eloquent_orchard has not published standpoints yet.

Comments by eloquent_orchard

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The topic that I most felt passionate about was about King Charles III is coronation and the... STEP ONE: do the lessons, pick a Standpoint topic 07/5/23
I agree because. because in semi-arid areas children die alot due to dehydrayion and lack of... The challenges of doctors between immigration and serving the country 05/5/23
I agree because in my country Uganda , the king and queen of Buganda kingdom organise charity... Are royals relevant? 05/5/23
I scored 8. And i learnt that the metaverse is a virtual reality world and that anything is... Test your knowledge 05/5/23
My country has kings , queens and chiefs but they have power over their respective kingdoms and... The role of royals 30/4/23
I diagree with opinion C because royals are no different from other people because they breath... Royal responses 30/4/23
I agree with opinion B because royals are people and they deserve some privacy and they should... Royal responses 30/4/23
I agree because some parents deny their teenagers communication sites due to over being... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23
I agree because i myself had friends which spend longer hours on social media platforms and... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23
Earth Day is celebrated to thank the earth for supporting human kind , for example giving us air... Is one day enough? 28/4/23
Hi noble clementine, I agree that it is a good point, and i wanted to add on something , yes... …Clover Hogan! 27/4/23
Hi Powerful cranberry, That is a nice question, i would like to add a point, yes their may be... …Clover Hogan! 27/4/23
Uganda is a country affected by different climate changes for example drought which is common in... Climate change in your country 26/4/23
Hello Ben Mango, how are you doing ? My first question is what are you experiencing as a... ...Ben Mango! 25/4/23
Hi Matthew Ball, How are you doing ? And my question is what or who inspired you to publish a... ...Matthew Ball! 25/4/23
I agree because... most people run out of ideas and intend to steal other people's ideas ... Ask Tina Brown! 24/4/23
Hi Tina Brown, How are you doing? It would be nice to meet you . And my first question is what... Ask Tina Brown! 24/4/23
I agree because it has helped us be able to communicate with other students in different... Start of Festival survey 23/4/23