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We’ve started the discussions about what's happening in Syria – but it’s your job to keep them going!

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Comments (108)

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  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Syria's new president because he isn't pro Russian and Syria might become a very good western ally. Even though he still allows the Russians base in Syria, he isn't the puppet of Russia as Bashar al-Assad was.

    1. Hi trusted_dragonfly. Thanks for sharing your idea but there is already a discussion about what should happen next with Syria's government. Can you find it and share your thoughts there?

      1. I think that Ahmed al-Sharaa should continue to rule the country as he fought for his country all of these years and that shows he loves his country. From my point of view the refugees that fled the country while the al-Assad regime was in power should return to the country if they want, but if they have a happy life where they have migrated they shouldn't be forced to go back to Syria. The refugees don't have to go back to their country just because the war ended. I think the refugees from Syria should remain in the country they have fled as Syria is still affected by war and it will take a lot of time for people to get out of poverty and for buildings to be rebuilt. The refugees should come back to their country after like 3-4 years when Syria will have rebuilt from the long civil war.

    2. I disagree because... not all people does that and the russia president will say " i will stand up for my country and win it for them from russian president,

  • A good topic to discuss is how could we help Syria during their time of war because lots of people lose everything just because of war so it would be very kind to think about them.

    1. I think that the discussion they should make is to try and make the new president of Syria to understand the pain
      his people is going through . the hard time Syria can no stop until the president of Syria dose something about it

    2. I agree as many people have lost their loved ones their friends and they are in difficult times right now

    3. I agree because... that's true because syria could need some help or backup soldiers cuz theres country's coming towards them and rebelding them by using guns bombs grenade

    4. I agree I think that Syria should focus on the county and next steps as other countries could give them some support for example food security guns and anything like that so that they are healthy and they feel protected

  • It is also essential to recognize that the official successor of Bashar al-Assad, Ahmed Al-Sharaar, has been accused of violating human rights as well as being the leader of a terrorist group. Therefore, it is questionable whether to let al-Sharaar to rule over Syria or not because he could continue playing against the rules.
    Best regards

    1. Hi talented_orange. Thanks for sharing your idea but there is already a discussion about what should happen next with Syria's government. Can you find it and share your thoughts there?

  • A good discussion could be about the people of syria, how they are dealing with the end of the civil war as some are happy. Also their president also fled to Russia and now a rebel leader has the control over the country so some are hoping for him to return while some may want to conduct a election again ,as right now we can say that syria is under a dictatorship .

    1. Hi confident_coyote. Thanks for sharing your idea but there are already discussions about what should happen next for Syria following the end of the civil war. Can you find them and add your ideas?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the history and situation of the Syrian government before the fall of Assad because looking back to Assad's presidency can play a key role in determining whether the fall of Assad is for the better or not and also could enhance people's understanding of the situation. The topic would also help people express their emotions on the topic better once they have an understanding of the person Assad was to Syria.

    1. I agree because... Who knows about Syria in the past anyways and maybe it link to something that was based on the past and the future like they could have been worn in the past with another country and is what again maybe someone has took revenge we never know that's why I probably agree with this statement I've seen about the history and situation of the Syrian government before the full of Assad and maybe we can find out more And maybe We can find out about Bashar Al-Assad And his past maybe it could Give us information about what's happening right now it's quite interesting

  • I think the best topic for discussion is for or against dividing Syria into cantons?
    What are the consequences of this decision if it is implemented?

    1. It is definitely appropriate to discuss about whether to divide Syria into cantons.
      In my opinion, as there has just been a civil war in Syria, it can be risky and dangerous to divide the Syrian people again by creating cantons or states. The people could split again with interest in their own social or political view and values which possibly can result in a civil war ultimately.
      Moreover, the politicians could start to fight eachother due to disparities in their power, as there are different ethnic groups in the country, where some parts are pro-Russian and others more western orientated.
      On the other side, a division into cantons could assure a better exercise of power, as it is easier to control a smaller territory than ruling over a whole country.
      The leaders of a canton could also make sure , that the people they rule over are better understood because the leader is of the same ethnic group.
      In total I would conclude that dividing Syria into cantons would lead to more instability than stability as Syria is still too tumultuous.

    2. Yes, I agree with you that there should be a topic for discussion about for or against dividing Syria into cantons. This could actually be an incredible topic to discuss upon. It could be an amazing opportunity for all of us to express our thoughts about the future of Syria and how one thinks about what should be done now for Syria as the war has ended.

    3. I agree because if they whether they divide Syria in half there would not anymore war and if I was living in Syria I would feel relieved and happy and I think all the people in Syria think the same because there would be no more war or arguments or maybe even another war

  • i think the refugees from Syria should be allowed to come back to their home country if they want to and it is safe to go back home.The world should be a free and peaceful place not full of war and conflict.whether male, female,Muslim of Christian everyone should respect everyone . They may not agree with each other but they must respect their opinions.

    1. I disagree because maybe Syria isn't ready for that Syrian people to come back, because Syria now is full of broken buildings and broken stuff so if the Syrian people came back they might get hurt or they might struggle until they rebuild their country. So I guess if a country could help Syria to rebuild their country, it would be really helpful for Syria and it's also going to be a great honor for the country who helped Syria. And my suggestions would be the countries below:

      1- America, because it's a very rich country and helping Syria wouldn't be a hard work for them and it's also going to be a great help for Syria and plus that they already need this help.

      2 - Egypt, because we are so close for Syria and we've been working hard to stop the war that was happening, so completing our job, I guess we should help to rebuild Syria by donating or sending people to rebuild their country until they come back.

      3- Germany, because in my opinion, Germany is really helpful country, and also so generous, so I guess that 42% Germany would help Syria to rebuild their country.

      And if each country from those could help Syria and rebuild their country, they could finally say that they will go back to their country, but, I still agree with the point that if they want to come back, it's their decision, and not anyone else decision and if someone said to them not to go back to their country, just because they want to help them and rebuild their country and then they could come back, it is okay they are just asking them to do this not forcing them to do this.

      Thank you, Topical Talk!

  • Well taking in mind about the conditions of Syria, the discussion can be about how to ensure consistent and speedy post-conflict development in Syria with complete freedom to media.

  • One of the most interesting topics that I thought was how the new government in Syria will affect its relationships with other countries.

    The old government had successful relationships with Russia and Iran in military by buying and selling troops and weapons from each others and in economy Syria was always used to borrow loans and supplies from Russia and Iran.

    The new government could have a totally different perspective about relationships or it could have the same perspective or they could have relations with all countries.

    Well, to make a long story short I think the new discussion should be titled "Will relationships in Syria change and if so how?"

  • In my opinion Syria could travel over seas to get to America. Donald Trump can help them build up there Country. Get money and build the country. Make it as popular as it was before. That is how Syria can change and make there country great again.

    1. How could international partnerships, like with the US help Syria rebuild and become stable again?

      1. Some developed countries could support another under developed country with finances or machines to help them rebuild or govern them, however I think that some countries would prefer to rule themselves no matter how weakened they are

      2. I think partnerships with e.g. the US can be critical for ensuring Syria's stability. Firstly, physically rebuilding Syria is difficult, and not free. Partnering countries can provide financial support to rebuild cities and help injured Syrians by supplying Syria with medicine and aiding it with building hospitals and shelters for the injured. That would also help Syria in the long run as it won't be able to remain stable without trade partners to export and import goods. Furthermore, international partners can provide military support to Syria if it is attacked by another country as it is still vulnerable and might be a target for e.g. Russia, where Bashar al-Assad was granted asylum. That would ensure Syria is not destroyed further and make it a safe place for all inhabitants as well as Syrians from elsewhere who may want to go back there to help. In addition, just having powerful partners may discourage other countries from attacking, as well as encourage more countries to partner with Syria. And finally, partnering countries can monitor Syria to ensure it is developing democratically, and in the worst case scenario, partners could intervene Syria is at risk of becoming a dictatorship again. Overall, I think international partnerships are essential in accelerating and ensuring Syria's development towards a stable democracy.

      3. This is a really interesting question. The first point that would help Syria if they would make a partnership with the US would be the financial support that they could get to rebuild the countries infrastructure, e.g. schools etc. These schools and other institutions would help with educating the population. One important point that these schools and Institutions should focus on are women's rights. A partnership with another country could help promote these educational initiatives. An international partnership could also help by supporting the refugees. They could help them come back to Syria where housing and basic needs should be fulfilled. To help the country bloom again, the US etc. could invest in it and maybe start trading with the country, as another form of financial support. The US could help against further terrorist attacks by providing military forces and helping train a professional and strong syrian army.
        These are some points that an international partnership between Syria and another country could result in.

      4. Well I don't think it will 100% Give them a good President or government as Syria do need a chance to explain their own voting and why so they can give some reasons and opinions on how and what choice they give because if you don't have them wouldn't you really learn how to make decisions and the stable country might not even be good as what do the stable country know about Syria and anyway how would they know if this government was actually good or not as they don't know anything about their personality unless if they ask(though they could also lie) also they do need their independence and they also need themself to gain trust and get a good President themselves otherwise mistakes could occur.

  • I think there should be a topic on whether or not you think boycotts are effectful.
    If so, how and why are they?

    1. Boycotts can be highly effectful,by a large group of people refusing to support certain brands etc.It can cause financial harm and damage on a companys reputation leading them to change in order to regain public support

  • My idea for a discussion is following question:
    Should Syria belong to another, more stable country?

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "belong to"?

      1. By belong to, I mean that Syria should be governed by another country, for example as a colony, however I think a discussion on Syria being owned by another nation would be interesting as well since it is such a controversial topic.

    2. I definitely agree with you that this is a very controversial topic. Syria cannot be given to another country, neither as a colony or in another form.
      Primarily, it is very difficult to find a stable, neutral, competent and powerful country to be governing Syria, as, for instance, Russia is not neutral in terms of Syria's affairs and neither is the US, as it is not widely acknowledged as a neutral country, especially with Donald Trump being the president.
      Also, it needs to be mentioned that Syria is still a souverign state although there are rumours in the country. It cannot be decided from another position that Syria is not a souvereign state anymore instantly. There will only be more tumults in Syria, as the people will definitely not accept that the country is being robbed its souvereignity.
      Concluding, your perception is completely inconclusive and false, due to the reasons mentioned above.

  • I think there should be a discussion talking about how we would do things if we were in charge of Syria and which steps we would do first. It’s important for me because like that the students can show their own way of handling things that are hard to handle.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion post about the problems in Yemen because the country is dealing with some serious issues that need to be addressed and I think that if we shine light on it people will notice thus making countries want to help them out.

  • Syria has been in absoloute chaos recently after the fall of the Assad regime. As well there should have been a discussion globaly of Assads criminal actions.Bashar-al-Assad has launched many bombs to his own people , we are talking about 81,916 barrell bombs dropped on civilians houses killing 11,087 civilains including women and children which is heart breaking espicially that he did this to his own people. Another point I would like to state is that the Assad and his regime have plummeted the economy of Syrias since as of 2020 the inflation rates were as much of 114.2% also 1 us dollar was equal to 513.29 syrian lira. However as of december 8th 2024 the new leader of Syria Ahmed al Sharaar who is part of HTS (only rebels) Hyat tahrir a sham , has put the country on a signnificant uprise , for example he and his military have released all the prisoners from the regime prisons , also the inflation rates have gone down as well human right have been put in place. Do you call that terrorism? He isn't pro Assad or pro Russian either. He is the one who freed syria.
    Kind regards

  • I think a valued topic to discuss is war and why. I chose this as many people don't understand why we starts and it can be scary to all of sudden be in a war. Thinking of the subject of Syria has made me realise that not all people want peace and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. I feel bad for Syria but also think... why did they have to rebel? Thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub post about how Syria's new government change will affect its outside relationships with powers in the world. Countries such as China, Iran, and Russia have openly helped the Assad family in their brutal, totalitarian regime, so, how will Syria under the rule of Ahmed Hussein (or any other Syrian for that matter) make relationships with new countries? As currently, Syria is alone, all the powers of the East don't want the new government and all the powers of the West don't see any particular interest in helping Syria. So, how will Syria develop new relationships with countries? That would make for an interesting Hub post to explore in my opinion. Will Ahmed Hussein try making allies with the U.S./NATO or will he try to get the attention of BRICS? This would question Topical Talkers about what is the most logical outcome, strengthening their problem-solving skills.

  • From my point of view, we should discuss about something that has been tremendously forgotten by most of the existing news outlets (at least in my country). Why have some westerner leaders been so flexible and keen on letting al-Sharaa or al-Goliani (a former terrorist and islamist) become the new president in Syria? This is interesting because while the USA has been far more cautious with this topic and they are still checking out al-Sharaa until it is clear which intentions does he have, many European countries have send their diplomats to meet him these days. No one seems to doubt his promises but why? I believe, Russia is not entirely the answer to this question. Many could argue that since Russia supported al-Assad and his regime has ended, the rebels would expel Russians from their country and it would be benefitial for Europeans supporting a government against Russia in a country essential for the Mediterranean Russian fleet; However, this isn't so, as Russians still holds control (with some restrictions) of the port of Tartus and the new government doesn't seem too bothered by their presence. I think Russia is still part of the answer, as because of the war on Ukraine, countries relying in Russian gas have suffered a big blow. The other possible option they had was to built a pipeline from Qatar (one of the biggest natural gas producers) to Turkey and the rest of Europe. The pipeline had to pass over Syria but obviously this wasn't possible until now. That is why many european nations (like Germany) are establishing relations with Syria again.

    1. I agree with you chatty moon we defently should have a big discussion about syria struggling because there homes were being destroyed so it has a big impact on them but we definitely need to help them rebuild and loads more

  • I think an important question to confront is, how exactly all the people in Syria must feel. I think it would be extremely interesting to hear what Syrians have to say and also how they think we could help. But obviously this is hard and in the positions we are in, we can only really imagine how Syria and Syrians is truly struggling.

  • In my opinion I feel that we should take a inside scoop about how the Syrian people feel after having their long time leader overthrown. Some people may have mixed feelings about how their old leader was overthrown in the middle of a civil war.

  • Well I believe we should habe a discussion about how Assad terrorised and put the country war and whether he is guilty or non guilty.However Al Assad clearly put the people of Syria into depression as well as he has put the country in a mass amount of debt. In 2020 while Bashar-al-Assad was still in power the inflation rate 114.2% imagine how the people would be coping with a very weak economy. Examples of a weak economy are: Inflation, currency devalue, poverty rates rising and prices increasing. Bahsar-al-Assad after passing on to president from his father Hafez-al-Assad was expected to westernise the country ,but this was the complete opposite he put the innocent people in a deadly situation after bombing countless and rebel held areas in Syria and brought Russian and Iranian (no offense to Russian/Iranian people) troops to fight with the Assad and our former president or war criminal (former since he was overthorwn on december 8th 2024).Overall he is a very bad person.Also we should have a dsicussion about our new president(our meaning me and my people since I'm form Syria but live in the Uk) Ahmed-Al-Sharaa and how he liberated the country.At the moment he is enforcing human rights laws and stabalising the country of Syria.Also Syria is safer than it was before ,on the other hand they are still sorting stuff out like the Alawites (Assads minorotie) and what to do with them.

  • I think there should be a discussion post about ways that Syria improve as a country and not only Syria but what others think their country needs to improve too. This will about the solution to some economic problem in the society. Thank you.

  • I would like to share an update on this news which is how did the civil war start. Basically, the neighbouring countries of Syria also had dictatorship but most dictators were forced to leave their positions and Assad was aware about this therefore he made security strong. One fine day a school student wrote on the walls, "it’s your turn doctor", referring to Bashir al-Assad as doctor. Because of this many teenage boys were arrested and tortured and knowing about this, the whole of Syria gradually started peacefully and then violent protesting. As this happened the government released all the prisoners and by looking at the fatal condition of their children more powerful and wild protest begun. Taking action towards this government started shootings and fighting towards civilians forcing them to move out of country due extreme conditions.

  • I think there should be a HUB Discussion on the topic, "Turkey's Role in Post-Assad Syria". This topic is suggested by me to see the Turkeys influence in shaping Syria after Assad's fall.

  • I think we should have a Hub discussion on the topic 'Should Syrians be under on a more stable country: yes or no'. If Syria relies on a more stable country, that country will help them get back on their feet and gain democracy again after long years of war but if they continue by themselves, they might not be sure on what steps to take next, they might also go through long years of struggle, and right now, most people suggest that they should hold an election but others think that the rebel leader should rule. you can see that they don't have clarity but I suggest that if a more successful country helps them, shares experiences with them, and guides them they will be able to stand alone and be successful too. So I think that Syria needs some support for a while until they are able to stand alone.

  • i personally think that syria should have a immediate vote as the people understand most what they need and they should vote also if the "rebel" group stays in power many people think he will inflict his strong religious beliefs which some people don't agree. personally i can see why some people will think he should stay in power as he has overthrown the Assad family and people think he should be awarded.

  • I think this was a fun lesson but looking at people dying in Syria is not nice we need to agree with topical talk and help Syria from this war and the half a million people that died but hopefully the new leader Ahmed al -Sharaa will help so let’s help SYRIA.🇸🇾🫵👍


    1. I agree shy football people are trying desperately to stay alive but sadly a few are dying and I'm on your side so we will try are best!

      SO WE WILL TRY I might help to because of the bombs and you might try to SO LETS ALL TRY HELP SYRIA!!!!!!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on the topic " Whether Syria should be divided into cantons or states or not, write what you think the consequences would be and what would we do if we were the in-charge of Syria " This discussion will enable students to lay out their own point of view on the division and its consequences. This would also allow them to use their logical reasoning and facing real life problem. Like- there can be a poll or 2 options about the same. Where students can vote if they believe the cantons will help the people of same community be united or will they result in further disputes. So students can have a sense of understanding sensitive situations at a young age.

  • i think there should be a Hub discussion about how can Syria regain control of their present situation and how can other countries like (ours) help them, maybe we can hash these topics out

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about what is the right for Syria right now and according to us what should be the consequences or upgradings of our point.

  • I believe we should discuss how we can help Syrian refugees and those inside Syria. Recently, Syrian refugees are dissatisfied. Refugees in neighboring countries are struggling with issues such as unemployment, lack of education, overcrowded camps, discrimination, inadequate resources, healthcare, and mental health problems. Some are even concerned about the situation of their families, who are either still in Syria or in other countries, but they don’t know where they are. On the other hand, the situation in European countries is better than in neighboring countries to Syria, as refugees there have access to work, housing, water, food, education, and healthcare services. We also need to discuss how we can help those still inside Syria, as they are victims of war and are certainly suffering from physical and mental trauma. They desperately need food, water, and support to survive. Helping these people is essential for their survival. One solution I propose for this situation is that all millionaires (I found in my research that there were 86 million of them in 2022) should donate 1,000 dollars each. If all the money is collected, it would amount to 86 billion dollars, and surely this amount would help all the refugees and war victims. Additionally, the organizations whose mission is to help people should be concerned about this dissatisfaction, but they still haven’t done anything about the grievances of the Syrian people. If all people and countries work together in peace and help each other, there will be no more victims or harm. In the end, we are all human beings.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the impact of the Syria crisis on young people because their future is being shaped by these events, and its important to talk about solutions too

  • Syria is an independent country. Syria has once been a harsh country though now it has been getting better. For instance their old leader or president had left the country and they have a new leader now. Yet, some Syrians are still skeptical of this leader. My opinion on Syria and this leader is that Syria will be treated well and correctly by this new leader. That is because this leader has promised to treat Syria correctly. Civil War was a problem for them so my opinion on that is that fighting your local citizens for the right to rule over your country I believe feels like a war but for leadership. I still believe fighting for your country is worth fighting for. Lastly, my opinion on the fact of the Civil War's destruction on the buildings, this caused a mass destruction a long with the War and I honestly do not like that they deconstructed and destroyed most buildings and this caused people health issues by not having a hospital to go to and that is why I did not like the destruction from the war.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about animals that are in danger because it would help us to know what we can do to help them not to get extinct , learn about their habitats , the conditions that the live in, what country’s they live, like for example like a Tiger it is in danger it lives in Asia the conditions they live in are rainforests the country’s they live in are China, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Russia and more countries.

  • I am sure making a Hub obout think we can do to stop natural disasters will be great.

  • We should discuss about the history and what it could connect to life today. Syria has many ancient aspects like castles and ruins that people might have built thousand to millions of years ago.These places are and could be important because they show what life used to and can be like in the future based on these ancient figures. In recent years, some of these sites have been damaged from war. You can discuss why it's important to protect old buildings to stand a place with history and to make syrians proud and connected to art work.

  • A number of questions struck my mind while understanding the present situation in Syria....
    - Who is responsible for this situation there?
    - If the new President misgoverns like Bashar Al Assad...?
    - Can America's interference result in betterment of situation?
    - What is the solution for the problem of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries??

    1. I agree with you. These questions about Syria are really important and make me think too. It’s hard to say who is fully responsible because many groups have been fighting, and outside countries have made things worse. Bashar al-Assad's leadership has played a big role, but it’s not just one person’s fault.

      If the new President misgoverns like Assad, it could keep the suffering going. The people have been through so much, and bad leadership could make it worse. Good leadership is crucial for rebuilding the country.

      America’s interference might not always help. In the past, foreign interventions have sometimes made things worse, like in Iraq. It’s tricky because every situation is different. Supporting peace talks and letting Syrians rebuild their country on their own might be better than outside intervention.

      The refugee situation is also concerning. Millions of Syrians have fled to neighboring countries, and these nations are struggling to help. The international community needs to figure out the best way to support the refugees and help the neighboring countries carry the burden.

      I also wonder what will happen after the war ends. Will Syria rebuild, and can people trust their government again? These are big questions that show how complicated the situation is. Solving Syria’s problems will take time, effort, and cooperation from everyone.

  • From my searchs about Syria I knew that Syria is a poor country and this country do not have a lot of money and after the war finished they have no money but they need to build a new homes, companies and a whole country I think that their is no any one have a work in Syria after the war so there is no any family have money to pay for homes. And also Bashar al Assad killed about 620000 people in Syria.

    1. I agree because we need to rebuild the country Syria. This is important to me because Syria has a lot of damages that need to repaired and fixed examples are;
      1. Repairing the prison's
      2. Repairing the houses
      3. Repairing most schools
      4. Providing food stuffs
      5. We also need to repair workplace for people to be employed so they will make some income for themselves.
      They should also elect a someone they think they can trust and come up with new policies that will lead to the growth and development of their country.

    2. I agree cause, in the last few years Syria has been suffering from Al-Assad, because usually a country which has a president, he should be responsible for the country and not making them suffer from his own hands, like for example the president of Palestine is trying to recover all the damages which happens to his country so this should have been the reaction of Al-Assad too but he actually did the exact opposite which leaded to these situations: it leaded to falling houses and 97% of Syria was full of break the houses and buildings which leaded to the second thing which is:
      There was barely any food to be found in the ground or under the falling pieces of the buildings which needed also to the third thing which is:
      There became a lot of starving kids, children, teenagers and even adults, all of them were suffering and also because most of the buildings where broken into pieces there wasn't a lot of hospitals which leaded to the hurt people to be hardly saved and their lifes could die at any moment.In my opinion, after finally Surya to be released from the president that they had they can do the things below to develop their country again:
      First they can start to build buildings again and they could start by building schools, banks and hospitals because they are the most important things in a country I guess.
      Second they can start to cook a lot of food so they can eat and try to make their self not starving anymore until they have a president to find a way to make them eat.Concluding, I'd like to say that I know that Syria suffered and hopefully they are safe now.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the affects of the Civil War on the children and people living in Syria. The main focus should be on children because as I had read in a newspaper, children are suffering the most and people are not paying a lot of attention to it and there is no discussion about it. So,I think there should be a discussion post about the condition of the children of Syria after the warm and how it affected them.

  • I think we should discuss about the rainforests being destroyed especially the amazon rainforest and I really don't want it to be destroyed because animals, trees and plants just keep disappearing every year


  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about people's opinions on whether they believe Ahmed al-Sharaa should continue to rule or if they should revolute him and if he is the best candidate to rule, and who else should if you believe Ahmed al-Sharaa should be taken down from the position of ruling . I personally believe this would be a good discussion because I personally believe he is part of the history of the situation and the change of person may cause a decision to be made that person isn't entitled to do but also having another person's difference in process of think and or decision making may be a beneficial and harmful decision itself.

  • We think that the country should hold a general election due to the fact that it provides a fairness amongst the population of Syria and promotes democracy. We feel that a democratic approach is the best way to run a country.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how Syrian children use their creativity , like painting , music and storytelling to preserve their culture during the conflict and war , because during wars often their creativity and strength are hidden. It is important to learn how they express their feeling and protect their traditions even in difficult time. This discussion will help us understand their struggles , hopes and the role of art in healing trauma.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about online shopping or fast fashion because I feel as though people are not aware of wear there clothes are produced.

  • i think there should be a hub discussion post about what would we do if we were in charge of Syria and what the top three things we would do because children don`t get to choose what happens most of the time so it would be intresting to see what other people would do if they were charge of a county in a civil war

  • What do you think about growing tensions involving Denmark spending more budget on defenses and do you think a world war might occur in the near future

  • I think there should be a discussion about how the civil war started and what were the main reasons which resulted in the civil war because many students don't know why the war started and what were the reasons behind this. So , I think this will be an interesting topic for everyone and we'll get to know many more new things about this civil war.

  • I would like to know should some one be in charge of the country or not?

    1. Thanks for suggesting a discussion. Can you tell me how a country would run if no one were in charge?

      1. Well I think it would be chaos because people would break the law and not care.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about, "stereotypes about women", people think that women should not have any jobs.
    some of these jobs are:
    2. Lab scientists
    3. Presidents
    People think that women belong in the kitchen cooking for their husbands and children, and it might lead to a very big problem because when mothers have female children, all the pain that the mother has gone through during the stereotypes, they might make their children get married at early age and it will cause a lot of problems for the child because they will go through a process called VVF-Vesico Vaginal- Fistula, if people would have trusted ladies this will not be happening . They do not know whether women can make a difference, they do not know whether women can change the world

    1. How do you think challenging these stereotypes can create better opportunities for future generations of women?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about Economics in Syria, because, after the war there has been a lot of destruction in Syria leading to it's downfall. And during this downfall, Syria has fallen down into severe economic crisis.
    I think a discussion on this topic would help us understand more nicely and deeply about Syria's current situation, we would also learn about the economy of Syria and how we can increase it enough.
    Syria is now a growing country, so knowing more about it while it grows is what may help us!


  • I think we should have a big chat about the rainforest being destroyed it has literally lived for centuries but it is lived to so many animals different types of species.


    1. Please can we all tell Elon Musk to stop deforestation because the amount of species could die even the Awe tribe

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about, Syria's current economy and what is currently happening because I want to know what is happening with Syria and the current war and who are they going against. And I hope Syria wins because they do not deserve to be at war with whoever they are going against.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion post on whether the Syrian people can open a new chapter so that the bad stuff and war can be forgotten. Then the new can be reunited to all the Syrian people but also I think they should also think about helping there homes and try to re-build their homes .

  • HTS, the rebel group currently in control of Syria, is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States and many other countries.
    Ahmed al-Sharaa, the leader of HTS, has recently declared himself the interim president. He was a former member of Al-Qaeda, inspired to join after the 9/11 attacks.

    This raises an interesting prospect. If HTS is labeled as a terrorist organization, this could possibly complicate humanitarian aid entering the country, and discourage foreign investors from entering the Syrian economy, creating a disastrous effect on the long-term future of the country. Additionally, HTS has not yet fully secured its grip on power. It is possible that in the following months, internal conflicts and squabbles among leaders could tear the country apart.

    How should western nations respond to the recent developments in Syria? Should they embrace the new government, revoke the terrorist designation, and send envoys? Or maybe caution should be advised?

    While HTS has claimed to be working towards democracy, and has responded to Western media quite favorably (even open to gender equality!) they have historically held their lands with an iron fist, ruling in an authoritarian manner. Could they be trusted to hold their promises? And is there are reason why the United States (as of my current knowledge) did not revoke their terrorist status? And is Syria's future uncertain? If so, this is bound to complicate the refugee crisis further.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about the new gouvernment because it is very uncertain and the country is very fragile. There is a very important choise to select the gouvernment. I don't want to see the country in a second civil war. And it can affect the new relationship with other country.

  • I think after Bashar al Assad left Syria and go to Russia the Syrian people is too poor after the war finished and no any family have money.
    So I think that the Arab people should to donate for them, and alot of countries should donate for Syria.
    Syria want to build another things after Bashar al Assad destroyed every thing in Syria. The Syrian people want to build their houses, companies and a whole country. So we must to donate for them to build another country. Bashar al Assad made the war about 25 years and the Syrian people do not have houses to live in from 25 years ago.

  • There are many challenges confronting Syria today like having to re-build houses and buildings, hospitals and supermarkets for people not to die from hunger or thirst. Many people had to leave Syria because of the war and over 500,000 people died including mothers and children. Many families had to be separated because they had to leave and go in other countries to find shelter. Refugees in neighboring countries like Turkey and Jordan are filled with mothers trying to find their lost children. I've done some research and i saw that kids are having psychological traumas, depression,anxiety and a sense of abondonment. The Syrian goverment received help from Russia and from Iran. Iran helped Syria by giving them weapons such as drones, missiles and other small weapons. Russia helped Syria by giving them other kinds of weapons like tanks, artillery and air defence systems.
    Hopefully the life will be beter with the new regime and everyone will return safe and continue their lives under a happier situation.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion about people living in Syria. As we know about all of the damaged buildings, this is creating a harder impact on all of the people living there. As there are lots of bombs going around in Syria, these people are getting hurt and there is nowhere for them to be treated and to get better. This could also mean that they are getting hungry and having nothing to eat, due to all of these bad conditions. I hope this gets changed. Thanks for reading my comment.


    1. You make some good points, is there anything particular about the situation in Syria that you would like to discuss now?

      1. Thank you, I am interested to discuss the recent developments in Syria and what they mean for children. The recent change of power in Syria has created opportunities for children and their families. For nearly 14 years the lives of Syrian children has been affected by suffering and deprivation. Latest developments mean that their lives could be peaceful and they can again have opportunities and rights. However the weight of the conflict remains and as millions have been forced from their homes and schools, with critical buildings being destroyed , I would like to discuss how it is going to be possible to rebuild the futures of children and their families in Syria. Currently 2.4 million children are out of school in Syria as many schools have been damaged or are being used as shelters. Children must get back until education and routine in order to thrive.

        Very sadly , 500,000 children are suffering from malnutrition. Food and other basics have become unaffordable for many. Not only this but children have been left with physical and mental wounds. These children have grown up not knowing anything other than conflict.They have witnessed things that no children should see. Many children that have been displaced are in urgent need of food, shelter and other basic services.

        I believe that Syria needs more support from the international community than ever and I would like to discuss how this should work and how children’s lives can be transformed following the horrors of war.

  • I would like to present a hub discussion post that suggests some questions, " what is Syria's new destiny? Revolution or Election? Is there a big difference?"

    Syria hasn't yet declared a new president which leaves the situation there unpredictable. Should Syrians make an election or a revolution? What is the difference? Why?
    I think these questions would be nice to discuss together.

    1. These are some great questions, do you think there is a better option for the Syrian people?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about why did the ruler of Syria decided to go on exile because it is a very important problem for the country as he left an entire state on his own.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on the topic 'How will Ahmed Al-Shaara restore the economic growth of Syria with the help of youth? ' By the means of this question, I am NOT trying to elaborate how Ahmed Al-Shaara would gain trust of international powerhouses to provide him with financial aid to rebuild infrastructure. But, I want to highlight the possible problems that Syria may face in the future with its youth. I believe the working class people of ages between 19-45 have been devoting their previous years into the rebel forces. With over 6.3M people fleeing the country, including children, working class people paired with millions of them joining rebel forces, the literacy rates have dropped dramatically. The measures taken by the new leader to motivate young people to adopt education over warfare will be challenging. The government must implant a sense of passion in the youth to serve their country by pursuing engineering, business, and medical fields. The way Ahmed Al-Shaara will establish educational institutions is something to watch out for. As they say, 'People are a nation's greatest resource', Syria must prioritise the development of people. No foreign government would ever provide its best engineers, nurses, and doctors to another country. The importance of providing people with a motive to stay in the country and not pursue education outside is another obstacle. The advancements of educational facilities to keep the youth in the country is a race with time. Can Al-Shaara defy the odds and create a functioning empire of Syria with its youth?

    1. I agree because... I want to know how Ahmed Al Sharaa will React to the country stopping the war and being sick. I also want to see how he reacts to the unusual stop as in my comment I said I want to see how people will think in opinions of saying what the new government should be as they could already be people voted for government

  • It shocked how many people died haft a million people had died but they fighed of the country so the people will remember them all

  • I think it will be a very good turning point for syria, Judging as the country has been in ruin for the past year. It will help the people to get a snse of some more freedom and free speech, and it will help the children living out of war.

  • I think, once it is all sorted out, it will be a great turning point for Syria and they should be hopeful about the years to come. It is probably a breath of fresh air from them and they can feel safe in their own homes now.
    There would probably be loads of rebuilding and developing though.

  • I think that the new president should be in charge because he wants peace and to make fair rules which involves no violence .

  • I think there should be a hub about U.S.A stopping giving, mostly hospital funds to African countries.

  • I believe there should be a hub discussion on the level of the western countries' interference with the current Syrian affairs. That is, should western countries get involved in the internal problems and affairs of Syria, as saviours for this exhausted by war nation, or should they let the country make decisions on its own? I believe this is a very important topic, as many nations try to gain control and influence in Syria, claimimg to have the best of intentions, to provide help and supervision for this greatly suffering country, currently in turmoil. However, this could also be just an excuse to simply exploit Syria economically and socially, and to support it as such.

  • One of my personal topics I would like people to talk about is what should Syria focus on first? Rebuilding towns and cities, or helping over 15 million residents who are in poverty first? Bear in mind Syria's current population is approximately 23 million.

  • In my opinion I would say that there should be a discussion about how and what new President/government should be chosen because that since Syria's war has been going on for years and years they would just and fight and try to end war. I think they should have a fresh new start and we should also discover on who are already is wanting to earn the place to be a government and want to make the world better like the last government was really really bad so I want to see people's opinions too on who should have the rightful place of a government

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how we can better adress food waste globally because it is a massive issue that affects both climate change and hunger. Many people do not realized how much food is wasted every day, from individual households to large corporations. A discussion could explore creative solutions, such as a community composting, donation programs, or even changes to food labeling to reduce waste.

  • I think there should be a discussion on what countries Syria should try and build relationships with

    1. I agree with this comment as we should be concerned about what countries Syria should be attempting to build relationships as right now they are very weak as other countries would try and find their way in Syria however I'm not sure what countries Syria should attempt to build relationships with but I believe this comment should be getting more attention to it as this shows critical analysis.

  • I think we should talk about war between Russia and America because Russia think that Assad family should still be ruling but America don’t think Assad should be ruling.I don’t think he should be ruling because he was not being fair to anyone.He made many people die because if they said something bad about him they would get sent to prison and he the prices so high for food and stuff that people had to leave because they could not afford to pay for there bills and food.

  • I think there should abe a hub discussion post about why religion should not be a priority for choosing a leader because we often tend to choose a leader of the same religion rather than focusing on his or her abilities which is totally wrong.

    1. Can you give an example of a time when this has happened, @mesmerising_situation?

  • From my point of view i think there should be a hub discussion on the civil war effects on children and people living in Syria's mental health as i believe this topic has been forgotten about from existing news outlets?

  • I think there should be a Hub Discussion on the topic 'Syria by 2035'. This is suggested by me to focus on the economical condition of Syria, which is currently in poverty and how will Syria combat with it and overcome it. This way we would be able to find some really good suggestions regarding the same and could help Syria with them.

  • I believe the takeover of the Assad regime is a turning point not just in Syria but in the Middle East region. The collapse of the Assad regime came on the 8th December 2024 when Bashar Al Assad fled the country after Ahmed Al Sharra's Syrian rebel group took power of Syria at the Assad Royal Palace in the capital city of Damascus. Therefore I believe there should be an immediate general election and to give aid to the Syrian refugees that are displaced along with those who have stayed in the country that are homeless. However, those who are in refuge in other countries should have a decision to stay in the country they are already in due to better safety, healthcare or job opportunities. after helping the people in need they should begin to build housing and services to provide the people with what they need to live.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion about the suffering of the Syrians who had to flee their country: people had to throw everything away for survival, not to mention, no matter the surplus of research it isn't possible to fully show empathy to the victims of the cruel regime; we can not alter the past, thus we have to commemorate the sacrifices made to flee the country and keep their family alive. We need to remember the lost lives. We need to remember the lost money. We need to remember this wounded country to become their doctor and revive it. Not to mention, we need to discuss how they can rebuild, abandoning the fearful methods of returning refugees, and instead returning to how they can become a true country once more, not suffering from this painful past and instead growing from it with new buildings like schools and hospitals. in summary, we need to commemorate the lost lives by discussing how to repair and rebuild this war torn country, so allowing Syrians to peacefully live their lives and not cruelly force them to return is fully the most empathetic turning point.

  • I think there should be a post about how some elections are held as in some places you don’t have a choice on who to vote and the punishments for voting for the party that’s not in charge can have extreme punishments

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about whether AI could be trusted to rebuild a war torn country like Syria because technology is advancing so fast and some people think that AI might solve big problems like rebuilding cities , managing resources or even stopping violence before it even happens. This discussion would be interesting because it connects the latest technology with real world problems. It would also make us think whether machines could help fix issues that humans have struggled with for so long.

  • I believe Syria should reconsider their leader as their new leader has problems with the U.S as rumors are spreading saying he has a bounty on his head. This concerns me as if their leader is being targeted than how will they deal with people constantly trying to put him to sleep. Will Syria be able to handle his death if it does happen? that's what I believe is a problem.

  • In my opinion I feel worried for Syria because they can’t live in this state , they have no food but the buildings are destroyed and they are not comfortable where they are living. Them going to another country makes me feel better and more positive about Syria so people can have a better life and president.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about what aid should be like now in Syria as the war ended due to the Assad regime being defeated. There should be a post detailing where aid should go now, perhaps to Syria to rebuild or perhaps to other crisis like climate change or the Russia and Ukraine war. So overall a discussion should be asking, where should aid go next, still to Syria for rebuilding or perhaps other issues?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about how life of syrian citizen can be changed and take them out from this civil war situation because this war is effecting in many way to the common people doing small jobs and not connected with the same but then too suffering in the situation.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on the hurricane Sandy from December 2012. This was a devastating incident that I think will create a get discussion with some great debates attached. I have chose this subject because it was a long time ago but it is a very interesting topic to talk about. Some topics might only have a limited amount of debates to have but the hurricane Sandy has a variety of questions for debates. An example could be ,do you think that the people of the New York should have gone back to there own country after the severe weather warnings that were due to happen with more strong storms coming along the way. It is a very interesting topic to talk about.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about how media coverage impact public opinion on the Syrian conflict because the way news outlets report on it can basically shape how people view the situation it's what exploring weather this type of coverage actually helps bring about peace or it create more obstacles

  • Hi ,i think there should be a Hub discussion about the religious beliefs in syria. i've heard that some of the "rebels" suggest that the new government should be based on religion.. a discussion about this topic will enhance our reasoning and understanding skills, we'll have to think about whether the syrian government should be democratic and religion-friendly or only one religion should be given importance?

  • I think after the war finished, the Syrian people who are in a lot of countries should go back to their own country in Syria.

    What will the Syrians do after the war finished?
    I think the Syrian people should to build their homes because they have no money to pay for the engineers. And also the Arab people should also donate for the Syrian people but not only the Arab people, it should be the whole world to donate to the Syrian people. I think the Syrian people should make handwork things to have more money to pay for the houses.

    1. If people have established new lives in other countries, how fair is it to ask them to return and rebuild in Syria?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Politics because it's importnant that we should intruiging to know what and how presidents make a difference to the world we live in and we should see how the Syrian president is doing in Syria and says he'll pursue the criminals who shed Syrias blood and commited massacres and crimes first and if he stops the civil war and keeps peace with everyone. Also to see how politics are diong in country's.

  • Hello everyone, I want to talk about the use of AI and how it is impacting our daily lives, Globalisation, and the effect it has on our planet today. AI can be used in all sorts of ways such as , enhancing decision-making processes, streamlining task automation, and elevating the overall costumer experience through innovative and efficient situations. AI has also helped us with transportation and interacting with other countries. AI has also helped us to improve businesses, raise money and communicate with others around the world. However, there are some disadvantages that follow with such as, lack of culture, job displacement, bias and fairness issues , Loss of human interaction, lack of transparency , unpredictable behaviour and much more. Children these days are using AI to do homework and even write exams which is such a big issue. I appreciate the use of AI as it has helped so many lives but, it needs to be more improved and hidden away from children. Let me know on your own opinion as it should be talked and discussed about more.

  • In my opinion I would love to discuss how Syrians were linked in the past and how it's affecting right now and how Syria was before was it peaceful before and now it's just ruined or was it the same before and it was just hopeless no one knows what has changed I think but I also want to know about how climate change has changed the world shape there's so many topics I want to discuss but those are my main two and yes we do need to take care of the world

  • The syria's should be allowed to stay where they are and they should have a better government, though others think its unfair for other countries to have to be responsible for them, little do they know that we are to help other countries especially the syria country, i hope that in six month to come the syria's will have a better government that will rule properly and also lead by examples

  • The Rebel Leader (I forgot his name)
    Should not be the leader of Syria.He could make potentially bad decisions in the future as we have learnt from the previous leaders.We don't want the people in Syria to lose their opinion like other /previous leaders.They should have a say on who they want to run their country.Eventually They might develop a democratic and Republican country just like the USA.That would be the ideal situation.

    1. Dear lovely avocado!

      I don't agree with all the points that you say, well actually I agree with only one point which is:
      The syrians should have a say about who should be the leader of their country because we're not really sure if the new leader is going to be good for the country but, I guess that we should give him a chance because he might be a good leader and maybe he will not, and if Syria can finally have their opinion about saying who will be their leader.

      But the things that I don't agree with you are:

      That a democratic and republican country would choose their leader or something like that, because I actually don't think that a country should choose other leaders' country and also Syria haven't said their opinion for like years so when it's finally time to say their opinion we're not going to stop them.

      Thank you, Topical Talkers!

  • I agree that the leader of change in Syria should be a candidate to be president by merit, but there should be fair elections to elect a new president. And perhaps this leader will have the opportunity to be the leader that Syria might need.

  • Syria needs a lot of help to build their country again and make it better so people can have more help and have a school to go to and hospitals to go to, to get medical help.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how the international community should respond to Syria's new leadership because global support or intervention could shape the country's future. Should other countries provide aid, recognize the new government or stay neutral? This discussion could help us explore the possible consequences of different actions.

  • I suggest there should be a Hub discussion post about " Russisn intervention and interests in Syria".

    This topic can help throw light on Russian side of the story,their interests,how it will impact the western nations.
    Also we get to know about Russian stand about terrorism and other extremist group like Assad regime.
    The consequences of russian intervention,their impact over future of Syria,and the refugee problems which are arising in the neighbouring countries with respect to their economic and demographic factors where Syrian refugees have fled.
    The role of UN in this should also be discussed.

    1. Interesting ideas. Do you have an opinion on this topic?

  • We should have a discussion on how to balence environment and other things of syria🇸🇾🇸🇾🇸🇾🇸🇾

  • Well, I have got a very important topic to share which is how could we compensate prisoners who were put in jail unfairly as they have been treated in an inhumate way and the options are either we don't make it up for them at all, help them by money or give them good jobs.

  • In my opinion , those refugees that fled Syria have to return in their country because syrian governement can't rebuild a united nation without its people. Moreover, the countries that welcomed the refugees probably intended to welcome them temporarily and not forever.

  • think that the best decision for Syria to make is relying on one of the top best countries in the world because they help them and review help them review Syria because of their large economy

  • I think the best discussion post idea would be, if Surya was free, our job is to write or comments about estimates or guesses about what will happen in the future of Syria. And also we could add solutions for the future in another theme

  • In my opinion, there should be a hub discussion regarding global poverty- one of the nost widespread issues today. I believe this is a problem as people around the world are malnourished from the elderly, to children and even infants. People live their lives without the essential basic needs such as water, food and shelter. Also, children have very little to no access to education and I think this is a problem as literacy rates across the globe decreases and less people contribute to society as a result. The lack of healthcare puts millions of peoples at risk of illness and disease and many suffer due to this inequality.

    I hope that this issue will be resolved in the future.
    Here are my thoughts of how I think we can help as a society and one of them is to raise awareness. Awareness will help to raise and spread this message about poverty and the future generations will be informed about this aswell, more people will realise how serious this is and will try to make a change. We should also try to donate to charities for the people in need and should always support them as they go through difficult situations.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about "if Syria was now comfortable with their new president, what will be their future? And if Syria wasn't comfortable with their new president, what will be their future. And what would be the consequences." 🤔

    If Syria was comfortable:

    The president would likely be a respected person by a lot of famous people, even though he didn't know that he would be a president, but the consequences made this happen. Plus that he finally made Syria happy and safe after years of suffering.

    If Syria wasn't comfortable with their new president?

    Probably, there would be some elections to change the president, but, 50% percent of Syria could still want the new president, so, if the president wins, they (the Syrian people) have to get to live with their president.

    Thank you, Topical talk!😊

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the war in Ethiopia. Since 2020, Ethiopia has faced a regional conflict beginning in Tigray region. All of the citizens were affected badly and negatively.

    1. Can you tell me more about the negative impacts following the Ethiopian War?

      1. There are a lot of problems that the citizens in Ethiopia face.
        1: more than two million citizens forced to leave their homes and seek in crowded camps.
        2: This conflict leads to the widespread food shortage and families cannot find the necessary goods and
        3: This conflict has damaged the critical infrastructure including roads, bridges and buildings.
        4: This war has destroyed the water infrastructure. The citizen did not have the access for clean water.
        5: This war caused the disruption of the education consequently some schools were forced to close or reduce the capacity of the students.
        6: This conflict has declined the economic business. This war also increased inflation.

        Finally, this war has a lot of negative effects that affect the citizens. These factors cause to them depression, isolation and anxiety.

        I hope that the war ends in all of the countries in the world.

  • I think that after discussing the future of Syria, it is important to measure a country's economic growth. This raises the question: Is GDP (Gross Domestic Product) the right way to measure a country's growth? It is undoubtedly a measure of a country's industrial output, which can be interpreted as its growth. All this growth depends on the country's people. But what is the worth of such growth that does not guarantee the well-being of its people? Take Russia, for example; no matter how many nuclear weapons it may have, can the flight of millions of people be justified by GDP? Several parameters, such as quality of life, happiness, social well-being, environmental degradation, and income inequality, need to be monitored. Does GDP compare a country's economic growth with its unsustainable practices that harm the environment? Does GDP growth benefit everyone, or does it only accrue to the wealthy? How can unpaid labor, such as caregiving, be included in GDP? Equations should be created that reflect true growth by considering factors like sustainability and scales like the Human Development Index and the Genuine Progress Indicator. How can we convince companies to think beyond financial growth? If we want to prosper, people should be on our side. It seems the perfect opportunity for Syria to focus on growth beyond extractive industries, as towering buildings often hide the conditions of laborers behind them. Should something like the Paris Agreement be implemented to ensure a dedicated workforce towards human development?

    1. What do you think are the pros and cons of the Gross National Happiness Index used by Bhutan and other places?

      1. I believe that GNH is a complex issue. It can be useful to estimate the gap between the rich and the poor in a country. Traditional systems measure industrial output, often enjoyed by the rich, and neglect poverty. This system puts invisible pressure on governments to cope with inflation or introduce policies benefitting the poor. This would lead to less corrupt ministries, a big problem nowadays. It would also set new standards for workplace safety, sufficient maternity leave, and the inclusion of diversity in jobs. It would give non-profit organizations solving specific issues like cancer or education, government backing. Increase in sustainable resources would be a perk. All this comes at a cost, however, and that is its practicality. It seems amazing on paper, but interviewing every citizen every year is not an easy task, requiring a lot of personnel and funds. This is not ideal for poor nations. Excessive paper usage would also be concerning, as accessing every corner of a country by computer is impossible. Government influence on this report could undermine its purpose. Will it ever replace GDP? The answer is no, but it could definitely be an additional option, practical if conducted at the end of a government term. This could give ordinary people insight into the overall effect. One solution to government influence would be the establishment of an independent ministry, like the election commission. However, this would require significant funding to function properly in populous countries. GNH serves a different purpose, and can be effective in smaller countries.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about "should syrians be divided into groups?" and "what countries should syrians go to?".

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Siria because is in a moment of transition following the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime in December 2024. The international community supports the formation of an inclusive government, while the UN emphasizes the need for justice and the resolution of the humanitarian crisis.

    At the security level, there have been recent attacks, such as drone attacks on a Russian base and a US airstrike against a member of Al Qaeda.

    Gender-based violence has increased due to conflict and patriarchal culture, and organizations are calling for women's rights to be prioritized.

    In the humanitarian field, campaigns such as #PanParaSiria help mitigate the food crisis.

    Overall, the country faces major challenges in security, social justice, and economic reconstruction.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how Syria chooses their new leader because it's all riding on them picking the right person. Either as a whole election or keep Ahmed Al-Sharaa as their new leader. Hopefully they make the right choice because whoever becomes the new leader controls all of Syria.