Competition #5 Standpoint skills

24 May 2023

Winners announced!

Well done for your entries to competition and congratulations to
openminded_bassoon of Livingstone Academy F UK, mindblowing_aspect
of GGHS NO1 Chakwal A Pakistan and vibrant_acorn of Usra Academy
Nigeria who are the winners this week!

Every week winners are awarded 3 stars for their winning entries!

  • openminded_bassoon | Livingstone Academy F | United Kingdom 09 May 2023

    I think that all skills are necessary, however the skill I will be leaning my focus towards is problem-solving. I know that this skill will be important for me because it will help me understand the different possibilities and consequences in a situation. It can help me form an opinion or/and theory while using the facts and information. I would like to have more problem-solving opportunities from an educational point of view.

  • mindblowing_aspect | GGHS NO 1 Chakwal A | Pakistan 10 May 2023

    The skill I am going to focus on is listening. It is very important to have listening skills because in my country many different things are happening nowadays and if we do not listen carefully we won't be able to understand the problem. If we have listening skills we will be able to answer any question easily. It help us to gather different kinds of information from news, talk shows of experts etc. Listening is an important skill to me because it helped me to make my standpoint.

  • vibrant_acorn | Usra Academy | Nigeria 10 May 2023

    The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. Problem solving involves analysing evidences which involves looking for facts and truths. Then considering different perspectives which involves hearing all sides of the argument not just one side, just like we have been doing throughout Topical Talk. This skill is important for understanding the news because, you can suggest solutions to problems that people are facing in the news. If you have the ability to solve problems you will not be stressed when you are faced with challenges.
    Problem solving skills are useful also when you are going to debate.

Welcome to this week’s competition! Every Monday we’ll open a new competition and the winners will be announced the following Friday. If you win, you’ll get three stars and your entries will be pinned to the top of the discussion!

It’s time to start working on your Standpoints! And to make sure they are judged fairly once you’ve submitted them, we’ve asked some top experts from The Economist to help. Each Standpoint judge has a different area of expertise: Henry Tricks is a fantastic writer, Harriet Shawcross is a whizz at making films and John Prideaux is awesome at audio.

All of our judges agree that the best place to start with your Standpoints is to think about the skills you will need to use: speaking, listening, problem-solving and creativity.

This week’s competition comes in three easy steps.

Step 1

STEP ONE: Choose one of the Topical Talk skills – speaking, listening, problem-solving or creativity.

Asset 127

STEP TWO: Let us know why you think this skill is important for understanding, and forming opinions about, what’s happening in the news. Try to use real examples from the news in your answer if you can!

Asset 126

STEP THREE: Tell us how your chosen skill will help you to make your Standpoint.

Comments (83)

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  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows us to gather information from different perspectives, grasp the nuances of complex issues, and identify underlying motivations or biases. By actively listening to various news sources, interviews, and discussions, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topics at hand.

    Listening also helps us identify potential biases or gaps in reporting. By paying attention to the tone, language, and context used in news coverage, we can become more aware of potential biases that may influence the presentation of information. Recognizing such biases allows us to approach news stories with a more discerning eye and seek out additional sources or perspectives to obtain a more balanced view.

    Moreover, listening skills are crucial for engaging in productive discussions and debates. Actively listening to others' viewpoints fosters empathy, understanding, and the ability to build upon differing opinions constructively. It promotes respectful dialogue and the exchange of ideas, which can enrich our own perspectives and help refine our Standpoints.

    By honing my listening skills, I can make my Standpoint more informed and well-rounded. Actively listening to various viewpoints, expert opinions, and factual information allows me to gather a comprehensive range of perspectives and evidence. This, in turn, strengthens the foundation of my Standpoint, making it more compelling, substantiated, and persuasive. Additionally, listening helps me anticipate counterarguments, identify potential flaws in my reasoning, and address them effectively, resulting in a more robust and persuasive Standpoint overall.

    In summary, listening is a vital skill for understanding the news, forming opinions, and crafting a well-informed Standpoint. It enables us to gather diverse perspectives, identify biases, and engage in meaningful discussions, ultimately enhancing the quality and depth of our understanding and the strength of our opinions.

    1. I agree because listening is a great skill and you are right about the listening help us to gather information from different perspectives. But if you can't see will listening help you👂. Your comment is true and wonderful. 👍

    2. I believe that listening, discussing, and talking with others are the most important and great skills. Talking with others works to exchange information from one person to another, and listening works to collect information from other points of view, and discussion often changes the views of many people

  • The use of speaking skill is of great importance to individuals, the most prominent of which are: Practicing all kinds of linguistic activity Expressing what is in oneself, or what individuals see Getting used to logical thinking, speed in thinking and expression, arranging ideas and linking each other
    How do we use speaking skills?
    Delivering sermons in mosques and councils.
    Psychologists and counselors.
    Announcer in news bulletins.
    Personal interviews to apply for a new job.
    Use this skill to obtain your rights.
    The legal profession and the judiciary.
    Expressing feelings correctly in emotional relationships and marriage .

    1. I agree with you because speaking is a very great skill
      Without speaking no one can give any point of view in a decent manner
      Many people cannot have the ability to speak in strict matters that need a speaker, for example in conferences. If you cannot speak in a way that draws attention to your opinion, no one will listen to you.
      Your opinion is very great dear

  • From my point of view, all skills are important and have an effective role, especially on this site.. The skill that I focus on the most on this site is creativity, because creativity almost carries all kinds of skills, for example, it develops our atonement skill. Really, I used to write any words that came to mind Bali, but at the present time I have developed more from this aspect. I have become shorter and write the words in a good and more accurate form, or the skill of writing when you think, you search, and you write. For a sentence they read, and finally the skill of listening at each box. In each topic, there is an explanatory video or it is called a definition or an overview of the topic that we will talk about. This also develops when we watch a video. We listen well and also help in spreading information and experiences among my friends, sisters and relatives. I think I'm right.. Thank you very much .

  • HEY, The discussion that moved me was the issue of loss of jobs through the advancement of AI and the metaverse. What will happen now that robots that can practically do any job and task even better than humans are created. people will have to loose their jobs and go to the streets now that there are robots to take over their work. how will we go about solving this? Well i feel since technology is the new "thing" People should be trained on tech skills that could help them along side what they are studying. I feel everyone should know at least one tech skill or the other to help them in this new age so irrespective of the clerical job they might have in future they have a skill to back them up in the metaverse/ computerized world if anything goes wrong skills such as Deep learning , "a method in artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches computers to process data in a way that is inspired by the human" Computing, programming, software designing, graphic designs there's a variety of tech skills one can learn and I feel it can help in solving the situation of job loss due to Artificial intelligence, by using the knowledge of how to go about using AI somewhat like" fighting fire with fire" ☺

  • The skill I have chosen to focus on is listening. Listening is important for understanding the news because it helps obtain more information and understand what is being verbalized and it also help you learn more about what is being verbalized and it helps me form opinions about the news because after I listen to the news and opinions of others ,I get a general overview and idea of what the topic is about. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because when I get the general view and what people think it will help me make my final view on a particular topic. I also feel like listening is very important because it enhances your ability to understand better which helps you to form your opinions about the news. Listening also helps you to gain more knowledge and identify problems. THANK YOU!!

  • The skill I am focusing on is listening. This skill is important for understanding news because to listen, we need to make a purposive effort not to just hear what people are saying but to take it in, digest it and comprehend it . Not only does listening augment your ability to comprehend better and make you a better communicator, it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people. It helps me to form my opinions about the news because I will be conscious of what is going on around me being able to acknowledge little details people tend not to notice and making it known to them, it also serves as a contributor to all the the other skills mentioned. Listening will also help in facilitating the forming of my standpoints because being able to listen in this aspect is being able to read and listen to other topical talkers point of view and also doing my research and listening to people's perspectives on topics I make my standpoints on, this helps identify things that people never took the time to deliberate about, for example the standpoint I made about the depth of strikes , the extent at which it affects people I was able to do this because I listened to what was going on around me and I tried to make awareness of it. Listening personally speaking is a major skill in comprehending and forming opinions on what is happening in news, without listening you will not be able to be creative, solve problems or even speak about things because what is there to speak about if you do not listen. So in conclusion listening is one of the best skills a Topical Talker could use in making meaningful standpoints.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening and creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because you first need to think and listen to what the people say and then you can use creativity to think about where you stand and where you think to make your own standpoint on whatever you want to wright about and think about.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because depending on how creative the news is states, and it helps me to form opinions about the news because it could help the student or person understand the problem in the news better. This skill will help me make my Standpoint because it will let me show the news better and will stay in the persons mind because it will be something they would want to remember.

  • The skills an going to focus on is listening skill. It help us understand information better This skill is important because,most information that are passed to us are very important,most of the information passed by our teacher in school has been of help. For the pass few day I have been listening to some kind of news like, floods in some state,and how they are planning to set up hospitals nearby for the people,in other to decrease the rate of deaths.

    A woman died through child labour in my area ,this is due to the far distance of the hospital she was taken to.

    This skill will help me make my standpoint because, i have heard some many people complain about the bad government, unhealthy areas, unemployment and insecurity which are the major problem we are facing in our society.

    With my standpoint I will show it to you all one of the major causes of floods in my country.

  • The skill I am going to be focusing on is speaking and listening. I cannot even express the importance of these skills in daily life and observing what is going on! These skills really help us when we watch the news because it enables us to understand the true meaning of what is being said; and its importance and urgency. It also allows us to voice our opinions on a topic. Many controversial topics are discussed and showcased on the news- ones where everyone is bound to have a different opinion. Although we all certainly have opposing or similar views, as seen on the discussions here, it can be great to talk about it! Through a conversation and/or debate, your view may expand and you'll find it easier to accept others opinions.
    One time, I was watching a news article on how diets can affect climate change and reduce certain greenhouse gas emissions. It was really interesting and I had learned things that my mind would have never had considered! Yet, despite all of the outstanding points and myriad of facts, I didn't understand what I had just watched. I couldn't form an opinion on the topic, nor could I even explain it to my peers. Using the listening and speaking skills, my experience could have improved vastly. I could have voiced what I had just learned to my friends and family and I could have created my own opinion on the matter. My point is, using Topical Talk skills would have really helped me in the situation!
    These skills will help me to make my Standpoint because of many reasons, including: I will be able to listen and understand constructive criticism, I will confidently able to voice my opinions, I can use examples of real life news events ( that due to listening I understanding it) in my Standpoint to defend my case and I will be able to aknowledge others ideas about how to make my work stronger.
    I personally believe that all of the Topical Talk skills can really aid us when watching and understanding the news- not one of the skills can overpower the others. What I mean is that we need problem- solving and creativity just as much as the other two. Together they can help us to; establish strong opinions on what's going on, allow us to create innovative solutions to current problems, discuss with others and develop our understanding of the world around us!

  • Yes, today I will talk about problem solving skill .
    Every day we face many problems, but some are more complex and difficult than others.
    Either way, you must have special skills that ensure that you have access to appropriate solutions in a timely manner.
    And now I will tell you why I chose the skill to solve problems؟؟؟
    The skill of solving problems, as its name indicates, expresses the ability to find effective solutions to the various problems facing us in practical or private life at the appropriate time, which ensures that losses are avoided or reduced as much as possible.
    And several ways must be followed to spread and avoid problems in our lives؟
    1- Defining and identifying the problem.
    2- Searching for alternative solutions.
    3- Evaluate and choose appropriate solutions to solve the problem.
    4- Applying the appropriate solution on the ground.
    5- Get feedback and respond to it in the appropriate manner.
    We must adhere to these methods to address problems .
    And I chose this skill because every day people fall into it and do not control themselves, so the problem becomes complicated and the two parties will become hostile and the problem becomes unresolved, so we must control ourselves and if we face a problem we must We hope to solve it..

  • Hello!
    The skill I am focusing on is listening. I think listening is in two parts: hearing and seeing. T this skill is important because all other skills rely on it. You can't speak without first listening to what you have to talk about, you can't problem solve without first knowing by listening to what the problem is, you can't create without first knowing what you need to create by listening to what has to be created. this skill is important for understanding the news because the news is what is happening around you and you can only listen to what is happening on the news and helps me to form opinion about the news because as I said all the other skills rely on it. It will help me make my standpoint because among all the skill mentioned above it is the only one in which we use to understand a particular piece of news. I was inspired to choose this by the speech made by my headmaster on the assembly ground this morning and this phrase inspired me'' YOU HAVE TWO EARS TO LISTEN MORE AND ONE MOUTH TO TALK LESS''. Thank you.

  • The skill that I will focus on in speaking is listening.
    This skill is important for understanding the news, because through listening, we can contribute to expressing opinions together, reaching important points, developing our knowledge about new ideas, and enabling us to see things from several aspects and different ways of thinking.
    This skill will help me form opinions about the news and will help me form my point of view because I have learned a lot by listening to others and then speaking and benefiting from the opinions of multiple points of view.
    Through listening, I got to know special people with useful and wonderful ideas, great ways of thinking, and great points of view.

  • The skill i am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important because you may be able to listen, have problem solving skills, and be creative, but you will not be able to make much of a difference if you cannot voice out your opinion. It helps me to form opinion about the news because i have learnt that to make a difference you have to speak up. This will help me make a standpoint because my standpoint is my final view on a matter and if i have the confident to say my opinion, i might actually create a change in my society. You cannot keep a good opinion that will help to solve problems to yourself. Some people find it hard to speak up for themselves. I am a victim of this. But this festival has taught me to voice out my views because i may have a really good idea but not being able to express it makes it useless. I would like to express my gratitude because now i can express myself freely.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening . This skill is important for understanding the news because first of all listening helps one to understand, discern and ponder on the news before making your own final view or perspective about the topic and that will enable the other users to speak about the news, think about the solutions to the problem on the news and be creative on the solutions and give innovative solutions about the news and it will help form my own opinions on the news because as my social studies teacher says 'we have two ears to listen and one mouth to talk so you should listen first before talking because that was the essence of having two ears and not one' so, listening helps me to form my opinions because if I don't listen I cannot do the other steps that leads to solving problems. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because as I listen to the other views of the topical talkers and ponder on them and then using the ones that appeal to my ideals I can take the various points, morph them into something tangible and write it in my standpoint.

  • The skill which i have choosen to focus on is listening . Listening is important to me because it provides input for me as a learner. Listening builds a better understanding and help me to gather up more information from the opinions of others. The reason why my stand point was based on listening is because i will gain the oppurtunity that guides the conversation.

  • Creativity: The most amazing skill that I will focus on.. What solves problems (creativity).. Who helps with fluency in speaking (creativity).. What helps you to listen and think too (creativity) This is a great concept. Creativity creates new ideas, ranks high. No one will be able to think of it..In this competition, I focused on creativity in my comments in order to get the largest number of stars...Our teacher recommended us to stick to creativity...Who dazzles a person?!..(a creative person) and this skill is important for understanding topics Thinking about helped me write my point of view as no point of view was rejected because I applied an important element which is helped me in my school, at home and with my friends by thinking and speaking creatively and I think that all skills depend on an important element which is solve problems Listening and speaking complements others in my view

  • The skill that I will focus on is speaking and creativity. These two skills are important for understanding the news, because speaking and creativity complement each other. It is not possible to throw away our speech without arranging it, creating it and thinking about it carefully. These two skills will help me in forming opinions about the news. These two skills will also help me in forming my point of view because speaking and creativity They indicate rhetoric and understanding. Often, meetings of the Parliamentary Committee were held in our school, so I was amazed at the Speaker of Parliament how she speaks fluently with visitors. Therefore, I decided to develop my skills in speaking and creativity, and not only in meetings we can talk and creativity, but in our daily life with people, with our teachers as well. With our relatives and friends, our words must be weighed before speaking any letter so that the one in front of you feels that you are a good and creative speaker. When I first started school, when I got to know my teachers, I was ashamed and my confidence was non-existent, so I decided to be bold no matter what happened, and here I am now, my self-confidence is very high. All of this I developed on my own. Thanks to a teacher of mine in primary school who told me not to be shy and not to bow your head and you must have high self-confidence in order to overcome the difficulties.... Speaking and creativity are two important skills in life for me... and they must be with any student.

  • The skill that I will focus on is problem solving. This skill is important for understanding life. It is used to overcome the situation in a new and unfamiliar way. It puts us in a real situation in which the mind works in order to reach a state of cognitive balance. Now I will present two ways to solve problems, simple and creative / simple: 1- Raising the problem and feeling 2- Defining the problem 3- Collecting information about the problem 4- Assuming possible hypotheses 5- Testing the validity of the hypotheses and testing the most likely to be a solution to the problem / As for the creative method 1- It requires a high degree of sensitivity in the student 2- It needs a high degree of eliciting relationships and eliciting Related Articles ### Some researchers in the field of thinking have said that solving problems is nothing but a process that can be learned through practice and training @ Everyone has their own opinion, did the article help you, thank you 🤍

  • The skill I will focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows us to gather information from different perspectives, understand the nuances of complex issues, and identify underlying motivations or biases. By actively listening to different news sources, interviews and discussions, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topics at hand. This skill will help me form my point of view because when I get a general point of view and what people think it will help me form my final point of view on a particular topic. I also feel that listening is very important as it enhances your ability to understand better which helps you form your opinions on the news. Listening also helps you gain more knowledge and identify problems. In short, listening is a vital skill for understanding news, forming opinions, and formulating an informed point of view. It enables us to collect diverse points of view,
    And thank you!!!!🌹🌹

  • I believe that problem-solving is one of the most important skills that a person should possess. Whatever the nature of the work you do, you will encounter some problems at one time or another, and for this very reason, owners of companies and institutions are interested in knowing whether you are able to solve these problems and deal with them intelligently. In fact, there are some jobs that focus mainly on solving problems, such as customer service jobs or technicians, and here it is necessary to have advanced problem-solving skills. It is also good to acquire solutions to problems that you may encounter at a later time .And also the skill of critical thinking, which is the ability to think rationally and thoughtfully and plan well. Therefore, I see that some works focus on those who can think about a problem or a project and determine the best steps necessary to complete it. Not only that, critical thinkers have the ability to come up with new ways to carry out tasks, so those skills are important, which I think will help me organize my thoughts and also think about appropriate and useful solutions for the future.

  • All skills have their own and distinct role, for example
    Speaking skill, which allows a person to express his opinion, encourage his self-confidence, and reduce autism and depression
    And the skill of listening that has countless benefits
    As for the problem-solving skill in a practical application of life that helps us understand it
    Of course, the problem-solving skill is not complete except with the creativity skill, which is considered my misguidance and I use it in my real life, which depends on all of them. An example of this is that
    One day I had two female friends who did not accept each other, so I did not like to see them like this, so an idea came to my mind that resulted from creativity, and I implemented the plan, and this plan contributed to solving part of the problem, and after 3 days I confronted them and we discussed, and through the discussion that I was nervous about, the two parties agreed They loved each other deeplyThat is why I support the skill of creativity because it is a key to unlocking other skills, and I love it because it also develops the mind and thinking in all discussions and helps me form my point of view, as happened in the story. Creativity resulted in a way to solve problems, and through solving problems to talk and discussion, and in the discussion there must be a listening to an opinion In conclusion, I hope that I presented my opinion correctly and benefited a lot from it

  • I think problem solving is the most important of them all. Everyone, every family, every company and even every country will face different challenges or problems in the process of developing. Not everyone will have the ability to solve every problem. Various problems have diverse solutions and this will lead to many results in the end. However, these problems need good analytical skills and abundant knowledge. For example, the way a country’s leader solves problems can have a huge impact on the country. Problem solving also need creativity and strong judgement to find out solutions. In conclusion, a person that is able to possess problem solving skills is a powerful person.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important in understanding the news because it enables people to collect information and to gain knowledge about something like an event happening eg the wars going on in most countries in the northern part of Africa such as Sudan, South Sudan,Libya, Nigeria,DRC Somalia and many more countries after collecting information from different sources with different perspectives or opinions and it helps me to form opinions about the news because it enables me to acquire accurate knowledge about something hence enabling me to pass my opinion on the topic after considering all the information. This skill will help me make my standpoint because it will enable me to collect information about the topic I would like to talk about as a standpoint hence enabling me make an outstanding standpoint.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking this skill is important for understanding the news because there is an urgent need for people to be aborm their own opinions about what they hear. The ability to speak effectively allows us to discuss and debate topics in a more meaningful way, helping us understand different sides of an argument more clearly. And it helps me to form opinions about the news because speaking fluently can help us express our thoughts and ideas more accurately, allowing for better communication with others. Through practice, anyone can learn how to speak confidently and effectively in order to better understand and formulate opinions about news. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because It allows me to make my opinions and standpoints heard in an effective way. By mastering this skill, I will be able to articulate my thoughts in front of an audience or during a conversation and make sure that people understand my message clearly

  • The skill I am going to focus on is good listening I think it is the most important skill,this skill will help me to make my standpoint as it is the first step in understanding what is going on around us in terms of news, as we have a complete picture on this topic, and then we can express our point of view by speaking about our opinion, and here the mind begins to think about solving the problem in a scientific and creative way and write an expressive and convincing stand point.every thing had a start and the start of excellent standpoint is good listening. Then the skills are linked to each other and dependent on each other.The best example is the Festival 2023 topical talk, where we begin to understand the topic of the week through the video that is shared by experts by listening to it as first important dialouge skill then reading the opinions of topical talkers and expressing our opinion through discussions, and here we can think of solving the problem in a creative and collective way. After that we can write and share our own standpoint.

  • All skills are important and have a major role in society.....but the skill that I will focus on is the skill of listening, as it is very important for communication, and if we do not hear, we will not speak, and it helps us understand the different points of view around us.....and understand complex differences and define spaces Big and fresh...Also, the most important thing is to show respect for the speaking person, build strong and kind relationships, and enhance the meanings of true friendship..... It is a completion of the perception process, as it is essential, and understanding and communication depend on it... The evidence for this is that there is no deaf but dumb.......And that listening effectively requires effort, as a person is not a good listener except after good training and learning..... and it has a good effect in resolving disputes. When judges want to judge between disputing people, he has to listen to all parties before ruling..... These are the benefits of listening However, there are many other benefits as well...

  • In my talk, I will focus on the skill of speaking...its concept is an interactive process between a group of people in which they exchange information, ideas and feelings, so that one of them is a sender and the other a receiver. ..Also, the formation of social relationships to be a support for him in a way that enables him to sense people's love for him... He also works on developing the individual's personality, writes communication skills with people, and gets to know their culture through his dialogue and discussion with them....Talking to people is sufficient to relieve them of anxiety and grief, and to make them feel better, especially if they empty what is inside of them and work to increase productivity at work, etc

  • The skill i am going to focus on is problem solving because I am already practicing this skill and i have been used this skill many times in my own problems and solved many hard situation problems that changed and helped my life.

    This skill is important to understand news that deals with crimes. Because crime is a problem and finding the person who made the crime(criminal) is the solution. So problem solving skill will help to resolve a crime news or crime case.

    And it helps me to form opinion about the news because as i told earlier crime news can be solved by the problem solving skill and as i have practiced it. The problem solving skill helps me to form opinion about the news by identifying who is the person made the crime(criminal).

    This skill will help me to make my standpoint because making a standpoint is a problem for me and i know how to solve the problem. It can be done simply by uploading my standpoint with the help of the instructions given by the topical talk community. So this problem solving skill will help me to make my standpoint also.

    So problem solving skill will be very useful in all situations and it will be useful in our own lifetime also. So I request everyone to practice this problem solving skill also.


  • The skill that I am going to primarily focus on is listening. Almost everyday in the news there is a different story, it is important that we use our listening skills to fully grasp the different points of view of the story. We can also fully understand the story and all the underlying news that could contain biases. By listening intently to different news, we can gain more understanding of the topic.

  • I think that the most important skill is creativity, because from my point of view everyone is able to listen and speak, everyone can learn this skill, but creativity is something with practice and not everyone can possess it, and also it enables a person to find creative solutions to problems, and also it also draws attention to weakness in the rest Skills through creative methods of presenting and presenting dilemmas. It also enables you to have the skill of persuasion that is important in presenting news. This skill helps me to simplify my ideas so that others can understand them and not be difficult to understand. Consider or listen to my opinion

  • The skill of speaking and listening is important for understanding the news because it helps you to understand different perspectives on a topic. When you listen carefully to what people are saying, you can understand their point of view. You can also ask questions to clarify things you don't understand. Speaking helps you to express your own opinions clearly and respectfully.

    Problem-solving is also essential when it comes to understanding the news. News stories often highlight challenges that people are facing, and by thinking creatively, we can come up with possible solutions to these problems.

    Creativity is another important skill that can help us understand the news. By thinking outside the box, we can come up with new ideas and approaches to issues that we may not have considered before.

    These skills will help you to form opinions about the news because they allow you to consider multiple perspectives and think critically about the information presented in a news story. By using these skills, you can create a well-informed standpoint on current events and contribute to meaningful discussions about important issues.

    1. I agree because... Indeed, I agree with you. Speaking and listening skills are important for understanding the points of view of others. Also, the skill of good listening helps in building relationships, solving problems, ensuring understanding, and resolving conflicts. In my opinion, each skill has performance and tasks. All skills are important and each skill plays an important role in understanding the news...

  • I think that all skills are necessary, however the skill I will be leaning my focus towards is problem-solving. I know that this skill will be important for me because it will help me understand the different possibilities and consequences in a situation. It can help me form an opinion or/and theory while using the facts and information. I would like to have more problem-solving opportunities from an educational point of view.

  • The skill that I will focus on will be (depending on the topic or the news), some of which require listening, or some of them require speaking, and some of them include creativity... or others, so I will start with ..
    1- Listening is one of the most important personal skills and abilities that both employees and employers must develop. However, the listening technique used is specific to the situation in question. For example, when we want to impress others and build rapport with them, we might practice a type of listening that encourages the other person to trust and like us. The same applies to interest in the workplace or during a meeting. We have to keep an open mind and avoid indulging in preconceived notions or prejudices. There are different types of listening in communication. Let's see how these business connections relate...

    2- Talking / is an interesting and enjoyable way to make someone understand something, and when we want to understand someone about a topic, speaking is the best way...

    3- Creativity/ is one of the most important fields through which we can bring beautiful, rare and regular ideas... and attract a person to you when you speak creatively about something...

    4- Solving problems / this is not an easy method that must be solved by adults with a clear mind, and it is possible for young people with smart words...
    And finally: the skills complement each other. We choose the most appropriate for the most appropriate subject

    1. I agree with you..because all these skills must oblige us in some situations, such as creativity that we may need to invent something to draw attention to a specific thing, and also as you use it in writing our topics and comments for experts to admire, right?... The second topic is listening, a skill Listening is important and it is a means of assistance sometimes, for example when we hear the opinions of others, so we have other options to present a wonderful personal opinion. When you use the skill of listening in education, for example, when an exam is presented, a listening paragraph is played to help solve questions, and people also see that you give them their right to express And also with respect and not interrupting, so they will admire your personality, and also talking, as it gives an opportunity to the person who was listening to the conversation as well, and expressing an opinion, and it is a way to make people pay attention to you .... Also, the skill of solving problems must be solved by a person who is fair to both parties, and he must be unbiased to one party or the other, and his style should also be good for resolving the dispute, understanding amicably, and not chaos to satisfy the two parties ...Thank you ....Good bye

  • From my point of view, I will choose the skill of speaking, and it is important because when we talk we can solve all problems, and when any important event occurs in the news around the world, when we talk about this important event, it will spread whether it is positive news or negative news, for example we are in this competition We talk about very important and effective topics in all our different societies around the world. It is possible that when we talked about the topic of Earth Day, perhaps one of the participants talked about Earth Day to his friends, and his friends published the topic, and thus we can use the skill of speaking on important topics.

  • The skill I'm going to focus on is listening. This skill is crucial for understanding the news because;
    1. To understand something, you have to communicate. Communication involves speaking and listening, but what do we know if we don't listen? Information has to be heard first before being responded to. Skills like problem-solving and creativity come after because can you solve a problem you don't know about? No.
    2. in the modern era, the news is increasingly disseminated through audio and video platforms, such as podcasts and news programs, rather than traditional print media. Thus, listening has become a critical skill for keeping up with current events, because it allows us to access a wide range of news sources and stay informed about important issues in real-time.
    3.Furthermore, active listening involves not just hearing but also interpreting, analysing, and evaluating the information being presented. By listening attentively to the news, we can develop critical thinking skills and learn to differentiate between fact and opinion, recognise bias, and consider multiple perspectives.
    4. When we listen, we are able to hear the tone, emphasis, and inflection of the speaker's voice, which can convey important information that might not be evident in written text.

    In conclusion, all the skills are necessary to understand the news effectively, nevertheless, I believe listening skill is the most important, because it is the first skill needed to comprehend the news.

  • For this exercise, I will choose the skill of listening. In today's fast-paced world, the skill of listening is often overlooked, but it is essential to understand the news and form well-informed opinions. Listening involves paying attention to the details, understanding different perspectives, and evaluating the information presented. In the context of the news, this skill is particularly important as it allows us to process a wide range of information, including conflicting views and opinions, and ultimately develop our own informed standpoint.

    For example, if we look at the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to listen to different sources of information, including public health officials, medical experts, and government officials, to understand the latest updates and developments. By listening carefully, we can evaluate the validity of different arguments, consider the impact of different policy decisions, and develop an informed standpoint on how best to respond to the pandemic.

    The skill of listening will help me to make my Standpoint by allowing me to gather information from multiple sources, evaluate different arguments, and ultimately form a well-informed opinion. By listening carefully, I can consider the different perspectives presented in the news, understand the underlying factors that are driving a particular issue, and develop a nuanced and balanced standpoint that takes into account the complexity of the issue. Overall, the skill of listening is an essential tool for developing a well-informed standpoint, particularly in today's fast-paced and complex news environment.

  • Listening helps us identify potential biases or gaps in reporting. By paying attention to the tone, language, and context used in news coverage, we can become more aware of potential biases that may influence the presentation of information. Recognizing such biases allows us to approach news stories with a more discerning eye and seek out additional sources or perspectives to obtain a more balanced view.

    These skills will help me to make my Standpoint because of many reasons, including: I will be able to listen and understand constructive criticism, I will confidently able to voice my opinions, I can use examples of real life news events ( that due to listening I understanding it) in my Standpoint to defend my case and I will be able to aknowledge others ideas about how to make my work stronger.

    This skill will help me form opinions about the news and will help me form my point of view because I have learned a lot by listening to others and then speaking and benefiting from the opinions of multiple points of view.
    Through listening, I got to know special people with useful and wonderful ideas, great ways of thinking, and great points of view.

  • I will be focusing on listening.

    It is important to listen to what your teacher says in school and learn a lot of things because if you do then you can just whizz through things and not having to ask your teacher for help. It's also good to listen to listen to the news as well because you get to know about what's going on all over the world and hear about any celebrations and fun things that will happen.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening.
    Listening is important for understanding the news because it promotes our logical way of thinking.When i listen to or attend programs, informations are being passed and it helps me form opinions which I also share with my friends and classmates and that has positively been contributing to my knowledge.
    However,this skill will help me to make my stand point because I have listened to and understood many topics.
    A good listener can identify a problem or problems ,provide solutions and also preventive measures to avoid another.

  • First of all, all skills are important for understanding and forming opinions, but the skill of listening is the basis on which the rest of the skills are built in our school, great emphasis is placed on the skill of listening in the tests, there is a listening section, whether it is in the Arabic or English language test the aim is to see the extent to which the student analyzes and understands the text heard, and also listening increases confidence and respect among people when the teacher explains the lesson, the extent of your listening the word indicates the extent of your respect for him and your keenness to understand the information

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. It is very important to have listening skills because in my country many different things are happening nowadays and if we do not listen carefully we won't be able to understand the problem. If we have listening skills we will be able to answer any question easily. It help us to gather different kinds of information from news, talk shows of experts etc. Listening is an important skill to me because it helped me to make my standpoint.

  • I dont think its important for kids to know about the news because it can make them scared or worried so they should just be told the more important news by there parents.

  • The skill that I will focus on is solving problems. This skill is important for understanding the news because it makes me think of new things and I am happy with that. Also, I want to know what is the point of view of the student and the teacher in solving this problem, and to know the opinions of people is a beautiful thing. Talking about this problem and finding a problem for everyone benefits. Solving it means that we are discussing something useful for all countries and countries of the students. This skill helps me to identify all the opinions of the students that the problem will be solved. For example, the large amount of waste in all countries and countries, especially in the Arab world, and specifically the city of Gaza, which suffers from this problem and does its best to get rid of it. It also helps me to form an important point of view in society, and here human rights associations appear, so a person must express his opinion and freedom of expression, if this is through drawing, through speaking, or through creativity in designing things, then it is possible to design models for this thing, an example of This is here in the Gaza Strip and in universities, especially the Islamic University. Here all the sufferings of countries will be designed. My sister designed a model that talks about the history and suffering of Nigeria in the past. She and a group of students designed a model consisting of a village and soldiers who wanted to occupy their land. In the past, there were none of them. The school or even the hospital, but recently there is something really beautiful, despite the besieged Gaza state, but it works to share all cultures, civilizations and languages and work to solve their problems.

  • I think that I will not focus on one skill, but rather some skills such as listening because it helps to exchange information from everything and creativity because creativity can change our viewpoints for the better and help us grow human minds and help people know what is going on in this universe and also speaking it helps to exchange information and exchange Opinions that differ from one person to another and help to say everything in the soul or what he sees as logical, and speaking and discussing helps in knowing the unknown, so I think that everything is important in our lives

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. Problem solving involves analysing evidences which involves looking for facts and truths. Then considering different perspectives which involves hearing all sides of the argument not just one side, just like we have been doing throughout Topical Talk. This skill is important for understanding the news because, you can suggest solutions to problems that people are facing in the news. If you have the ability to solve problems you will not be stressed when you are faced with challenges.
    Problem solving skills are useful also when you are going to debate.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because other people think differently, and it helps me form opinions about the news because as you share your opinion with other people by speaking, it might make people think differently.
    Speaking involves the tone, sometimes when you speak fast or slow it helps the listener understand better.
    Speaking is also a great skill and speaking also creates confidence. If there is an argument on the news maybe speaking will help, people will soon share their opinions. When people share their opinions it helps them gather information from different perspectives.

  • In my opinion listening is a really great skill. This skill can help you understand the news, because it allows us to obtain different perspectives which can make your standpoint more reliable and well rounded. Listening is a vital skill for forming opinions and engaging in meaningful discussion. In this Topical Talk festival, my way of listening here is by reading.
    Also listening to me, personally is a major skill in comprehending and forming opinions on what is happening in news I can decide if I agree or not with any issue because I listened to information about it.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. This is very important in our life, it is seriously needed. So therefore understanding begins. In our lives, situations are not easy, there has to be some problem which are tested in life, so therefore, to show how we can fit into the situation, we need to have the ability to solve problems. In that way, we can get to understand others in their situation. This helps to generates more ideas, more ways to solve problems. This is a very unique aspect of someone who is self reliant and I will encourage others to have the ability to solve problem, this can bring cooperation in the society. It can make a person to be self reliant and do not have to rely on others to help solve our problems. We can be dependent on ourselves.

  • The skill that I will focus on is speaking listening, by listening you understand the speaker's point of view, then you can define your point of view to clarify it to others, and by speaking clearly you can communicate information to listeners, and an example of these skills is in the news, where the Corona virus sparked widespread controversy among people If it was manufactured by scientists or is it a natural evolution of an old virus, and I listened to all the data that talks about the nature of the virus and the reasons for its wide spread, and how it mutated into more deadly forms than the first virus, and I formed my point of view that the emergence of the virus is a natural evolution of an old virus such as a virus seasonal flu, and when I spoke my point of view in front of my friends, some of them agreed with me and others disagreed that the virus was in laboratories and that scientists had lost control of it.

  • i agree because we need more information of how things work and we need more education so we can learn so it is king choice so we all can have a day of but i don`t prefer that its because we need more education

  • The skill l am going to focus on is speaking because i speak not alot so i want to to be able to speak a bit more

  • For me creative is one of the best skills to have so you can see the argument from both sides. Also it allows you to understand.

  • A skill I am going to work one is listening to other peoples opinions because lots of other peoples opinions are diffrent to others and kinda makes me mad so i think i should have calmness in me.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is the skill of creativity. I believe that creativity is a very essential skill because it stimulates the problem solving ability of an individual. When a person is creative, he easily brings up ideas that will go a long way in solving a particular problem. Creativity doesn't just go in that direction because it also covers areas relating to employment and planning. The concept of creativity definitely leaves a lasting impact on those who have experienced it.
    I can remember a few months ago I saw a news about a young girl who was awarded a scholarship for the beautiful work of art she made. This is a good example of how far creativity can take someone in life, this is the reason why I selected creativity out of the above listed skills to be used in my standpoint because with the use of creativity I can compose a problem solving standpoint that will be able to inspire people. Creativity will definitely be the central skill guiding my standpoint so that I will able to leave an interesting standpoint that will thrill not just the experts in our Topical Talk but also the future Topical Talkers

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. When we use our minds and brains to create new things, and bring about new ideas to help the society and community, it is beneficial, fun, and interesting. Understanding and creativity plays an important role in creating a colorful, interacting and interesting society. We need new inventions, creations and gadgets to help the society and improve our lives, therefore this makes us more curious to look for more creativity, in the process of doing so, this brings understanding and different perspectives for different people, so we can understand the different ways of others, this can teach and improve our creativity. I will also encourage others to be open minded and creative.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because without listening skills, you could misinterpret the news topic entirely. Listening helps me to form opinions about the news because since I understand it, I can think of ways this affects my mind or how I view the world. This skill will help to make my Standpoint because It will allow me to concentrate on the main things that are being presented, and determine why someone else feels the way they do.

  • The skill I am going to focus on speaking. I think this skill is important for understanding the new because it expresses the issues that need to be heard. Speaking if done with confidence it can send a good message and teach others that there's nothing to be afraid of about speaking about certain issues when the opportunity comes and it helps me to form opinions about the news because it opens my mind on different areas on topics and different ways to talk about it.
    Speaking allows you to share your views and problems and even helps you resolve them, like in problem solving.
    it can give you the opportunities to be heard and to let your voice be known, it deals with personal problems like the fear of public speaking and shyness. speaking is something that makes you courageous about what you say and it earn the respect of others.

  • The skill i am focus on is listening. This skill is important because different types of people put together information from different places. Let me go deeper into this matter. Listening ,🎧 is important in listening to the news 🗞️📰 to understand the 📰 without listening 🎧, there are some consequences of not listening 🎧 well ,as follows if you don't listen 👂 to your to your lesson you will not do well . So listening is very important. Listening helps you to acquire information and analyse it and be able to make inference.

  • I'm going to choose problem-solving skills since it's one of the high-thinking skills in Bloom's taxonomy. First, it could be defined as the ability to find effective solutions to the various problems that we face in practical or private life, a prompt that ensures avoiding or minimizing losses as much as possible. This includes several main steps that must be followed.
    The problem-solving process includes the following steps: Defining the problem, finding alternative solutions, evaluating and selecting appropriate solutions to solve the problem, applying the appropriate solution on the ground, and finally obtaining feedback and responding to it appropriately.
    I think the importance of this skill lies in the fact that it is a collective one, in other words, it uses most of the festival's crucial skills such as listening, and creative thinking as most problems are often solved either by following an intuitive method or through a specific methodology. The first method is used to find solutions to problems that do not require new, external knowledge, such as the strike problem, while resorting to logic and analytical thinking is used to solve more complex problems, such as climate change problems.
    Add to this, the research skills, as defining the problem and finding alternative solutions to it requires research and investigation, and the search may be simple and fast using search engines, for example, the topic of King Charles’ coronation, as this topic is new to me, so it requires me a lengthy research process to understand it. Finally, teamwork skills. Many problems are solved when a larger number of people participate in solving them. Teamwork is not limited to the job environment only but also expands to include the home, school, and various environments and situations as my schoolmates and I negotiated and participated in developing solutions to the problems of climate change, strikes, metaverse, and our discussion about AI and how to accept it and live with it. There are also other skills that fall under the problem-solving skill such as risk management, decision-making, emotional intelligence, etc.
    For the standpoint, this skill will help me think deeply about the merits and demerits of my topic and try to recap what new things I learnt and skills I gained through the discussion in the festival, also I'll try to think of things I need to develop in myself like thinking outside the box or seeing things from another angle.

  • The skill that I will focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because listening to other people's opinions helps me form opinions about the news because I have a preliminary idea about the news and know all the positive and negative aspects and what affects the individual and society, and this skill will help me in forming my point of view Because of my use of all the information that was mentioned by all the students and seeing their comments about their agreement and disagreement, which gives me the opportunity to form a distinct point of view because the news is information and people's opinions about it.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because it helps you to understand new opinions and listen to new ideas and it helps you to form opinions about the news because it lets see see different sides and opinions about topics and how peoples opinions may differ by morals, or loyalty to family. This skill will help me make my standpoint because it will help me to understand how people feel about topics.

  • Hello!

    The skill that I will focus on is speaking and listening because by listening we can talk about what other people are saying and we can express the things we like.
    We use speaking and listening a lot in school.
    For example, when explaining the teacher, we must listen to him and not talk so as not to get distracted, and then we can solve the problems.
    And if we listen we can know a lot of information.
    As well as speaking we can express our opinion through it.
    Through listening, we can listen to the opinions of others and take ideas from them, and if we have difficulty in something, we can understand it from listening.
    Also, if we listen to a speaking person, we show him respect, as listening to him shows that you are interested in his point of view.
    By speaking, you can communicate with others and get to know them more, and you can show your skills to people. Also, by talking, you can discuss many topics.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem-solving. In any situation that has a problem you always have to problem-solve. To understand a situation you have to break it down and be able to comprehend the problems that come with it and how a solution can be determined. When we learn about the news understanding it a key point and problem-solving can help us by creating ideas in our head about a way to solve problems in the news that are affecting us personally or affecting other people. Problem-solving also helps create opinions in the way that in the news what are important figures doing to problem-solve and what are citizens as a whole doing. An example could be climate change like we talked about in the previous Earth Day lesson. How could the government and the citizens be problem- solving to help this problem. What laws could be passed to stop this problem. It also makes me think what could I do about climate change. Problem-solving can help me make my standpoint by being able to comprehend a problem about the topic I have chosen and how that can be changed or solved. Such as how nepotism is a problem in many industries and how it can be changed to be fair for people who do not have the same connections as nepo-babies. My standpoint will be based on an exact problem because every topic we have discussed has had a problem attached and us as the students have been able to find solution or discuss how things have been changed. In Topical Talk problem-solving has been such a key point in our discussions so making a key skill in my standpoint will truly make it exceptional.

    1. I agree because... with the skill of problem solving, no matter what life throws at at you, you would be able to work around this problem and get back on track. I also agree that in order to fully understand a situation it has to be fully analyzed. With that said, I would go like to go on to commend the Topical Talk Foundation for inculcating this laws in the requirements for writing a standpoint,. I believe problem solving improves us humans in many ways including better collaboration, communication and even thinking skills. I also believe with correct evaluative problem solving questions we would be able to find the solutions to some critical problems such as strikes, climate change, nepotism and so on.

  • I would choose the skill of creativity because creativity is crucial for grasping and forming opinions about current events as it enables us to approach problems from multiple angles, envision new possibilities, and generate unique ideas and solutions.For instance, when faced with a public health crisis like COVID-19, creative thinking is vital for developing new treatments, vaccines, and testing methods, as well as designing effective policies that balance the need to protect public health with economic considerations. It also requires being open to alternative viewpoints and considering how different communities and cultures may be affected.For example, telemedicine was used to provide virtual consultations and remote monitoring, and makeshift hospitals were established to provide additional beds and resources. And in cases of ongoing issues like climate change, we definitely need to come up with new ideas to solve the problems and effects like global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprints etc. Like we need to think how to adopt to the changing environmental conditions. In politics, being creative is really important because it helps us to understand the problems of people so that we can provide solutions and judge policy proposals that could have significant impact on people and society.It also involves coming up with new ideas and perspectives that may not have been thought of before, as well as being able to explain complex ideas in a simple and easy-to-understand way. And also if we take this topical talk competition, creativity helps students like us to approach a topic from a different angle, or offering a novel solution, so that students can stand out and make a stronger impression on the judges or audience. Creativity can help students like us to identify our potential flaws in our own arguments or in the arguments of others, allowing us to offer constructive criticism and suggest alternative viewpoints. Creativity can help us to develop a more nuanced, innovative, and persuasive standpoint on a given topic. By leveraging our creative abilities, we can create a more compelling and effective final comment that takes into account a wider range of factors and considerations, ultimately leading to a better outcome.

    1. I totally agree with your comment, especially with the statement that creativity is crucial for forming opinions on current events, I firmly believe that creativity serves as a powerful tool in navigating the complexities of our rapidly changing world. In the face of global challenges, such as public health crises like COVID-19 and ongoing issues like climate change, creativity enables us to approach these problems with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

      By embracing creativity, we can envision new possibilities and generate unique ideas that address the multifaceted nature of these issues. For example, in response to the pandemic, creative thinking has led to the development of new treatments, vaccines, and testing methods. It has also facilitated the design of effective policies that balance public health considerations with economic needs. Moreover, creativity helps us acknowledge the diverse perspectives and experiences of different communities and cultures, leading to more inclusive and comprehensive solutions.

      In politics, creativity is essential for understanding people's problems and providing meaningful solutions. It empowers us to propose and evaluate policies with significant impacts on society. By offering novel ideas and perspectives, creativity enables us to navigate complex issues and communicate them in a clear and accessible manner. It allows us to critically analyze arguments, offer constructive criticism, and suggest alternative viewpoints, leading to a more nuanced and persuasive standpoint.

      In academic competitions like the topical talk competition, creativity sets students apart by enabling them to approach topics from different angles, propose innovative solutions, and leave a lasting impression on judges and audiences. It helps students identify potential flaws in their own arguments or in the arguments of others, fostering the ability to offer constructive criticism and explore alternative viewpoints. By harnessing our creative abilities, we can develop a more compelling, innovative, and well-rounded final comment that takes into account a wide range of factors and considerations, ultimately leading to a better outcome.

      In summary, creativity empowers us to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a rapidly evolving world. It fuels our ability to grasp and form opinions on current events, offering fresh perspectives, unique solutions, and inclusive approaches. By embracing creativity, we pave the way for a future where complex challenges are met with imaginative thinking, leading to positive change and a more informed, interconnected society.

  • The skill I'm going to focus on is creativity, which is important for understanding and forming opinions on the news because a lot of times things on the news are a lot more nuanced than they may seem, so thinking with a creative mind can really help form unique opinions on the news. Creativity will help me make my standpoint because I am doing a video standpoint so I'm going to have a lot of creative images and ideas on the topic I am covering.

  • The skill that I will focus on is [speaking]: this skill is important for communicating with people and gaining their love and affection, and in my opinion, it is the basis of all other skills, without which we cannot achieve other skills, for example [listening]: we will not be able to listen to anyone because we will not have people or friends We listen to them and understand them, and without listening we will not be able - to solve problems - because we will not have anyone to listen to his problems, and also without speaking we will not have people who listen to our opinions and ideas and we will not be able to - creativity - so speaking is very important to the individual.
    Also, we will not be able to be friends or relationships with others, and the strength and fluency of speaking and his manner play a role in forming relationships with others. With him, but if the person was soft and gentle in the way he spoke to people, then they would get close to him and love him because they were comfortable with the way he spoke. A person sometimes judges people by the way he speaks, behaves, and morals, just as speaking is important for those in high positions such as presidents and rulers, because the president Or the ruler who does not have a way of speaking and my opinion is not trusted by his people and with the lack of trust of the people he will not be able to progress and develop, just as politicians need an appropriate way of speaking to strengthen their relations, and People in general need this, because a person cannot live alone, but needs someone around him to be able to progress, develop and live in this life, because life has no security and surprises us with what it contains. So, in my opinion, speaking is the most important skill for humanity.

  • The skill that I believe deserves the most focus is problem-solving. I believe that it is the most important skill because bad news is reported everyday. The world is going to keep receiving this bad news if people don't come up with solutions to these problems. A major problem today is global warming. A news source that reports on issues that relate to global warming called has stated that the earth has been heating up at a steady rate of 0.32 °F (0.18 °C) each decade since 1981. To put this into perspective if an infant were to be born in 2000 and that infant lived to be 100 the world would have heated up by 3.2 °F (1.8 °C). This may seem like a small amount, but that measurement has been taken assuming the fact that pollution has not increased during that time. Pollution is likely to increase in those 100 years, so it is probable that the real measurement is greater than the measly 3.2 °F predicted. However, problem-solving has made this future less likely to come true. With the increased use of clean energy technology pollution has decreased a tiny bit. It may not fully get rid of the issue of the climate crisis, but it does help. As you can see problem-solving is a skill that will very much help me with my Standpoint. Problem-solving skills can be applicable to every topic that has been discussed on this platform. I may be able to give temporary solutions to problems discussed here on the platform through my Standpoint. Problem-solving is a very versatile skill that can change the world.

  • I think listening is very, very important because it is the only way a person can. To be understood and also spoken is important. Very, because it is a good way to express opinions, which can generate very good points of view, and also the discussion can produce solutions to global problems such as climate or nepotism. As we work in this festival, you give us global problems such as strikes, climate, nepotism, etc., and make us discuss and give our opinions freely in order to express our opinions And give examples from life and so on, I think it's a good thing....

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem-solving. This skill is important for understanding the news because many news stories revolve around complex issues and problems that require thoughtful analysis and solutions. For example, news stories about climate change, political unrest, and economic inequality require problem-solving skills to understand and address.

    Problem-solving skills are crucial for forming opinions about the news because they allow us to critically evaluate different perspectives and solutions to complex problems. For instance, when reading a news story about gun violence in the United States, problem-solving skills can help us identify the root causes of the problem and evaluate different proposals for addressing it, such as gun control legislation, mental health resources, and community-based interventions.

    Ultimately, problem-solving skills are essential for making a Standpoint because they allow us to develop practical solutions to the problems highlighted in the news. By using critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, we can formulate well-informed Standpoints that propose realistic and effective solutions to the challenges we face. For example, a Standpoint on climate change might propose solutions such as investing in renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

    Moreover, problem-solving skills are vital for understanding the news, forming opinions, and making a Standpoint. By analyzing the complex issues and problems presented in the news with a problem-solving mindset, we can become more informed and engaged citizens who are equipped to propose practical and effective solutions to the challenges we face.

    And another skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows us to approach news stories and issues from new and unique angles, and to generate fresh perspectives and ideas. For example, when reading a news story about a political crisis, creativity can help us imagine new ways of resolving the conflict that may not have been previously considered.

    Creativity is also crucial for forming opinions about the news because it allows us to engage with complicated issues in a more imaginative and empathetic way. By considering multiple perspectives and using creative approaches, we can develop more nuanced and inclusive opinions about the issues presented in the news. For instance, when reading a news story about racial injustice, creativity can help us imagine new solutions that promote greater equity and social justice.

    Finally, creativity is essential for making a Standpoint because it allows us to develop innovative and impactful ideas that propose solutions to the challenges highlighted in the news. By thinking outside the box, generating new ideas, and connecting seemingly disparate concepts, we can propose more creative and effective solutions to complex problems. For example, a Standpoint on improving education might propose creative solutions such as incorporating art and music into the curriculum or creating mentorship programs that connect students with professionals in their field of interest. Creativity is a valuable skill for understanding the news, forming opinions, and making a Standpoint. By engaging with news stories and issues in a creative and imaginative way, we can develop more nuanced and inclusive perspectives, propose innovative solutions, and contribute to a more vibrant and dynamic public discourse.

  • The above mentioned skills are important for everyone in the world. I don't think choosing one among these will help me because each will link others. Good communication skills are crucial to let ourselves realize details more exactly and rapidly. So, I think all are important for me.
    The 1st skill I'm going to focus is speaking. "Everybody has a good speaking skill, but very few knows, when and what to speak...." is a quote by Robin Gupta. It is a key in our daily activities. It helps us to interact with others to give and receive informations. They allow us to communicate with others and express our thoughts.
    The 2nd skill is listening. It plays a basic part of communicating. "Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego others over self" is a quote by Dean Jackson. It boosts ability to understand better. It also gives us event of speaking from others. It gives us a better leadership quality. Helps us to make connections between ideas and informations.
    The 3rd skill is problem solving. "We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem." is a quote by Russell L. Ackoff. It allow us to spot and make use of opportunities in the environment and ply control over future. Understanding the problem is the first step of problem solving. The second step is defining how you measure success. Example, Nurse would need active listening and communication skills when interacting with patients but will also need technical knowledge related to diseases and medications. In many cases, a nurse would consult a doctor regarding a patient’s medical needs as part of the solution.
    The 4th skill is creativity. "Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought" is a quote by Albert Einstein. It frees the mind in a way that enables a person to take in knowledge easily. It enables alternative ways of thinking.
    As you said to choose one, mine is problem solving. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because it is the one in which all these skills are linked and important.

  • The skill I am goingt o focus on is creativity because with so little i can do so much.Science-proven benefits of creative expression " Being creative can increase positive emotions, reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety, and improve the function of our immune systems." The same health benefits can be attributed to the practice of mindfulness.

  • The skill I want to focus on is creativity this is because I might be able to listen to the news and say my opinions about it but I find it difficult to put my ideas together in a way that it will enlighten and inform people and they will understand it easily, and also making my ideas fit in with the discussion. This skill is important for understanding the news because you need it to connects ideas and bring out meaningful information, I listen and understand the news but if I can’t turn my ideas to useful information is of no use ,this skill is very important for my standpoint because I need to be creative, to provide meaningful and understandable information in my standpoint so that other topical talkers would find it easy to understand and say their views and opinions .

  • The skill that are am going to focus on Is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because people can share their opinions about the news and it can help people to boost their confidence when asking questions about the news and it helps me to form opinions about the news because when I ask questions about not understanding the news people will help me understanding it and therefore I will be able to make my own opinion about the news. This skill will help me make my standpoint because I am going to make an audio standpoint and and the skill will help me ask questions about the topic that I am going to talk about and I can use the answers that I got from my questions in my standpoint.

  • The skill I am gonna choose is the problem solving skill. Because I think this as the important skill. Cause in the topical talk we would have discussed many problems around the world and also solutions for those...In our daily lives we would have heard many problems but we might found answers or solutions for some.... But what about the others??? We should have capability and skill to solve the problems. Because problems comes in our entire life so we should have the power to solve those .... Even we don't solve many problems but should solve atleast some ....Problem solving is the life skill.... Instead of worrying about some , if we have skill of problem solving we can able to solve those...... So in my perspective problem solving is essential and I am gonna focus on this skill for my standpoint ...

  • Problem solving is at the core of human evolution. It is the methods we use to understand what is happening in our environment, identify things we want to change and then figure out the things that need to be done to create the desired outcome. Problem solving is the source of all new inventions, social and cultural evolution, and the basis for market based economies. It is the basis for continuous improvement, communication and learning.
    Listening to a news cast. Identifying the problem presented and the solution(s) being done to solve the problem. Offering also your solutions to the problem being presented ​.
    I think problem solving can help me find suitable understanding for the topics presented in the hub here , forming my opinion , judging others' opinions and finding out any solutions or final modest comments for the target topic.

  • All skills complement each other, especially I will focus on creativity because it is the most important and adds a distinctive character to each still And listening skill is not the most important as you can see in most of the comments
    An example of this: the story of Helen Keller, who did not hear, speak, or see, but was one of the most powerful philosophers of the era, and her story is inspiring to all those who have lost their senses and also to those who enjoy those senses and did not harness them for science, goodness, humanitarian work, and success.
    She succeeded in learning to read Braille and was able to read not only in English but also in German, Latin, French and even Greek. She obtained a PhD in science and philosophy and became a great writer and authored 18 books. The disabled person is not a person without senses or limbs, but the disabled person is a person without ambition without goals. One of her most famous sayings is that when one door of happiness closes, another door opens, so a person must have determination, persistence, and patience, and achieve the art of dealing with others, and then excel in positive listening, speaking, and creativity in solving problems, especially if a person is challenged and reads, he will reach what he aspires to.

  • I believe listening is the most important skill for understanding the news. Without the ability to hear, what can one even do? Without the ability to hear, you won't be able to understand, as the voices would simply be indiscriminate nonsense. Additionally, how would we be able to express ourselves without being able to listen? Yes, you can write, but when piece of text is said, and thoroughly read, it can be the most powerful act of expression one can have.

  • I believe problem-solving is an essential skill within the news. Being able to problem solve gives you the ability to enact change with your community and bring about more good. I will use this skill personally to explain in detail about my topic and what could be done about it.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows us to approach the information from different critical perspectives and connect ideas. Creativity allows us to think outside the box, to make connections between seemingly unrelated events, and to interpret events in an impactful way. We can form unique opinions covering many perspectives on the news using creativity. When a person engages in creative thinking, they can look beyond the surface of news reports, question assumptions, and envision potential solutions to complex problems. For example during March of 2020, COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic on the news. During this time, people used creativity to develop solutions to the isolation barriers that many were experiencing during the remote learning environments for children and adults. These solutions included creating virtual events that individuals could attend from their homes and many other activities. The skill of creativity will help me make my Standpoint because I can utilize creative thinking to generate a unique and impactful idea for my Standpoint.

  • From my perspective:

    The skill I will focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because effective speaking allows me to exchange ideas and information with others. When I speak, I can express my viewpoint and understand the perspectives of others. This skill helps me form opinions about the news because it allows me to listen to and evaluate others' opinions, and then critically assess and reflect on them.

    By using the skill of speaking, I can also articulate my viewpoint better and defend it clearly. When I employ this skill, I can ask relevant questions and gather more information to achieve a deeper understanding of the issues and events related to the news. Additionally, I can use speaking skills to influence others and persuade them to see my perspective, helping me shape a strong and impactful viewpoint.

    Through effective speaking and using this skill, I will be able to communicate with people and discuss important issues in the news in a logical and convincing manner. This skill will assist me in forming my viewpoint because it enhances my ability to think critically and analyze the evidence and arguments presented in the news. It also helps me better engage with others, understand their perspectives, and build a comprehensive and balanced viewpoint on the events and issues discussed in the news. Moreover, through speaking with others and listening to them, I can broaden my horizons and improve my understanding of various issues covered in the news.

    Furthermore, the skill of speaking helps me clarify my ideas and positions more effectively. I can use words and logical evidence to explain the reasons and justifications behind my viewpoint, enhancing my ability to persuade and influence others. This skill enables me to participate in news discussions and collaborative work to develop shared viewpoints and innovative solutions to complex problems.

    By using the skill of speaking, I can also develop strong networks and relationships with others who share my interests and exchange their perspectives. I can benefit from their experiences and learn through dialogue and discussion, enriching my understanding and helping me shape my viewpoint more effectively.

    In summary, the skill of speaking plays a crucial role in understanding the news and shaping opinions about it. It enables effective communication and interaction with others, enhances my critical and analytical abilities, clarifies my ideas, and influences others. This skill helps me form a comprehensive and informed viewpoint on the news and important issues in the world today.

  • I am going to focus on listening today . Listening is a really useful skill as it allows us to listen to the teacher while they teach us about the things that are important for our bodies and life . It can also show you what is happening in the world by listening to the news . Listening also shows that you are focusing on your teacher and listening to what your friends are saying . If people don't have this skill , they will not know what is happening in the world because they can't listen to the news , they won't be able to learn a lot of things because they can't listen to what their teacher is saying . If you are at break time , people like chatting with their friends but you can't hear them . Listening is a really important skill .

  • The skill that I will focus on is [listening]: this skill is important for understanding and perceiving people and knowing their problems and feelings, and it helps us think about how to help them and how we should talk to them, and it helps us not to mistrust them because our religion has urged us that mistrust is a sin that will be held accountable. It helps the person on the Day of Judgment, as it helps us by taking into account their feelings and not hurting them, and also helps us to know appropriate solutions to their problems and bring us closer to them, and we have to listen well and be serious about listening to them and be good listeners because a person feels uncomfortable if he The person does not care to listen to him and this makes him feel unwanted, so we have to listen better.