge of the internet and AI should find time to create awareness in all areas especially rural ones , for examples things like programs and centres that can be used in educating them, those who are influential can also pitch in making things easier.

  • The digital divide has an overall negative impact on the economy and deepens income inequality. Without digital skills and knowledge of advanced technologies, citizens are unable to progress in their careers and contribute less to the country's economy.
    The challenges of Metaverse include time and space. The concept of time perception can be different if we compare the real world with a virtual environment, as users tend to be less aware of their bodies while inside the Virtual Reality.
    Realization of a metaverse that works for everyone is still dogged with challenges, including around accessibility, privacy, digital addiction and certain ethical questions.
    Why digital divide is a problem in most third world countries?
    Because developing countries do not have as significant a wealth or tax base as developed countries, there is typically poor electrical infrastructure and unreliable internet access. The layers of supporting infrastructure aren't readily available to society, which leads to a widening digital divide.
    Effects of the digital divide are immensely felt in the following areas: Education, job opportunities, communication, politics, consumer satisfaction, health Information, community Involvement, government, and emergency information.

  • About the other 45%, they have a few options. They can move to urban areas that have a big amount of electricity, or, they can try and use renewable energy sources. It may not be as fast, but with the right power, the 45% will be able to catch up with the other 55%.

    1. I disagree because I feel that they might not be able to move simply because they do not have the means to do so. I have seen how the world is, how it's divided into the rich and the poor. So I would like ask you how they can overcome this barrier because I know for a fact that life cannot be fair sometimes.

  • the metervse can be slowed down by the time because more people are yousing it up by the time people dont understand that the meterverseis can be distroryed
    by people since people create a game or anything so then can take it down get banned and other stuff.

  • the metaverse could be slowed by the time goes by and people could destroy it cause they make it,`1`they could do to much of it that it becomes to much and just stops.

  • 45% of people not having access to technology is actually bad because we all know that it is mostly IT gadgets we use to send information as quick as possible and now the lack of it in the rural areas is bad especially if the information is of great and utmost importance and if it affects their well being. SO, here are some solutions to this problems;
    1. Tech companies such as Microsoft, Apple , Samsung and the rest should help to promote technological aid, knowledge and support to rural areas where there is lack of technology and its application.
    2. One reason why most people do not have adequate or sufficient access to technology is that people cannot afford because it is above their standard of living and so they cannot afford it but if they can reduce the prices it will go a lot in helping to give the rural dwellers a chance to interact on wide platform, internet.
    3. Like another user said if the rural people could just relocate to the urban sides it will enable them to have access to technology and its application and gadgets and eventually the 45% will reduce and then the whole world will be able to interact, socialize and send information on the wide platform known as the internet.

    1. You've highlighted an important issue regarding the lack of technology access in rural areas and proposed some potential solutions. Let's discuss them:

      Collaboration with tech companies: Partnering with tech companies can be a valuable approach to promoting technological aid, knowledge, and support in rural areas. Companies like Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, and others can contribute by providing resources, infrastructure, and training programs to bridge the digital divide. Such collaborations can help bring technology and its benefits to underserved communities.

      Affordability of technology: The cost of technology can be a barrier for many individuals, particularly in rural areas with lower income levels. Reducing prices or providing affordable options can make technology more accessible. This can involve initiatives such as subsidized programs, affordable devices, or government incentives to make technology more affordable for rural communities.

      Rural-urban migration: While relocating to urban areas may provide better access to technology for some individuals, it may not be a practical solution for everyone. Migration involves various challenges such as uprooting from familiar environments, economic considerations, and urban infrastructure strains. Instead of solely relying on migration, efforts should focus on bringing technology to rural areas, ensuring equal access and opportunities for all regardless of their geographic location.

      In addition to these solutions, other approaches can be considered, such as government initiatives to improve connectivity infrastructure in rural regions, investment in digital literacy programs to empower individuals with the necessary skills to utilize technology, and community-driven efforts to establish local technology hubs or centers.

      It's important to recognize that addressing the digital divide requires a multifaceted approach involving collaboration among governments, private sector entities, NGOs, and local communities. By working together, we can strive to reduce the technology gap and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the advancements in information and communication technologies.

  • I think I should be sure about it because the metaverse has so many things that you can do in the virtual world vs you can do in real life cause in the metaverse they have so much stuff you can do in the metaverse. kinda like a virtual reality that we use sometimes in the real world people don't have access to technology these days at all. Other people have more technology than us. Even lots of households don't even have enough technology today.

  • Digital Divide: Could it slow down the enforcement of the Metaverse?

    Yes, I believe digital divide slows down the enforcement of the metaverse. UNESCO studies show that globally just about 55% of households have access to the internet. But the other 45% disappeared. I believe that the 45% is gone due to its speed. I think that the other 55% was faster and moved on ahead of it. The speed could have been slowed down due to the usage of internet and mobile apps, with this happening speed of most online sources are slowed down.If the 45% get a boost in speed and power I think we will be back a full 100%

  • Majority of the people in developing countries do not have access to phones or internet so they don't know how useful the phone and internet is. Take the new currency and cashless policy that was implemented in January in Nigeria, most people in the rural areas do not have phone talkless of internet and banking apps so they suffered alot since they couldn't buy even food stuffs until the cash was brought back into circulation. These people will not be able to get access to the metaverse when it comes.
    My solution is that the government should make hubs and centers in the rural areas so that they don't need to come to the city to access the metaverse

  • Hello!
    Well, I think as human beings advanced in technological developments there was always going to be the haves and the have-nots therefore creating what we know as the digital divide.
    I agree with you and will like to answer some of your questions. I have experienced a similar situation, I also taught my grandma how to share information and send messages to others and I experienced some of the handicaps she has since she was not technology literate, and I will share some of them.
    1. When my grandma was not computer literate, she did not have availability of necessary information for example, in my country there was fuel scarcity and only 1 fuel station in her area had fuel my grandma was not aware of that and as such she went round all the stations until she found it. This goes to show that the inaccessibility of valuable information can lead to disastrous situations and what if there was more valuable information that she needed to know that could have been potentially life-threatening?
    2. Also, most businesses and enterprises are going online and digital which means that most goods sold will be online and we will need to start engaging in digital currency. Although my grandma owns a school she does not like collecting online bank transfers, she only collects cash, and this is affecting her business profit. She was affected during the cash crunch in Nigeria and as such she was not able to collect school fees.
    T sum up I think this is rapidly becoming the era of a digital world [the metaverse] and as such I think the digital divide should be as much as possible be closed and the computer illiterates should strive to catch up with our fast technology developed world.

  • THE digital divide is the gap between people who have access to technology , internet and those who don't .difficulty in accessing ICTs increase inequality among different groups, as it prevents parts of the population from accessing the possibilities they offer. for example during the corona virus luckdown ,where many school children were forced to continue the class online, the lack of stable connection and the appropriate devices meant some students were unable to keep up their studies as normal.
    technology has become crucial part of our lives today, paving the way for a large window of opportunities for all people, and in recents years , our eyes has opened to is impact on students and schools. students can now learn , work , ellaborate and research and independently develop knowledge largely because of the advent of internet.
    Government need to improve the affordability of digital resources and there should be digital literacy awareness, improving opportunities for learners with disabilities and also addressing the gender digital divide .ad there should be quality technical support . i think these ways can help in reducing digital divide.

  • These are some of the major ways that I think people who don't have access to technology can be affected.
    1, they would miss out on meeting new friends
    2, they would have no way of getting information
    3, they would miss out on learning something new

    I think that the government should provide the 45% of the people who don't have access to technology some gadgets or a place were they can visit to use technology like a technology center.

  • I think that digital divide leaves others in the dark,now a days technology is very important in our lives because of technology a lot of things has become progressive example internet, it helps us know what happens in the world and also our surroundings which we are not aware of, its an easy means of spreading information and for us too know a lot things that we don't have knowledge, people that don't have access to technology and the internet will not get to know new things that will add to their knowledge, digital divide can be closed by implementing inclusion policies, programs and tools that incorporate the following:
    Affordable, robust broadband internet service.
    Access to digital literacy training. And so on . By doing all this digital divide can be finished or reduced in the world.

  • I think one of the major ways in which people with no access to technology will be affected is poverty because the only people who would be able to make money in the metaverse are the people who are rich and have access to this expensive technology, But what about the poor people who don't have access to technology, what would happen to them? I think that the poor people with no access to technology would be deprived of the benefits of being in the metaverse. So people who do not have access to this technology would not be able to carry out transactions on the metaverse thereby loosing money.
    Example of ways in which this problem can be solved is through Government's provision of subsidy for interested individuals so that the technology would be accessible to all.

  • I think that the metaverse is gonna be our longest step on a technology,if every single human in a world is gonna we more quickier now what happen for example on a space what new planets or solar systems,maybe we even gonna find an new planet for a live that much much better that the earth,right now people know sea trench only i 5%,we don't know what new fish there,maybe some new materials,and we can know all this stuff by using metaverse.

  • We treated digital divide as a topic and it has many disadvantages which can affect communication in many ways so in my opinion ways of stopping are
    Affordable, robust broadband internet service.
    Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user.
    Access to digital literacy training.
    Quality technical support.