Comments by inspirational_forest

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To me all of them are great but i think that the seed drone can make a bigger difference in the... Get creative, save the planet! 28/11/22
Some doctors words make me feel bad and better to some point because after telling me bad news... A doctor's words 28/11/22
I'm not sure about this because not everybody that makes a shopping list don't waste and not... Expert challenge: what could you do? 28/11/22
Every body makes mistakes,but it is not right to give up after making any mistake weather big or... One rule for everyone? 28/11/22
Instead of killing those animals we can use them for protection. Animals like dogs are used to... Expert challenge: protect the animals! 28/11/22
I agree because not only is he brave but he is also very smart and a good leader. If i would... Who could change the world? 28/11/22
I disagree because he has inspired a lot of people in this world, even though he is dead their... Who could change the world? 28/11/22
Sorry please what are your organization doing to help stop world hunger and climate change in... ...Amelie Zilber our activist and UNICEF ambassador! 28/11/22
What make space out of this world is that it is fascinating because of the lack of gravity in space. What makes space 'out of this world'? 27/11/22
I disagree because No you clearly said it yourself that mistakes are a lesson of wisdom we make... One rule for everyone? 27/11/22
I would have love to be a doctor but no, the reason is because, doctors are under a lot of... Would you…? 27/11/22
I disagree because doctors are not the most important. The most important to me are teachers,... Pick a side! 27/11/22
Am with person B, because their are other jobs in the world that are better than doctor. Yes i... Pick a side! 27/11/22
The best way that we can save the planet and the only people that can make this possible is the... Get creative, save the planet! 27/11/22
I disagree because not every body who knowns what they want to do actually becomes what they... Do you have to see it, to be it? 25/11/22
To me the lack of doctors can start right from the universities. In nigeria there are a lot of... What causes doctor shortages? 25/11/22
I disagree because. according to economics the rate of population increasing geometrically while... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 24/11/22
By keeping the place clean and renovating places like ibom plaza which is one of the most... How sustainable is YOUR community? 23/11/22
My country is not so great at all when it comes to sustaining the society which is why i would... How sustainable is YOUR community? 22/11/22
I disagree because... not everybody who pays their workers are responsible the mangers are... Who is responsible? 22/11/22