Standpoints by frank_trombone Written by: frank_trombone Strikes: Beneficial or Not? 16 May 2023 2 comments Comments by frank_trombone Comment Post Date Comment: I think nepotism begins at step 12 because Ema worked for her success by going and seeing film... Post: Where does nepotism start? Date: 11/5/23 Comment: I believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect. However, my family and friends hold a... Post: Nepotism poll results! Date: 10/5/23 Comment: The skill that I am going to primarily focus on is listening. Almost everyday in the news there... Post: Competition #5 Standpoint skills Date: 09/5/23 Comment: I think that royalty has an important role in the modern world as they can help promote cultural... Post: Are royals relevant? Date: 01/5/23 Comment: I do not think kings or queens should have absolute power to do whatever they want. A... Post: The role of royals Date: 01/5/23 Comment: I agree, post offices are a very essential part of a community, people may worry when their... Post: Pick ONE person Date: 01/5/23 Comment: I think that the metaverse and climate change topic link because, virtual reality will require a... Post: Competition #3 Making connections Date: 25/4/23 Comment: I scored a 9 on the quiz, and I am happy that I learned more about the carbon footprint we leave... Post: Test your knowledge! Date: 21/4/23 Comment: I scored a 10 and I would like to learn more about the purpose of trying to get all people to... Post: Test your knowledge Date: 19/4/23 Comment: I joined a discussion in the metaverse topic. I replied to zestful_artist from Usra Academy |... Post: Competition #2 Global discussions Date: 19/4/23 Comment: In my opinion the metaverse would have many pros and cons to it, like many doctors use it during... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 18/4/23 Comment: No, because if you hit someone in the metaverse they will not feel it because it is not real, or... Post: Metaverse poll results! Date: 14/4/23 Comment: The news story that is affecting my area is 'inflation', many people complain about the extreme... Post: Competition #1 News near you Date: 12/4/23