Joycelyn Longdon

Joycelyn is an environmental justice activist and academic. As the founder of ClimateInColour, an online education platform for the climate curious, she supports critical conversations about climate change and eco-anxiety.

Joycelyn is a Festival topic expert for eco-anxiety.

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  • Honestly if I got to meet Miss Joycelyn, I would probably ask her questions about her personal experiences with eco-anxiety, how she had learned to manage it, and what advice would she give to others who are struggling? And By getting a better understanding of her personal experiences and perspectives, I could potentially have a richer conversation about the wider topic of eco-anxiety.

    1. I agree because it must be really hard for people with eco-anxiety to live through it if they don't have anyone to talk to about it.It's better if they have someone to communicate about it with so they can learn about it.

  • If I get a chance to meet Joycelyn Longdon, I will ask her what steps can be taken to balance the environment and climate. What role will students play in making the world habitable in the future?

  • Good day ma'am
    I will love to see your opinion on eco-anxiety , and how it has affected your personal life ? , and how you think climate change as affected many communities? , people have different school of thought but I will love to see your viewpoint .
    What emotion do you feel when thinking about climate change? , and In your own words describe how your anxiety or distress about climate change and global environmental problems impacts you (e.g., impacts your mood, sleeping and eating habits, relationships, ability to work or study) , how does eco- anxiety manifest itself in you? , What everyday experiences are particularly likely to trigger eco-anxiety in you? , How do you cope with eco-anxiety? .

  • If I had the chance to meet Joycelyn Longdon, I would be absolutely thrilled! There are so many important questions I would love to ask her. One topic that comes to mind is the intersectionality of environmental justice. I would be curious to hear her thoughts on how environmental issues disproportionately affect marginalized communities, and what strategies she believes are most effective in addressing these injustices. Additionally, I would be interested in discussing the role of policy and advocacy in creating meaningful change. How can we ensure that environmental policies are equitable and prioritize the needs of those most affected? I would also love to hear about any successful case studies or projects she has been involved in, as well as any challenges she has faced along the way. Overall, I believe that meeting an environmental justice activist and academic would provide a valuable opportunity to gain insights, broaden my perspective, and inspire action towards a more just and sustainable future.

  • If I could meet Joycelyn. I would ask her how can we ensure that marginalized communities, who are often disproportionately affected by environmental issues are included in discussion about eco anxiety and solutions???
    I would also ask her are there any potential negative consequences of framing environmental issues solely through the lens of eco anxiety???

  • Greetings, Joycelyn I hope your health is good!As a scholar and environmental justice activist, how do you facilitate and promote critical talks about climate change and eco-anxiety through ClimateInColour, if we had the chance to meet? What new perspectives have you had regarding climate change and eco-anxiety as a result of studying about climate in colour? Furthermore, I would want to raise another interesting point regarding our nation, Lebanon. We frequently hear about climatic extremes these days, and it is true that Lebanon is currently experiencing this, which could eventually result in natural disasters.

  • I will ask her about the motivations behind her decision to become a climate activist and explore the driving force that led to her to join the fight against climate change.

  • I will ask her if she has encountered any online negativity aimed at undermining her efforts in raising awareness or assisting individuals with eco anxiety. If she has faced this challenges, how did she address or resolve this issues?

  • If i had the chance to meet joycelyn i would be amazed! I would love to ask her many questions but one of the important questions would be how do you facilitate and promote critical talks about climate change and eco-anxiety through ClimateInColour, if we had the chance to meet? Overall, I believe that meeting an environmental justice activist and academic would provide a valuable opportunity to gain insights, broaden my perspective, and inspire action.
    Thank u for your time !!

  • A space for conscious, caring, and curious individuals like yourself, who want to become more engaged with environmental education and action at the intersection of environmental science and social justice.

    Collective engagement is key to moving towards a more sustainable and equitable future and it is important that we have spaces where we can engage in compassionate and nuanced conversations with others, learning about our struggles, worries, and dreams through a slower and more intentional medium.

    This is a space to ask all your 'silly' questions, start tricky conversations and reawaken your passion for learning and curiosity.

    Thank you in advance for supporting the platform and I'm super excited to connect with you!

  • Eco- anxiety is the chronic fear of environmental destruction. In the journal of environmental biology the terms eco - stress, eco- rage, and eco- anxiety were mentioned. The newspaper reported that term eco-anxiety has clearly emerged and reached its peack,and refers to the prevailing fear among humans regarding climate change and environmental crises. These tensions have become known as the area of eco-anxiety and they are getting worse every day. Dr. Paolo Ciacone said that mental health outcomes are moving faster than psychiatry and psychology. My question is, does eco-anxiety affect people's mental health? If so, is there a way to treet it .

  • If I am been given the opportunity to interact with miss Longdon, I will appreciate her for her good work and I will go further by asking her to explain to me the climate change and it's effect to the environment so that I can be able to teach the people round me. I will also thank her for her active participation in the topical talk festival. Thanks alot.

  • If I could meet Joycelyn Longdon. I would ask her some questions which are mention below :
    1.How do you address the criticism that eco anxiety lead to apathy or a sense of helplessness among individuals rather than motivating themselves?
    2. How do you respond to critics who argue that eco anxiety is an individualistic concern rather than a collective issue that requires systemic change?
    3. Are there any specific policies or systemic changes that you believe would help alleviate eco anxiety in a broader scale?
    4. Do you think that mainstream media adequately covers eco anxiety and its associated concern? If not, what improvements would you like to see in media coverage of this issue?

  • Hello Joycelyn Longdon,
    I'm a big fan of your work and I enjoy watching your videos because... I get explained answers better than google.
    Well, If I have an opportunity to meet you, I would really like to ask you other reasons why different people experience eco-anxiety apart from those who have not experienced it and those who have experienced it.
    I'm really curious on the other reasons people experience it differently.


  • If I had a chance to meet Joycelyn Longdon, I would ask her how to persevere through the ridicule given by others to those like her who are conscious about the earth's current stage.

  • If i could meet Miss.Jocelyn I would definitely ask her about what people with eco-anxiety have to go through everyday because it must be really hard. I'd like to know what i can do to calm someone down who's stressing about eco-anxiety as I have a friend who suffers from it.

  • If I got the chance to meet Joycelyn I would ask her how people can help the world not get anymore problems about the eco-anxiety about the climate. Of course we can't change the world but we can surely help around to at leat get a lower chance a climate change which will be good for people.

  • Hello,
    I hava a question,What significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate change?

  • If I could meet joycelyn London I will really love to ask her these questions
    How does Eco anxiety people's mental health and are there any ways we can prevent it from affecting people's health and also who motivated you to become an activist.

  • If I were to meet Ms. Longdon , I would ask her how to start a change in my community to start little by little until it gets big. In my area there are a lot of cars who cause carbon emissions and I'm not sure they are aware of climate problems we have in the world. How would I be able to make a change in my community?

  • If I could meet Joycelyn Longdon, I would ask her two important questions. First, I would ask her, "What is the best way to help someone who is feeling eco-anxious?" Eco-anxiety is when people feel worried or stressed about things like climate change and the environment. It's a big issue, and it's okay to feel anxious about it. But it's also important to find ways to cope and feel better.
    Secondly, I would ask for advice if someone is anxious about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its effects. AI is technology that can do things that normally need human intelligence, like learning and problem-solving. Some people worry about what AI might mean for the future, and that's understandable.

  • I would be really thrilled and happy to meet you. I would have a lot of questions to ask you. I would probably ask you about your emotions and opinions on eco -anxiety. I would ask you about your own experience on it and would ask about how you managed to handle it and some suggestions on how to do so for people who are experiencing it.

  • Asking her about the steps she took and the challenges she faced would be a great way to learn more about her experience. You could inquire about whether people discouraged or encouraged her along the way to get a better understanding of the support she received or any obstacles she had to overcome

  • I would firstly want to thank her for her huge effort she's putting in.
    If i could meet her, I'll first of all ask her how she deals with eco anxiety.
    Then I'll ask her several questions about climate change in the environment.
    I'll lastly thank her again and give her some few words of encouragement to help her to never back down in what she sets her mind in doing.

  • Greetings! I hope Joycelyn you're in your good health.If I get a chance to meet with you,I would like to ask you....How do you believe eco-anxiety intersects with other social and environmental justice issues,such as climate-induced displacement or environmental racism?
    What inspired you to focus on eco-anxiety as a topic of exploration and discussion within the context of environmental justice activism?
    Looking ahead, what are your hopes for the future of the eco-anxiety discourse and its integration into broader climate action efforts?

  • Greetings!
    If I got a chance to meet with you Miss.Joycelyn,I would like to ask you
    How do you navigate the intersectionality of environmental justice issues and climate change in your activism and academic work?
    In your opinion, what are the most pressing challenges facing marginalized communities in the context of climate change, and how can these challenges be addressed?
    How can individuals who are interested in supporting environmental justice and combating climate change contribute meaningfully to the movement, both locally and globally?