Comments by discreet_lynx Comment Post Date In my opinion age restriction are overrated due to the fact that no one cares about them. Have... Age restrictions 12/2/24 Staying informed about local news helps you become more responsible and active in your... Responsible citizens 09/2/24 If a celebrity is endorsing a brand, it can make the brand more famous and liked by people. But,... The “face” of a business 09/2/24 One of the best debates I had with my classmates was about what Ecuador's president should do... How did the lesson go? 09/2/24 If you have a thought-provoking question or an interesting point related to this topic, we... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 "If a prison is bad, it would be better to simply release the prisoners." Some people believe... What if prisons aren’t working? 09/2/24 Many individuals wonder why more people are not taking action to protect the planet. It is... Why don’t people change? 02/2/24 In considering who holds the ultimate responsibility for women's sports fans, we must examine... Women's sport 02/2/24 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries, leading to new job... Jobs of the future 02/2/24 From my perspective I believe that option b is the most important since the matter of the fact... Prevention or protection? 02/2/24 Option E is the closest to where I live the reason to this is because since we live furthest... Climate change in your country 02/2/24 it is disgusting to find how normal people that done a little crime get severely punished for... What’s the purpose of prisons? 01/2/24 our class has chose B due to the fact we as humans have made the machines ourselves which makes... Will schools exist in future? 24/1/24 < 1 2 3 4